Copy of DQP MappingTemplate-TLMT.xlsx

DQP Specialized Knowledge Bachelor's Level
Title of Course
Learning Objective
Gap / No Gap / Hole
Next Steps
Defines and explains the boundaries, divisions, styles and practices of the field.
Defines and properly uses the principal terms in the field, both historical and contemporaneous.
Demonstrates fluency in the use of tools, technologies and methods in the field.
Evaluates, clarifies and frames a complex question or challenge using perspectives and scholarship from the student’s major field and at least one other.
Constructs a project related to a familiar but complex problem in the field of study by assembling, arranging and reformulating ideas, concepts, designs or techniques.
Constructs a summative project, paper or practice‐
based performance that draws on current research, scholarship and/or techniques in the field.
TLMT341‐Logistics Management
LO 8: Present the logistics and supply chain requirement of a product from source to customer including the integration of information technology into business processes. Assessment: Week 8 Presentation
TLMT352‐Distribution Systems
LO 14: Describe the role of the supply chain manager in creating transportation efficiency. Assessment: Week 8 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Students assume the role of VP of Supply Chain M
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BA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
Apply systems analysis to transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
Relate the multidimensional impact of transportation on the economy, public systems, national and local infrastructure, and the environment. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
TLMT313‐Supply Chain Management
LO7: Define the roles and responsibilities of the Supply Manager to today's global markets. Assessment: Week 7 Forum
(Internet Field Trip)
TLMT 311‐Introduction to Transportation Management
LO 5: Analyze the different types of pipeline carriers, commodities, and examine pipeline companies in relation to limited intermodal competition.
Assessment: Week 4 Case Study
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students must assess and analyze the case to provide marketing and cost data (historical data) as well as logistics Rationale: Students find real‐world examples of supply managers and supply chain issues (current), recommendations in using RFID technology, and their recommendation for/against the new container ship operation.
discuss HOW the supply manager is making a difference in today's global market. They research the Internet and industry periodicals to Next Steps:
find individuals within the field.
1. Rewrite LO (two verbs used)
2. Rewrite instructions to detail intent and expectations of assignment. The intent is for students to use the weekly readings Next Steps: 1. Make this a written assignment.
and tie the concepts, terms, etc. into the assignment via their analysis of the data. This is not clearly stated. Needs to better li
i h LO
TLMT331 ‐ Fundamentals of Intermodal Transportation
LO 1: Discuss the various approaches to intermodal tansportation ‐ as practiced in the United States and internationally. Assessment: Week 1 Forum
Rationale: Students d
i l
TLMT352 ‐ Distribution Systems
LO 2: Understand supply chain innovations.
LO 6: Explain technology's role in transportation (EDI, RFID, other innovations).
Assessment: Week 2 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: The student answers the questions: 1) What is intermodal transportatoin? 2) What were the reasons for the development of intermodal transportation? No Gap
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite/add LO to better align with forum assignment.
2. Make this a written assignment(?).
Rationale: Students describe the technologies and innovations of Walmart.
TLMT331 ‐ Fundamentals of Intermodal Transportation
LO 2: Interpret shipping impacts before and after government regulation. Assessment: Week 2 Written Paper
Understand and evaluate the transportation systems’ political, regulatory, and legal issues.
Rationale: Students identify governmental Acts and discuss the impact of regulation/deregulation on the growth of intermodal transportation in both the United States and Europe.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite PO.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite LO.
No Gap
TLMT331 ‐ Fundamentals of Intermodal Transportation
LO 3: Gain a foundational understanding of current and emerging issues and challenges facing the industry. Assessment: Week 8 Written Paper
No Gap
TLMT 352 ‐ Distribution Systems
LO 9: Explain the Hub & Spoke concept and the efficiencies it promotes in transportation. Describe and assess the strengths and Assessment: Week 7 Forum
weaknesses of the No Gap
major modes of international Rationale: The student defines the Hub and Spoke Concept and transportation.
describes the advantages of this concept within the various modes of transportation (Maritime, Air, Truck, and Rail).
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite PO.
