Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Hand Anomalies Bill Cumming " Many of the important congenital abnormalities are quite uncommon and in most instances the more significant ones will require either to be accepted and left alone or for the surgery to be performed by an experienced plastic/hand surgeon. Nevertheless it is important for us to understand these anomalies and the understanding must come from knowledge of the causative process. The original classification by Alfred Swanson from Grand Rapids Michigan was based on the appearance of the hand. It has been used for 40 years and is still used by many surgeons. However that classification is now, and must be superseded by a classification based on the knowledge of formation of the limbs and the interplay between genetic and peripheral influences on the active limb bud.. The limb bud forms very rapidly and very early into the developed hand There has been considerable new knowledge regarding this process which will be presented because it is an essential in understanding the process and therefore the management of the anatomical variations of the resultant anomaly. The anomaly can be assisted surgically by a variety of principled activities and a series of cases demonstrating these principles will be presented." PediatricFemoralShaftFractureManagement AnungBSatriadi ProfDRRSoeharsoOrthopaedicHospital/FacultyofMedicineSebelasMaretUniversity Surakarta ABSTRACT Pediatricfemoralshaftfractures,arethemostcommonmajorpediatricinjuriestreatedbythe orthopedicsurgeon.Seventypercentoffemoralfracturesinvolvetheshaft. Factorsthatmustbeconsiderintreatmentchoiceare:age,fracturecharacteristic,concomitant injuryandotherfactorssuchasfamilyenvironment,theknowledgeandabilityofthesurgeon, availabilityofimplant,potentialcomplicationsandfinancialconsiderations. Theacceptedmethodsforyoungerthan2yearsoldareaPavlikharnessand/orsplintsforewborns (<6monthofage)andanimmediateorearlyspicacastforolderinfants. Thestandarttreatmentfor2-6yearsofageishipspicacasting(eitherimmediatelyorsubsequent toinitialtraction).Forcomplexoropenfracturestheoptionsare:skeletaltractionfollowedbyhip spicacasting,platefixation(eithersubmuscularoropen)orexternalfixation. In6-14yearoldgroup,operativeinterventionisincreasinglyindicated.Flexibleintramedullarynails istechniqueofchoiceforstabilizing.Inmorecomplexconditionoropenfracturestheoptionsare: skeletaltractionfollowedbyhipspicacasting,platefixation(submuscularoropen)orexternal fixation.Forolderthan14yearoldgroup,lockedintramedullarynailsisrecommendedtreatment andInmorecomplexconditionoropenfracturestheoptionsare:skeletaltractionfollowedbyhip spicacasting,platefixation(submuscularoropen)orexternalfixation. Thesealgorithmissuitableforinstitutionswithaffordabletechnology.Butinsituationwhenthere isafinanciallimitation,orinhospitalswithlimitedresources(technologyandhardware)orif lengthyhospitalstays(intraction)aremoreaffordablethanthelatesttechnologywemust considerednonsurgerymethodeasfirstlinetherapy. Theabsoluteindicationforoperativetreatmentisopenfractureandfracturewithassociated injuries(multiplefractures,headtrauma,orseveresofttissueorvascularinjuries). Nonsurgerymethod(tractionandhipspicacasting)remainaneffectiveandreliablemethodfor treatingfemoralshaftfracturesinchildrenespeciallyinyoungerthan14yearsold. Tobesuccesspediatricfemoralshaftfracturestreatmentrequirejudiciouschoiceoftreatment method,strictattentiontodetailandafrequent,meticulousfollow-up. Keyword:Pediatricfemoralshaftfractures,nonsurgerytreatment,surgerytreatment ReversePonsetiMethodfortreatmentCongenitalVerticalTalus AnungBSatriadi ProfDRRSoeharsoOrthopaedicHospital/FacultyofMedicineSebelasMaretUniversity Surakarta ABSTRACT The incidence of Congenital Vertical Talus ( CVT ) was estimated 1: 10.000, and manifested as a rigidrocker-bottomflatfoot.Thecalcaneusisinfixedequinus,andtheAchillestendonisverytight. The hindfoot is in valgus, while the head of the talus is found medially in the sole, creating the rocker-bottomappearance.Theforefootisabductedanddorsiflexed.Itscharacteristicradiographic featureisadorsaldislocationofthenavicularonthetalus.Ifleftuntreated,CVTresultsinapainful andrigidflatfootwithweakpush-offpower. Treatment of CVT has traditionally consisted of extensive soft-tissue releases. This treatment is oftenfollowedbyseverestiffnessofthefootandothercomplicationssuchaswoundnecrosis,talar necrosis,undercorrectiondeformity,subtalarjointpseudarthrosis. ThetrendtowardlesssurgeryforCVTcontinuedwithDobbsandcolleagues,whopublishedanew methodconsistofcasting,pinningofthetalonavicularjointandpercutaneousheel-cordtenotomy. The principles of manipulation and application of the plaster casts were similar to those used by Ponsetitocorrectaclubfootdeformity,buttheforceswereappliedintheoppositedirection.Once the talus and navicular were aligned, fixation of the talo-navicular joint with a Kirschner wire and percutaneoustendoachillestenotomyunderanesthesiawereperformed,followedbyapplicationof acastwiththefootinslightdorsiflexion.AsolidAFOwasfitted This new method – sometimes called Reverse Ponseti Method – provides excellent results of in terms of the clinical appearance of the foot, foot function, and deformity correction as measured radiographicallyataminimumtwoyears,inpatientswithidiopathicCVT. Key for success with this methode are: adhere to technique’s details, surgeon’s skill and good behaviourandclosedinvolvementoftheparentsorcaregiver Synonims: Congenital Vertical Talus, Congenital Convex Pes Valgus, Congenital Rocker-bottom Flatfoot, Congenital FlatfootwithTalonavicularDislocation Keyword:IdiophaticCongenitalVerticalTalus,ReversePonsetiMethod '' DDH -­‐ How to Keep The Hip In?'' Dr. ASHOK N. JOHARI Redislocation of the hip following an open reduction is a devastating complication which happens between 0 to 8% cases. An orthopaedic surgeons needs to be aware of the causes and cure of this problem. The commonest cause of a redislocation is an incomplete reduction. When the femoral head is not deeply seated within the acetabulum there are chances that it will redislocate Getting a hip to be concentrically reduced implies the following: 1. All extraarticular obstacles to reduction are taken care of 2. All intraarticular obstacles to reduction are taken care of 3. The femur has a shape conducive to reduction 4. The acetabulum has a shape conducive to maintenance of reduction 5. The reduction is stable in the weight bearing position This lecture deals with the difficulties of obtaining a stable and concentric reduction and how to obtain it. It also deals with the management of redislocated hips. ''Beware of The Nightmare of Physeal Injuries'' Dr. ASHOK N. JOHARI Physeal injuries pose a problem in diagnosis and management. Even with the most judicious management, there are still possibilities of complications like growth arrest and shortening. It becomes important to recognise a physeal injury. Gentle handling and correct management is critical. Management may include closed or open reduction and fixation with minimal implants like K wires or screws to ensure accurate physeal and articular alignment. Inspite of excellent management, complications like growth arrest, deformity and shortening can take place. The family has to be counselled about these complications in advance and a long term follow up is demanded. The knee region is predisposed to physeal injuries and its complications. This lecture illustrates the problem of physeal injuries and the complications which can result esp. at the knee. Hence an outline would be given of physeal injuries in general, the late complications and their management. Sportinjuryinskeletallyimmatureadolescents DrPThiagarajan Immatureathletesareparticipatinginmoreandmoresportingactivitiesresultingin injuries.Adolescentsareuniqueastheyhaveopenphysesandtraumaaffectsthejoints, bonesandepiphyseswithpotentialforgrowthplatedamage. Kneeisthemostcommonlyinjuredjointinthisagegroupresultinginmajorityof injuries.Assessingimmaturepatientsonehastokeepalookoutforsubtleinjuries.Joint laxityiscommoninthisagegroupandligamentinjuriesandtendonproblemsaremore commonthanfractures. ParticularlyACLinjuriesposeadilemmaforthesurgeonandparents.Immensepeer pressureandathleticeventscompoundthemanagementoftheseinjuries. Managementofligamentinjuriesrequirescarefulconsiderationoftheageofthepatient, growthpotential,severityoftheinjury,alternativeavailabletreatmentandphysicaltherapy andactivitymodification. Itiswisetodefersurgerytillskeletalmaturityisreachedinligamentinjurieslike ACL.Surgicaloptionsmustbediscussedwithparentswithrealisticexpectations.Nonphysealreconstructionoptionsneedtobecarefullyconsideredbeforeundertakingsurgery. Modificationofactivityandrehabilitationmodalitiesshouldbethefirstpriorityintreating adolescentsandwherepossiblesurgerydeferredtillphysealriskisminimized. The Role of Orthopaedic Surgeons For The Care of Children With Osteogenesis Imperfecta Dr. ASHOK N. JOHARI Orthopaedic surgeons form a part of the team which manages OsteogenesisImperfecta. The disease demand a multidisciplinary management and the Orthopaedic Surgeon is involved with a paediatrician, geneticist and many other specialists on the team e.g. an auditory specialist, ophthalmologist etc. The orthopaedic surgeon may be called in for recurrent fractures occuring in childhood with trivial trauma. He may discover that there is a family history of osteogenesisimperfecta or this may be absent. He will need to investigate the patient and come to a diagnosis and counsel the family. The orthopaedic surgeon may be involved in the following roles: 1.To manage fractures -­‐ conservatively and operatively 2. To internally splint weak bones 3. To correct deformities 4. To correct shortening 5. Managing scoliosis Most situations may demand surgery and this lecture deals with the surgical modalities of management of OI. Complications of orthopedic lower extremity surgery in cerebral palsy Moon Seok Park, MDandGye Wang Lee, MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Kyungki, Republic of Korea Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as a group of permanent disorders characterized by impaired movement and posture caused by nonprogressive damage in the motor control centers of the developing fetal or infant brain[1]. The general condition of patients with CP is often poorer than that of patients without a chronic illness. CP patients have a higher risk of postoperative complications from anesthesia and orthopedic intervention[2].Complications of orthopedic lower extremity surgery in CP can be divided into two categories according to the event time, and includeshortterm (perioperative)andlong-term complications. Perioperative complications include intraoperative and immediate postoperative complications, such as hypotension, bradycardia, pneumonia, upper respiratory infection, seizures, etc.First, we will examine why CP patients have a higher risk of perioperative complications from anesthesia or surgical procedures. Long-term complications include recurrence of deformity and graft failure, failed internal fixation, fracture after osteotomy, etc.Recurrence of deformity is a common long term complication and is clinically important[3]. Therefore, our second focus will be on the common recurrence of deformity. 1. Perioperative complications Patients with CP havevarious chronic disorders that often require orthopedic surgery. The prognosis of patients after surgery is greatly affected by their general condition, nutritionalstatus, motor function, etc.[4]. Patients with CP have overall poorer health than patients without a chronic illness,and often have comorbidities such as epilepsy, gastrointestinal disorders, bladder control problems, ocular abnormalities, and pain[5]. The aerobic capacity of CP patients who are classified in the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) as level I or II isabout 85%of that of normal, healthy children or adolescents[6]. According to our research, the incidence of intraoperative hypothermia, absolute hypotension, and absolute bradycardia was 26.2%, 4.4%, and 20.0%, respectively. The incidence of intraoperative hypothermia, absolute hypotension, and major postoperative complications was significantly higher in patients at GMFCS levels IV and V, compared with patients at GMFCS levels I to III (P < 0.001). A history of pneumonia was associated with intraoperative absolute hypotension and major postoperative complications (P < 0.001). These results revealed that GMFCS level, patient age, hip reconstructive surgery, and history of pneumonia are associated with adverse effects on intraoperative body temperature, the cardiovascular system, and immediate postoperative complications(upper respiratory infection, pneumonia, ileus, urinary tract infection, constipation, seizure, voiding difficulty,etc.)[7]. Because complications are more common in patients with CP, surgeons and anesthesiologists must be aware of perioperative morbidity and be prepared to recognize and treat perioperative complications 2. Recurrence The two major orthopedic procedures used for patients with CP are single event multilevel surgery(SEMLS) for gait improvement, and hip reconstructive surgery for pain reduction and facilitation of caregiving. SEMLS has become standard treatment to improve gait in ambulatory patients who are at GMFCS level I to III[8][9]. SEMLS consists of the series of soft tissue and bony procedures, the recurrence rates of which are different from each others. Hip reconstructive surgery is usually performed for patients at GMFCS levels IV and V who have hip instability[10]. SEMLS has become the standard treatment to improve gait in ambulatory patients with spastic diplegicCP[11].Hip instability in patients with CP is associated with a high risk of pain, severe contractures, problems with walking, windswept deformity, decubitus ulceration, and a need for perineal nursing care[12]. These problems result in impaired function, including positioning, standing, walking, and sitting balance, as well as a reduction in quality of life[13][14].The prevalence of spastic hip instability (subluxation or dislocation) in patients with CP is related to the severity of involvement, and ranges from 1% with spastic hemiplegia to 75% with spastic quadriplegia[15].We investigated the recurrence ofhip instability after reconstructive surgery in patients withCP to identify the factors influencing this recurrence.The head-shaft angle showed asignificant change in those with GMFCS level IV (P = 0.008) but not in those with level II, III (P = 0.201), or V (P = 0.591).The migration percentage did not change significantly in patients with GMFCS level II or III (P = 0.742), but increased significantly by 2.0% per year (P < 0.001) in patients with GMFCS level IV, and by 3.5% per year (P = 0.003) in those with level V. This suggests that it is important to consider the recurrence of hip instability after reconstructive surgery in patients with CP who have a high GMFCS level, and to perform careful follow- up monitoring in such cases. Reference 1. Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Leviton A, Goldstein M, Bax M, Damiano D, Dan B, Jacobsson B. A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl. 2007 Feb;109:8–14. PMID: 17370477 2. Wongprasartsuk P, Stevens J. Cerebral palsy and anaesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth. 2002 May;12(4):296–303. PMID: 11982834 3. Joo SY, Knowtharapu DN, Rogers KJ, Holmes L, Miller F. Recurrence after surgery for equinus foot deformity in children with cerebral palsy: assessment of predisposing factors for recurrence in a long-term follow-up study. J Child Orthop. 2011 Aug;5(4):289–296. PMCID: PMC3234889 4. Master DL, Son-Hing JP, Poe-Kochert C, Armstrong DG, Thompson GH. Risk factors for major complications after surgery for neuromuscular scoliosis. Spine. 2011 Apr 1;36(7):564–571. PMID: 20683386 5. Baxter P. Comorbidities of cerebral palsy need more emphasis--especially pain. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013 May;55(5):396. PMID: 23574476 6. Verschuren O, Takken T. Aerobic capacity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil. 2010 Dec;31(6):1352–1357. PMID: 20674266 7. Lee SY, Sohn H-M, Chung CY, Do S-H, Lee KM, Kwon S-S, Sung KH, Lee SH, Park MS. Perioperative complications of orthopedic surgery for lower extremity in patients with cerebral palsy. J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Apr;30(4):489–494. PMCID: PMC4366972 8. Ounpuu S, DeLuca P, Davis R, Romness M. Long-term effects of femoral derotation osteotomies: an evaluation using three-dimensional gait analysis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2002 Apr;22(2):139–145. PMID: 11856918 9. Chang W-N, Tsirikos AI, Miller F, Lennon N, Schuyler J, Kerstetter L, Glutting J. Distal hamstring lengthening in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy: primary versus revision procedures. Gait Posture. 2004 Jun;19(3):298–304. PMID: 15125919 10. Park MS, Chung CY, Kwon DG, Sung KH, Choi IH, Lee KM. Prophylactic femoral varization osteotomy for contralateral stable hips in non-ambulant individuals with cerebral palsy undergoing hip surgery: decision analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012 Mar;54(3):231–239. PMID: 22268527 11. Sung KH, Chung CY, Lee KM, Akhmedov B, Lee SY, Choi IH, Cho T-J, Yoo WJ, Park MS. Long term outcome of single event multilevel surgery in spastic diplegia with flexed knee gait. Gait Posture. 2013 Apr;37(4):536–541. PMID: 23041270 12. Bayusentono S, Choi Y, Chung CY, Kwon S-S, Lee KM, Park MS. Recurrence of hip instability after reconstructive surgery in patients with cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Sep 17;96(18):1527–1534. PMID: 25232076 13. Hägglund G, Lauge-Pedersen H, Wagner P. Characteristics of children with hip displacement in cerebral palsy. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2007;8:101. PMCID: PMC2194677 14. Oh C-W, Presedo A, Dabney KW, Miller F. Factors affecting femoral varus osteotomy in cerebral palsy: a long-term result over 10 years. J Pediatr Orthop Part B. 2007 Jan;16(1):23–30. PMID: 17159529 15. Scrutton D, Baird G, Smeeton N. Hip dysplasia in bilateral cerebral palsy: incidence and natural history in children aged 18 months to 5 years. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2001 Sep;43(9):586–600. PMID: 11570627 Can musculoskeletal surgery increase the quality of life in children with ambulatory cerebral palsy? Moon Seok Park MD and Byung Chae Cho MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Kyungki, Republic of Korea Abstract Cerebral palsy (CP) comprises a group of disorders of the development of movement and posture causing activity limitations that are attributed to nonprogressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. Children with ambulatory CP, hemiplegia, and diplegia comprise 48% to 79% of all cases.1 Most ambulatory patients with CP experience limitations in their walking skills and physical activity, such as decreased hip extension, decreased hip abduction, increased knee flexion at initial and terminal swing phase, decreased peak knee flexion, decreased dorsiflexion in stance, and abnormal foot progression angle.2 Ambulatory patients with CP usually correspond to Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level I-III. Various musculoskeletal surgeries are widely performed for ambulatory CP, and focus on improving gait function and pattern. Single event multilevel surgery (SEMLS) has become the standard treatment to improve gait in ambulatory patients with CP. Although less evidence is available to show that surgery improves practical functioning or health-related quality of life (HRQL), treating ambulatory children with CP has been highly effective in correcting abnormal gait parameters. Because of the nature of cerebral palsy, it is difficult to assess the functional status of patients and to evaluate the overall outcome related to a certain treatment. Therefore, more emphasis has been placed on quantifying overall patient function using a functional scoring system such as the Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument Pediatric (PODCI), Evaluation Gross Motor Disability Function Inventory, Classification Gillette System Functional (GMFCS), Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ), Functional Mobility Scale, Activities Scale for Kids, or others. Among these tools, the Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI) was developed to assess functional health outcomes in children and adolescents, and focuses on musculoskeletal health. The items in PODCI consider function and quality of life, and PODCI is frequently used to provide patients and parents with evidence for likely clinical outcome. Several studies have reported improvements in PODCI scores after surgery.2-4 We conducted a study by using several questionnaires. Demographic data, preoperative and postoperative PODCI, Functional Assessment Questionnaire (FAQ) Walking Scale, and self-reported parental satisfaction with SEMLS were provided by parents of 61 ambulatory patients with CP (40 male, 21 female; mean age 10 y 2 mo ± 3 y 8 mo; mean follow-up period 2 y 2 mo). The results were as follows: FAQ, transfers/basic mobility, sports/physical activity, and global function subscales of PODCI significantly improved after SEMLS. Age, GMFCS level, and the amount of improvement in the sports/physical activity subscale were found to affect parental satisfaction with SEMLS. Although changes in the sports/physical activity subscale were relatively small, they significantly affected parental satisfaction. This suggests that clinicians and researchers should consider sports and physical activities in patients with CP.5 In a similar study on 279 ambulatory patients with CP (GMFCS levels I to III) who had undergone soft tissue and bony procedures, the results were as follows: the parents of patients classified as GMFCS level I CP were more satisfied than parents of patients classified as GMFCS level II or III CP (P = 0.029). Surgical satisfaction was higher for those who underwent unilateral procedures than for those who had bilateral treatment (P < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed predictors of satisfaction to be preoperative GMFCS level, diagnosis, age at surgery, and duration of follow-up.6 SEMLS is a generally accepted surgical principle when treating ambulatory children with CP. We demonstrated that this surgery improves practical functioning and HRQL. If ambulatory CP patients have appropriate indications, musculoskeletal surgery is recommended. Reference 1. Stanley, F.; Blair, E.; Alberman, E. How common are the cerebral palsies?. In: Stanley, F.; Blair, E.; Alberman, E., editors. Cerebral Palsies: Epidemiology and Causal Pathways. London, United Kingdom: MacKeith Press; 2000. p. 22-39. 2. Damiano DL, Gilgannon MD, Abel MF. Responsiveness and uniqueness of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument compared to the gross motor function measure for measuring orthopaedic and neurosurgical outcomes in cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Orthop. 2005;25:641–645. 3. Cuomo AV, Gamradt SC, Kim CO, et al. Health-related quality of life outcomes improve after multilevel surgery in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Orthop. 2007;27:653–657. 4. McMulkin ML, Baird GO, Gordon AB, et al. The pediatric outcomes data collection instrument detects improvements for children with ambulatory cerebral palsy after orthopaedic intervention. J Pediatr Orthop. 2007;27:1–6. 5. Lee KM, Chung CY, Park MS, Lee SH, Choi IH, Cho TJ, Yoo WJ.; Level of improvement determined by PODCI is related to parental satisfaction after singleevent multilevel surgery in children with cerebral palsy.; J Pediatr Orthop. 2010 Jun;30(4):396-402 6. Lee SH, Chung CY, Park MS, Choi IH, Cho TJ, Yoo WJ, Lee KM: Parental Satisfaction After Single-Event Multilevel Surgery in Ambulatory Children With Cerebral Palsy, J Pediatr Orthop. 2009 Jun;29(4):398-401 GROWING PAIN PPS PROF JOE GHABRIAL Newcastle Bone and Joint Institute Newcastle, Australia Chronic musculo-skeletal pain in the back or limbs in children and adolescents are commonly referred to as “growing pains” by senior members of the child’s family, usually the Grandmother. Persistent pain has a substantial impact on the emotional status of children and adolescents as well as having a negative impact on family life. It is critical to rule out potential serious or life threatening causes of pain as in, although rare, soft tissue and bone sarcomas. It is essential to exclude common conditions in the growing spine as well as lower limb. A child or adolescent who complains of knee pain with normal x-rays can be diagnosed wrongly as “growing pain”. Hip conditions and knee conditions can go unnoticed for some time before a diagnosis is made. Ankle and feet conditions in children should be excluded. A clinician should be aware of red flags related to psycho-social issues. The success of management should be monitored by improvement of the function and not be specific to immediate pain reduction. ASPEK BIOMOLEKULER DASAR DAN ASPEK KLINIS POLI-TRAUMA DAN FRAKTUR Putu Astawa abstrak: Respon tubuh terhadap trauma dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal, yaitu mekanisme yang menyebabkan perbedaan keparahan trauma jaringan , dan faktor internal, yaitu genetik dan adanya penyakit komorbid pada pasien trauma. Respon terhadap trauma tersebut dapat merupakan respon fisiologis atau respon patologis tergantung pada derajat keparahan trauma tersebut. Respon tubuh terhadap suatu trauma meliputi respon neuro-endokrin-imunmetabolik pada level selular yang bermanifestasi pada sistem organ yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan homeostasis tubuh sehingga dapat bertahan hidup dari trauma tersebut. Respon tubuh tersebut berawal dari stimulus aferen yang berasal dari reseptor nyeri, baroreceptor, chemoreceptor dan wound mediator, kemudian tubuh memberikan respon eferen melalui autonomic nerve system dan respon hormonal. Respon-respon tersebut merupakan mekanisme pertahanan tubuh terhadap terjadinya trauma. Pada level selular, respon awal terhadap trauma bersifat nonspesifik yang melibatkan sitokin, komplemen, faktor koagulasi, dan faktor neurohumoral. Sitokin merupakan mediator inflamasi dan antiinflamasi, meliputi interleukin / IL, tumor necrosis factor / TNF, dan platelet activating and inhibiting factor.Sitokin-sitokin ini kemudian menginduksi pelepasan mediator-mediator selular lainnya, seperti nitric oxide, endothelin, dan golongan eicosanoids, yang kemudian mediator-mediator tersebut mempengaruhi permeabilitas jaringan dan vaskular yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aliran darah regional untuk mengimbangi kondisi hipermetabolik yang terjadi pasca trauma. Aktivasi dari kaskade komplemen merupakan dasar dari imunitas cell-mediated dan humoral. Selain hal tersebut, beberapa komplemen, C3a dan C5a, juga berinteraksi dengan mediator endotel untuk mempengaruhi permeabilitas vaskular. Faktor koagulasi berperan dalam menyeimbangkan proses koagulasi dan trombolisis yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan integritas vaskular dan stabilitas membran. Deplesi dari faktor koagulasi menyebabkan terjadinya perdarahan yang kemudian dapat terjadi perburukan menjadi koagulopati dan kerusakan endotel. Pasca trauma, juga terjadi respon neurohumoral yang didominasi oleh sistem adrenergik yang kemudian pada level selular menyebabkan pelepasan calcium intracellular dan peningkatan permeabilitas membran terhadap calcium. Selain sistem adrenergik, terdapat juga respon melalui aksis renin-aldosterone-angiotensin yang bertujuan untuk mempertahakan vasomotor tone. Respon-respon selular tersebut kemudian bermanifestasi pada sistem-sistem organ vital yang meliputi sistem kardiovaskular, sistem respirasi, sistem renal, otak, dan sistem endokrin yang pada fase awal bertujuan untuk mengimbangi kondisi tubuh yang hipermetabolik. Pada otak dapat terjadi cedera primer, akibat cedera yang didapat saat kejadian, dan sekunder, akibat hipoksia dan hipotensi. Otak mempunyai mekanisme autoregulasi yang lebih banyak dipengaruhi kondisi mikroenvironment, seperti kadar CO2, untuk mempertahankan cerebral blood flow. Pasca trauma, sistem endokrin berintegrasi dengan systemic autonomic response untuk mempertahankan homeostasis tubuh. Pada fase awal trauma respon sistem endokrin menyebabkan terjadinya hiperglikemia yang awalnya bertujuan untuk mengimbangi kondisi hipermetabolik kemudian selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi sel darah putih, gangguan utilisasi protein, serta gangguan fungsi neurologis. Pada sistem kardiovaskular, respon simpatis yang terjadi bertujuan untuk mempertahankan cardiac output dengan cara meningkatkan heart rate dan meningkatkan stroke volume. Inervasi simpatis pada sistem vena menyebabkan terjadinya venoconstriction sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan venous return dan pre load. Adaptasi keadaan hipermetabolik pada sistem respirasi bermanifestasi pada peningkatan ventilasi untuk mengurangi level karbondioksida dan meningkatkan level oksigen. Respon inflamasi yang masif pada paru menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan permeabilitas endotel alveolus sehingga pada akhirnya dapat menyebakan terjadinya adult respiratory distress syndrome / ARDS. Sistem renal, aksis neuroendokrin renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, merupakan sistem untuk mepertahankan mean arterial pressure dan retensi air. Efek neuroendokrin tersebut menyebabkan peningkatan tubular absorption sehingga pada fase awal trauma / ebb phase (sampai dengan 48/72 jam) terjadi oligouria yang kemudian diikuti dengan flow phase dan diakhiri dengan resolution phase yang ditandai dengan kembalinya diuresis yang normal. Bila derajat trauma melampaui kemampuan tubuh untuk beradaptasi maka respon inflamasi yang awalnya bersifat lokal menjadi sistemik yang kemudian disebut dengan Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome atau SIRS. SIRS berhubungan dengan kebocoran kapiler dan kebutuhan energi yang tinggi sehingga memerlukan keadaan hemodinamik yang hiperdinamik dan meningkatkan kebutuhan akan oksigen. Keadaan hemodinamik yang hiperdinamik akan menyebabkan peningkatan beban metabolik yang disertai dengan muscle wasting, kehilangan nitrogen, dan pemecahan protein. Keadaan hipermetabolik ini akan disertai dengan peningkatan suhu tubuh inti dan disregulasi suhu tubuh. Bila kondisi tersebut tidak diikuti dengan resusitasi yang adekuat maka konsumsi energi yang tinggi akan menyebabkan terjadinya burn out. SIRS kemudian akan menyebabkan gangguan terhadap metabolisme sel dan microcirculatory perfusion. Selain terjadi pelepasan mediator-mediator inflamasi, yaitu TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IFN, TXA2, dan PAF, pada tubuh setelah terjadi trauma juga menghasilkan mediator-mediator anti-inflamasi, yaitu IL-10, IL-4, TGF-β, IL-1ra, dan Lipoxin, yang mengakibatkan kondisi hipoinflamasi yang kemudian menyebabkan terjadinya imunosupresi sehingga tubuh menjadi rentan terhadap infeksi dan komplikasinya. Status imunologis tersebut disebut dengan compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome / CARS. Tubuh kemudian berusaha menyeimbangkan antara SIRS dan CARS, di satu sisi tubuh memerlukan inflamasi untuk mekanisme reparasi dan membatasi masuknya mikroorganisme sedangkan di sisi lain tubuh juga berusaha mencegah autoaggressive inflammation yang dapat meyebabkan kerusakan jaringan dan kerentanan terhadap infeksi. Perpaduan antara dua mekanisme tersebut dikenal dengan mixed antagonistic response syndrome / MARS. Bila respon inflamasi yang terjadi cukup berat dan tidak terkontrol maka akan menyebabkan perburukan klinis pada pasien dengan manifestasi berupa disfungsi beberapa organ tubuh. Selain disfungsi beberapa organ tubuh, juga terjadi gangguan terhadap sistem imunitas tubuh pasien berupa supresi imun. Sindrom tersebut dikenal dengan multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). MODS kemudian akan menyebabkan terjadinya multiple organ failure (MOF) yang kemudian berakhir dengan kematian. Penanganan poli trauma adalah memberikan pertolongan sedini mungkin. ATLS telah mengajarkan kepada kita untuk itu. Dimana penderita dapat digolongkan menjadi penderita yang ada resnpon, borderline atau tidak ada respons dengan tindakan ATLS tersebut. Internal fiksasi fraktur yang tidak sulit dapat dilakukan segera pada penderita yang digolongkan responsible sedangkan pada penderita borderline dilakukan orthopaedic damage control, untuk mencegah terjadinya SIRS/MOD/MOF yang berakhir dengan kematian. TKR:GapBalancingvsMeasuredResection:MyPreference WendyHendrikaMD Abstract Tujuan dari Total Knee Arthroplasty adalah untuk memperoleh symmetric balancing saat fleksi maupun ekstensi. Terdapat kontroversi mengenai teknik bedah terbaik untuk untuk mendapatkan gap balance. Sebagian menganut penggunaan teknik measure resection di mana bony landmark seperti transepicondylar axis, whiteshide line, atau posterior condyle axis digunakan untuk menentukan rotasi femoral komponen yang tepat dan tidak tergantung pada reseksi tibia; bila diperlukan akan dilanjutkan dengan soft tissue balancing. Sebagian lainnya mencoba untuk menyeimbangkangapbalancingsebelumnya,dimanareseksikomponenfemoraldiposisikansejajar dengan reseksi tibia proximal dengan masing-masing kolateral ligamen diregangkan untuk mendapatkancelahfleksiyangrectangular. Keyword:TotalKneeArthroplasty,measureresection,gapbalancing Sportinjuryinskeletallyimmatureadolescents DrPThiagarajan Immatureathletesareparticipatinginmoreandmoresportingactivitiesresultingin injuries.Adolescentsareuniqueastheyhaveopenphysesandtraumaaffectsthejoints, bonesandepiphyseswithpotentialforgrowthplatedamage. Kneeisthemostcommonlyinjuredjointinthisagegroupresultinginmajorityof injuries.Assessingimmaturepatientsonehastokeepalookoutforsubtleinjuries.Joint laxityiscommoninthisagegroupandligamentinjuriesandtendonproblemsaremore commonthanfractures. ParticularlyACLinjuriesposeadilemmaforthesurgeonandparents.Immensepeer pressureandathleticeventscompoundthemanagementoftheseinjuries. Managementofligamentinjuriesrequirescarefulconsiderationoftheageofthepatient, growthpotential,severityoftheinjury,alternativeavailabletreatmentandphysicaltherapy andactivitymodification. Itiswisetodefersurgerytillskeletalmaturityisreachedinligamentinjurieslike ACL.Surgicaloptionsmustbediscussedwithparentswithrealisticexpectations.Nonphysealreconstructionoptionsneedtobecarefullyconsideredbeforeundertakingsurgery. Modificationofactivityandrehabilitationmodalitiesshouldbethefirstpriorityintreating adolescentsandwherepossiblesurgerydeferredtillphysealriskisminimized. Fracture supracondyle of the humerus in children I P. Sukarna Fracture supracondyle of the humerus in children is the frequent fracture distal of humerus and around the elbow and the second after fracture of the forearm. The incidence increase by age, the peak is (5-8) year old and decrease after (8-15) year old. There are 2 kinds of fracture: Extension type (98%), Flexion type (2%). The extension type if devided into 3 types depend on severety of displacement: undisplaced, displaced with contact the posterior cortex and displaced with no contact of the posterior cortex. It is very important to recognize clinically the complication of vascular compromise, do not delay the treatment to prevent Volkmann's ischemic contracture. The treatment depend on the condition: close or open fracture, vascular condition, degree of displacement (type of fracture). The best result of the treatment is by close reduction. The best stabilisation is by lateral parallel pinning. Complication: Early: - Vascular compromise, neuropathy Late: - Malunion: deformity cubitus varus - Limited range of motion - Myositis ossificans 1. