OB-MATERNITY ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION: 1. State the objective signs that signify ovulation - abundant, thin, clear cervical mucus; open cervical os; slight drop in BBT and then 0.5-1.0 F rise; ferning under the microscope 2. Ovulation occurs how many days before the next menstrual period? - 14 days. 3. State three ways to identify the chronological age of a pregnancy (gestation)? - 10 lunar months, 9 calendar months consisting of 3 trimesters of 3 months each, 40 weeks, 280 days. 4. What maternal position provides optimum fetal maternal/placental perfusion during pregnancy? - The knee-chest position, but the ideal position of COMFORT for the mother which supports fetal/maternal/placental perfusion is the side-lying position off the abdominal vessels (vena cava, aorta) 5. Name the major discomforts of the first trimester and one suggestion for amelioration of each. - Nausea and vomiting: crackers before rising. Fatigue: teach the need for rest periods/naps and 7-8 hours sleep at night. 6. If the first day of a woman’s last normal menstrual period was May 28, what is the estimated delivery date (EDD) using Nagele’s rule? - Count back 3 months and add 7 days: March 7 (always give February 28 days). 7. At twenty weeks gestation, the fundal height would be ______ , the fetus would weigh approximately _______ and look like _____ . - At the umbilicus; 300-400 grams; a baby with hair, lanugo and verniz, but without subcutaneous fat. 8. State the normal psychosocial responses to pregnancy in the 2nd trimester - Ambivalence wanes and acceptance of pregnancy occurs; pregnancy becomes “real;” signs of maternal-fetal bonding occur. 9. Hemodilution of pregnancy peaks at ______ weeks and results in a/an ______ in a women’s Hct. - 28-32 weeks; increase in Hct 10. State three principles relative to the PATTERN of weight gain in pregnancy. - Total gain should average 24-30 lbs. Gain should be consistent throughout pregnancy. An average of 0.9 lb/week should be gained in the 2nd & 3rd trimester. 11. During pregnancy a woman should add ____ calories to her diet, and drink ____ of milk/day. - 300 calories; 1 quart of milk 12. Fetal heart rate can be auscultated by Doppler at ____ weeks gestation. - 10-12 weeks 13. Describe the schedule for prenatal visits for a low-risk pregnant woman. - Once a month until 28 weeks, then once every week until delivery. FETAL-MATERNAL ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES: 1. Name 5 maternal variables associated with diagnosis of a high risk pregnancy - Age (under 17 years or over 34 years of age), parity (over 5), <3 months between pregnancies, diagnosis of PIH, diabetes mellitus, or cardiac disease. 2. Is one ultrasound examination useful in determining the presence of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)? - no, serial measurements are needed to determine IUGR. 3. What does the biophysical profile (BPP) determine? - Fetal well-being 4. List 3 necessary nursing actions prior to an ultrasound exam for a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy. - Have client fill bladder. Do not allow client to void. Position supine with uterine wedge. 5. State the advantage of CVS over amniocentesis. - Can be done between 8-12 weeks gestation with results returned within one week, which allows for decision about termination while still in 1st trimester. 6. Why are serum or amniotic AFP levels done prenatally? - To determine if alpha-fetoprotein levels are elevated which may indicate the presence of neural tube defects; or low levels, which may indicate trisomy 21. 7. What is the most important determinant of fetal maturity for extrauterine survival? - L/S ratio (lung maturity, lung surfactant development) 8. Name the 3 most common complications of amniocentesis. - Spontaneous abortion, fetal injury, infection. 9. Name the 4 periodic changes of the fetal heart rate, their causes, and one nursing treatment for each. - Acceleration: caused by burst of sympathetic activity; they are reassuring and require no treatment. Early decelerations: caused by head compression, are benign and caution the nurse to monitor for labor progress and fetal descent. Variable decelerations: caused by cord compression; change of position should be tried first. Late decelerations: are caused by UPI (uteroplacental insufficiency) and should be treated by placing client on her side and administering O2. 