Next Steps:
1. Make an assignment (?).
Rationale: Students d
TLMT 341 ‐ Logistics Management
LO 6: Examine global logistics, risk management strategies, and product and supply chain design. Assessment: Week 6 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Students analyze global market forces, risks, development h
l h
No Gap
DQP Specialized Knowledge Master's Level
**Revisions of TLMT 500 and 525 LO's and assignments were used in the mapping. These revisions will be incorporated into the model sites as soon as the courses are migrated from EdgeTest. Elucidates the major theories, research methods and approaches to inquiry, and/or schools of practice in the field; articulates relevant sources; and illustrates their relationship to allied fields.
Assesses the contributions of major figures and organizations in the field; describes its major methodologies and practices; and implements at least two such methodologies and practices through projects, papers, exhibits or performances.
Articulates major challenges involved in practicing the field, elucidates its leading edges, and delineates its current limits with respect to theory, knowledge and practice.
Initiates, assembles, arranges and reformulates ideas, concepts, designs and techniques in carrying out a project directed at a challenge in the field beyond conventional boundaries.
MA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
TLMT 601 ‐ Transportation Economics
LO 4: To judge key variables, including patterns of demand to be considered in transportation costs. Assessment: Week 3 Case Study
Apply economic principles to evaluate the performance of a transportation system.
No Gap
Rationale: Students are put in the role of Director of Operations for a company. They must identify an issue or challenge currently facing the company and perform an efficiency analysis. The discussion centers around the results of the analysis and the recommendations/alternatives presented to save the company money. Discussion is supported by course materials, academic sources, and industry specific data/sources.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite LO.
TLMT 500 ‐ History of Transportation
**LO 1: Distinguish significant historical transportation events. LO 2: Analyze supply chain risk and security issues, systems, and solutions.
LO 3: Appraise the cause and effect of national transportation policies and regulations.
LO 4: Provide historical analysis of Motor, Rail, Air, and Water transportation.
Assessment: Week 4 TIP Assignment
Analyze the history, pattern, and impact of laws and regulation on the various modes of transportation in the United States. No Gap
Rationale: Students develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for a supply chain of an organization of their choice from any time period: past, present or future. TIP includes background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and supply chain strategies (e.g., green chain). Describes current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation of one or more of the recommended improvement projects being executed with a multi‐year planning horizon. Assignment requires support through theories, concepts, and best practices from course materials and scholarly resources. TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation & Logistics Management
**LO 1: Construct research questions related to specific research problem.
Evaluate the **LO 4: Distinguish literature from importance of various sources. transportation at the organizational and national levels. Assessment: Week 1 Assignment
Assessment: Week 2 Forum
No Gap
Examine global transportation issues, to include systems, documentation, providers, and challenges in international transportation. Rationale: Week 1 ‐ Students complete a presentation that details their d
TLMT 611 ‐ Global Logistics Management
LO 6: Construct strategies for logistics effectiveness. Assessment: Week 4 Paper
TLMT603 ‐ Strategic Intermodal Transporation
LO 8: Summarize the importance of modes and terminals. Assessment: Week 8 Presentation
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students select an organization or company to analyze its tactical and strategic decisions. This includes the three phases: Problem Definition and Planning; Data Collection and Analysis; and Recommendations and Implementation. Students also discuss supply chain operation analysis methods and techniques (design logic and decisions, relationship management, and networking).
Rationale: Students create a PowerPoint presentation addressing the challenges and issues surrounding transportation congestion in the U.S. and around the world. Requirements include: causes of congestion, solutions for congestion, how reg/dereg impacts congestion, and environmental issues (from military and commercial perspectives).
Next Steps:
1. Revise LO to align with the presentation. For example: Summarize the importance of modes and terminals in relation to the issues and challenges facing transport geography.
Contrast and compare buyer/seller relationships, third‐
party relationships, negotiations, bidding, contracts and the challenges of relationship management in transportation. TLMT 611 ‐ Global Logistics Management
LO 6: Construct strategies for logistics effectiveness. Assessment: Week 4 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Students select an organization or company to analyze its tactical and strategic decisions. This includes the three phases: Problem Definition and Planning; Data Collection and Analysis; and Recommendations and Implementation. Students also discuss supply chain operation analysis methods and techniques (design logic and decisions, relationship management, and networking).
