Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 DOI 10.1007/s00442-007-0728-9 POPULATION ECOLOGY Predator–prey encounter rates in freshwater piscivores: effects of prey density and water transparency Håkan Turesson Æ Christer Brönmark Received: 18 October 2006 / Accepted: 15 March 2007 / Published online: 24 April 2007 Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract One of the most fundamental components of predator–prey models is encounter rate, modelled as the product of prey density and search efficiency. Encounter rates have, however, rarely been measured in empirical studies. In this study, we used a video system approach to estimate how encounter rates between piscivorous fish that use a sit-and-wait foraging strategy and their prey depend on prey density and environmental factors such as turbidity. We first manipulated prey density in a controlled pool and field enclosure experiments where environmental factors were held constant. In a correlative study of 15 freshwater lakes we then estimated encounter rates in natural habitats and related the results to both prey fish density and environmental factors. We found the expected positive dependence of individual encounter rates on prey density in our pool and enclosure experiments, whereas the relation between school encounter rate and prey density was less clear. In the field survey, encounter rates did not correlate with prey density but instead correlated positively with water transparency. Water transparency decreases with increasing prey density along the productivity gradient and will reduce prey detection distance and thus predator search efficiency. Therefore, visual predator–prey encounter rates do not increase, and may even decrease, with increasing productivity despite increasing prey densities. Communicated by Roland Brandl. H. Turesson C. Brönmark (&) Department of Ecology, Limnology, Lund University, Ecology Building, 223 62 Lund, Sweden e-mail: Christer.Bronmark@limnol.lu.se Keywords Encounter rate Piscivore Ambush forager Turbidity Water colour Introduction Predation by piscivorous fish is an important structuring force in freshwater systems and a number of studies have shown that piscivores may have strong effects down both pelagic and benthic food chains (e.g. Carpenter and Kitchell 1993; Brönmark et al. 1997). However, individual properties of predators and prey, such as foraging strategies and prey defence adaptations, may cause decoupling of consumer-resource dynamics and create patterns in food chains that are not embraced by present theory (e.g. Hambright et al. 1991; Brönmark and Weisner 1996). Several researchers have emphasised that to be able to understand processes at the population and community level it is a necessity to understand the behaviour of individual predators and prey and the constraints that are imposed on their behavioural strategies (Persson et al. 1997; Fryxell and Lundberg 1997; Lima 1998). Variation in potential foraging strategies in predators and defence strategies in prey is enormous and the exact nature of the behavioural interaction between predator and prey is crucial for understanding mechanisms behind changes in predator consumption rate and its implication for predator and prey population dynamics. Most of the current theory on interactions in populations and communities has been derived from Lotka-Volterratype consumer-resource models. A fundamental component of the functional response in these model is encounter rate, i.e. the number of prey detected by each predator per unit time. The rates at which predators encounter different prey types have rarely been measured despite their 123 282 importance in understanding predator–prey dynamics. This is in part due to the inherent difficulty in determining when an encounter has occurred. In experimental studies, encounter rate is usually controlled by the experimenter or assumed to relate directly to the estimated consumption rate (Anderson 1984; Gregory and Levings 1996). In spite of encounter rate being a fundamental component of foraging models there are no good estimates of this parameter for piscivores. However, there are quite detailed theoretical predictions for how encounter rates should vary with different characteristics of the predator and the prey, as well as the ambient conditions of the environment. In aquatic consumers that use vision to detect their prey visual foraging models have been successfully used to study different constraints affecting consumption rates (e.g. Beauchamp et al. 1999; Utne-Palm 2002; Mazur and Beauchamp 2003). Encounter rate (ER) is formally defined as ER = aN where a is search efficiency and N is prey density. In the simplest case, encounter rate increases linearly in relation to prey density. However, different mechanisms may affect search efficiency and produce other than linear and proportional relationships between prey density and encounter rate. Search efficiency can be viewed as a volume (SV) that the predator can search per unit of time, modelled as a cylinder: Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 and Katsuwonus pelamis, (Bonabeau and Dagorn 1995)], would have