10. What is the most important indicator of fetal autonomic nervous system integrity/health? - Fetal heart rate variability 11. Name 4 causes of decreased FHR variability. - Hypoxia, acidosis, drugs, fetal sleep 12. State the most important action to take when a cord prolapse is determined. - Examiner should position mother to relieve pressure on the cord with fingers until emergency delivery is accomplished. 13. What is a “reactive” non-stress test? - FHR acceleration of 15 beats per minute for 15 seconds in response to fetal movement. 14. What are the dangers of nipple-stimulation stress test? - The inability to control “oxytocin” dosage and the chance of tetany/hyperstimulation. 15. Normal fetal scalp pH in labor is ____ and values below ____ indicate true acidosis. - 7.25-7.35 normal pH; 7.2 indicates true acidosis. INTRAPARTUM: 1. List five prodromal signs of labor the nurse might teach the client. - lightening, braxton-hicks contractions increase, bloody show, loss of mucous plug, burst of energy, and nesting behaviors. 2. How is true labor discriminated from false labor? - true labor: regular, rhythmic contractions that intensify with ambulation, pain in the abdomen sweeping around from the back, and cervical changes. False labor: irregular rhythm, abdominal pain (not in back) that decreases with ambulation. 3. State 2 ways to determine if the membranes have truly ruptured (ROM). - Nitrazine testing: paper turns dark blue or black. Demonstration of fluid “ferning” under microscope. 4. Are psychoprophylactic breathing techniques prescribed for use by the stage and phase of labor? - No, clients should use these techniques according to their discomfort level and change techniques when one is no longer working for relaxation. 5. Identify two reasons to withhold anesthesia and analgesia until the mid-active phase of Stage 1 labor. - if given too early, can retard labor; if given too late, can cause fetal distress 6. Hyperventilation often occurs to the laboring client. What results from hyperventilation and what actions should the nurse take to relieve the condition? - Respiratory alkalosis occurs which is caused by blowing off CO2 and is relieved by breathing into a paper bag or cupped hands. 7. Describe maternal changes that characterize the transition phase of labor. - irritability, unwillingness to be touched but does not want to be left alone, nausea and vomiting, and hiccupping. 8. When should a laboring client be examined vaginally? - Vaginal exams should be done prior to analgesia/anesthesia, to rule out cord prolapse, to determine labor progress if it is questioned, and to determine when pushing can begin. 9. Define cervical effacement. - the taking up of the lower cervical segment into the upper segment; shortening of the cervix expressed in percent from 0-100% or complete effacement. 10. Where is the fetal heart rate best heard? - through the fetal back in vertex, OA positions. 11. Normal fetal heart rate in labor is _____ = 110-160 bpm Normal maternal BP in labor is _____ = <140/90 Normal maternal pulse in labor is _____ = <100 bpm Normal maternal temperature in labor is _____ = <100.4 F 12. List four nursing actions for the 2nd stage of labor. - make sure cervix is completely dilated before pushing is allowed. Assess FHR with each contraction. Teach woman to hold breath for no longer than 5 seconds. Teach pushing technique. 13. List 3 signs of placental separation. - gush of blood; lengthening of cord, and globular shape of uterus 14. When should the postpartum dosage of Pitocin be administered? Why is it administered? - give immediately after placenta is delivered to prevent postpartum hemorrhage/atony. 15. State one contraindication to the use of ergot drugs (Methergine). - Hypertension 16. State 5 symptoms of respiratory distress in the newborn. - tachypnea, dusky color, flaring nares, retractions, and grunting. 