Broad Integrative Knowledge Bachelor's Level DQP
Title of Course
Learning Objective
Gap / No Gap / Hole
Next Steps
Frames a complex scientific, social, technological, economic or aesthetic challenge or problem from the perspectives and literature of at least two academic fields and pro‐ poses a “best approach” to the question or challenge using evidence from those fields.
Explains a problem in science, the arts, society, human services, economic life or technology from the perspective of at least two academic fields, explains Produces, independently or collaboratively, an investigative, creative or how the methods of inquiry and research in those disciplines can be brought to
practical work that draws on specific theories, tools and methods from bear, judges the likelihood that the combination of disciplinary perspectives at least two academic fields.
and methods would contribute to the resolution of the challenge, and justifies (BIS2)
the importance of the challenge in a social or global context.
BA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
TLMT351 ‐ Packaging
LO 2: Compare the various frameworks for packaging design, function, research, and planning of a package.
Assessment: Week 8 Project
Apply systems analysis to transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. No Gap
Rationale: Students assume the role of a packaging engineer at a large consumer product company. Students complete a Package Design Brief for a specific product. Students demonstrate their ability to apply various concepts, terms, processes, etc. to design appropriate packaging of the product. This includes justification (from academic sources), recommendations, and assumptions in completing the project. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
Next Steps: 1. None
Relate the multidimensional impact of transportation on the economy, public systems, national and local infrastructure, and the environment. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
TLMT331 ‐ Fundamentals of Intermodal Transportation
LO 5: Analyze how competition and efficiency in worldwide transportation has evolved. Assessment: Week 5 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Students evaluate the limited real‐estate available at ports and how these ports can compete with newer larger ports. Students must complete the evaluation based on information of a real‐world port and provide recommendations for improvement in equipment, technologies, alliances/partnerships, and business practices.
Next Steps: 1. TLMT441 ‐ Advanced Business Logistics
LO 3: Evaluate issues from various business logistics problems, situations, and controversies.
Assessment: Week 6 Article Review
Understand and evaluate the transportation systems’ political, regulatory, and legal issues.
No Gap
Rationale: Students locate a peer‐reviewed journal article from our online library. The article must focus on business logistics. The students must discuss and present a critical evaluation of the research conducted (problem presented). TLM brings business and the field of logistics together which meets this AOL. Students get various perspectives from the authors, perspectives from others in the field (lit review), methods of inquiry, and addresses a problem, purpose, or challenge within the field.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite PO.
TLMT352 ‐ Distribution Systems
LO 11: Describe cyclical economic forces in relation to the transportation industry. Assessment: Week 4 Paper
Describe and assess the strengths and weaknesses No Gap
of the major modes of international transportation.
Rationale: Students address the cyclical nature of the transportation industry. They provide steps for transportation companies to take to Next Steps:
avoid or mitigate the negative effects of the economy. This requires 1. Rewrite PO.
students to conduct searches for academic sources, industry periodicals, etc. to frame the situation.
Broad Integrative Skills Master's Level DQP
**Revisions of TLMT 500 and 525 LO's and assignments were used in the mapping. These revisions will be incorporated into the model sites as soon as the courses are migrated from EdgeTest. Designs and executes an applied, investigative or creative work that draws on the Articulates and defends the significance and implications of his or her specialized work in Articulates how the field has developed in relation to other major domains of perspectives and methods of other fields and assesses the resulting gains and terms of challenges, trends and developments in a social or global context.
inquiry or practice.
MA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
TLMT 601 ‐ Transportation Economics
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transporation & Logistics Management
LO 5: Examine the regulation of market power and social costs of transportation. **LO 10: Produce a research report. Assessment: Week 5 Case Study
Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
Apply economic principles to evaluate the performance of a transportation system.
