5th International Conference on Crime Observation and Criminal

5th International Conference on Crime Observation and
Criminal Analysis
Pierre Alarie
Canada’s Ambassador to the United Mexican States
Pierre Alarie is Canada’s Ambassador to the United Mexican States. He arrived in
Mexico on April 7th, 2015. The Ambassador joined the Department of External
Affairs in 1982. While in Ottawa, Mr. Alarie served as a trade desk officer with the
European bureau. He served abroad as second secretary in Lagos and as first secretary in Santiago. After
his assignment in Chile, Mr. Alarie joined the private sector. Between 1991 and 1993, Mr. Alarie was vicepresident, business development of Bombardier’s transportation group, and in 1994 he became vicepresident, business development, for SNC-Lavalin International in Mexico City. Subsequently, Mr. Alarie
was the managing director, Latin America, for the real estate subsidiary of the Caisse de Dépôt et
Placement du Québec. In 1998, he joined the Bank of Nova Scotia as country representative in Mexico
City, a position he held until 2004. In 2004 and 2005, Mr. Alarie was director, mergers and acquisitions,
with Hydro-Québec International. Between 2006 and 2009 he acted as adviser for several Canadian
companies. In 2009, Mr. Alarie became vice president, business development and sales, of the Canadian
Commercial Corporation in Ottawa. Mr. Alarie obtained a Master’s degree in Public Administration at
the College of Europe, Bruges, 1982, and is a certified corporate director and a certified administrator.
He is accompanied by his spouse, Catherine Genois. Mr. Alarie has three children, Philippe, Jack Santiago
and Eloïse.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Juma Assiago
Global Coordinator/Lead, Safer Cities Programme
An urban social scientist by profession, Mr. Juma Assiago has a Master of Science degree in Sustainable
Urban Development from Oxford University in the UK. He has served for 15 years as an international civil
servant in the capacity of Human Settlements Officer at UN-Habitat. He currently coordinates the Safer
Cities Programme and the Global Network on Safer Cities (GNSC). He has worked on several prevention
projects with municipal governments in Africa and Latin America, in the development of city crime
prevention and urban safety strategies. As well, at the global level, he has served in various UN interagency coordinating processes and technically supported various international youth crime prevention
and governance processes.
Araceli Avila
Migration and Human Rights Researcher
Instituto Para La Seguridad Y La Democracia, A.C (INSYDE - Institute for
Security and Democracy, AC)
Avila obtained a degree in Latin American Studies from UNAM and was coordinator of the Congreso de
Estudios de Género (Gender Studies Congress) in Latin America in collaboration with the UNAM
Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género (University Programme for Gender Studies), which was
held in Bogotá, Colombia, Valparaíso, Chile and Mexico City. She has been researching migration and
human rights for INSYDE since 2012, where she works with the Observatorio e Migración project.
Elena Azaola
Scientific Committee Member of the International Centre for the Prevention of
Crime (ICPC) and research professor at the Centro de Investigaciones y
Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (Research Centre for Advanced
Studies in Social Anthropology)
Elena Azaola has a doctorate in anthropology and psychoanalysis and for over 30 years has been a
research professor at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
(Research Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology). She has completed research at the
University of Columbia, New York, and the Australian National University in Canberra and taught at the
Free University of Berlin, the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and Autonomous University of
Barcelona. Azaola has developed numerous studies on crime and violence in Mexico, as well as on the
participation of women and youth in criminal conduct. She has also carried out studies on security
policies, prison and police institutions and participated in the coordination of the Informe Nacional sobre
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
Criminal Analysis
la Violencia (National Report on Violence) for the Health Secretariat and the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP). She has published over 180 works, both in Mexico and in 15 other
countries. She is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel III (National Research
System, Level III) and was part of the Consejo de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal
(Council of the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District) [2001-2009] . Her research has
garnered her various awards and acknowledgements both in Mexico and in other countries.
Jean-Luc Besson
Head of geostatistical studies
Observatoire national de la délinquance et des réponses pénales (ONDRPNational Observatory of delinquency and criminal responses)
Jean-Luc BESSON has been the head of of geostatistic studies-GIS at the Observatoire national de la
délinquance et des réponses pénales (ONDRP- National Observatory of Delinquency and Penal
Responses) since November 2005. Currently a territorial attaché, he is the former director of prevention,
police-justice relations, social mediation services, and municipal police in the city of Roubaix. He is a
graduate in journalism and victimology (American University) and he is trained in geographical crime
analysis from the Crime Mapping & Analysis Center Program (CMAP). He is the author of Les cartes du
crime (PUF, 2005), of the Guide du coordinateur CLS-CLSPD- (Éditions Territoriales, 2005) and co-author
of Sécuriser la Ville (Éditions Territoriales, 2005). He participated in the writing of Géographie de la France
criminelle (Odile Jacob) with Professor Alain Bauer. He teaches at IEJ Université Paris 2, at the Officiers
de la gendarmerie nationale school, at the University of Auvergne as well as at the Conservatoire national
des Arts et Métiers (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts). He is also developing a partnership with
Rutgers University’s Center on Public Security in the context of research on modelling anticipation of the
movement of criminal phenomena. He has been co-organizer of the International Conference on Crime
Observation and Criminal Analysis since its first edition in 2007.
Enrique Betancourt
Director, Iniciativa de Seguridad Ciudadana (Citizen Security Initiative)
Chemonics International
Enrique is the Director of the Iniciativa de Seguridad Ciudadana (Citizen Security Initiative) at Chemonics
International and the former Executive Director at the Centro Nacional de Prevención del Delito (National
Center for Crime Prevention) of the Government of Mexico. His work focuses on the development of
policy frameworks to implement targeted interventions to reduce and prevent violence in urban
contexts. Enrique is a Yale World Fellow, holds a Bachelor Degree in Architecture from the Universidad
de las Americas in Puebla, Mexico and a Master´s Degree in Urban Design from Harvard University.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Serges Bruneau
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Serges Bruneau has an Honours BA in Criminology (University of Montreal), and joined
ICPC in 2003. He has experience in the fields of young offenders’ rehabilitation, Quebec Health and
Social Services, and teaching. In addition, he specialized in crime prevention at the local level, having
coordinated the City of Montreal crime prevention programme, Tandem Montreal, for over 10 years. He
has contributed to several crime prevention initiatives, such as the guide for cities entitled Sécurité dans
les milieux de vie - Pour le mieux-être des citoyens, des citoyennes et des familles. He is a former member
of the National Crime Prevention Council and of the Table ronde du Québec sur la prévention de la
criminalité, (Quebec working group on crime prevention) and is currently President of the Conseil
consultatif québécois en prévention de la criminalité (Quebec Advisory Council on crime prevention).