the result that school encounter rates do not increase proportionally to prey density, resulting in nonlinear relationships between encounter rate (schools) and prey density. In this study, we used a video recording system to estimate how encounter rate of piscivorous fish relates to prey density in controlled artificial pool and field enclosure experiments where we manipulated prey densities (N), whereas factors that could affect search efficiency were held constant. The video was kept stationary, hence mimicking the view of a ambush predator, for example northern pike (Esox lucius). Pike is a common piscivore in northern temperate lakes and is a typical ambush predator, attacking its prey from a hide-out in littoral vegetation (Savino and Stein 1989). To get an estimate of what factors determine encounter rate in natural habitats where encounter rate is a function of both search efficiency and prey density, we used underwater cameras placed in the littoral zone in 15 freshwater lakes. The lakes were situated along a productivity gradient, which allowed us to relate encounter rate to fish density and environmental characteristics. Materials and methods SV = p RD SS T Greenhouse pool experiment where RD is reaction distance, SS is swimming speed of the piscivore, and T time (Beauchamp et al. 1999). For sitand-wait predators search efficiency is not a function of swimming speed as they are stationary when searching for prey and encounter rate will thus be positively related to prey density and to the maximum distance that a predator can detect its prey (reaction distance). Reaction distance, in turn, is dependent on light intensities, contrasts, prey size, water transparency, etc. (Howick and O’Brien 1983; Breck 1993; Beauchamp et al. 1999; Vogel and Beauchamp 1999; Mazur and Beauchamp 2003). Prey fish behaviours, such as schooling, may also affect encounter rate; prey fish are often schooling (Krause et al. 2000; Krause and Ruxton 2002) and piscivores will thus often encounter schools of prey rather than single fish. A hunting piscivore will, most often, be able to eat only one prey, regardless of school size, because prey will respond behaviourally upon attack, and after capturing and handling one prey the others will be gone (Turesson and Brönmark 2004). Thus, measuring the rate at which a predator encounters schools of prey may make more sense than measuring encounter rate with individual prey. Further, a positive relation between prey density and school size, as found in some fish species [guppies, Poecilia reticulata (Seghers 1981); tuna, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, 123 To study the effect of prey density on encounter rate under controlled conditions we performed an experiment in a greenhouse. Four circular test pools (2.44 m diameter, water depth of 250 mm) were each equipped with video cameras mounted 3.4 m above the centre of the tank. The pools were kept bare to keep all fish visible on the video recordings. On the light blue pool bottom we drew a black 200-mm grid. Pools were filled with oxygenised tap water and 50% of the water was changed 3 times per week. Between pools and along greenhouse walls we mounted a dark green tarpaulin to a height of 2.8 m to shield experimental fish from disturbances. We used roach (Rutilus rutilus) as prey at densities of 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32 fish per pool. The experiments were run in full daylight. Two sets of trials per day allowed us to run each fish density once per day and replicate each density 4 times in consecutive days. The different densities were randomised to different pools with the limitation that we were running each density once per pool, thus controlling for both pool and day effects. Experimental fish were from the 1-year-old (1+) cohort and caught with a handnet in nearby Lake Krankesjön. They were used 4–7 days after capture and individual fish were used in one replicate only. About 1 h before the trials fish were lightly anaesthetised with Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 283 MS-222 and measured to the nearest millimetre (total length). All fish were in the 56–66 mm range. We started the video recordings when the fish had been acclimated for 1 h in the pool and recorded for 61 min. To manage the time-consuming video analysis we were forced to restrict our analysis to three 10-min periods from each trial, at 10– 20, 30–40, and 50–60 min into the recordings. For the analyses we defined four of the grid squares (400 mm · 400 mm) along the side of a pool as the ‘‘area of encounter’’ for a hypothetical predator and recorded number of fish and duration of all encounters in this area. An encounter event was defined as when one or more fish were in the encounter area, irrespective of how many they were. When the first fish of a school entered the area the encounter started and when the last fish left the encounter ended. The traditional encounter rate where each encountered prey is counted is here termed ‘‘individual encounter rate’’. Individual encounters were calculated as the sum of all individual fish in a school. However, if predators do not benefit