17. If meconium was passed in utero, what action must the nurse take in the delivery room? - arrange for immediate endotracheal tube observation to determine the presence of meconium below the vocal cords (prevents pneumonitis/meconium aspiration syndrome) 18. What score is considered a good Apgar score? - 7 to 10 19. What is the purpose of eye prophylaxis for the newborn? - prevent opthalmia neonatorum, which results from exposure to gonorrhea in vagina. 20. What is the danger associated with regional blocks? - hypotension resulting from vasodilation below the block, which pools blood in periphery reducing venous return. 21. What is the major cause of maternal death when general anesthesia is administered? - Aspiration of gastric contents 22. Why are PO medications avoided in labor? - gastric activity stops or slows in labor, decreasing absorption from PO route, may cause vomiting. 23. State the best way to administer IV drugs in labor. - at beginning of contraction, push a little medication in while uterine blood vessels are constricted, thereby reducing dose to fetus. 24. When is it dangerous to administer butorphanol (Stadol), an agonist/antagonist narcotic? - when the client is an undiagnosed drug abuser of narcotics, it can cause immediate withdrawal symptoms. 25. Hypotension often occurs after the laboring client receives a regional block. What is one of the first signs the nurse might observe? - Nausea 26. State three actions the nurse should take when hypotension occurs in a laboring client. - turn client to left side. Adminsiter O2 by mask at 10L/min. increase speed of intravenous infusion (if it does not contain medication). 27. The fourth stage is defined as: - the first 1 to 4 hours after delivery placenta. 28. What actions can the nurse take to assist in preventing postpartum hemorrhage? - massage the fundus (gently) and keep the bladder emptied. 29. To promote comfort, what nursing interventions are used for a 3rd degree episiotomy, which extends into the anal sphincter? - ice pack, withc hazel compresses, and no rectal manipulation 30. What nursing interventions are used to enhance maternal-infant bonding during the 4th stage of labor? - withhold eye prophylaxis up to 2 hours. Perform newborn admission/routine procedures in room with parents. Encourage early initiation of breastfeeding. Darken room to encourage newborn to open eyes. 31. List 3 nursing interventions to ease the discomfort of afterpains. - keep bladder empty. Provide warm blanket to abdomen. Administer analgesics ordered by doctor. 32. List symptoms of a full bladder, which might occur in the 4th stage of labor. - fundus above umbilicus, dextroverted (to the right side of abdomen), increased bleeding (uterine atony). 33. What action should the nurse take first when a soft, boggy, uterus is palpated? - perform fundal massage 34. What are the symptoms of hypovolemic shock? - pallor, clammy skin, tachycardia, lightheadedness, and hypotension 35. How often should the nurse check the fundus during the 4th stage of labor? - q15 minutes X 4 (1 hour), q30 minutes X 2 hours if normal. NORMAL PUERPERIUM (POSTPARTUM): 1. A nurse discovers a postpartum client with a boggy uterus, displaced above and to the right of the umbilicus. What nursing action is indicated? - Perform immediate fundal massage. Ambulate to the bathroom or use bedpan to empty bladder because cardinal signs of bladder distention are present. 2. Which women experience afterpains more than others? - Breastfeeding women, multiparas, and women who experienced over distention of the uterus. 3. Upon admission to the postpartum room, 3 hours after delivery, a client has a temperature of 99.5F. What nursing actions are indicated? - Probably elevated due to dehydration and work of labor; force fluids and retake temperature in an hour; notify physician if above 100.4F. 4. A client feels faint on the way to the bathroom. What nursing assessments should be made? - Assess BP sitting and lying, assess Hgb and Hct for anemia. 5. What factor places the postpartum client at risk for thromboembolism? - Increased clotting factors. 6. A breastfeeding mother complains of very tender nipples. What nursing actions should be taken? - Have her demonstrate infant position on breast (incorrect positioning often causes tenderness). Leave bra open to air-dry nipples for 15 minutes 3X daily. Remove all “smothering” creams. 