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004 Jan;86-A(1):22-7 Factors predictive of outcome after use of the Ponseti method for the treatment of idiopathic clubfeet. Dobbs Mb(1), Rudzki JR, Purcell DB, Walton T, Porter KR, Gurnett CA. Author information: (1)Washington Universtiy School of Medicine, St.Louis Children’s Hospital, St.Louis, MO 63110, USA. mattdobbs@earthlink.net. BACKGROUND: The nonoperative technique for the treatment of idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus(clubfoot) described by Ponseti is a popular method, but it requires two to four years of orthotic management. The purpose of this study was to examine the patient characteristics and demographic factors related to the family that are predictive of recurrent foot deformities in patients treated with this method. METHODS: The cases of fifty-one consecutive infants with eighty-six idiopathic clubfeet treated with use of the Ponseti method were examined retrospectively. The patient characteristics at the time of presentation, such as the severity of the initial clubfoot deformity, previous treatment, and the age at the initation of treatment, were examined with use of univariate logistic regression analysis modeling recurrence. Demographic data on the family, including annual income, highest level of education attained by the parents, and martial status, as well as parental reports of compliance with the use of prescribed orthosis, were studied in relation to the risk of recurrence. RESULTS: The parents of twenty-one patients did not comply with the use of orthotics. Noncompliance was the factor most related to the risk of recurrence, with an odds ratio of 183 (p<0.00001). Parental educational level (high-school education or less) also was a significant risk factor for recurrence (odds ratio = 10.7, p < 0.03). With the numbers available, no significant relationship was found between gender, race, parental marital status, source of medical insurance, or parental income an the risk of recurrence of the clubfoot deformity. In addition, the severity of the deformity, the age of the patient at the initiation of treatment, and previous treatment were not found to have a significant effect on the risk of recurrence. CONCLUSION: Noncompliance and the educational level of the parents (high-school education or less) are significant risk factors for the recurrence of clubfoot deformity after correction with the Ponseti method. The identification of patients who are at risk for recurrence may allow intervention to improve the compliance of the parents with regard to the use of orthotics, and, as a result, improve outcome. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic study, Level II-I (retrospective study). See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence. PMID : 14711941 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] 1. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 May;88(5);986-96. Long-term follow-up of patients with clubfeet treated with extensive soft-tissue release. Dobss MB(1), Nunley R, Schoenecker PL. Author information: (1) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, One Children’s Place, Suite 4S20, St.Louis, MO 63110, USA. dobbsm@wudosis.wustl.edu Comment in J Bone Joint Surg Am.2006 Nov;88(11):2536;author reply 2537. BACKGROUND: Although long-term follow-up studies have shown favorable results, in terms of foot function, after treatment of idiopathic clubfoot with serial manipulations and casts, we know of no long-term follow-up studies of patients in whom clubfoot was treated with an extensive surgical soft-tissue release. METHODS : Forty-five patients(seventy-three feet) in whom idiopathic clubfoot was treated with either a posterior release and plantar fasciotomy (eight patients) or an extensive combined posterior, medial and lateral release (thirty-seven patients) were followed for a mean of thirty years. Patients were evaluated with detailed examination of the lower extremities, a radiographic evaluation that included grading of osteoarthritis, and three independent quality-of-life questionnaires, including the Short From-36 Medical Outcomes Study. RESULTS: At the time of follow-up, the majority of patients in both treatment groups had significant limitation of foot function, which was consistent across the three independent quality-of-life questionnaires. No significant difference between groups was noted with regard to the results of the quality-of-life measures, the range of motion of the ankle or the position of the heel, or the radiographic findings. Six patients who had been treated with only one surgical procedure had better ranges of motion of the ankle and subtalar joints (p<0.004) than those who had had multiple surgical producers. CONCLUSIONS: Many patients with clubfoot treated with an extensive soft-tissue release have poor long-term foot function. We found a correlation between the extent of the softtissue release and the degree of functional impairment. Repeated soft-tissue releases can result in a stiff, painful, and arthritic foot and significantly impaired quality of life. PMID: 16651573 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] 1. Indian J Orthop.2008 Jan;42(1):68-72. doi : 10.4103/0019-5413.38584. Use of the Ponseti method for recurrent clubfoot following posteromedial release. Garg S(1), Dobbs MB. Author information: (1)St.Louis Children’s Hospital, Shrines Hospital St.Louis, MO 63110, USA. BACKGROUND: A child with recurrent of incompletely corrected clubfoot after previous extensive soft-tissue release is treated frequently with revision surgery. This leads to further scarring, pain and limitations in range of motion. We have utilized the Ponseti method of manipulation and casting and when indicated, tibialis anterior tendon transfer, instead of revision surgery for these cases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of all children treated since 2002 (n=11) at our institution for recurrent or incompletely corrected clubfoot after previous extensive soft tissue release was done. Clinical and operative records were reviewed to determine procedure performed. Ponseti manipulation and casting were done until the clubfoot deformity was passively corrected. Based on the residual equinus and dynamic deformity, heel cord lengthening or tenotomy and tibialis anterior transfer were then done. Clinical outcomes regarding pain, function and activity were reviewed. RESULTS: Eleven children (17 feet) with ages ranging from 1.1 to 8.4 years were treated with this protocol. All were correctable with the Ponseti method with one to eight casts. Casts were applied until the only deformities remaining were either or both hindfoot equinus and dynamic supination. Nine feet required a heel cord procedure for equinus and 15 required tibialis anterior transfet for dynamic supination. Seven children have follow-up greater than one year (average 27.1 months) and have bad execellent results. Two patients had persistent hindfoot valgus which required hemiepiphyseodesis of the distal medial tibia. CONCLUSION: The Ponseti method, followed by tibialis anterior transfer and/or heel cord procedure when indicated, can be successfully used to correct recurrent clubfoot deformity in children treated with previous extensive soft tissue release. Early follow-up has shown correction without revision surgery. This treatment protocol prevents complications of stiffness, pain and difficulty in ambulating associated with multiple soft tissue releases for clubfeet. PMCID : PMC2759586 PMID : 19823658 [PubMed] 1. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Jul;90(7):1501-7. doi : 10.2106/JBJS.G.00563. Early results of the Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in distal arthrogryposis. Boehm S(1), Limpaphayom N, Alaee F, Sinclair MF, Dobbs MB. Author information: (1)Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, One Children’s Place, Suite 4S20, St.Louis, MO 63110, USA. BACKGROUND: Clubfoot occurs in approximately one in 100 libe births and is one of the most common congenital birth defects. Although there have been several reports of successful treatment of other forms of clubfoot has not been reported. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the early results of the Ponseti method when used for the treatment of clubfoot associated with distal arthrogryposis. METHODS: Twelve consecutive infants (twenty-four fett) with clubfoot deformity associated with distal arthrogryposis were managed with the Ponseti method and were retrospectively reviewed at a minimum of two years. The severity of the foot deformity was classified according to the grading system of Dimeglio et al. The number of casts required to achieve correction was compared with published data for the treatment of idiopathic clubfoot. Recurrent clubfoot deformities or complications during treatment were recorded. RESULTS: Twenty-one clubfeet in eleven patients were classified as Dimeglio grade IV, and two clubfeet in one patient were classified as Dimeglio grade II. Initial correction was achieved in all clubfeet with a mean of 6.9 +/- 2.1 casts (95% confidence interval, 5.6 to 8.3 casts), which was significantly greater than the mean of 4.5 +/- 1.2 casts (95% confidence interval, 4.3 to 4.7 casts) needed in a cohort of 219 idiopathic clubfeet that were treated during the same time period by the senior author with use of the Ponseti method (p=0.002). Six feet in three patients had a relapse after initial successful treatment . All relapses were related to noncompliance with prescribed brace wear. Four relapsed clubfeet in two patients were successfully treated with repeat casting and/or tenotomy; the remaining two relapsed clubfeet in one patient were treated with extensive soft tissue release operations. CONCLUSIONS: Our early term results support the use of the Ponseti method for the initial treatment of distal arthrogrypotic clubfoot deformity. Longer follow up will be necessary to assess the risk of recurrence and the potential need for corrective clubfoot surgery in this patient population, which historically has been difficult to treat nonoperatively. PMID : 18594099 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] 1. Iowa Orthop J.2008;28;22-6 Results of the Ponseti method in patients with clubfoot associated with arthrogryposis. Morcuende JA(1), Dobbs MB, Frick SL. Author information: (1)Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA. jose-morcuende@uiowa.edu Clubfoot associated with arthrogryposis has been traditionally considered very resistant to manipulation and casting, and therefore has requires surgical correction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of the Ponseti method of clubfoot casting in this patient population. We reviewed the records of patients with clubfoot associated with arthrogryposis consecutively treated at our respective institutions from January 1992 to December 2004. All patients were treated by serial manipulations and casting following the principles of the Ponseti method. Main outcome measures included initial correction of the deformity, relapses and the need for surgical releases or any other surgeries. Average age at last follow up was 4.6 years. There were 16 patients, all with bilateral deformities (32 clubfeet). There were 11 males and 5 females. Nine patients had both upper and lower extremity involvement. Seven patients had previous treatment elsewhere and one patient had an Achilles tenotomy. Initial correction was obtained in all but 1 patient. Average number of casts required for correction was 7 (range: 5 to 12). Average post tenotomy dorsiflexion was 5 degrees. One patient required a posterior medial release (PMR) for insufficient initial correction. Four cases required subsequent surgery for relapses (1 bilateral PMR with a repeat left PMR; 2 posterior releases (PR), 1 PR and anterior tibialis transfer (ATT), and 1 ATT). No talectomies were required. This study demonstrates that the Ponseti method is very effective for the correction of patients with clubfoot associated to arthrogryposis. Although this deformity is more rigid than in idiopathic clubfoot, many cases can be corrected when started in the first few weeks after birth. PMCID : PMC2603345 PMID : 19223944 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] 1. J Pediatr Orthop.2009 Oct-Nov;29(7):720-5. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0b013e3181b7694d. A minimally invasive treatment protocol for the congenital dislocation of the knee. Shah NR(1), Limpaphayom N, Dobbs MB. Author information: (1)Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, One Children’s Place, and Saint Louis Shrines Hospital for Children, St.Louis, MO 63110, USA. BACKGROUND: Congenital dislocation of the knee is a rare condition for which the treatment is difficult and remains controversial. For severe cases associated with neuromuscular disorders treatment has usually considered of extensive result of a new method of treatment for this patient population that involves casting and less extensive surgery. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the cases of 8 consecutive patients, 4 girls and 4 boys, with 16 congenitally dislocated knees that had been diagnosed and treated by a single surgeon with a new minimally invasive treatment protocol. Treatment consisted of serial casting followed by a mini open quadriceps tenotomy. The mean age at presentation was 5.3 weeks (range, 1 to 13 wk). The mean follow up was 33 months (range, 12 to 72 mo). All knees were graded in terms of function at final follow up. RESULTS: Serial casting alone was effective in achieving correction in 3 knees. The remaining 13 knees had an average of 7 casts (range, 5 to 9 casts) before surgery. Ten knees were treated with a mini open quadriceps tenotomy alone and 3 with an additional anterior capsulotomy at the time of the initial surgery. Two knees developed recurrent deformities and required additional surgery. Two knees sustained plastic deformation of the proximal tibia during physical therapy that resolved with time. At final follow up, knee outcome was execellent in 11 (69%) knees, good in 3 (19%), and fair in 2 (12%) knees. CONCLUSIONS: The result of our study support the use of a less invasive approach for the initial treatment of congenital dislocation of the knee in this patient population. This approach avoids the complications of extensive scarring and stiffness that often accompany the more invasive surgical treatments. Longer follow up, however, is necessary to see whether reduction and knee range of motion are maintained. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 4 case series PMID : 20104152 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE] 1. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Sep 22. [Epub ahead of print] Does Strict Adherence to the Ponseti Method Improve Isolated Clubfoot Treatment Outcomes? A Two-institution Review. Miller NH(1), Carry PM(2), Mark BJ(2), Engelman GH(2), Georgopoulos G(2), Graham S(2), Dobbs MB(3). Author information: (1)Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Children’s Hospital Colorado, 13123 East 17th Avenue, B600, Aurora, CO, 80045, USA. Nancy.Miller@ChildrensColorado.org. (2)Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children’s Hospital Coloradp, 13123 East 17th Avenue, B600, Aurora, CO, 80045, USA. (3)Washington University School of Medicine, St.Louis, MO, USA. BACKGROUND: Despite being recognized as the gold standard in isolated clubfoot treatment, the Ponseti casting method has yielded variable results. Few studies have directly compared common predictors of treatment failure between instructions with high versus low failure rates. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: We asked : (1) is the provider’s rigid adherence to the Ponseti method associated with a lower likelihood of unplanned clubfoot surgery, and (2) at the institution that did not adhere rigidly to Ponseti’s principles, are any demographic or treatment related factors associated with increased likelihood of unplanned clubfoot surgery. METHODS: After institutional review board approval, a consecutive series of patients with a diagnosis of isolated clubfoot who underwent treatment between January 2003 and December 2007 were identified. At Institution 1, 91 of 133 patients met the eligibility criteria and were followed for a minimum of 2 years compared with 58 of 58 patients at Institution 2. At Institution 1, 16 providers manage care using a conservative casting approach based on the Ponseti method. However, treatment was adapted by the provide(s). At Institution 2, one orthopaedic surgeon managed care with strict adherence to the Ponseti method. Surgical indications at both institutions included the presence of a persistent equinovarus foot position while standing. A chart review was used to collect data related to proportion of patients undergoing unplanned additional treatment for deformity recurrences after Ponseti casting, demographics, and treatment patterns. RESULT: The proportion of subjects who underwent unplanned major surgical intervention was greater (odds ratio[OR], 51.1 ; 95% CI, 6.8-384.0; p < 0.001) at Institution 1 (60 0f 131, 47%) compared with Institution 2 (two of 91, 2%). Three was no difference (p=0.200) in the proportion of patients who underwent additional casting, repeat tendo Achilles lengthening, and/or anterior tibialis tendon transfer only (minor recurrence) at Institution 1 (nine of 131, 7%) compared with Institution 2 (11 of 91, 13%). At Institution 1, an increase in the number of revision casts (multiple vs no casts, hazard ratio [HR] =3.9; 95% CI, 2.0-7.6; p < 0.001) and an increase in the number of cast-related complications (multiple vs no complications, HR=2.8; 95% CI, 1.2-6.7; p = 0.019) were associated with increased risk of major surgery in the multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Rigid commitment to the Ponseti method in the conservative treatment of patients with isolated clubfoot was associated with a lower risk of subsequent unplanned surgical intervention. In addition, clubfoot treatment programs that use a care model that prioritizes continuity in care and dedication to the Ponseti method may decrease the proportion of patients who undergo unplanned surgical intervention. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, therapeutic study. PMID : 26394639 [PubMed-as supplied by publisher] Presentasi podium: Descriptive and Outcome Study Waktu Judul Presentasi 08.00Distal Femoral GCT Treated Withwide Excision 08.10 &Megaprothesis Reconstruction At Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospitalsurakarta 2015 (Serialcase) 08.10Outcome Of Conservative Treatment In Clavicle 08.20 Fractures Patients January-July 2015 Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya 08.20Operation Procedure For Spondylolisthesis Patient 08.30 08.30Ankle Arthrodesis With Cannulated Screw : A Case 08.40 Series 08.40Functional Outcome Of Intertrochanteric Fracture With 08.50 Dynamic Hip Screw In Elderly (January – Agustus 2015): A Case Series 08.50Lower Leg Deformity Correction Using Ilizarov System In 09.00 Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya 09.00Evaluation Of Scoliosis In Marfan Syndrome 09.10 09.10Neglected Tuberculosis Of The Wrist (Serial Case 09.20 Report) 09.20Clinical Outcome Of Comminuted Intraarticular Distal 09.30 Radius Fracture Treated With Closed Reduction And Circular Cast(Retrospective Study At Moewardi Hospital Surakarta July 2014 – June 2015) 09.30Orthopedic Complications Of Childhood Obesity 09.40 09.40Characteristics In Children With Supracondylar Humerus 09.50 Fracture At Hasan Sadikin Hospital From Januari 2009 – Januari 2014 09.50Functional Outcome Developmental Dysplasia Of The 10.00 Hip (Ddh) Patients After Operative Treatment At Walking Age In Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung 10.00Characteristic Osteomyelitis Patients At Lower Extremity 10.10 In Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Periode January 2012—December 2014 10.10Treatment Of Single Segment Thoracic Spinal 10.20 Tuberculosis With Neurological Deficit In Adults. Case Series 10.20Reverse Distal Femoral Locking Plate For Subtrochanter 10.30 Femur Fracture In Rscm. A Case Series 10.30Coffee Break 10.45 10.45Ponseti Method On Late Idiopathic Clubfoot Kode FP1.1 FP1.2 FP1.3 FP1.4 FP1.5 FP1.6 FP1.7 FP1.8 FP1.9 FP1.10 FP1.11 FP1.12 FP1.13 FP1.14 FP1.15 FP1.16 10.55 10.5511.05 11.0511.15 11.1511.25 11.2511.35 11.3511.45 11.4511.55 11.5512.05 12.0512.15 12.1512.25 12.2512.35 12.35selesai Acute Correction In Patient With Severe Blount Disease Using Proximal Tibia Osteotomy Followed By Internal Fixation. Outcome Of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures Treated With PFNA-II In Elderly Patients Acute Correction For Severe Blount’s Disease With Ilizarov Method. A Case Series Congenital Talipes Equinovarus Profile In Saiful Anwar General Hospital : Three Years Follow Up 2013-2015 Distribution Profile Of Metastatic Bone Disease In MoewardiHospital Surakarta July 2014 – June 2015 (Retrospective Study) Profile Of Rhabdomyosarcoma In Children At Dharmais Cancer Hospital 2005 – 2014 Evaluation Post Total Knee Arthroplasty Operationin Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta Januari 2014 – Juni 2015 (Retrospective Study) Assessment Of Physical Fitness Status Of Orthopaedic And Traumatology Resident At DR. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Tibial Length Measurement After Reduction By Bone Setter In Lower Leg Fracture At Citapen, West Java Fp1.26. Mini-Open Technique For The Achilles Tenotomy In Treatment Of Ctev To Reduce A Risk Of Neurovascular Injury And Achieved Maximum Equinus Correction Makan siang FP1.17 FP1.18 FP1.19 FP1.20 FP1.21 FP1.22 FP1.23 FP1.24 FP1.25 FP1.26 Presentasi podium: Basic and Clinical Correlation Study Waktu Judul Presentasi 08.00- Comparative Functional Outcome Between Volar Plate And 08.10 Percutaneous Pinning In Treatment Of Fracture Of The Distal Radius Extra Articular 08.10- Long Term Outcome Using Massive Allograft In The Bone 08.20 Tumor Reconstruction 08.20- Comparisson Functional Outcome Of The Knee Between 08.30 Semitendinosus Graft And Combined Graft (Semitendinosus And Gracilis Graft) In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction By Using Koos And Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. A Serial Case 08.30- Screw Removal Effect Analysis On Delayed Union After 08.40 Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing In Tibial Diaphyseal Fracture 08.40- Soft Tissue Release (Posteromedial Approach) And Tendon 08.50 Lengthening For Rigid Type Clubfoot 08.50- Outcome Of The Use Of Synthetic Bonegraft In Case Of 09.00 Fractures Inmoewardi Hospital Surakarta January 2013 – May 2015 ( Retrospective Study) 09.00- Association Of Ponseti Serial Casting Outcome Between 09.10 Age, Classification, Type, And History Family Of Clubfoot Patient In Hasan Sadikin Hospital 09.10- Correlation Between Sagittal Balance With Quality Of Life 09.20 On Patients After Posterior Interbody Fusion 09.20- Correlation Between Environmental Factors With Long Bon 09.30 eFracture In Children Treated In Hasan Sadikin Hospital PeriodJanuary 2013 - December 2014 09.30- Outcome Hemiarthroplasty Bipolar Vs Total Hip 09.40 Arthroplasty For Displaced Femoral Neck Fracture In Elderly 09.40- Studies On Gene Expressions At The Rna Level Associated 09.50 With Fibrosarcoma Cases In Jambi 09.50- Epidemiology Study Of Elbow Fractures In Children At 10.00 Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, June 2009 – June 2015 10.00- Epidemiology Of Physeal Plate Fracture At Sanglah 10.10 Hospital Emergency Unit In 2014 10.10- Survey Of Physeal Closure Age Of The Distal Radial Physis 10.20 On Adolescence Traffic Accidents Victims Admitted To Emergency Department Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital From January 2012 To September 2015 10.20- Charateristic Patient With Osteosarcoma At Extremity In 10.30 Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung January 2014 – December 2014 10.30- Coffee break Kode FP2.1 FP2.2 FP2.3 FP2.4 FP2.5 FP2.6 FP2.7 FP2.8 FP2.9 FP2.10 FP2.11 FP2.12 FP2.13 FP2.14 FP2.15 10.45 10.45- Characteristic Of The Musculoskeletal Complain On The 10.55 Syndrome Lupus Erymathosus Patient In Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung From January 2012 – December 2013 10.55- Musculoskeletal Involvement In Thalassemia And 11.05 Hemophilia Patient In Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung From January 2012 – October 2014 11.05- Antibiotic Susceptibility And Bacterial Pattern In Patients 11.15 With Open Fracture Of Lower Extremity Gustillo-Anderson Classification Grade Iii: A Retrospective Study 11.15- Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (Nlr) Is Associated With 11.25 Fracture Healing Process In Children 11.25- Responsiveness Of The Pirani Score In Neglected Clubfeet 11.35 11.35- Methylprednisolone Intralesional Injection For The 11.45 Treatment Of Aneurismal Bone Cyst In Children And Adolescents: Serial Cases 11.45- Post Operative Shoulder Functional Comparation Between 11.55 Open Acromioplasty And Arthroscopy For Shoulder Impingemen Syndrome Patients In Surabaya 11.55- Application Of Platelet Rich Fibrin As A Therapy For 12.05 Diabetic Foot Ulcer 12.05- Correlation Between Plain Radiograph Parameter And 12.15 Functional Outcome In Pediatric Supracondylar Humeral Fracture 12.15- Correlation Between Plain Radiograph Parameter And 12.25 Functional Outcome In Pediatric Supracondylar Humeral Fracture 12.25- Makan siang selesai FP2.16 FP2.17 FP2.18 FP2.19 FP2.20 FP2.21 FP2.22 FP2.23 FP2.24 FP2.25 Presentasi Poster Judul 1. Ewing’s Sarcoma Of The Left Thigh And Lower Leg : A Case Report 2. Neglected Hangman’s Fracture In A 34-Year-Old Male 3. Bilateral Traumatic Amputation Of The Wrist Treated By Myoelectric Prosthesis (A Case Report) 4. Comprehensive Orthopaedic Management Of Extracompartmental Giant Cell Tumor Of The Soft Tissue: A Very Rare Case 5. Mid-Term Outcome : Neurofibromatosis Scoliosis Treated With Growing Rod 6. Neglected Congenital Bilateral Trigger Thumb : A Case Report 7. Modification Yoshii Flap For Finger Tip Injury Of Thumb 8. Macrosyndactyly Of The Toes 9. Macrodactyly Of The Hand: A Case Report 10. Ilizarov Methode For Infected Bone Loss In Prof Dr R Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta: A Case Report 11. Glomus Tumor Of The Fingertip: A Case Report 12. Finger Flexion Deformity And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Rare Case Of Tophus At Flexor Tendon 13. Constriction Band Syndrome: An Efficient One Stage Release Combining Circumferential Excision And Z Plasty 14. Bilateral Congenital Amputation Of Lower Leg In A 2 Weeks Old Baby 15. Avascular Necrosis : What Orthopedist Need, What Radiologist Must Read. 16. Atypical Maisonneuve’s Fracture, A Case Report 17. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture In Gouty Arthritis: A Case Report 18. Anatomic Reconstruction Of The Distal Radio-Ulnar Ligament And Osteotomy For Malunion Distal Radius And Ulna With Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint Instability: A Case Report 19. An Uncommon Site Of A Common Tumour: Gct Of Vertebrae 20. The Bone Union In Patient With Non Nf-1 Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Of Tibia With A History Of Malunion Fracture : A Case Report 21. A Case Of Pulmonary Metastasis Of Recurrent Giant-Cell Tumor Of Bone In Proximal Humerus 22. Non-Vascularized Head Fibular Graft In Ankle Reconstruction For Recurrence Giant Cell Tumor On The Distal Fibula 23. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor At The Level Of Thoracic Spine : A Case Report 24. Osteopetrosis : A Case Report Kode P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 25. Clinical Outcome Of A Patient With Tetraplegic Spastic Type Due To Cervical Tuberculousespondylitis With Abces Of C2 – C3 C4 And Subluxation Of Atlanto - Axial After Debridement, Laminectomy Of C2 And Stabilization Of Occipito – C3 – C4in Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta: A Case Report 26. Traumatic Shoulder Dislocation In A 4-Year-Old Child: A Case Report 27. Spinal Epidural Abscess In Chronic Kidney Disease Patients With Suspected Cystic Mass In The Thoracic Vertebra, A Case Report 28. Osterior Tibial Plateu Fracture: A Dilemma Of The Approach. ( A Case Report) 29. Osteocutaneus Pedicle Fibular Graft Procedure For Limb Salvage At Severe Injury Of Lower Extremity ( Case Report ) 30. The Outcome Of Modified Kurokawa Laminoplasty For Cervical Canal Stenosis: A Case Report 31. The Management Of Neglected Coxitis Tuberculosis In Children : A Case Report 32. Sural Fasciocutaneous Flap For The Treatment Of Traumatic Soft Tissue Defect At Dorsal Foot (Case Report) 33. Mid-Term Functional And Oncology Follow-Up Following Buttockectomy Procedure Removing Major Hip Abductor Middle Gluteal Muscle On A Fibrosarcoma Patient 34. Close Fracture Pelvic Young Burgess Lateral Compression Type Ii Associated With Anterior Column Fracture Of Left Acetabulum: Using Double Approach (A Case Report) 35. Joint Reconstruction Using Sternocleidomastoid Tendon Autograft As Treatment For Traumatic Posterior Dislocation Of Sternoclavicular Joint. A Case Report. 