Comparing Predictive Accuracy Author(s): Francis X. Diebold and Roberto S. Mariano Source: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol. 13, No. 3, (Jul., 1995), pp. 253-263 Published by: American Statistical Association Stable URL: Accessed: 07/05/2008 12:16 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We enable the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact @ 1995AmericanStatisticalAssociation Journalof Business&Economic Statistics,July1995,Vol.13, No.3 ComparingPredictive Accuracy Francis X. DIEBOLD of Pennsylvania, PA19104-6297,and of Economics,University Philadelphia, Department MA 02138 NationalBureauof EconomicResearch,Cambridge, RobertoS. MARIANO PA 19104-6297 of Pennsylvania, of Economics,University Philadelphia, Department of no difference intheaccuracyof tests of thenullhypothesis Weproposeandevaluateexplicit forecasts.Incontrastto previously twocompeting developedtests, a widevarietyof accuracy theloss function neednotbe quadratic andneednoteven measurescanbe used(inparticular, nonzeromean,seriallycorrelated, andforecasterrorscan be non-Gaussian, be symmetric), correlated.Asymptotic and exactfinite-sample tests are proposed, and contemporaneously evaluated,andillustrated. KEYWORDS:Economicloss function;Exchangerates;Forecastevaluation;Forecasting; tests;Signtest. Nonparametric in all of the sciPredictionis of fundamental importance ences, includingeconomics. Forecastaccuracyis of obvious importanceto usersof forecastsbecauseforecastsare used to guide decisions.Forecastaccuracyis also of obvious importanceto producersof forecasts,whose reputations(andfortunes)rise and fall with forecastaccuracy. to of forecastaccuracyarealso of importance Comparisons economistsmoregenerallywho are interestedin discriminatingamongcompetingeconomichypotheses(models). andmodeladequacyare inextricaPredictiveperformance failure impliesmodelinadequacy. bly linked-predictive Giventhe obviousdesirabilityof a formalstatisticalproone is struckby cedurefor forecast-accuracy comparisons, aretypically the casualmannerin whichsuchcomparisons carriedout. The literaturecontainsliterallythousandsof comparisons;almostwithoutexception, forecast-accuracy of forecastaccuracyareexamined,withno estimates point their assess samplinguncertainty.Onreflection, attemptto of the reasonfor the casualapproachis clear: Correlation forecasterrorsacrossspaceandtime,as well as severaladof forecast makesformalcomparison ditionalcomplications, et al. and difficult. (1972) Howrey,Klein, Dhrymes accuracy andMcCarthy(1974),for example,offeredpessimisticassessmentsof thepossibilitiesforformaltesting. testsof thenull Inthisarticlewe proposewidelyapplicable in the of two difference of no accuracy competing hypothesis forecasts.Ourapproachis similarin spiritto thatof Vuong (1989)in the sensethatwe proposemethodsfor measuring betweenmodels of divergences andassessingthesignificance is based anddata.Ourapproach, however, directlyonpredicandwe entertaina wideclassof accuracy tiveperformance, measuresthatuserscantailorto particular decision-making situations.This is important because,as is well known,realisticeconomicloss functionsfrequentlydo not conform to stylized textbookfavoriteslike mean squaredpredictionerror(MSPE).[Forexample,LeitchandTanner(1991) 253 andChinnandMeese (1991) stresseddirectionof change, CumbyandModest(1987)stressedmarketandcountrytiming, McCullochandRossi (1990), andWest,Edison,and Cho(1993)stressedutility-based criteria,andClementsand new a Hendry(1993)proposed accuracymeasure,the generalizedforecast-error secondmoment.]Moreover,we allow forforecasterrorsthatarepotentiallynon-Gaussian, nonzero and correlated. mean,seriallycorrelated, contemporaneously Weproceedby detailingourtestprocedures in Section1. to Then,in Section2, we reviewthe smallextantliterature for the evaluprovidenecessarybackground finite-sample ationof ourtestsin Section3. In Section4 we providean illustrative andin Section5 we offerconclusions application, anddirectionsforfutureresearch. 1. TESTINGEQUALITY OF FORECAST ACCURACY Considertwo forecasts,{i}yir, and {rj}i,, of the time series{yt}L. Let the associatedforecasterrorsbe {ej,}r1 and{ejt}rl. Wewishto assessthe expectedloss associated witheachof theforecasts(oritsnegative,accuracy). Of great andalmostalwaysignored,is the factthatthe importance, economicloss associatedwitha forecastmaybe poorlyassessedby theusualstatisticalmetrics.Thatis, forecastsare usedto guidedecisions,andthe loss associatedwitha forecasterrorof a particular signandsize is induceddirectlyby thenatureof thedecisionproblemathand.Whenoneconsiders the varietyof decisionsundertaken by economicagents decisions,inventoryguidedby forecasts(e.g.,risk-hedging stockingdecisions,policydecisions,advertising-expenditure decisions,public-utility decisions,etc.),it is clear rate-setting thatthe loss associatedwitha particular forecasterroris in functionof theerrorand,evenif symgeneralanasymmetric metric,certainlyneednot conformto stylizedtextbookexampleslikeMSPE. 