Analyze the history, pattern, and impact of laws and regulation on the various modes of transportation in the United States. No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students complete a Visual Impact Assessment on an issue within transportation. Requires the student to conduct the analysis and determine the positive and negative impacts of the proposed project/ development. This type of assessment intersects with business and environmental gains/losses.
Rationale: Final research paper is a full analysis of a TLM topic identified by the student. The expectations of this assignment is to include a literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion sections. As such, requires the student to defend their research decisions as well as articulate their findings.
TLMT 601 ‐ Transportation Economics
LO 7: Evaluate program implementation.
Assessment: Week 7 Paper
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transporation & Logistics Management
**LO 10: Produce a research report. Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students address four topics ‐ all relating to TLM and governmental involvement (policy, laws, and Acts). Students must analyze the government's involvement in relation to TLM and clearly articulate their position using data and facts as support. Topics: Stimulus Plan, Federal jurisdiction vs. State and Local government, NAFTA, and Fuel Crisis (truck and air).
Rationale: Final research paper is a full analysis of a TLM topic identified by the student. The expectations of this assignment is to include a literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion sections. As such, requires the student to defend their research decisions as well as articulate their findings.
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transporation & Logistics Management
**LO 10: Produce a research report. Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Final research paper is a full analysis of a TLM topic identified by the student. The expectations of this assignment is to include a literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion sections. As such, requires the student to defend their research decisions as well as articulate their findings.
Evaluate the importance of transportation at the organizational and national levels. TLMT 603 ‐ Strategic Intermodal Transportation
LO 3: Extrapolate the impact of globalization, regulation, and technology on intermodalism.
Assessment: Week 7 Paper
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transporation & Logistics Management
**LO 10: Produce a research report. Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
No Gap
Examine global transportation issues, to include systems, documentation, providers, and challenges in international transportation. Contrast and compare buyer/seller relationships, third‐party relationships, negotiations, bidding, contracts and the challenges of relationship management in transportation. **Potential Hole: Not sure this meets the criteria 100%.
Rationale: Final research paper is a full analysis of a TLM topic identified by the student. The expectations of this assignment is to include a literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion sections. As such, requires the student to defend their research decisions as well as articulate their findings.
Rationale: Students choose from one of 3 topics for the assignment. Each topic incorporates technology/innovation within the context of intermodal containers. TLMT 611 ‐ Global Logistics Management
LO 1: Operationalize perspectives on the evolution of logistics development.
Assessment: Week 1 Presentation
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transporation & Logistics Management
**LO 10: Produce a research report. Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students develop a presentation on the functional nature of logistics. More specifically, choose an organization and create a visual and narrative representation of the company's logistics operations. Items include: CRM, procurement strategies, design, information flow, etc.
Rationale: Final research paper is a full analysis of a TLM topic identified by the student. The expectations of this assignment is to include a literature review, methodology, findings, and conclusion sections. As such, requires the student to defend their research decisions as well as articulate their findings.
Title of Course
Title of Course
Learning Objective
Gap / No Gap / Hole
Next Steps
Intellectual Skills Bachelor's Level DQP
Incorporates multiple information resources in different media or languages in projects, papers or Differentiates and evaluates theories and approaches performances, with appropriate citations; and to complex standard and non‐ standard problems evaluates the relative merits of competing resources within his or her major field. (Analytic inquiry)
with respect to clearly articulated standards. (Use of (IS1)
information resources)
Constructs a cultural, political or technological alternate vision of either the natural or human world through a written project, laboratory report, exhibit, performance or com‐ munity service design; defines the distinct patterns in this alternate vision; and explains how these patterns differ from current realities. (Engaging diverse perspectives)
Constructs sustained, coherent argument or presentation on technical Translates verbal problems into mathematical algorithms, constructs issues or processes in more than one valid arguments using the accepted symbolic system of language and in more than one mathematical reasoning, and constructs accurate calculations, medium for general and specific estimates, risk analyses or quantitative evaluations of public audiences; and works through information through presentations, papers or projects. (Quantitative collaboration to address a social, fluency)
personal or ethical dilemma. (IS4)
(Communication fluency)
BA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
TLMT311 ‐ Introduction to Transportation Management
LO 1‐8: Assessment is not tied to a specific LO due to the student selecting the topic. Assessment: Week 8 Research Paper
Apply systems analysis to transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
Relate the multidimensional impact of transportation on the economy, public systems, national and local infrastructure, and the environment. Next Steps: 1. Rewrite PO.