36. Distal Femoral Osteotomy As New Alternative For Management Of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (Scfe) . A Case Report 37. Management Of Bilateral Iliopsoas Muscle Hemophilic Pseudotumor. A Case Report 38. Adjacent Segment Diseases Of L2 Post Decompression (Laminectomy) And Posterior Stabilization Of L3-L5 Due To Lumbal Canal Stenosis 39. Desmoplastic Fibroma Of Proximal Tibia Mimicking Malignant Tumor 40. Limb Salvage Procedure As Operative Treatment For Giant Cell Tumor Of Calcaneal Bone. A Case Report 41. Application Of Proximal Humerus Locking Plate As An Alternative Fixed Angle Fixator On A Pediatric Femoral Neck Fracture Delbet Iv. A Case Report 42. The Only Posterior Approach Of Correction Using Rod And Screw Corrective Manipulation In Severe Adult Idiopathic P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P38 P39 P40 P41 P42 Scoliosis. A Case Report 43. Chronic Inflammation Of Intra-Articular Plastic Foreign Body In The Knee 44. Bony Reconstruction And Soft Tissue Procedure In Osteoarthrits Of The Knee Due To Late Achondroplasia. Reverse Pagoda Osteotomy And Lateral Collateral Ligament Fixation Using Clancy Method 45. Bilateral Innominate Osteotomy Technique In Bladder Exstrophy Repair. A Rare Case Report 46. Post Operative Evaluation For Treatment Of Volkmann Ischemic Contracture With Free Function Muscle Transfer P43 P44 P45 P46 F P1 .1 . DISTAL FEMORAL GCT TREATED WITHWIDE EXCISION &MEGAPROTHESIS RECONSTRUCTION AT PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITALSURAKARTA2015 (SERIALCASE) Bagus Nur Graha Wahyu Aji*, Mujaddid Idulhaq** * :Resident of Orthopaedi& Traumatology, School of Medicine, SebelasMaret University- Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Surakarta. **: Orthopaedic and traumatology Surgeon, Musculoskeletal Tumor Consultant,Secretary of Orhtopaedic Program Medical Faculty of SebelasMaret University- Prof Dr R Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Surakarta . ABSTRACT Introduction. Giant Cell Tumor (GCT) known asoesteoclastomais a tumor characterized by multinuclear giant cell. At Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta in 2014-2015 there was 27 GCT patients, 18 of them were diagnosed asdistal femoral GCT.Wide excision and megaprothesis reconstruction were management of complex GCT in which has reccurent or destructive Objective. To evaluateoutcomeof GCT patient treated with wide excision and megaprothesis reconstruction Methods. Reporting3 patients32, 37 and 43 years old malediagnosed withdistal femoral GCT stage II. Patient complaining lump over knee region accompanied by progresive pain.Wide Excision and megaprothesis reconstruction had been done to treat that patients. Clnical and radiological evaluation had done before and after surgery. Clincal parameter using MSTS score. Result. Four weeks post operative all patients can flex 90o of the knee, partial weight bearing using double crutch, pain has subside, can doing assistive home activity, good wound healing and no sign of infection over the wound. Based on MSTS score, first patient has 31 points, second patient has 29 points, and 27 points for third patient. And avarage percentage about 82,7% for all patients. This result can be define as good result. Conclusion. Wide excision and megaprothesis reconstruction offer good result in treating patient with distal femoral GCT, and can be the treatment of choice for this case. Keywords: GCT, wide excision, megaprothesis 1 F P1 .2 . OUTCOME OF CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT IN CLAVICLE FRACTURES PATIENTS JANUARY-JULY 2015 DR. SOETOMO GENERAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA Brilliant Citra Wirashada * , Teddy Heri Wardhana * * ∗Resident Of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty Medicine Of Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya ∗∗Senior Staff Of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty Medicine Of Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya ABSTRACT Introduction. Shoulder pain is a complaint that is quite often found in daily practice. Shoulder pain was recorded at 16 percent of all musculoskeletal disorders (Urwin et al, 1998). Shoulder pain was first reported by Duplay in 1872 in France, that the stiffness and shoulder pain is a symptom periartritis humeroskapularis. Two symptoms of shoulder pain are abundant in society, affects approximately 15 to 30 percent of the adult population. Causes of shoulder pain vary, for example, a degenerative disease of the gleno humeral joint, and network akromio kalvikular backers and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, as well as injury or fracture of the collarbone (clavicle) (Richard etal, 2004). Multi factorial etiology of shoulder pain caused management becomes difficult and often unsatisfactory (Jackson etal, 2002). Pain and loss of function is what makes a high degree of disability in the community, especially at the age of 40years and older (Richard etal, 2004). Some literature mentions clavicle fracture is one of the causes of the onset of pain and disability in the shoulder. The purpose of drafting a paper presenting this case is to show the presence or absence of shoulder pain and disability in patients who had been recovered from a broken clavicle. Method. Case report series of 15 patients in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital who ever diagnosed a clavicle fracture during January – July 2015. The data taken from medical record, patients’ clinical notes, home visit, and physical examination, also sampling the SPADI and Quick DASH questioner then measure the value. Result. In the patient case reports have been conducted conservative treatment and data collection as well as the provision of questioner SPADI and Quick DASH . From the calculation results obtained questioner SPADI varied results , from 15 patients there were 8 patients ( 53 % ) with the result of 0 % , 1 patient (7 %) with a score of 0.63% , 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 1.25 % , 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 5.90%, 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 7.13% , 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 8.50 % , 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 9 , 90 % , and 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 10.50 % . Results scoring questioner Quick DASH score also had varied results . There were 10 patients ( 67 % ) with a score of 0 , 3 patients ( 20 % ) with a score of 2.27 , 1 patient ( 7 % ) with a score of 13.6 , and 1 patient ( 6 % ) with a score of 6.81 Conclusion.Pain in the shoulder can result from acute events clavicle fracture , and some may arise due to imperfect healing as malunion and non - union , handled well after conservative or operative . ( 1 ) The results of the clinical evaluation and a physical examination of 15 patients , was not obtained complaints of pain and disability in the shoulder joint after fracture of the clavicle ( 2 ) From the evaluation results of the calculation of the value questioner SPADI and Quick DASH not found complaints of pain and disability shoulder joint , which means , ( 3 ) Treatment of clavicle fractures conservatively covered on either granting or backpack armsling velban can still be used as the main option . ( 4 ) in the middle third clavicle fractures has the largest distribution. Keywords : fracture clavicle, shoulder pain 2 F P1 .3 . OPERATION PROCEDURE FOR SPONDYLOLISTHESIS PATIENT Januar Ari Subiantoro, dr*, Primadenny A. Airlangga, dr., MSi., Sp.OT(K)** ABSTRACT Introduction. Low back pain often experienced by all people with the same ratio between men and women with onset between the ages of 30-50 years. Many factors that can cause Low back pain such as frequent heavy lifting, obesity, age, trauma, and one of them is the shift of the vertebrae called Spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis is about 5-6% of the population of men, and 2-3% of women. Method.In this case, the authors describe two patients with Male aged 42 years and Female aged 43 years with Spondylolisthesis Lumbal Vertebra 4-5 with complaints of pain in the lower spine radiating to both legs. In both patients had surgery Decompression + TLIF + PSR. Result. Evaluation after Operation Procedure, there is a satisfactory outcome to the complaint of patients is greatly reduced by the difference of the Visual Analogue Scale very meaningful. Discussion.Spondylolisthesis could perform with varies symptoms, the disorder is often characterized by pain in the back, pain in the thighs and legs. Many cases can be treated conservatively. However, in individuals with radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication, postural abnormalities and gait, which did not work with nonoperative treatment like in this patients, the Surgery is preferred. Conclusion.Operation Procedure with Decompression + TLIF + PSR for the Spondylolisthesis patients has a success in the return of the physical and social activity of the patient so that the quality of life of the patient can be increased. Keywords:Low Back Pain, Spondylolisthesis, TLIF, VAS 3 F P1 .4 . ANKLE ARTHRODESIS WITH CANNULATED SCREW : A CASE SERIES H. Yazid, AT Desnantyo Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department Airlangga University - Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, INDONESIA Introduction. Osteoarthritis of the ankle is unique compared to the other major lower extremity arthritidies. Relatively the patients are young and lack of available long lasting treatment. On the end stage, ankle arthritis can causes joint deformity, disability, and decreasing income that can affect the quality of life. Ankle arthrodesis remains the gold standard and is the procedure of choice for younger patients who are heavy laborers. Methods. Evaluate and report 5 patients undergone ankle arthrodesis at RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya on 2011-2015. The data were collected form patient files, clinical notes, radiographs, and a recent physical examination. The outcome has been assed with SF-36 score and clinical scoring system Ankle-Hind foot American Foot and Ankle Society. Result. This study includes 3 male patients and 2 female patients undergone ankle arthrodesis with cannulated screw, caused by neglected severe ankle dislocation. One patient had open dislocation. Based on SF-36 scoring, the five patient had average score 76,7 with highest and lowest score were 95,9 and 56,7. Based on clinical score ankle-hind foot American Ankle and Foot Society, the average score was 68(51 – 88). SF-36 scoring result includes general health, physic, emotional, and social. And clinical scoring ankle-hind foot American Foot and Ankle Society evaluation includes pain, function, and alignment. It shows that there were patient that gain an almost perfect result. But still there is patient had remain complain after this procedure. Patient with the lowest score also had knee osteoarthritis contra lateral from the operated ankle. Early weight bearing on ankle arthrodesis with cannulated screw was the major factor caused unsatisfactory result of this patient. Conclusion.Ankle arthrodesis with cannulated screw has satisfactory result even remain complain on one patient. The failure was result from in obedient of early weight bearing. Nevertheless, ankle arthrodesis with cannulated screw still has the important role on the treatment of choice on ankle reconstruction. Keywords : Ankle arthrodesis with cannulated screw, ankle fusion 4 F P1 .5 . FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME OF INTERTROCHANTERIC FRACTURE WITH DYNAMIC HIP SCREW IN ELDERLY (JANUARY – AGUSTUS 2015): A CASE SERIES Agus Eka Wiradiputra* Cok Gede Darmayuda** *Resident of Orthopedic and Trauma, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital **Orthopaedic and Traumatology Senior, Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar Introduction. The incidence of Intertrochanteric femoral fractures has increased significantly in recent years and is expected to continue to rise with increasing life expectancy of elderly patients. Medical comorbidities and ambulatory status play a significant role in surgical treatment options and patient outcomes. The general goal of surgical management is to restore functional anatomy in a way that will allow for early mobilization and rehabilitation while promoting fracture healing. Surgical treatment of the various types of hip fractures differs significantly. Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) is one of treatment choice for intertrochanteric femoral fracture. Methods. Seven case of intertrochantertic fracture was treated by DHS in Sanglah General Hospital from January until August 2015. Patient was followed up for functional outcome after surgery using Harris Hip Score. Result. Harris Hip Score for all elderly patient that underwent ORIF DHS following Intertrochanteric Femoral fracture was good (total range of point 70-79). In terms of functional outcomes, same study found that 70% of patients treated with a compression hip screw required ambulatory aid 6 months after surgery, compared to only 38% pre-injury. Similarly, Medoff and Maes found only 50% of patients to be walking independently at the time of hospital discharge following compression hip screw treatment. Conclusion. Surgical fixation of an intertrochanteric fracture is not different from any other geriatric hip fracture – the surgeon must consider not only fracture pattern but also the patient’s age, medical condition, and pre-injury functional status. Dynamic Hip Screw is one choice of surgical treatment of intertrochanter femoral neck in elderly that give good result of functional outcome after surgery. Keywords: Intertrhocanter Femoral Fracture, Elderly, Funtional Outcome 5 F P1 .6 . LOWER LEG DEFORMITY CORRECTION USING ILIZAROV SYSTEM IN DR SOETOMO HOSPITAL SURABAYA Citra Ahdi Prasetya*. Jeffry Andrianus Muslim**, Dwikora N. Utomo ** Introduction. Limb deformity, especially lower leg deformity is a common case in orthopaedic practice. Limb deformity can be classified according to cause (Congenital, developmental, post trauma), geometry (angulation, rotation, shortening), severity and progression. In severe and complex deformity, the treatment choice is gradual correction using Ilizarov system. Benefit of the gradual correction using Ilizarov system are: (1) reduce the risk of neurovascular injury, (2) minimal soft tissue disturbance, (3) multiplanar correction.Dr Soetomo Hospital already done correction using Ilizarov System for correction of lower leg deformity. Method. We studied retrospectively all patient with lower leg deformity managed with Ilizarov system during January 2013 – September 2015 in Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Result. Elevent patient was managed by Ilizarov system for gradual deformity correction. four patients already finished the treatment and the frame was removed. Two patients was changed with other fixation because implant failure during correction phase. Five patients still in correction phase (bone lengthening, bone transport and deformity correction). In 4 patients who already finished the correction phase, we can correct the deformity until less than 1 cm leg length discrepancy. Conclusion. Ilizarov system has a good result to correct lower limb deformity patients in Dr Soetomo General Hospital. Keywords: Lower leg deformity, Ilizarov, limb lengthening 6 F P1 .7 . EVALUATION OF SCOLIOSIS IN MARFAN SYNDROME Gestana R. Wardana *, Komang Agung Irianto S ** * Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ** Staff of Paediatric Division Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ABSTRACT Introduction.Scoliosis is the most common symptom that’s complained by the patient with Marfan syndrome. The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical, radiological, and quality of life of the patient Marfan syndrome with scoliosis that have been treated using conservative or operative treatment, and untreted patient Method.In a retrospective case series in Dr.Soetomo Hospital, 8 patients Marfan syndome with scoliosis with mean cobb angle 66°. 4 patients have been treated, 1 patient treated conservatively using brace, 3 patients treated operatively; and 4 patients untreated yet. Evaluate clinically, radiologically, and quality of life using SF-36 questionaire. Mean follow up of 1,72 years (1 year and 9 months) after being diagnosed. Result.Good progression of cobb angle 5° on patient that have been treated conservatively, and mean cobb angle 40° on patients that have been treated operatively, while untreted patients have worse progression of cobb angle by mean 9,25°. Results of SF-36 questionaire, on treated patients shows good physical health (n = 4), good mental health (n = 3), poor mental health (n = 1). On untreated patients shows good physical and mental health (n = 1), and poor physical and mental health (n = 3). Conclusion. Scoliosis treatment using conservatively or operatively offers good progression of cobb angle and good quality of life, based on physical and mental health Keywords: scoliosis, Marfan syndrome, cobb angle, questionaire SF-36, physical health, mental health 7 F P1 .8 . NEGLECTED TUBERCULOSIS OF THE WRIST (SERIAL CASE REPORT) Kristianto, Yanuar *, Huwae, Thomas Erwin C.J. ** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ** Staff of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang Introduction. Tuberculosis of the wrist is one manifestation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and the prevalence is 1-5% of all cases. These disease have varied clinical presentation and often underdiagnosed because its clinical features is not spesific in the early stage, thus influence the choice of treatment and outcome. Methods.This is a serial case study of 3 patients who presented tuberculosis of the wrist. Two patient male, and one female. All of the patients were diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. We established the diagnosis as Tuberculosis of the wrist by clinical features, X-Ray and Biopsy in some cases. Result.Tuberculous infection of the musculoskeletal system is rare even in areas of high TB prevalence. The early symptoms initially are non-specific. Sclerosis and osteolytic lesions, the main radiographic features of bony tuberculosis, are non-specific and are present in other conditions such as inflammatory arthritis, pyogenic osteomyelitis, and some malignancies . Other radiographic features include osteopenia, soft-tissue swellings, periosteal reaction, narrowing of the joint space and bone cysts. The diagnosis of TB may be confirmed on the recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on culture from bone tissue. Systemic disease, diabetes mellitus, and local factors such as trauma or intra-articular steroids may predispose to activation of a distant focus. Gold standard diagnosis is established by open biopsy and tissue culture. Surgery is an adjunct to the antituberculosis medications as surgical procedures may be necessary to control the disease or to improve the function. Conclusion. In summary, persistent swelling of bones or joints of the wrist could be a presenting sign of tuberculosis. The diagnosis are easily missed and underdiagnosed because of the non-specific clinical signs resulting in progression of disease and more advanced disability also complicated treatment. We should have high index of suspicion when dealing with long standing inflammatory of the joints that not responding to conservative measures. Also when confronted with unusual inflammatory findings, always send tissue for examination pathology anatomy for the golden diagnosis & bacterial culture or PCR. MRI is optional for wrist tuberculosis. Keywords: Neglected Tuberculosis of the wrist, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Biopsy as Golden standard diagnosis. 8 F P1 .9 . CLINICAL OUTCOME OF COMMINUTED INTRAARTICULAR DISTAL RADIUS FRACTURE TREATED WITH CLOSED REDUCTION AND CIRCULAR CAST (RETROSPECTIVE STUDY AT MOEWARDI HOSPITAL SURAKARTA JULY 2014 – JUNE 2015) Arief Indra Perdana Prasetya*, Tito Soemarwoto** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University/Dr. Moewardi General Hospital/Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso **Staff Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University/Dr. Moewardi General Hospital/Orthopaedic Hospital Prof.Dr.R.Soeharso ABSTRACT Introduction. Comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture was rarely treated conservatively. We observed the outcome of comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture was treated with closed reduction and circular cast at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. Objective. To observe the clinical outcome of patient with comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture that was treated with closed reduction and circular cast at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. Method. This study had been done retrospectively from patient comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture that was treated with closed reduction and circular cast at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta since July 2014 – June 2015. The information about patient collected from medical record including age, sex, site of injured distal radius (dominant/or non dominant hand), and type of intraarticular comminuted fracture. The data about function after treatment we collected by visiting patient at home or when patients controlled to hospital using DASH score and range of motion of wrist joint. Result. Eleven patients comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture was threated with concervative treatment. Consist of 7 male and 4 female had been evaluation. 10 patient have a good condition DASH Score and 1 patient have average DASH Score. All patients have normal Range of Motion of wrist joint . Conclusion. Patients with comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture that was treated with closed reduction and circular cast at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta at July 2014 - June 2015 have nomal wrist ROM 100% (11 patients), Good DASH SCORE 90.90% (10 patients), Average DASH SCORE 9.99% (1 patient). Further investigation with more patients and analysis is needed to get better conclusion. Keywords :Distal radius fracture, intraarticular, comminuted, closed reduction and circular cast 9 F P1 .10 . ORTHOPEDIC COMPLICATIONS OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY Ricky Wibowo * , Hermawan Nagar Rasyid * * , Yoyos Dias Ismiarto * * , Gibran Tristan * * * Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung ** Teaching staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction.The number of people classified as overweight or obese continues to rise throughout the world. These problems include spinal complications, slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Blount disease, The mechanism of the relationship of obesity and SCFE is not defined simply by the increased force on the femoral head secondary to the increased load from an increased body mass. Hip abduction increases in those who are obese; hence, the shear component applied to the capital femoral growth plate is also increased, resulting in a higher risk of SCFE. Increased body mass exerted on the epiphysis increases both compressive and shear forces. The compressive forces generated at the medial compartment of the knee were considered of sufficient magnitude to alter physeal growth. Objective. The purpose of this article is to describe the orthopedic problems known to be associated with being overweight or obese during childhood to assist the clinician in the evaluation and management of these patients. Methods.All data collected from Outpatience Departement medical record from January 2013 – December 2014 from Age <18 years old, with BMI > 25 Results. All patients with overweight has symptom about 27%, obesity 50%. Patients with overweight has SCFE 33%, and obesity has SCFE 66%. Patients with overweight has BD 40%, and obesity has 60%. Conclusion. Overweight and obesity increased incidence of SCFE and BD Keyword: overweight, obesity, slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), Blount Disease (BD) 10 CHARACTERISTICS IN CHILDREN WITH SUPRACONDYLAR HUMERUS FRACTURE AT HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL FROM JANUARI 2009 – JANUARI 2014 F P1 .11 . Sulaeman, A., Ismiarto Y.D. Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University / DR. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Supracondylar humerus fracture fractures are common childhood injuries, accounting for about 10% of all childhood fractures. In many cases, a simple fracture will heal well with conservative cast treatment. Some types of elbow fractures, however, including those in which the pieces of bone are significantly out of place, may require surgery. Other structures in the elbow such as nerves, blood vessels, and ligaments may also be injured when a fracture occurs and require treatment, as well. Method. This study is a retrospective and it processed in descriptive analyticat the period Januari 2009 Januari 2014, There were 15 pediatric patients who were admitted in Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.Amounts of supracondylar humerus fractures in children patients that comes to Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital with characteristicsincludegender,age of the patient, location of the fracture, management, type of trauma, wherethe incidenceandcomplicationsin patientswho receivedsurgery. Result.There was showed thatsupracondylar humerus fractures in children dominant in male (73.3%), Mostof the sceneat home (66.7%) andnotfoundcomplications insupracondylarfracturesof the humerusinHasan Sadikin Hospitalperformedsurgery. Conclusion. There is colleration betweensuprakondilarhumerusfracturesin children, especially boys, and where it happenedmostat homemeans thatthe need forparental supervisionof childrenfurther. Keywords: Supracondylar humerus, fracture characteristics 11 F P1 .12 . FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE HIP (DDH) PATIENTS AFTER OPERATIVE TREATMENT AT WALKING AGE IN HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL BANDUNG Achmad I.H., Ismiarto Y.D. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran/ Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Cases of developmental dislocation of the hip (DDH) still occur after walking age because of late or missed diagnosis and failed conservative treatment. The choice of treatment for DDH after walking age is surgical procedure has been a challenge to the orthopaedic fields. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and radiographic results of surgical treatment of DDH after the walking age. Methods. The study included 13 patients (15 hips) in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung from 2012 – 2015 , they had been treated by different combinations of open reduction, femoral and pelvic osteotomy. The age at the time of the operation ranged from 1 to 7 years old. Result. The final clinical results at the end of follow up (a mean of 22 months) was excellent in 5 (33.3%) patients, good in 7 (46.7%) patients, fair in 2 (13.3%) patients and poor in 1 (6.7%) patients. The radiological end result was Class I (excellent) in 8 (53.3%) patients, Class II (good) in 5 (33.3%) patients, Class III (fair) in 1 (6.7%) patients and Class IV (poor) in 1 (6.7%) patients. The satisfactory patient was 10 (80%) patients clinically and 11 (86.6%) patients radiologically. Conclusion. We concluded that functional outcome DDH patients after operative treatment in the walking age mostly have a good results. Keywords : developmental displasia of the hip, DDH 12 F P1 .13 . CHARACTERISTIC OSTEOMYELITIS PATIENTS AT LOWER EXTREMITY IN HASAN SADIKIN GENERAL HOSPITALPERIODE JANUARY 2012— DECEMBER 2014 Dewangga TH, Ismiarto Y D Orthopaedi and Traumatologi Department Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction. Micro-organisms may reach the musculoskeletal tissues by a direct introduction through the skin (a pinprick,an injection, a stab wound, a laceration, anopen fracture or an operation), direct spread froma contiguous focus of infection, or indirect spreadvia the blood stream from a distant site such as the noseor mouth, the respiratory tract, the bowel or the genitourinarytract.1 Infection of the bone is different than that of the soft tissue, in which the bone has compact compartments hence more prone of blood vessels injury and cellular death.2Osteomyelitis is a common orthopaedic infection and a major medical problem in developing countries. Time is a critical factor in the evolution of the chronic disease as most of our cases are progression from acute haematogenous osteomyelitis. Understanding the disease is crucial to achieve a rapid and accurate diagnosis and provide potentially limb-sparing interventions.3 Objective. To describe the demographic andclinical data of patients with osteomyelitis of the lower limbs in Hasan Sadikin Hospital within period of Januari 2012 – Desember 2014 Methods. Retrospective case analysis of 43 patients with osteomyelitis of the lower limbs that came to Hasan Sadikin Hospitalbetween Januari 2012 – Desember 2014. Age, sex, chronicity, region affected, systemic risk factors, etiology, and management were recorded Results. There were 43 samples, with male predominance (55.81%) and average age was 32.5 within range of 2 – 77 years old. Majority of the case was chronic in respect of duration (97.68%). Femur was the most affected region of lower extremity (46.51%), followed by cruris (32.55%). Several patients had systemic risk factor such as DM in 7 patients (16.28%) and malnutrition in 5 patients (11,26%). The cause of osteomyelitis mostly is from open wound 22 patients (51.17%) another cause is haematogenous 2 patients (4,65). Definitive management of the patients consisted of several surgical intervention, such as debridement in 1 patient (2.32%), debridement with addition of antibiotic beads (13.95%), combination of debridement, sequestectomy, and antibiotic beads in 25 patients (58.13%), combination of debridement and amputation in 2 patients (4.67%), and only amputation in 5 patients (11.63%). Conclusion. Osteomyelitis patients of lower extremity in Hasan Sadikin Hospital were mostly male and chronic in duration. Many of them occurred in femur and cruris region. Systemic risk factors such as DM and malnutrition that play important role in the pathogenesis of the disease were also found in several patients of this study. The most common surgical intervention was the combination ofdebridement, sequestectomy, and antibiotic beads. Keywords: osteomyelitis, infection, femur, cruris, lower extremity, debridement 13 F P1 .14 . TREATMENT OF SINGLE SEGMENT THORACIC SPINAL TUBERCULOSIS WITH NEUROLOGICAL DEFICIT IN ADULTS. CASE SERIES Yudistira Prama Tirta*; Ifran Saleh** *Orthopaedic resident in University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital ** Consultan of Orthopaedic Spine, Dpet. of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, University of Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital ABSTRACT Introduction. Neurological deficits is one of the complication of Spinal tuberculosis. The single segment thoracic spinal tuberculosis with neurological deficits (STSTND) is rarely been reported in literature. STSTND is characterized by kyphosis deformity, abscess formation, and spinal cord compression. Posterior instrumentation and fusion, anterior debridement and fusion, and anterior and posterior fusion have been described as effective operative treatment for spinal tuberculosis. But there is lack of concensus of the most effective operative treatment in management of STSTND. Method. We reported 5 cases of Adult patients with STSTND in Ciptomangunkusomo Hospital in 2014. The neurological state was evaluated pre-operatively with Frankel classification and short form-36 (SF-36) health survey. Before surgery, the patients had already consumed anti TB chemoteraphy according to WHO recommendation. The patient was treated with debridement, surgical decompression, stabilization and fusion of the pathological area. Then we re-evaluate the clinical and neurological outcome of the patients after 1 year. Result. One year after the surgical treatment combinded with anti-TB chemotheraphy, all 5 patients with STSTND had improvement of neurological classification based on Frankel and improved SF-36 scores. Conclusion. Surgical management combined with anti-TB chemotherapy STSND in adults patients gives good clinical and neurological outcomes. Keywords: Treatment, Spinal Tuberculosis, Neurological Deficit. 14 F P1 .15 . REVERSE DISTAL FEMORAL LOCKING PLATE FOR SUBTROCHANTER FEMUR FRACTURE IN RSCM. A CASE SERIES Peter Giarso*; Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo ** *Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident,Universitas Indonesia, RSCM ** Consultan of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Dept. of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Universitas Indonesia, RSCM ABSTRACT Introduction. Various implants and methods have been proposed. in the treatment of subtrochanteric femoral fracture, each with its specific advantages without any one single superior choice. The use of reversed distal femoral locking plate has been one of the promising alternatives. Reports on radiological and functional outcome of this plate are necessary to evaluate whether this plate is comparable with the others in the treatment of proximal femur. Methods. We reported serial cases of femoral subtrochanteric fracture in RSCM in 2014 and 2015. In this serial cases we used titanium LCP-DF plate (Synthes)9-11 hole using LISS or open reduction technique. We further evaluate functional and radiological outcomes in 6 months. Results. There were four cases of subtrochanteric femoral fractures treated in our hospital during 2014-2015. Three of four patients are male suffering from motor vehicle accident and one female was due to accident in the bathroom. First patient is male 34 years old with closed fracture of right subtrochanter femur Seinsheimer 2B with Harris Hip Score (HHS) consecutively in 0, 6th and 12th months of (17, 96 and 97). While second patient, male 24 years old with closed comminutive fracture of right subtrochanter femur Seinsheimer V with HHS of 0, 6th, and 12th month of (13, 93 and 97). Third patientis a male, 39 years old with non union of left subtrochanteric femur fracture Seinsheimer 2C with HHS 0, 6th, and 12th month of (38, 73, and 77). The last patient is a female, 3 years old with closed fracture of subtrochanteric right femur Seinsheimer IIB with HHS of 0 and 6th month of 23 and 40. Technically, a reversed LCP-DF (Locking Compression Plate-Distal Femur) does not differ significantly compared to other conventional techniques. However, fewer plate holes will increase the availability of alternatives for operator to insert the screw. Radiologicallythe us of LCP-DF could satisfy the alignment and angulation in sagittal and coronal. Six months until twelve months follow up of these patients showed fair to excellent results. Conclusion. Reversed LCP-DF application for proximal femur fracture is a promising alternative just like any other implants. However, further researches are needed to compare the outcome of reversed LCP-DF plate with other implants in the terms of surgical procedure, radiological outcomes and clinical especially long term follow up. Keywords: subtrochanter fracture, reverse distal femoral locking plate 15 F P1 .16 . PONSETI METHOD ON LATE IDIOPATHIC CLUBFOOT Faisal Mi’raj * , Rangga Ardianto Prasetyo * * * Pediatric Consultant, Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Fatmawati Hospital ** Orthopaedic resident in University of Indonesia, Fatmawati Hospital Introduction. The Ponseti method is reportedly effective for treating idiopathic clubfoot in children. However, whether age at the beginning of treatment influences the rate of successful correction and the rate of relapse is unknown. The Ponseti method has found most use in developing countries where late presentation of clubfoot is also fairly common. The goal of treatment is to achieve a functional, pain-free, plantigrade foot with good mobility and able to fit into regular shoes. Methods. We therefore reviewed 4 consecutive children with idiopathic clubfoot treated by the Ponseti technique in Fatmawati hospitals. We included patients who presented with untreated clubfoot. We excluded from this study all children with clubfoot secondary to any other cause and all children with previous posteromedial or posterior release. The duration for the correction was 8 to 15 weeks since January to december 2015. Treatment by this technique was recommended to every patient (age range, 6 to 13 years). The protocol followed was the same in the hospital. The orthopaedic surgeon performed the manipulation and casting according to the Ponseti method then Achilles tendon lengthening, and bracing. Results. Correction was achieved in every child by means of the Ponseti method. Although all the children were older than 4 years of age at followup, all of the children were still using their FAO at night. The average number of casts necessary to achieve correction was 7 (range, 6 to 10 casts). Percutaneous Achilles Lengthening was needed in all of the cases. At a mean followup of 6 months, there were no relapse in all cases. There were no major complications with the technique, namely any bleeding problems associated with the tendon lengthening, but there were some minor complications. Conclusion. All patients older than 6 years were respond well to the Ponseti method. Number of casts needed to achieve initial correction, rate of relapses, need for ATL, and the need for FAO at the time of followup for this study were the same. Age at the beginning of treatment did not seem to influence the final outcome. We believe the maximum cut-off age for successful Ponseti treatment has yet to be defined and late-presenting cases should be given a trial for Ponseti treatment, because this does not preclude any subsequent options and has a high probability of success. Keywords: late clubfoot, Ponseti methods 16 F P1 .17 . ACUTE CORRECTION IN PATIENT WITH SEVERE BLOUNT DISEASE USING PROXIMAL TIBIA OSTEOTOMY FOLLOWED BY INTERNAL FIXATION Aryadi Kurniawan * , Omar Luthfi * * * Consultan of Pediatric Orthopaecic, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Resident of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Introduction. Blount disease is a common childhood condition that requires surgical correction. The choice of management, either with acute or gradual correction is still a debate since each of it has advantages and disadvantages. The complications of acute correction which consist of neurovascular injury, compartment syndrome, and loss of correction are the main cautions. Despite of the reported prevalence of complications following gradual correction is lower than the acute correction, other comparative study shows no neurovascular complication among the two groups. In addition, the gradual correction strategy requires high degree of compliance and the using of external fixation gives psychosocial impact for the patients. Hence, the outcomes and complications following acute correction technique need more investigation weather it is still applicable or not. Method. We reported a serial case of 6 patients with bilateral and unilateral Blount disease who underwent acute correction using proximal tibia osteotomy followed by internal fixation. We used clinical examination to measure the neurovascular complication and serial X ray examination to measure any loss of correction until the patient achieve full weight bearing. Result. Among the subject, there were no neurovascular complication following the surgery. By measuring tibiofemoral and metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle in serial X ray, we found no loss of reduction until the patient achieve full weight bearing. Conclusion. Either acute or gradual correction following proximal tibial osteotomy are both a wellestablished treatment strategy. According to this case series result, the acute correction is an acceptable choice of treatment dealing with severe Blount disease, since we found no neurovascular complication and any loss of reduction. Keywords: severe Blount disease, acute correction, proximal tibia osteotomy, internal fixation 17 F P1 .18 . OUTCOME OF UNSTABLE INTERTROCHANTERIC FRACTURES TREATED WITH PFNA-II IN ELDERLY PATIENTS Silalahi Thurman H*, S. jamot**, Nugroho Bambang** *Fellowship training of Indonesia Hip and Knee Society, **Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Indonesia-Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta ABSTRACT Introduction. The preferred treatment of intertrochanteric fractures in aged patients is controversial. The purpose ofthe present study was to evaluate the outcomes of the PFNA-II for stabilization of such fractures. Methods. The PFNA-II was used to treat intertrochanteric fractures in 10 elderly patients from january 2014 to March 2015. The patients comprised 3 men and 7 women with age more than 75 year. All fractures were classifiedby the Orthopaedic Trauma Association classification system. We statistically evaluated the operation time, incision length and postoperative outcomes. Patients were followed up for 3 and 6 month. Functional outcomes were assessed according to the Harris hip scoring system.. Results. Statistical analysis revealed an average operation time of 48,9 minutes, average andtotal incision length of 7,23 cm, fracture healing time was 17 weeks. The Harris hip score was 88,2 points. There were no varus hip deformities, implant failure, or femoral shaft fractures and leg length discrepancy less than 1 cm. Conclusion. PFNA-II has the advantages of a simple operation, few complications, and clinical efficacy for thetreatment of intertrochanteric fractures. However, evaluation of its long-term efficacy and risk of other complicationsrequires a large-sample, multicenter observational study. Keywords : UnstableIntertrochanteric fractures, PFNA-II, outcome. 