Project Status Report June 2009

Project Status Report
June 2009
Engineering Department………………………………………………….pg. 2-6
(512) 990-6340
Planning/Building Departments………………………………………….pg. 7-12
(512) 990-6300 / (512) 990-6320
Streets/Fleet Department…………………………………………………pg. 13-14
(512) 990-4388 / (512) 990-4390
Wastewater Department………………………………………………….pg. 15-16
(512) 251-9935
Water Department……………………………………………………… 17
(512) 251-9935
Parks & Recreation Department……………………………………… 18-20
(512) 251-5082
Police Department……………………………………………………… 21
(512) 251-4004
Municipal Court...……………………………………………………… 22-23
(512) 251-4191
Library…………………………………………………………………….pg. 24-25
(512) 251-9185
Human Resources……………………………………………………… 26
(512) 990-6100
Finance Department…………………………………………………… 27-28
(512) 990-6100
City Secretary’s Office………………………………………………… 29
(512) 990-6101
Public Information……………………………………………………….pg. 30-31
(512) 990-6101
 = Completed Project (will be removed from next report)
Shaded Text = Update to Project / New Project
Table of Contents
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
West Pflugerville Parkway Improvements
Scope of Work: Street and drainage improvements along the existing Pflugerville Pkwy and
Victoria Station Boulevard. Connect the existing Pflugerville Pkwy at Great Basin and connect
Victoria Station Boulevard to the existing Greenlawn Boulevard in Round Rock. The new
roadway will be a 4-lane urban section, with a sidewalk on the south side and a hike and bike trail
on the north side. This project also includes a traffic signal at Grand Ave./AW Grimes and
Pflugerville Pkwy. The Heatherwilde/Pflugerville Pkwy intersection will also be realigned and
have new traffic signal improvements constructed.
Status: JC Evans Construction has started paving the permanent travel lanes from Greenlawn
Blvd. to Grand Ave. Pkwy. Storm sewer installation from Great Basin Ave. to Grand Ave. Pkwy
is on-going. The Great Basin Ave. intersection is shut-down to complete the storm sewer
installation and pave that intersection. The lime stabilization process is on-going from Great
Basin Ave. to Heatherwilde Blvd., first course of paving will begin in July.
FUNDING SOURCE: CAMPO, 2007 Certificates of Obligation, 2009 Certificates of Obligation
Current Project Amount: $11,845,271.68 (including change order no. 1 and no. 2)
Change Order No. 1: $5,315.56
Change Order No. 2: $1,398,819.61
Contract was awarded to JC Evans Construction on October 14th.
Revised Projected Completion Date: December 24, 2010
Consultant: HDR Engineering, Gary Gemar, P.E.
Heatherwilde Blvd. Street Lights
Scope of Work: Install street lights from Pfennig Lane to Pflugerville Pkwy.
Status: Conduit installation and the street light bases are complete.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2009 Certificates of Obligation
Current Project Estimate: $175,000 – funds included in change order #2 shown on the West
Pflugerville Parkway Improvements item.
Consultant: HDR Engineering, Gary Gemar, P.E.
Projected Completion Date: Fall 2010
Schultz Lane Re-Route to AW Grimes Blvd. (tied to the Pflugerville Pkwy West Project)
Scope of Work: Re-route the existing Schultz Lane section that ties into Pflugerville Pkwy. to
AW Grimes. *Project must be completed before Pflugerville Pkwy. West can open to traffic.
TxDOT will not allow Schultz to tie-in to the Pkwy.*
Status: Construction started on Schultz Lane in mid-March.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2007 Certificates of Obligation
Engineering Department – June 09
Current Project Estimate: $775,000 – funds included in change order #2 shown on the West
Pflugerville Parkway Improvements item.
Projected Completion Date: December 24, 2010
Consultant: HDR Engineering, Gary Gemar, P.E.
Pflugerville Parkway East (formerly Pfluger Lane) Widening
Scope of Work: Widen Pflugerville Pkwy. East from FM 685 to the western edge of the SH 130
right-of-way. A bridge will be constructed over the existing creek.
