AP Rhetoric Long Form Analysis for AP Rhetoric – spring semester

AP Rhetoric
Long Form Analysis for AP Rhetoric – spring semester 2013
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 Review the following areas of rhetorical and literary analysis.
 Divide the work according to the dynamics of your partnership
 You are to complete areas 1 to 12 and choose one from the “optional response” selections
 Length will vary from area to area, but a good starting point would be 350 words for each area. You are NOT
limited to 350 words, however, be certain you can cover everything you need to cover before you consider writing
LESS than 350 words.
Due date: Review IR overview handout – no late work, no exceptions. If you are not here, your work should be – otherwise
you are compromising you and your partner’s grade.
FORM, STURCTURE, AND PLOT: How is the novel/work organized? Length? Chapters? Discuss such techniques as
flashbacks or dream sequences, stream of consciousness, chronological order of events, foreshadowing, parallel events,
multiple, complex or simple plot. How much time is covered? Compare and contrast beginning and ending.
POINT OF VIEW (NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE): Is the novel/work/work written in first ("I), second ("you") or third
('he/she") person point of view? Is it written in present or past tense? If in the first person, is he/she the protagonist or
an observer? If in third person, is he/she omniscient (knowing everything), limited omniscient (knowing one character
most often), or objective (no subjective commentary by the narrator)? Are there any shifts in point of view during the
novel/work? (Shifts might come from the changed view(s) of the narrator or from different narrators) What effect does
the author achieve with the point of view and what seems to be his/her purpose?
CHARACTER: General comments: Flat/round? Static/dynamic? Believable (whether fictional or not)? How are they
revealed? How complex? How many? Protagonist/antagonist? Role of minor characters? Describe 4-6 central
characters: name, age, three descriptive adjectives, appearance, personality, function in the novel/work, a key quote
that reveals the character with an explanation of what that quote reveals.
SYNTAX: (Word order, pattern) Analysis of sentence and phrase patterns.
 Make some general observations: Are the sentences predominately simple or complex. What about length?
Level of formality? Any fragments? Rhetorical questions? Parallel structure? Repetitions? Are sentences loose,
periodic? Is there much variety to the sentence pattern? How does the author use syntax to create rhythm and
flow of the language? How does the author use syntax to enhance effect and support meaning?
 Using one of the same passages from the diction section above, focus on the author’s syntax. What effect is
he/she creating? Comment on how these choices help define character, set tone, further theme, etc.
DICTION: Analyze the author’s word choices. Select three passages (minimum approximately one-half page each)
featuring three different plot segments. A plot segment is a section within the work that where essential action or
revelation occurs.
Because each group is reading a different work, please copy your chosen passages and include them in your written
analysis. Sorry, no, this is NOT included in your 350 words (remember! baseline recommendation!)
Closely (closely!) read the passages, and then discuss the diction. Areas A-D below are provided for your consideration;
not all areas below need to be addressed in your essay.
a. First discuss the work in general: is the language formal, informal, vernacular…? Explain and give an example from
the text. You can cite the passages you have already copied into your analysis, or choose another section to
demonstrate and support your point.
b. Does the author use much imagery? Metaphoric and / or ironic devices? Is the language plain? Flowery? Concise?
Strong? Lyrical? Use your chosen passages.
c. Does diction indicate social status, education, or region? How much dialogue is used? How different is the dialogue
from the narrative voice? How distinct is the dialogue from character to character? Use your chosen passages.
d. Comment on how diction helps define character, set tone, further theme, etc. Use your chosen passages.
Created by Chris Baldwin PHHS
Adapted by H. Leigh Francisco SRHS
CONCRETE DETAIL/IMAGERY: Words or phrases that appeal to the five senses – most commonly visual. Look for
recurrent images. What function does the imagery seem to have? Use direct quotations from text to support
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Language is not literal. Metaphorical devices link meaning: most common devices include:
METAPHOR, SIMILE, PERSONIFICATION AND ALLUSION. Point out examples (direct quotes) and discuss how they are
used and how often. ALL WRITERS use figurative language. Even writers of non-fiction. It is your task, your burden to
uncover the figurative language.
IRONIC DEVICES: Irony adds extra dimensions to meaning and sets up special understanding between reader and
EUPHEMISM, HYPERBOLE, or UNDERSTATEMENT. Point out examples and discuss how they are used and how often
and why (purpose and intent).
TONE: Author’s attitude toward subject, characters and reader. (Not MOOD – discuss mood with setting.) Could be
playful, serious, angry, ironic, formal, somber, satiric, etc. Generally an author uses a limited variety of tones, often two
or three complementary ones. Discuss the book’s tone and observe how the author creates it through plot, diction,
syntax, imagery, and figurative devices. Use direct quotations, and key words in context, directly from text to support
10. THEME: The theme refers to the book’s controlling idea or central insight. Identify the book’s central theme. Identify
any prominent secondary themes. Express as statement and predicate, not as a word or phrase (i.e. Wrong: "loyalty" or
"loyalty to country"; Right: Loyalty to country often inspires heroic self-sacrifice”) Include any motifs you can identify,
as they contribute to how the author conveys his or her theme. (Motifs: dominant ideas in a work of literature, a part of
a major theme. It may consist of a character, a recurrent image or a verbal pattern.) Discuss author’s
11. MEMORABLE QUOTES: Choose five to eight quotes from the novel/work that capture the essence of plot, character or
style. Discuss their significance to the work. These must be KEY moments and significant to the overall importance of
the work. Choose carefully. They should not all come from your diction or syntax sections.
12. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Did you and your partner enjoy the novel/work? Strength, weaknesses, lingering
questions? Does it relate to other books you have read? Any insights into human folly or triumph? Discuss you and your
partner’s reactions to the novel/work. Include any conflict or disputed points between the partners. The comments you
provide, while light in voice, should still be formal and appropriate. This is the part where you prove you actually
discussed the book.
13. Choose one:
Optional response: THE AUTHOR AND HIS OR HER TIMES: Born/Died: biographical information important to the
understanding of the novel/work; important community, national and world events that influenced the author and the
novel/work; other artistic or literary influences; critical responses and literary standing during lifetime and
Optional response: RESEARCH/LITERARY CRITICISM: Read at least two critiques or literary reviews. Be sure these
come from substantial, reputable sources such as a New York Times review or academic sources and not Cliff’s Notes
or Sparknotes or just some guy on the Internet who thinks he knows what he is talking about. Read and digest the
information and write a short summary of what you gained from the reading. Please note that you are summarizing
your reaction to the article not the article itself.
Optional response: SETTING: Where and when does the novel/work occur? How is the environment described? Any
symbolic meanings in the settings? How does the author use the setting? What atmosphere/mood is created by the
setting? How important is setting to the novel/work?
Optional response: SYMBOLISM: When an image is used to suggest another meaning it becomes a symbol (i.e., dove
for peace, red for passion). Is the novel/work highly symbolic? Allegorical? Point out images used as symbols. What
function does symbolism seem to serve in the novel/work? Use direct quotations from the text to support your
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Attach a bibliography of any outside sources you use. One person should compile your work to ensure accuracy
and common formatting; however, both parties are responsible for correct citations and providing ALL the information for the
Works Cited page. You and your partner are responsible for editing one another.
Created by Chris Baldwin PHHS
Adapted by H. Leigh Francisco SRHS