Can use for Book Feport: Library Number Title KF228.R63 S45 1996 HV2380.J32 1989 HV2380 L27 1996 HV2395.W34 1987 GR43.D3 R87 1993 HV2545 .A43 1989 HV2545 .S29 1989 HV2402.S43 1998 HV2545 .H35 1983 JF515 .B84 1996 HV2534.B66 A3 1986 A case about Amy A Deaf Adult Speaks Out A Journey into the Deaf World A loss for Words: The Story of Deafness ina Family by Walker A study of American deaf American Folklore American deaf culture: An anthology At home among strangers by Jerome D. Schein Best Practices in Educational Interpreting by Brenda Seal Black and Deaf in America Bummy's Basic Parliamentary Guide Changing the Rules by Frank Bowe Chelsa: The story of a Signal Dog by Paul Ogden Cultural and Language Diversity & the Deaf Experience Dancing without Music by Beryl Benderly Deaf Again by Mark Drolsbaugh Deaf Culture Our Way, Anecedotes from the Deaf Community by Holcomb x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Deaf Empowerment : emergence, struggle, & rhetoic by Jankowski Deaf Heritage Deaf history unveiled Deaf history unveiled Deaf history unveiled Deaf In America: Voices from a Culture by Carol Padden Deaf young people and their families: developing understanding Deafness: Historical Perspectives Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vinyard by Nora Ellen Grace For Hearing People ONLY Answers To Some of the Most commonly Asked Q's about the Deaf Community by Matthew Moore Great Deaf Americans by Matthew Moore Hazards of Deafness by Roy Holcomb Helen Keller by Denni Wepman Helen Keller A Live by Dorothy Herrmann How you gonna get to Heaven if you Can't talk to Jesus: On Depathologizing Deafness by James Woodward I see a voice: Deafness, Language, and the Senses - A Philosophical History Inner Lives of Deaf Children - Interviews & Analysis by Sheridan Islay a novel by Douglas Bullard Journal of Interpretation Language in Motion: Exploring the Nature of Sign Lessons in laughter: The autobiography of a Deaf Actor Metaphore in American Sign Language Mother father deaf : Living between Sound & Silence x x x x x x x x HV2545 C85 1996 HV245.B39 HV2534 D76 A3 1997 HV2380 .H643 1994 HV2530 .J35 1997 HV2530.G36 1981 HV2367 .D4 1993 HV2367 .D4 1993 HV2367 .D4 1993 HV2545.P33 1988 HV2716 .D43 1995 HV2380 .D435 1996 HV2561.M49 G76 1985 HV 2545 .M66 1993 HV2534.A3 M66 1996 HV2380.H64 HV1624.K4 W45 1987 HV1624.K4 H47 1998 HV2545.W66 1982 HV2380 R38 1999 HV2391.S58 2001 HV2474 S34 1995 PN2287.B6827 A3 1989 HV2474 W545 2000 HV2380 .P73 1994 HV2373.C37 HV2545 B395 1997 HV2534.B37 B374 1991 HV2395.H53 RF291.5.C45 M373 199 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Movers and Shakers: Deaf people who changed the world: 26 tales of Genius, Stuggle & Perseverence & Heroism by Catheryn Carrol x No Dignity for Joshua: More Vital Insight into Deaf Children, Deaf Education, and Deaf Culture by Tom Bertling x Our Father ABE: The story of a deaf Shoe repariman by Barash & Dicker x Outsiders in a Hearing World: A Sociology of Deafness by Paul Higgins x Psychological development of Deaf Children x 8/19/02 12:09 PM HV2402 .M56 1999 Reading between the signs x HV2534.S76 M35 1996 Seeing language in sign the work of William C. Stoke by Jane Maher Shall I say a kiss? : The courtship letters of a deaf couple 1936 1938 Sign Language Studies Sign Langugage Studies - Quarterly Publication Signs in success : Profiles of Deaf Americans by Ron Pedmore Silent alarm : On the edge with a Deaf EMT The deaf way : Perspectives from the International Conference on Deaf Culture The other side of Silence sign language & the Deaf Community in America by Arden Neisser The politics of deafness The Signing Family: What every parent should know about sign communication The Silent Garden: Raising your Deaf Child When th Mind Hears a history of the Deaf by Harlan Lane When the phone rings, my bed shakes, Memoirs of a Deaf Doctor Words for a Deaf Daughter by Paul West x HV2534.D38 A3 1999 HV2545 .P73 1995 RA645.6.G4 S37 1995 HV2359 .I487 1989 HV2545 .N44 1990 HV2395 .W75 1997 HV2474 S685 1998 HV 2392.2.034 1996 HV2367.L36 1984 R154.Z39 A3 1993 HV2395.W43 x x x x x x x x x x x x 8/19/02 12:09 PM