E2.6.3 YCWA’s Proposed Condition TE3: Establish Lower Yuba River Anadromous Fish Ecological Group Licensee shall, within the first 6 months of the new license term, establish the Lower Yuba River Anadromous Fish Ecological Group (Group), whose members shall include Licensee, NMFS, USFWS, Cal Fish and Wildlife, BLM and SWRCB. The purpose of the Group shall be to consult with Licensee regarding implementation of the terms and conditions of the new license that pertain to anadromous fish in the lower Yuba River downstream of Narrows 2 Powerhouse, to review study protocols for Licensee’s studies of anadromous fish downstream of Narrows 2 powerhouse, and to consult with Licensee on specific operational issues related to flow changes in the reach downstream of Narrows 2 powerhouse as requested by Licensee. Licensee shall organize at least one meeting in April and up to three additional meetings each year with the Group. The purpose of the April meeting shall be to discuss water temperature and salmonid escapement data from the previous year developed pursuant to Licensee’s proposed Conditions TE1 and TE2. By May 30 of each year, Licensee shall file with the Commission an annual report of the activities of the Group for the previous calendar year.