4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Adams Clarice NURSING ACTION DATE 2/13/2001 PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation ^ P L I C A T E COLLECTION 16831 Greenfield Apt 34 Detroit MI 48235 Adams Judith Bammert PHARMACY 3/16/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 5120 Pheasant Trail Fine Imposed Ann Arbor MI 48105 Licensee Reprimanded Agbebiyi Jonathan A MEDICINE 1/25/2001 1515 Ennis JoslinRd#183 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Corpus Christi TX 78412 Akowitz Lois M PHARMACY 6/1/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 23999 Huron River Dr Fine Imposed New Boston MI 48164 Licensee Reprimanded Albertson Sarah A NURSING 11/7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 4/19/2001 License Suspended DENTISTRY 11/5/2001 License Suspended DENTISTRY 8/1/2001 License Suspended NURSING 2/22/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 6846 Cedarbrook Dr Bloomfield Hills MI 48301 Aldrich Leslie Calvin Po Box 677 Boca Raton FL 334290677 Alexon Nancy Mary 2535 French St Santa Ana CA 92706 Allen Sherman Lavelle 3991 Beach Ter West Bloomfield MI 483231001 Alwin Dorothy B Uroda Po Box 274 Lithia FL 335470274 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 4/4/2002 LICENSEE Anderson Denise I DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 BOARD NURSING ACTION DATE 9/19/2001 1201 Lay Blvd PENALTY Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Kalamazoo MI 49001 Anderson Laura NURSING 6/20/2001 818 Minnesota Ave #1 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Gladstone MI 49837 Aririguzo Josephine O NURSING 6/13/2001 21730 Concord Court Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded Southfield MI 48076 Arya Satya Bandhu OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 8/10/2001 Reinstatement Denied MEDICINE 3/2/2001 License Suspended 6 Solitude Way Wilmington DE 19808 Askanazi Jeffrey 1033 River Street Fine Imposed Port Huron MI 48060 Astyn Kymberly Irene Summary Suspension Dissolved NURSING 5/2/2001 NURSING 6/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 10/24/2001 License Suspended 10244 Nancys Blvd Unit 43 Licensee Placed on Probation Grosse lie MI 48138 Auito Monica Ann 38568 Yarmoutn Clinton Township MI 48038 Austin Louis Thomas 4180 Columbine Court Vadnais Heights MN 55127 Bacarro Norma P NURSING 880 Bruce St A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 3/2/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 2 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE LICENSEE BOARD Bacher Burton J MEDICINE 9/19/2001 VETERINARY MEDICINE 6/12/2001 PENALTY License Limited/Restricted 640 Chesterfield Ave Birmingham MI 480091256 Bader James G Licensee Placed on Probation 185 Panther Dr Fine Imposed Holland MI 49424 Restitution Baker Dawn Marie NURSING 6/20/2001 7515 Leelanau Trail License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Gaylord MI 49735 Ballard Pamela Annette CHIROPRACTIC 10/1/2001 Complaint Dismissed/Withdrawn NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 3/26/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 12/19/2001 License Suspended Po Box 460 MedinahIL 60157 Ballinger Connie Ann 22175 Irene Trenton $1148183 Banisafar Javad 1607 Hatch Road Okemos MI 48864 Barz Scott William 9711 Hawkdale Lane Summary Suspension Dissolved Knoxville TN 37922 Basler John P CHIROPRACTIC 9/18/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 9/4/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 307 W Midland St Bay City MI 48706 Bates Jeff A 15447 20 Mile Rd Tustin MI 49688 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 3 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Beitins Inese Zinta MEDICINE ACTION DATE 1/18/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 13513 Glen MillRd Fine Imposed Rockville MD 20850 Licensee Reprimanded Benedict Laura L NURSING 3/14/2001 2259 Welch License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Walled Lake MI 48390 Beningo Amy L PHARMACY 3/16/2001 3549 Morgan Rd Fine Imposed Gaylord MI 49735 Benko Paul A Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 8/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 2/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1075 W Tuscola Frankenmuth MI 48734 Bennett Derek Kevin 23337 Essex Way Ct Southfield MI 48034 Bennett Mildred Lynn 500 W Fulton Licensee Reprimanded Bay City MI 48706 Bennett Vincent B EMS PERSONNEL 3/12/2001 License Suspended OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 10/4/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 20200 Helen Detroit MI 48234 Benson Dewey C 6456 Clam Lake Rd Fine Imposed Bellaire MI 49615 Benson Kim CHIROPRACTIC 40390 Hayes Rd 9/21/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Mount Clemens MI 48044 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 4 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Benson Kim CHIROPRACTIC ACTION DATE 1/18/2001 40390 Hayes Rd PENALTY License Suspended DSC/BD Vacated Order Mount Clemens MI 48044 Benton Regis A OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/6/2001 Complaint Dismissed/Withdrawn CHIROPRACTIC 11/30/2001 License Suspended CHIROPRACTIC 1/9/2001 License Suspended DENTISTRY 6/1/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation G-6092 Fenton Rd Flint MI 48507 Benyon Peter 8 Wilshire Crescent Berbaum Gerald L 7240 Bentley Lake Rd Pinckney MI 48169 Berezecky Anna Kozan 7778 Timber Canyon Dr Se Fine Imposed Ada MI 49301 Licensee Reprimanded Berry Nabil DENTISTRY 12/20/2001 PHARMACY 7/9/2001 Licensee Reprimanded DENTISTRY 6/28/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Placed on Probation 6440 Kendal Dearborn MI 48126 Berry William D 2162 Pero Lake Rd Lapeer MI 48446 Biedron Ronald M 515 S Main St #4 Fine Imposed Chelsea MI 48118 Licensee Reprimanded Bielowos Diane Marie NURSING 7/5/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 9126 Northwood Court Plymouth MI 48170 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 5 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 4/4/2002 ACTION DATE LICENSEE BOARD Bissada Amgad Amir MEDICINE 9/19/2001 NURSING 1/4/2001 PENALTY Fine Imposed 5693 Kolly Rd Bloomfield Hills MI 48301 Bluhm Paula Licensee Placed on Probation 3400 Wadhams Rd Fine Imposed China Twp MI 48054 Licensee Reprimanded Blumberg Edwin C OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 6/7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 24378 Buchanan Ct Farmington Hills MI 48335 Borrousch Aaron C NURSING 12/12/2001 553 E Annabelle License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Hazel Park MI 48030 Boufford Cathryn Cook DENTISTRY 7/30/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 45535 Dover Dr Fine Imposed Macomb M I 480443833 Licensee Reprimanded Boufford Frances NURSING 11/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 12/12/2001 License Suspended 22226 Oakwood St Woodhaven MI 481831596 Bowditch Mary C 6875 Colonial Dr Summary Suspension Dissolved Tecumseh MI 49286 Boyer Janice Louise NURSING 12/6/2001 2 Hillcrest Lane Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Lexington VA 24450 Bradshaw Lorel Anne DENTISTRY 9336 Panama Ave Ypsilanti MI 48198 . A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 8/10/2001 License Suspended Fine Imposed 6 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Britt Derrick T MEDICINE 2/15/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 3/14/2001 License Suspended DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 Fine Imposed 265 Capital Avenue Ne Battle Creek MI 49017 Brock Kenneth Ola 922 Craft Avenue Kalamazoo MI 49048 Brockriede Roland C 1081 Creekwood Trail Licensee Reprimanded Burton MI 48509 Brown Scott Martin PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANTS 3/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 3/28/2001 License Limited/Restricted MEDICINE 5/25/2001 License Limited/Restricted 3871 Yorkland Dr Nw Apt Comstock Park MI 49321 Burton Memie C 10214 North 44th Street Phoenix AZ 85028 Butler Leon E 3630 Orchard Lake Road Licensee Placed on Probation West Bloomfield MI 48324 Carlini Phillip Frank CHIROPRACTIC 9/21/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation CHIROPRACTIC 1/18/2001 License Suspended 29930 W 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills MI 48334 DSC/BD Vacated Order Carpenter Kelly Lynn NURSING 4714 Monterey 10/1/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Clarkston MI 48348 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 7 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Carter Charlie M EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 12/20/2001 License Denied NURSING 6/13/2001 License Suspended NURSING 9/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/2/2001 Fine Imposed 2155 E Eden Ct Ann Arbor MI 48108 Carter Michael 771 Ave A#3-C Battle Creek MI 49015 Castanier Bernadette M 4609 Stonegateway Corpus Christi TX 78411 Chandler Jerry J 2410 S Pennsylvania Ave Licensee Reprimanded Lansing MI 48910 Chapman Marie Lynn NURSING 5/2/2001 Complaint Dismissed/Withdrawn DENTISTRY 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2145 S Lake Pleasant Rd Attica MP 48412 Chari Sathish B 6520 North 7th Ave Ste 2 Phoenix AZ 850131102 Chatfield Robert H Laboratory Dept Summary Suspension Dissolved Bay City MI 48708 Chattman Martin S MEDICINE 5/16/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 3/20/2001 License Limited/Restricted Po Box 2398 Carefree AZ 85377 Chiari Michael Joseph 