Formerly ICPC Programme Director, he is now a consultant with the Centre.
Orlando Camacho
General Director
Fundación México SOS - Mexico SOS Foundation
Orlando Camacho is an instructor, speaker and consultant in various institutions
and organizations. He has been involved in the creation of programmes and actions that furthered
educational inclusion in Mexico and has participated in the implementation of highly successful
educational and training programmes. He was the Director General of the Mexican Institute for
Educational Excellence A.C., an organization that directly benefitted over 900,000 people, among them
teachers, directors and parents. He created, implemented and directed a children and parents’ project
in which a complete intervention template was devised for the family; he also created the radio
programme “Historias de todos” (“Everyone’s Story”) broadcast every day at Radio Centro, of which he
was the host for 4 years. He promoted the approval for the General Law in favour of victims of
kidnapping, and is currently asking for the approval of several laws in favour of Security and Justice. He
is currently the Director General of the Mexico SOS Foundation chaired by Alejandro Martí, B.A. He
coordinated the urban pact “Mi voto por tu compromiso” (“My vote for your commitment”), which was
widely disseminated and accepted. He coordinated the creation and implementation of the Network of
Urban Observatories SOS, of which there are currently ten in various cities in the country. He coordinated
the organization and promotion of the three forums on Security and Justice, in favour of the New
Criminal Justice System (Constitutional Penal Reform).
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Vincenzo Castelli
Consorzio Nova Onlus
Vincenzo Castelli holds a Doctorate in Philosophy and Pedagogy. He is the President of the Consorzio
NOVA (a consortium of Italian social organizations), adviser and supervisor of projects on urban safety
and marginal groups in Latin America for the Cooperación Italiana (Foreign Affairs Ministry) and is an
international expert on urban safety for European Union projects (Urb-AL and Eurosocial) in Latin
America. Castelli also advises on planning, evaluation and monitoring, both in Italy and in other European
countries, for ministries, regions, municipalities, as well as for national and international networks on
issues relating to interventions aimed at children and adolescents, sexual exploitation, drug abuse,
migration, and gender. Castelli is the author of numerous publications on urban security issues.
Carlos Arturo Castro Reséndiz
Independent Consultant
A graduate in Psychology and holding a Masters in Urban Studies, Carlos Castro
specializes in crime prevention at the local level, in narrative therapy and in social responsibility. A large
part of his career has been in the tertiary sector (civil society) of Mexico, working in clinical practice and
social analysis. He worked in education planning from 2004 to 2007 at the Faculty of Psychology of the
UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). His work has focussed on the support of
populations in vulnerable situations through drug addiction prevention programmes and life plan
design. He worked with young mothers living on the street (Dar y Amar I.A.P.) through a social reinsertion
programme from 2008 to 2010 and with the Federal District Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Ministry of
Social Development) of from 2009 to 2010. He was R&D Director at the Instituto Mexicano de Prevención
Integral (Mexican Institute for Integral Prevention), where he was in charge of the conception and
evaluation of programmes preventing crime, addictions, and other at-risk behaviours in children and
youth for local and federal governments and civil society from 2010 to 2014. Carlos Castro currently
works as an independent consultant in Mexico and Chile in impact and social responsibility evaluation
for the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and PEMEX, as well as for the Inter-American Development
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Daniel Cauchy
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Daniel Cauchy has been ICPC’s Director General since February 2013. This is his second term at ICPC,
having been previously loaned by the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec provincial police) in 2007 to improve
the Centre’s police partnerships. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA, Université du
Québec à Montréal), and has over ten years’ experience with the Sûreté du Québec as a senior manager
in labour relations, human resources, relationships with municipalities, communications, and audits. Prior
to his police career, he spent several years in commercial management. He has also had the opportunity
to be involved in crime prevention directly in the field as a regional manager of a number of ICPC’s
Arnaud Colombie
Special Advisor
Comité interministériel de prévention de la délinquance (CIPD Interministerial Committee on Crime Prevention)
Arnaud Colombie has been a Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the CIPD since February 2014.
His particular interest lies in the prevention of violent radicalization. He has a degree in law and security
policies and a Masters in combatting financial and organized crime. He spent eight years implementing
and coordinating local policies for safety and crime prevention in local government and then three years
at the Agence nationale pour la cohésion sociale et l'égalité des chances (Acsé), a public institution for the
credit management of urban policy.
Karine Senamaud Dabadie
Head of Department
Unité de médecine Légale des Antilles (West Indies Forensic Medicine Unit)
Senamaud Dabadie has been Head of Department at the West Indies Forensic
Medicine Unit (Thanatology and Forensic Medicine for the Living) at the University Hospital of Pointeau-Pitre since 2010 and an expert for the Court of Appeals in Basse-Terre since 2011She was an
emergency doctor in the Emergency Department of the University Hospital of Bordeaux for 10 years
(2000-2010). She holds degrees in Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Medical
Expertise (personal injury and medical malpractice) and forensics, criminal law, and criminology. Her
areas of publication include: head trauma, domestic violence, crime in the West Indies, ballistics, firearm
and stabbing homicide in the West Indies.
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Johannes de Haan
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer,
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Mr. de Haan provides technical assistance to Member States around the world as
well as support for the work of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Before joining
the UN, Mr. de Haan worked for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, both at the
Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna and the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, as well as for the European Union
Rule of Law Mission for Iraq. He started his career as research assistant at the Department for Peace and
Conflict Research of the University of Uppsala in Sweden, and holds master’s degrees in History and
International Humanitarian Assistance.