Status: ROW acquisition and funding for construction are part of the 2009 CO’s. The surveyor
has completed the field notes and sketches for the right-of-way and easements. Appraisals for the
right-of-way and easements started in June and will take approximately 30 to 45 days to
complete. An initial meeting regarding right-of-way occurred between City staff and the
landowner’s realtor in June. The Town Center development deeded the section of right-of-way
from that development to the City.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2009 Certificates of Obligation
Current Project Estimate: $2,500,000
Consultant: Claunch and Miller, Luis Cuellar
Projected Completion Date: Pending per above (funding source).
Heatherwilde Blvd. North Widening
Scope of Work: Widen Heatherwilde Blvd. to 4-lanes divided from Wilke Ridge Lane to
Kingston Lacy Blvd. The section from Kingston Lacy to SH 45 will be done by Transwestern.
Status: Halff’s contract (Kingston Lacy to Wilke Ridge Lane) was approved at the April 28th
Council meeting. Surveying started in late May. Pape-Dawson is coordinating the utility
relocations from SH 45 to Kingston Lacy. ROW acquisition has started on this section. One
closing will be scheduled for mid-July for right-of-way and easements along this route.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2007 Certificates of Obligation, 2009 Certificates of Obligation, PCDC is
funding the design for the section Pape-Dawson is completing.
Current Project Estimate: $600,000 for design and $2,000,000 for construction from the FY09
Certificates of Obligation
Consultant: Pape-Dawson (SH 45 to Kingston Lacy Blvd.), negotiations are underway with
Halff and Associates for the design of the section from Kingston Lacy to Wilke Ridge Lane
Projected Completion Date: SH 45 to Kingston Lacy Blvd.- 2010, Kingston Lacy to Wilke
Ridge Lane- 2011
Kelly Lane Widening Phase I
Scope of Work: Widen Kelly Lane to 4-lanes divided from Murchison Ridge to Villamoura
(Phase I).
Status: 90% plans have been reviewed by City staff. Utilities are being contacted; numerous
utilities are in conflict with the road widening. Metes and bounds and sketches for proposed
right-of-way and easements are ready to go. Appraisals for the right-of-way and easements
started in June and will take approximately 60 days. An archeological survey has been
FUNDING SOURCE: 2009 Certificates of Obligation
Engineering Department – June 09
Current Project Estimate: $5,400,000 (Phase I).
Consultant: Kasberg Patrick and Associates, John Simcik, P.E.
Projected Completion Date: 2011
Pecan Street East Widening
Scope of Work: Widen Pecan Street East to a 4-lane urban section from FM 685/Dessau Rd. to
Pfennig Lane. Per an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Travis County, from Pfennig
Lane to SH 130 Pecan St. East will be widened to a 6-lane urban section. This project also
includes traffic signal improvements at Immanuel Rd. and Pecan St. East.
Status: Paving is complete and striping will be done in mid-July. The project will be
substantially complete at the end of July.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2005 Certificates of Obligation, 2007 Certificates of Obligation
Current Project Amount: $7,333,159.47 (both City and County portions)
Consultant: Griffin Engineering, Greg Griffin, P.E. and Halff and Assoc., Ryan Lewis, P.E.
Traffic Signal Improvements: Klotz and Associates, Scott Dukette, P.E.
Travis County’s Project Manager: Roger Schuck, P.E.
Contractor: RGM Construction, Project Manager, Matthew Gold
Notice to Proceed Date: February 11, 2008
Projected Completion Date: July 2009
Wilbarger Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Engineering and Permitting
Scope of Work: Hire an engineering design firm to complete the preliminary engineering and
permitting for the Wilbarger WWTP.
Status: The permit application was submitted to TCEQ on April 1st. Permitting coordination is
on-going with TCEQ. Surveying is underway on-site. Monthly update meetings are being held
with Engineering, Utilities staff and the design consultants.
FUNDING SOURCE: Utility Fund Balance
COST ESTIMATE: $772,000 Preliminary Engineering and Permitting Services.