2010 Burns St Licensee Placed on Probation Ypsilanti MI 481974412 Fine Imposed A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 8 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Chimelak Julie Kay NURSING 1/24/2001 License Suspended NURSING 2/15/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 20287 Nicol Creek Dr Macomb MI 480445745 Christensen Penelope L 1517 YoungmanRd Fine Imposed Trufant MI 49347 Licensee Reprimanded Clark Steven S EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 5/22/2001 Fine Imposed EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 10/1/2001 License Revoked OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 8/10/2001 License Denied NURSING 9/27/2001 License Suspended EMS PERSONNEL 11 /19/2001 License Revoked MEDICINE 9/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANTS 10/3/2001 Reinstatement Denied 6818 Green Meadow Dr Saginaw MI 48603 Clements Renee E 2208 Woodview #291 Ypsilanti MI 48198 Coates Shirley 1349 Devonshire Street Grosse Pointe Park MI 48230 Coccia Joseph W Box 56 Garden MI 49835 Coleman Faith A 15522 Lakeside Dr BullardTX 75757 Colson Henry B 1216 Josephine Ct Monroe MI 48161 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 9 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Conant Scott Henry MEDICINE 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 5/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1694 Hazelwood Dr Sobieski WI 54171 Cook Deborrah Ann Fine Imposed 510 Cliffs Dr #205c Ypsilanti MI 48198 Cook Heather Le NURSING 6/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/6/2001 License Limited/Restricted 3758 Oakshire Berkley MI 48072 Cooper Jerome W 23625 Northwestern Hwy Fine Imposed Southfield MI 48075 Cornish Gregory A OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 10/15/2001 193 Benzie Blvd Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Beulah MI 49617 Cowley Beverly J NURSING 7/6/2001 2495 W Beeler Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Lake City MI 49651 Cox William L MEDICINE 9/19/2001 5677 Oakman Blvd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48204 Crane Karen Lee NURSING 6/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 9/27/2001 License Suspended 5124 W Alexis Sylvania OH 435600000 Crosier Saundra Kaye 1460 Burke Ave Ne Grand Rapids MI 49505 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 10 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Crowder David Edward PHARMACY 3/16/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 2/13/2001 License Suspended 215 Sunset Dr Clinton MI 49236 Curtis Carmen Beverly 17 N 5th St Apt 1 Summary Suspension Dissolved Niles MI 49120 Cynar Marsha Jean NURSING 9/27/2001 29314 Cambridge License Suspended Fine Imposed Flat Rock MI 48134 Dabish Widad Jarjis PHARMACY 11/19/2001 431 Dutchmill Court License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Flushing MI 48433 Daiber Robert Raymond MEDICINE 4/11/2001 License Suspended PHARMACY 7/12/2001 License Suspended 514 Woodpointe Dr Woodville OH 43469 Danaher Ken 205 1/2 S Michigan Ave Licensee Placed on Probation Big Rapids MI 49307 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Daniels Michelle Renee NURSING 4/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 7609 Witling Blvd Fine Imposed Roanoke IN 46783 Licensee Reprimanded Daniels Thomas Joseph PHARMACY 1721 E Jackson Blvd 2/14/2001 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Elkhart IN 465164401 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 11 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Davis Gisele M NURSING 5/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 8/28/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 1/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 604 W 3rd Ave Flint MI 48503 Davis Lavinia L Po Box 4084 Saginaw MI 486064084 Dayoub Nael Latif 124 W Main St Fine Imposed Fayette OH 43521 Licensee Reprimanded Deller Paulinda M NURSING 6/13/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 11/21/2001 License Suspended NURSING 9/19/2001 License Suspended 36697 W Seven Mile Livonia MI 48152 Deluca Denise Geraldine 1592 Polonia Park Place Denny Joyce Marie 208 N Lincoln License Limited/Restricted Battle Creek MI 49015 Denofre Mary Kay Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 6/13/2001 232 W Water Street Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Negaunee MI 49866 Denton Lee Gordon PHARMACY 7/12/2001 58640 Mill Street License Suspended Fine Imposed Cassopolis MI 49031 Dicks Lisa Delynn NURSING 511 Echo Court 6/13/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Saline MI 48176 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 12 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Dickson Scott J NURSING 2/22/2001 License Suspended NURSING 11/7/2001 License Limited/Restricted 101 Mill St Hancock MI 499301917 Dilag-Boling Leah N Licensee Placed on Probation 3821 Herrick Flint MI 48532 Dillenbeck Joseph Ray NURSING 7/11/2001 1007 Short Rd Apt 2 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Kalamazoo MI 490081130 Dils Kathleen Ann NURSING 7/6/2001 13313 Wurtsboro Dr License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Holland MI 49424 Dingankar Hrishikesh S MEDICINE 11/30/2001 Detroit Medical Center License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 48201 Dorais Neita Irene NURSING 11/7/2001 16025 10th Ave Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Remus MI 49340 Dorsette Anna NURSING 11/21/2001 Po Box 1271 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Warren MI 48090 Downtown Drugs PHARMACY 2/14/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 121 E Broadway Fine Imposed Mt Pleasant MI 48858 Licensee Reprimanded Draper Bryant D MEDICINE 30 Newport Parkway 5/16/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Jersey City NJ 07310 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 13 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Dressier Brian Scott PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY ACTION DATE 3/12/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 408 North Crooks Rd Fine Imposed Clawson MI 48017 Licensee Reprimanded Du Ping PHARMACY 2/13/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 8/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 13335 15 Mile Road Sterling Heights MI 48312 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Duckworth Derek Edward PHARMACY 3/2/2001 License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved 2545 Point Pleasant Way Toledo OH 43611 Duguid Nelia C NURSING 11/7/2001 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 655 W Romeo Rd Oakland KlI 483631439 Durand Jaime Palacios MEDICINE 8/15/2001 License Suspended Fine Imposed Cod 699 Miami FL 33126 Dutton Robert A PSYCHOLOGY 3/26/2001 Reinstatement Denied DENTISTRY 6/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 3526 Holland Park Lane Port Huron MI 48060 Eagan John P 19012 Muirland Fine Imposed Detroit MI 48221 Licensee Reprimanded Efros Howard W PHARMACY 5390 S Piccadilly Circle 10/17/2001 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded West Bloomfield MI 48322 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 14 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Eichmeier James F PHARMACY ACTION DATE 7/30/2001 PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 2934 Mt Hope Rd #208 Okemos MI 48864 Eid Hanna Abdallah PHARMACY 7/16/2001 Licensee Reprimanded OPTOMETRY 5/2/2001 Fine Imposed 46232 Winston Court Shelby Township MI 48315 Ekholm Douglas Jack 2200 Coolige Ct Ste 10 Licensee Reprimanded East Lansing MI 48823 OPTOMETRY 5/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Engstrom Kathleen Ann PHARMACY 9/12/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 1/23/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 5742 Cherry Blossom Dr Traverse City MI 49684 Engwall Mary Jo 8548 Lyman Rd Fine Imposed Kaleva MI 496459717 Licensee Reprimanded Erickson Keith Gerard NURSING 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 6/1/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation CHIROPRACTIC 1/9/2001 License Suspended 12727 Kingston Huntington Woods MI 48070 Estime Rodrigue 28048 Pierce Southfield MI 48076 Everman Keith Michael 642 Apelehama Place Summary Suspension Dissolved Diamondhead MS 39525 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 15 4/4/2002 LICENSEE Falquet Marie L DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 BOARD NURSING ACTION DATE 5/9/2001 99 N Plains Rd PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation Summary Suspension Dissolved The Plains OH 457801016 Fanders Barry Lee MEDICINE 4/3/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Radiology Dept Fine Imposed Omaha NE 68122 Licensee Reprimanded Farhat Gary E MEDICINE 2/14/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 12/12/2001 License Suspended Foote Health Center Jackson MI 49201 Farhat Kelly Ann 1955 Hollow Brook Dr Summary Suspension Dissolved Holt MI 48842 Farmer Jack Pharmacy #660 PHARMACY 4/24/2001 8000 W Outer Drive Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Detroit N-fl 48235 Farrer Shelly Ann DENTISTRY 9/11/2001 License Denied PHARMACY 4/24/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHYSICAL THERAPY 11/8/2001 License Suspended 4416 East Coldwater Road Flint MI 48506 Faust Lee E 3825 Egan Saginaw MI 48601 Fazal Muhammad Azim-Ul 30717 Delton St Licensee Placed on Probation Madison Heights MI 480712109 Ferguson Edward B OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Po Box 99 8/10/2001 License Suspended Fine Imposed Oshtemo MI 49077 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 16 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Ferrell Spencer Octavius NURSING ACTION DATE 7/26/2001 5763 Pennsylvania St PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 48213 Fields Charlie W OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 10/4/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 4/25/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 8844 Joy Rd Detroit MI 48204 Fife Maria Theresa 251 Moran Fine Imposed Grosse Pointe Farms MI 48236 Licensee Reprimanded Fifelski Kenneth PHARMACY 4/11/2001 Po Box 622 Licensee Placed on Probation Bellaire MI 49615 Fisher Mary Kelso License Suspended Fine Imposed DENTISTRY 6/5/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 3174 Mojningview Ter Fine Imposed Bloomfield MI 48301 Licensee Reprimanded Fitzgerald Marilyn A PSYCHOLOGY 9/21/2001 7753 East Shore Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Traverse City MI 49686 Fitzgerald Maureen Pieper DENTISTRY 8/16/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1600 Dicken Dr Fine Imposed Ann Arbor MI 48103 Licensee Reprimanded Floyd Thomas Parker OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 6/19/2001 3890 Mayfield Ne Apt 2d License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Grand Rapids MI 49525 Follbaum Vickie Lynn NURSING 4/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 23226 Wilson Fine Imposed Dearborn MI 481280000 Community Service A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 17 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Forche Jennifer Roth PSYCHOLOGY 3/15/2001 Complaint Dismissed/Withdrawn NURSING 2/22/2001 License Limited/Restricted 2477 Kingsbury Dr Troy MI 48098 Foreman Tisha Rhyna 1009 1/2 Ionia Licensee Placed on Probation Lansing MI 48915 Foreman Willa Jean NURSING 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 4/4/2001 Restitution NURSING 3/22/2001 License Limited/Restricted 723 W Shiawassee Apt #1 Lansing MI 489150000 Freeman Aaron Blane 924 - 4th Ave Lake Odessa MI 48849 Gagnon Annette Julie 136 Cambridge Place #26 Gamble Sybil Ann Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 4/19/2001 796 Loveland Rd License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Adrian MI 492211459 Gard Lois L PHARMACY 8/15/2001 Licensee Reprimanded MEDICINE 4/3/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2165 Remington Way Ne Grand Rapids MI 495057146 Gardner Glenn Pierce 43391 Commons Fine Imposed Clinton Township MI 48038 Licensee Reprimanded Garrison Cindy Lou VETERINARY MEDICINE 2233 E Stoll Rd 5/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Lansing MI 48906 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 18 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Garritano Stacey Lee NURSING ACTION DATE 9/19/2001 27135 CorwinSt PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Dowagiac MI 49047 Gates Thomas P PHARMACY 12/19/2001 2927 S M-30 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved West Branch MI 48661 Gehly Robert L CHIROPRACTIC 9/18/2001 1145 Ecorse Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Ypsilanti MI 481980709 Gilbert Joann Marie NURSING 4/12/2001 234 N Walker St License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Bronson MI 49028 Gillis Marc D NURSING 7/26/2001 549 26th Street License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved 1 Gladstone MI 498372324 NURSING 11/21/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Gilyard Gary MEDICINE 10/17/2001 Hutzel Health Center Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Warren MI 48092 Ginsberg Steven J VETERINARY MEDICINE 8/23/2001 License Suspended 6044 Gull Rd Licensee Placed on Probation Kalamazoo MI 49004 Fine Imposed Glabach Dale PSYCHOLOGY 11/19/2001 DSC/BD Action Appealed in Court 24681 Parklawn Oak Park MI 48237 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 19 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Godsell-Stytz Gayl Marie OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY ACTION DATE 4/9/2001 PENALTY License Suspended 699 Brookmeade Ct Fine Imposed Beavercreek OH 45434 Summary Suspension Dissolved Goldstein Alvin Bernard PHARMACY 7/12/2001 Reinstatement Denied NURSING 3/21/2001 License Limited/Restricted 30734 Tanglewood Dr Novi MI 48377 Gonzalez Elizabeth Jean 31927 Hennepin Licensee Placed on Probation Garden City MI 48135 Gordy Patricia Ann NURSING 7/6/2001 12027 Ashton License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48228 Gouin Michelle M NURSING 6/13/2001 14 Les Springs Dr License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Sedona A1 863365964 Grafton Robert Cormack MEDICINE 11/11/2001 10387 HoganRd Fine Imposed Swartz Creek MI 48473 Graham Robert L Licensee Reprimanded CHIROPRACTIC 8/16/2001 3901 Chicago Dr Sw Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Grandville MI 494181383 Graves-Hill Geraldine H Brown Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 3/14/2001 591 Chalmers License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48215 Greco Delia Louise NURSING 6/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 204 S Cass Berrien Springs MI 49103 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 20 4/4/2002 LICENSEE Greene Lashica R DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY NURSING 7/26/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 4/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1300 W Yale Ave Flint MI 485051331 Greenfield Medical Pharmacy 6050 Greenfield Fine Imposed Dearborn MI 48126 Licensee Reprimanded Greenspan Elliott I OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/2/2001 Fine Imposed Elliott I Greenspan Do Pc Plymouth MI 48170 Greer Tonya R NURSING 2/13/2001 24687 Martha Washington License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Southfield MI 48075 Gregor Michael John DENTISTRY 7/30/2001 The Smile Inn Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Wakefield MI 49968 Gregory Rebecca Lynn NURSING 9/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 6/20/2001 Fine Imposed 27848 Woodmont Roseville MI 48066 Gueramy Manoucher 4011 Orchard Ste4014 Licensee Reprimanded Midland MI 48640 Guest Betty Jane NURSING 2/22/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 4/12/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered 5701 M 18 Beaverton MI 486129114 Hackley Gwendolyn M 1524 N Westnedge DSC/BD Vacated Order Kalamazoo MI 49007 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 21 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Hadd Terry S PHARMACY ACTION DATE 3/2/2001 5830 Cedar Lake Rd PENALTY License Suspended Fine Imposed Gladwin MI 486249292 Haines Philip C MEDICINE 1/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/6/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 4550 Cascade Rd Se Grand Rapids MI 49546 Halben Stephen W Fine Imposed 110W. Lexington #25 Davison MI 48423 Hale Laurel Anne NURSING 9/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 1/24/2001 License Suspended 325 Mahan Charlotte MI 48813 Haley Steven Ray 8180 Bailey Dr Se Summary Suspension Dissolved Ada MI 49301 Hall Karel E NURSING 7/6/2001 06268 59th St License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Grand Junction MI 49056 Hamby Deborah Diane MEDICINE 3/29/2001 Fine Imposed NURSING 2/13/2001 Reclassification Denied MEDICINE 2/14/2001 Fine Imposed 29751 Little Mack Ste B Roseville MI 48066 Hamlin Robert Frederick 2507 Macarthur Muskegon MI 49442 Hamm Jeffrey C 915 Middle River Dr Fort Lauderdale FL 33304 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 22 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE LICENSEE BOARD Hamstra Ruth E EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 5/22/2001 EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 3/20/2001 PENALTY License Suspended 1318 Sheehan Ann Arbor MI 48104 Hardy James T Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Child & Family Svcs Nw Traverse City MI 49684 Harms Lori L VETERINARY MEDICINE 8/23/2001 9457 24th Rd Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Rapid River MI 49878 Hartop Nick Francis CHIROPRACTIC 1/9/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 30317 Manse Drive Fine Imposed Harrison Township MI 48045 Licensee Reprimanded Hasnain Ghulam PHYSICAL THERAPY 3/9/2001 4533 Borland St License Suspended Fine Imposed West Blodmfield MI 48034 Hatch Kathryn L PHARMACY 8/22/2001 7250 Park Lake Dr Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Dexter MI 48130 Haufe James B PSYCHOLOGY 9/13/2001 License Suspended NURSING 7/26/2001 Fine Imposed 6190 Fox Glen Dr#162 Saginaw MI 48603 Hayes John Michael 14016 Pembrooke Cir Licensee Reprimanded South Lyon MI 48178 Hedgecorth Julia Anne Summary Suspension Dissolved MEDICINE 15175 E Michigan Ave 12/12/2001 License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Albion MI 49224 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 23 4/4/2002 LICENSEE Hendricks Alexis Maria DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 BOARD NURSING ACTION DATE 11/21/2001 10439 Curtis PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48235 Hendricks Jeffrey Phillip MEDICINE 12/12/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 13 Counts Cv Fine Imposed Holland MI 494242592 Licensee Reprimanded Henk Andrew EMS PERSONNEL 8/17/2001 License Limited/Restricted NURSING 11 /7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 28912 Cambridge Garden City MI 48135 Henson Lynelle 2812 Winter Summary Suspension Dissolved Troy MI 48083 Heyn Anne Maureen DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 1420 Pettibone Lake Rd License Suspended Fine Imposed Highland'Ml 48356 Hice Richard Owen NURSING 4/12/2001 Probation Extended NURSING 12/20/2001 License Limited/Restricted 11362 East Shore Dr Delton MI 49046 Hicks T J 223 St. Louis Street Licensee Placed on Probation Femdale MI 48220 Hightower Marty Jean NURSING 5/2/2001 18455 Santa Barbara License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48221 Higuera J Gilberto MEDICINE 940 Cranbrook Rd 9/19/2001 License Revoked Fine Imposed Bloomfield Hills MI 48304 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 24 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Hill Christine Gail NURSING 2/13/2001 Reinstatement Denied COUNSELORS 2/16/2001 License Suspended NURSING 9/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2621 Davison Rd Flint MI 48505 Hill David James 85 W Midland Road Auburn MI 48611 Hill Ruth Ellen 210 Oak St Fine Imposed Dowagiac MI 49047 Licensee Reprimanded Summary Suspension Dissolved Hine Norman Herbert DENTISTRY 7/6/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 6/28/2001 Licensee Reprimanded CHIROPRACTIC 8/10/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 7/23/2001 Fine Imposed 2621 Hillview Lane Saint Joseph MI 49085 Hoang James Tran Quoc 9707 Easf Light Dr Silver Spring MD 20903 Hofmann John A 18867 Circle Lane North Southgate MI 48195 Hogan Frederick A We Care Family Practice Community Service Lansing MI 48910 Holland David MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPIST 151 S Rose StSte 605 8/6/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Kalamazoo MI 490074716 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 25 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Holland David PSYCHOLOGY 11/30/2001 License Suspended MEDICINE 1/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 151 S Rose St Ste 605 Kalamazoo MI 490074716 Holloway Daniel Licensee Reprimanded 2399 Rue Duvernay #101 Hopkins Danial MEDICINE 7/18/2001 225 Gardenia License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Royal Oak MI 48067 Horton Darlene Linnea NURSING 7/6/2001 Reinstatement Denied MEDICINE 4/3/2001 Reinstatement Denied NURSING 2/16/2001 Fine Imposed 20624 Balfour #3 Harper Woods MI 48225 Horvath Julius 36354 Union Lake Rd #202 Harrison Township MI 48045 Hoskins Carol D 5089 Russell Rd Licensee Reprimanded Cedar Springs MI 49319 Hubbard Sharon Yvonne PHARMACY 7/12/2001 License Suspended 18115 Indiana Street Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48221 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Huckaby Gail Marie PHARMACY 5/22/2001 Licensee Reprimanded Po Box 62 Davisburg MI 48350 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 26 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Hughes Tarri Dayle NURSING ACTION DATE 7/26/2001 12155 Ray Rd PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Ortonville MI 48462 Humenny Vera V NURSING 3/9/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1176 Argyle Rd Fine Imposed Canada Licensee Reprimanded Hund Brian Francis PHARMACY 4/11/2001 34578 Fontana Drive Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Sterling Heights MI 48312 Hurst Christopher Michael VETERINARY MEDICINE 5/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 7/6/2001 License Limited/Restricted 5647 Hillsboro Davisburg MI 48350 Hussey Barbara Lynn 1702 Rosewood Licensee Placed on Probation Grand Rapids MI 49506 Hutchins Catherine Dianne NURSING 12/12/2001 License Limited/Restricted 509 E North St Licensee Placed on Probation Tekonsha MI 49092 Fine Imposed Imalele Samson U PHARMACY 4/24/2001 14402 Forrer License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48227 Isaac Lajuana Cheryl DENTISTRY 12/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 690 De Sota Place Fine Imposed Pontiac MI 48342 Community Service Summary Suspension Dissolved A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 27 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Isaacs Eli M MEDICINE ACTION DATE 3/28/2001 25779 Kelly Rd Ste A PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Reprimanded Roseville MI 48066 Ismailoglu Ali MEDICINE 6/20/2001 1440 S Ocean Blvd Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded Pompano Beach FL 33062 Istanbooly Faye Fatina MEDICINE 9/19/2001 Fine Imposed PHARMACY 7/12/2001 Reinstatement Denied NURSING 11/7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 401 EscandonAve Olmito TX 78575 Ivey Michael S 172 Pond Rd Iron River MI 49935 Jackson Luan K 1256 Briarhill Dr Fine Imposed Lapeer MI 48446 James Lisa Dalphine NURSING 3/26/2001 620 Sherbourne St License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Inkster MI 481411237 Jantz Marylou NURSING 3/14/2001 2835 Somerset Blvd License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Troy MI 48084 Jarosch Tamara Sue NURSING 12/12/2001 704 Kommer Ct Nw License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Grand Rapids MI 49504 Johnson Diane Lee NURSING 5326 4oth Ave 9/27/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Hudsonville MI 494268402 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 28 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Johnson Fred Lee PSYCHOLOGY ACTION DATE 12/18/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed 5913 Partridge Ln Midland MI 48640 Johnson Kathleen Denise NURSING 1/4/2001 Fine Imposed 5800 Park Rd Eau Claire MI 49111 Johnson Maxwell Kenneth Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded MEDICINE 7/6/2001 11811 Hope Lane Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Tampa FL 33618 Johnson Robert S DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 License Revoked NURSING 5/9/2001 License Suspended 72551 GreenbriarLn Palm Desert CA 92260 Johnson-Woods Linda Ruth 18696 Conley Street Detroit Nil 48234 Jones Carol Sue PSYCHOLOGY 11/15/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 200 Turwill Lane Kalamazoo MI 49006 Jones Patricia Yvonne NURSING 8/6/2001 3004 Sanford St License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Muskegon Hts MI 49444 Joysey Roxanne Draheim DENTISTRY 6/26/2001 1372 Ludean Fine Imposed Highland MI 483561168 Kacic Stacey Lynn Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 208 Mills Rd Saline MI 48176 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 5/30/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 29 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Kapitzke Dale M NURSING ACTION DATE 6/20/2001 108 Parklane PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Beaverton MI 48612 Karkosak John J OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/6/2001 Fine Imposed MEDICINE 7/25/2001 License Suspended 337 A State St BoyneCity MI 49712 Kartaginer Jack 22760 Kenwyck Fine Imposed Southfield MI 48034 Kassab Basel T PHARMACY 3/21/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 3254 Grayson St Fine Imposed Femdale MI 482201074 Licensee Reprimanded Katz Garry A PHARMACY 11/26/2001 DSC/BD Action Appealed in Court CHIROPRACTIC 9/21/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation CHIROPRACTIC 1/18/2001 License Suspended 5076 Forest View Ct Brighton-Mi 48116 Kay Richard A 11660 13 Mile Rd Warren MI 48093 DSC/BD Vacated Order Kazma Robert M CHIROPRACTIC 8/10/2001 Po Box 36297 License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Grosse Pointe Farms MI 48236 Keogh Kevin OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/6/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 22250 Harsdale Farmington Hills MI 483355441 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 30 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Kepich Christine Frances DENTISTRY ACTION DATE 5/2/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 365 Arbor Pine Dr Fine Imposed Ortonville MI 484628596 Licensee Reprimanded Kern William J OPTOMETRY 4/19/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 4/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1451 Sodon Lake Drive Bloomfield Hills MI 48302 Kessel #424 946 N Euclid Fine Imposed Bay City MI 48706 Licensee Reprimanded King John Victor DENTISTRY 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 8/1/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered PHARMACY 4/27/2001 15725 E Warren Ave Detroit MI 48224 King-Penney Evelyn R 2149 Huntsford Rd Jacksonville FL 32207 Kirby SheroyI M 13041 Mohney Lake Rd Fine Imposed Three Rivers MI 49093 Kloker Karen Elizabeth Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 6/20/2001 42593 Capitol Dr License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Novi MI 48375 Kmart Of Michigan Inc PHARMACY 1/4/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 1179 32nd Street Port Huron MI 48060 Koelsch William P VETERINARY MEDICINE 3/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 5890 N Huron RdM-13 Fine Imposed Pinconning MI 48650 Licensee Reprimanded A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 31 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Kokoszki Paul D NURSING 7/26/2001 License Suspended NURSING 7/10/2001 License Suspended NURSING 9/27/2001 License Suspended 1775 Biarritz Dr Miami Beach FL 331414725 Korstanje Raymond P 1360 Blue Heron Rd Whitmore Lake MI 48189 Kosier Tamra Jo 1208 Pulaski St Summary Suspension Dissolved Lansing MI 489100000 