Luigi De Martino
Coordinator of the Secretariat
Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development
Luigi De Martino is the coordinator of the Secretariat of the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and
Development, a diplomatic initiative signed by 113 states aiming at reducing in a measurable way armed
violence by 2015 (and beyond). The Secretariat is hosted by the Small Arms Survey, a Genevabased global centre of excellence whose mandate is to generate evidence-based, impartial, and policyrelevant knowledge on all aspects of small arms and armed violence. He has worked for more than ten
years as researcher, trainer and consultant on conflict, violence and development issues. Before that, he
worked for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and for the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. He holds a Master in Anthropology and
a B.A. in Political Sciences.
Felipe de la Torre, Regional Advisor on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Felipe DE LA TORRE, an Ecuadorian lawyer, is a graduate from the Catholic University
of Ecuador and holds a masters’ degree in Public Administration from the Complutense University of
Madrid. He has been working since 1999 in the field of state modernization. In Quito, he was part of the
technical team for the development of legal and institutional reform programs of the German
Corporation for International Cooperation, GIZ. After becoming legal adviser for the Consulate of
Ecuador in Madrid between 2001 and 2002, he joined in 2003 the United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime (UNODC) in Vienna, Austria, to support the development of global programs for the
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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implementation of the Palermo Convention and against sequestration. In November 2006, he was
transferred at UNODC’s Office in Mexico, from which he coordinated until 2008 the initiative on witness
protection for Latin America and substantially contributed to the expansion of a range of the Office’s
projects in Central America and the Caribbean. In 2010 he was transferred to Guatemala to launch
UNODC’s operations in the country. Now back in Mexico, and with an extensive knowledge of program
management and development, communication campaigns, public relations and the migratory
phenomenon, Felipe De La Torre is in charge of UNODC’s department to combat human trafficking and
the smuggling of migrants. He is in charge of implementing the international campaign “Corazón Azul”
(Blue Heart) of which he is the manager. With its presence in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe,
“Corazón Azul” represents one of the most visible awareness initiatives, with an impact throughout the
UN system.
Dominique Helene Derijckere
Research Coodinator
Observatorio ciudadano de prevención, seguridad y justicia de chihuahua A.C
(Public Observatory for Prevention, Security, and Justice in Chihuahua)
Derijckere is an economist at Free University of Brussels, Belgium and holds a Masters in NGO
Administration. She has had the opportunity to work as an executive in the private (Carrefour,
Mexiconow) and public (INEGI) sectors as well as in academia at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey (Institute of Technology and Higher Education) and in civil society, with the
Centro para el Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil (Centre for the Reinforcement of Civil Society) and
CONFIO. She is presently Research Coordinator at the Observatorio ciudadano de prevención, seguridad
y justicia de chihuahua A.C.
Salomé Flores
Coordinator of the Centro de Información Estadística para Excelencia de
Gobierno, Seguridad Pública y Justicia Victimización (Government Centre of
Excellence for Government Statistical, Public Security and Victimization Justice)
Flores is Coordinator of the Centro de Información Estadística para Excelencia de
Gobierno, Seguridad Pública y Justicia Victimización (Government Centre of Excellence for Government
Statistical, Public Security and Victimization Justice), a joint project of the Instituto Nacional de
Estadística y Geografía de México (National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico) and the
United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime. Prior to this, she was advisor to the Seguridad Pública
de Vicepresidencia, Justicia y Asuntos de la Contraloría (Vice President of Public Security, Justice and
Home Affairs of the Comptroller), INEGI, dealing with topics related to victim surveys and public safety
statistics. Previously, she held various positions in the Ministry of Public Administration. She holds a BA
in International Relations from the Universidad de las Américas - Puebla, a law degree from the
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Canberra, and in applied statistics and strategic direction from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo of
México. In the international arena, she has participated in various programmes on public safety,
corruption and government as part of the International Leaderships Visitors Program of the US
Department of State, and was Chevening Fellow at the University of Bradford, United Kingdom,
researching the reform of the public sector and public services.
Fabrice Fussy
Observatoire national de la délinquance dans les transports (ONDT -National
Observatory for Delinquency in Transport) Ministère de l'Écologie, du
Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement (Ministry of Ecology,
Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing)
Fabrice Fussy is a geographer specializing in safety in public transit. A graduate of the University of Paris
1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut de criminologie de Paris and the ’Institut d’études et de recherche pour la
sécurité des entreprises (IERSE - Institute for Studies and Research on Private Security), Fussy specialized
in geo-statistical analysis and crime prevention. After working for six years at the Société nationale des
chemins de fer français (SNCF- National Society of Railroads of France) as a project manager, in 2009 he
was appointed responsable du pôle analyse et recherche (head - Department of Analysis and Research)
for the ONDT, within the ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du
Logement (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing), France. This
department is mandated to analyze transport-related delinquency in order to define adaptive preventive
measures. In October 2011, he was appointed head of the ONDT during the creation of a department
for transport safety.
Isabelle Gally
Head of Department for Transportation Safety
Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du
Logement (Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and
A graduate in linguistics, Isabelle Gally holds a DESS in "Training-sociology of organizations” from Paris
1 and is a graduate of École nationale des ponts et chaussées (National School of Bridges and Roads) graduate studies in housing and planning, the École nationale d'administration (National School of
Administration) - graduate studies for the development of senior public servants, and of the Institut
national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice (INHESJ - National Institute for Advanced Studies
on Security and Justice). She has held multiple positions in the Ministries of Ecology, Finance, and the
Interior and she has worked on safety issues (building, health, road, and transportation) for over ten
years. After having worked on crime prevention in the General Secretariat of the Comité interministériel
de prévention de la délinquance (SG-CIPD - Interministerial Committee on Crime Prevention), she joined
the Ministry of Transport as Head of Department for Transportation Safety in January 2014.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Jairo Garcia Guerrero
Director of Public and Business Safety
Bogotá Chamber of Commerce
Guerrero is a political commentator specializing in government and public policy.