7. Three days postpartum, a lactating mother has full, warm, taut, tender breasts. What nursing actions should be taken? - She is engorged; have newborn suckle frequently; use measures to increase milk flow; warm water, breast massage and supportive bra. 8. What information should be given to a client regarding resumption of sexual intercourse after delivery? - Avoid until postpartum exam. Use water soluble jelly. Expect slight discomfort due to vaginal changes. 9. A woman has decided to take birth control pills as her contraceptive method. What should she do if she misses taking the pill two consecutive days? - Take two pills for two days and use an alternate form of birth control. 10. A woman asks why she is urinating so much in the postpartum period. The nurse bases the response on what information. - Up to 3,000 cc per day can be voided due to the reduction of the 40% plasma volume increase during pregnancy. 11. A woman’s white blood count returns 17,000; she is afebrile and has no symptoms of infection. What nursing action is indicated? - Continue routine assessments; normal leukocytosis occurs during postpartal period because of placental site healing. 12. What is the most common cause of uterine atony in the first 24 hours postpartum? - full bladder 13. What is the purpose of giving docusate sodium (Colace) to the postpartum client? - to soften the stool in mother’s with 3rd and 4th degree episiotomies, hemorrhoids, or Cesarean section delivery. 14. What should the fundal height be at three days postpartum for a woman who has had a vaginal delivery? - 3 fingerbreadths/cm below the umbilicus. 15. List 3 signs of positive bonding between parents and newborn? - Calling infant by name, exploration of newborn head to toe, en face position. THE NORMAL NEWBORN: 1. The newborn transitional period consists of the first ____ of life. - 6 to 8 hours of life 2. The nurse anticipates which newborn will be more at risk for problems in the transitional period. State 3 predisposing factors to respiratory depression in the newborn. - Cesarean delivery; magnesium sulfate given to mother in labor; asphyxia/fetal distress in labor. 3. What is the danger of heat loss to the newborn in the first few hours of life? - Leads to depletion of glucose (very little glycogen storage in immature liver); begins to use brown fat for energy producing ketones causing subsequent ketoacidosis and shock. 4. Normal newborn temperature is ____ = 97.7 – 99.4F Normal newborn heart rate is ____ = 110-160 bpm Normal newborn respiratory rate is ____ = 30-60 bpm Normal blood pressure is ____ = 80/50 5. The nurse records a temperature below 97F on admission of the newborn. What nursing actions should be taken? - Place newborn in isolette or under radiant warmer and attach a temperature skin probe to regulate isolette or radiant warmer temperature. Wrap newborn double if no isolette or warmer available and put cap on head. Watch for signs of hypothermia and hypoglycemia. 6. True or False: the newborn’s head is usually smaller than the chest. - FALSE: head is usually 2 cm larger unless severe molding occurred. 7. During the physical exam of the newborn, the nurse notes the cry is shrill, highpitched, and weak. What are the possible causes? - CNS anomalies, brain damage, hypoglycemia, drug withdrawal. 8. The nurse notes a swelling over the back part of the newborn head. Is this normal newborn variation? - It depends on the exam. If it crosses suture lines and is a caput (edema), it is normal. If it does not cross suture lines, it is a cephalhematoma with bleeding between the skull and periosteum. This could cause hyperbilirubinemia. This is an abnormal variation. 9. What symptoms are common to most newborns with Down Syndrome? - Low set ears, simian crease on palm, protruding tongue, Brushfield’s spots in iris, epicanthal folds. 10. Identify 3 ways t determine presence of congenital hip dislocation in the newborn. - Hip click determination, asymmetrical gluteal folds, unequal limb lengths. 11. Should the normal newborn have a positive or negative Babinski reflex? - Positive. The transient reflex is present until 12-18 months of age. 12. A small-for-gestational age newborn is identified as one who ____. - Has a weight below the 10th percentile for estimated weeks of gestation. 