VIETNAM BOND MARKET ASSOCIATION VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June 2015 In June, the State Treasury raised VND7,381 billion out of the VND17,000 billion offered. The winning/offering ratio rose to 43.4%. The total value of Government bond and Treasury bill issued in the first half of 2015 was VND73,305 billion. In July 2015, the total Government bond & Treasury bill interest and principal payment will be VND 5,785 billion In the corporate bond primary market, Hung Vuong Corporation and Masan Consumer Holdings successfully issued corporate bond worth VND300 billion and VNd9000 billion, respectively. In the secondary market, the total bond trading volume in June was VND86,298 billion, a 5.7% decrease compared to May. Outright trading volume was VND56,831 billion, accounting for 65.85% of total trading. Government bonds trading volume was VND71,931 billion, accounting for 83.36% of total trading. As of the end of June, the market share of Government bonds in total bond outstanding value dropped slightly to 76.68% (from 77.53% last month) or VND495,449 billion, comes next was Government-guaranteed bond with 20.19% or VND130,432 billion and the remaining 3.14% is municipal bond. Data from the VBMA Market Makers Chatroom indicated that Government bond yield fixing at the end of June increased across all tenors compared to May. Specifically: +14 bps with 1year bond, +19.6 bps in 2-year bond, 28.8 bps in 3-year bond, +48.1 bps in 5-year bond, +74.6 bps in 7-year bond and +50.5 bps in 10-year bond. VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 PRIMARY MARKET The Ministry of Finance No.100/2015/TT-BTC issued the Circular No.99/2015/TT-BTC and Circular On June 29, the Ministry of Finance issued the Circular No.99/2015/TT-BTC on guiding the issuance of Government-guaranteed bonds, replacing the Circular No.34/2012/TT-BTC and Circular No.167/2013/TT-BTC. On the same day, the Ministry of Finance issued the Circular No.100/2015/TT-BTC on guiding the issuance of municipal bonds, replacing the Circular No.81/2012/TT-BTC. The State Treasury will issue 20-year Government bond for the first time. On June 30, the State Treasury issued the Announcement No. 1592/TB-KBNN on the issuing of 20-year Government bond by private placement. The bond will be issued directly from the State Treasury to insurance companies operating in Vietnam from July 29 to December 31, 2015. The total issuance value will be about VND6,000 – VND7,000 billion. The interest payment on the bond will be made once a year, the principal will be repaid at maturity. The State Treasury raised VND7,381 billion via bond auctions. The winning/offering ratio rose to 43.4%. In June, there were 8 government bond auctions in the primary market and the State Treasury raised VND7,381 billion out of the VND17,000 billion offered. The offering/winning ratio rose to 43.4% from 18.4% last month. The winning interest rate increased with 5 and 15-year bond, all 10-year bond auctions failed. Table 1: Government bond and bill auction results in June 2015: Tenors Offering volume (VND bio) Winning volume (VND bio) Winning interest rate (%) Up/Down compared to the previous auction TD15302 90 TD15202 15 Years 1,000 340 7.62 0 5 Years 1,500 1,500 6.4 +3 66 TD15202 62 TD15252 5 Years 1,000 1,000 6.37 -3 10 Years 500 0 15 Years 1,500 240 7.62 -2 5 Years 1,500 275 6.4 0 5 Years 1,000 220 6.4 +20 10 Years 500 0 5 Years 1,000 500 6.2 +20 15 Years 1,500 1,241 7.64 +4 5 Years 1,000 100 6 +55 10 Years 500 100 6.6 +10 15 Years 1,500 1,500 7.6 0 No. Date of bidding Bond code 1 26-Jun-2015 2 26-Jun-2015 3 23-Jun-2015 4 23-Jun-2015 5 18-Jun-2015 6 18-Jun-2015 7 16-Jun-2015 8 16-Jun-2015 9 11-Jun-2015 10 11-Jun-2015 11 09-Jun-2015 12 09-Jun-2015 13 04-Jun-2015 78 TD15302 88 TD15202 64 TD15202 62 TD15252 78 TD15202 64 TD15302 87 TD15202 62 TD15252 78 TD15302 87 Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 2 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 14 04-Jun-2015 15 02-Jun-2015 16 02-Jun-2015 17 29-Jun-2015 18 29-Jun-2015 19 29-Jun-2015 20 22-Jun-2015 21 22-Jun-2015 22 22-Jun-2015 23 15-Jun-2015 24 15-Jun-2015 25 15-Jun-2015 26 08-Jun-2015 27 08-Jun-2015 28 08-Jun-2015 29 01-Jun-2015 30 01-Jun-2015 31 01-Jun-2015 TD15202 64 TD15202 5 Years 1,000 40 5.45 0 +5 5 Years 1,000 225 5.45 62 TD15252 78 BVBS150 10 Years 1,000 100 6.5 3 Years 1,000 0 34 BVBS150 74 BVBS151 15 Years 300 0 5 Years 200 0 54 BVBS151 53 BVBS150 15 Years 300 0 3 Years 1,000 0 33 BVBS150 73 BVBS151 5 Years 200 0 15 Years 300 0 52 BVBS150 32 BVBS150 3 Years 1,000 0 5 Years 200 0 72 BVBS151 51 BVBS150 15 Years 300 0 3 Years 500 500 31 BVBS150 71 BVBS151 5 Years 200 0 15 Years 200 0 3 Years 400 400 5 Years 400 0 50 BVBS150 30 BVBS150 70 6 +3 5.97 -3 Source: HNX, VBMA Figure 1: Offering and winning volume of Government bond in the last 13 months . 