by increasing capture rates when encountering a larger school of prey due to prey behaviour, a more useful definition of prey encounter would be ‘‘each occasion where the predator detects prey, regardless of the number of prey per encounter’’ and we term this ‘‘school encounter’’ and measure it as ‘‘school encounter rate’’. Results were analysed with linear regression. tied, fish counted, and replaced with new fish. In some replicates all fish were not recovered, for unknown reasons, but a minimum of 90% of the fish remained in all replicates, with the exception of the five-fish density, which we therefore excluded from the analyses. The order of treatments was randomised with the limitation that no more than one replicate of each fish density was filmed on the same day. After the experiments a sub-sample of 100 roach was measured (62.8 ± 4.7 mm, mean ± SD total length). Underwater video cameras (Dyfo Systems AB, Sweden) were used mounted 0.32 m from the net and 0.40 m under the water surface in the middle of one side of an enclosure, filming towards the centre of the enclosure at an angle of 8 downwards from the horizontal plane. A Secchi disc facing the camera was visible at a maximum distance of 1.2 m from the camera front lens and fish were detected at a distance of up to about 0.8 m from the camera. The last 15 min of each of the 4 filmed hours was analysed for encounters, resulting in 1 h total per replicate. School encounters were defined as when one or more fish entered the camera’s visual field, irrespective of how many there were. When the first fish entered the encounter started and when the last fish in the school left the visual field, the encounter ended. For individual encounters we counted each fish in a school as a separate encounter. Results from the experiments were analysed with linear regression. Field enclosure experiment Lake survey In order to investigate the effect of increasing prey density on encounter rate in a natural environment and at a larger scale we performed a large-scale enclosure experiment. We built five enclosures (10 m · 10 m) in a eutrophic pond (80 m · 25 m, mean depth 0.90 m) situated close to Lund. The enclosures were constructed of a wooden frame where we attached a net (mesh size: 6 mm). The net extended 0.45 m over the water surface and went down to the sediment. It also covered the whole bottom area of the enclosures. By lifting the net an enclosure was therefore easily emptied to control for number of remaining fish and to replace fish between replicates. Four enclosures were used for the experiments while the fifth was used for holding fish between trials. Fish were 1+ roach caught in Lake Vombsjön 2–4 weeks before the experiments, and due to the large number of fish used we chose to re-use fish. From a pool of 600 roach the experimental fish were haphazardly assigned to replicates. Enclosures were stocked with densities of five, ten, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 120 roach, respectively, and each density was replicated 3 times. We released the roach in the enclosures no later than 1600 hours the day before experiments and filmed for 4 h starting at 0900–0930 hours in the morning. After each replicate the enclosure was emp- Fifteen lakes in southern Sweden were filmed from 12 August to 28 August 2002 to investigate how encounter rate relates to prey density and environmental characteristics in natural lake systems. The lakes were chosen along a wide gradient of total P content (10–210 lg total P l–1 of the water and, to represent lakes with a range of prey fish densities, turbidity, and water colour. The main criteria when choosing the lakes were that they should be situated in southern Sweden and had been fished with standardised survey multi-mesh gillnet fishing according to Swedish standards (Appelberg 2000) at least twice in the summer (25 June–8 August) from 1997 to 2001. Twelve lakes in the data base of the Swedish National Board of Fisheries (www.fiskeriverket.se) fit these criteria (lakes Bodarpasjön, Bäen, Humlesjön, Krageholmssjön, Lerjesjön, Rammsjön, Store Damm, Södra Kroksjön, Vesljungasjön, Värsjön, Vässlarpsjön, and Fiolen). To extend the productivity range we added three eutrophic lakes: lakes Krankesjön, Fjällfotasjön, and Sjöbergasjön that had been fished only once, in 2001 (M. Svensson, unpublished data). Fish abundance was estimated as the number of fish captured per unit effort (CPUE) where one net in 1 night is the unit of effort. The mean of the two latest fishing surveys in the lakes that were fished more 123 284 than once from 1997 to 2001 was used. The total P data are from the database of the Department of Environmental Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (www.ma.slu.se). Each lake was filmed once with three underwater video cameras that were placed in the littoral zone at the edge of the emergent macrophyte zone, i.e. the habitat where it is most likely that a northern pike would encounter a prey. The minimum distance between cameras was 9 m and they were connected by cables to standard VHS-video recorders on land. The average water depth at the camera sites was 0.87 ± 0.07 m (mean ± SD, n = 15). Each camera was mounted on a pole so that the lens centre was 0.48 m from the lake bottom, filming at an angle of 8 downwards from the horizontal plane, and thus, the bottom was visible in the clearer lakes. Two iron poles (12 mm diameter) were placed 0.80 m and 1.30 m in front of the cameras to give references for estimation of fish size and distance from the camera. The poles were painted black and white in vertical 100-mm sections. Video recordings were taken between 1600 and 2000 hours, but only the last 2.5 h of each tape was analysed. Encounter rate (encounters per hour) from an individual lake was calculated as a mean from all three cameras (7.5 h in total from each lake). Directly after filming, surface water temperature (23.2 ± 0.9C) was measured at the filming site. Camera detection distance (CDD) was measured as the maximum distance where a black and white contrast (the iron poles) could be detected by the camera. Water samples were taken for later analyses of water colour (mg Pt l–1) and turbidity (Jackson turbidity). Data from the lake survey were analysed with linear regressions. In all of these lakes perch (Perca fluviatilis) is an important species and perch encounters were registered separately from cyprinid encounters. Several cyprinid species are present in the lakes but as cyprinids were sometimes hard to identify to species from the video recordings, the cyprinids were pooled when analysing data. Roach (R. rutilus) is the most widely distributed of the cyprinids and is present in 14 of the 15 lakes. Roach encounters constitute a majority of the cyprinid encounters in these lakes. Less common cyprinids in the lakes are rudd Scardinius erytrophthalmus, bream Abramis brama, white bream Blicca bjoerkna, bleak Alburnus alburnus, tench Tinca tinca and crucian carp Carassius carassius. Besides perch, pike E. lucius is an important piscivore, present in all lakes. Other piscivores present in some lakes include eel Anguilla anguilla and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca. From the recordings we quantified both school encounter rate and individual encounter rate with fish smaller than 150 mm, as these fish are under the highest risk of predation (Brabrand and Faafeng 1993; Margenau et al. 1998). 123 Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 Results Greenhouse pool and field enclosure experiments Encounter rate for individual fish in the pool experiment increased in relation to fish density (linear regression R2 = 0.94, P < 0.001; Fig. 1a), whereas there was no significant relation between school encounter rate and fish density (R2 = 0.11, P = 0.063; Fig. 1b). This was a consequence of fish usually forming a single school, irrespective of fish density. Duration time for school encounters increased with fish density (R2 = 0.63, P < 0.001) as a result of increasing numbers of fish per school (Fig. 1c). In the field enclosure experiment the variation in encounter rate among replicates was very high (Fig. 1d–e), and in two replicates (densities ten and 40 fish per enclosure) no fish were encountered at all. However, both individual and school encounter rates increased with fish density (R2 = 0.33, P = 0.007, and R2 = 0.46, P = 0.001, respectively; Fig. 1d–e). The size of the encountered schools also increased with fish density (R2 = 0.25, P = 0.028; Fig. 1f). The school size recorded is the number of fish visible with the camera, which likely underestimated actual school sizes as some school members may have passed outside the camera’s visual field. Lake survey Fish were recorded on video in 14 of the 15 lakes and fish smaller than 150 mm made up 72–100% (mean 92%) of the fish encountered in these lakes. This size group consisted of cyprinids and perch and, in addition, two pike (excluded from encounter rate analyses). Larger fish (>150 mm; not included in the analyses) were represented by cyprinids, perch and a single large pike. Encounters with only one fish were the most common encounter; 77 ± 22% (mean ± SD, n = 14) of all encounters in the lakes consisted of a solitary fish. There was no correlation between fish density (CPUE) and proportion of encounters with single fish (individual encounter rate) for cyprinids (r = –0.06, P = 0.86), for perch (r = 0.24, P = 0.42) or for all fish combined (r = –0.05, P = 0.86). Thus, there was no indication that fish density influenced fish schooling and for the lake survey, only rate of school encounters is presented in further results. There was no significant relation between fish density (CPUE from gill net survey) and school encounter rate, for cyprinids, perch, or cyprinids + perch pooled together (linear regression, cyprinids, R2 = 0.11, P = 0.23; perch, R2 = 0.08, P = 0.29; cyprinids + perch, R2 = 0.38, P = 0.15, n = 15; Fig. 2a–c). School encounter rates for cyprinids, perch, and cyprinids + perch were positively related to CDD (linear Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 Fig. 1 Encounter rates, encounter duration times, and mean school size, dependent on prey fish density in the pool (a–c) and enclosure (enc.) (d–f) experiments. ERi Individual encounter rate, ERs school