13. When suctioning the newborn with a bulb syringe, which should be suctioned first, the mouth or the nose? - Mouth; stimulating the nares can initiate inspiration which could cause aspiration of mucus in oral pharynx. 14. A new mother asks the nurse if circumcision is medically indicated in the newborn. How should the nurse respond? - There is controversy concerning this issue, but we do know it causes pain and trauma to the newborn, and the medical indication may be unfounded. 15. Normal blood glucose in the term neonate is ____. = 40-80 mg/dl. 16. Why does the newborn need vitamin K in the 1st hour after birth? - Sterile gut at delivery lacks intestinal bacteria necessary for the synthesis of vitamin K; vitamin K is needed in the clotting cascade to prevent hemorrhagic disorders. 17. Physiologic jaundice in the newborn occurs _____. It is caused by _____. - Jaundice occurs at 2-3 days of life and is caused by immature liver’s inability to keep up with bilirubin production of normal RBC destruction. 18. When is the screening test for phenylketonuria done? - At 2-3 days of life or after enough milk ingestion to determine body’s ability to metabolize amino acid phenylalanine. 19. A term newborn needs to take in _____ calories per pound per day. After the initial weight loss is sustained, the newborn should gain _____ per day. - 50 calories; 1 ouncce or 30 grams. 20. List 5 signs and symptoms new parents should be taught to report immediately to a doctor or clinic. - Lethargy; temperature >100F, vomiting, green stools, refusal of 2 feeds in a row. HIGH-RISK DISORDERS: 1. What instructions should the nurse give the woman with a threatened abortion? - Maintain strict bedrest for 24-48 hrs. Avoid sexual intercourse for two weeks. 2. Identify the nursing plans and interventions for a woman hospitalized with hyperemesis gravidarum. - Weight daily; uring ketone checks 3X daily; progressive diet; check FHR q8h; monitor for electrolyte imbalances. 3. Describe discharge counseling for a woman after hydatidiform mole evacuation by D&C. - Prevent pregnancy for one year. Return to clinic/MD for monthly hCG levels for 1 yr. Post-op D&C instructions; call if bright red vaginal bleeding or foul smelling vaginal discharge occurs, or temperature spike over 100.4F. 4. What condition should the nurse suspect if a woman of childbearing age presents to an emergency room with bilateral or unilateral abdominal pain with or without bleeding? - Ectopic pregnancy 5. List 3 symptoms of abruptio placentae and 3 symptoms of placenta previa. - Abruption: fetal distress; rigid, board-like abdomen; pain; dark red or absent bleeding. Previa: painless, bright red vaginal bleeding; fetal heart rate normal; soft uterus. 6. What specific information should the nurse include when teaching human papillomavirus detection & treatment? - Detection of dry; wart-like growths on vulva or rectum. Need for pap smear in the prenatal period. Treatment with laser ablation (cannot use Podophyllin in pregnancy). Associated with cervical carcinoma in mother and respiratory papillomatosis in neonate. 7. State 3 principles pertinent to counseling and/or teaching a pregnant adolescent. - Nurse must establish trust/rapport before counseling/teaching begins. Adolescents do not respond to an authoritarian approach. Consider the developmental tasks of identity and social/individual intimacy. 8. What complications are pregnant adolescents more prone to develop? - PIH, IUGR, CPD, STDs, Anemia. 9. All pregnant women should be taught preterm labor recognition. Describe the warning symptoms of preterm labor. - More than 5 contractions/hour, cramps, low, dull backache; pelvic pressure; change in vaginal discharge. 10. List the predisposing factors to preterm labor. - Urinary tract infection; over distention of uterus; diabetes; PIH; cardiac disease; placenta previa, psychosocial factors, i.e., stress 11. When is preterm labor able to be arrested? - Cervix is <4cm dilated, <50% effacement, and membranes intact and not bulging out of the cervical os. 12. What is the major side effect of beta-adrenergic (Terbutaline, Ritodrine) tocolytic drugs? - Tachycardia 13. What special actions should the nurse take in the intrapartum period if preterm labor is unable to be arrested? - Monitor the FHR continuously and limit drugs, which cross placental barriers to prevent fetal depression or further compromise. 