18 F P1 .19 . ACUTE CORRECTION FOR SEVERE BLOUNT’S DISEASE WITH ILIZAROV METHOD. A CASE SERIES Nicko Perdana Hardiansyah*, Faisal Miraj** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department Fatmawati Hospital *Pediatric Consultant, Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department Fatmawati Hospital Introduction. Severe Blount’s disease results in progressive multiplanar deformity of lower limb. There were varus and rotational deformity with shortening of the limb. The mechanical axis fell medially away from the knee joint center. Treatment is vary for each patient, depends on age, magnitude of deformity, discrepancy, psychosocial factor, and surgeon experience. The aim of treatment is to correct deformity and realign mechanical axis. Ilizarov method could achieve the aim of treatment safe and effectively. Method. Twenty legs from 14 patients (6 female and 8 male) were undergone minimal invasive correction using Ilizarov methods in Fatmawati Hospital from January 2014 to November 2015. Six patients had bilateral deformities, and 8 patients had unilateral deformity. All have MAD (mechanical axis deviation away medial to the center of the knee. MPTA (Medial proximal tibia angle) were 40-65 which in normaly 85-90. All parameters were recorded postoperativly such as infection, compartment syndrom, nerve palsy, weight bearing and range of motion, duration of ilizarov application, and union time. Result. MPTA and MAD were improved, no complication of compartment syndrome and nerve palsy were found. Patient could perform early weight bearing on first month after surgery. No significant postoperative infection occurred. Ilizarov were applied for 1,5 to 2 months and union time achieved in 3 months. Conclusion. Acute correction of severe Blount’s disease with Ilizarov technique is safe and effective. This technique allows early mobilization and weight bearing and with minimal soft tissue damage during operation, higher union rate would be achieved. Keywords: severe Blount’s disease, ilizarov method, complications , early weight bearing, union rate 19 F P1 .20 . CONGENITAL TALIPES EQUINOVARUS PROFILE IN SAIFUL ANWAR GENERAL HOSPITAL : THREE YEARS FOLLOW UP 2013-2015 Shirley Novianty S.W. *, Panji Sananta *** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ** Staff of Orthopaedic& Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang Introduction. The casualty rates of club foot have been high in several areas in Indonesia. One of the most impacted area is around Malang regency and its outskirt areas. There are several methods to treat this case; the simplest one will be serial ponseti cast, and the more advanced one like Achilles tenotomy, Achilles tendon lengthening, as well as posterior-medial release. The success rate of these treatments are determined by several factors, such as the first time the patient being treated, the parent’s obedience to control their child to the doctor, and the operative procedure that has been done. This research has been undertaken towards club foot patients who seek medical attention in Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, and receive further medical treatment from 2013 until September 2015 Method. Case series study of 3 years evaluation. We take several parameters including sex, unilateral and bilateral, age distribution for the first time control to the hospital, and non operative or operative treatment. Result. For three years evaluation, we collected 39 cases. (37,037 %) cases were female, and (62,96% ) cases were male. (44,4%) cases were bilateral, and (55,6%) cases were unilateral. With age distribution for the first time control to the hospital, (66,6%) cases control before first month, (22,2%) cases between 1 month until 1 year old, and 6 cases (11,1%) come to hospital after 1 year old, while the most neglected case is 7 years old. As for the success rate,only 20% cases succeeded with non operative treatment, while the rest need tenotomy or posterior medial release. Six patients was observed until they reached 2 years old, where they were able to walk. Two patients received non operative treatment, and four patients received operative treatment (Achilles tenotomy). However, all 6 patients who received operative and non operative treatments had the same positive outcome, and they had no difficulties in walking normally. Conclusion. Three years follow up of CTEV profile in Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang has provide wide perspective about distribution pattern, proportion, and even a benchmark to determine the success of CTEV management. It is not depends only the doctor skill, but also parent concern about the whole treatment. However, there are children with club foot that cannot be fully treated with Ponseti method. This can be due to underlying conditions which make treatment more challenging It is a hope that we can manage CTEV cases in Saiful Anwar General Hospital better in the future. Keywords: CTEV, Club foot, Profile, Saiful Anwar General Hospital 20 DISTRIBUTION PROFILE OF METASTATIC BONE DISEASE INMOEWARDI HOSPITAL SURAKARTA JULY 2014 – JUNE 2015 (RETROSPECTIVE STUDY) F P1 .21 . R. Bagas Widhiarso*, Rhyan Darma Saputra**, Mujaddid Idulhaq*** *Resident of Orthopaedic& Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine SebelasMaret University **Orthopaedic & Traumatology Subdivision of Surgery Department Dr.Moewardi Hospital Surakarta ***Department ofOrthopaedic& Traumatology, Faculty of MedicineSebelasMaret University – Prof Dr R.Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta ABSTRACT Introduction. Bone is one of the most common sites for metastatic with over 400,000 individuals affected in the United States annually. Patients over 50 years bone metastasesare seen more frequently than all primary malignantbone tumours.The patient is usually aged 50–70 years; with any destructive bone lesion in this age group, the differential diagnosis must include metastasis. The commonest sites for bone metastases are the vertebrae, pelvis, the proximal femur and the humerus. The commonest source is carcinoma of the breast; next in frequency are carcinomas of the prostate, kidney, lung, thyroid, bladder and gastrointestinal tract. In about 10 per cent of cases no primary tumour is found.. Methods. A retrospective study of Metastatic Bone Disease patients who received inhospital treatment in dr. Moewardi Hospital on July 2014 – June 2015. Patients were evaluated for their age, sex, regions involved, primary tumour, and treatment. Result. In dr. Moewardi Hospital, on July 2014 – June 2015, there were 40 patients of metastatic bone disease, with 17 (42,5 %) male patients and 23 (57,5 %) female patients. Mean age are 50,86 years old (range: 29 – 80 years old). Spine is the most frequenty involved region (37,5%), Followed with lower extremity (35 %), and upper extremity (27,5 %). Carcinomaof the breast is the most frequently has metastatic to the bone (37,5 %), followed with carcinoma of the lung, prostate, bladder, undifferentiated carcinoma,colorectal,thyroid,nasopharynx, and uterus. Nonoperativetreatment is the most common (58,33 %). Conclusion. Spine is the most frequently involved region (37,5%) of metastatic bone disease. Carcinoma of the breast is the commonest source of metastatic bone disease (37,5 %). Keywords: Metastatic bone disease, dr.Moewardi Hospital Surakarta 21 F P1 .22 . PROFILE OF RHABDOMYOSARCOMA IN CHILDREN AT DHARMAIS CANCER HOSPITAL 2005 - 2014 Devi LK, Mahdi HIS, Tehuteru ES Introduction. Rhabdomyosarcoma is is a cancer that occurs in muscle cells and tends to occur in children 1-5 years old. Rhabdomiosarcoma is a type of malignant tumor and it can be found attached to muscle tissues of the body. The disease commonly occured in younger children and accounts up to 8% of the total malignancies in children. Survival rate of this disease is as low as 70%, but because this rate is based on the population as a whole, an individual prognosis may be different depending on the condition of the children. Methods. The aims of this study is to investigate the characteristics of children with rhabdomyosarcoma in “Dharmais” Cancer Hospital. Retrospective descriptive study was conducted data was gathered from medical records. There are of 42 children from January 2005 to December 2014. Result. There were a total 42 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma treated in “Dharmais” cancer Hospital during this period of time. Among the 42 children are male (57,1%) and the age between 3 months up to 5 years old (52,4%). Histopathological review found that the disease is mostly diagnosed at embryonal stages (81%), while the majority of primary are found in the extremity (35.7%). Many of children were found at stage IV (52.4%) and using high risk chemotherapy approach (54.8%). Most of the metastases found in lymph nodes (35.7%), and death due to the disease (42.9%). Conclusion.it is most commonly in children less than 5 years old. The embryonal histological subtype was the most frequent and most occur in skeletal muscle, such as the Extremity. Many of children were found at stage IV, often with a poor condition. The refferal system has been suggested to reform, therefore preclinical treatment can be administered at the early stages. Keywords : Childhood, rhabdomyosarcoma, profile 22 F P1 .23 . EVALUATION POST TOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTY OPERATIONIN PROF. DR. R. SOEHARSO ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL SURAKARTA JANUARI 2014 – JUNI 2015 (RETROSPECTIVE STUDY) Alifia Rifki Rimanda*, Ismail Mariyanto** * Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University Surakarta ** Consultant of Adults Reconstructionof Orthopaedic & Traumatology Surgeon Sebelas Maret University – Prof DR dr Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta ABSTRACT Introduction. Total knee replacement (TKR) is the mainstay of treatment for people with endstage osteoarthriris of knee. As a high cost, high volume procedure with a worldwide demand that continues to grow it has become increasingly popular tomeasure response to surgery.While the majority who undergo TKR report improvements in pain and function following surgery. Accurate and meaningful capture and interpretationof outcome data are imperative for appropriate patient selection, informing those at risk, and for developing strategies to mitigatethe risk of poor results and dissatisfaction. Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the outcome of total knee replacement operation in Orthopaedic Hospital of Prof. RS Dr. R. Soeharso (RSO) Surakarta from January 2014–June 2015. Method. The research sample using total sampling method in which as many as 82 patients were included in the study. Result. From 82 patient there were 20 male (24,39%) and 62 female (75,61%).Average age that had TKR is 61years old and knee that had operation 51 patient (62,19%) in left site and 31 pasien (37,8%) in right site.Patient that hadTKR operation with bone graft 18 patient (21,95%) andnone of TKR revision in this study period. From Knee Society Score (KKS)2011 result 4 patient were excellent (4,87%), 34 patient were good score (41,46 %), 23 were fair (28,04%), and 11 patient in poor (13,41%). Conclusion. In this study, we found that patients that had Total Knee Replacemet in RSO Surakarta has mostly good result referred to Knee Society Score 2011 New. Keyword: knee, KSS, osteoarthritis, RSO, score, TKA, TKR. 23 F P1 .24 . ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS STATUS OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMATOLOGY RESIDENT AT DR. HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL Farid F., Ismiarto Y.D. Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University / Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. The demand for physical fitness of every person is different. This is usually influenced by the type of work of each person. Army required to have a higher physical fitness than employees or students, because the army forces have to work harder and longer while on duty, for example, to fight or to guard, while the resident is used the physical fitness to study, and activities that support the college lectures . Therefore should every resident should have a good physical fitness in order to support, facilitate, and expedite activities. Objective. This study aimed to assess the level of physical fitness the Orthopaedic & Traumatology Resident at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung Method. The design used in this study is a survey research, with the technique is the test, with a sample of 55 residents. To determine the physical fitness test instruments used to run laps for 12 minutes of the Cooper test. Results. The level of physical fitness of Orthopaedic & Traumatology residents are as follows: (1) Two (3.63%) residents are included in the category of Very Poor (VP)., (2) Ten (18:18%) residents are included in the category of Poor (P), (3) Fifteen (27.27%) residents are included in the category of Medium (M), (4) twenty (36.36%) residents are included in the category of Good (G). , (5) eight (14:54%) residents are included in the category of Very Good (VG), (6) Zero (0.00%) residents are included in the category of Outstanding (O). Conlusion. Most of residents have medium to good physical fitness. Keywords: Physical Fitness, Status Fitness, Cooper Test 24 F P1 .25 . TIBIAL LENGTH MEASUREMENT AFTER REDUCTION BY BONE SETTER IN LOWER LEG FRACTURE AT CITAPEN, WEST JAVA Yulianto, F, Ismiarto YD Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran ABSTRACT Introduction. Fracture management by the bone setter still the most popular treatment when they had an injury after traffic accident, especially in West Java. They detect a fracture pattern by their supranatural ability, then they performed reposition and immobilization by wood splint. Methods. The descriptive study had been conducted to 68 persons between July 2014 until July 2015 whosecomplain pain and deformity in the lower leg suspected closed fracture in lower leg by traffic accident. The tibial component measured by the distance from knee joint line to lateral maleolus after reduction. Result. Result of this research showed 28 persons (41,2%) suffered discrepancy more than 2 cm and 14 person (20,5%) suffered discrepancy 2 cm compared with unaffected side.Seven persons have similar length compared with unaffected side before treatment, after the treatment five persons had shorter size. Conlcusion. The conclusion of this research were the reposition performed by bone setter is inadequate. It will emerge a back pain, gait disturbance, and osteoarthritis in the future. Keywords: Bone setter, Tibial component 25 FP2.1. COMPARATIVE FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME BETWEEN VOLAR PLATE AND PERCUTANEOUS PINNING IN TREATMENT OF FRACTURE OF THE DISTAL RADIUS EXTRA ARTICULAR Salman Al Wahaby ABSTRACT Introduction. Distal radius fracture is one of the most frequent injury of upper extremity fracture in orthopedic department. Even distal radius fracture happens frequently, the best method for treatment is still a debate. There are many choice of technique to treat this fracture including percutaneous pinning and open reduction internal fixation using volar plate. This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the functional outcome of these two techniques in treating distal radius fracture. Method. This is a retrospective longitudinal study presenting 21 patient who underwent the application of volar plate and 15 patients with percutaneous pinning during September 2012 September 2014. Data is then processed using Mann-Whitney test. Results. The mean of QuickDASH score of patients treated with application of volar plate is 7.9 with standard deviation 3.638, and mean of Quick DASH score of patients treated with percutaneous pinning is 9.8 with standard deviation 2.806. The result of non-parametric statistic test using MannWhitney is p = 0.135. Functional outcome of patients treated in using volar plate has slightly higher score compared to percutaneous pinning, which could happen because volar plates give a more rigid fixation to the fracture segment. Conclusion. The statistic analysis shows no significant difference between the functional outcome of patients treated using volar plate or percutaneous pinning. Keywords:distal radius fracture, volar plate, percutaneous pinning, quickDASH score. FP2.2. LONG TERM OUTCOME USING MASSIVE ALLOGRAFT IN THE BONE TUMOR RECONSTRUCTION Aries Rakhmat Hidayat *, Mouly Edward **, Ferdiansyah *** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ** Staff of Musculoskeletal Tumor Division, Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya *** Head of Musculoskeletal Tumor Division, Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ABSTRACT Introduction.As the development ofmedical science,modalitiesforreconstruction ofbone defects in musculoskeletal tumor are alsoavailableso that morelimbscan be salvaged. Eachmodalityreconstructionhasits own problemsanddifferentclinicaloutcomes. Massiveboneallograftshave long been usedas natural resources forbone defect reconstruction. This study wasto determine outcome ofsurgeryin patientswhoreceivedmassiveallograftsurgeryinSurabaya. Method.This retrospective study was performed on patients with benign aggressive and malignant bone tumors underwent limb reconstruction with massive allograft between 2000 and 2013 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The data was collected from patient files, clinical notes, radiographs and recent physical examinations, objectively evaluated by MSTS-ISOLS score. Fracture of allograft, nonunion, infection, resorption, infection, osteoarthritis, and tumor recurrent were recorded as complications. Result.Total case are 62 patients, but only 40 patients can be evaluated, consist of 17 males and 23 females. The mean age of patients is 22 years. There were 7 (18%) patients with complications recorded; those were allograft fracture (28,5%), and also nonunion, infection, resorption, infection, osteoarthritis, and tumor recurrent (14,3% for each). Most complications are allograft fractures and mostly occurred in lower extremity reconstruction cases. Conclusion.Massive allograft replacement for bone defect caused by bone tumors remains as an option with good results and some following complications recorded. To avoid complications better fixation is recommended. An optimum sterility and graft processing procedure is mandatory. Keywords: Bone tumors, massive allograft, limb reconstruction FP2.3. COMPARISSON FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME OF THE KNEE BETWEEN SEMITENDINOSUS GRAFT AND COMBINED GRAFT (SEMITENDINOSUS AND GRACILIS GRAFT) IN ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION BY USING KOOS AND TEGNER LYSHOLM KNEE SCORING SCALE. A SERIAL CASE Putu Feryawan Meregawa *, IGN Wien Aryana ** *Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident, Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar **Orthopaedic and Traumatology Staff, Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar ABSTRACT Introduction. Nowadays, reconstruction in Anterior Cruciate ligament injury became change very faster. It is caused by many research has found a new things for the best treatment and the technology has grew up unpredictable. As we know, the most common graft is used for the reconstruction of Anterior Cruciate ligament injury are semitendinosus graft and combined graft (semitendinosus with gracilis graft). So we need to know, how are the functional outcome of the knee after had the reconstruction with both of the grafts. Methods. We reported six patients. Three patients, cases diagnosed with rupture Anterior Cruciate ligament. Those patients are treated by Arthroscopy (reconstruction with combined of semitendinosus - gracilis grafts) on January 2015. And the other of three patients, cases diagnosed with rupture of Anterior Cruciate ligament. Then patients are treated by Arthroscopy (reconstruction with semitendinosus graft) on January 2015. Those six patients had treated by Arthroscopy reconstruction. And we had evaluated functional outcome of the knee of those six patients with Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. Result. We had the result that the KOOS and Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale of the three patients who had used Semitendinosus graft is more than 90% (excellent) and for the other three patients who used combined graft (Semitendinosus and Gracilis graft) is more than 90% (excellent). Those patients can did daily activities very greatfully including did some exercise, such us walking, running, squatting, jumping, twisting, cycling, and kneeling. Conclusion. There is no different result of functional outcome of the knee between Anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction which used the semitendinosus graft with combined semitendinosus and gracilis graft in Anterior Cruciate ligament injury. Keywords: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, Semitendinosus Graft, Semitendinosus and Gracilis Graft, Functional Outcome of The Knee, KOOS and Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale FP2.4. SCREW REMOVAL EFFECT ANALYSIS ON DELAYED UNION AFTER INTERLOCKING INTRAMEDULLARY NAILING IN TIBIAL DIAPHYSEAL FRACTURE RisqiTazlianshahTuahuns ABSTRACT Introduction. Delayed union of tibial diaphyseal fracture after interlocking intramedullary nailing is a common problem. There are many methods of delayed tibial diaphyseal fracture management, one of them is removal of screw or dynamization. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of screw removal after interlocking intramedullary nail on delayed union tibial diaphyseal fracture. Methods. This retrospective cross sectional study is underwent with 24 samples of patients who had previously been treated with interlocking intramedullary nail and is now treated with screw removal or dynamization with or without iliac bone graft. Bone healing is then evaluated using the Callus index assessed through serial plain radiographs each 6 weeks. Result. Radiological evaluation shown screw removal on interlocking intramedullary solid nail cases results in an union rate of 95.8%. Among 24 patients, only one patient had nonunion. There is significant time lapse difference on bone healing of patients with additional bone graft. Fracture location did not affect the duration of bone healing. There is no significant complication.Screw removal of interlocking intramedullary nail on delayed union of tibial diaphyseal fracture going to induce solid union. Bone graft increased the bone healing process. Conclusion. Screw removal procedure of interlocking intramedullary nail is a procedure of choice that results in satisfactory union rate. Keywords:Delayed union, tibial diaphyseal fracture, Interlocking Intramedullary Nail, Bone Graft FP2.5. SOFT TISSUE RELEASE (POSTEROMEDIAL APPROACH) AND TENDON LENGTHENING FOR RIGID TYPE CLUBFOOT Ichsan Fahmi*, Hafas Hanafiah**, Iman Dwi winanto** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department of Medical Faculty of University North of Sumatera **Staf of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement of Medical Faculty of University North of Sumatera ABSTRACT Introduction. The clubfoot also called congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), is a congenital deformity involving one foot or both that unclear etiology. Most of the cases present in neglected status or did not get adequate treatment especially in conservative treatment in early months of birth (stretching, casting and bracing are not enough to correct a child's clubfoot). Surgery may be needed to adjust the tendons, ligaments and joints in the foot/ankle and usually corrects all clubfoot deformities at the same time. Methods. There are three patients with rigid type clubfoot was underwent softtissue release for correction the deformity. The first female 1 year old with unilateral clubfoot and the other patient male 2 years old with bilateral clubfoot. All of them was performed soft tissue release and casting for 6 weeks after operative treatment and then use ponseti brace 23 hours a day for 3 months, and ponsetti brace at night for 1 years. The soft tissue release (posteromedial) is operative treatment by capsulectomy joint of talotibia, subtalar joint and talonavicular joint, lengthening achilles tendon, posterior tibialis tendon, Flexor digitorum longus tendon and flexor hallucis longus tendon. Result.All of patients had good correction the deformity and can walk after 3 month, no recurrence was found. The child have more better foot than before. He or she can run and play without pain and wear normal shoes. Conclusion.Soft tissue release (Posteromedial) is one of the treatment of choice for the rigid type of clubfoot and have good result. The child have more better foot than before. The corrected clubfoot will still not be perfect, however; a clubfoot usually stays 1 to 1½ sizes smaller and somewhat less mobile than a normal foot. The calf muscles in a leg with a clubfoot will also stay smaller. Keywords:Rigid type Clubfoot, Soft tissue release FP2.6. OUTCOME OF THE USE OF SYNTHETIC BONEGRAFT IN CASE OF FRACTURES INMOEWARDI HOSPITAL SURAKARTA JANUARY 2013 – MAY 2015 ( RETROSPECTIVE STUDY) Anggita T. Yurisworo*, Bintang Soetjahjo** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University **Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University – Dr. Moewardi General Hospital / Prof Dr R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta ABSTRACT Introduction.Nowadays, musculoskeletal diseases, fractures are a common problem in health care centers. Direct and high energy trauma or other bone pathology processes can result in fracture. Bonegraft that use synthetic biomaterials/bonegraft substitute (calcium sulfate and synthetic hydroxyapatite) currently used by orthopedic surgeons. The good bonegraft can stimulate bone growth as well as have the nature of osteoconductive, osteoinductive, and osteogenic. The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of the use of synthetic bonegraft (calcium sulfate and synthetic hydroxyapatite) in case of fractures in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital. Methods.A retrospective study of patients whom admitted to Dr. Moewardi Hospital with both open and close fractures that were treated operatively with synthetic bonegraft (calcium sulfate and synthetic hydroxyapatite) between January 2013 until May 2015. The study was made by taking the patient's data and evaluated based on gender, age, the type of fracture, the region of fracture and the radiological outcome were assessed within a period of at least 3 months after the surgery, and no later than 8 months after surgery. Results.A total of 22 patients have been analyzed and studied, there were 10 females (45%) and 12 males (55%). Most cases found in the age group of 40-60 years, which is 10 patients (45%). The region that affected the most were lower extremities with 19 patients (86%) while in upper extremity fractures are 3 patients(14%). The most of case are closed fracture, as many as 15 patients (68%),with radiological results showed nonunion in 1 patient (7%) and 14 patients (83%) had union outcome. While in open fractures are 7 patients (32%), obtained 2 patients (29%) suffered nonunion and 5 patients (71%) had union outcome. The non union on 3 patients are complication due to osteomyelitis. Conclusions.In this study, we conclude that the operative treatment using synthetic bonegraft as an osteoconductive (calcium sulfate and synthetic hydroxyapatite) for the treatment of fractures in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, has a quite satisfactory results with total union rates is 86% (19 patients) and the nonunion rates is 14% (3 patients). The use of synthetic bonegraft is a good choice therapy in the case of both open and close fractures. Keywords:Fracture, Synthetic Bone Graft, Moewardi Hospital FP2.7. ASSOCIATION OF PONSETI SERIAL CASTING OUTCOME BETWEEN AGE, CLASSIFICATION, TYPE, AND HISTORY FAMILY OF CLUBFOOT PATIENT IN HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL Rachman Y F, Ismiarto Y D, Rasyid H N, Alfarian G T Bagian / SMF Orthopaedi FK UNPAD / RS Hasan SadikinBandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) or clubfoot is a congenital disease that commonly found in orthopaedic practice. This disorder are easy to diagnosed but has difficulty on therapy adequately by an expert. It comprises of foot adduction and supination of forefoot, heel varus on subtalar joint, equinus on ankle joint. Clubfoot are commonly found on Hasan Sadikin hospital, managed and corrected by ponseti serial casting. There are many factor that influenced the outcome of therapy that consist of age, classification, clubfoot type and genetic. Objective. The purpose of this research is to know the association of outcome ponseti serial casting between the factors that influence of clubfoot patient on Hasan Sadikin hospital. Methods. This retrospective stude are done on January 2010 between January 2015. The total patients are 110 from outpatient and inpatient ward. Results. Patients amount are 110 that consist of 174 foot. boys 58 and girls 52. The youngest age was 2 days and the oldest is 12 years old. Corrrection of deformity was success with Ponseti methode in 88 patients (80%), and 22 patients (20%) other have to performed Postero Medial Released operation for correct the deformity. Based on age, best result came from patient 0-6 month old group at the first time get treatment.(98,5%). Based on classification, 92 patients idiophatic type (92,4%) can be corrected. Based on Clubfoot type, 87 patients with flexible type (92,6%) can be corrected. And based on genetic factors, 71 patients (81,6%) without family history of clubfoot can be corrected. Conclusion. Conservative therapy with Ponseti casting showed good result on most patient. Fair results were found due to late therapy. Syndromic and rigid clubfoot are type that commonly found with failure of therapy. But genetic factor are less contribute to outcome. Keywords: club foot, seral casting, Postero-medial release. FP2.8. CORRELATION BETWEEN SAGITTAL BALANCE WITH QUALITY OF LIFE ON PATIENTS AFTER POSTERIOR INTERBODY FUSION Hantonius, Ramdan A. , Tiksnadi B. Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Universitas Padjajaran/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. The sagittal balance analysis has gain importance in surgery of the spine. With the increasing used of vertebral fusion, these effects on sagittal balance are related to the locked position of the fused vertebrae. Clinical evidence has indicated that if fusion surgery is undertaken, improved outcome can be achieved by correcting any sagittal deformity present. Some studies has show the correlation of spinopelvic paramaters with health related quality of life and pain measures. Methods. This study was done retrospectively. The data was taken from medical record within range of time from July 2013 – July 2015. There were44 eligible patients with post posterior interbody fusión of vertebrae in Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. The main outcome is the measure of radiographic pelvic and spinal parameters for sagittal balance analysis and the healthed related quality of life measured by Oswerty Disability Index (ODI) and Visual Analoque Pain Scores (VAS). Results. Patients with improvement of sagittal spinopelvic parameters after fusion are 35 people (79,5%) have average ODI 50.85 and average VAS 5.25 preoperatively, and these improved to average ODI 25.54 and average VAS 2.34 post operatively. Patients without improvement of sagittal spinopelvic parameters after fusion are 9 people (20,5%) have average ODI 52.22 and average VAS 5.66 preoperatively, and these improved to average ODI 31.55 and average VAS 3.33 post operatively. Conclusion. It may be concluded that patients with improvement of sagittal spinopelvic parameters after fusion were found to have a better heath related quality of life. It is important to quantify sagittal spinopelvic parameters and promote sagittal balance when performing vertebral fusion. Keywords:Sagittal balance, Vertebral fusion, Health related quality of life FP2.9. CORRELATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTALFACTORS WITH LONGBONEFRACTUREINCHILDRENTREATED INHASAN SADIKIN HOSPITALPERIODJANUARY2013-DECEMBER2014 Arif Y P , Ismiarto Y D Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Medical Faculty Padjadjaran University/ DR Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Fractures can occur at any age, including children. An increase in the incidence of fractures in children with increasing mobility in highways, sports activities, recreation and home environments. Long bone fractures are of particular concern because of the presence of the growth plate that contributed to the growth of children. This study aims to determine the relationship between environmental factors with long bone fractures in children treated in Dr Hasan Sadikin. Methods. The study was conducted retrospectively in the period January 1, 2013 until December 31, 2014. Data derived primarily from the Medical Records department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin the number of children treated patients as much as 156 people. Data processed descriptively that include gender, age group, long bone fracture, and the environment in which the injury occurred. Results. During the study period found patients with the highest gender is male with a number of 57 persons (58.8%), the age group 11-15 years are the age group with the highest number of 55 (59.7%), long bones most fractured femur was 47 cases (48.4%). The house is the most risky environment for the occurrence of fractures in infants under 2 years of age. Children above 11 years of age at risk of fracture in sports facilities and highways. Conclusion. There is a significant correlation between environmental factors with age children who suffered fractures. Keywords: long bone fracture, paediatric, environtment factors FP2.10. OUTCOME HEMIARTHROPLASTY BIPOLAR VS TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY FOR DISPLACED FEMORAL NECK FRACTURE IN ELDERLY Othdeh Samuel Halomoan Siahaan*; Bambang N**;Jamot S** *Orthopaedic resident in University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital **Orthopaedic consultant in Orthopaedic Department, Fatmawati Hospital Introduction. Displaced fracture of the femoral neck has been a common clinical problem, especially in aged patients. Orthopaedic surgeons vary in their management of displaced intracapsular fractures of the hip in healthy older patients. Therefore the optimal treatment choice remains controversial. The purpose of this study is to compare the functional outcome between Hemiarthroplasty bipolar with Total Hip replacement using Harris Hip score Methods. five patient from 67 to 80 years old patient had an Total Hip Replacement (THR) and five patient from 67 to 72 years old patient had Hemiarthroplasty bipolar ( HA) performed by senior surgeon. ten patient were available for follow-up (average, 12 months) and patient were evaluated using the Haris Hip Score (0-100 points).Displaced femoral neck fracture were defined as type III and IV according to Garden Classification. Result. The mean score for pain in THR group is 38.8 and 32 in HA group. The mean functional outcomes 36.8 in THR group and 35.2 in HA group. The mean absence of deformity 5.6 in THR group and 4 in HA group. The mean range of motion ( ROM ) 5.6 in THR group and 4.8 in HA group. The mean total haris hip score is 86.8 in THR group compare 76 in HA group. The comparison of pain score between THR and HA group are not significant ( with p = 0.058) 95% CI (-0.285 to 13.885 ). The comparison of function score between THR and HA group are not significant ( with p = 0.490) 95% CI (-3.494 to 6.694). The comparison of absence deformity score between THR and HA group are not significant ( with p = 0.141) 95% CI (-0.659 to 3.859 ). The comparison of ROM score between THR and HA group are not significant ( with p = 0.545) 95% CI (-2.117 to 3.717) . The comparison of total harris hip score between THR and HA group are significant ( with p = 0.005) 95% CI (-6.779 to 14.821 ). Conclusion. Functional outcome using Harris Hip Score were better in the THR patient group compare to Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty group, for displaced femoral neck fracture in elderly. Even though there is a higher rate of dislocation THR, this disadvantage could be accounted for, on the basis of a better functional score and the lower revision rate Keywords: displaced femoral Hemiarthroplasty,Harris Hip Score neck fracture elderly,Total Hip Replacement, Bipolar FP2.11. STUDIES ON GENE EXPRESSIONS AT THE RNA LEVEL ASSOCIATED WITH FIBROSARCOMA CASES IN JAMBI Humaryanto*, M. Nurhalim Shahib** *Faculty of Medicine & Health Study, Jambi University, Indonesia **Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. ABSTRACT Introduction. Fibrosarcoma, is a rare soft tissue sarcoma, reported only 1-3% of all soft tissue sarcomas. It is like other soft-tissue sarcomas, has no definite cause. Recognized causes include exposure Ionizing radiation, various physical and chemical factors, infection with Human Herpes Virus (HHV8) and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). Current research indicates that many sarcomas are associated with genetic mutations. Methods. In this study, we investigated relationship of regulation of gene expression KLF4, MDM2 and C-Myc at level of RNA in fibrosarcoma cases. The genes expression was examined using quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) and we analyzed the relative gene expression using the 2-ΔΔCt method). Ten samples of fibrosarcoma cases in Jambi city, from 2011 till 2015. The order of three targeting genes was placed ini the order from lowest to highest base on their Ct values compared to internal control genes using GAPDH genes. Result. There are, respectively, MDM2 1.85 ± 2.14, KLF-4 2.06 ± 3.86, dan C-Myc 2.9 ± 2.66. A relative quantification by normalized target gene relative to GAPDH, describes the changes in expression of three genes, the status of MDM2 and KLF-4 were relatively decreased expression by 2 fold, and the states of C-Myc were relatively decreased by more than 3 fold. Conclusion. This suggest that the C-Myc gene were suppressed stonger than those MDM2 and KLF-4 gene in fibrosarcoma. Keywords: fibrosarcoma – relative gene expression – MDM2 – KLF-4 – C-Myc FP2.12. EPIDEMIOLOGY STUDY OF ELBOW FRACTURES IN CHILDREN AT SAIFUL ANWAR GENERAL HOSPITAL MALANG, JUNE 2009 – JUNE 2015 Hamka Aditya Erlangga**, Panji Sananta* *Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics & Traumatology Brawijaya University **Resident of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Brawijaya University ABSTRACT Introduction. The frequency, incidence, and type of fracture of the elbow differ between children and adult. The epidemiology of elbow fractures in children has to our knowledge been the subject only a limited number of studies. This is a study of the pattern of elbow fractures in children under 14 years of age, during a 6-year period. Methods. All elbow fractures in children aged under 14 years treated in Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, in the period of June 2009 to June 2015, were included. Personal data, age at the time of accident, fracture site, type of lesion and ipsilateral injuries, time of accident and the mechanism of injury were collected and analyzed from medical records. Results. There were 124 elbow fractures, and there were 84 boys (67,7%) and 40 girls (32,3%). The mean age for the entire group was 7.3 years (for boys, 8,1 years; for girls, 7,1 years). Most cases is supracondylar fracture (79%). From 74 supracondylar fractures (including 7 combination fractures), 7 were type I, 17 were type II, and 50 were type III (as classified by Gartland). The most common causes of fracture were related to sports and leisure activities, or a fall from the same level, or a fall from a height less than 2m. Nerve injuries involving the median, radial, and ulnar nerves were seen in 7 patients with type III supracondylar fractures. Associated brachial artery injuries were seen in 4 patients, with type III supracondylar fractures. Ninety seven fractures (78,2%) were treated operatively, 18 fractures (14,5%) nonoperatively and 9 fractures (7,2%) were refused to be treated. Conclusion. The incidence of elbow fracture in children treated in Saiful Anwar General Hospital during 6-year period is 124 patients, with the most common type is supracondyler fracture, Gartland III extension type. Among distribution, boys more common than girls. Nerve injury were seen 5,6% and brachial artery injury were seen 3,2% with type III supracondyler fracture. Most of elbow fracture were treated operatively. Keywords Children · Elbow fracture pattern FP2.13. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PHYSEAL PLATE FRACTURE AT SANGLAH HOSPITAL EMERGENCY UNIT IN 2014 Permana, Endi*; Kawiyana, Siki I Ketut**. * Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident of Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar **Teaching Staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar ABSTRACT Introduction. The key difference between the child's bone and that of an adult is the presence of a physis. Physeal injuries are very common in children, making up 15-30% of all bony injuries. One consequence of trauma was fracture. Fracture type was influenced by age and mechanism of injury. There were several fracture type that more common on particular age group and several fracture type that more often caused by particular mechanism of injury. Objective. This study purpose to know epidemiology of Physeal Plate fracture at Sanglah Hospital Emergency Unit in 2014. Methods. This study was descriptive retrospective and held in Sanglah Hospital. Data was achieved from patient’s data that had treatment at Sanglah Hospital Emergency Unit in 2014. Results. In 2014, there were total 995 Trauma case at Sanglah Hospital Emergency Unit, and 60 of them are Physeal plate fracture. Most of patient age was 12 years old, occured at age of 1-18 years old. With most affected region is distal radius, most of them is boys 76.7%, 90% cases are closed fracture. And the majority of physieal fracture type is Salter Harris type II 80%. Conclusion. There were several fracture type that more common at particular age group. That was caused by difference on mechanism of injury and difference on bone’s strength between age group. Keywords: Epidemiology, fracture, Sanglah, epyphysis FP2.14. SURVEY OF PHYSEAL CLOSURE AGE OF THE DISTAL RADIAL PHYSIS ON ADOLESCENCE TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS VICTIMS ADMITTED TO EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DR. HASAN SADIKIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FROM JANUARY 2012 TO SEPTEMBER 2015 Suprapto D, Herman H, YD Ismiarto, Rasyid HN Orthopaedi and Traumatologi Department Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction. Age estimation is an important task and valuable tool to assist in many civil and criminal procedures such in establishing liability in accidents. 17 is the age where adolescent is liable for wrongdoing. This is especially crucial in the developing countries such as Indonesia where some population are not aware of the importance of registration of births or the record of registration may not be properly maintained. Physical methods for age estimation are not accurate and eruption of the teeth (except third molar) is already completed by the age of 16 years. Alternative method to validate and approximate age is hence needed. The purpose of the study is to survey the physeal closure stage of adolescent accidents victims and relate them to their chronological age.We aimed at identifying age range of each stage, specifically identifying the stage that correlate with legal age of 17 or older, hence liable as adult. Methods. Epiphyseal fusion of long bones is relatively constant in timings and important for age estimation in such cases up to the age of 22 years. This present retrospective study with an attempt to study physeal closure age of the distal radial physis on adolescenceby using anteroposterior wrist joint x-ray in the age-group of 13-22 years among traffic accidents victimsduring January 2012 September 2015 at Emergency Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. Physeal closure stage is according to Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist. We grouped stage I and II as open physis, and stage III and IV as closed physis. Distribution of physeal closure stage, open and closed physis is presented as Histogram. Result. Female gender is severely under represented in our survey (40,81%), this represents the low incidents of female involvement in traffic accidents. Main age of victims are 18. We found that stage +++ correlate with age 18 or older.Stage ++ correlate with age 17-19.Stage + correlate with age 1316. Conclusion. The distal radial physis closure processes and progresses, begins at the age of 13-14 years and completes by the end of 20 years and female show closure in advance of male subjects. We assume someone as adult if their physeal stage is +++ or at least ++, any victims with stage + are still under 17. Keywords : physeal closure, distal radial physis, legal age determination FP2.15. CHARATERISTIC PATIENT WITH OSTEOSARCOMA AT EXTREMITY IN HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL BANDUNG JANUARY 2014 – DECEMBER 2014 Sitanggang G L, Ismiarto Y. D. Department Of Orthopaedi and Traumatologi, Medical Faculty Of Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Osteosarcoma is a primary malignant bone tumor during childhood and adolescence, common at 10th – 20th decade of age. Direct spreading arises through periosteoum and surrounding tissues. The tumor is mostly found at the metaphysis of the long bone. Medical treatment of Osteosarcoma had a lot of advancement, including radiotheraphy, cemotheraphy, surgery and combined therapy. The purpose of this study is to report patients with osteosarcoma who have been treated with limb salvage procedure in Hasan Sadikin Hospital in 2014. Method. This is a retrospective study. Documents were taken from hospital’s medical record starting from January 2014 to December 2014, where 121 patients with Osteosarcoma of extremity treated in Hasan Sadikin Hospital were taken for sample. Result. Patients with Osteosarcoma at extremity in Hasan Sadikin Hospital documented according the location of tumor are as mentioned : Femur (30,5%), tibia &fibula (25,6%), humerus (9,9%), radius & ulna (11%), others (24,8%). Based on Enneking classificationare as mentioned : Stage 1A (19%), 1B (11,5%0, 2A (9,1%), 2B (14,2%), 3A (18%) and 3B (18,2%). The patients were treated by limb salvage procedure (69,4%) and amputation (30,6%) Conclusion. The numbers of patients with Osteosarcoma at extremity in Hasan Sadikin Hospital treated by limb salvage are more than the patients treated with amputation. Long time follow up is needed to diagnosed recurrency or any spreading to other organs. Keywords: Osteosarcoma, Limb Salvage FP2.16. CHARACTERISTIC OF THE MUSCULOSKELETAL COMPLAIN ON THE SYNDROME LUPUS ERYMATHOSUS PATIENT IN DR. HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL BANDUNG FROM JANUARY 2012 – DECEMBER 2013 Priono B.H., Ismiarto Y.D. Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Medical FacultyPadjadjaranUniversity / DR. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. Systemic Lupus Erymatosus is prtotype of multisystem autoimune disease with wide symptom, that affected almost all tissue, including musculosceletal system. The symptom of lupus usually complain for more than six weeks until few years. This disorder causes inflamation, pain and impact the body. Methods. This study was done retrospectively, with in range of time from January 2012 – December 2013, with used samples were 206 eligible patients with syndrome lupus erymathosus admitted to Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. Amounts of patient with systemic lupus erymathosus that comes to DR. HasanSadikin Hospital with musculoskeletal complain is so various in numbers and kinds, these paper will describe the characteristic. Results. From the result we get females (186) as the highest incident in Syndrome Lupus Erymathosus, compare with males (20). Amount of patient with Syndrome Lupus Erymathosus are same likely in all age. Mayority of the patient is complain about arthritis (164). Conclusion. Female has the highest incident of Syndrome Lupus Erythemathosus. Keywords : Musculosceletal, Syndrome Lupus Erymathosus FP2.17. MUSCULOSKELETAL INVOLVEMENT IN THALASSEMIA AND HEMOPHILIA PATIENT IN DR. HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL BANDUNG FROM JANUARY 2012 – OCTOBER 2014 Fajar Adam, Ismiarto Y.D. Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjajaran/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Introduction. There are 2 types of congenital blood disorder that often cause problems in musculoskeletal system. Many thalassemia’s suffer from longstanding bone disease, reduced or low bone mass, pathological fractures and bone pain. Patients with severe haemophilia are at risk of musculoskeletal problems, that consist of haemarthrosis, recurrent bleeding dan synovitis, pseudotumor, and hemophilic arthropathy. Objective. To describe the patient characteristics and distributions according to sex, age, types of thalassemia and hemophilia, and musculoskeletal involvement that appears in thalassemia and hemophilia patients. Method. This studywas done retrospectively. The data taken from medical recordwithinrange of time fromJanuary 2012 – October 2014, with used samples were 270medical record with thalassemia and 229 medical record with hemophilia admitted to Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Result. From the result we get thatmost of the thalassemia patient admitted in Dr. HasanSadikin Hospital are male (50,74%). The age between 0-9 years old is the most frequent group of thalassemia patient (55.95%). Beta-thalassemia is the highest incidence (81.11%), with bone pain is the main problem involved in musculoskeletal system (33.70%).Most of hemophilia patient are male (74.24%). The age between 0-9 years old is the most frequent group of hemophilia patient (55.11%). Hemophilia A is the highest incidence (45.42%), with hemarthrosis is the most musculoskeletal involvement in hemophilia patient (26.64%). Conclusion. The main musculoskeletal involvement in thalassemia patients is bone pain. The most musculoskeletal involvement in hemophilia patient ishemarthrosis. Keywords: Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Musculoskeletal FP2.18. ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY AND BACTERIAL PATTERNIN PATIENTS WITH OPEN FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITY GUSTILLO-ANDERSON CLASSIFICATION GRADE III: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Kurniawati A, Ismiarto YD ABSTRACT Introduction. Sixty percent of open fracture wounds are contaminated at the time of injuries. They require immediate debridement and administration of initial antibiotic to prevent infection. Antibiotic should be administered properly depend on the bacterial pattern and then adjusted based on culture result. Cephazolin is the most frequently prescribed antibiotic in open fracture cases at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung based on the bacterial pattern in the hospital. The aim of this study is to analyze if Cefazoline effective as a prophylactic antibiotic for patients with open fracture of lower extremity Gustillo-Anderson Classification grade IIIat Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung. Methods. Medical records from Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung were used to identify all patients diagnosed with with open fracture of lower extremity Gustillo-Anderson Classification grade III during the period November 2013 to October 2014. We reviews the bacterial profile of the infected wound and antibiotic resistance pattern of specimens. Result. From 32 patients (aged 13-67 years), all samples showed bacterial growth. Eleven different species of bacteria were isolated. Gram negative bacilli were more prevalent (65.1%) than gram positive cocci (34.9%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (42.9%) and Klebsiella pneumonia (24.3%) were the most common organisms. All of the bacterial isolates were sensitive to Amikacin and Meropenem, but resistant to Cephazolin. Conclusion.Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia were the most common causes of wound infections in patients with open fractures. All of the bacterial isolates were resistant to cephazolin. It is should be considered whether we should change Cephazoline to Amikacin or Meropenem as an antibiotic prophylactic. Keywords: open fracture, infection, antibiotic prophylactic, bacterial pattern FP2.19. NEUTROPHIL-LYMPHOCYTE RATIO (NLR) IS ASSOCIATED WITH FRACTURE HEALING PROCESS IN CHILDREN Irasiqin Wibawanto S * , Ardhanis Ramadhanti * , M. Nadlir Fakhry * * * Internship Doctor, RSUD Dr. H. Slamet Martodirdjo, Pamekasan, East Java, Indonesia ** Orthopaedic Dept, RSUD Dr. H. Slamet Martodirdjo, Pamekasan, East Java, Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been studied extensively, it well known that NLR has been suggested to be associated with systemic inflammation in cardiovascular disorder, malignancies, hepatic cirrhosis and osteoporosis. However, the relation between NLR and fracture inflammation remain unclear. Neutrophil has a dual role that is stimulate the inflammatory response to induce healing process, but increased or prolonged inflammation impairs fracture healing especially fractures that are accompanied by severe injury. In this study we determine the relation between NLR with fracture type pre and post treatment. Methods. A total 49 patients fracture in children, 28 patients with closed fracture and 21 patients with open fracture were used. NLR was measured using laboratory result during pre-admission followed by after operative procedure. Results.Leukocyte and neutrophil was significantly increase in open fracture compare with closed fracture, and it was reduced after operative procedure, while no significance change between closed fracture pre-post operative procedure. Interestingly, there was no change on lymphocyte. New injury severity score (NISS), injury severity score (ISS) and revised trauma score (RTS) were significantly higher in open fracture compare with closed fracture. Our data suggested that NLR can be used as an indicator for reducing inflammation and healing process. The higher level of NLR due to increasing of neutrophil may associated with long period of bone healing process and worsening of fracture. Conclusions. This result gives preliminary information about the importance of fracture management in children using NLR indicator. Taken together, it suggested that NLR may associated with fracture healing process. Keywords: Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), fracture, inflammation, healing process FP2.20. RESPONSIVENESS OF THE PIRANI SCORE IN NEGLECTED CLUBFEET Permana Yudhadibrata* Hafas Hanafiah** Iman Dwi Winanto** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department Universitas Sumatera Utara **Staff of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT Introduction. ANeglected clubfoot is a clubfoot that didn’t get early treatment at all or inadequate early treatment and is a major problem in low and middle income countries. About 80% of children with clubfeet are born in these countries and most of the children don’t have access to good health care. The Pirani score reflects the severity of clubfeet but little is known about the responsiveness of this scoring system in neglected cases. Methods. Twenty five patients with neglected clubfeet were assessed before and after treatment. Pre-and postoperative scores were analyzed with correlation coefficients and linear regression. Results. The mean age at presentation was 66,1 month (6–192). The mean Total Pirani score before operation was 4,66±1,13 (2-6). After the operation it was 1.88±0.88 (0-4) and the mean difference between pre and postop was 2.78±0.63 (4 to 2) p <0.001. As expected the Pirani score is higher in older children both before (r=0.67) and after treatment (r=0.85). The change in score is not related to age but only to the preoperative Pirani score using both uni- and multivariate linear regression. Conclusion. The Pirani score decreased after treatment of neglected clubfeet in all cases between 2 and 4 points (mean 2.78 points) and seems to be also valuable in neglected clubfeet. Keywords: Neglected clubfoot, Pirani Score, Operative Treatment FP2.21. METHYLPREDNISOLONE INTRALESIONAL INJECTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANEURISMAL BONE CYST IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: SERIAL CASES Achmad Ali Sidiq*, Istan Irmansyah Irsan**, Satria Pandu Persada Isma** * Orthopedic & Traumatology Resident of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ** Oncology Orthopedic Consultant, Orthopedic & Traumatology Surgeon of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ABSTRACT Introduction. An aneurismal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign, locally proliferative vascular disorder of non-neoplastic oseous lesions in children and young adults. Seventy-five percent of ABCs occur before the age of 20 years. They comprise 1.4% of all primary bone tumors, and commonly occur in the long bones. We report 3 such patients who presented with limping gait and pain in their lower extremities. They underwent 3 times intralesional injection of steroid (methylprednisolone). Objective. To assess the benefits of intralesion steroid injection for the treatment of aneurismal bone cyst. Methods. Three patients with ABC of long bones, two located in the proximal femur and one in proximal tibia, were treated percutaneously with intralesional injection of methylprednisolone. All patients were adolescents with ages varying from 10 to 20 years. All of them presented with pain and mass in lower extremities. Results. Clinical follow up with pain and gait evaluation showed an improvement of the gait and reduction of the pain with VAS method. Imaging follow up with plain films showed volume reduction of all lesions. Conclusion. Intralesional injection of methylprednisolone is a safe treatment option for ABC. The CT scan is especially valuable as a good tool for the follow-up of ossification of the treated ABCs. The other alternative is clinical outcome and plain films. Keywords: Aneurismal Bone Cyst (ABC), primary bone tumor, intralesional injection, methylprednisolone. FP2.22. POST OPERATIVE SHOULDER FUNCTIONAL COMPARATION BETWEEN OPEN ACROMIOPLASTY AND ARTHROSCOPY FOR SHOULDER IMPINGEMEN SYNDROME PATIENTS IN SURABAYA Moch Fathoni Arief R*, Erwin Ramawan** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya **Staff of Upper Extremity Division, Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ABSTRACT Introduction. Shoulder pain is a common disease that complained by most of people, with the result of shoulder disfunction that happen permanently or reccurent with 54% happen reccurently every 3 years. Impingement syndrome is one of the cause of shoulder pain and one of the reason people seek for treatment. Yet the treatment for shoulder impingement is still controversial. The two surgery method of treatment that often used is by open acromioplasty and arthroscopy. The objective of this study is to compare which method is better by assessing the shoulder function post operatively between acromyoplasty and arthroscopy for shoulder impingement, Methods. This retrospective study was performed on patients with shoulder impingement syndrome that already done the operation in Siloam Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia between Januari 2014 until December 2014. There were two method of surgery used, and the patients divided into two groups according to the method of surgery performed. The first group was already performed open acromyoplasty and the second was arthroscopy of shoulder. Retrospectivelly, follow up was performed six months until one year after they underwent the operation. The shoulder function was examined using DASH (Dissabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand) score. Results. Total patients are 30 patients that subjected in this study, consist of 19 females and 11 males. There were 16 patients (53,33%) underwent open acromyoplasty and 14 patients (46,66%) underwent arthroscopy. Aside differences in technique and length of operations, which result less scar in arthroscopy because of minimal incision but more time in operation because of preparation using special arthroscopic tools, follow up after six months until one year post operative using DASH score revealed good result for both of them and there was no significant differences in term of shoulder function. Conclusion.The result of this study revealed no significant differences in post operative function at six months to one year follow up between open acromyoplasty and arthroscopy. Keywords: Impingement syndrome; shoulder; open acromyoplasty; arthroscopy FP2.23. APPLICATION OF PLATELET RICH FIBRIN AS A THERAPY FOR DIABETIC FOOT ULCER Putramega D*, Dewo P ** *Resident of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital **Staff of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Introduction. Diabetic foot ulcers are chronic wounds arise from the neuropathy and vasculopathy complications of diabetes mellitus. In diabetic foot ulcers, the decreased healing potential makes it complex and hard to heal. The primary goal for diabetic foot ulcer is to obtain wound closure. Platelets are considered to play an important role in the healing process of bones and wounds, as they release growth factors. Objective.This study will elaborate application of platelet rich fibrin for therapy of diabetic foot ulcer in RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta from October 2015 – October 2016. Methods. This is an experimental study. The subjects are diabetic foot ulcer patients in Sardjito General Hospital who agree to be treated with platelet rich fibrin. Subjects will undergo serial application of Platelet Rich Fibrin which taken from their own blood sample. Evaluation of healing progress of the ulcer will be documented on each application of PRF. The parameters to be evaluated is the dimension of the ulcer , before and after application of platelet rich fibrin. Results. This is an ongoing research with the purpose to determine the effect of PRF in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. Conclusion. This is an ongoing research with the purpose to determine the effect of PRF in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. Keywords: Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Platelet Rich Fibrin, Ulcer Healing, Chronic ulcer FP2.24. CORRELATION BETWEEN PLAIN RADIOGRAPH PARAMETER AND FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME IN PEDIATRIC SUPRACONDYLAR HUMERAL FRACTURE Bayu Wicaksono M*, Dewo P ** * Resident of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital **Staff of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Introduction. Supracondylar humerus fractures are the second common type of pediatric fractures. Supracondylar fracture ± 60% of all pediatric elbow fractures. Generally, conservative treatment options are preferred in pediatric fractures and surgical procedures are the treatment of choice in displaced supracondylar humerus fractures. Humerus fractures are a significant part of pediatric fractures due to high incidence, high morbidity and serious complications. Objective : Measure the functional outcome of Supracondylar humeral fracture in children treated with operative or conservative. The functional outcome was also correlated with Baumann angle and Carrying angle after the treatment. Methods. This is a descriptive study with retrospective data in Sardjito hospital. The data were 104 patients with SCHF, there is 78 Patients SCHF reachable and 26 patients unreachable, during January 2014 – July 2015. Data were collected from patient medical record and the Baumann Angle (Pre and Post treatment) and Carrying Angle ( Pre and Post treatment) was determined to measure the radiological profile in this patient. The functional outcome of the patient was assessed with DASH Score. The radiological profile then compared with the DASH score to determine the relationship between them and then assessed statistically with SPSS v.23 to measure the significance between them. Results. The results showed that there is a relationship between Baumann angel (p:0,034) and caryying angel (p:0,039) with DASH score Operative patients. There is a relationship between Baumann angel (p:0,004) and caryying angel (p:0.005)with DASH score non operative. This is indicated by the significance of the correlation value is smaller than 0,05.