254 Journalof Business&Economic Statistics, July1995 Thus, we allow the time-t loss associated with a forecast (say i) to be an arbitraryfunctionof the realizationand prediction, g(y,,'it). In many applications,the loss function will be a direct function of the forecast error;that is, g(y,, Y,) = g(eit). To economize on notation,we write g(eit) from this point on, recognizing that certain loss functions (like direction-of-change)do not collapse to g(eit,) form, in which case the full g(y,,Yt) form would be used. The null hypothesis of equal forecast accuracy for two forecasts is E[g(eit)] = E[g(ej)], or E[dt] = 0, where dt, [g(eit) - g(ejt)] is the loss differential. Thus, the "equalaccuracy"null hypothesis is equivalentto the null hypothesisthatthe population mean of the loss-differentialseries is 0. 1.1 An AsymptoticTest Considera samplepath {d,}1l of a loss-differentialseries. If the loss-differentialseriesis covariancestationaryandshort memory, then standardresults may be used to deduce the asymptoticdistributionof the sample mean loss differential. We have ,t) - Vi(- N(O,21rfd(O)), where S= TE[g(eit) - g(ejt)] is the sample mean loss differential, + fd(O)= ZE T=--00 d(Tr) is the spectraldensity of the loss differentialat frequency0, yd(7) = E[(dt - lz)(d,_, - z)] is the autocovarianceof the loss differentialat displacementr, and t is the population mean loss differential. The formulaforfd(O)shows that the correctionfor serial correlationcan be substantial,even if the loss differentialis only weakly serially correlated,due to cumulationof the autocovarianceterms. Because in largesamplesthe samplemeanloss differential is d approximatelynormally distributedwith mean /t and variance27rfd(O)/T, the obviouslarge-sampleN(O, 1) statistic for testing the null hypothesis of equal forecastaccuracyis S 2 = 27rfd(?) wherefd(0) is a consistent estimateofAfd(0). Following standardpractice, we obtain a consistent estimate of 2lrfd(0) by taking a weighted sum of the available sample autocovariances, 27fd(0) = E r=-(T- 1) " 1 S(T) r) where 1 To motivate a choice of lag window and truncationlag that we have often found useful in practice, recall the familiar result that optimalk-step-aheadforecast errorsare at most (k - 1)-dependent.In practicalapplications,of course, (k - 1)-dependencemay be violated for a varietyof reasons. Nevertheless,it seems reasonableto take (k - 1)-dependence as a reasonablebenchmarkfor a k-step-aheadforecast error (and the assumptionmay be readily assessed empirically). This suggests the attractivenessof the uniform,or rectangular, lag window,definedby S(T) =1 =0 for S(T) otherwise. <1 (k - 1)-dependenceimplies thatonly (k - 1) sample autocovariancesneed be used in the estimationof fd(O)because all the others are 0, so S(T) = (k - 1). This is legitimate (i.e., the estimatoris consistent)under(k - 1)-dependenceso long as a uniformwindow is used because the uniform window assigns unit weight to all includedautocovariances. Because the Dirichletspectralwindow associatedwith the rectangularlag window dips below 0 at certainlocations,the resultingestimatorof thespectraldensityfunctionis notguaranteedto be positive semidefinite.The large positive weight nearthe originassociatedwith the Dirichletkernel,however, makes it unlikely to obtain a negative estimate offd(0). In applications,in the rareevent thata negativeestimatearises, we treat it as 0 and automaticallyreject the null hypothesis of equal forecast accuracy.If it is viewed as particularly importantto impose nonnegativityof the estimated spectral density, it may be enforcedby using a Bartlettlag window, with correspondingnonnegativeFejerspectralwindow,as in the work of Newey andWest (1987), at the cost of havingto increasethe truncationlag "appropriately" with sample size. Otherlag windows and truncationlag selection procedures are of coursepossible as well. Andrews(1991), for example, suggested using a quadraticspectral lag window, together with a "plug-in"automaticbandwidthselection procedure. 1.2 ExactFinite-SampleTests Sometimes only a few forecast-errorobservations are available in practice. One approachin such situations is to bootstrapour asymptotictest statistic, as done by Mark (1995). Ashley's (1994) workis also very muchin thatspirit. Little is knownaboutthe first-orderasymptoticvalidityof the bootstrapin this situation, however, let alone higher-order asymptoticsor actualfinite-sampleperformance.Therefore, it is useful to have availableexact finite-sampletests of predictive accuracy, to complement the asymptotic test presented previously. Two powerful such tests are based on the observed loss differentials(the sign test) or their ranks (Wilcoxon's signed-ranktest). [These tests are standard,so our discussion is terse. See, for example, Lehmann(1975) for details.] T t=IrI+1 1(7r/S(T))is the lag window, and S(T) is the truncationlag. 