encounter rate regression, cyprinids, R2 = 0.35, P = 0.028; perch, R2 = 0.0.40, P = 0.01; cyprinids + perch, R2 = 0.52, P = 0.002; Fig. 2d–f). Encounter duration time varied between the lakes. To test for a relationship between CDD and encounter duration, we compared median times of those encounters involving only a single fish, as encounter duration time correlates positively to school size (within individual lakes). In cyprinids, single prey encounter duration was 0.9–3.5 s and correlated positively with CDD (Spearman rank correlation, R = 0.840, P = 0.001, n = 11). In perch, median encounter duration was in the range 1.1–3.8 s except for one outlier at 16.5 s. This was a foraging perch that repeatedly explored a food patch within the camera’s field of vision. Single perch encounter duration correlated positively with CDD (Spearman rank correlation, R = 0.714, P = 0.006, n = 13, outlier included). The density of fish (CPUEcyprinid + perch) was positively related to total P (linear regression, F = 5.8, R2 = 0.49, P = 0.004). Separating fish densities into densities of cyprinids (CPUEcyprinid) and perch (CPUEperch) showed that both cyprinids and perch increased along the P gradient (F = 5.8, R2 = 0.31, P = 0.03 and F = 4.7, R2 = 0.27, P = 0.05, respectively). There were also strong 285 a d b e c f correlations between total P levels and CDD (r = –0.76, P = 0.001) and total P and turbidity (r = 0.93, P < 0.001) in the 15 lakes. Encounter rates is a function of both prey density (N) and search efficiency, which in turn is related to reaction distance (camera detection distance, CDD). To determine the relative importance of these factors for encounter rate we did a multiple stepwise regression (P = 0.05 for a variable to enter the regression). However, the resulting regression only included CDD; density was not entered into the equation. This was true for all three fish categories (cyprinids, perch, cyprinids + perch). Reaction distance for piscivores depends on the optical properties of the water, which is affected by, e.g. turbidity and water colour. CDD decreased with increasing turbidity (r = –0.73, P = 0.002; Fig. 3a) whereas there was no significant correlation between CDD and water colour (r = –0.18, P = 0.54; Fig. 3b). However, a multiple regression with CDD as the dependent variable and turbidity and water colour as independent variables included both variables in the equation (CDD = –0.54 · colour – 12.1 · turbidity + 208.4, R2 = 0.68). Turbidity explained most of the variation (b = –0.84, P < 0.001) in comparison to colour (b = –0.39, P = 0.036). 123 286 Fig. 2a–c ERs related to fish density (fish captured per unit effort; CPUE) and camera detection distance in 15 lakes along a productivity gradient. Fish density is presented for cyprinid (cyp, cypr) fishes only (a), perch only (b), or total number of fish (c). For other abbreviations, see Fig. 1 Discussion Encounter rate is a fundamental component when modelling predator–prey dynamics but despite its importance empirical estimates are rare. Encounter rate is the product of the predator’s search efficiency and density of prey. However, under constant environmental conditions search efficiency is assumed to be constant and encounter rate should then increase linearly with prey density. In the pool and field enclosure experiments where environmental conditions were controlled for and only prey density was varied, we found an increase in individual encounter rate with increasing prey density. However, one of the assumptions of the functional response is that prey have a random spatial distribution and, thus, each and every prey constitute a separate encounter. This may be misleading when prey organisms show defence behaviours that could affect encounter rates. For example, if prey fish are schooling, an increase in prey fish density will not result in a higher encounter rate of prey if larger schools are formed. Further, a piscivore will on most occasions only be able to capture one prey from a school of prey fish, 123 Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 a d b e c f independent of school size, and may even have decreasing capture success with school size, due to the confusion effect (Landeau and Terborgh 1986; Krause and Godin 1995; Krause et al. 1998; Turesson and Brönmark 2004). Thus, from a piscivore’s point of view, encounter rate of schools should be a more appropriate measure than individual encounter rate. In the pool experiment there was no increase in school encounter rate with prey density. When prey fish density increased, larger schools were formed. Other studies have also found that fish school sizes increased with increasing fish densities (Seghers 1981; Bonabeau and Dagorn 1995). Thus, schooling behaviour resulted in a decoupling of the relationship between encounter rate and prey density in the pool experiment. School size was also a positive function of prey density in the field enclosure experiment, but here increasing prey density resulted in an increasing school encounter rate albeit the slope was low and variation large. Thus, our results suggest that if school encounter rate is used in foraging