40,000 120.0% 35,000 30,000 100.0% 100.0% 95.8% 91.6% 91.9% 84.8% 83.3% 80.0% 25,000 72.3% 60.6% 20,000 60.0% 51.2% 15,000 43.4% 40.0% 41.6% 37.1% 10,000 20.0% 18.4% 5,000 - 0.0% June July Aug Sept Winning volume Oct Nov Dec Jan Offering volume Feb March April May June Winning/Offering ratio Source: HNX, VBMA Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 3 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 Table 2: Bond auctions result in June, classified by tenors . Tenors Offering amount (VND bio) Winning amount (VND bio) Winning/Offering ratio 5 Years 10 Years 9,000 2,500 3,860 200 42.9% 8.0% 15 Years 5,500 3,321 60.4% Total 17,000 7,381 43.4% Source: HNX, VBMA There were also 3 Treasury bill auctions in June with the total offering volume of VND19,000 billion and the total winning volume of VND13,130 billion. This is the first Treasury bill auctions since August 2014. Table 3: Treasury bill auction result in June 2015: Winning volume (VND bio) Winning interest rate (%) Up(+)/Down() compared to the previous auction No. Date of bid opening Bill code Tenors (weeks) Offering volume (VND bio) 1 29-Jun-2015 TPKB15023 26 3,000 3,000 4.6 -10 2 29-Jun-2015 TPKB15004 13 4,000 1,380 4.1 0 3 22-Jun-2015 TPKB15022 26 3,000 3,000 4.7 -10 4 22-Jun-2015 TPKB15003 13 3,000 2,300 4.1 +2 5 15-Jun-2015 TPKB15002 26 3,000 2,200 4.8 6 15-Jun-2015 TPKB15001 13 3,000 1,250 4.08 19,000 13,130 Total Source: HNX, VBMA Government and Treasury bill auctions in the first 6 months of 2015 The total value of Government bond and Treasury bill issued in the first half of 2015 was VND73,305 billion. Table 4: Government and Treasury bill issuance in the first half of 2015 (VND bio) Plan for the whole year Plan for the first 6 months <1 year - 5 year 180,000 105,000 10 year 50,000 15 year Total Tenor Offering value in the first 6 months Winning value in the first 6 months Value Compared to 6mths plan Compared to whole-year plan 19,000 13,130 - - 77,000 46,090 43.9% 25.6% 25,000 22,000 6,370 25.5% 12.7% 20,000 20,000 31,500 22,846 114.2% 114.2% 250,000 150,000 130,500 75,305 50.2% 30.1% Source: HNX, VBMA Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 4 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 Government bond and Treasury bill payment calendar in July 2015 Table 5: Government bond and Treasury bill payment next month No. BOND/BILL TENORS CODE (years) ISSUANCE DATE ACTUAL PAYMENT DATE INTEREST PRINCIPAL TOTAL PAYMENT PAYMENT PAYMENT (VND bio) (VND bio) (VND bio) 1 TD1116046 5 04-Jul-2011 06-Jul-2015 455 - 455 2 TB1015055 5 08-Jul-2010 08-Jul-2015 21 200 221 3 TD1217040 5 15-Jul-2012 15-Jul-2015 103 - 103 4 TD1316018 3 15-Jul-2013 15-Jul-2015 350 - 350 5 TD1417079 3 15-Jul-2014 15-Jul-2015 292 - 292 6 TD1419087 5 15-Jul-2014 15-Jul-2015 414 - 414 7 TD1116050 5 25-Jul-2011 27-Jul-2015 488 - 488 8 TD1419088 5 31-Jul-2014 31-Jul-2015 462 - 462 9 TPKB14029 52 weeks 08-Jul-2014 07-Jul-2015 - 2,000 2,000 10 TPKB14030 52 weeks 22-Jul-2014 21-Jul-2015 - 1,000 1,000 2,585 3,200 5,785 Total Source: State Treasury Corporate bond A subsidiary of Ma San Corporation issued VND9,000 billion corporate bond On June 10, Masan Consumer Holdings issued VND9,000 billion 5-year corporate bond through the arranger Vietcombank. This is the single largest corporate bond issuance of a Vietnam private enterprise ever. The registering value surpassed the offering value by 15%. HVG issued VND300 billion corporate bond On May 29, Hung Vuong Corporation issued 300 bonds with total face value of VND300 billion. These are inconvertible bond with a 3-year tenor. Coupon rate in the first four period would be 9%/year, after that the coupon rate would be the average of Vietnam dong 12month deposit rate in 4 largest state-owned banks, plus a 2.5% margin. Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 5 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 SECONDARY MARKET The total trading volume in June was VND86,298 billion In the secondary market, the total bond trading volume in June was VND86,298 billion, a 5.7% decrease compared to May. Outright trading volume was VND56,831 billion, accounting for 65.85% of total trading. Government bonds trading volume was VND71,931 billion, accounting for 83.36% of total trading. Table 6: Trading volume in June 2015 (VND bio). Outright Bond types Total 547 47,702 84 24,235 Market share 0.29% 82.25% 8,582 15.10% 5,148 17.47% 56,831 100.00% 29,467 100.00% Value Municipal bond Government bond Governmentguaranteed bond Total Repos Market share 0.96% 83.94% Value 631 71,937 13,730 86,298 Source: HNX, VBMA Figure 2: Trading value over the past 13 months (VND bio) . 140,000 120,000 36,574 34,038 100,000 30,902 80,000 21,354 19,86026,185 21,947 26,863 60,000 34,48329,467 27,999 21,813 38,933 88,853 96,199 40,000 73,122 61,19061,201 54,80461,504 47,471 20,000 57,808 Repo Outright 51,14057,02756,831 34,193 0 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June Source: HNX, VBMA Table 7: Bonds with largest volume of outright trading in June 2015. No. Bond Code Issuance date Initial tenors Trading value (VND bio) 1 2 3 4 5 6 TD1530287 TD1520256 TD1520259 TD1116040 TD1417072 TD1424173 28-Feb-2015 15-Jan-2015 31-Jan-2015 20-Jun-2011 15-Feb-2014 15-Sep-2014 Total 15 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 3 Years 10 Years 3,226 3,201 2,364 2,334 1,781 1,256 14,162 Source: HNX, VBMA Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 6 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 The total trading value of the above 6 bonds alone accounted for 29.69% of all outright bond trading in June. Government bonds account for the large majority of total bond outstanding. As of the end of June, the market share of Government bonds in total bond outstanding value dropped slightly to 76.68% (from 77.53% last month) or VND495,449 billion, comes next was Government-guaranteed bond with 20.19% or VND130,432 billion and the remaining 3.14% is municipal bond. Figure 3: Outstanding bond value market share at the end of June 2015: 3.14% 20.19% Government bond Gov'-guaranteed bond 76.68% Municipal bond Source: HNX, VBMA Movements of VBMA’s Government Bond Yield Fixing in June Data from the VBMA Market Makers Chatroom indicated that Government bond yield fixing at the end of June increased across all tenors compared to May. Specifically: +14 bps with 1-year bond, +19.6 bps in 2-year bond, 28.8 bps in 3-year bond, +48.1 bps in 5-year bond, +74.6 bps in 7-year bond and +50.5 bps in 10-year bond. Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 7 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 Figure 4: VBMA Gov’ Bond Yield Fixing Curve at the end of April, May and June. 7.000% 6.500% 6.000% June May 5.500% April 5.000% 4.500% 1y 2y 3y 5y 7y 10y Source: VBMA Figure 5: Movement of VBMA Gov’ Bond yield fixing in the first 6 months of 2015 . 7.50% 7.00% 6.50% 1y 6.00% 2y 3y 5.50% 5y 5.00% 7y 10y 4.50% 4.00% Source: VBMA Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 8 VIETNAM BOND MARKET REPORT June-2015 Thank you for reading VBMA’s Monthly Bond Market Report. For more information, please contact: VIETNAM BOND MARKET ASSOCIATION 14th Floor, Tower A Vincom, 19 Ba Trieu Str.,Hai Ba Trung Distr., Ha Noi Tel: (84) 24 3974 8781 Fax: (84) 4 3974 8782 Website: Disclaimer: The information and opinions in this report are those of Vietnam Bond Market Association (VBMA) research activity. VBMA does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, or completeness. While all reasonable care has no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and it should not be relied upon as such. VBMA accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss arising from use of this report or its contents. This report is being supplied solely for informational purposes and may not be reproduced, distributed or published by recipient for any purpose. Vi etna m B ond Ma rket As s oci a ti on Page 9