Kotila Gary J CHIROPRACTIC 8/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 8/6/2001 License Suspended Kotila Chiro Life Center Farmington Hills MI 483365934 Koutsimbas Virginia M 15630 East Cactus Drive Fountain Hills AZ 85260 Kowalski Candace Po Box 223 1011 Spruce Summary Suspension Dissolved Rogers City MI 49779 Kozin Walter John DENTISTRY 6/4/2001 22327 Gordon Fine Imposed Saint Clair Shores MI 48081 Krieg James R Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 12/4/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 1/16/2001 Fine Imposed Cvs#8098 Saginaw MI 48602 Kunz James J 324 Superior Ave Licensee Reprimanded Crystal Falls MI 49920 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 32 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Labelle Garry J NURSING 7/6/2001 Reinstatement Denied PHARMACY 4/3/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 11717 E M-46 Riverdale MI 48877 Lam Yin Kwan A 705 Skynob Ct Fine Imposed Ann Arbor MI 48105 Licensee Reprimanded Latham Andre' Johnson NURSING 8/6/2001 License Suspended OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/2/2001 Fine Imposed Po Box 430344 Pontiac MI 48342 Latus Thomas A 11496 74th Ave N Licensee Reprimanded Seminole FL 33772 Lazar Calvin S PHARMACY 4/24/2001 Reinstatement Denied 1287 Kra-Nur Burton Ml 48509 Leavell Denise NURSING 3/2/2001 600 River Place #6606 License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 482075048 Lee William James MEDICINE 7/25/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 3/28/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 828 Hidden Valley Dr Watertown SD 572015457 Levanovich Peter Eric Fine Imposed 560 West Mitchell St Petoskey MI 49770 Levine Stanley B CHIROPRACTIC 3/27/2001 License Suspended 31390 Northwestern Hwy Farmington Hills MI 483342561 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 33 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Liberty Discount Drugs Inc PHARMACY ACTION DATE 3/2/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed 4802 West Vernor Detroit MI 48209 Lindner Steven J VETERINARY MEDICINE 5/17/2001 Fine Imposed NURSING 7/23/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 7000 Highland Rd Waterford MI 48327 Lockhart Katherine Marie Fine Imposed 1410 S Wenona Bay City MI 48706 Loder Brian George PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 1/5/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 42550 Garfield St 103 Fine Imposed Clinton Township MI 48038 Licensee Reprimanded Love Virginia M MEDICINE 8/17/2001 361 Greentree Lane Ne License Suspended Fine Imposed Ada MI 49301 Lucas Catherine NURSING 3/22/2001 1782 Jeanne St License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Holt MI 48842 Lucas Phyllis M NURSING 5/2/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 11/7/2001 Fine Imposed 287 Glen Eagle Circle Naples FL 34104 Lusk Jennifer M 27986 Gaines Mill Way Licensee Reprimanded Farmington Hills MI 48331 Luster Marilyn Jene Summary Suspension Dissolved PHARMACY 3284 Windland Dr Flint MI 48504 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 9/4/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 34 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Lynn Ula May NURSING ACTION DATE 10/8/2001 825 Chatham Dr PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Flint MI 48505 Lyons Charles John CHIROPRACTIC 8/17/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 30201 Dequindre Fine Imposed Madison Heights MI 48071 Licensee Reprimanded Mabie Mary Elizabeth NURSING 12/6/2001 4421 Dansville Rd East License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Webberville MI 48892 Mack Michael D NURSING 10/1/2001 51124 Maria License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation New Baltimore MI 48047 Maczewski Pauline NURSING 2/12/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1357 Sunningdale Dr Fine Imposed Grosse Pte Wds MI 48236 Licensee Reprimanded Malviya Vinay Kumar MEDICINE 11/11/2001 Fine Imposed 5/2/2001 Fine Imposed 4610 Cimarrom Bloomfield Hills MI 48303 Maness Bernard R OPTOMETRY 15877 Harden Cir Licensee Reprimanded Southfield MI 48075 Manninen Sharon K NURSING 7/26/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 10/9/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 1001 Summit Hancock MI 49930 Margolin-Simons Nancy 23800 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills MI 48336 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 35 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Mariano Myrna Ruth NURSING ACTION DATE 2/22/2001 27482 Mill Creek St PENALTY License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Brownstown MI 48183 Matteson Linda Susan NURSING 4/12/2001 2940 Colonial Way License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Bloomfield His MI 480130000 Mayberry Marie Victoria PSYCHOLOGY 3/26/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation EMS PERSONNEL 5/22/2001 License Suspended MEDICINE 11/14/2001 Fine Imposed 20625 Winchester Southfield MI 48076 Mayes Eileen M 1975 Phillips Holt MI 48842 Mayor David Lee 11365 - 77th St Licensee Reprimanded Burr Ridge IL 60525 Mc Carthy William L PHARMACY 2/14/2001 Licensee Reprimanded DENTISTRY 6/1/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1050 E Maple St Mount Pleasant MI 488582833 Mc Donald F David 8091 Commerce Rd Fine Imposed Commerce Township MI 48382 Licensee Reprimanded Mc Gillicuddy James E MEDICINE 3/28/2001 901 East Mt Hope Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Lansing MI 48910 Mc Intosh Sharon C NURSING 8520 Hix Dr#104 4/19/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Westland MI 48185 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 36 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Mc Intyre Susan D NURSING ACTION DATE 4/19/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 2355 Whispering Hills Ct Fine Imposed Washington MI 480940000 Licensee Reprimanded Mc Lachlan Cynthia Ann NURSING 7/6/2001 677 Pine St #14 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Edmore MI 48829 Mc Math Pamela Lynn NURSING 10/1/2001 13119 Argyle License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Southgate MI 48195 Mccann Amber Leigh NURSING 4/12/2001 CHIROPRACTIC 8/10/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1821 W Grand River Ave Okemos MI 488645809 Meluch George R 1640 Haslett Road License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Haslett Ml 48840 Meri Basem OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 5/18/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 10398 Cony Avenue Fine Imposed Yuma AZ 853657283 Summary Suspension Dissolved Merriweather Shanell E NURSING 8/30/2001 1020 Bates Se License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Grand Rapids MI 49506 Midgett Phyllis K NURSING 7/26/2001 519 E Oakridge Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Ferndale MI 48220 Milan Marsha Jo DENTISTRY 10/24/2001 License Suspended 1549 Surrey Lane Rochester Hills MI 48306 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 37 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Miller Kimberlee K DENTISTRY 4/17/2001 Reinstatement Denied DENTISTRY 4/23/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 6185 HerknerRoad Traverse City MI 49684 Mintz Gail Zicholtz 5394 Claridge Ln Fine Imposed West Bloomfield MI 48322 Licensee Reprimanded Moffitt-Soule Cynthia Lyn NURSING 1/11/2001 155 Hollis License Limited/Restrictecl Licensee Placed on Probation Jackson MI 49203 Mohrhardt Debra Ann NURSING 9/27/2001 14982 Leonard Rd License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Spring Lake MI 49456 Molitz Howard MEDICINE 3/28/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered PHARMACY 6/27/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2220 Avenue Of The Stars Los Angefes CA 90067 Moncznik Perry 28754 Kirkside Fine Imposed Farmington Hills MI 48334 Monteith David L Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 4/11/2001 Licensee Reprimanded MEDICINE 7/25/2001 Reinstatement Denied CHIROPRACTIC 11/30/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 500 Julia Chesaning MI 48616 Moran Thomas F 2 Overlook Rd White Plains NY 10605 Moree Daphne Ann 13580 Lulu Rd Ida MI 48140 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 38 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Morey Deborah J NURSING 4/12/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 7/30/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 436 N State St Ionia MI 48846 Morris Harry G Fine Imposed 520 N Telegraph Licensee Reprimanded Dearborn MI 48128 Mostafa Barbara Ann NURSING 5/2/2001 7720 Kentucky Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded Dearborn MI 48121 Mullozzi Anthony D PSYCHOLOGY 6/1/2001 License Revoked Route 2 Box 93-A Iron River WI 54847 Munson Kevin Dwayne DENTISTRY 4/17/2001 5108 Shor Lane License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Flint Twp*MI 48504 Muro Phyllis Dawn NURSING 3/26/2001 30461 Concord Ct Apt D License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Roseville MI 48066 Nara David Alan MEDICINE 4/11/2001 361 MedoraSt License Suspended Fine Imposed Summary Suspension Dissolved Nedock Frank W DENTISTRY 4/17/2001 License Suspended 1275 Woodward Ste 100 Fine Imposed Bloomfield Hills MI 48302 Summary Suspension Dissolved Nelkie Karen A NURSING 556 Lakewood Dr 7/6/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation East Tawas MI 48730 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 