14. A prolonged latent phase for a multipara is ____ and for a nullipara is ____. Multiparas average cervical dilatation is ____cm/hr in the active phase and nulliparas average cervical dilatation is ____cm/hr in the active phase. - >14 hours, >20 hours, 1.5 cm/her; 1.2 cm/hr. 15. What are the major goals of nursing care related to pregnancy-induced hypertension with preeclampsia? - Maintenance of uteroplacental perfusion; prevention of seizures; prevention of complications such as HELLP syndrome, DIC and abruption. 16. Magnesium sulfate is used to treat PIH. A) What is the purpose for administration of magnesium sulfate? B) What is the main action of magnesium sulfate? C) The antidote for magnesium sulfate? D) List the 3 main assessment findings indicating toxic effects of magnesium sulfate. - A) Prevent seizures by decreasing CNS irritability B) Central nervous system depression (seizure prevention) C) Calcium Gluconate D) Reduced urinary output, reduced respiratory rate, and decreased reflexes. 17. What are the major symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension (preeclampsia)? - Increase in BP of 30mmHg systolic and 15 mmHg diastolic over previous baseline; hyperflexia; proteinuria (albuminuria); CNS disturbances; headache, and visual disturbances; epigastric pain. 18. What is the priority nursing action after spontaneous or artificial rupture of membranes? - Assessment of the fetal heart rate. 19. What is the most common complication of oxytocin augmentation or induction of labor? List 3 actions the nurse should take if such a complication occurs. - Tetany. Turn off Pitocin. Turn pregnant woman to side. Administer O2 by face mask. 20. List the symptoms of water intoxification from the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) effect of Pitocin (oxytocin). - Nausea and vomiting, headache, and hypotension. 21. State 3 nursing interventions during FORCEPS delivery. - Ensure empty bladder. Auscultate FHR before application, during, and between traction periods. Observe for maternal lacerations and newborn cerebral/facial trauma. 22. What is the cause of pregnancy induced hypertension? - The person who determines the exact cause will be our next NOBEL prize winner! However, the underlying pathophysiology appears to be generalized vasospasm with increased peripheral resistance and vascular damage. This decreased perfusion results in damage to numerous organs. 23. What interventions should the nurse implement to prevent further CNS irritability in the PIH client? - Darken room, limit visitors, maintain close 1:1 nurse/client ratio, place in private room, plan nursing interventions all together so client is disturbed as little as possible. 24. A woman on Orinase (oral hypoglycemic) asks the nurse if she can continue this medication in pregnancy. How should the nurse respond? - No, oral hypoglycemic medications are teratogenic to the fetus. Insulin will be used. 25. Name 3 maternal & 3 fetal complications of gestational diabetes. - Maternal: hypoglycemia, herperglycemia, ketoacidosis; Fetal: macrosomia, hypoglycemia at birth, fetal anomalies 26. When should the nurse hold the dose of magnesium sulfate and call the physician? - When the client’s respirations are <12/minute, DTRs are absent, or urinary output is <100cc/4 hours 27. State 3 priority nursing actions in the postdelivery period for the client with PIH. - Monitor for signs of blood loss. Continue to assess BP and DTRs q4 hours. Monitor for uterine atony. 28. When are the 2 most difficult times for control for the pregnant diabetic? - Late in the 3rd trimester and in the postpartum period when insulin needs to drop sharply (the diabetogenic effects of pregnancy drop precipitously). 29. Why is regular insulin used in labor? - It is short-acting, predictable, can be infused intravenously and discontinued quickly if necessary. 30. List 3 conditions clients with diabetes mellitus are more prone to develop. - PIH, hydramnios; infection 31. When is cardiac disease in pregnancy most dangerous? - At peak plasma volume increase, 28-32 weeks gestation and during Stage II labor. 