SAP System Administration

SAP System Administration
Course descriptions:
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the Application Platform
ADM940 SAP R/3 Authorization Concept
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
NET170 SAP Internet Transaction Server: Administration
ADM102 SAP Web AS Administration II
ADM106 Advanced SAP System Monitoring
ADM325 Software Logistics
ADM950 Secure SAP System Management
ADM960 Security in SAP System Environments
ADM110 Installation SAP R/3 Enterprise
BC315 Workload Analysis
ADM326 Upgrade SAP R/3 Enterprise
BC326 R/3 Upgrade Planning and Implementation
Course descriptions:
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the Application Platform
ADM505 Database Administration Oracle
BC511 Database Administration Informix
ADM515 Database Administration SAP DB
ADM520 Database Administration MS SQL Server
BC525 Database Administration DB2/400
BC530 Database Administration DB2/390
ADM535 Database Administration DB2 UDB
BIT660 Data Archiving
SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
SAP R/3 Authorization Concept
3 day(s)
2 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Gain an overview of the significance of SAP
Explain the architecture of SAP Web Application
Server in detail. SAP Web AS is the central
component of the application platform of SAP
Explain and demonstrate effective ways to navigate
in SAP systems
Target Audience
Project team members
Persons working in the area of mySAP Technology
(for example, technology consultants, system
administrators, developers)
Knowledge of data processing
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
Course Content
Introduction to SAP NetWeaver
Navigation in SAP systems (SAP R/3 Enterprise)
- Logon and screen elements
- Access to system functions
- Personalization
SAP Web Application Server architecture
- Processing of a user query
- Structure of an instance
Work process types and their uses
- SAP development environment
- Transports between SAP systems
- Creating and editing SAP repository objects
Communication and integration technology
- Remote Function Call
- Connecting to the Internet
- Workflow
- Data migration
Introduction to SAP system administration
This course provides basic knowledge that is
necessary for all courses in the mySAP Technology
The course SAPTEC (mySAP Technology Solution
Overview) replaces the course SAP50 (
Technical Fundamentals)
At the end of this course you will be able to:
Explain the elements, strategies, and tools of the
SAP authorization concept
Create and assign authorizations using the Profile
Use the Central User Administration (CUA) tool
Target Audience
Project team members
User/authorization administrators from
administration and user departments
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform or SAP01 Overview
Basic or advanced courses in at least one
application area
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 EP 4.70
Course Content
Elements of the SAP authorization concept
User master record
Working with the profile generator (roles, composite
roles, derived roles, Customizing roles)
Profile Generator: Installation and upgrade
Integration into organizational management,
including a demonstration (without structural
authorization in HR)
Access control and user administration (password
rules, special users, user and authorization
Analysis and monitoring functions
Special authorization components, use of area
Transport of authorization components
Central User Administration
The concepts explained here are demonstrated
using an SAP R/3 System. For the most part,
however, they can be adapted to other components
Basic SAP knowledge is essential for this course
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SAP Web AS Administration I
SAP Internet Transaction Server:
5 day(s)
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to carry our basic
administrative tasks
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Technology consultants
IT managers
People involved in SAP system administration
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Working knowledge of at least one operating
system and one database system
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Starting and stopping an SAP system
Means of system configuration
Configuration of the online documentation
Configuration of periodic automated tasks involving
the database, for example, scheduling backups
Transport functions in SAP systems
Applying patches, add-ons and plug-ins
Scheduling tasks in the background
Definition and integration of printers
Setting up and maintaining users
Using role maintenance to assign authorizations
Basic tasks concerning user management
Fundamentals of system security
Working with system monitors
Basics of SAP Data Archiving
Structured error searches
SAP Solution Manager
SAP Web AS is the central component for the
application platform of SAP NetWeaver
In combination with SAPTEC (SAP NetWeaver:
Fundamentals of the Application Platform), this
course provides a solid foundation for future system
administrators of SAP. The course is the
prerequisite for many follow-up classes on specific
administrative topics of SAP System Administration
3 day(s)
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Install, configure, and administrate the SAP Internet
Transaction Server (SAP ITS)
Discuss ITS security issues
Target Audience
System administrators
Project managers who want to gain an overview of
the technical system environment
Technical consultants
Basic technical knowledge of the SAP basis
Basic knowledge of Internet technology
Knowledge of the Microsoft Windows NT4.0
Server/Microsoft Windows 2000 Server operating
Knowledge of the Micorosoft Internet Information
Server (IIS)
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 4.6C
Course Content
Network and Windows NT Internet principles
Setting up Web servers using the example of the
Microsoft IIS
Architecture and features of the SAP ITS
Installing the SAP ITS using single-host and dualhost configuration, and in a cluster
Administrating the SAP ITS
Configuring and testing the SAP ITS
Analyzing and correcting problems
Installing and administrating the IACOR
Installing and configuring the SAP@Web Studio
The course materials are only available in English.