1.2.1 The Sign Test. The null hypothesis is a zeromedian loss differential:med(g(e,) - g(ef,)) = 0. Note that the null of a zero-medianloss differentialis not the same DieboldandMariano: Predictive Comparing Accuracy as the null of zero difference between median losses; that is, med(g(ei,) - g(ejt)) med(g(ei,)) - med(g(ej,)). For that reason, the null differs slightly in spiritfrom thatassociated with our earlier discussed asymptotictest statistic S1, but it neverthelesshas an intuitiveandmeaningfulinterpretation-namely,thatP(g(ei,) > g(ej,)) = P(g(ei,) < g(ej,)). If, however, the loss differential is symmetrically distributed,then the null hypothesis of a zero-medianloss differential corresponds precisely to the earlier null because in that case the median and mean are equal. Symmetryof the loss differential will obtain, for example, if the distributions of g(ei,) and g(ej,) are the same up to a location shift. Symmetryis ultimatelyan empiricalmatterandmay be assessed using standardprocedures.We have found roughly symmetric loss-differential series to be quite common in practice. The constructionandintuitionof a test statisticarestraightforward.Assuming thatthe loss-differentialseries is iid (and we shall relax that assumptionshortly), the numberof positive loss-differentialobservationsin a sample of size T has the binomial distributionwith parametersT and 1 underthe null hypothesis. The test statisticis thereforesimply T S2 I+(d), where I+(d,)= 1 if dt > 0 = 0 otherwise. Significance may be assessed using a table of the cumulative binomial distribution.In large samples, the studentized version of the sign-test statisticis standardnormal: S2 = S2 - .5T 5T a N(O, 1). 1.2.2 Wilcoxon's Signed-RankTest. A related distribution-freeprocedurethatrequiressymmetryof the loss differential(but can be more powerfulthanthe sign test in that case) is Wilcoxon's signed-ranktest. We again assume for the moment that the loss-differentialseries is iid. The test statistic is the loss functionneed not be quadraticand need not even be symmetricor continuous. Second, a varietyof realisticfeaturesof forecasterrorsare readily accommodated.The forecast errorscan be nonzeromean, non-Gaussian, and contemporaneously correlated. Allowance for contemporaneouscorrelation,in particular,is importantbecausethe forecastsbeing comparedareforecasts of the same economic time series and because the information sets of forecastersarelargelyoverlappingso thatforecast errorstend to be stronglycontemporaneouslycorrelated. Moreover, the asymptotic test statistic S, can of course handle a serially correlatedloss differential. This is potentially importantbecause, as discussed earlier,even optimal forecasterrorsareseriallycorrelatedin general. Serialcorrelation presentsmore of a problemfor the exact finite-sample test statisticsS2 and S3 and their asymptoticcounterpartsS2a and S3a because the elements of the set of all possible rearrangementsof the sample loss differential series are not equally likely when the data are serially correlated,which violates the assumptionson which such randomizationtests are based. Nevertheless, serial correlationmay be handled via Bonferronibounds,as suggested in a differentcontextby Campbell and Ghysels (1995). Under the assumptionthat the forecasterrorsand hence the loss differentialare (k - 1)dependent,each of the following k sets of loss differentials will be free of serial correlation: {dij, i,dj, 1+kij,1+2k ,.. . . .} ..... {dij,2,dij,2+k, dij,2+2k, d,k, dii,k, dij,3k ,.... Thus, a test with size boundedby a can be obtainedby performing k tests, each of size a/k, on each of the k loss-differential sequences and rejectingthe null hypothesis if the null is rejected for any of the k samples. Finally, it is interestingto note that, in multistepforecast comparisons, forecast-error serial correlationmay be a "commonfeature,"in the terminology of Engle and Kozicki (1993), because it is induced largelyby the fact thatthe forecasthorizonis longer thanthe intervalat which the dataare sampledand may thereforenot be presentin loss differentialseven if presentin the forecast errorsthemselves. This possibility can of course be checked empirically. 2. EXTANT TESTS T S3 = ZI+(d,) rank(Id,I), the sum of the ranks of the absolute values of the positive observations.The exact finite-samplecritical values of the test statistic are invariant to the distribution of the loss differential-it need be only zero-meanandsymmetric-and have been tabulated. Moreover, its studentized version is asymptoticallystandardnormal, S _a= 1.3 S3 - T(T+I) 4 /T(T+1)(2T+I) 24 a N(O,1). Discussion Here we highlight some of the virtues and limitationsof our tests. First, as we have stressedrepeatedly,our tests are valid for a very wide class of loss functions. In particular, 255 In this section we provide a brief descriptionof three existing tests of forecast accuracy that have appearedin the literatureand will be used in our subsequentMonte Carlo comparison. 