32. Does insulin cross the placental/breast barrier? - No, therefore insulin-dependent women may breastfeed. 33. The goal for diabetic management during labor is euglycemia. How is it defined? - 60-100 mg/dl. 34. What contraceptive technique is recommended for diabetic women? - Diaphragm with spermicide. Avoid birth control pills that contain estrogen and IUDs, which are an infection risk. 35. List the symptoms of cardiac decompensation in the laboring client with cardiac disease. - Tachycardia, tachypnea, dry cough, rales in lung bases, dyspnea, and orthopnea. 36. What interventions can the nurse implement to maintain cardiac perfusion in a laboring cardiac client? - Position client in a semi or high-Fowler’s position. Prevent Valsalva’s maneuvers. Position client in a supine or R/T for regional anesthesia. Avoid stirrups because of possible popliteal vein compression and decreased venous return. 37. Gentle counterpressure against the perineum during an emergency delivery prevents ____ and ____. - Maternal lacerations, fetal cerebral trauma. 38. When may a vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) be considered by a woman with a previous c-section? - If a low uterine transverse incision was performed and can be documented AND if the original complication does not recur, i.e., CPD. 39. Prior to anesthesia for C-section delivery, the mother may be given an antacid or a gastric antisecretory drug (histamine receptor antagonist). State the reasons why these drugs are given. - Antacid buffers alkalize the stomach secretions. If aspiration occurs, less lung damage ensues. An antisecretory drug reduces gastric acid, reducing the risk of gastric aspiration. 40. Clients who have had a C-section are prone to what post-op complications? - Paralytic ileus, infection, thromboembolism, respiratory complications, and impaired maternal infant bonding. POSTPARTUM HIGH-RISK DISORDERS: 1. May women with a positive HIV antibody test breastfeed? - No, HIV has been found in breast milk. 2. What are the common side effects of antibiotics used to treat puerperal infection? - GI adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping. Hypersensitivity reactions: rashes, urticaria, and hives 3. How does the nurse differentiate symptomatology of cystitis from pylonephritis? - Pyelonephritis has the same symptoms as cystitis (dysuria, frequency, and urgency) with the addition of flank pain, fever, and pain at costovertebral angle. 4. What are the signs of endometritis? - Subinvolution (boggy, high uterus), lochia returns to rubra with possible foul smell, temperature 100.4F or higher, unusual fundal tenderness. 5. What are the nursing actions for endometritis and parametritis? - Measures to promote lochial drainage; antipyretic measures (acetaminophen, cool baths); administration of analgesics and antibiotics as ordered; increase fluids with attention to high protein/high vitamin C diet. 6. State 4 risk factors or predisposing factors t opostpartum infection. - Operative delivery, intrauterine manipulation , anemia or poor physical health, traumatic delivery, and hemorrhage. 7. State 4 risk factors or predisposing factors to postpartum hemorrhage. - Dystocia or prolonged labor, over distention of the uterus, abruptio placentae, and infection 8. What immediate nursing actions should be taken when a postpartum hemorrhage is detected? - Fundal massage. Notify MD if massage does NOT firm fundus. Count pads to estimate blood loss. Assess/record vital signs. Increase IV fluids and administer oxytocin infusion as ordered. 9. Must women diagnosed with mastitis stop breastfeeding? - No, women who abruptly stop breastfeeding may make the situation worse by increasing congestion/engorgement and providing further media for bacterial growth. Client may HAVE to discontinue breastfeeding if pus is present or if antibiotics are contraindicated for neonate. NEWBORN HIGH-RISK DISORDERS: 1. List the major CNS danger signals, which occur in the neonate. - Lethargy, high-pitched cry, jitteriness, seizures, and bulging fontanels. 2. A baby is delivered blue, limp, and with a heart rate <100. The nurse dries the infant, suctions the oropharynx and gently stimulates the infant while blowing O2 over the face. The infant still does not respond. What is the next nursing action? - Begin oxygenation by bag and mask at 30-50 breaths/minute. Assist physician in setting up for intubation procedure. 