This course does not cover the development of SAP
ITS-based Web applications
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SAP Web AS Administration II
Advanced SAP System Monitoring
3 day(s)
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Explain how to perform additional administrative
tasks that are not dealt with in the ADM100 course
(SAP Web AS Administration I)
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Technology consultants
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Experience of administrating SAP Systems
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
- SAP Internet Transaction Server (SAP ITS)
- Internet Communication Manager (ICM)
- SAP J2EE Engine
- SAP Web Dispatcher
- Multiple languages in an SAP system
- Multiple code pages in an SAP system and
Technical aspects of external communication
- Linking an external mail server using SAPconnect
and SMTP
Extended CATT (eCATT)
Central user administration (CUA)
Connecting to directory services using LDAP
Outlook: Architecture of the SAP Exchange
Infrastructure (SAP XI)
SAP Web AS is the central component of the
application platform of SAP NetWeaver
After attending the ADM100 (SAP Web AS
Administration I), this course provides additional
knowledge for SAP system administrators
2 day(s)
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Obtain expert knowledge of the CCMS Monitoring
Configuration of the central monitor for a mySAP
system landscape
Target Audience
SAP System Administrators
Technical Consultants
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Practical experience of transactions RZ20 and RZ21
ADM102 SAP Web AS Administration II
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Configuration and basic user functions of the CCMS
Monitor property variants
Threshold values in attribute groups
Maintaining methods in MTE classes
E-mail notification of errors
Creating static and rule-based monitors yourself
Special monitors for mySAP components
Monitoring remote systems
Agent techniques
Steps for configuring central monitoring
Solution Manager
The course material is in English, the course is held
in the appropriate national language
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Software Logistics
Secure SAP System Management
5 day(s)
2 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Perform tasks for configuring TMS (Transport
Management System)
Choose and maintain the landscape strategy that
meets customers requirements
Gain an understanding of the methodology,
concepts, and tools of SAP software logistics
Use case studies to explain the tasks of an SAP
maintaining SAP System infrastructure
Learn the concepts and tools used to maintain and
transport SAP objects
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Technology consultants
Technical Customer Competence Center staff
This course will prepare you to:
Identify and protect sensitive data and mechanisms
in productive SAP Web AS-based solutions
Use the Audit Information System from SAP to
structure and conduct a thorough security audit
Configure important security monitoring and tracing
Configure standard SAP role maintenance tools to
produce company- specific, security-enhanced roles
and authorization profiles
Secure change management mechanisms in
productive system landscapes.