2.1 The Simple F Test: A Naive Benchmark If (1) loss is quadraticand(2) the forecasterrorsare(a) zero mean, (b) Gaussian,(c) serially uncorrelated,or (d) contemporaneouslyuncorrelated,then the null hypothesis of equal forecast accuracycorrespondsto equal forecast error variances [by (1) and(2a)], andby (2b)-(2d), the ratio of sample varianceshas the usual F distributionunderthe null hypothesis. More precisely,the test statistic F= =eje 256 Journalof Business&Economic Statistics, July1995 is distributedas F(T, T), where the forecasterrorseries have been stackedinto the (T x 1) vectorsei and ei. Test statistic F is of little use in practice, however, because the conditions requiredto obtain its distributionare too restrictive. Assumption (2d) is particularlyunpalatable for reasons discussed earlier. Its violation producescorrelation between the numeratorand denominatorof F, which will not then have the F distribution. A consistentestimatorof E is = Z '=-S(T) [1 - T [X] MGN =is distributedas Student'st with T - 1 df, where x'z + '(r)7(r)], where T = 2.2 The Morgan-Granger-Newbold Test The contemporaneouscorrelation problem led Granger and Newbold (1977) to apply an orthogonalizingtransformation due to Morgan(1939-1940) that enables relaxation of Assumption(2d). Let x, = (ei,+ ej,) andz, = (ei, - ej,),and let x = (e, + ej) and z = (ei - el). Then, underthe maintained Assumptions(1) and (2a)-(2c), the null hypothesisof equal forecastaccuracyis equivalentto zero correlationbetweenx and z (i.e., p. = 0) and the test statistic (r7(r) t=-r+1 (-r) otherwise, T1 t=r+1 otherwise, = •z(-r) Sr) = - t 1T 1= 4 S= andthe truncationlag S(T) growswith the samplesize butat a slowerrate. Alternatively,following Diebold andRudebusch (1991), one may use the closely related covariance matrix estimator, S(T) " Z " [U(-r)?n(-r) + --r)-(r)] -=-S(T) (e.g., see Hogg and Craig 1978, pp. 300-303). Let us now consider relaxing the Assumptions (1) and (2a)-(2c) underlyingthe Morgan-Granger-Newbold(MGN) test. It is clear that the entire frameworkdepends crucially on the assumption of quadraticloss (1), which cannot be relaxed. The remainingassumptions,however,can be weakened in varyingdegrees; we shall considerthem in turn. First, it is not difficultto relax the unbiasednessAssumption (2a), while maintainingAssumptions(1), (2b), and (2c). Second, the normality Assumption (2b) may be relaxed, while maintaining (1), (2a), and (2c), at the cost of substantialtediuminvolvedwith accountingfor the higher-order momentsthatthenenterthe distributionof the samplecorrelation coefficient (e.g., see Kendalland Stuart1979, chap. 26). Finally, the no-serial-correlationAssumption (2c) may be relaxed in addition to the no-contemporaneous-correlation Assumption (2d) while maintaining(1), (2a), and (2b), as discussed in Subsection2.3. Eitherway, the test statisticis MR = Under the null hypothesisand the maintainedAssumptions (1), (2a), and (2b), MR (Meese-Rogoff) is asymptotically distributedas standardnormal. It is easy to show that,if the null hypothesisand Assumptions (1), (2a), (2b), and (2c) are satisfied,then all termsin E are0 except -y(0) and'y(O) so thatMR coincides asymptotically with MGN. It is interestingto note also thatreformulation of the test in termsof correlationratherthan covariance would have enabled Meese and Rogoff to dispense with the normalityassumptionbecause the sample autocorrelations are asymptoticallynormaleven for non-Gaussiantime series (e.g., Brockwell and Davis 1992, pp. 221-222). 2.4 AdditionalExtensions In Subsection 2.3, we consideredrelaxationof Assumptions (2a)-(2c), one at a time, while consistentlymaintaining Assumption(1) and consistentlyrelaxing Assumption (2d). UnderAssumptions(1), (2a), and (2b), Meese and Rogoff Simultaneousrelaxationof multipleassumptionsis possible (1988) showed that within the MGN orthogonalizingtransformationframework but much more tedious. The distributiontheoryrequiredfor joint relaxationof (2b) and (2c), for example, is complicated where 7 = x'z/T, C = -7•)___o['(7)'Y(7) + %YZ(7-)Y(7)], by the presenceof fourth-ordercumulantsin the distribution of the the sampleautocovariances,as shown, for example,by -Y(7) = cov(x,,z,,), Y%(7)= cov(z,,x,_,), %,(r) = Hannan(1970, p. 209) and Mizrach (1991). More imporcov(x,,x,_,), and'y(7) = coy(z,, z,_,). This is a well-known result(e.g., Priestley 1981, pp. 692-693) for the distribution tantly,however,any procedurebased on the MGN orthogoof the sample cross-covariancefunction, cov(•(s), z(u)), is inextricablywed to the assumption nalizingtransformation of quadraticloss. specializedto a displacementof 0. 2.3 The Meese-Rogoff Test DieboldandMariano: Predictive Comparing Accuracy CARLOANALYSIS 3. MONTE standardizationamountsto dividingthe t(6) randomvariable byV\72. 3.1 ExperimentalDesign We evaluate the finite-sample size of test statistics F, MGN, MR, S1, S2, S2a, S3, and S3aunder the null hypothesis and variousof the maintainedassumptions.The design includes a variety of specifications of forecast-errorcontemporaneouscorrelation, forecast-errorserial correlation, and forecast-errordistributions.To maintainapplicabilityof all test statistics for comparisonpurposes,we use quadratic loss; that is, the null hypothesis is an equality of MSPE's. We emphasize again, however,that an importantadvantage of test statistics S1, S2, S2a, S3, and S3ain substantiveeconomic applications-and one not shared by the others-is their direct applicabilityto analyses with nonquadraticloss functions. Consider first the case of Gaussian forecast errors. We draw realizations of the bivariate forecast-errorprocess, with varying degrees of contemporaneousand {eit,ejt}11, serial correlation in the generated forecast errors. This is achieved in two steps. First, we build in the desired degree of contemporaneouscorrelationby drawinga (2 x 1) forecast errorinnovationvector u, from a bivariatestandard normal distribution,ut, N(02,12), and then premultiplying by the Choleski factor of the desired contemporaneous innovationcorrelationmatrix.Let the desiredcorrelation matrixbe ' R= pE [0, 1). 