39 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Nelson-Hall Towana M NURSING ACTION DATE 9/19/2001 PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved 18620 Monica Detroit MI 48221 Newman Kimberly Anne NURSING 6/20/2001 Reclassification Denied PHARMACY 4/4/2001 Licensee Reprimanded OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/17/2001 1998 Columbia Berkley MI 48072 Nichols Glen E 1423 Eden Gardens Drive Fenton MI 48430 Niedbalski Robert P Licensee Placed on Probation 260 Sw Edgewood Ct Fine Imposed Issaquah WA 98027 Licensee Reprimanded Niewojt Cynthia A PHARMACY 7/12/2001 31424 Hoover Rd License Suspended Fine Imposed Warren MI 480931720 Noel Brenda Rose NURSING 8/6/2001 License Suspended MEDICINE 8/15/2001 Licensee Reprimanded CHIROPRACTIC 8/29/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 6701 Del Rey Ave #267 Las Vegas NV 89146 Nomicos Nicholas Eugene 242 Hidden Cove Coldwater MI 49036 Norris Anna R 6749 S Westnedge Ave Fine Imposed Portage MI 49002 Licensee Reprimanded Nowak Lu Ann NURSING 2267 Shoreline Dr Brighton MI 48114 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 1/4/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 40 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Nuyen Laura Lee NURSING ACTION DATE 8/6/2001 PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved 165 W Fourth St Constantine MI 49042 Olivier Linda Marie NURSING 11/21/2001 MEDICINE 5/1/2001 MEDICINE 11/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2936 S Deerfield Ave Lansing MI 489111757 Orengo Osvaldo Fine Imposed 111 W 6th St Clare MI 48617 Orowe Stanislaus Joseph License Suspended 19429 Woodston Dr Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48203 Fine Imposed Summary Suspension Dissolved Page Colleen Louise NURSING 6/13/2001 4805 Shooks Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Wolverine MI 49799 Papp John P MEDICINE 7/18/2001 6735 Cascade Rd Se Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Grand Rapids MI 49546 Parker Larina Janet NURSING 2/13/2001 303 N Lindsey Rd Lot T-10 Fine Imposed Mesa AZ 852130000 Parks Charles E Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 7625 Gleneagle Dr 7/16/2001 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Kalamazoo MI 49001 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 41 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Pastori Heidi NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1030 Shonat St Muskegon MI 49442 Patel Arvind S Fine Imposed Jefferson Med Indst Clin Detroit MI 48207 Patten Richard Bryan PHARMACY 3/14/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1405 Truman Ave Apt #3 Fine Imposed Key West FL 33040 Licensee Reprimanded Paul Francis F MEDICINE 10/24/2001 1554 E Harbour Towne Cir License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Muskegon MI 494416407 Payne Susan Germaine NURSING 9/19/2001 27147 Belanger St License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Rose ville^vll 480662752 Pearce Kristin L NURSING 11/21/2001 Reinstatement Denied MEDICINE 2/14/2001 License Suspended 422 W William St #2 Ann Arbor MI 48103 Pearson David Arthur 1577 Little Lake Dr Licensee Placed on Probation Park City UT 84098 Perry Lori Ellen NURSING 2/16/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 9760 Fish Lake Rd Fine Imposed Holly MI 484429195 Licensee Reprimanded Peshka David K MEDICINE 61 N St Joseph St 3/26/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Licensee Reprimanded Niles MI 49120 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 42 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Peters Michael Mark NURSING 2/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 1/22/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 1/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 8060 Longworth Holland OH 435280000 Peterson Patrick Edward 310 Blue Earth Dr Harrisburg IL 62946 Pham Theresa R 104 Courie Way Fine Imposed Jacksonville NC 28540 Licensee Reprimanded Platz Christopher G VETERINARY MEDICINE 12/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 15310 Mack Grosse Pointe Park MI 48230 Playter Donald J NURSING 7/6/2001 4030 Fountain Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Ludingtorf MI 49431 Polzin Roderick Francis NURSING 12/6/2001 1193 Lexington Pkwy License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Ypsilanti MI 48198 Ponce Fernando CHIROPRACTIC 1/18/2001 License Suspended PSYCHOLOGY 3/15/2001 Fine Imposed 5837 Smithfield Ave East Lansing MI 48823 Poole Carol Fleming 195 North Ave Licensee Reprimanded Battle Creek MI 490173418 Poole Karen Louise NURSING 3518 Willys Parkway 9/28/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Toledo OH 43612 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 43 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Poore Martha Marie NURSING 4/12/2001 License Suspended PHARMACY 3/8/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 17730 Sparta Ave Kent City MI 49330 Price Oliver R 4386 Gaylord Fine Imposed Troy MI 48098 Licensee Reprimanded Puryear Charlene Cleo NURSING 10/1/2001 243 Louise License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Highland Park MI 48203 Racette Wendell Alan DENTISTRY 6/20/2001 1801 E Saginaw License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Lansing MI 48912 Radcliffe Kathryn M NURSING 9/27/2001 45061 Grant Park License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Utica MI $83175522 Rahming Philip MEDICINE 10/17/2001 15850 East Warren License Suspended Fine Imposed Detroit MI 48224 Raju Rani Ratnaprabha DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Po Box 90161 Fine Imposed Burton MI 48509 Community Service Licensee Reprimanded Rashid Roger T CHIROPRACTIC 1/9/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered 399 Marion Rd Middleboro MA 023460000 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 44 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Ray James Norris EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 12/20/2001 License Revoked DENTISTRY 9/10/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 2008 Oxley Dr Flint MI 48504 Read Cynthia F 26118 Fairfield Fine Imposed Warren MI 48089 Licensee Reprimanded Reddick Harris J EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 5/24/2001 5792 Radnor License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 48224 Reddick Labrenda J EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 10/3/2001 License Revoked Reece Evelyn Elizabeth NURSING 7/6/2001 Reinstatement Denied OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8/29/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Po Box 274 Belleville'MI 48112 Reed Loren S Fine Imposed Lakeshore Med Assoc Shelby MI 49455 Reierson Albert CHIROPRACTIC 8/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 916 N Euclid Bay City MI 48706 Restum Restum A PHARMACY 11/19/2001 20547 River Oaks License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Dearborn Heights MI 48127 Retherford Robert A COUNSELORS 6/15/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1869 Broadstone Grosse Pointe Woods MI 48236 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 45 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Retherford Robert A EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 6/27/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 3/23/2001 License Suspended NURSING 3/2/2001 1869 Broadstone Grosse Pointe Woods MI 48236 Reuther Mary Elizabeth 5406 Pinecrest Ln Prescott MI 487569659 Revord Glenda Faye 6817 Roanoak Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Oscoda MI 48750 Rhee Ky Young MEDICINE 1/2/2001 License Revoked OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 4/5/2001 Licensee Reprimanded OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 6/7/2001 License Suspended 13004 Maxwell Dr Tustin CA 92782 Ring Harvey V G-5377 Corunna Rd Flint MI 48532 Ristow George E 2070 Riverwood Drive Fine Imposed Okemos MI 48864 Rite Aid #4977 PHARMACY 12/19/2001 2635 Henry Street Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Muskegon MI 494414012 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy #33 PHARMACY 12/17/2001 305 East State Street Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Cassopolis MI 49031 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy #43 PHARMACY G-3009 South Dort Hwy 12/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Burton MI 48529 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 46 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 4/4/2002 LICENSEE ~ Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY PHARMACY 11/19/2001 Bd/DSC Order Rescinded PHARMACY 12/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 19136 Telegraph Detroit MI 482191623 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Fine Imposed Thompson Shopping Center Flint MI 485062693 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy PHARMACY 12/19/01 Town Center Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Hamtramck MI 482123730 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy PHARMACY 22315 Moross Road 12/19/01 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Grosse Pointe MI 482362116 Rite Aid Discount Phcy #1524 PHARMACY 10/24/2001 924 W Main St Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Fremont MI 49412 Rite Aid Discount Phmcy #1715 PHARMACY 10/24/01 Fine Imposed 101 S Morenci St Mio MI 48647 Roberts Loyola Anne NURSING 