He has extensive experience in project management for public-private cooperation in the field of public
policy development, in areas of good governance, security, citizenship, as well as police and judicial
cooperation. He has accumulated ten years of experience in the structuring and implementation of
initiatives for institutional reinforcement of civilian and law enforcement authorities and in knowledge
transfer. He has also worked in international consultancy on public-private cooperation in public safety
for the conception and implementation of observatories on violence and crime and of risk-mitigation
Eduardo Garza Cavazos
Centro de Integración Ciudadana (CIC – Centre for Urban Integration)
As the Director of the CIC (Centro de Integración Ciudadana – Centre for Urban Integration), Garza
Cavazos is responsible for defining the strategy and leading the implementation of programmes that
stimulate urban participation and prevent offences through the use of replicable and scalable
information technologies. As part of his responsibilities, he is also improving on services to citizens which
includes providing reporting, as well as supporting psychological and legal advice for victims of high
impact offences. He seeks to consolidate the CIC with the implementation of governmental structures,
the development of the model for other entities and the incorporation of services that enable the
continuity of the Centre in the long run.Prior to his involvement with the CIC, he worked in an investment
bank, established the largest crafts portal in Mexico, worked for Neoris as Account Manager where he
defined the strategy and the launch of the development offer for mobile platforms, worked at CEMEX
as the Relationship Advisor to IBM and as the Manager of Strategic Risk. He holds an MBA from EGADE
Business School, a Bachelor’s degree in Economy (LEC) from ITESM – summa cum laude, a Diploma in
Intelligence Systems from EGAP and a Certificate in Project Administration from PMI.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Burkhard Hasenpusch
Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony (CPC)
Dr. Burkhard Hasenpusch joined the Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony (CPC)
in Hanover in 2009 to develop among other things a databank on promising crime prevention
programmes for a "Communities that care" project and to analyse the data from the student survey
conducted as part of that project. He also worked in the CPC’s Beccaria project for enhancing quality in
crime prevention. Since his retirement in 2012 he has been at the CPC on a voluntary basis. He studied
psychology in Kiel and criminology in Ottawa and Montreal (Dissertation on “Future trends in crime and
crime control in Canada”). He worked in Montreal on the evaluation of crime prevention programmes
(1978 - Ècole de Criminologie), in New York on capital punishment (1979 - UN Secretariat) and designed
an interdepartmental crime prevention policy for the Lower Saxony Department of Justice in Hannover
(1980/82) before joining the prison division there. His responsibilities included research and statistics in
the prison service, the treatment of sexual offenders, academic and vocational training of prisoners,
prison labour and chaplaincy services.
Alejandro Hope
Editor, security and justice
El Daily Post
Alejandro Hope is the security and justice editor at El Daily Post, an Englishlanguage media outlet devoted to Mexico. Previously, from 2011 and 2014, he was Director of Security
Policy Projects at IMCO, a Mexico City-based think tank. He was tasked with developing innovative
security policy ideas, with a focus on drug policy, organized crime, and violence reduction. Additionally,
between 2008 and 2011 he held a number of executive positions at the Centro de Investigación y
Seguridad Nacional (CISEN - Center for Investigation and National Security), Mexico's civilian intelligence
agency. From 2001 to 2008, he was a partner at GEA (Grupo de Economistas y Asociados), a Mexico Citybased economic and political consulting firm, where he shared the responsibility for the political
products and services offered by the group. Prior to GEA, Mr. Hope served as junior political advisor and
speechwriter in the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox and worked in the international affairs unit of
the transition team of the President-elect. From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Hope was chief legislative aide to
Senator Adolfo Aguilar Zinser. In the Senate, he was responsible for drafting a number of bills on
environmental policy and political reform, as well as policy and position papers on international affairs
and national politics. From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Hope worked in several agencies of the Mexican
Government. He was an advisor to the CEO of Banobras, a national development bank, and the Secretary
of Energy. In the private sector, he served as research assistant to the Director General of GEA. Mr. Hope
holds a B.A. in History from the University of Pennsylvania and undertook PhD studies in Political Science
at Princeton University. He is a frequent contributor to a number of Mexican media outlets, including
Milenio Diario, El Economista and Nexos, and runs a security policy blog.
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Antonio Iskandar
Director, Program for Urban Coexistence
Trained as a lawyer at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB - Catholic
University Andrés Bello), Caracas, Venezuela, with a postgraduate degree in Public Policy from
Georgetown University, Washington DC., Iskander has over 20 years’ experience in the creation and
implementation of decentralization, local governance, transparency and urban safety programmes in
Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He kept leadership
positions in the public sector in Venezuela by promoting public policies in the area of justice and safety.
Over the last 17 years he was director and technical advisor to programmes funded by the US Agency
for International Development (USAID) in matters relating to local governance, decentralization, the fight
against corruption and violence and crime prevention. In this role, he created and implemented projects
in more than ten countries. Currently Director of the Program for Urban Coexistence funded by USAID
with Pillar IV of the Merida Initiative, a programme developed to strengthen resilient communities, where
he facilitated the development of models, methodologies, and instruments to promote the
implementation of integral programmes of social prevention of violence and crime and facilitated the
design and the replication of best practices in Mexico and the Latin American region.
Edna Jaime
Executive Director
México Evalúa
A political commentator at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM - Autonomous Institute
of Technology of Mexico), Edna Jaime has more than 25 years of experience in applied research on
diverse themes related to public policy and over ten years in leading think tanks. In addition to being
Director of the Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo (CIDAC - Research Centre for Development),
where she began her career as a researcher, she became Founder and Executive Director of México
Evalúa. Throughout her career, she has led and collaborated with more than 20 groups that have had an
impact on decisions about public policy in Mexico. In 2011, Edna Jaime was granted an award for
Professional Merit by ITAM for her lengthy involvement in civil society organizations.