1 Then the Choleski factoris 1 0 P vp -p ? Thus, the transformed(2 x 1) vector v, = Pu, , N(02, R). This operationis repeatedT times, yielding {vi,, Vj,}l-. Second, (moving average)MA(1) serial correlation(with parameter0) is introducedby taking ei, [etJ ej, 1 _ L 0 0 257 Vit - t. L Vt I.2 t=,1... T. 1+2L J We use Vo= 0. Multiplicationby (1 + 02)-1/2 is done to keep the unconditionalvariancenormalizedto 1. We consider sample sizes of T = 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512, contemporaneouscorrelationparametersof p = 0, .5, and .9, and MA parametersof 0 = 0, .5, .9. Simple calculationsrevealthatp is not only the correlationbetween•vand v, but also the correlationbetween the forecasterrorsei and ei so thatvaryingthe correlationof vyandv, through[0, .9] effectively variesthe correlationof the observedforecasterrors throughthe same range. We also considernon-Gaussianforecasterrors.Thedesign is the same as for the Gaussiancase describedpreviouslybut driven by fat-tailed variates (uit,u;*)'[ratherthan (ui,, uj,)'], which are independentstandardizedt randomvariableswith 6 df. The variance of a t(6) randomvariableis 3/2. Thus, Throughout,we performtests at the ac = .1 level. When using the exact sign andsigned-ranktests, restrictionof nominal size to precisely 10%is impossible (withoutintroducing randomization),so we use the obtainableexact size closest to 10%,as specified in the tables. We performat least 5,000 Monte Carloreplications. The truncationlag is set at 1, reflectingthe fact thatthe experimentis designed to mimic the comparisonof two-step-aheadforecast errors, with associated MA(1) structure. 3.2 Results Results appearin Tables 1-6, which show the empirical size of the varioustest statisticsin cases of GaussianandnonGaussianforecast errorsas the degree of contemporaneous correlation,the degree of serial correlation,and sample size are varied. Let us first discuss the case of Gaussian forecast errors. The resultsmay be summarizedas follows: 1. F is correctlysized in the absence of both contemporaneous and serial correlationbut is missized in the presence of either contemporaneousor serial correlation. Serial correlationpushes empiricalsize above nominal size, but contemporaneouscorrelationpushesempiricalsize drastically below nominalsize. In combination,andparticularly for largep and 0, contemporaneouscorrelationdominates and F is undersized. 2. MGN is designed to remainunaffectedby contemporaneous correlationand thereforeremains correctly sized so long as 0 = 0. Serialcorrelation,however,pushes empirical size above nominalsize. 3. As expected,MR is robustto contemporaneousand serial correlationin large samples, but it is oversized in small samples in the presence of serial correlation.The asymptotic distributionobtainsratherquickly,however,resulting in approximatelycorrectsize for T > 64. The 4. behaviorof S1 is similarto that of MR. S1 is robustto contemporaneousand serial correlationin large samples, but it is oversized in small samples, with nominal and empiricalsize converginga bit more slowly than for MR. 5. The Bonferronibounds associated with S2 and S3 work well, with nominaland empiricalsize in close agreement throughout.Moreover,the asymptoticson which S2a and S3adependobtainquickly. Now consider the case of non-Gaussianforecast errors. The strikingand readilyapparentresult is that F, MGN, and MR aredrasticallymissized in largeas well as small samples. S1, S2o,and S3a, on the other hand, maintainapproximately correctsize for all but the very small sample sizes. In those cases, S2 and S3 continue to performwell. The results are well summarizedby Figure 1, p. 261, which charts the dependenceof F, MGN, MR, and S1on T for the non-Gaussian case with p = 9 = .5. 258 Journalof Business &EconomicStatistics,July1995 Table 1. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticF Gaussian T p 8=.0 Fat-tailed 8=.5 8=.9 8=.0 8=.5 8=.9 8 8 8 .0 .5 .9 9.85 7.02 .58 12.14 9.49 1.26 14.10 11.42 1.86 14.28 9.61 .57 15.76 11.64 1.13 17.21 13.02 1.79 16 16 16 .0 .5 .9 9.83 7.30 .47 12.97 10.11 .99 14.85 11.89 1.55 16.47 11.14 .34 18.59 13.55 .70 19.78 14.94 1.13 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 9.88 6.98 .23 12.68 9.50 .55 14.34 11.22 1.00 18.06 21.30 .01 19.55 21.00 .07 20.35 21.37 .23 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 9.71 6.48 .16 13.05 9.25 .47 14.62 10.62 .79 29.84 23.48 .02 29.72 23.93 .12 29.96 24.15 .29 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 10.30 7.01 .16 13.41 10.13 .50 14.99 11.64 .74 30.34 24.89 .11 30.95 25.01 .44 31.26 25.16 .73 256 256 256 .0 .5 .9 10.01 7.37 .19 13.05 10.31 .51 14.65 11.78 .80 31.07 25.48 .51 31.12 25.45 1.13 31.24 25.70 1.44 512 512 512 .0 .5 .9 10.22 7.53 .18 13.51 10.16 .50 15.25 11.49 .85 31.45 26.35 .81 32.38 26.92 1.58 32.60 16.95 2.06 NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneouscorrelationbetweenthe innovationsunderlyingthe forecasterrors,and 0 is the coefficientof the MA(1)forecasterror.Alltests are at the 10%level. 