6/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/5/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered 2660 Pingree Howell MI 488437626 Roberts Peter B 60228 Trailwood Dr Washington MI 48094 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 47 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Rojas Humberto MEDICINE ACTION DATE 6/20/2001 PENALTY License Suspended Po Box 505 License Limited/Restricted Durand MI 484290505 Licensee Placed on Probation Summary Suspension Dissolved Rose Harvey L PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 7/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 10/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation DENTISTRY 6/26/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 6825 Dixie Hwy Clarkston MI 483462007 Roth Katherine Ann 3186 BirdNe Grand Rapids MI 49505 Rotter Maria Gerette 31200 Munger St Fine Imposed Livonia MI 481546235 Licensee Reprimanded Roumayah Najah D DENTISTRY 8/14/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 3211 Coolidge Hwy Fine Imposed Berkley MI 480721633 Licensee Reprimanded Rowan Herbert Paul COUNSELORS 9/21/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 6/2/2001 License Limited/Restricted 1888 Crescent Lake Rd Waterford MI 48327 Rowe Michelle Lynn 2979 Alper Avenue Licensee Placed on Probation Lincoln Park MI 48146 Royer Chad A PHARMACY 4/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1426 Washington St Munising MI 498621492 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 48 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Rozema Jeffrey Shane PSYCHOLOGY 11/30/2001 License Suspended CHIROPRACTIC 3/27/2001 License Limited/Restricted 15336 Hofma Grand Haven MI 49417 Ruby Steven Perry 37731 Hollyhead Drive Licensee Placed on Probation Farmington Hills MI 48331 Russcher Allan H MEDICINE 10/19/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 4/19/2001 License Limited/Restricted Pullman Health Center Pullman MI 49450 Russell Deborah R 1511 E Montgomery Rd Licensee Placed on Probation Hillsdale MI 49242 Russo Christopher Ross MEDICINE 2/14/2001 524 Linden St License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Ann Arbar MI 481042617 Saab Zoanne NURSING 6/13/2001 12355 Margaret Dr Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Fenton MI 48430 Sadek Rosette PHARMACY 3/8/2001 5889 Orchard Woods Dr Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded West Bloomfield MI 48324 Saleh Saeed MEDICINE 9/19/2001 3800 Woodward #400 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 48201 Salmon Susan Jean NURSING 7/26/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 4610 K R d Bark River MI 49807 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 49 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Salvador Aurora T NURSING ACTION DATE 1/24/2001 PENALTY License Limited/Restricted 10795 Somerset Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 48224 Fine Imposed Schmidt Stephanie Marie NURSING 5/2/2001 NURSING 5/2/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 5/2/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 2/8/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 11 /19/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 7/12/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 3602 Van Buren Ave Flint Mi 48503 Schoonover Linda Ann 6541 Penrod Detroit MI 48228 Schrader Jane Lysbeth NURSING 5000 Green Hollow Dr Arlington TX 76017 Schramke Robert 959 E Maple Holly MI 48442 Schug David Herbert 100 W Ferry Berrien Springs MI 49103 Schuldinger Mark S 1539 Bennaville Licensee Placed on Probation Birmingham MI 48009 Schultz Anthony Joseph NURSING 6/20/2001 5705 N State Rd Apt B License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Alma MI 48801 Schultz Donald E DENTISTRY 2657 Red Arrow Highway 3/7/2001 License Suspended Fine Imposed Benton Harbor MI 49022 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 50 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Schuster Marshall S OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY ACTION DATE 4/5/2001 PENALTY License Revoked Fine Imposed 1360 Sunset Ann Arbor MI 48103 Scott Garland D MEDICINE 3/5/2001 MEDICINE 12/12/2001 Licensee Reprimanded Wa Foote Jackson MI 49201 Shah Bhanu J Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 29175 Ryan Rd Warren MI 48092 Sharkey-Scott Anne T DENTISTRY 9/11/2001 Fine Imposed 5768 North River Rd Licensee Reprimanded Grand Ledge MI 48837 Sharma Rajendra C Licensee Placed on Probation PHYSICAL THERAPY 7/9/2001 3710 Swan Creek Dr License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Portage Ifll 49024 Sherer Tracy Diane PHARMACY 6/26/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PHARMACY 7/10/2001 Licensee Reprimanded OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 4/5/2001 License Suspended 1849 Greenleaf Ct Se Grand Rapids MI 49508 Sieben Mary E Field Pharmacy Laingsburg MI 48848 Sikorski David Eugene 34442 Jefferson Ave Licensee Placed on Probation Harrison Township MI 48045 Simons Donna Huffman Summary Suspension Dissolved VETERINARY MEDICINE 10/25/2001 Fine Imposed 2143 Tobias Road Elmira MI 49730 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 51 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Sklar Robert B MEDICINE 10/17/2001 Licensee Reprimanded DENTISTRY 6/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 31 Brownsbury Rd Laguna Niguel CA 92677 Skoney James F 22726 Harper Ave Fine Imposed Saint Clair Shores MI 480801823 Licensee Reprimanded Smith Brenda Lane NURSING 6/20/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved 2959 Concord St Flint MI 48504 Smith Christopher NURSING 7/6/2001 License Denied 12215 S. Saginaw, Apt. #6 Grand Blanc MI 48439 Smith Darwin Leon PHARMACY 11/19/2001 License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved 5080 Summerfield Dr Muskegoh MI 494415798 Smith David James NURSING 7/26/2001 1650 Leonard Ne #310 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Grand Rapids MI 49505 Smith Marilyn E NURSING 11/7/2001 License Limited/Restricted 3275 Old Hickory- Licensee Placed on Probation De Witt MI 48820 Summary Suspension Dissolved Smith Michael L PHARMACY 2/22/2001 Licensee Reprimanded EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 3/26/2001 License Revoked 46775 Prospect Dr Decatur MI 49045 Smith Sabrina Anne 14820 Grandville Ave Summary Suspension Dissolved Detroit MI 482232233 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 52 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Smyth Kathryn Sue NURSING ACTION DATE 11/21/2001 3399 Lake Montcalm Rd N PENALTY License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Edmore MI 488298337 Soles Kenneth J PHARMACY 4/11/2001 License Suspended 1616 E Preston License Limited/Restricted Mount Pleasant MI 488580553 Licensee Placed on Probation Somers Charles O PHARMACY 2/14/2001 686 E Wedgewood Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Muskegon MI 49445 Sorensen Philip M MEDICINE 9/19/2001 License Suspended MEDICINE 6/20/2001 Licensee Reprimanded PSYCHOLOGY 7/12/2001 License Limited/Restricted Advanced Pain Medicine Lansing MI 48910 Sperl Michael G Consulting Physicians SouthfieW MI 48034 Spiro Steven H 915 N. 3rd Ave. Licensee Placed on Probation Maywood IL 60153 Sprague Denise I NURSING 9/27/2001 638 S Hooper St Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Caro MI 48723 St John Linda NURSING 4/12/2001 4602 Snow Apple Dr Nw License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Grand Rapids MI 49544 Stanley Susan Frances Volwil NURSING 865 Parkway Drive Ne 9/19/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved Grand Rapids MI 49505 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 53 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Starsiak Casimir OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY ACTION DATE 10/15/2001 PENALTY Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 3731 N. GurionRd. Indianapolis IN 46222 Stewart Daniel E MEDICINE 5/16/2001 Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 1717 Shaffer Ave Ste 108 Kalamazoo MI 49048 Stirdivant Amy Beth NURSING 2/13/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 111 Greenbrier Se Grand Rapids MI 49546 Stolarski John PHARMACY 11/10/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 6/13/2001 License Limited/Restricted 1525 Woodward Kingsford MI 49801 Stone Young Me Licensee Placed on Probation 8362 E Birch Run Rd Millingttfn MI 48746 Storm Beverly J NURSING 9/19/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered DENTISTRY 6/12/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 11399 WColdwater Flushing MI 48433 Stribley Colleen O'Brien 5976 Buttonwood Fine Imposed Haslett MI 48840 Licensee Reprimanded Strong Michael L EMS PERSONNEL 6/13/2001 License Revoked NURSING 2/13/2001 License Revoked 402 West St Joseph St Lawrence MI 49064 Strouse Kim Elizabeth 1001 BeechwoodNe Summary Suspension Dissolved Grand Rapids MI 49505 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 54 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Struthers John W OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY ACTION DATE 10/4/2001 22990 King Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Brownstown MI 48183 Sutter Cindy Lou PENALTY Fine Imposed DENTISTRY 2/21/2001 Fine Imposed NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 12/6/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation MEDICINE 4/11/2001 License Limited/Restricted 8510 Old Plank Rd Grand Blanc MI 48439 Swartz