models instead of individual encounter rate, encounter rates will vary with prey schooling behaviour at constant prey density. This Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 287 a b Fig. 3 The relationship between camera detection distance and turbidity (a) and water colour (b). JTU Jackson turbidity complicates models, but may also facilitate understanding the importance of schooling-related processes. For example, schools of prey gradually disperse at lower light intensities (Dobler 1977; Ryer and Olla 1998; Miyazaki et al. 2000). This means that prey encounter rates for a predator less dependent on light may increase in low illumination when prey schools break up, and this could be one explanation for why piscivores often choose to feed at dawn or dusk (Pitcher and Turner 1986; Dobler 1977). In the field survey of lakes we found no increase in encounter rate with prey density. Instead, the slopes of the regressions were negative in all cases, although the relations were non-significant. No or negative relationships between prey fish density and different measures of foraging efficiency (consumption rate, growth) have also been found for piscivorous lake trout (Eby et al. 1995). The lack of a positive relation between fish density and school encounter rate in the field study cannot be explained by prey schooling behaviour, as the incidence of schooling did not change along the prey density gradient, as it did in the pool and enclosure experiments. In the field study, there may even be reasons to expect an opposite relation, at least for cyprinids. In clear water, where cyprinid density is often lower than in turbid waters, there may be a larger need for schooling than in turbid water, and school cohesion may also be facilitated in clear water (Ryer and Olla 1998; Miyazaki et al. 2000). This could lead to weak or no relationships between cyprinid density and school sizes in turbid lakes. The lack of a relation between prey fish density and encounter rate may instead be due to environmental factors affecting search efficiency. Prey density was the only factor that was varied in the laboratory and in the field enclosure experiment, whereas search efficiency, the other component of the encounter rate function, was constant. However, search efficiency may vary with changes in characteristics of predators and prey, such as size, speed of movement, vision, and changes in environmental conditions. Beauchamp et al. (1999) modelled search efficiency (or search volume) of pelagic piscivores as a function of piscivore swimming and reaction distance to prey and, further, Gerritsen and Strickler (1977) suggested that changes in reaction distance have the largest relative effect on encounter rate, compared to prey density and predator and prey movement speeds. Reaction distance is affected by environmental factors such as ambient light levels and turbidity; it declines with decreasing light levels (Howick and O’Brien 1983; Vogel and Beauchamp 1999; Mazur and Beauchamp 2003) and increasing turbidity (Miner and Stein 1996; Vogel and Beauchamp 1999; Mazur and Beauchamp 2003). Thus, changes in environmental conditions such as light conditions, turbidity, and water colour between systems, or temporally or spatially within systems, should affect encounter rate of piscivores by changing their reaction distance and thus their search efficiency. The 15 study lakes could be arranged along a gradient of increasing productivity, estimated as total P concentration. Along this gradient fish density and turbidity increased while water clarity, measured as CDD, decreased. This pattern is in accordance with earlier studies of North European lakes, where cyprinid and total fish density have been shown to increase and water transparency decrease along a P gradient (Svärdson 1976; Persson et al. 1991; Jeppesen et al. 2000; Olin et al. 2002). Water clarity (CDD) correlated positively with both encounters of cyprinids and perch and this effect was strong enough to overcome the decreasing cyprinid density in the clearer, more oligotrophic lakes. For a visual predator this means that while encounter rate is expected to increase as a consequence of increasing prey densities in more eutrophic systems, turbidity influences prey detection distance and thereby search efficiency, which leads to a lower encounter rate with prey and lower realised prey availability (Beauchamp et al. 1999; Vogel and Beauchamp 1999) and, thus, encounter rate should peak in lakes of intermediate productivities (Beauchamp et al. 1999). The lower water transparency in nutrient-rich lakes has been suggested to be one important explanation for the 123 288 peak of piscivore biomass to total fish biomass in lakes of intermediate productivity (Jeppesen et al. 2000; Olin et al. 2002). In particular, the proportion of piscivorous perch has been shown to peak in mesotrophic lakes and be lower in eutrophic lakes (Persson et al. 1991) and northern pike also disappear in the most productive lakes. Seehausen et al. (2003) argued, based on optimal foraging modelling, that the collapse of piscivore diversity in eutrophying lakes is a result of reduced encounter