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Leslie W. Kennedy
Professor of Criminal Justice
Rutgers University
United States
Leslie W. Kennedy (PhD University of Toronto) is currently University Professor of
Criminal Justice at Rutgers University. He is also a core faculty member in the Division
of Global Affairs at Rutgers. He was the Dean of SCJ from 1998 to 2007. In his most recent research, he
extends his interest in risk assessment, focusing on crime mapping and the development (with Joel
Caplan) of risk terrain modeling (RTM) for use by police in preventing crime. RTM is currently adopted
by scores of police agencies around the world to help them forecast crime occurrences and respond
through problem solving designed to address local issues. He is the author or co-author of 20 books
and over 70 research articles and chapters. He has published in major journals in criminology and
criminal justice, including Criminology, Justice Quarterly, and Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
Marcelo E. Korc
Advisor on Sustainable Development and Human Security
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
United States
Dr. Korc has been an advisor with the Pan American Health Organization/World
Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) since 1998. Until 2013, the main objective of his work was providing
leadership and overseeing research, technical cooperation, and capacity building programmes on the
theme of healthy environments in the Americas. In particular, he was working with national and local
authorities of the U.S.-Mexico border region, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. Since 2013, Dr. Korc has
been responsible for developing the PAHO/WHO regional cooperation project on health and human
safety in Washington, DC. He received a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Cum Laude) from the TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology in 1987, a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rochester
in New York in 1992, and a Master in Public Health from the University of Texas in 2011.
Julius Lang
Director of Training and Technical Assistance
Center for Court Innovation
United States
Julius Lang has been the Director of Training and Technical Assistance at the Center for Court Innovation,
a non-governmental organization based in New York City, since 2002. The Center seeks to promote new
thinking about how to reduce crime and incarceration while strengthening public trust in justice. Mr.
Lang spearheads the Center’s expert assistance services – including workshops, study tours and inperson consulting – for jurisdictions around the U.S. and internationally. Among his current projects is
coordination of the Minority Youth Violence Prevention initiative, a joint program of the U.S. Department
of Justice and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 9 jurisdictions around the U.S.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Pablo Madriaza
Senior Analyst and Project Officer
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Pablo Madriaza is Senior Analyst and Project Officer at ICPC, in Montreal, Canada.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Pontifica Universidad Católica
de Chile, an MA in Anthropology from the University of Chile, and an MA in Sociology from the École
des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Sociology
at the Université of Paris-Descartes, France. Throughout his career, he has participated in numerous
research projects and publications on conflict and violence, among them studies on school and youth
violence, crime, and the prison system, particularly in an urban context. He is currently leading a study
on the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism in developed countries, as well as a study on
social conflict and collective action in Chile. He is the lead editor of ICPC’s 5th International Report on
Crime Prevention and Community Safety. He has taught at various universities and participated in several
intervention projects, principally linked to school violence, domestic violence and mental health
intervention community programs.
Raúl Manasevich
Director of the Analysis and Modeling Center of Security
University of Chile (CEAMOS)
Manasevich is a professor at the University of Chile in Santiago, where he is the
director of the Analysis and Modeling Center of Security at the University of Chile (CEAMOS). He
received his masters followed by his Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences at the University of California at
Berkeley. He obtained the rank of civil engineer from the University of Chile, where he is a member of
the Department of Mathematical Engineering and a researcher at the Center for Mathematical
Modeling (CMM) in the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He is (and has been) the editor
of numerous academic journals. He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Science.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Antonio Mazzitelli
Oficina de Enlace y Partenariado México LPO
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Since September 2009, Mr. Antonio Mazzitelli is in charge of UNODC’s Oficina de
Enlace y Partenariado (Liaison and Partnership Office), in Mexico. In 1990, Mr. Mazzitelli joined the
Secretariado de la Junta de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes de las Naciones Unidas (Secretariat of the
United Nations’ Narcotics Control Board), in Vienna. Since 1992, he has held various positions at
UNODC’s headquarters in Vienna, Nigeria and Colombia. In 1996, he was in charge of opening UNODC’s
office in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he held the position of representative until December 2002.
Between 2003 and 2009, he was in charge of the UNODC Regional Office for West and Central Africa
based in Dakar, Senegal, with an operational mandate on 25 countries and two regions. He has published
various short articles on drugs and organized crime in Colombia, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, and the
United Kingdom. In 1997, he was a speaker at Del Rosario University in Bogotá, Colombia, on topics
related to economic, social and legal aspects of drug trafficking and organized crime. Mr. Mazzitelli holds
a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Bologna, in Italy, and completed graduate studies in
International Cooperation.
Roxane Martel-Perron
Analyst and Project Officer
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Roxane Martel-Perron is Analyst and Project Officer at ICPC, in Montreal, Canada.
She holds an MA in Development Management and Humanitarian Aid from
Université Laval, completed in partnership with EGADE Business School in Mexico, and a Bachelor’s
degree in International Studies and Modern Languages from Université Laval, completed in partnership
with the Universidad de Costa Rica. She is currently completing a graduate certificate in Crime Analysis
at the University of Montreal (UdeM). She worked for several years in project management and
evaluation, particularly on programs of crime prevention, prevention of addiction and prevention of
youth risk behavior. As Programme Coordinator at the Instituto Mexicano de Prevención Integral A.C.
she undertook a capacity building project for 21 NGOs for the Subsecretaría de Prevención y
Participación Ciudadana (Subsecretary for Prevention and Citizen Participation) and coordinated a
comprehensive prevention programme in 15 schools in Mexico City. She also evaluated gender-sensitive
projects and programmes at Save the Children México. While at ICPC, she has worked on the
development of local safety audits in Tunisia and in municipalities in the province of Quebec, Canada.