Genevieve 14435 Syracuse Taylor MI 48180 Taylor James 3260 W Lake Mitchell Dr Cadillac MI 496018586 Teran Mohamad Mosalam 6650 Greenfield Licensee Placed on Probation DearborAMI 48126 Terrell Aletha Boyce EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 7/24/2001 29980 Rock Creek Dr License Suspended Licensee Placed on Probation Southfield MI 48076 Tevlo Irvin I PHARMACY 3/2/2001 24621 Cloverlawn License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Oak Park MI 482371401 Thomas Sherry EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 12/20/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation CHIROPRACTIC 9/11/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 3205 Kendall, Apt. 201 Detroit MI 48238 Tomko Alexander John 7276 N Sheldon Canton MI 48187 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded 55 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Torralba Teofila A NURSING 4/12/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 9/25/2001 License Revoked 540 Ouellette Ave Troester Dennis Summary Suspension Dissolved 3493 Wickes Rd West Branch MI 48661 Troxell Monique Odette DENTISTRY 10/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 11495 Baker Road Fine Imposed Frankenmuth MI 48734 Licensee Reprimanded Turnbull Matthew PHARMACY 3/27/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 875 North Lima Center Rd Fine Imposed Dexter MI 48130 Licensee Reprimanded Turner Ronald W DENTISTRY 6/28/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 16915 W 10 Mile Rd Fine Imposed Southfiefd MI 48075 Licensee Reprimanded Usoro Stella B PHARMACY 4/5/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 1661 Minoka Trail Fine Imposed Okemos MI 48864 Licensee Reprimanded Valdes Kathleen D NURSING 7/26/2001 1041 Coolidge Road License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Lansing MI 48912 Van Heyningen Cynthia VETERINARY MEDICINE 8/23/2001 51184 Silver St Fine Imposed Licensee Reprimanded Three Rivers MI 49093 Van Krimpen Carl E MEDICINE 5/16/2001 Licensee Reprimanded 2961 Riley Ridge Rd Holland MI 49424 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 56 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Vander Ark Theresa June DENTISTRY ACTION DATE 6/8/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 439 Alger Se Fine Imposed Grand Rapids MI 49507 Licensee Reprimanded Vanderwall Jon Wayne EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 5/24/2001 1450 E Van Rd License Revoked Summary Suspension Dissolved Pellston MI 49769 Vellenga Lucia Ann NURSING 9/19/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 7/26/2001 License Suspended 1661 Rossman Ave Se Grand Rapids MI 495072241 Verbeke Rebecca Marie 39484 Prentiss Summary Suspension Dissolved Harrison Township MI 48045 Vergote Steven L CHIROPRACTIC 8/15/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 28245 Ruby Ct Fine Imposed Chesterffeld Twp MI 48047 Licensee Reprimanded Vilchez Marjorie Ann NURSING 8/23/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 9284 Pine Island Dr Fine Imposed Sparta MI 49345 Summary Suspension Dissolved Vitale James A PHARMACY 2/14/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 12/10/2001 Reinstatement Denied NURSING 2/13/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 820 Lester Ave Saint Joseph MI 49085 Vlcko Peter B 773 Farnham Lincoln Park MI 481462835 Voetberg Diana M 3565 Bee Line Rd Fine Imposed Holland MI 494240000 Licensee Reprimanded A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 57 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Vonoetinger Derek James NURSING ACTION DATE 9/19/2001 5203 Blair Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Troy MI 48098 Waite David Gatchell PENALTY Summary Suspension Dissolved COUNSELORS 10/1/2001 License Suspended 1507 Bradford Ne License Limited/Restricted Grand Rapids MI 49503 Licensee Placed on Probation Walters Desmond EXAMINERS OF SOCIAL WORKERS 10/1/2001 License Denied 1501 W. Stewart Avenue Flint MI 48504 Wslters William OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY 11/5/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 515 Lakeside Drive Se Fine Imposed E Grand Rapids MI 49506 Licensee Reprimanded Wayburn Lawrence G MEDICINE 10/17/2001 3781 W White Trillium Fine Imposed Community Service Saginaw MI 48603 Wfeber Theresa Alice NURSING 9/19/2001 License Suspended 15734 Fielding St Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 482231105 Summary Suspension Dissolved Weiler J u d y L NURSING 1/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation . NURSING 7/26/2001 License Suspended 27321 Kennedy Fine Imposed Dearborn Hts MI 48127 Weiss Kenneth S MEDICINE 3/28/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered 2061 County Rd 1400 Nort Saint Joseph IL 61873 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 58 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD ACTION DATE PENALTY Wells Brien Joseph NURSING 2/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 10/24/2001 License Suspended 423 Gratiot Ave #308 Alma MI 48801 Fine Imposed Summary Suspension Dissolved Westbrooks Lisa Marie DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 License Suspended 1 -870 West Eleven Mile R Southfield MI 48076 Westwood Carla Mary NURSING 2/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation PHARMACY 6/27/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 6232 Birch Row Dr East Lansing MI 48823 Wheaton Pharmacy 115 Riky St D-andee^MI 48131 Wheaton Roger G PHARMACY 5/27/2001 1235 Glen Leven Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed Arm Arbor MI 48103 White Candace NURSING 6/20/2001 License Suspended NURSING 4/12/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 27600 Franklin Rd Apt 413 Southfield MI 48034 White Patricia Ellen 411 West 11th Street Summary Suspension Dissolved Traverse City MI 49684 White-Neslund Jacqueline A PHARMACY 5/14/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 20173 Us-23 South Fine Imposed Presque Isle MI 49777 Licensee Reprimanded A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 59 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Wiercioch Joseph Michael PHARMACY ACTION DATE 6/21/2001 PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation 5517 Starwood Drive Fine Imposed Commerce Township MI 48382 Licensee Reprimanded Wiggins Ozzie NURSING 11/7/2001 License Suspended Summary Suspension Dissolved 10327 Tireman Dearborn MI 48126 Wilkins Wendy C NURSING 2/27/2001 License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation 221 First Munith MI 49259 Williams Marvin L DENTISTRY 4/24/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Po Box 38604 Fine Imposed Detroit MI 48238 Licensee Reprimanded Williams Sarah A PHARMACY 4/3/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 414 Grant Fine Imposed Grand Haven MI 49417 Licensee Reprimanded Witte David B MEDICINE 5/16/2001 License Voluntarily Surrendered NURSING 11/7/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation NURSING 4/27/2001 License Limited/Restricted 76567 Evergreen B1 South Haven MI 49090 Wolf Joseph Stanley 7390 Bott Rd Buckley MI 49620 Wolfe Patricia J 22875 Summer House Ct Licensee Placed on Probation Novi MI 48375 Summary Suspension Dissolved Wolte Dawn Marie NURSING 5/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 15329 Nancy St Southgate MI 48195 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 60 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 LICENSEE BOARD Wood Dirk Gregory MEDICINE ACTION DATE 10/17/2001 202 Tuttle Rd PENALTY Licensee Placed on Probation Summary Suspension Dissolved Springfield OH 45503 Woodruff William H DENTISTRY 8/10/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation Fine Imposed 6161 Orchard Lake Rd West Bloomfield MI 483222387 Woods Phyllis NURSING 2/22/2001 8562 22 1/2 Mile Rd License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Homer MI 49245 Woodson Clarissa NURSING 12/6/2001 18651 Pennington License Limited/Restricted Licensee Placed on Probation Detroit MI 482212165 Worthington Karen M EMS PERSONNEL 6/1/2001 License Suspended PHARMACY 9/4/2001 License Suspended PHARMACY 11/19/2001 License Suspended 6197 W Gresham Hwy Vermonfville MI 49096 Wu Daniel 8104 Lake Crest Dr Ypsilanti MI 48197 Wurtz Wendy Leigh 1841 30th Street Licensee Placed on Probation Allegan MI 49010 Youssef Helpis Michail Fine Imposed PHARMACY 9/4/2001 Licensee Reprimanded NURSING 2/22/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 35738 Annette Dr Sterling Heights MI 483100000 Zagarell Laura Regina 739 Edgemoor Ave Summary Suspension Dissolved Kalamazoo MI 49008 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 61 4/4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AND INDUSTRY SERVICES BUREAU OF HEALTH SERVICES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS 1/1/2001 to 12/31/2001 ACTION DATE PENALTY LICENSEE BOARD Zaher Hani Mohamad PHARMACY 6/29/2001 Licensee Reprimanded DENTISTRY 3/7/2001 License Suspended MEDICINE 7/6/2001 Summary Suspension Dissolved 26231 Morton Dearborn Heights MI 48127 Zalewski Kenneth J 1904 East St Reese MI 48757 Zarczynski Edward P 901 Kimole Lane Suite A-2 Complaint Dismissed/Withdrawn Adrian MI 49221 Zizzo Deborah Jayne NURSING 4/24/2001 MEDICINE 1/2/2001 Licensee Placed on Probation 6175 Highland Dearborn Hts MI 48127 Zylanoff Phillipa Louise Licensee Reprimanded 17311 Beechwood Beverly Hills MI 48025 Count of Licensees: 546 A Final Administrative Action is Subject to Judicial Review 62