Understand and evaluate the transportation systems’ political, regulatory, and legal issues.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite PO.
TLMT441 ‐ Advanced Business Logistics
LO 3: Evaluate issues from various business logistics problems, situations, and controversies.
TLMT313 ‐ Supply Chain Management
LO 5: Analyze management interactions and impacts. Assessment: Week 5 Case Study
No Gap
Hole: Assignment does not include multiple languages Rationale: Students review a case study and in addressing the questions, they also describe or media.
alternative solutions and justify their recommendations with concepts, terminology, Rationale: Students select a topic from the course materials and complete a 5‐8 page paper on the given processes, etc. within the current state of the topic. The assignment requires the student to industry.
incorporate a minimum of 5 sources to support the discussion. These sources may include academic journals industry reports industry related articles etc
LO 4: Analyze management interactions in interpreting these situations.
Assessment: Week 2 Article Review
TLMT311 ‐ Introduction to Transportation Management
LO 6: Analyze and assess transportation planning and execution strategies within a global supply chain.
Assessment: Week 6 Case Study
No Gap: Rationale: Students complete a case study regarding a new market opportunity for a transportation company. They must calculate operating costs for pick‐up, sorting, line‐haul, and delivery costs. Additional calculations are required to determine the total cost of each movement, cost per CWT, drivers cost, and backhaul costs. Students must also consider routes, times, and location of distribution centers in determing the most appropriate decision for this new market
No Gap
Rationale: Students locate a peer‐reviewed journal article from our online library. The article must focus on business logistics. The students must discuss and present a critical evaluation of the research conducted. TLMT441 ‐ Advanced Business Logistics
LO 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how economic and international situation will influence Management’s assessment of logistics. LO 5: Forumulate an individual philosophy regarding business practices and procedures based on coursework, lifework, and business experiences.
Assessment 1: Week 7 Research Paper
Assessment 2: Week 8 Presentation
No Gap
Describe and assess the strengths and weaknesses of the major modes of international transportation.
Next Steps:
1. Rewrite PO.
TLMT341 ‐ Logistics Management
LO 2: Describe inventory management techniques and approaches in relation to network planning. Assessment: Week 2 Paper
TLMT312 ‐ Transportation Economics
LO 1: Explain how the processes of transportation economics play a major role in transportation decisions of an organization. Assessment: Week 8 Paper
No Gap
Hole: Uncertain if this truly meets the intent of the the criteria. Rationale: Students desribe how they would design Rationale: Students complete a case study wherein they calculate a logistics network consisting of only one warehouse. various costs (inventory, distribution, order processing, etc.) They discuss the optimal network, data required to associated with the specific issue faced by the company. Students make this determination, and strategies employed in use the calculations/results as part of their analysis in assessing the the network. Students must consider the entire risk/benefit to the company. Use academic sources, industry reports, supply chain in their design (shippers, modes of news, etc. to support their position.
transportation, distribution, etc.).
Intellectual Skills Master's Level DQP
**Revisions of TLMT 500 and 525 LO's and assignments were used in the mapping. These revisions will be incorporated into the model sites once the courses are migrated from EdgeTest. Disaggregates, adapts, reformulates and employs in an essay or project principal ideas, techniques or methods at the forefront of the field. (Analytic inquiry)
Provides adequate evidence through papers, projects, notebooks, computer files or catalogues of expanding, assessing or refining either a recognized information resource or an information base within the field. (Use of information resources)
Addresses in a project, paper or performance a core issue in the field from the perspective of a different point in time or a different culture, political order or technological context, and elucidates how the perspective contributes to results that depart from current norms, dominant cultural assumptions or technologies. (Engaging diverse perspectives)
Not seeking a degree in a quantitative field employs and applies mathematical, logical or statistical tools to problems within the field in a project, paper or Creates sustained, coherent explanations and reflections on performance, while the student seeking the student’s own work in two or more media or languages to both general and specialized audiences. (Communication a degree in a quantitative field fluency)
articulates and undertakes multiple appropriate applications of quantitative (IS5)
methods, concepts and theories. (Quantitative fluency)
MA in Transportation & Logistics Management Program Objectives
Apply economic principles to evaluate the performance of a transportation system.