Secure system administration tools against misuse
Target Audience
Professional Security Auditors
SAP System Security Administrators
Project team members
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Working experience with SAP system administration
Basic knowledge of the operating system and SAP
System Administration
Experience in security related issues
Technical background (Web technology, ITS, SAP
CA940 SAP R/3 Authorization Concept or ADM940
SAP Authorization Concept
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.10
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Overview of Software Logistics
Transport Management System Configuration
Change Management for Customizing
Change Management for Development
Transport Management
Advanced Transport Management
Client Copy Tools
OCS Patches and SAPnotes
SAP System Landscape Strategies
We recommend that you attend this course
immediately after the initial installation of your SAP
system (bearing in mind the prerequisites)
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Introduction and Overview
Configuring and using the SAP Audit Information
Configuring and using auditing, logging, and trace
tools from SAP
Securing Change Management
Secure System Administration
Critical Authorizations, Authorization Combinations,
and Authorization Groups
This course presumes familiarity with many SAP
system administration and system architecture
The course material is available in English only
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Security in SAP System Environments
SAP R/3 Enterprise Installation
3 day(s)
2 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Raise awareness for security topics
Improve security in a environment
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Project team members
Persons responsible for technical system security
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Experience in security related issues
Technical background (Web technology, ITS, SAP
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Fundamentals and goals of system security
- Authentification, encryption
Network basics
- Communication, TCP/IP, ports, routing, firewalls,
proxies, SAProuter
Security in SAP R/3
- Authentification, passwords
- Auditing as intrusion detection
- RFCs, Trusted RFCs, RFC-Destinations
Encryption, SNC
- Cryptography basics, PKI, TCS
SAP Web AS, SAP ITS and Enterprise Portal
- Encryption, SSL, SNC, authentification, certificates
Single Sign-On
- Logon Tickets, X.509, SSL, PAS
Collaboration - network security
DMZ, intrusion detection, Application Security:
digital signatures
The understanding of the technologies introduced in
this course requires a certain amount of prerequisite
knowledge about basic internet security questions
The course material is available in English only
This course will prepare you to:
Install an SAP R/3 Enterprise System
Understand the technical principles of installing any
SAP software component based on SAP Web AS
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Technology consultants
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Working experience with SAP system administration
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 EP
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
System Architecture of SAP R/3 Enterprise
Working with the Installation Guide
Installation Procedure
- Java runtime environment
- SAPInst
Installation options
- Central System
- Additional Instances
Post installation Procedures
This course lets you install a real SAP R/3 Enterprise
System on SAP Web Application Server 6.20. The
system will be installed on Windows 2000 operating
system and SAP DB. Specifics of installations on
Unix- like operating systems and other databases
will be covered to a certain extend in appendices.
The main focus of this course lies on the doing of
the installation. Theoretical concepts will only be
covered where essential.
Because this course demonstrates the installation of
an SAP Web AS 6.20-based system, it is relevant for
the installation of all SAP software components that
are based on SAP Web AS
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Workload Analysis
Upgrade SAP R/3 Enterprise
3 day(s)
5 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Undertake SAP R/3 performance monitoring and
Target Audience
SAP system administrators
Implementation team members
Technical consultants
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Knowledge of the administration of a database and
operating system
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 4.6C
Course Content
Introduction to monitoring tools for performance
Workload monitor
Buffer analysis
Database monitor
Operating system monitor
Statistical records
Memory management in SAP systems
Expensive SQL Statements in SAP system and
Identifying expensive selects
First steps in troubleshooting
Table buffering
Interface monitoring
We recommend that you attend this course after
gaining some experience with SAP system
The performance problems and parameter settings
covered in the course focus on SAP R/3 systems.
The course includes exercises in which you analyze
and solve typical performance problems
The training system is an SAP R/3 system of release
The course materials are in English. However, the
course is held in the language of the country where
it takes place
The examples will be shown in an SAP R/3 system
with an Oracle database
This course will prepare you to:
Plan and perform upgrades to SAP R/3 Enterprise
Target Audience
SAP R/3 Enterprise administrators
Technology consultants
Project team leaders
Knowledge of SAP system administration, and of
databases and operating systems
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I or equivalent
ADM325 Software Logistics or equivalent knowledge
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 3.1I
R/3 EP
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Reasons for an upgrade
Planning an upgrade
Upgrade tools (upgrade assistant, prepare, SAP
R3up etc.)