She wrote a report on violence prevention in public institutions for the Quebec Ministry of Public Safety
and is co-author of a report on the prevention of drug-related crime for the Government of Canada.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Nicholas E. Mitchell
Independent Monitor
Denver Police and Sheriff Departments
United States
Nicholas E. Mitchell is the Independent Monitor of the Denver Police and Sheriff
Departments. As Independent Monitor, Nick provides independent civilian oversight
of all investigations into the approximately 2,300 sworn police officers and sheriff deputies in the City
and County of Denver. He also conducts data-driven analysis of police and sheriff policies and practices,
with a goal of ensuring constitutional law enforcement for all in Denver. Nick manages a staff of 13,
including former federal and state prosecutors, a quantitative criminologist, a statistician, and a
community outreach liaison. Nick is on-call 24/7, and responds to the scene of all officer-involved
shootings in Denver, where he provides oversight of the police investigations into each shooting. Nick
is a former Gates Foundation Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is a founding
board member of El Sistema Colorado. In 2014, Nick was elected to the Board of Directors of the
National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (“NACOLE”). Before becoming
Independent Monitor, Nick was a lawyer in private practice in New York City and Denver, representing
companies and individuals in investigations by the United States Department of Justice and the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Nick speaks (rusty) conversational Spanish.
Elizabeth Moiron-Braud
Secretary General
Mission interministérielle pour la protection des femmes contre les violences et
la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains (MIPROF - Interdepartmental Mission
for the Protection of Women against Violence and the Fight against Human
Born in 1956, Ms. Elizabeth Moiron-Braud was a lawyer of the Paris Bar between 1980 and 2005, a
member of the Conseil de l’Ordre des avocats de Paris (Council of the Order of Lawyers of Paris) (19982000) and of the Conseil national de l’aide juridique (National Council of Legal Assistance) (2000-2006).
As a magistrate, she was nominated as Vice-president of the Regional Court of Beauvais and President
of the Criminal Chamber in January 2007. In September 2008, she was nominated as bureau chief of
victim support and community policy for access to law and justice and victim support in the Department
of Justice, and became Deputy Head of the Service in October 2012. Since 2013, she has been Secretary
General to the Mission interministérielle pour la protection des femmes contre les violences et la lutte
contre la traite des êtres humains (MIPROF - Interdepartmental Mission for the Protection of Women
against Violence and the Fight against Human Trafficking). MIPROF takes a leadership role in the
evaluation and dissemination of policies against violence against women and ensures national
coordination of the fight against human trafficking.
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Céline Monnier
Analyst and Project Officer
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Céline Monnier holds an MA in International Law from the Graduate Institute of
International and Development Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the
University of Geneva, Switzerland. Her interest in armed violence prevention led her to collaborate with
NGOs and with the Swiss Government at the United Nations in New York, Switzerland, Colombia and
Mexico. She has worked in the fields of small arms and light weapons (SALW), human rights and has
conducted security diagnoses in Colombia and Mexico.
Herman Okomba-Deparice
Centre de prévention de la radicalisation menant à la violence (CPRMV –
Centre for the prevention of radicalisation that leads to violence)
Okomba-Deparice is a political scientist and the director of the CPRMV. He specializes in intercultural
relations and issues of radicalisation, terrorism, discrimination, and community-based policing. Prior to
his nomination in 2015 at the CPRMV, he was in charge of social affairs (racial and social profiling,
relations with the community, crime prevention, etc.) for ten years at the Service de police de la ville de
Montréal (SPVM – Montreal Police Service). Dr. Okomba-Deparice is also a lecturer at the University of
Ciro Humberto Ortiz Estrada
Commissioner General
Chair of the Scientific Division, Federal Police
A 1982 graduate from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechnic
Institute), Oriz Estrada is a certified industrial chemical engineer in addition to
holding a Master’s degree in chemical engineering sciences (1991) and a doctoral degree in chemical
engineering sciences from the Tecnológico de Celaya (Technological Institute of Celaya) (2003). In 2011
he was awarded a Medal for Scholarly Merit from the Universidad Iberoamericana and he has been a
member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores since 1991. Additionally he has published 19 articles
internationally and has edited a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering, which also
appeared in 58 national and international conventions.
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Miroslava Ortiz Flores
Programme Director
Causa en Común A.C. (Common Cause)
Miroslava Ortiz has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs and a Master’s
Degree in Administration and Public Policy. She also completed postgraduate studies in National
Security, Borders and Migration along with Seminars in Human Rights, Citizenship and Leadership. In
the professional field, Miroslava has been a consultant to local governments in Mexico on public policy
issues, and head of the Special Intelligence Department of the Instituto Nacional de Migración (National
Migration Institute). She was a researcher on Police Development and is currently Programme Director
of the Causa en Común A.C.. One of the organisation’s most important programmes is the Programa de
Acompañamiento al Desarrollo Policial (Citizen Monitoring of Police Development), through which
progress in the advancement and professionalism of the state police is monitored, making proposals for
that will have a significant impact on public safety policy.
Liana Perez
Director of Operations
National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE)
United States
Perez was selected as the City of Tucson's first Independent Police Auditor in 1997.
She was entrusted with the tasks of developing, implementing and maintaining a
credible, fair and equitable review process of citizen complaints of police misconduct. She has over 20
years’ experience in the Civil Rights field having worked for the Arizona Attorney General’s office as a
Civil Rights Investigator and as the City of Tucson’s Director of Equal Opportunity Programs. Perez has
been a member of the National Association of Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) for
over seventeen years and is a former board member. Upon her retirement from the City of Tucson in
2015, she assumed the role of Director of Operations for NACOLE.
Carlos Requena
Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia (MUCD – Mexico United Against Crime)
Requena is a criminal defence lawyer and partner in the law firm REQUENA
AVOCATS, S.C.. He is an advisor at Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia (MUCD –
Mexico United Against Crime) and a columnist for #DerechoReservado published every Monday in The
Economist. He is also director of the Instituto Mexicano de Mejores Prácticas Corporativas (IMMPC Mexican Institute of Best Practices in Management), a specialist on issues related to Procedural Fraud,
Corporate Criminal Liability and Penal Compliance and author of Gobernanza, Reto en la relación EstadoSociedad, Editorial Lid.