Pfennig Booster Pumps
Scope of Work: Install a booster pump station near the Pfennig/Black Locust pressure reducing
valve to bring Lake Pflugerville treated water to the west pressure plane.
Status: After the electric installation is complete, the site work including landscaping will be
installed. The construction work to get power to the site started in May. A large bore of Pfennig
Lane will be required to complete the electrical installation. Oncor will start their work on-site
the week of July 20th and will need approximately 10 days to get the construction work complete
and energized. A generator has been placed on-site as of early July to pump 1 MGD a day until
the site is energized in early August.
FUNDING SOURCE: Utility Fund Balance
Construction Contract Amount: $2,359,560.00
Contractor: Central Road and Utility of Pflugerville, TX
Consultant: HDR Engineering, Shaun Beroset P.E.
Projected Completion Date: Early August
Engineering Department – June 09
Wilbarger Creek Regional Detention
Scope of Work: Construct a regional detention pond north of Pflugerville Parkway and west of
FM 685 on the Timmermann property.
Status: 50% plans should be submitted to City Staff for review in late summer 2009.
FUNDING SOURCE: Regional Detention Escrow / 2007 Certificates of Obligation
Projected Completion Date: May 7, 2011
Railroad Avenue Drainage Improvements
Scope of Work: Construct drainage improvements along Railroad Ave. by Gilleland Creek.
Status: City staff reviewed and issued comments on the plans. Subsurface Utility Engineering
has been completed by a consultant to identify the locations of the AT&T fiber lines in the
MOKAN right-of-way. One fiber optic line is in conflict with the proposed drainage
improvements. City staff and the design consultant are coordinating with AT&T for the
relocation of the fiber line. Tree removal is also required to facilitate these improvements.
FUNDING SOURCE: 2007 Certificates of Obligation
Current Project Estimate: $200,000.00
Consultant: KPA Engineers
Projected Completion Date: Spring 2009
SH130 Wastewater Interceptor
Scope of Work: Construct a wastewater interceptor from FM 685 to the future Wilbarger
Treatment Plant Site.
Status: 15 SOQ’s were submitted to City staff on June 19th. The SOQ’s are currently being
reviewed by a City staff committee.
FUNDING SOURCE: Future bond issuance
Current Project Estimate: To be determined.
Projected Completion Date: To be determined.
Immanuel Road and Oxford Drive Intersection Improvements
Scope of Work: Reconstruct intersection to urban standards with curb and gutter. Re-grade
intersection to alleviate standing water. Install sidewalks and accessibility ramps to
accommodate school pedestrians.
Status: Surveying is complete and right-of-way will need to be purchased from PISD. The
design engineer has completed a preliminary design for these improvements. City staff met with
PISD in July about a different issue and was given the appropriate contact persons at PISD for
this land acquisition and project.
Current Project Estimate: $300,000
Consultant: To be determined.
Projected Completion Date: To be determined.
Engineering Department – June 09
Gilleland Creek TMDL
Scope of Work: Improve water quality of Gilleland Creek.
Status: The EPA and TCEQ have deemed a bacterial impairment on Gilleland Creek. This
impairment means that bacteria levels in Gilleland Creek exceed the standard threshold as set by
the Federal and State governments. To date, TCEQ has adopted a report characterizing the water
quality levels of Gilleland Creek. This report has determined that there needs to be a 90%
reduction in bacteria levels of Gilleland Creek in order to meet Federal and State thresholds. This
report also has determined the primary source of the bacteria levels is the first ½-inch of rainfall
during a storm (‘first flush’). At this time stakeholders, municipalities, and interested parties are
developing an implementation plan to improve the water quality of Gilleland Creek. TCEQ is
working to adopt this impairment plan by the spring of 2008. Following its adoption, the EPA
will determine if Federal restrictions will be placed on Gilleland Creek.
Projected Completion Date: N/A
Heatherwilde Blvd. and Wells Branch Parkway Extensions
Scope of Work: Extend Heatherwilde Blvd. from Wells Branch Parkway to Howard Lane.