Phases of prepare and upgrade
Integrating Support Packages
Comparison of different upgrade strategies
Adjusting modifications (SPDD and SPAU)
Behavior of DDIC during the upgrade
Incremental table conversion
Add-on integration
How to minimize upgrade downtime
Customer-based upgrad
Upgrade of complex system landscapes
This course focuses on the planning and execution
of an SAP R/3 system upgrade from release R/3
3.1I to Enterprise 4.7 with SAP Web AS 6.20. This
upgrade covers all intermediate releases (4.0B to
Typical errors have been incorporated into the
training system to enable participants to detect and
solve them during the upgrade
The operating system used for the training servers
is Windows 2000; the database is Oracle. However,
the focus is not on the operating system and the
database but on the upgrade to SAP R/3 Enterprise
and how to plan and perform it
Transferring acquired knowledge to other databases
and operating systems is relatively straightforward.
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place
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R/3 Upgrade Planning and
Database Administration Oracle
3 day(s)
5 day(s)
Course Goals
This course focuses on planning and performing
upgrades from SAP R/3 Release 3.1I to 4.6C. This
upgrade covers all releases between 4.0B and 4.6B.
The course also includes a database upgrade.
Various commonly made mistakes are used to
demonstrate troubleshooting techniques.
After attending this course, course participants will
be able to plan an upgrade, estimate upgrade costs,
and perform an upgrade.
Target Audience
SAP R/3 administrators
Technology consultants
Project managers
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I or equivalent
knowledge of SAP R/3 administration, databases,
and operating systems
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 4.6C
R/3 3.1I
Course Content
Reasons for an upgrade. Planning an upgrade,
Upgrade tools (upgrade assistant, prepare, SAP
R3up etc.), Phases of prepare and upgrade,
Integrating Support Packages, Comparison of
different upgrade strategies, Adjusting modifications
(SPDD and SPAU), Troubleshooting, Behavior of
DDIC during the upgrade, Incremental table
conversion, Add-on integration, How to minimize
upgrade downtime
Customer-based upgrade, Upgrade of complex
system Landscapes, Performing a database upgrade
The operating system used for the training servers
is Windows NT; the database is Oracle. The focus,
however, is on the SAP R/3 upgrade, and how to
plan and perform it
Transferring acquired knowledge to other databases
and operating systems is relatively straightforward
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place
Target Audience
Database administrators
SAP system administrators
Project team members
Technology consultants
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Fundamental understanding of Oracle databases
SAP system administrators should attend the course
ADM100 (SAP Web AS Administration I)
Basic knowledge of system administration of at least
one operating system
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Fundamentals of the Oracle database
Data backups
Backup concepts
Backing up data
Database restore and recovery of the database
Database monitoring
Working with BR*tools
Working with CCMS tools
Database storage management
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place.
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Database Administration Informix
Database Administration SAP DB
5 day(s)
3 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
Target Audience
Target Audience
This course will prepare you to:
Explain and demonstrate the use of the following
CCMS database tools in SAP systems: SAPdba tool,
BR* tools
Develop suitable backup strategies
Detect and solve performance bottlenecks
Database administrators
SAP system administrators
Project team members
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Fundamental knowledge of the Informix Dynamic
Server database system
SAP system administrators should attend the course
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Basic knowledge of system administration of at least
one operating system
Course Content
Data backup
- Backup concepts
- Performing database backups
Database restore and recovery
Database monitoring
- Working with the SAPdba tool
- Working with CCMS monitors
Storage management
Performance monitoring
The course materials are in English. However, the
course is held in the language of the country where
it takes place
This course will prepare you to
Administer SAP DB using the databases´s
administration tools (DBMGUI, DBMCLI) and the
tools offered by SAP Systems
Implement appropriate data backup strategies
Recognize performance bottlenecks
Database administrators
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
For SAP system administrators: ADM100 SAP Web
AS Administration I
Basic knowledge of administering at least one
operation system
Basic knowledge of relational databases
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEBAS 6.20
DB 7.3
Course Content
SAP DB basics and database structure
Data backup
- Backup concepts
- Implementing backup
Restoring and repairing the database
Database monitoring
- Working with the administration tools
- Working with CCMS monitors
Database configuration
Performance monitoring
Customers who use SAP DB in conjunction with
non-SAP products may also attend this course. In
this case, attending SAPTEC (SAP NetWeaver
Fundamentals of the Application Platform) is not a
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Database Administration MS SQL Server
Database Administration DB2/400
3 day(s)
3 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Explain the use of CCMS database tools in SAP
systems and the SQL Server tool
Develop suitable backup strategies
Detect and solve performance problems
This course will prepare you to:
Provide a detailed explanation of CCMS database
tools in SAP systems
Develop suitable backup strategies
Detect and solve performance bottlenecks
Target Audience
Target Audience
Database administrators
SAP system administrators
Project team members
Database administrators
SAP system administrators
Project team members
SAPTEC (SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform)
Basic knowledge of the Microsoft SQL Server
database system and the Windows NT 4.0/Windows
2000 operating system
SAP system administrators should attend the course
ADM100 (SAP Web AS Administration I)
SAP system administrators should attend the course
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 4.6B
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
WEB AS 6.20
Course Content
Course Content
SAP system architecture and SQL
- Backup concepts
- Performing database backups
Database restore
Database monitoring
- Working with the SQL Server monitors
- Working with CCMS monitors
System management and problem solving
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Fundamental knowledge of the DB2/400 operating
system and database system
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place.