3. What does the Silverman-Anderson index measure? - Respiratory difficulty 4. What are the two major complications of O2 toxicity? - Retrolental fibroplasias and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. 5. Necrotizing enterocolitis results from ____ and is manifested by ____. Ischemia/hypoxia results in ____. - Ischemis hypoxia; abdominal distention, sepsis and a lack of absorption from intestines. Injury to the intestinal mucosa. 6. Intraventricular hemorrhage is more common in ____ and results in symptoms of ____. - Premature neonates and VLBW babies. 7. What conditions make oxygenation of the newborn more difficult? - Respiratory distress syndrome; alveolar prematurity/lack of surfactant, anemia and polycythemia. 8. In order to prevent problems with oxygenating the newborn, what parameters can the nurse observe? - PO2 50-90, SVO2 60-80 mmHg. 9. What are the cardinal symptoms of sepsis in a newborn? - Lethargy, temperature instability, difficulty feeding, subtle color changes, subtle behavioral changes and hyperbilirubinemia. 10. A premature baby is born and develops hypothermia. State the major nursing interventions to treat hypothermia. - Place under radiant warmer or in incubator with temperature skin probe over liver. Warm all items touching the newborn. Place plastic wrap over neonate. 11. Nurses often weigh diapers in order to determine exact urine output in the highrisk neonate. Explain this procedure. - Diaper is weighed in grams before applying. Weigh diaper after wetting. Calculate and record each gram or added weight as one cc of urine. 12. What factors does the nurse look for in determining the newborn’s ability to take in nourishment by nipple/mouth? - Good suck, coordinated suck-swallow, takes less than 20 minutes to feed, gaining 2030 gm/day. 13. What complications are associated with total parenteral nutrition (TPN)? - Hyperglycemia, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and infection. 14. In order to prevent rickets in the preterm newborn, what supplement is given? - Calcium and vitamin D. 15. List 4 nursing interventions to enhance family/parent adjustment to a high-risk newborn. - Initiate early visitation at ICU. Provide daily information to family. Encourage participation in support group for parents. Encourage all attempts at care-giving (enhances bonding). 16. List risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia. - Rh incompatibility, ABO incompatibility, prematurity, sepsis, perinatal asphyxia. 17. List symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia in the neonate. - Bilirubin levels rising 5mg/day, jaundice, dark urine, anemia, high reticulocyte (RBC) count, and dark stools. 18. Write one nursing diagnosis generated from the data pertinent to hyperbilirubinemia. - Potential for injury related to predisposition of bilirubin for fat cells in brain. 19. List 3 nursing interventions for the neonate undergoing phototherapy. - Apply opaque mask over eyes. Leave diaper loose so stools/urine can be monitored. Turn every 2 hours. Watch for dehydration. 20. List the symptoms of neonatal narcotic withdrawal. - Irritability, hyperactivity, high-pitched cry, frantic sucking, coarse flapping tremors, and poor feeding. 21. Neonates who are “sick” are prone to receive too much stimulation in the form of invasive procedures and handling too little developmentally-appropriate stimulation and affection. How might such an infant respond? - Failure to thrive, lack of crying. 22. How should the nurse determine the length of a tube needed for oral gavage feeding of a newborn? - From the bridge of the nose, to the earlobe, to a point halfway between the xiphoid and the umbilicus. 23. What are the 2 best ways to test for correct placement of the gavage tube in the infant’s stomach? - Aspiration of stomach contents with pH testing, and auscultation of air bubble injected into stomach. 24. What characteristics would the nurse expect to see in a neonate with fetal alcohol syndrome? - Microcephaly, growth retardation, short palpebral fissures, and maxillary hypophysia.