(p<0,05) Conclusion. There is good functional outcomes can be expected with pediatric SCHF based on Baumann-Caryying Angle treatment post operrative, Baumann-Caryying angle post treatment non opretive ,the DASH questionnaire, regardless of Sex, Gartland clasification, fracture type, mechanism of injury, most common injury provided satisfactory reduction is achieved and maintained Keywords: Gartland supracondylar fracture and DASH Score P1. EWING’S SARCOMA OF THE LEFT THIGH AND LOWER LEG : A CASE REPORT Kesuma I, Mathan Sakti Y Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/ Sardjito General Hospital ABSTRACT Background. Ewing’s sarcoma is a highly malignant tumour of bone and soft tissue in children and adolescent. It can affect all bones, but is slightly more common in tubular bones. It is the second most common primary malignant tumor of bone in children with characteristic predilection for an age group between 10-20 years. In this study we present a case of 13 years old boy with Ewing’s sarcoma of the left femur and fibula, with history of reccurence after initial management of series of chemotherapy. Case presentation. A 13 years old boy presented with pain and swelling in left thigh. MRI and FNAB showed characteristic of Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and the patient was treated with serial chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, metothrexate) and radiotherapy. After lymphoma chemotherapy protocol was done, the patient was told that the tumor was already gone, based on clinical appearance and MRI. 4 years later, the patient complained about pain in hist left leg with restricted range of motion, leucocytosis, and radiograph of the ankle joint showed portion of bone destruction. MRI of the left ankle showed mass and bone destruction in the distal part of fibula. From histopathology examination taken from open biopsy, there was a homogeneous population of malignant small round cells.A Clinico-Pathological Conference then arranged with the result of Ewing’s sarcoma, and planned for limb ablation with hip disarticulation because the criteria of limb salvage was not achieved. Discussion. Ewing’s sarcoma is a malignant tumor of the bone which consist of small round tumour and is considered rare. In this case, the accuracy of history, physical examination, plain radiograph, MRI, and histopathologic examination played an important role to diagnose this tumor. In this patient, the initial treatment regiment was given without appropriate Clinicopathological conference, which eventually lead to innaccurate diagnosis and treatment, and even false statement which said that the tumor was already completely resolved, which then lead to reccurence of the tumor which eventually lead to the need of limb ablation. The classical clinical and radiological presentation of Ewing’s sarcoma may not be the rule; one should be highly suspicious of the disease even if there is no direct pointer to the disease as was encountered in this case. Orthopaedic surgeon should be alert to this rare atypical occurrence because early diagnose of this tumor very important to maintain good prognosis. Keywords: Ewing’s sarcoma, Malignancy, chemotherapy P2. NEGLECTED HANGMAN’S FRACTURE IN A 34-YEAR-OLD MALE Adipranoto G, Drajat R.S Department of Orthopedic & Traumatology Department, Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University ABSTRACT Background. Traumatic fractures of the posterior elements of the axis may occur after hyperextension injuries as seen in motor vehicle accidents, diving, and falls or judicial hangings. Therefore, the term “hangman’s fracture” was coined by Schneider in 1965. Garber described eight patients with “pedicular” fractures of the axis after motor vehicle accidents and used the term “traumaticspondylolisthesis” of the axis. Hangman’s fracture classified by Effendi earlier and modified by Levine & Edwards, type I which is isolated hairline fracture, type II displacement of the anterior fragment & disruption of the disc below the axis, type II-A displacement of the anterior fragment with the body of the axis in the flexed position without C2-C3 facet dislocation, type III displacement of the anterior fragment with the body of the axis in the flexed position in conjunction with C2-C3 facet dislocation.Type I fracture usually treated nonoperatively, type II, II-A and III usually need operative treatment. Case presentation.A 34-year-old male, trauma patient, came to emergency room suffered from neck pain and stiffness after tumbling car accident 20 days before admission. In physical examination there was no neurological deficit found. In the cervical spine x-ray a fracture line in the C2 was presented, with angulation and displacement of the anterior fragmentin flexed position which result in instability. This patient had been diagnosed traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 (Hangman’s fracture) type IIA. We put hard collar brace to this patient, and put Gardner Well Tong. Ten days after admission we had chosen open reduction procedure, used the posterior approach instead of anterior one, and fixed the fracture using transpedicular screw insertion. Discussion. In this case which is classified into neglected type II-A hangman’s fracture, which is hard to reduce using traction, then an operative treatment had become the treatment of choice to stabilize the fracture using posterior approach and fixed by transpedicular screw insertion. The result was satisfying, without any neurological complications.Neglected case commonly present in upper cervical injury. Such in this case we found 20-days neglected traumatic spondylolisthesis of the C2, classified into type II-A hangman’s fracture which is unstable and need surgical treatment, and the result was satisfying. Keywords:Hangman fracture, neglected fracture, cervical fracture P3. BILATERAL TRAUMATIC AMPUTATION OF THE WRIST TREATED BY MYOELECTRIC PROSTHESIS (A CASE REPORT) Steesy Benedicta*, Adi Suriyanto**, Heri Suroto *** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya **Orthopaedic Surgeon, Dr. Ramelan Marine Public Hospital, Surabaya *** Teaching Staff of Department Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University/Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya Background. Upper extremity amputee reported 34% of all 1.6 millions American citizen in 2005. Most cases are found in war battle injury. Reporting a case of 44 years old male with grenade blast injury. He underwent debridement and bilateral traumatic wrist disarticulation surgery. After the wound healed, he got applied myoelectric hand prosthesis on his right hand, while left hand using body powered prosthesis. As the first person using myoelectric hand in Indonesia, we reported this case as a new era of prosthetics in Indonesia. Case presentation. Data gathered from the patient from the last examination of the patient after using the myoelectric hand. Both of his hands got blast injured by grenade explotion while preceding marine training on September 23rd 2014 in South Malang. He then transferred into Dr. Ramelan Marine Public Hospital, Surabaya and underwent on bilateral traumatic wrist disarticulation surgery. After the wound healed, he was going in rehabilitation therapy and being prepared for using a myoelectric hand prosthesis. At March 3rd 2015, the myoelectric hand applied on his amputee and synchronized with electrode and keep trained by that. At March 9th 2015, the myoelectric hand presented in public. We examine the functional using DASH score and also satisfaction by using prosthetic hand. Discussion. The patient admitted to the hospital due to blast injury on both of his hand. By physical examination and radiologic findings, he was decided to underwent a bilateral traumatic wrist disarticulation surgery and stump was prepared for using myoelectric hand prosthetic. This type of myoelectric prosthesis has tripod, power, pinch, key, finger point, active index, precision, hook, finger adduction, open palm, relaxed hand, column and mousse function with two thumb position: opposed and non-opposed. Hand had complex function that it has to be replaced as normal as possible. When amputate a patient, design of stump must be considered. This case is a marine grenade instructor amputee and expected to be back to his career in marine. Myoelectric hand is the newest prosthetic system that work by myoelectric and quite worked like normal hand. Keywords: Myoelectric Hand, Bilateral Traumatic Wrist Disarticulation, Grenade Blast Injury, Marine, Surabaya P4. COMPREHENSIVE ORTHOPAEDIC MANAGEMENT OF EXTRACOMPARTMENTAL GIANT CELL TUMOR OF THE SOFT TISSUE: A VERY RARE CASE Demy Faheem Dasril*, Achmad Fauzi Kamal** *) Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia **) Oncology senior consultant of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department of Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. Giant cell tumor (GCT) of soft tissue is a very rare neoplasm and are mainly seen in adults and in the elderly population, usually in the extremities. The diagnosis can be made accordingly when evaluated along with clinical, radiological, and histopathological features. Eventhough the histopathological morphology is the same as GCT of the bone, the management of this entity slightly differs compared to other variant of GCT. We employ comprehensive orthopaedic treatment. Prior to surgery, we perform the clinico-pathological conference (CPC) to establish diagnosis and the most sufficient treatment for this rare case. Comprehensive management includes operative and postoperative care for this patient. Case presentation. In this paper, we report a case, 34 years old female, with extracompartmental GCT of soft tissue in the right brachii region. Patient was presented to our center regarding a slow growing, painless mass on her anterior part of the brachii. Besides from the mass, there are no abnormalities found in this patient. We performed wide excision and bony reconstruction with ORIF plate and screw of the right humerus. After the procedure, we evaluate the patient for postoperative care. Patient was closely followed-up in the outpatient clinic.We evaluate the patient’s functional outcome with DASH score. The postoperative DASH score was not significantly different compared to preoperative. Patient was able to perform daily activities without any handicap. Discussion.Thegoal of treatment was to maintain adequate function after the operative management. In cases of extracompartmental GCT, it is mandatory to obtain satisfactory surgical margin (free from tumor cells). Hence, we perform wide excision of the tumor mass. In this case, the tumor has already infiltrated some of the humeral cortex (bevel-in lesion). We did an en-bloc resection along with the invaded humeral shaft cortex. The defect after the resection is filled with bone graft (strut graft) and augmented with plate & screw. In addition, we also add bone substitute to enhance construct of the bone. This lesion is classified as potentially low grade malignant tumor. And in the spite of the nature of the tumor, it is very likely to instill local recurrence even after a wide excision. We also apply chemical agents (ethanol 96%, peroxide) to decrease local recurrence up until 17%.GCT of the soft tissue is a very rare case, especially in the global population. The orthopaedic management consists of preoperative assessment (CPC), operative treatment, and postoperative care. It is essential to do serial evaluation of the patient after the operation to ensure no local recurrence nor other complications following the operation. Keywords: GCT of the soft tissue, wide excision, chemical agents, augmentation fixation, DASH score P5. MID-TERM OUTCOME : NEUROFIBROMATOSIS SCOLIOSIS TREATED WITH GROWING ROD Fajar Baskoro Gardjito* R Andhi Pridjosedjati * * *PPDS Orthopedi & Traumatologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret **Bagian Orthopedi & Traumatologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Sub Bagian Spine, RS. Orthopedi Prof. Dr. dr. R. Soeharso,Surakarta ABSTRACT Background.Scoliosis defined as apparent lateral (sideways) curvature if the spine. That lateral curvature associated with rotation of vertebrae, in which produces a three-dimensional deformity of the spine that occurs in sagittal, frontal and coronal planes. Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant disorder, with the scoliosis is the most common osseus defect associated with neurofibromatosis, with incidence around 10%-60%, with still exact cause still unknown. Basic form of neurofibromatosis are nondystrophic and dystrophic. In nondystrophic neurofibromatosis scoliosis, it mimic with idiopathic scoliosis, and it can be treated as idiopathic scoliosis. The growing rod construct used has advantages to provide temporary internal bracing of rapidly progressive curves. Principally, it limits curve progression without arresting axial spine growth. Case presentation. A female, 14 years old, at first admission, present to our spine department with chief complaint spinal deformity. On physical examination shoulder imbalance, different body arm distance, and Adam forward test were all positive. There is no neurologic deficit. The patient had a cafe au lait spot and premenarchal. From the scoliosis series x ray, the apex vertebra was thoracal XII(end vertabra thoracal X – lumbal III) with cobb angle 580 and 60 of thoracic kyphosis. The risser index was 0. On bending x ray the cobb angle became 80 which indicating a flexible curve. We performed singlegrowing rod construct with 38° cobb angle postoperatively. At follow-up, 6 months later we performed lengthening rod. Discussion. Post operatively cobb angle was 80. Follow-up 6 months later,the patient didn’t develop anysign of infection and no neurologic deficit.The treatment of scoliosis in dystrophic neurofibromatosis scoliosis can be treated as idiopathic scoliosis.By using growing rod construct, it provide advantages in maintaining spinal growth, limit curve progression without arresting axial spine growth and continue to be treatment options in scoliosis surgery. Keywords: scoliosis, neurofibromatosis, dystrophic,growing rod construct, lengthening rod P6. NEGLECTED CONGENITAL BILATERAL TRIGGER THUMB : A CASE REPORT Rudy 1 , Huwae, TECJ 2 , Bastian, J. 3 1 Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty Of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang 2 Hand Consultant of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang 3 Consultant of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Dept, Kanjuruhan General Hospital Kepanjen ABSTRACT Background. Neglected congenital bilateral trigger thumb is an uncommon anomaly in children. Its management is controversial, ranging from observation to extensive surgical release. We report a case presentation of bilateral trigger thumb with a brief review of Literature Case presentation. A 3 years old girl presented with fixed flexion deformityof interphalangeal joints of both thumb. It is diagnosed as trigger thumb and release of bilateral A1 pulleys is done.The operation was performed under general anaesthesia. A transverse incision was made over the nodule in the tendon of flexor pollicis longus. The A 1 pulley was divided longitudinally. The tendon of flexor pollicis longus was then delivered into the wound to break down any adhesions. The thumb was assessed for full extension at the interphalangeal joint.All thumb MP (metacarpophalangeal) joints were stable with less than 200 of passive hyperextension.The range of motion of MP and IP was symmetric for both thumb.The children were allowed to mobilise the thumb freely within the dressings. Discussion. Trigger thumb in children is relatively uncommon and the aetiology remains unclear. Some believe the condition to be congenital while others consider it to be acquired. Our patient undergo operation for her bilateral trigger thumb. The result that both of her thumb were able to have complete active extension of IP joint post operatively. Keywords:Congenital trigger thumb, bilateral trigger thumb, A1 pulley P7. MODIFICATION YOSHII FLAP FOR FINGER TIP INJURY OF THUMB Sebastian Mihardja*, Henry Yurianto**, M. Ruksal Saleh** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. The objective in management of soft tissue injuries of the hand is to achieve primary wound healing. Primary wound healing minimizes the inflammatory reaction, scar formation, and joint stiffening. Surgical approach include primary closure, skin grafts, flaps, and free tissue transfers. The choice of treatment is based on mechanism of injury, the size of the defect, location and status of the wound, the patient’s age, sex, general health, and occupation. Casepresentation.In February 2015, 14-year-old Male complained of amputated at left thumb. When he was washing his motorcycle, then pinched his finger in the motor chain strap. He was a student and left hand dominan. Physical examination and x-ray radiography at left hand region we diagnosed as a finger tip injury of left thumb allen type IV. The Yoshii flap used ulnar side of the forth finger. The release of the pedicle is done by a volar zig-zag incision. The pedicle is released as far as possible in the palm until superfisial palmar arch. Mobilization of the flap on its neurovascular pedicle and transfer to the recipient area. The donor area closed by skin graft from the wrist. Discussion. Three months after operation. The skin of the thumb is closed well, fingernails started to grow. The patient could fell something with his thumb, and could actively work with his finger. The aim of this procedur is to raise a sensitive and vascularized hemipulp to restore the sensibility of the thumb Keywords: Yoshii flap, Finger tip injury, Thumb, Sensibility, P8. MACROSYNDACTYLY OF THE TOES M. Arief Faisal*, M. Ruksal Saleh**, Henry Yurianto** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Staff of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. Macrosyndactyly is webbing of two neighboring oversized digits, usually second and third toe or middle and ring fingers. Macrodactyly is a rare nonhereditary congenital enlargenment, which ninety percent of cases are unilateral and 70% of cases involve multiple digit, except metacarpal and metatarsal. The macrosyndactyly usually appears with involvement of the other anatomical structure. Case presentation. In this case report we presented a boy, 4 years old with Macro-syndactily 2nd and 3rd toe. Physical examination revealed complete syndactyly and macrodactyly of the 2nd and 3rd toe of the right foot. The soft tissue between the toes already fusion untill the tip of the toe and become enlarged too if compared with the other toes and the nail also become hypoplasia. The challange of this case is the foot become metatarsus adductus and make the patient cannot wear shoes in the affected site. The Patient subsequently underwent surgical correction with special technique because there’s no surgical technique in literature that explain for patient have macro-syndactyly. We performed surgical Z-plasty, debulking for the fat in the plantar region, and Ray amputation for the 2nd toe untill the base of 2nd metatarsal and Resectionof the head metatarsal and base proximal phalanx. Three weeks after the operation the patient can walk normally and the shoes has fit allready for his right foot. Discussion. The macrosyndactyly is a rare case that usually appear on separated case, macrodactyly or syndactyly it self. For this macrosyndactyly case we performed some modification technique. Keywords: Macrosyndactyly, Ray amputation, Debulking, Arthrodesis. P9. MACRODACTYLY OF THE HAND: A CASE REPORT Ira Juliet Anestessia*, Nino Nasution**, Aga SP Ketaren** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty Medicine University of Sumatera Utara/ Haji Adam Malik Hospital-Medan **Consultant of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty Medicine University of Sumatera Utara/ Haji Adam Malik Hospital-Medan ABSTRACT Background.Macrodactyly is enlargement of the digits involving bone. It is a rare case. In the approximately 190 years that have been followed only 300 cases of macrodactyly of the hand and 60 cases of the macrodactyly of the toes have been reported. The etiology is remain unknown. Clinically macrodactyly was classified into four type according to Upton with their own characteristic histologic appearance which determine the treatment. Case presentation. Patient is six year old boy came with chief complaint enlargement of the index finger, middle finger and part of the thumb of the dominant hand. The patient was diagnosed as macrodactyly type I by clinic appearance, plain x-ray, MRI and EMG. The treatment are disarticulation of the MTPJ and epiphysiodesis of the index and middle finger. Patient and his parent feel satisfied with the result. Suitable to the patient’s complaint, he was embarrassed and psychologically uncomfortable with his hand. He also feels limited by the shape and weight of his hand. Discussion. Macrodactyly is rare case. We still need many data to help determine the pathology, pathophysiology and therapy which suitable. Keywords: macrodactyly, amputation, epiphysiodesis. P10. ILIZAROV METHODE FOR INFECTED BONE LOSS IN PROF DR R SOEHARSO ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL SURAKARTA: A CASE REPORT Dhina Hafiz Sa’ban*, Ismail Maryanto** * : Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Sebelas Maret University- Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital Surakarta. **: Departement of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret UniversitySoeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Surakarta ABSTRACT Background. Although well known as a method for limb lengthening and deformity correction Ilizarov methode is effective treatment for nonunions and bone infections . Defects regardless their extent can be reconstructed from the remaining healthy bone without the need for grafting. The surgeon can perform extensive debridements according to oncologic principles and this makes the eradication of the infection possible. By using the transport technique the bone defect can be filled and concomitant length discrepancy, axial or rotational deformities can be adjusted. Case presentation. A case of 28 years old male pateient suffered infected non union and bone loss of the right femur. 8 years ago patient have open fracture of the right femur due to motor vehicle accident and was performed emergency debridement and open reduction and internal fixation. But in progress patient have infected non union with bone defect approximately 8 cm ( showed by ray). After was performed several operation procedure but fail, pasien came to RS Orthopedic Prof Soeharso and was treated by Ilizarov methode. Discussion. Six month after performed Ilizarov methode , infection can be eradicated and bone defect was filled by new bone formation ( showed by x –ray).Ilizarov methode is effective methode for treat infected bone loss . Because we can eradicate the infection effectively and filled the bone defect by bone transpot technique. Key words: Infected bone loss, Ilizarov, Bone Transport. P11. GLOMUS TUMOR OF THE FINGERTIP: A CASE REPORT Herbert Yurianto*, Henry Yurianto**, M. Ruksal Saleh ** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. The glomus tumors are rare, benign neoplasm that is raised from neuromyoarterial glomus, which is an arteriovenous anastomosis functioning without an intermediary capillary bed.They account for 1-5% of all soft tissue tumors of the upper extremity, occuring in the hand in 75% and in the nail bed in 50-90% of cases. Case presentation. A 34-year-old housewife has complained of pain at right ring finger and exacerbated by touching things with it since 2014. Occasionally, the pain is worsen either in cold weather or holding cold things.Progressive and disturbing pain caused her to seek medical attention. Previous treatment were by neurologist and given local injection and by general surgeon and performed nail extraction. Treatment relieved temporary symptoms but never resolve.Due to debilitating pain, the patient consulted to Orthopaedic surgeon in the early 2015 for amputation and later was diagnosed with Glomus Tumor. Discussion. Marginal excision of the tumor was performed and the the biopsy sample was sent for pathology examination. One month after operation, the patient was relieved of pain and could actively work with his finger.The Glomus tumor can be misdiagnosed or difficult to be diagnosed. Most of these tumors arise in subcutanous or subungual tissue of the phalanges of hands. Keywords: Glomus Tumor, Subungual P12. FINGER FLEXION DEFORMITY AND CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME:A RARE CASE OF TOPHUS AT FLEXOR TENDON F C Winata*, K T Biakto** *Resident of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Staff of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. Gouty tophus is a common presentation that can appear at multiple various site. But gout presenting tophus at flexor tendon that make finger flexion deformity and compress median nerve at carpal tunnel is a rare case, had been reported only on 5 international journal. Case presentation. We report a 48 years old right handed male as a village officer. He suffered gouty arthritis and presenting tophi since 10 years before, 1 year lately he notice a mass at his right wrist and gradually fell numbness at his tip of thumb, index and long fingers, lately his long finger is fixed in flexion position and atrophy of his thenar muscle. Whenever he tries to extend his long finger the numbness increased and pain arise but the numbness decreased by adding flexion of long finger. He cannot use his right hand normally and disturb his daily job. We performed longitudinal incision of transverse carpal ligament and debulking of tophus at digital superficial flexor tendon Discussion. Day after surgery, he feel improvement from numbness and can actively flex and extend his long finger, after 1 month he can go back to work normally. Gout presenting tophus at digital flexor tendon can impinge median nerve at carpal tunnel. By releasing transverse carpal ligament and debulking of tophus can give satisfying result Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome, tophus, digital flexor tendon, finger flexion deformity P13. CONSTRICTION BAND SYNDROME: AN EFFICIENT ONE STAGE RELEASE COMBINING CIRCUMFERENTIAL EXCISION AND Z PLASTY dr.Firmansyah Muhammad, dr. Yvonne Sarah, SpOT (K), dr. Juniarita Eva Santy, SpOT ABSTRACT Background.Constriction band syndrome is the most common cause of congenital malformation of a limb. Management of constriction band syndrome is focused on optimizing function, facilitatiing growth and development, and improving esthetical appearance. Superficial bands do not need any treatment, but deeper bands are managed with excision and Z plasty. The circumferential bands are usually released in two or three stages to prevent vascular compromise. The purpose of our study was to present the outcome of one stage release. Case presentation. The patient having constriction band in both lower limbs and seen at the junction of distal third. Our case provide the combination of circumferential release and Z plasty in single stage treatment of constriction band syndrome. Discussion. A one stage release of circumferential constriction band was performed in two extremities. No vascular compromise was noted during or after the procedure, no wound problem occured even when there had been marked swelling of the extremity distal to the band. On follow up, distal swelling reduced.Congenital contriction band can be effectively release with combination circumferential excision and Z plasty.This one stage is an efficient technique and safer to minimize the surgical trauma in children. Keyword: Constriction Band Syndrome, Z Plasty P14. BILATERAL CONGENITAL AMPUTATION OF LOWER LEG IN A 2 WEEKS OLD BABY Basunanda, T.A*, Dradjat, R.S ** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang **Pediatric Division Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang ABSTRACT Background. Congenital amputation is birth without a limb or limbs, or without a part of a limb or limbs. The overall rate of congenital amputation is 0.3 to 1 per 1,000 live birth in United States. Dillingham et.al note 58 percent of all congenital amputation in new borns involve the upper limb. Less than half involve the lower limb. Case presentation. We report a 2 weeks old baby boy presented to us with chief complaint both of lower leg was amputated since birth. On physical examination there were incomplete amputation both of lower leg with the border like constriction in middle third of right and left femur with distal part necrotic and dysplasia of the femoral bone.The baby boy was first son, premature (BW 1240 gram), age gestation 30-32 weeks,apgar score 6-8, with sectio caesaria delivery for indication oligohidramnion and gemelli (the twins was baby boy, premature (1100 gram),anemia (Hb 4 mg/dl),without congenital anomaly,was died 3 day after delivery because respiratory distress). The mother was 40 year old, history of hipertension before and during precnancy, 4 times abortion before, had an medication for toxoplasma and rubella 3 years ago. Surgery was planned to necrotomy and repair stump at the level proximal shaft of the right and left femur with septic condition for this baby. The operation done in 15 minutes, with minimal blood loss, 10cc.Post operation the patient send to NICU, on follow up for 3 days the condition decreased, with septic condition, and on 4 days post operation the patient was died with septic condition and intracranial bleeding. Discussion. The exact cause of congenital amputation is unknown and can result from a number of causes. However, most cases show that the first three months in a pregnancy are when most birth defects occur because that is when the organs of the fetus are beginning to form. One common cause is amniotic band syndrome (ABS), which occurs when the inner fetal membrane (amnion) ruptures without injury to the outer membrane (chorion). Fibrous bands from the ruptured amnion float in the amniotic fluid and can get entangled with the fetus, thus reducing blood supply to the developing limbs to such an extent that the limbs can become strangulated; the tissues die and are absorbed into the amniotic fluid. A baby with congenital amputation can be missing a portion of a limb or the entire limb. Amnion ruptures can be caused by : teratogenic drugs, environmental chemicals, ionizing radiation, infections, metabolic imbalance, trauma. Ultrasonographic analysis allows for the detection of ABS prenatally by visualization of amniotic sheets or band attached to the fetus. In the first trimester, it is extremely difficult to detect ABS, especially if the bands are limited to the extremities. However, in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, it is relatively easy to detect the major anomalies of ABS by its characteristic features and restrictions of motion. Additionally, elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MASFP) has been associated with ABS. However, elevated MASFP is not diagnostic for ABS, since it is also elevated in neural tube defects, placental chorioangioma and congenital nephrosis. MASAFP is now a standard screening test recommended for all pregnancies, through rarely elevated. The recent study for extremity amniotic band with risk of amputation is fetoscopic release with the advent of less-invasive fetal surgery techniques by YAG laser, to prevent necrotic of the distal part of the limb.Congenital amputation of the limbs is devastating, but recenly with the early detection and intervention with fetoscopic release for amniotic band and collaboration multidiscipline, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Obstetric, and Paediatric Radiology,to save the limb congenital amputation should be prevented, by early detection of constriction band. Keywords : Congenital amputation,constriction band P15. AVASCULAR NECROSIS : WHAT ORTHOPEDIST NEED, WHAT RADIOLOGIST MUST READ. Dadang Rona Sasetyo, Anggun Esti Wardani Background. Femoral neck fracture in adolescent regarded as the most difficult to treat, epithet as the “unsolved fracture”. Since the femoral neck fractures is intracapsular, intrasynovial angiogenesis inhibiting factor interfering the healing process and ceased the repair with no periosteal layer caused a merely subsequent endosteal healing. Susceptible arterial ring on femoral neck surface to compromization of blood supply result from surge of intracapsularintraosseus pressures exceeding diastolic pressure following injury. Case presentation. A 18 y.o male referred to Orthopaedic department with 4-month neglected femoral neck fracture causing 4 cm right lower limb shortening. X Ray shown non union fracture with tapering of femoral column and end bone resorbtion. Orthopaedist sent the patient to MR section . There were no significant difference between X Ray and MR report. The possibility of avascular necrosis of femoral head were overlooked. Discussion. Neglected fracture is a delay to seek for medical help over 30 days or more. The delay in developing country caused by poverty, ignorance, lack of facilities or faith in traditional bone setter. In our case, the delayed caused by the first third.The role of Radiologist help the pre-operative planning. Fracture position, deformity, remaining fracture fragment, the gap between fragments, and sign of avascular necrosis as the important point to decide whether joint sacrifice needed or joint salvage procedure in the absence of femoral head necrosis. Keywords: Adolescent, neglected fracture, Femoral neck, Avascular necrosis, Radiologist, Orthopaedist. P16. ATYPICAL MAISONNEUVE’S FRACTURE, A CASE REPORT Rachman, A *, Dradjat, R.S. ** * : Orthopedic & Traumatology resident of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ** : Consultant of Orthopedic & Traumatology Dept of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ABSTRACT Background.A Maisonneuve’s Fracture is a fracture of proximal third fibula associated with a disruption of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, the interosseous membrane and associated injuries (eg, fracture of the medial malleolus, fracture of the posterior malleolus, and rupture of the deltoid ligament). The mechanism for the fracture is an external rotation force to the ankle with transmission of the force through the interosseous membrane which causes a proximal fibular fracture. In a very rare form, we can found an unusual pattern of the level of the involved fibula, such as middle third of fibula. Case presentation.A 19 year old male came to ER with a painfull, twisted and swelling of his left ankle after fell while playing futsal. He was unable to weightbear. From physical examination we found deformity, swelling and tenderness on his left ankle. Range of motion was decreased. On initial plain x ray we found dislocation of ankle joint, with disruption of syndesmotic and fracture comminutive middle third of fibula. We performed operation wich are consists of three procedures, closed reduction of the dislocation, percutaneous fixation of syndesmotic by using a single transfixing screw, and plate and screw of the fibula fracture. Patient mobility return normally after 8 weeks, with out pain on full weightbearing. Discussion.The pattern of the fracture-dislocation of the ankle discussed is very rare. The mechanism of the injury is a twisting motion of the upperbody inward, while the foot is planted, resulting a more higher energy impacted to the ankle and fibula. We performed closed reduction easily by reverse the mechanism of injury. Keywords: Maisonneuve’s Fracture, distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, interosseous membrane, rupture of the deltoid ligament P17. ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RUPTURE IN GOUTY ARTHRITIS: A CASE REPORT I G.N. Yudhi Setiawan* I G.N. Wien Aryana ** *Resident of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University, Bali ** Staff of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University Bali Background. Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism characterized by hypreuricaemia, deposition of monosodium urate monohydrate crystals in joints and peri-articular tissues and recurrent attacks of acute synovitis. Gout is the most common inflammatory arthropathy reported to vary from 1 to over 10 per 1000. Chronic tophaceous gout can develop after years of acute intermittent gout. In 10 per cent of patients with gout, tophi form, these may destroy skin, tendons, ligaments, and the skeletal structures. Although tophaceous gout without arthritis might be more common than previously recognized and intra-articular gouty deposits in the knee are common, tophaceous gout infiltration of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is extremely rare. Case presentation. A 39-years-old male presented with intermittent pain of the right knee since 8 years ago. The symptom then accompanied with instability that gradually affected his daily living especially when walking or doing sports. These complaints initially triggered by neglected sport injury. From the clinical exam revealed no sign of effusion, no acute inflammation signs e.g. redness, swelling, deformity, localized joint tenderness around knee and the range of motion slightly limited with the extension of -5 to flexion of 110. Special test with Lachmann test showed a grade 2 positive and grade 2 positive pivot shift maneuver with no concurrent meniscal problem. From the laboratory examination revealed a high level of uric acid (8.5 mg/dL). A radiograph of knee showed no abnormalities but a non contrast MRI scans showed bursitis of the supra and retropatellar bursa, partial thickness tear of anterior cornu of the right lateral meniscus, and total tear of the anterior cruciate ligament. An arthroscopy was performed and revealed calcific material scattered in almost all compartments of knee join. The ACL was covered with that material and torn at the femoral attachment site, the other ligament was intact but also covered by these material. A synovectomy and transtibial ACL reconstruction was then performed using Hamstrings graft with semitendinosus three-bundle technique, endobutton and fixation with pioscrew. Specimen that are taken were done for analysis. The results revealed an identically histology of tophaceus gouty arthritis. Discussion. We encountered a rare case of ACL rupture accompanied by intra-ligament tophaceous gout infiltration. Treatment for this condition involved an extensive synovectomy for debridement of intra-articular tophi and an ACL reconstruction using autohamstring tendons. If hyperuricemia persists for a long time, tophaceous deposits may be found in the subcutaneous tissues and the various joints, particularly the first metatarsophalangeal joint, the hand, wrist, or elbow, finger pads, sacroiliac joint, carpal tunnel, ankle, shoulder, dorsum of the feet, knee, acromioclavicular joint and axial skeleton. Chronic tophaceous gout classically occurs after 10 years or more of recurrent polyarticular gout. Although intra-articular gouty deposits in the knee are common, our patient did not have a history of acute gouty arthritis tophi elsewhere and in this case tophaceous gout infiltration of the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) is extremely rare. Keywords: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture, Tophaceous Gout Arthritis. P18. ANATOMIC RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DISTAL RADIO-ULNAR LIGAMENT AND OSTEOTOMY FOR MALUNION DISTAL RADIUS AND ULNA WITH DISTAL RADIO-ULNAR JOINT INSTABILITY: A CASE REPORT Putu Mega Wiyastha*, A.A. Gde Yuda Asmara**, * Orthopaedic and Traumatology Resident of Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar **Teaching Staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Udayana University, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar Background. Stability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is provided by bony architecture and by soft tissues such as the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), the joint capsule, and surrounding muscles. Anatomic reconstruction of the major structures responsible for joint stability is the most important principle for the treatment of instability of an injured joint with an intact articular surface by using a palmaris longus tendon graft. Case presentation. Male, 19 year old with DRUJ instability associated with distal radial and ulna malunion. Patient had history of trauma two years ago. On examination there is restricted of the Range Of Motion (ROM) wrist flexion-extension and forearm supination. The management with corrective osteotomy of the distal radius and ulna with the radioulnar ligament reconstruction. Discussion. Restoration of stability and a full painless arc of pronation–supination are the goals of treatment for the posttraumatic unstable DRUJ. The reconstruction procedures suggested by some authors using the palmaris longus tendon has been shown to be the most reliable and anatomically acceptable surgical technique. We performed distal radioulnar ligament reconstruction after osteotomy distal radius and ulna then fixation using plate and screw. Keywords: Distal radioulnar joint, malunion, ligament reconstruction P19. AN UNCOMMON SITE OF A COMMON TUMOUR:GCT OF VERTEBRAE Satria Prawira*, KaryaTriko Biakto** *Resident of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Staff of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department Hasanuddin University, Makassar Background.Giant cell tumour is a benign, locally aggressive neoplasm which is composed of sheets of neoplastic ovoid mononuclear cells interspersed withuniformly distributed large, osteoclast like giant cells.Giant cell tumour represents around 4-5% of all primary bone tumours, and approximately 20% of benign primary bone tumours. The peak incidence is between the ages of 20 and 45. Giant cell tumours typically affect the ends of long bones, especially the distal femur, proximal tibia, distal radius and proximal humerus. Around 5% affect flat bones, especially those of the pelvis. The sacrum is the commonest site in the axial skeleton, while other vertebral bodies are less often involved. Case presentation. A 30 years old female with weakness both of lower limb that noticed since two mounth.initially she felt pain at lower back pain,after that weakness both of lower limb until now.she cannot walking again.No,fever,weight loss associated.plain radiograph and CT-Scan of the vertebrae shows primary bone tumour of the 3rd lumbar.Exicisional biopsy to identify the tumour after that,curettage and fusion vertebrae with implantation proceed to radiotherapy. Conclusion of histopatologic evaluation is Giant cell tumour. Discussion. Giant cell Tumour ( GCT ) of bone is generally a benign tumour composed of mononuclear stromal cell and characteristic multinucleated giant cell that exhibit osteoclastic activity.it usually develops in long bones but can occur in unusual location.GCT of vertebrae is a rare cases and diagnosis might be missed both clinically and radiologically. A rare case of Giant cell Tumour. Key words:Giant Cell Tumour vertebra,benign tumour P20. THE BONE UNION IN PATIENT WITH NON NF-1 CONGENITAL PSEUDOARTHROSIS OF TIBIA WITH A HISTORY OF MALUNION FRACTURE : A CASE REPORT Zainarda* K.A. Candra Dewi ** *Resident of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University, Bali ** Staff of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University, Bali ABSTRACT Background. Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the Tibia (CPT), is usually associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a common autosomal dominant genetic disorder. The reported incidence of Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) varies between 1:140,000 and 1:250,000.1 The tibia shows area of segmental dysplasia resulting in anterolateral bowing of the bone. This osseous dysplasia leads to a tibial nonunion and, because of tibial bowing and reduced growth in the distal tibial epiphysis, shortening of the limb usually occurs.2Osteosclerotic bowed bone with a small number of osteoclasts in CPT was suggested as a bone healing problem by dysfunction of bone remodeling. The natural history of the disease is extremely unfavorable and, once a fracture occurs, there is a little or no tendency for the lesion to heal spontaneouslyand leads to failure in union.3 Case presentation. In this report, we describe a 14-year old male with Non NF-1 Congenital Psuedoarthrosis of Tibia (CPT) with a hstory of malunion fracture of left tibia. Patient was an orphanage boys with history of normal delivery. He felt bowing on his left tibia since 5 years old and getting worse each day. Patient had a history of traffic accident at 12 years old on his left bowing tibia and never got a medical treatment at all. The patient has undergone an osteotomy surgery procedure with plate screw and bone graft. We here describe time of healing based on clinical and physical imaging for 6 months-follow up results. Discussion. After 6-months follow up patient demonstrated completed delayed union with 10 mm residual Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD), and no evidence of recurrence were seen during the follow up. The longer period of partial weight bearing was done and the bone healing takes 6-month to complete union. Keywords: Congenital pseudoarthrosis tibia, neurofibromatosis type 1, osteotomy open reduction internal fixation. Leg Length Discrepancy, Range Of Motion P21. A CASE OF PULMONARY METASTASIS OF RECURRENT GIANTCELL TUMOR OF BONE IN PROXIMAL HUMERUS Aris Kurniawan*, Mujaddid Idulhaq** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University – dr. Moewardi General Hospital – Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo ** Staff of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University – dr. Moewardi General – Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo ABSTRACT Background. Giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is a locally destructive tumor that occurs predominantly in long bones of post-pubertal adolescents and young adults, where it occurs in the epiphysis. The majority are treated by aggressive curettage or resection. Vascular invasion outside the boundary of the tumor can be seen. Metastasis, with identical morphology to the primary tumor, occurs in a few percent of cases, usually to the lung. Giant-cell tumor (GCT) represents 5% of bone neoplasm and typically occurs in 20-40 year-old patients.Although these tumors are usually benign and locally destructive metastases have been reported in some patients.Recurrence is most common in the lung, but there have been case reports of metastases at other sites, such as the lymph nodes, bone, skin, and breast.Some patients with pulmonary metastases have spontaneous regression or remain asymptomatic for many years. Others have rapidly progressive courses, even though they exhibit histologically benign features. The overall mortality rate in patients with pulmonary metastases is approximately 15%. Case presentation. A 40 year-old male was diagnosed with a giant cell tumor of the left proximal humerus in April 2014. He underwent intralesional curettage, on basis of outpatient there was no evidence of recurrence. Eight months later, in December 2014, the patient had a local recurrence of the tumor and was treated by wide excision. The patient presented in April 2015 with a dyspneu and recurrence in the same place. He was taken to surgery, and a disarticulation of GlenoHumeral Joint was performed. On Chest x-ray, we revealed a nodul within both lung, and suspected with a metastasis of the tumor to the lung. Discussion. GCT usually occurs in young adults and presents as an epiphyseal osteolytic bone lesion. Although this type of lesion was originally classified as a benign tumor, its potential for metastasis has been reported variously in 1-9% of patients. The lung was the most common site of metastasis and extrapulmonary metastasis was rare. Patients’ age and sex are not risk factors for metastatic disease and there is no predilection for the right or left side. The reported interval between diagnosis of the primary tumor and detection of metastasis ranges from 0 to 10 years (average, 3.5 years). Although lung metastasis may spontaneously evolve into necrosis or ossification, the treatment of lung metastases is usually surgical resection.If removal of the lesion is unfeasible, chemotherapy including adriamycin, dacarbazine, vincristine, cytoxan, actinomycin, or bleomycin can control evolution of the disease.Radiotherapy is contraindicated because of the risk of induced malignancy. The mortality of pulmonary metastatic GCT is variable and uncertain, depending on the length of the follow-up and the prognosis of a GCT with pulmonary metastasis is quite favorable. Keywords: Recurrent giant cell tumor, pulmonary metastasis P22. NON-VASCULARIZED HEAD FIBULAR GRAFT IN ANKLE RECONSTRUCTION FOR RECURRENCE GIANT CELL TUMOR ON THE DISTAL FIBULA Muhammad Rangga Akbari Siregar*, Nazar Moesbar** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatera **Consultant, Dept. Of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara Haji Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. The fibula may be used as graft material in the cervical spine, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, lumbar spine, femur, tibia and ankle. Candidates for fibula graft are patients in whom conventional bone grafting has failed, or those who have large defects > 6 cm in length or who have soft tissue bed that is characteristically notorius for poor healing, such as patients who have undergone radiation or those with severe peripheral vascular disease. Case presentation. Patient with recurrence giant cell tumor in distal fibula with bone defect more than 9 cm, we treated the patient with non vascularized fibula graft, multiple screws and K-wire without addition of cancellous bone graft. Patient previously has been treated with bone cement but the patient complaint pain and lump on the distal part of the cruris. Discussion. Numerous treatments of bone defect that treated with free vascularized or vascularized fibula graft have been reported with variable success rates. Non vascularized fibula graft is more simple, less expensive and shorter procedure than the use of vascularized graft and allows remodelling of the fibula at the donor site, it is a biological reconstruction with good long – term result, and relatively low donor site complication.The outcome of the treatment was assessed by bone healing (union on radiology, no infection, good range of motion) of forearm. Non vascularized fibula graft method for fibula bone defect > 9 cm following recurrence tumor case show satisfactory result. Keywords: Reconstruction, GCT, Bone Tumor, Non-vascularized fibula graft P23. PRIMITIVE NEUROECTODERMAL TUMOR AT THE LEVEL OF THORACIC SPINE : A CASE REPORT Akbar A*, Magetsari R / Mathan Sakti Y ** *Resident of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital **Staff of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sardjito General Hospital Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Background. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) are malignant tumors thought to arise from the neural ectoderm and comprise of undifferentiated small round cells that affect soft tissue and bone. An estimated 6.5% of primary lesions arise in the chest wall . These tumors occur primarily in children and adolescents (thirteen to sixteen years old), with a tendency to recur and metastasize especially to lungs, bone marrow, brain and lymph nodes. PNET are uncommon malignancies that are increasingly reported in the literature and located in the spine are extremely rare. In this study we present a case of 14 years old girl with PNET of the thoracic spine which reccur after initial resection. Case presentation. A 14 years old girl presented with low back pain and progressive weakness of both of lower limbs of three months duration. On physical examination, motor and sensory function was lost, motoric strenght in the lower limbs was grade 1/5 with hypoesthesia below L1 level. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the spine showed burst pathologic fracture of the 12th thoracic spine with suspicious malignant lesion in the 12th thoracic spine. Initially the condition was treated with laminectomy, decompression, stabilization and open biopsy. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry of the lesion revealed the diagnosis of PNET. During the early postoperative course, she had instance neurological recovery and was able to walk unassisted. But, 2 months later the neurologic deficit reccured and she was treated with extended laminectomy with tumor debulking. Then the patient received chemotherapy and planned for radiotherapy. Discussion. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) are devastating malignancies that appear to be more common than has previously been reported. The clinician should give consideration to the possibility of this diagnosis, especially in the setting of a young adult or child with an intraspinal mass. While there are no widely accepted standards for the management of spinal PNET, it is advocated that complete resection is performed when possible with the goals of neurological stabilization and obtaining sufficient tissue for accurate diagnosis. This should then be followed by an individualized combination of chemotherapy and/or radiation. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) are extremely rare and are aggressive with poor outcomes. Diagnosis requires histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry. Keywords: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), Malignant Tumor, Rare Tumor, Spinal Tumor P24. OSTEOPETROSIS : A CASE REPORT Hutahaean, D. Y. P. *,.Mathan Sakti Y**, Magetsari R** * Resident of Orthopedic and Traumatology Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta **Staff of Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology Gadjah Mada University/ Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Background. Osteopetrosis (OP) is a rare heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal dysplasias characterised by osteoclast dysfunction, impaired bone resorption and poor bone remodeling with incidence rate of 1/200 000 births. Three groups can be categorised on the basis of clinical findings and by genetic investigations including autosomal recessive malignant, intermediate, and autosomal dominant. The increase of bone mass in osteopetrosis lead to the condition where the bone more likely to be fractured. The diagnosis of the disease is made from clinical history, detailed family history, physical examination, radiodiagnostic and bone marrow examination. We present a case of 21 years old girl with OP diagnosed since 7 years ago and suffered repeated fracture in extremities. Case presentation. A 21 years old girl presented with recurrent fractures on her upper and lower limbs since she was 6 years old (right and left humerus, right clavicle, and the right 3rd toe) . All the mechanism of trauma was trivial injury (low energy trauma). She was born without prenatal or antenatal problem. There was no history of genetic disorder in the family. She was also diagnosed with anemia due to congenital diserythropoietic, ventricular septal defect and failure to thrive. The X-ray examination shows Cortex thickening with minimal or no medullary bone. The patient presented with history of fracture in her extremity which treated with conservative treatment using cast or splint with good clinical and functional outcome. Discussion. Osteopetrosis is a rare bone condition which predisposed the patient to repeated fractures in extremity which needed attention from the physician especially orthopaedic surgeon. The examination has to be done thoroughly from radiodiagnostic, bone marrow examination, and if possible genotype examination. Education to avoid injury was also an important aspect of management of patient with osteopetrosis. about the condition of the the disease must be informed to the patient and family to prevent future repeated fracture. Management of other complication including anemia caused by dysfunction of erythropoietic process/ Conclusion. Osteopetrosis is a rare case with incidence rate of 1/200 000 births, diagnosis is made by clinical history, detailed family history, physical examination, and laboratory (radiodiagnostic and bone marrow examination). The important aspect of osteopetrosis management is treatment of the current fracture and prevention of repeated fracture including genetic investigation. Keywords: Osteopetrosis, recurrent fracture P25. CLINICAL OUTCOME OF A PATIENT WITH TETRAPLEGIC SPASTIC TYPE DUE TO CERVICAL TUBERCULOUSESPONDYLITIS WITH ABCES OF C2 – C3 - C4 AND SUBLUXATION OF ATLANTO AXIAL AFTER DEBRIDEMENT, LAMINECTOMY OF C2 AND STABILIZATION OF OCCIPITO – C3 – C4IN SOEHARSO ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL SURAKARTA: A CASE REPORT KhrisnantoNugroho*, Andhi Prijosedjati** * Resident of Orthopaedic& Traumatology Faculty of Medicine SebelasMaret University ** Consultant of Spine of Orthopaedic& Traumatology Surgeon SebelasMaret University – Orthopaedic Hospital Prof dr.Soeharso Surakarta Background. Cervical tuberculousespondylitis is a rare disease with a high complication rate. Tuberculouse of the cervical spine is reported in about 6-9% of all cases of spinal tuberculouse. Early diagnosis and treatment of spinal tuberculouse is essential in order to prevent neurological deficit. Management strategies for spinal tuberculouse range from ambulatory chemotherapy to radical surgical debridement with fusionspondylitis. Case presentation. A 27-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with a chief complainweaknessof all extremities since 10 days prior to admission. At first, patient often complained of neck pain, after that the patient seeking for alternative treatment to the bone setter and underwent traditional massage around her neck. The day after,the patient complained that all of her extremitiescan not be moved. Past Illness, the patient often complain of pain around her neck since the last 3 months. Losing weight the past few months (+), a long history of cough (+), sweating at night, recurrence fever (+). Discussion. Several examination was performed to constitute the diagnose, from neurological examination showed weakness of all extremities. Laboratory results found increased of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Cervical X-Rayshowed the destruction process of the odontoid with craniocervical subluxation. CervicalMRI showed compression fracture at corpus of VC 2 with destruction odontoidprocessusresulting subluxation ofcranio-cervical junction with prominent abscess as high as VC 2- VC 4. Suggestive of acervical tuberculous spondylitis process. The patient following surgery such as debridement, laminec- tomy of C2 and Stabilization ofOccipito- C3 - C4and tuberculouse drugs. The patient has experienced a significant improvement of neurological status after 3 months of follow-up. Keywords:Cervical Tuberculouse Spondylitis, Occipito-Cervical Stabilization P26. TRAUMATIC SHOULDER DISLOCATION IN A 4-YEAR-OLD CHILD: A CASE REPORT Juliando, Rasyid .H N,Prasetia .R Departement of Orthopaedic& Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine University Padjadjaran, Dr. HasanSadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. Shoulder dislocations are rare in children. In contrast to adults, traumatic glenohumeral dislocation is a rarely observed condition among children. In some cases, success in durable reduction with conservative methods, and achieving lasting treatment, may not be possible. The aim of this study, is to report a rare case of young boy with traumatic glenohumeral dislocation of the proximal humerus. Case presentation. A 4-year-old boy with a history of a fall from a height does playing a wood swing. The mechanism of trauma is his hand hold the body (out stretch). After that, he complaints of left shoulder pain and being unable to move his shoulder especially on abduction position. A physical examination identified tenderness on his left shoulder, a slight swelling and limitation of movement. The patient underwent closed reduction under sedation with C-Arm. The patient was postoperatively followed-up 2 weeks in Velpeau bandage. Discussion. After an exercise program of 2 weeks, the range of motion of the patient’s joint was almost fully restored, no pain. The range of motion of his shoulder joint was at the same level as his healthy side.Glenohumeral dislocation is very rare case in children. On physical examination sometimes can be missed diagnose, rather difficult to assess for dislocation. The parents came to the Orthopaedi clinic only for complaint about limitation of the motion. Keywords: Glenohumeral, dislocation, shoulder, closed reduction P27. SPINAL EPIDURAL ABSCESS IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED CYSTIC MASS IN THE THORACIC VERTEBRA, A CASE REPORT Warih A. M *, Syaifullah A.** * Orthopedic & Traumatology resident of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ** Spine consultant, Orthopedic & Traumatology surgeon of Brawijaya University, Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang ABSTRACT Background.Spinal epidural abscesses in patients with chronic kidney disease are rare, they can cause severe neurological complications that can be fatal because only nonspecific symptoms appear in the early stages of the infection. The increased number of cases is related to the use of dialysis catheters in hemodialysis patients. The signs and symptoms of epidural abscess are nonspecific and can range from low back pain to sepsis. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are important to prevent neurological complications. Achieving correct diagnosis in cases of Spinal Epidural Abscess may be challenging, 50% of this cases are initially misdiagnosed. The treatment of choice in most patients is surgical decompression followed by four to six weeks of antibiotic therapy Case presentation. A 71-year-old male with chronic kidney disease and routine hemodialysis since 2 months previously. Patient has complaining fever in one month and suddenly acute paralysis in both lower leg in two weeks after hospitalized. From physical examination, sensorik and motorik was decreased with normal bladder and bowel function. Leukositosis has found in the first laboratory test while patient hospitalized and on microbiology test there found Staphylococcus aureus caused the infection. In the x rays did not reveal any significant findings but on MRI found cyst mass pressing the spinal cord at level thoracic vertebrae I – IV. Patient underwent surgical decompression with posterior stabilization and then followed by two weeks of antibiotic therapy. After operation, The fever decreased and leukosit level is back to normal. In two weeks the patient did not have symptoms of fever and backache but paralysis still exist. The patient still cannot move on both lower leg and the sensorik level still numbness. Patients were treated with antibiotic in 2 weeks and then discharged with improvement general condition Discussion. In this case, the patient has risk factors for spinal epidural abscess occurs that is chronic kidney disease and a history of the use of catheters dyalisis. The patient has fever in one month and not decreased with antipyretic agent. The early diagnosed from Intermal Medicine of this patient was acute fever infection due to infection from double lumen catheter. When acute paralysis occurs, MRI of the spine suggested a cyst mass pressing the spinal cord at level thoracic vertebrae cause the paralysis and then consult to our departement. From history and clinical appearance, we suggest the acute paralysis not caused by cyst mass but from infection. We diagnosed with Spinal Epidural Abscess and need surgical decompression urgently. In two weeks after acute paralysis occur, surgical decompression performed. We performed hemilaminectomy at level thoracic vertebrae IV-V and found abscess in epidural, and then performed evacuation, drainage of the abscess and posterior stabilization. From culture of the abscess we found Staphylococcus aureus caused infection in spinal epidural.Spinal epidural abscesses can cause severe neurological complications. Although rare, infection in hemodialysis patients occurs in the central venous catheters used for dialysis, spreading to become epidural inflammation. The 3 typical signs of spinal epidural abscess are low back pain, pyrexia, and progressive neural symptoms. This condition can be diagnosed early with an MRI. T2weighted MRI without contrast has diagnostic efficasy in Spinal epidural abscess, but also a high rate of false negative. Surgical methods are preferred over conservative antibiotic therapy alone, but the latter can be attempted if progress is carefully monitored in the early stages without neurological damage. The morbidity and mortality rates of epidural abscesses are extremely high. Early diagnosis, identification of specific strains, and early treatment can improve the prognosis Keywords : Spinal epidural abscesses, chronic kidney disease P28. POSTERIOR TIBIAL PLATEU FRACTURE:A DILEMMA OF THE APPROACH.( A CASE REPORT) Arafah, M. * , Martiana, I. K. ** * Resident of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Airlangga/ Dr. Soetomo hospital, Surabaya. ** Staff Division of Spine Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Airlangga / Dr. Soetomo hospital, Surabaya Background. Pure posterior tibial plateau fracture including rare cases . Latest classification system based on CT mapping that uses computed tomography ( CT ) imaging , the system is able to identify the type of fracture that is not included in the classification Schatzker and AO / Orthopaedic Trauma Association. Better in identifying pieces of axial tibial plateau and divide into three parts ; lateral , medial and bicondylar fracture maps. This classification system enables orthopedic surgeons to reconstruct and plan a better approach before surgery Case presentation. This is a case report of woman, 41 years old, with a closed fracture of the right posterior tibial plateau in dr. Soetomo in May 2015, data extracted from medical records and through history, physical examination, radiological and laboratory examinations.A 41-year-old woman was diagnosed with closed fracture of the right posterior tibial plateau. mode of injury fell off the motorcycle with flexion of the knee with varus and internal rotation of the femoral medial kondile. There are two pure posterior fracture fragment that is the posteromedial and posterolateal thus providing a challenge in determining the approach to its operations. Finally the chosen method of operation using a posterior approach with L-Incision continued with the installation of small locking T-third tubular plate and roofing along with K-wire of 1.4 mm. Postoperative clinical results obtained twelfth week the patient is able to mobilize well. Discussion. Closed fracture of the posterior tibial plateau fracture is a rare case. Methods posterior approach operation on posterior tibial plateau is quite difficult to orthopedic surgeons more than anteroposterior or posteromedial approach. But posterior approach allows an operator to identify the site of fracture clearly. Keywords: tibial plateau fracture, posterior approach, three column concept. P29. RARE CASE OF THE DEEP BENIGN FIBROUS HISTIOCYTOMA (ABDOMINAL INTRAPERITONEAL): CASE REPORT Nurjalaluddin Djawie*, Henry Yurianto**, M. Ruksal Saleh** Karya Triko Biakto** *Resident at Department of Orthopaedic& Traumatology,Faculty of Medicine,Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Teaching Staff at Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine,Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. Benign fibrous histiocytoma is a rare tumor of mesenchymal origin, well known tumor of the somatic soft tissue or of bone. In soft tissue it can be either superficial or deep. They may develop at any age, but most affect adults over 25 years old, with a predominance in males.Few case of this tumor in bone (1 % ) compared with those in soft tissue, 1/3 arise around the knee (distal femur and proximal tibia), 1/3 from the wing of the ilium, the rest arise from the ribs, fibula, skull, etc. Deeply located fibrous histiocytomas are rare. Based on the only published series, they represent less than 1% of fibrohistiocytic tumours. Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma located in subcutaneous tissue (91 %) or deep visceral soft tissue ( 9 %), can grow anywhere from 0,5 cm to 25 cm in size. Usually extremities, head and neck, trunk. Rarely in deep soft tissue of retroperitoneum, mediastinum or pelvis. Case presentation. A 49 years old man, had tumor at his abdomen, he felt the abdomen enlarged since 4 years ago, but he did not realize it. Until then he began to feel uncomfortable. He checked at Awal Bros Hospital and found tumor and underwent operation for tumor removal.From MSCT abdomen : Seen large intraperitoneal mass ( ± 19,06 x 18,25 x 24,60 cm ), adhere to the lumbosacral vertebra, mixed density with component : solid, cistyc and calcificate, press both ureters, iliopsoas muscles expecially at right side. Discussion. For this case, the patient was treated by orthopaedic surgeon, accompanied with digestive and urologic surgeon. The patient underwent tumor excision, with laparatomi exploration, used anterior abdominal approach. Histopatologhy revealedstoriform pattern cell,non atypical, mature spindle cell, giant cell datia. Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma at intraabdominal is a rare case. Keywords: Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma, intraabdominal mass P30. THE OUTCOME OF MODIFIED KUROKAWA LAMINOPLASTY FOR CERVICAL CANAL STENOSIS: A CASE REPORT Dr. Tjok Agung Y. Vidyaputra*, Dr. I G. Lanang. N. A. Artha Wiguna SpOT (K)** *Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University, Bali **Staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Udayana University, Bali Background. We report on outcome of patient with Cervical Canal Stenosis who had Posterior Stabilization and Laminoplasty with Modified Kurokawa Technique at Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar Bali. Case presentation. Patient is female 64 years old with neck pain that progressively increasing in 6 months and with sign of cervical myelopathy. Imaging result is herniated disc at level C4 until C7 and OPLL. Discussion. Treatment of cervical canal stenosis with herniated disc can be challenging. Operative treatment have indicated that surgery leads to superior results, especially in short-term pain relief. Many technique has been described, in this case we use Posterior Stabilization with Modified Kurokawa Laminoplasty.This study has shown that Posterior Stabilization with Modified Kurokawa Laminoplasty has good outcome to relieve patient complain. There is a high incidence of good results. Surgery enables these patients to have a better quality of life, better social life function, and better walking ability.We have evaluated the results for about 18 months. The patients were interviewed and asked to comment on their neck pain and quality of life pre-operatively and postoperative period, and The JOA Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation Questionnaire were used. In this study, the improvement of neck pain and neurologic symptoms was satisfactory. Keywords: neck pain, cervical canal stenosis, laminoplasty P31. THE MANAGEMENT OF NEGLECTED COXITIS TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN : A CASE REPORT Dominica Henry * , Sentono Sulis Bayu * * * Intern at Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ** Staff in Pediatri Orthopaedic Division, Orthopaedic & Traumatology Departement, Airlangga University / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya ABSTRACT Background. Tuberculosis is one of serious health problems throughout the world, including in Indonesia. The incidence of tuberculosis continue to increase annually, especially the case of bone tuberculosis which is part of extra pulmonary tuberculosis as much as 10-20%. Case presentation. A case report of 2 years old girl, with a neglected posterior hip dextra et causa coxitis tuberculosa dextra in Soetomo General Hospital, in period October 2013 until September 2015. Data were taken from the retrospective medical record through the anamnesis, physical findings, radiological, and laboratory examinations. Shewas diagnosed as Neglected Posterior Hip dextra et causa Coxitis TB dextra, carried out of open biopsy, debridement, and open repositioning through the anterior approach Smith Peterson. Do installation of K-Wires and external fixation with hemispica. Given anti-tuberculosis drug for 12 months. In the monitoring for 2 years postoperatively, the patient reported an improvement. Discussion. Coxitis tuberculosis have a variety of mànifestasi similar to other diseases. Biopsy of the bone tissue lesions is a gold standard diagnosis coxitis TB. However interpretation of the early picture of pelvic radiology can be a predictor outcome in the case of coxitis TB. Keywords: tuberculosis pelvis, tissue biopsy, anterior approach smith peterson. P32. SURAL FASCIOCUTANEOUS FLAP FOR THE TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC SOFT TISSUE DEFECT AT DORSAL FOOT(CASE REPORT) Wira Sundoko*, Henry Yurianto**, M.Ruksal Saleh** *Resident at Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar **Teaching Staff at Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar ABSTRACT Background. The sural fasciocutaneous flap is a skin flap that can be used for coverage of soft tissue defects in lower leg, ankle, and hindfoot. It is a reliable flap, easy and applicable. The main advantage of this flap, its constant and reliable blood supply without the sacrifice of any major artery. Case presentation.A 7 years old girl, had traumatic soft tissue and bone defect at dorsal aspect of the right foot, treated at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital of Makassar. Initially treated with emergency debridement with open wound care, and after there was no sign of infection, the second operation for wound closure was performed. Discussion.The flap from posterior aspect of the calf 1/3 upper and 1/3 middle. This flap depends on a peroneal perforator 5 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus and also includes the lesser saphenous vein. Use of the flap sacrifices the sural nerve, leaving the lateral foot insensate. Skin incision was started along the line in which the fascial pedicle would be taken. The subdermal layer was dissected to expose the sural nerve, accompanying superficial sural vessels and short saphenous vein. At the proximal margin of the flap, the nerve and the vessels were severed and ligated. The skin island was elevated with the deep fascia.The flap showed slight venous congestion which cleared within a few days. After several times of follow up, the superficial skin shown necrotic, but with good wound cares, it was healed without any additional operation. After 3 months of follow up the patient now can walk. The sural fasciocutaneous flap not only used for coverage of soft tissue defects in lower leg, ankle, and hindfoot but also for coverage defects in midfoot at dorsal aspect. Keywords : Suralfasciocutaneous flap, soft tissue defect, dorsal foot. P33. MID-TERM FUNCTIONAL AND ONCOLOGY FOLLOW-UP FOLLOWING BUTTOCKECTOMY PROCEDURE REMOVING MAJOR HIP ABDUCTOR MIDDLE GLUTEAL MUSCLE ON A FIBROSARCOMA PATIENT Adisuhanto M., Herman H., Budi M.N.S., Ismono D. Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran/ Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung ABSTRACT Background. Buttock is a common site for high- and low-grade soft tissue sarcoma. Traditionally, high- and low-grade soft tissue sarcomas of the buttock were treated with a posterior cutaneous flap hemepelvectomy. Today, most sarcomas of the buttock can be resected with safe margins.We have performed a complete resection of a fibrosarcoma of gluteus medius, a main abductor mucle, including its origin and insertion in accordance with oncology principle. Mid-term follow-up, showed no recurrence and none to minimal functional deficit following surgery. Case presentation.An unusual case of a malignant soft tissue tumor at left gluteus due to high grade fibrosarcoma in a young female is presented. The patient was managed with wide local excision of the tumor followed by coverage with gluteus maximus flap. Intraoperatively, tumor was found to reside completely within the gluteus medius muscle, well encapsulated and had not infiltrate other muscle. The patient, a 33-year-old female, came with chief complain of a lump at her left buttock since 1 year ago. She first noted the lump was the size of a ping pong ball. Physical examination found a lump at left buttock with size 20x15x8 cm without peau d’orange, redness or ulcer. There was no tenderness neither neurological deficit. Intial biopsy, with FNAB revealed a low grade fibrosarcoma. Preoperative MRI was prescribed as surgical planning tool and for later post operative evaluation.We performed resection of gluteus medius muscle utilizing classic Henry approach for buttockectomy. Post operative Histopathology examination revealed a high grade sarcoma instead, with clean margin. Accordingly, we prescribed adjuvant chemotherapy once wound had healed.Mid-term follow up 6 months following surgery, showed that she has no recurrence of the tumor and that she has returned to functional daily living. We evaluated her Quality of life, utilizaing RAND 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) 1.0 Questionnaire. Discussion. Buttock sarcomas presents a special surgical difficulties due to the proximity of the sciatic nerve and tumors propensity to extend into the pelvis and perineum. Sequalae post operative procedure largely depended on the function of the resected muscle. In our case, complete removal of gluteus medius resulted in none to minimal functional deficit during mid-term follow-up. a longer follow-up shall offer a better picture of oncologic and funcional outcomes. Keywords: Sarcoma of Gluteal Muscle, buttockectomy, Oncologic Follow Up, Functional Follow Up, SF36 questionairre P34. CLOSE FRACTURE PELVIC YOUNG BURGESS LATERAL COMPRESSION TYPE II ASSOCIATED WITH ANTERIOR COLUMN FRACTURE OF LEFT ACETABULUM: USING DOUBLE APPROACH (A CASE REPORT) B. Jati Nugroho* Ismail Maryanto** *Resident of Orthopaedic & Traumatology Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Solo ** Orthopaedic Surgeon of Soeharso’s Orthopaedic Hospital, Solo ABSTRACT Background. Close Fracture Pelvic Young Burgess Lateral Compression Type II that associated with Anterior Column Fracture of left Acetabulum is a difficult clinical problem. Case presentation. Male 59 y.o came to our emergency department with a Close Fracture Pelvic Young Burgess Lateral Compression Type II associated with Anterior Column Fracture of left Acetabulum. Posterior approach was done to reduce the left Sacroiliac joint disruption by ORIF with two partial treaded Cancelous screw. Anterior approach was done later to ORIF anterior column of left acetabulum and reduce the sympisiolysis using reconstruction plate. Discussion. This patient return to previous activities in 3 months after injury, with a perfect function of their hip joints and no pain.Double approach is a good surgical approach that combining easy and good reduction so it can decreased long term complications. Urgent reduction of femoral head in the acetabulum & anatomical reduction of acetabular fracture <1 mm gap is needed for long term good results in case of anterior column fracture of acetabulum. Keywords:Close Fracture Pelvic Young Burgess Lateral Compression Type II, Anterior Column Fracture of left Acetabulum, Double Approach P35. JOINT RECONSTRUCTION USING STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID TENDON AUTOGRAFT AS TREATMENT FOR TRAUMATIC POSTERIOR DISLOCATION OF STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT. A CASE REPORT. Muh Trinugroho Fahrudhin * , Wahyu Widodo * * * Resident of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Orthopaedic Hand, Dept. of Orthopaedi & Traumagology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Background. Sternoclavicular joint dislocation is an uncommon injury with potentially lifethreatening consequences. Sternoclavicular joint stability relies on the presence and function of intact capsular and costoclavicular ligaments. Numerous methods of surgery are available to stabilize the SC joint in patients with sternoclavicular dislocation. In the present report, we presented a seventeen-year-old male patient who was admitted to our center with pain on the left chest wall after motor vehicle collision. He was diagnosed as posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint, and was undergone joint reconstruction with sternocleidomastoid tendon autograft. Case presentation. We presented a case of a seventeen-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with traumatic posterior dislocation. He underwent joint reconstruction using sternocleidomastoid tendon autograft, and the operation went well. At four-week and fourteen-week follow-up, the pain subsided and the shoulder function improved significantly. These findings provide evidence that the method of joint reconstruction and augmentation may produce good outcome for posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. Discussion. Posterior dislocations of the sternoclavicular joint are rare, but important to recognize. The potential severity of the injury is due to the proximity of the great vessels, brachial plexus, trachea, esophagus, lungs, and recurrent laryngeal nerve to the sternum. Posterior displacement of the medial end of the patient’s left clavicle was readily suspected with a loss of clavicular notch and limitation of shoulder movement. This case represented a clear indication of surgical reconstruction of the joint. We treated the patient with joint reconstruction and augmentation with sternocleidomastoid tendon autograft. In this report, the patient had an improved shoulder movement at 4 weeks post-operatively, and finally gained full range of movement at 14-week follow-up.This reconstruction method is a safe and effective surgical technique that offers reliable pain relief and functional improvement for patients with posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. Keywords: Traumatic dislocation, sternoclavicular joint, joint reconstruction, sternocleidomastoid tendon autograft. P36. DISTAL FEMORAL OSTEOTOMY AS NEW ALTERNATIVE FOR MANAGEMENT OF SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS (SCFE) . A CASE REPORT Bagus Pramantha Putra Wijaya*, Paruhum Ulitua Siregar** * Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. * Consultant of Pediatric Orthopaedic, Dept. Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Background. Osteotomies for patients with SCFE are recommended most commonly as secondary procedures after clinically significant residual deformity develops. They are aimed at altering the arc of motion and at attempting to retard the onset of osteoarthrosis. Case presentation. This is a single case report of a 17-year-old adolescent male patient with an 8 months history of hip pain and abnormality in physical examination (abnormal gait, decreased hip motion, externally rotated foot progression angle, and thigh atrophy). Radiography showed Klein’s line positive, and steel sign. We diagnosed the patient with SCFE stable type grade 2 on both sides. We have fixed the slip with bilateral 6.5mm cannulated screw for 15 months. Hence we performed osteotomy at the distal shaft of femur in turn bilaterally. Discussion. This technique is expected to provide similar or even better correction than proximal osteotomy in terms of flexion, valgus and derotation. The approach taken is to perform an osteotomy at the distal shaft of the femur. Patient has already return to daily activity, with better functional result than pre operative, objectively measured using Lower Extremity Functional Score (LEFS). However we still closely observe of hip pain as sign of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), which we plan to do debridement per arthroscopy if it presents.To the best of our knowledge, this is the first literature to report the osteotomy on distal from the epiphyses. The main reason is the difficulty to find the suitable osteotome for subtrochanter femur, and along with the preferable angle blade plate. This technique could become an alternative approach to the treatment of SCFE With this approach is also expected that the post-operative complications such as osteonecrosis may be minimal. However it is necessary to conduct further research in order to obtain definitive conclusions. Keywords: Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, SCFE, hip, adolescent, distal femoral osteotomy, osteonecrosis P37. MANAGEMENT OF BILATERAL ILIOPSOAS MUSCLE HEMOPHILIC PSEUDOTUMOR. A CASE REPORT Ananto Satya Pradana*, Achmad Fauzi Kamal** * Resident of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Oncology Orthopaedic, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. Haemophilic soft tissue pseudotumour is one of the rarest complications of haemophilia. Haemophilic soft tissue pseudotumour was caused by repetitive bleeding that result in encapsulated mass of clotted blood and necrotic tissue. Case presentation. We presented a case of a haemophilic soft tissue pseudotumour of bilateral iliopsoas muscle in a 22 year old haemophiliac man. He was diagnosed with severe haemophilia at 3 months of age with coagulation factor 0.85%. He had neurologic deficit and flexion contracture of the hip. Excision of the pseudotumour was done under coagulation factor replacement therapy. At three months after surgery there was no recurrence and significant complication. There was improvement in muscle power of his lower limb from score 2/5 to 4/5, he was able to stand up assisted for about 10-20 seconds. Discussion.Intramuscular bleeding are generally related with direct trauma or may also rise de novo. Recurrent and nonresolving soft-tissue bleeding will be organized and cause joint contractures and soft tissue pseudotumours. Soft tissue pseudotumour in this case was not only cause flexion contracture but also chronic pain and femoral nerve compression that cause severe disability. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice in this case of haemophilic soft tissue pseudotumour. This procedure should only be performed in major haemophilic center by an integrated multidisciplinary surgical team. Keywords: haemophilic pseudotumour, iliopsoas, haemophilia P38. ADJACENT SEGMENT DISEASES OF L2 POST DECOMPRESSION (LAMINECTOMY) AND POSTERIOR STABILIZATION OF L3-L5 DUE TO LUMBAL CANAL STENOSIS Muhammad Anggawiyatna*, S. Dohar A. L. Tobing** * Resident of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultan of Spine Orthopaedic, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. For about 50 years spinal decompression and fusion has been effective treatment for myelopathy or radiculopathy attributable to a degenerated, herniated, or unstable intervertebral disc. Radiographic and clinical studies have shown that in time the disc adjacent to the fused spinal segment occasionally degenerates or becomes unstable. Case presentation. We reported a case of a 61 years old patient with adjacent segment diseases of L2 post decompression (laminectomy) and posterior stabilization of L3-L5 due to lumbal canal stenosis who previously had a decompression and posterior stabilization and posterolateral fusion about five years ago. For this patient we performed implant removal, decompression (laminectomy in level L2-L3), posterior stabilization (pedicle screw and rod in level L2-L3), and posterolateral fusion. Discussion. Previouslythe patient was felt back pain and radicular pain on his left thigh. After surgery there was no neurovascular problem found on the patient. The symptomps also has been relieved and the patient is able to walk normally.It is believed that the disease is related to increased biomechanical stress on the motion segment adjacent to the fused area.There is no gold standard treatment for ASD, but there are methods to treat its symptoms. Several studies have shown that treatment with decompression of neural elements with possible extension of fusion may relieve symptoms. Although there seems to be some pain relief with extension of fusion, these studies indicated that extension of fusion may result in higher rates of ASD in the newly created adjacent segments. Keywords: spinal decompression and fusion, adjacent segment disease, posterior stabilization, lumbal canal stenosis, P39. DESMOPLASTIC FIBROMA OF PROXIMAL TIBIA MIMICKING MALIGNANT TUMOR Mochammad Ridho Nur Hidayah* Yogi Prabowo** * Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Resident of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia ** Oncology consultant of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Department of CIpto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. Desmoplastic fibroma is one of the most uncommon bone tumours, approximately 0.1% of all primary bone tumours and 0.3% of benign bone tumours.It is benign bone tumour composed of spindle cells with minimal cytological atypia and abundant collagen production but locally aggressive. It occur most often in the first three decades of life and in long tubular bones, mandible, and pelvis. Surgical resection with a wide margin has been advocated for the treatment. Case presentation. We present a rare case of desmoplastic fibroma in a 18 year old female with a progressive mass on his right popliteal since 1 year prior. The large and hard consistency of the mass and the increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) serum level along with the infiltration to the soft tissue characteristic shown in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increased the suspicion of a malignant bone tumor. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) results were inconclusive, so we performed the histopathology examination with core biopsy. All the data were discussed at the Clinico-pathological-conference, and the conclusion was chondromyxoid fibroma. So we plan to do marginal excision, followed by curettage to preserve proximal tibia bone and inserting bone graft completed by internal fixation with plate and screw. Discussion. Intraoperative, we found lobulated solid mass extended distally to posterior compartment of cruris. Then we resected the tumor completely and do the curettage of intramedullary mass. We sent the tumor mass to the Pathology Anatomy to confirm the diagnosis. After the next clinico-pathological-conference, it is concluded that the diagnosis is a desmoplastic fibroma of proximal tibia.In this patient, we had the first pathological result from core biopsy was a chondromyxoid fibroma, but at the second pathological result from biopsy intraoperative was a desmoplastic fibroma. Surgical treatment is the most effective method for Desmoplastic Fibroma. Curettage has been associated with a local recurrence rate varies between 37% and 72%.One study reported, marginal resection may result in a recurrence compare to wide excision and reconstruction, it had no recurrence after 1-year follow-up.Diagnostic of Desmoplastic fibroma is not easy, because it is mimicking malignant bone tumor and should be established in CPC (ClinicPathologic Conference). Good surgical planning is very important to minimize complication and rates of recurrence. Keywords: Desmoplastic Fibroma, mimicking malignant tumour, proximal tibia bone tumor P40. LIMB SALVAGE PROCEDURE AS OPERATIVE TREATMENT FOR GIANT CELL TUMOR OF CALCANEAL BONE. A CASE REPORT Agus Waryudi*, Achmad Fauzi Kamal** * Resident of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Orthopaedi Oncology, Dept. of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Background. Giant Cell Tumor (GCT) of bone is a benign neoplasm consisted of mononuclear stromal cells and characterized by multinucleated giant cells that exhibit osteoclastic activity. The tumor is typically appeared as an eccentric lytic lesion with a well-defined but non sclerotic margin which can extend near the articular surface. However, GCT may have aggressive features, including cortical expansion or destruction with a soft-tissue component. Fluid-fluid levels, consistent with secondary formation of Aneurysmal BoneCcysts, are seen in 14% of cases. GCT can mimic or be mimicked by other benign or malignant lesions at both radiologic evaluation and histologic analysis. Rarely, GCT is associated with histologically benign lung metastases or undergoes malignant degeneration.1,2 Case presentation. Patient, 46-year-old male who was admitted to our center with a lump at the right heel since 8 months ago. He was diagnosed with Giant Cell Tumor of the right calcaneus, Campanacci 3 with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst and was treated wide excision with bony reconstruction using femoral head allograft was performed. Intraoperatively we found the lesion was soft, reddish, and well-defined. Femoral head allograft was inserted at the calcaneal bone defect. Afterwards,achillestenodesis and tendon lengthening were performed and the wound was closed by using Sural Flap technique Discussion. Afterwards, post-operative radiograph was taken, and demonstrated that the graft was implanted very well. Five months after the surgery, patient still had little difficulties in using his foot for walking because of pain, but the appearance of clinical and radiological are very good. In conclusion, we presented a case of forty-six-year-old male patient with Giant Cell Tumor of the Right Calcaneus Campanacci 3. We performed wide excision and bony reconstruction using femoral head allograft, and we closed the wound using sural flap. It produced excellent outcome, both functionally and esthetically. Also from this case report, we suggested superficial sural island flap as a good treatment option for an exposed Achilles tendon. Keywords: Giant cell tumor, calcaneal tumor P41. APPLICATION OF PROXIMAL HUMERUS LOCKING PLATE AS AN ALTERNATIVE FIXED ANGLE FIXATOR ON A PEDIATRIC FEMORAL NECK FRACTURE DELBET IV. A CASE REPORT Doli Mauliate Sitompul *, Aryadi Kurniawan** * Resident of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Orthopaedi Pediatri, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Background. Pediatric femoral neck fracture is rare,only about 1% among all type of pediatric fracture and since this type of fracture mostly result in unsatisfying outcome, it is quiet chalenging to treat. The main problem of this type of fracture is the complexity of mechanical structures of the femoral neck, as well as the strength of the surrounding muscle and pattern of the vascularity, which need suitable device to deliver stable fixation. The availibility of fixation device suitable for this type of fracture in Indonesia is also limited. The objective of this study is to report the outcome of a pediatric femoral neck fracture Delbet type 4 which was fixed using proximal humerus locking plate and hip spica from clinical and radiological perspective. Case presentation. The patient is a 10 years old boy refered from Ambon, with multiple fracture due to motorvehicle accident, one of which was got right femoral neck fracture. We performed open reduction internal fixation using the proximal humeral locking plate supplemented with hip spica. Two holes on the first row were filled with cancelous screws poimting to femoral neck, acommpanied with 3 locking screws and one cancelous screw as lag screw on the second and third row. Assessment of the final outcome was made at the last follow-up visit using clinical and radiological parameters pre operatively, post operatively and at 1 month follow up. Discussion. Preoperative clinical evaluation there were no leg length discrepancy and external rotation, while radiologic evaluation show bone gap with anterosuperior displacement of the femur, disrupted shenton line and lose of neck-shaft angle. Postoperative, the leg length was the same and the external rotation were corrected. Radiologic evaluation also show that the fracture gap has reduced, shenton line without disruption and the neck-shaft angle approximatelly similar to contralateral femur (48o to 49 o). Follow up 1 month after operation show the same clinical result, and the the callus grow normally along the fracture site, Evaluation also performed after the the hip spica removal, the result remain as post operative result.Internal fixation on femoral neck fracture has been accepted worlwide as the best treatment for this type of fracture, but there is still no publication about the application of proximal humerus locking plate for ORIF of femoral neck fracture. Compare to other study worldwide, compare the application of pediatric hip screw, the result was similar Although there is no comparative data about the outcome, consideration about the post operative complication still need to be followed. The outcome of this report are promising but there are advantages and disadvantages of the treatment. The advantage such as the availability and sustainable material of implant, while there are also disadvantageous such as the high price of implant and the need of image intensifier during operation. Further study about the outcome and complication post operative also need tobe examined. Keywords: Pediatric femoral fracture, internal fixation, proximal humeral locking plate. P42. THE ONLY POSTERIOR APPROACH OF CORRECTION USING ROD AND SCREW CORRECTIVE MANIPULATION IN SEVERE ADULT IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS. A CASE REPORT Dyah Purnaning*, Rahyussalim**, Ifran Saleh** * Resident of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Orthopaedi Spine, Faculty of Medicine Indonesia University, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Background. Adult scoliosis is defined as a spinal deformity in a skeletally mature patient with a Cobb angle of more than 10o in the coronal plain. In the past, the treatment of severe idiopathic scoliosis with the main curve more than 80o Cobb was performed by an anterior release with an open thoracotomy. Posterior-only approach arthrodesis with all-pedicle screw instrumentation has correction rate similar to that was obtained by traditional combined anterior-posterior approach as well as avoids the complications related to the thoracic approach. Case presentation. We reported a case of 25 years old male Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis with double curve Cobb angle in main Thoracic 1500 and Lumbal 890. The patient underwent single step surgery (posterior approach surgery). Discussion. The study concluded that the patients treated with pedicle screw-only instrumentation presented similar results to those who underwent combined treatment, and avoided the negative effects on pulmonary function which the anterior release causes. The posterior only approach avoids complications associated with thoracic approach, and reduces the surgery time of the combined procedure as well as morbility and patient hospital recovery. After surgery the Cobb angle become 830 in main thoracic and 400in lumbal. The complaint after surgery was minimal, the patient already back to normal activity with good functional activity. There is no complaint at two months after surgery; he has already back to normal activity with good functional activity. Keywords: Adult idiopathic scoliosis, rod and screw corrective manipulation P43. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF INTRA-ARTICULAR PLASTIC FOREIGN BODY IN THE KNEE Andri M.T. Lubis * , Ivan Mac Theda * * * Consultant of Knee and Shoulder Division, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Hospital – Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia ** Resident of Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Hospital – Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia ABSTRACT Background. Injury into or near the joint is quite common these days. The knee joint is the most common lower-extremity joint injured. Chronic inflammation of the knee joint due to existence of intra-articular foreign bodies is rare. Several cases of foreign bodies in the knee joint have been reported. Many ways have been stated regarding the Background of these foreign bodies into the joints. Nevertheless, most commonly it is caused by trauma. Case presentation. We reported a case of 33-year old man who had a foreign body in his knee for 13 years. The patient only started to complain pain the last 2 months. We performed arthroscopic removal of the foreign body. Discussion. During the radiological examination, we suspected that the foreign body changed position and it caused the patient to experienced pain, swelling on the knee and “click” sensation, causing difficulty to walk. We performed arthroscopic removal of the foreign body.The foreign body extracted from the patient is found to be plastic. According to previous studies, plastic is an inert material that may not cause any sign of inflammation reactions. The patient started to had symptoms because of the positional changes of the foreign body. Keywords: foreign body, knee, plastic, arthroscopic removal P44. BONY RECONSTRUCTION AND SOFT TISSUE PROCEDURE IN OSTEOARTHRITS OF THE KNEE DUE TO LATE ACHONDROPLASIA. REVERSE PAGODA OSTEOTOMY AND LATERAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT FIXATION USING CLANCY METHOD Melitta Setyarani* Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo** * Resident of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia ** Consultant of Trauma and Reconstruction, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract Background. Varus knee is the most common deformity in achondroplasia. Deficient endochondral ossification, irregular development of the growth-plate cartilage, laxity of the lateral collateral ligament and a differential growth rate between the tibia and fibula render varum deformity of the tibia. Advanced medial wear in varus knees may produce a sagittal pagoda-shaped deformity, with the medial femoral condyle embedded in the worn medial tibial plateau. There are still debates in the correction procedure for varus deformity on osteoarthritis knee due to late achondroplasia. We would like to report a case of varus deformity in achondroplasia patient treated with reverse pagoda osteotomy and lateral collateral ligament fixation using Clancy method. Case presentation. We reported a female, 50 years old with osteoarthritis of the left knee KL IV and achondroplasia. The tibia is deformed in the reverse pagoda shape there was also laxity of the lateral collateral ligament found. We decided to perform reverse pagoda osteotomy and biceps muscle augmentation using Clancy method. Post operatively we observed the neurovascular complication, union rate, visual analogue scale (VAS), oxford knee score, lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) and the patient full bearing time.There was no neurovascular complication following the surgery. Mean VAS score was improved from 4 to 2. Oxford knee and LEFS score were also improved consecutively from 34 to 26 (23%) and 19 to 46 (33%). By measuring tibiofemoral and metaphysealdiaphyseal angle in serial X-ray, we found no loss of reduction until the patient achieved full weight bearing. Discussion. Although the short-term satisfactory results and long-term outcomes of osteotomy are still debated, from our observations, high tibial osteotomy is a promising alternative surgical procedure for a varus knee in achondroplasia. Beside its advantage as a less complicated procedure, osteotomy with internal fixation could maintain a good angular correction and improvement of clinical outcome. Thus, close-wedged high tibial osteotomy and Clancy method is a recommended bony and soft tissue procedure in achondroplasia patients with varus knee as it is cheap, relatively easy to perform, and can maintain a good anatomical correction and clinical outcome. Keywords: reverse pagoda tibia, wedge osteotomy, achondroplasia, lateral collateral ligament, Clancy method P45. BILATERAL INNOMINATE OSTEOTOMY TECHNIQUE IN BLADDER EXSTROPHY REPAIR. A RARE CASE REPORT Harry Jonathan*, Aryadi Kurniawan** *) Resident of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia **) Consultan of Pediatric Orthopaecic, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia Background. Classic bladder exstrophy is a developmental defect presenting at birth with a wide pubic separation and an exposed bladder. Several reconstruction procedures have been performed with various outcomes. Case presentation. We reported a rare case of 5.5 year old girl with classic neglected bladder exstrophy underwent a one-staged bladder repair, bilateral innominate osteotomy, symphysioplasty reconstruction and immobilization of the pelvic ring with external fixation. Bladder closure, continence, normal gait, and pelvic radiographs were observed preoperatively, postoperatively, and one month after surgery. Discussion. Post external fixation removal, complete healing of the osteotomy sites and reduction of the symphyseal diastasis were observed. Bladder closure was still maintained, continence was achieved and normal gait was obtained. Patient was able to walk, run, squat and jump. Bilateral innominate osteotomy is a promising technique and effective step of bladder exstrophy repair in older child, which primary goals are to reduce the tension in the closed bladder and promote continence by restoring the sling of pelvic floor muscles and improve abnormal gait. Keywords: bladder exstrophy, bilateral innominate osteotomy, symphysioplasty, external fixation P46. POST OPERATIVE EVALUATION FOR TREATMENT OF VOLKMANN ISCHEMIC CONTRACTURE WITH FREE FUNCTION MUSCLE TRANSFER Donny Permana*, Heri Suroto** * Resident of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Airlangga University, dr.Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya **Teaching staff of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department, Airlangga University, dr.Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya Background. The acute compartment syndrome of the forearm is rare and may therefore be easily missed. Although many clinicians will not see such a patient during their entire career, profound knowledge of the symptoms is required to recognize the syndrome in time. Besides immediate identification of the compartment syndrome early surgical treatment is mandatory to avoid its devastating consequences. Then the functional results can be good, but if the correct diagnosis is missed a Volkmann’s ischemic contracture will invariably develop. This paper aims to attend the reader to this diagnostic pitfall. A patients with a compartment syndrome of the forearm which have underwent Free Functional Muscle Transfer 12 months ago are described to illustrate both ends of this diagnostic challenge. Pathophysiological, anatomical and clinical aspects, classification and therapeutic modalities are reviewed. Case presentation. Report the patient with volkmann ischemic contracture which have underwent Free Function Muscle Transfer procedure 12 months ago. Discussion. Patient has increased his range of movement.The Free function muscle transfer procedure can rise the percentage of using the patient's forearm functionally. Keywords: Volkmann Ischemic contracture, Free Function Muscle Transfer