10,000MonteCarloreplications are performed. Table 2. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticMGN Gaussian Fat-tailed T p 8 =.0 8 =.5 0 =.9 8 =.0 8 =.5 0 =.9 8 8 8 .0 .5 .9 10.19 9.96 9.75 14.14 14.66 14.53 17.94 18.61 18.67 18.10 16.00 11.76 21.89 20.51 16.31 25.65 24.19 20.00 16 16 16 .0 .5 .9 10.07 9.56 10.02 14.34 14.37 14.70 17.54 17.95 18.20 20.33 37.15 12.01 24.54 36.18 16.76 27.08 25.66 19.81 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 9.89 10.08 9.59 15.04 15.11 15.32 18.00 17.95 18.25 22.94 20.23 12.75 26.32 23.76 17.78 28.72 26.20 20.54 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 10.09 9.95 10.26 15.37 15.18 15.67 17.99 18.15 18.49 24.56 21.10 12.98 28.15 25.18 18.09 30.00 27.28 20.53 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 9.96 10.23 10.11 15.09 15.07 15.05 17.59 17.48 18.05 26.47 23.62 14.34 29.50 26.82 18.89 30.94 28.51 21.56 256 256 256 .0 .5 .9 10.28 10.60 10.11 15.62 16.02 15.48 18.37 18.44 17.91 27.39 23.81 14.15 30.74 28.38 19.43 32.46 30.31 22.03 512 512 512 .0 .5 .9 10.12 10.05 9.90 15.34 14.96 15.09 17.68 17.66 17.53 27.64 24.10 14.78 30.55 27.40 19.16 32.14 29.28 21.49 NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneous correlation between the innovations underlying the forecast errors, and 0 is the coefficient of the MA(1) forecast error. All tests are at the 10% level. 10,000 Monte Carlo replications are performed. Dieboldand Mariano:ComparingPredictiveAccuracy Table 3. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticMR Gaussian T p 0=.0 Fat-tailed 0 =.5 0=.9 0= .0 0 =.5 0=.9 8 8 8 .0 .5 .9 9.67 9.50 9.66 19.33 19.00 19.51 22.45 22.07 22.85 16.16 14.81 11.23 25.26 24.50 21.28 27.62 26.99 24.14 16 16 16 .0 .5 .9 9.62 10.02 10.04 13.92 13.88 13.82 14.72 14.96 14.94 19.94 17.70 11.76 22.56 21.04 15.68 23.06 21.26 16.70 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 9.96 9.68 9.86 10.98 11.46 11.62 11.12 11.66 11.96 22.78 19.78 12.42 22.86 20.32 13.54 21.72 20.14 13.46 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 10.32 9.84 9.58 11.02 10.56 10.58 11.04 10.64 10.34 24.50 21.44 13.38 22.60 19.48 13.38 21.58 18.84 13.20 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 9.78 10.02 10.76 10.54 11.04 11.28 10.44 11.18 11.38 25.86 22.76 13.44 22.90 20.26 13.52 21.54 19.44 12.92 256 256 256 .0 .5 .9 10.04 10.32 9.92 9.90 9.92 10.16 9.58 9.82 10.34 27.16 24.00 13.38 23.74 20.50 12.70 22.70 19.18 12.24 512 512 512 .0 .5 .9 9.94 9.52 9.80 10.48 10.56 9.82 10.56 10.48 9.88 26.92 23.56 13.96 23.40 20.52 12.98 21.78 19.36 12.74 NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneouscorrelationbetweenthe innovationsunderlyingthe forecasterrors,and 0 is the coefficientof the MA(1)forecasterror.Alltests are at the 10%level. Atleast 5,000 MonteCarloreplicationsare performed. Table 4. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticS, Gaussian Fat-tailed p 0= .0 0= .5 0= .9 0= .0 0= .5 0= .9 8 8 8 .0 .5 .9 31.39 31.37 31.08 31.10 30.39 30.19 31.03 29.93 30.18 31.62 31.21 31.18 29.51 29.71 30.12 29.07 29.36 29.75 16 16 16 .0 .5 .9 20.39 20.43 20.90 19.11 19.52 19.55 18.94 18.86 19.59 19.26 19.57 20.15 18.50 17.67 18.38 18.32 17.63 18.16 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 12.42 13.32 12.60 12.28 13.22 13.38 12.18 12.94 13.22 11.30 11.54 11.16 11.64 10.66 11.22 11.56 10.84 11.50 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 12.47 12.76 12.21 12.11 12.49 12.23 11.94 12.35 12.03 12.44 12.10 13.00 11.62 12.26 12.36 11.36 12.10 12.16 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 11.72 11.44 11.76 11.94 11.72 11.26 12.04 11.60 11.34 11.48 10.84 11.50 10.72 10.96 10.66 10.28 10.96 10.86 256 256 256 .0 .5 .9 11.11 10.90 10.69 10.65 10.39 10.79 10.66 10.48 10.75 12.06 12.16 11.51 11.67 11.46 11.59 11.79 11.60 11.16 512 512 512 .0 .5 .9 11.15 10.90 10.31 10.67 10.39 10.09 10.63 10.49 10.05 10.06 9.94 10.12 9.46 9.66 10.12 9.62 9.76 10.06 T NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneous correlation between the innovations underlying the forecast errors, and 0 is the coefficient of the MA(1) forecast error. All tests are at the 10% level. At least 5,000 Monte Carlo replications are performed. 259 260 Journalof Business & EconomicStatistics,July1995 Table 5. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticsS2 and S2a Gaussian T p Fat-tailed 0=.0 0 = .5 0=.9 23.94 23.08 22.92 23.46 24.80 23.26 23.34 23.06 22.86 13.46 14.22 13.08 S2, nominalsize = 14.08% 13.26 13.14 13.46 12.92 13.84 13.28 13.62 13.70 12.86 13.06 13.24 13.06 13.76 13.62 13.20 14.36 14.36 14.68 S2, nominalsize = 15.36% 14.52 14.28 14.06 13.94 14.62 13.46 14.54 15.08 14.94 14.32 14.36 14.76 14.30 15.02 14.52 9.68 9.52 9.40 10.36 10.06 8.98 10.44 10.00 10.02 12.22 12.06 12.06 12.20 11.94 10.76 11.42 11.44 11.40 0=.0 0=.5 0=.9 S2, nominalsize = 25% 8 8 8 16 16 16 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 .0 .5 .9 .0 .5 .9 22.24 22.14 22.24 22.48 23.46 23.02 22.38 22.16 22.66 S2a, nominal size = 10% 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 9.72 9.66 10.84 9.92 10.34 9.46 9.42 9.68 10.34 S2a, nominal size = 10% 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 11.62 11.66 11.22 11.62 11.62 11.72 11.84 11.90 11.28 NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneouscorrelationbetweenthe innovationsunderlyingthe forecasterrors,and 0 is the are performed. coefficientof the MA(1)forecasterror.Atleast 5,000 MonteCarloreplications Table 6. EmpiricalSize UnderQuadraticLoss, TestStatisticsS3 and S, Gaussian T p 9=.0 0=.5 Fat-tailed 0=.9 0=.0 0=.5 0=.9 23.26 23.42 24.26 23.34 23.86 23.32 21.96 22.88 23.34 10.16 10.54 10.58 10.42 10.94 10.96 9.84 10.34 10.64 9.90 10.40 10.46 10.00 10.64 9.96 9.98 10.30 10.70 9.64 9.58 9.92 9.24 8.82 9.78 8.84 8.78 10.00 9.82 10.08 9.28 9.04 9.24 9.22 8.46 9.20 9.26 S3, nominalsize = 25% 8 8 8 16 16 16 .0 .5 .9 .0 .5 .9 22.50 22.98 23.16 10.62 10.38 10.64 22.92 22.26 22.36 22.90 23.06 24.24 S3, nominalsize = 10.92% 10.06 10.40 10.92 10.32 10.18 9.62 S3, nominalsize = 10.12% 32 32 32 .0 .5 .9 10.72 10.56 10.92 64 64 64 .0 .5 .9 9.38 9.80 9.90 128 128 128 .0 .5 .9 9.94 9.52 9.46 10.28 10.00 10.44 9.30 10.02 10.30 S3a, nominalsize = 10% 9.54 9.16 10.02 9.66 9.24 9.68 S3a, nominal size = 10% 9.70 10.00 9.64 9.12 9.32 9.42 NOTE: T is sample size, p is the contemporaneouscorrelationbetweenthe innovationsunderlyingthe forecasterrors,and 0 is the coefficientof the MA(1)forecasterror.Atleast 5,000 MonteCarloreplicationsare performed. Dieboldand Mariano:ComparingPredictiveAccuracy 261 1.25 30 1.00 MGN 43 N 25 rn 0.75 S0.50 0.25 a S150 S0.00 -0.25 8 16 32 64 128 256 78 512 Sample Size 1. Case; Size, Figure Empirical FourTestStatistics:Fat-Tailed We shall illustrate the practicaluse of the tests with an application to exchange-rateforecasting. The series to be forecast,measuredmonthly,is the three-monthchangein the nominal dollar/Dutchguilder end-of-monthspot exchange rate(in U.S. cents, noon, New Yorkinterbank),from 1977.01 to 1991.12. We assess two forecasts, the "no change" (0) forecast associated with a random-walkmodel and the forecast implicit in the three-monthforwardrate (the difference between the three-monthforwardrate and the spot rate). The actual and predictedchanges are shown in Figure 2. The random-walkforecast, of course, is just constant at 0, whereas the forwardmarketforecast moves over time. The movements in both forecasts, however, are dwarfedby the realized movementsin exchange rates. We shall assess the forecasts'accuracyunderabsoluteerror loss. In termsof point estimates,the random-walkforecastis more accurate. The mean absoluteerrorof the random-walk forecast is 1.42, as opposed to 1.53 for the forwardmarket forecast;as one hearsso often, "Therandomwalk wins." The 82 84 Time 86 88 90 Figure3. LossDifferential walk). (forward--random Theta= Rho = .5. 4. AN EMPIRICAL EXAMPLE 80 loss-differentialseries is shown in Figure 3, in which no obvious nonstationaritiesarevisually apparently.Approximate stationarityis also supportedby the sample autocorrelation function of the loss differential,shown in Figure 4, which decays quickly. Because the forecastsare three-step-ahead,our earlierargumentssuggest the need to allow for at least two-dependent forecast errors, which may translateinto a two-dependent loss differential. This intuitionis confirmedby the sample autocorrelationfunctionof the loss differential,in which sizable and significantsample autocorrelationsappearat lags 1 and 2 and nowhereelse. The Box-Pierce X2test of jointly zero autocorrelationsat lags 1 through 15 is 51.12, which is highly significantrelative to its asymptotic null distribution of X'5. Conversely,the Box-Pierce X2 test of jointly zero autocorrelationsat lags 3 through 15 is 12.79, which is insignificantrelativeto its null distributionof x'. We now proceedto test the null of equal expected loss. F, MGN, andMR areinapplicablebecause one or more of their 0.5 5.0 0.4 2.5 0.3 0 r -2.5 S0.0 -5.0 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Time Figure2. Actualand PredictedExchange-Rate Changes. The solidlineis theactualexchange-rate change.Theshortdashedline is thepredictedchangefromthe random-walk model,andthelong dashedlineis thepredicted rate. changeimpliedby theforward -0.2 2 4 6 8 Displacement Autocorrelations. ThefirsteightsamFigure4. LossDifferential aregraphed,togetherwithBartlett's pleautocorrelations approximate 95%confidenceinterval. 