Analyze the history, pattern, and impact of laws and regulation on the various modes of transportation in the United States. Evaluate the importance of transportation at the organizational and national levels. Contrast and compare buyer/seller relationships, third‐party relationships, negotiations, bidding, contracts and the challenges of relationship management in transportation. TLMT 601 ‐ Transportation Economics
LO8: Integrate transportation economics theory and applications.
Assessment: Week 6 Paper
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students complete a literature review. Students are to collect, organize, analyze, and critique 5‐15 research articles. The assignment requires the student to write an introduction to their topic, problem being addressed, literature review, any gaps identified, and how this aligns with the research topic.
Rationale: Students address four scenarios in which they use mathematical equations, economic concepts, and theory to apply/address the question being posed in the assignment. TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation and Logistics Management
**LO 4: Distinguish literature from various sources.
Assessment: Week 4 Assignment
TLMT 603 ‐ Strategic Intermodal Transportation
LO 2: Explain the impact of geography on transportation systems. Assessment: Week 2 Presentation
No Gap
Hole: Students reflection is not part of the requirements of the assignment.
Rationale: Students complete a literature review. Students are to collect, organize, analyze, and critique 5‐15 research articles. The assignment requires the student to write an introduction to their topic, problem being addressed, literature review, any gaps identified, and how this aligns with the research topic.
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation & Logistics
**LO 5: Justify the criteria for research methods selection. **Assessment: Week 3 Assignment
Rationale: Students choose a city and conduct a traffic network analysis. The presentation must include current traffic networks, patterns, issues/challenges, current/future developments, etc. They must identify the appropriate type of traffic in their analysis and any alternatives or solutions to the issues they identify in the analysis. Presentation may include graphics images videos etc to provide this
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation and Logistics Management
**LO 4: Distinguish literature from various sources.
**Assessment: Week 4 Assignment
No Gap
No Gap
Rationale: Students research the online library for a peer‐reviewed journal article within TLM. They review and evaluate the article in order to provide an alternative research design and method. This includes discussion on how the alternative Examine global transportation issues, to include systems, documentation, providers, and challenges in international transportation. TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation and Logistics Management
**LO 4: Distinguish literature from various sources.
Assessment: Week 4 Assignment
Rationale: Students complete a literature review. Students are to collect, organize, analyze, and critique 5‐15 research articles. The assignment requires the student to write an introduction to their topic, problem being addressed, literature review, any gaps identified, and how this aligns with the research topic.
TLMT 525 ‐ Research Methods in Transportation and TLMT 500 ‐ History of Transportation
Logistics Management
**LO 6: Diagram an intermodal, multi‐stage global **LO 4: Distinguish literature from various sources. freight flow.
Assessment: Week 4 Assignment
**Assessment: Week 6 Assignment
No Gap
Rationale: Students complete a literature review. Students are to collect, organize, analyze, and critique 5‐15 research articles. The assignment requires the student to write an introduction to their topic, problem being addressed, literature review, any gaps identified, and how this aligns with the research topic.
TLMT 611 ‐ Global Logistics Management
LO 2: Appraise the role of transportation as the core of logistics. Assessment: Week 8 Paper
No Gap
Rationale: Students must identify a topic discussed in the course. The paper must include a discussion on the following sub‐topics: Logistics ‐ How is impacts your chosen topic; Accommodation; Procurement and Manufacturing; Integrated Operations Planning; Inventory Management; Transportation Infrastructure; Warehousing; Network and Operations Planning
Hole: Incorporate "how the perspective contributes to results that depart from current norms, dominant cultural assumptions or technologies" into the assignment.
Rationale: Students develop a process flow or value stream for a supply chain of an organization/company from the past, present, or future state. 