rate with increasing turbidity. The change in fish community structure with eutrophication may also be affected by the loss of submerged macrophytes that is known to be common, especially in shallow eutrophic lakes (Jeppesen et al.1998). On a lower level, however, encounter rate should affect consumption rates, and thus condition, of individual piscivores. The model of Beauchamp et al. (1999) suggested that the consumption rate for pelagic piscivores should be highest in intermediately productive lakes. In a correlative study of 37 Canadian lakes, with Secchi depth comparable to the lakes of this study, Craig and Babaluk (1989) found that the condition factor of pike decreased with Secchi depth. Skov et al. (2002) found no difference in pike condition or consumption rate in an experiment where 0+ pike were foraging on perch in reduced water transparency vs. a clear-water control. However, water transparency was here varied by changes in water colour, not turbidity. Water colour changes light conditions but increasing turbidity, i.e. a higher particle concentration, results in increasing backscattering of light and reduced contrast of prey against the background. In this study, environmental factors affected encounter rate when compared among lakes. It is reasonable to assume that the same pattern could be found in a single lake if measures were taken over time. It is known that small fish will influence zooplankton negatively and phytoplankton positively through trophic cascade effects, which will in turn affect turbidity and detection distances (Carpenter and Kitchell 1993). The large fluctuations in turbidity over a yearly cycle, especially in lakes subject to summer blooms of green algae or cyanobacteria, may give very different conditions for piscivores over the year and between years in the same lake. Craig and Babaluk (1989) indeed found that growth rate of northern pike was lowest during the summer when water was turbid and increased when water became clear during late autumn. Further, turbidity may also vary spatially within lakes (Scheffer et al. 1994). Hence, models assuming that encounter rate is dependent on constant predator search efficiency, taking into account only changes in prey density, should give poor estimates of piscivore consumption rates. What we measured is naturally not an exact estimate of predator–prey encounter rate as our results rest on the 123 Oecologia (2007) 153:281–290 critical assumption that the registration of prey fish by the camera system correlates with predator–prey encounter rate of a sit-and-wait piscivore, such as northern pike. As our cameras only registered visual encounters the results may be regarded as rough estimates of encounters for a visual predator. Piscivores may also detect prey by other senses, such as by olfaction or the lateral line system (Pohlmann et al. 2001). However, New et al. (2001) found that muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) vision was of primary importance for location of and orientation towards prey and that the lateral line system was only used during the final stage of the attack when the prey was very close to the piscivore (within centimetres). Another difference between the camera’s perception and a real predator is that the camera’s visual field was restricted to a narrow field in a forward direction. As real predators have a much wider visual field, our encounter rate estimates are likely underestimates of predator–prey encounter rate. However, it is important to note that even if we do not know exactly how our measures of CDD scale to reaction distances in an ambush piscivore, the slope, and sign of the relationships between encounter rate and prey density and search efficiency should still be the same and, thus, our main conclusions should not be affected by differences in camera and piscivore detection distances. In conclusion, in the pool and enclosure experiments we found overall the expected positive dependence of encounter rates on prey density considering individual encounter rates. The relationship between prey density and school encounter rate was less strong. In the field survey, however, we found no relationship between prey density and encounter rate and, if anything, the relationship was negative. Our interpretation of the field results is that although encounter rate mechanistically relates positively to prey density, other factors along a productivity gradient that correlate to prey density will reduce prey detection distance and thus predator search efficiency. Predator search efficiency, as a function of turbidity may have a stronger negative influence on predator–prey encounter rates along this gradient, than the positive effects from increased prey densities. For a visual piscivore this may mean that prey availability does not increase, and maybe even decreases with increasing productivity despite increasing prey densities (cf. Beauchamp et al. 1999). Acknowledgements We are grateful to Thomas Lakowitz for good help during the many hours of video analysis. Thanks to Mikael Svensson for providing fish abundance data. 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