262 Journalof Business&Economic Statistics, July1995 maintainedassumptionsareexplicitly violated. We therefore focus on our test statisticS1, setting the truncationlag at two in light of the preceding discussion. We obtain S1 = -1.3, implying a p value of .19. Thus, for the sample at hand, we do not reject at conventionallevels the hypothesis of equal expectedabsoluteerror-the forwardrateis not a statistically significantlyworse predictorof the futurespot ratethanis the currentspot rate. 5. CONCLUSIONSAND DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURERESEARCH We have proposed several tests of the null hypothesisof equal forecast accuracy.We allow the forecast errorsto be non-Gaussian,nonzero mean, serially correlated,and contemporaneouslycorrelated.Perhaps most importantly,our tests are applicableundera very wide varietyof loss structures. We hasten to add that comparisonof forecast accuracyis but one of many diagnostics that should be examinedwhen comparingmodels. Moreover,the superiorityof a particular model in terms of forecast accuracydoes not necessarily imply thatforecastsfrom othermodels containno additional information.That, of course, is the well-knownmessage of the forecast combinationand encompassingliteratures;see, for example, Clemen (1989), Chong andHendry(1986), and Fairand Shiller (1990). Several extensions of the results presentedhere appearto be promisingdirectionsfor futureresearch. Some are obvious, such as generalizationto comparisonof more thantwo forecasts or, perhapsmost generally, multiple forecasts for each of multiplevariables. Othersare less obvious andmore interesting.We shall list just a few: 1. Our frameworkmay be broadenedto examine not only whetherforecast loss differentialshave nonzeromean but also whether other variables may explain loss differentials. For example, one could regress the loss differential not only on a constant but also on a "stage of the business cycle" indicatorto assess the extentto whichrelative predictiveperformancediffers over the cycle. 2. The ability to formally compare predictive accuracy afforded by our tests may prove useful as a modelspecification diagnostic, as well as a means to test both nested and nonnested hypotheses under nonstandardconditions, in the traditionof Ashley, Granger,and Schmalensee (1980) and Marianoand Brown (1983). 3. Explicit accountmay be takenof the effects of uncertainty associatedwith estimatedmodelparameterson the behavior of the test statistics, as shown by West (1994). Let us provide some examples of the ideas sketchedin 2. First, consider the development of a test of exclusion restrictions in time series regression that is valid regardless of whetherthe data are stationaryor cointegrated. The desirability of such a test is apparentfrom works like those of Stock and Watson (1989), Christianoand Eichenbaum (1990), Rudebusch(1993), and Todaand Phillips (1993), in which it is simultaneouslyapparentthat (a) it is difficultto determinereliably the integrationstatus of macroeconomic time seriesand(b)theconclusionsofmacroeconometricstudies are often criticallydependenton the integrationstatusof the relevanttime series. One may proceed by noting that tests of exclusion restrictionsamountto comparisonsof restrictedand unrestrictedsums of squares. This suggests estimatingthe restrictedand unrestrictedmodels using partof the availabledata and then using our test of equality of the mean squarederrorsof the respective one-step-aheadforecasts. As a second example, it would appearthat our test is applicable in nonstandardtesting situations, such as when a nuisanceparameteris not identifiedunderthe null. This occurs, for example, when testing for the appropriatenumber of states in Hamilton's(1989) Markov-switchingmodel. In spite of the fact thatstandardtests are inapplicable,certainly the null and alternativemodels may be estimated and their out-of-sampleforecastingperformancecomparedrigorously, as shown by Engel (1994). In closing, we note that this article is part of a largerresearchprogramaimed at doing model selection, estimation, prediction,and evaluationusing the relevant loss function, whateverthatloss functionmaybe. This articlehas addressed evaluation. Granger(1969) and Christoffersenand Diebold (1994) addressedprediction. These results, together with those of Weiss andAndersen(1984) and Weiss (1991, 1994) on estimationunderthe relevantloss functionwill make feasible recursive,real-time,prediction-basedmodel selection underthe relevantloss function. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the editor, associate editor, and two referees for constructivecomments.Seminarparticipantsat Chicago, Cornell,the FederalReserve Board,London School of Economics, Maryland,the Model ComparisonSeminar,Oxford, Pennsylvania,Pittsburgh,and Santa Cruz provided helpful input, as did Rob Engle, Jim Hamilton, Hashem Pesaran, IngmarPrucha,PeterRobinson,and Ken West, but all errors are ours alone. Portions of this article were written while the first authorvisited the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics, whose hospitality is gratefully acknowledged. Financial supportfrom the National Science Foundation,the Sloan Foundation,and the University of PennsylvaniaResearchFoundationis gratefully acknowledged. Ralph Bradley,Jos6 A. Lopez, and Gretchen Weinbachprovidedresearchassistance. [ReceivedMarch1994. RevisedDecember 1994.] REFERENCES Andrews, D. W. K. 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