The ADM520 (Database Administration MS SQL
Server) replaces BC520 (Database Administration
MS SQL Server)
Data backup
- Backup concepts
- Performing database backups
Database restore and recovery
Database monitoring
- Working with CCMS monitors
System configuration
Storage management
Performance monitoring
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place
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Database Administration DB2/390
Database Administration DB2 UDB
5 day(s)
3 day(s)
Course Goals
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
Provide a detailed explanation of CCMS database
tools in SAP systems
Explain the relationship between SAP data
structures and DB2 database objects
Administer and monitor database memory
Develop suitable backup strategies
Detect and solve performance bottlenecks
Improve system performance
Target Audience
Database administrators
SAP system administrators
Project team members
This course will prepare you to
Use the administration tools in the SAP system and
at the database level for the administration of DB2
UDB in an SAP environment
Develop suitable backup and recovery strategies
Detect and solve performance problems
Target Audience
Database administrators
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Working knowledge of the DB2 UDB Rel. 7.2
For the administration of SAP systems the course
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I is necessary
Working knowledge of the administration of atl least
one operating system
Working knowledge of DB2 UDB
SAP system administrators should attend the course
ADM100 SAP Web AS Administration I
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Working knowledge of the operating system and
database system DB2 on S/390 systems
Course Content
SAP systems on DB2 for OS/390
- Fundamentals and terminology
- Dependencies
Storage management and
- SAP system database layout
- Transactions for storage monitoring and storage
- DASD storage management
- Main storage management
Performance monitoring
- SAP transactions for performance analysis
Backup and recovery
Backup and recovery options with DB2 on OS/390
- System and situation analysis
- Error detection
- Generating traces
Error handling
Case studies
The course materials are only available in English.
However, the course is held in the language of the
country where it takes place.
This course is run by IBM. For more information,
refer to SAP Note 158875 and the Internet address
given in the Note.
WEB AS 6.10
Course Content
Database backup / restore
Database recovery scenarios
Database log file handling
Database monitoring with the SAP DB2 UDB
Specifics of database configuration in the SAP
Storage management
DB2 Redirected restore
Working with DB2 Cost Based Optimizer from within
the SAP system
Handling the DB2 Dynamic SQL Cache analysis in
SAP systems
Performance monitoring
High availability options
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Data Archiving
3 day(s)
Course Goals
Data archiving is used to reduce database tables
within your SAP solution
This course will prepare you to:
Explain and demonstrate the data archiving concept
Plan and implement SAP Data archiving projects
Target Audience
Project leader
Project team
System Administrators
SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver: Fundamentals of the
Application Platform
Software Component(s) and Release(s)
R/3 4.70
Course Content
What is data archiving?
The archiving process
The archiving object
Customizing of archiving objects
Finding data that is to be archived
Schedule and Administration of archiving files
Using tertiary storage media
Access to archived and deleted data
Archive information system
Document Relationship Browser
Planning and implementing an archiving project
The examples are based on frequently used
archiving objects
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