Refining and Manipulating Search Results 49 SORTing Records • SORT command format: Range Field codes to be used for the SORT Set number ?sort s3/all/au,ti • SORT creates a new set of the same records, rearranged according to the SORT parameters: ?sort s3/all/au,ti S4 103 Sort S3/ALL/AU,TI • SORT assumes the order to be ascending (A to Z, and lowest to highest numbers). To specify descending order, add the letter D after the field: ?sort s7/all/em,d S8 103 Sort S7/ALL/EM,D 50 1 Creating Customized Tables— REPORT Command • Special feature available in many directory databases – Create customized tables from the records you retrieve. – To create a REPORT table, follow these five steps: 1 2 3 4 5 Consult the Bluesheet to determine the fields you want in the table. Conduct your search to retrieve the set of records you want. If necessary enter a SET H 132 command to increase line width to accommodate the size of REPORT table. SORT the set by the field codes you want. Enter the REPORT command, followed by sorted set number, field codes for table, and ranges of records. Use the command format: Set number Field codes to be displayed in the REPORT Range of records ?report s4/co,cy,st,sa/1-25 51 REPORT Example ? B 516 File 516:D & B - DUNS MARKET IDENTIFIERS 2009/NOV(c) 2009 D&B) ? s sc=2082 and st=ca 1751 SC=2082 (MALT BEVERAGES) 2469836 ST=CA S1 273 SC=2082 AND ST=CA ? sort s1/all/sa,d S2 273 Sort S1/ALL/SA,D ? report s2/co,cy,sa/1-10 DIALOG(R)File 516 :D & B - DUNS MARKET IDENTIFIERS(c) 2009 D&B) All rts. Company Name ------------------------------ City ------------- Sales Dollars ---------- Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated Mendocino Brewing Company Inc Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Pyramid Breweries Inc. Thirsty Bear Brewing Co LLC Steinbeck Brewing Company Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated Diageo North America, Inc. Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Van Nuys Ukiah Chico Berkeley San Francisco Hayward San Jose San Diego San Francisco San Francisco 99,400,000 36,735,000 22,600,000 12,500,000 11,600,000 8,300,000 9,200,000 9,200,000 8,000,000 6,900,000 52 2 Using the RANK Command • Use RANK command to statistically analyze your search results for frequency of terms – Helps evaluate search results and modify strategy – RANK is available in phrase-indexed fields only • Simple application of RANK – Extracts terms from specified field in set of records and displays terms in ranked order. – Syntax for RANK is: RANK <field> <set number> <range> • Example: – Find the most prolific authors in the area of fractal research. • Search for articles about fractals • Rank authors to see which author ranks highest with the most articles on fractals in this database, then the next-most prolific author, and so on. • Display a record to see an author’s address. 53 ? B 34 File 34:SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci 1990-2010/Jan W2 (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp ? S FRACTALS/DE S1 1742 FRACTALS/DE ? RANK AU DIALOG RANK Results -------------------RANK: S1/1-1742 Field: AU= File(s): 34 (Rank fields found in 1742 records -- 3625 unique terms) Page 1 of 454 RANK No. Items Term -------- ----- ---1 1427 REPRINT) 2 23 SADANA A 3 17 CARPINTERI A 4 12 OLSEN L 5 12 STRICHARTZ RS 6 11 ROMEU J 7 10 TURCOTTE DL 8 9 LANDINI G P = next page Pn = Jump to page n P- = previous page M = More Options Exit = Leave RANK To view records from RANK, enter VIEW followed by RANK number,format, and item(s) to display, e.g., VIEW 2/9/ALL. Enter desired option(s) or enter RANK number(s) to save terms. ? 2-6 54 3 ? 2-6 RANK numbers saved: 2-6 DIALOG RANK Results -------------------RANK: S1/1-1742 Field: AU= File(s): 34 (Rank fields found in 1742 records -- 3625 unique terms) RANK No. Items Term -------- ----- ---1 1427 REPRINT) 2 23 SADANA A 3 17 CARPINTERI A 4 12 OLSEN L 5 12 STRICHARTZ RS 6 11 ROMEU J 7 10 TURCOTTE DL 8 9 LANDINI G P = next page Pn = Jump to page n P- = previous page M = More Options Exit = Leave RANK To view records from RANK, enter VIEW followed by RANK number,format, and item(s) to display, e.g., VIEW 2/9/ALL. Enter desired option(s) or enter RANK number(s) to save terms. ?EXIT RANK results will be erased; have you saved all the terms of interest? (YES/NO) ? Y Temp SearchSave "TD185" stored Creating temporary SearchSave ... TD185 Enter EXS to execute the SearchSave ? EXS Executing TD185 S2 83 S3 247 S4 241 S5 68 S6 139 S7 778 AU="SADANA A" AU="CARPINTERI A" AU="OLSEN L" AU="STRICHARTZ RS" AU="ROMEU J" S2:S6 ? S S1 AND S7 1742 778 S8 75 S1 S7 S1 AND S7 55 ? T S8/3/1 8/3/1 DIALOG(R)File 34: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci (c) 2010 The Thomson Corp. All rights reserved. 20060613 Genuine Article#: 534NB No. References: 60 Title: A unified fractal approach for the interpretation of the anomalous scaling laws in fatigue and comparison with existing models Author: Carpinteri A; Paggi M (REPRINT) Author Email Address:; Corporate Source: Politecn Torino,Dept Struct Engn & Geotech,Corso Duca Abruzzi 24/I-10129 Turin//Italy/ (REPRINT); Politecn Torino,Dept Struct Engn & Geotech,I-10129 Turin//Italy/ Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE , 2010 , V 161 , N1 ( JAN ) , P 41-52 … 56 4 RANK Command Search Find the most prolific authors in the area of fractal research. B 34 S FRACTALS/DE RANK AU 2-6 EXIT YES EXS S S1 AND S7 T S8/3/1 57 Selecting a Database – DIALINDEX • File 411 (DIALINDEX) is a central index to most Dialog databases • File 411 is divided into “super categories” and subject categories: – Supercategories (ALLSCIENCE, ALLLAW) – OneSearch subject categories (BIOSCI, POLLUT) – User-defined categories (NEWS, 9,15) • Uses – Identify relevant databases – Test effectiveness of search strategy – Search large categories for a specific piece of information 58 5 DIALINDEX Commands B 411 SF PAPERS S <search terms> Open DIALINDEX Select file category Enter search strategy: limited to one SELECT command Save search strategy Reorder database list: file with the largest number of hits at top Begin N numbers or database numbers Execute search in databases chosen Remove duplicates Display records from each file SAVE TEMP RANK FILES B <databases> EXS RD T S2/3/1 from each 59 DIALINDEX Search Find databases that contain information on merger and acquisition activities of the company Macromedia. b 411 sf mergeacq s macromedia/ti,co and (merger? or merging or acqui?)/ti,de save temp rank files b n1:n6 exs s s1/2008:2009 rd t s3/3/1-2 from each 60 6 Searching in DIALOG BEGIN EXPAND SELECT TYPE SAVE SORT REPORT RANK DIALINDEX BOOLEAN OPERATORS PROXIMITY OPERATORS TRUNCATION OPERATORS SUFFIX FIELDS PREFIX FIELDS THESAURI DISPLAY SETS REMOVE DUPLICATES HELP 59 7