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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Francisco Rivas
Director General
Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano de Seguridad, Justicia y Legalidad
(National Civic Observatory of Security, Justice and Legality)
Rivas holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and trade from the Università degli
Studi di Perugia as well as in psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC Autonomous University of Baja California). Specialized in Culture of Legality from the Facultad
Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences) in Mexico, he holds a
Master’s degree in psychology from the Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos y Superiores de México (Centre
of Technological and Higher Studies of Mexico) and has a PhD in global development studies from UABC
and UCLA. In 2002 he became a UABC scholar. From 2006 to 2009 he was coordinator of the Master’s
programme in Human Development at Universidad Iberoamericana Tijuana. From 2002 to 2005 he was
also Coordinator of programmes for the Programas de Cultura de la Legalidad (Culture of Legality
Programmes) in Mexico at the Instituto de Renacimiento Siciliano (Institute of Sicilian Renaissance), which
was founded by former mayor of Palermo Dr. Leoluca Orlando to promote a culture of legality globally.
There, Rivas worked on education and public security programmes in the states of Baja California, Nuevo
Leon and Sinaloa. From 2005 until 2009, he was Director of the Centro de Cultura de la Legalidad (Centre
on Culture of Legality) for the state government of Baja California. From 2010 to March 2013 he was
Director of the Proyecto Cultura de la Legalidad (Project for Culture of Legality) in Mexico where he
implemented programmes on the culture of legality in the SFP, PGR, SSP, CFE, PGJDF, PGJ of Michoacan;
moreover he has published on the topic of culture of legality. He is currently Director General of the
Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano de Seguridad, Justicia y Legalidad and Consultant for the Centro
Nacional de Información Estratégica (National Strategic Information Centre - NSIC), and he a member of
the Red de Especialistas en Seguridad Pública (network of specialists in public security).
Ibeth Rodríguez Guerrero
Deputy Director General, Training and Innovation
Subsecretaría de Prevención y Participación Ciudadana (Under-Secretariat for
Prevention and Civic Participation)
Ibeth Rodriguez Guerrero is a graduate in Political Science and Public Administration from the
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, UAA (Autonomous University of Aguascalientes) and a
Master’s candidate in Comparative Public Policies with the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
(Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences), FLACSO. In addition, she has various degrees and specialized
seminars in the subject. She has over 15 years experience in the security and justice sector. She is
currently Deputy Director General of Training and Innovation in the Subsecretaría de Prevención y
Participación Ciudadana (Under-Secretariat for Prevention and Civic Participation), of the Government
in Mexico. Previously, she worked in institutions such as the General Secretariat of Government of the
State of Aguascalientes in Mexico, the Executive Secretariat of the Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública
V International Conference on Crime Observation and
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(National System of Public Safety), the Prosecutor General of the Republic and the Programa
Internacional de Asistencia y Entrenamiento en Investigación Criminal (ICITAP) (International Assistance
and Training Programme in Criminal Investigation) of the Department of Justice of the United States
Government in Mexico.
Cyrille Schott
Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice (INHESJ)
(National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security and Justice)
Regional prefect Cyrille Schott was appointed as Director of INHESJ by a presidential
decree on March 6, 2014. Chief Counsellor at the Cour des Comptes (Court of Auditors) from 2009 to
2014, he was a Prefect in different regions across France, namely in Languedoc-Roussillon, BasseNormandie, Pas-de-Calais, Seine et Marne, Haut Rhin, Indre et Loire, Nièvre and Territoire de Belfort.
From 1982 to 1987 he was technical advisor to the Cabinet of the President of the Republic. He
graduated in 1976 (Guernica) from the National School of Administration (ENA); he holds a Masters in
history and also graduated from the IEP (Institute of Political Studies) of Strasbourg. Schott is an Officer
of the French Legion of Honour and Commander of the National Order of Merit.
Romain Sèze
Violent extremism expert
Institut National des Hautes Études de la Sécurité et de la Justice (INHESJ –
National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security and Justice)
Sèze received his PhD in Sociology in 2012 from the École des Hautes Études en
Sciences Sociales (EHESS - School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences). His research focuses on
political sociology and sociology of religion, and more specifically on questions of norms and authority
in contemporary Islam. He has been working as a Research Officer at the Institut National des Hautes
Études de la Sécurité et de la Justice since June 2015, where he is focussing on the study of religion from
a security perspective through projects on radicalisation and counter-terrorism. Sèze is a member of the
Groupe Sociétés, Religions et Laïcités (EPHE-CNRS – Group on Societies, Religions and Secularisms), a
research associate at the Aix-en-Provence IEP (Institute of Political Studies), and expert for the Pharos
Observatory on Cultural and Religious Pluralism. He also taught at the University of Reims, at Sciences
Po Aix and the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm).
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Paula Soto Villagran
Professor and principal investigator
Department of Sociology of the División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
(Department of Social Sciences and Humanities)
UAM Iztapalapa
Villagran holds a Masters and a PhD. in Anthropological Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana (UAM) Unidad Iztapalapa (Metropolitan Autonomous University - Iztapalapa Campus). She
completed a short period of post-doctoral research in Human Geography at the Department of
Sociology of the same university. She leads the research project entitled Viajemos Seguras en el
Transporte Público in Mexico City. She has contributed to the conception and implementation of policies
preventing gender violence in urban public spaces for the Inter-American Development Bank. She is a
professor and principal investigator in the Department of Sociology of the División de Ciencias Sociales
y Humanidades (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) at UAM Iztapalapa, where she
participates in research on Space and Society and is a professor of Human Geography. Her main research
area is the geography of gender, daily life, violence, and the city.
Christophe Soullez
Observatoire national de la délinquance et des réponses pénales (ONDRP National Observatory of Delinquency and Penal Responses)
Criminologist Soullez has been the Director of the ONDRP, part of the Institut National des Hautes Etudes
de la Sécurité et de la Justice (INHESJ: National Institute for Advanced Studies in Justice and Security)
since 2004. He is also Training Officer at the Ecole des officiers de la gendarmerie nationale (EOGN:
National Gendarmerie Officer School), at the Ecole nationale supérieure de police (ENSP - National Higher
Police School), at the University of Paris II, at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Institute of Political
Studies of Paris) and at the Institut de préparation à l'administration générale (IPAG – Training institute
for general administration) of Clermont-Ferrand. He is author and co-author of many works, the latest
of which are: Une histoire criminelle de la France (Odile Jacob), La criminologie pour les Nuls (First), and
Le terrorisme pour les Nuls (First).
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Franz Vanderschueren
Director, Center for Citizen´s Security at Alberto Hurtado University and
Honorary Member of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
Currently Director of the Center for Citizen´s Security and professor at Alberto Hurtado University,
Vanderschueren is Chairman of the Advisory Group of the Global Network on Safer Cities (2012-2015).
He has supervised prevention interventions in various cities in Mexico (2010-2015) and in
municipalities in Latin America (2003-2015), and is an International advisor and consultant for
numerous cities and governments on the issue of public safety, as well as for the United Nations and
the Inter-American Development Bank (BID). Former coordinator of the United Nations Safer Cities
Programme (1995-2001), he is the author of many publications on the topic of public safety and
Carlos Vilalta
Research Professor
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE Centre of Economic
Research and Teaching)
Vilalta is Research Professor at CIDE. He has studied spatial and temporal elements of crime and fear of
crime, prevention policies, and emprisoned populations. He holds a doctoral degree in Urban Studies
from Portland State University and a Masters in Urban Studies from the El Colegio de México. He was
Visiting Guest Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of
Missouri in St. Louis (UMSL) and visiting investigator at (in chronological order) University of San Diego,
Cambridge, McGill, Washington University in St. Louis, Houston and UNC-Chapel Hill. He is a member
of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (National Research System) (SNI-level 2 in Geography), the
American Society of Criminology (ASC) and the Asociación Mexicana de Estadística (Mexican Association
of Statistics) (AME). He works closely with México Evalúa, the Regional Center of Excellence for Latin
America and the Caribbean (INEGI-UNODC), the Subsecretaría de Prevención del Delito y Participación
Ciudadana (Under-secretariat for the Prevention of Crime and Civic Participation) (SEGOB), the Comité
Técnico Especializado de Información de Seguridad Pública (Technical Committee Specialized in Public
Security Information) (INEGI) and he coordinates the Geocrimen project.
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Kalpana Viswanath
Co-founder of Safetipin and Board Member of the International Centre for
the Prevention of Crime (ICPC)
Kalpana Viswanath is a researcher who has been working on issues of violence
against women and safer cities for women for over 20 years. She has worked as a consultant with UN
Women and UN Habitat on issues of gender and urban safety on several projects around the world. She
has led research studies on violence against women in public spaces in cities. She spearheaded the Safe
Delhi for Women initiative led by Jagori, an NGO based in Delhi since 2005 and led the research work
that included conducting women's safety audits and surveys and played a role in creating partnerships
with key stakeholders. She is the co-founder of Safetipin, a mobile app developed to support community
and women's safety. She was the Project Director of the Gender Inclusive Cities Programme with Women
in Cities International, an international network on women and cities. She has provided technical
support to safe city for women programs in Indonesia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Kerala, Mumbai and Kolkata.
She is a Board member of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC) and the Chair of
the International Advisory Committee of Women in Cities International. She is also on the Advisory
Committee of the Second State of Asian Cities brought out by UN Habitat and UN ESCAP and has
published widely in magazines and journals. She has co-edited a book on Building Gender Inclusive
Reem Wael
Reem Wael is the Director of HarassMap, a local Egyptian NGO working to end
social acceptability of sexual harassment in Egypt. She has been working on gender issues in Egypt,
South Africa and the UK for the last 10 years, focusing on the role of civil society in leading the movement
against gender-based violence working with the intersection between customary law, statutory law and
international law. Reem has a PhD in socio-legal studies from SOAS, University of London and she also
holds an MA in International Human Rights Law from the American University in Cairo and an MPhil in
Development studies from Cambridge University.
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Livia Wagner
Private Sector Advisor
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Ms Livia Wagner works as the Private Sector Advisor at the Global Initiative Against
Transnational Organized Crime and as international consultant on issues of Human Trafficking. She has
a strong focus on organized crime in Latin America, currently working on illegal gold mining and related
forms of organized crime, such as Human Trafficking and Environmental Crime. She has also worked on
several projects and initiatives with the private sector emphasizing responsible supply chain
management to mitigate the risk of labour exploitation and illicit goods in the supply network. Before
joining the Global Initiative she worked as Private Sector Focal Point for the United Nations Global
Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT). She has also worked as a civil servant for the Austrian
Foreign Ministry in the department of development cooperation, concentrating on African countries.
She also has private sector work experience in the travel and tourism sector and has in addition worked
for the Non-Governmental Organisation ECPAT in the field of combating commercial sexual exploitation
of children and child trafficking. Her experience has contributed to her strong focus on cooperation with
and conducting trainings for the private sector on preventing and combating human trafficking. Ms
Wagner has written several publications and is member of the Austrian Association for Sociology.
Ruth Zavaleta Salgado
Executive Director of Participación Ciudadana de Prevención Social (civil
participation in social prevention), Ministry of the Interior
Zavaleta is currently executive director of Participación Ciudadana de Prevención Social, Ministry of the
Interior. She was a federal MP for the Partido Verde LXII Legislature Ecologista (Ecologist Green Party of
Mexico) (2012-2015), federal MP for the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (Democratic Revolution
Party - PRD) from 2006-2009, Bureau President, 2007-2008, and local MP from 2000 to 2003. In 2011
and 2012, Zavaleta served as Coordinator of the Institucionalización de la perspectiva de género
(Institutionalization of the gender perspective) of the Electoral Court of the Judicial del Poder Federación
(Judiciary of the Federation), and was also the head of the Venustiano Carranza Delegation, from 2003
to 2006. Zavaleta has a BA in Sociology and a Masters in Constitutional Law, both from UNAM. In
addition, she has participated in various seminars and obtained diplomas from the Centro de
Investigación y Docencia Economicas (Centre for Research and Economic Education - CIDE), Yale,
COPUEX, Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad complutense, Madrid, UNAM, and others.
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