Extend Wells Branch Parkway from Tudor House Road to Heatherwilde Blvd. Widen Wells
Branch Parkway to 4-lanes divided from Heatherwilde Blvd. to FM 1825 (City of Austin project).
Status: Cash Construction has started on Wells Branch Parkway and Heatherwilde Boulevard.
The project is on schedule and due to be completed July 2009. The City of Austin bid their
section from Heatherwilde Blvd. to I-35 in January 2009 and Chasco Constructors was the lowbidder. Construction started in June.
Projected Completion Date for Extensions: July 2009
Projected Completion Date for Widening: mid-2010
Gattis School Road Improvements
Scope of Work: Widen Gattis School Road from Red Bud Lane (Heatherwilde Blvd.) to Priem
Status: Construction has started on this project by Travis County’s contractor.
Projected Completion Date: Early 2011
Engineering Department – June 09
June 2009
For the Following, Direct Questions & Comments to:
Commercial Building Permits:
Dollar Tree, 18700 Limestone Commercial Drive, (tenant finishout)
First United Methodist Church Education Building, 500 E. Pecan Street
Whataburger, 18601 Limestone Commercial Drive
Walgreen’s, 1509 Wells Branch Parkway
Quizno’s, (tenant finishout) 1512 Town Center Drive, Stone Hill Town Center
 2604 W. Pecan Street, Suite C, (finishout w/out tenant)
 McDonalds, 1517 FM 685
 Edward Jones/Financial Pfluger Crossing, Bldg B (tenant finishout)
 Tree House Kids, 16051 Dessau Road, (tenant finishout),
 Pecan Street Mixed Use Development
 Ashford Montessori School, 20333 Speidel Drive
 Mixed Use/Storage Facility, 1602 W. Pecan Street
 Firestone, 19005 Limestone Commercial Drive
 Tree House Kids, 16051 Dessau Road, Dessau Center (tenant finishout)
 Pflugerville High School Band Hall Addition, 1301 W. Pecan Street
 Walgreen’s, 1821 FM 685
 Dr. John Callia, Dentist, (tenant finishout), 2911 A.W.Grimes, Bldg 1
 Pumpco Concrete Pumping Facility, 1821 Central Commerce Court
 Office/Warehouse shell buildings (2), 1800 Central Commerce Court
 Tree of Life Church Addition, 16108 Yellow Sage
 Retail Pad 3A, 18700 Limestone Commercial, (attached to Super Target)
 Car-X Automotive Repair, 1009 F.M. 685
 Office/Warehouse, Phase 1, 1011 Heatherwilde Blvd. (Wells Point 1)
 Pflugerville Nursing & Rehab Center, Rex Kerwin Court
 Retail Shell Building, 16051 Dessau Road
 Retail Shell, Pad 11, 1512 Town Center Dr., (attached to SuperTarget)
 Office/retail shell, 15806 Windermere
 Central Texas Animal Hospital (expansion & renovation), W. Pecan Street
 Approved Money, 2604 W. Pecan Street, Suite A, (tenant finishout)
 Fitness 19, 16051 Dessau Road, Dessau Center, (tenant finishout)
 Petco, 19000 Limestone Commercial Dr., #400, (tenant finishout)
Completed Project (will be removed from next update)
Under construction / Active subdivision
Current Project in Review
New Submittal
Updates appear with shaded text
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
For the Following, Direct Questions & Comments to:
Site Development Permits:
 Gattis Crossing, Lot 7, a proposed 25,384 sq. ft. retail/restaurant shopping center in the
Gattis Crossing Subdivision, SW/Corner of CR 138 and FM 685/Toll 130.
 Avalon Amenity Center within the proposed Avalon, Phase 9A Subdivision.
 McDonalds – generally located along FM 685 on Lot 2 within Town Center, north of the
extension of the proposed Pfennig Lane.
 Office Depot – generally located within Stone Hill Town Center.
 Austin Foam Plastics – Expansion of the light industrial building in the northeast portion
of the City along AW Grimes and Schultz Lane.
 Whataburger – generally located within Stone Hill Town Center.
 Firestone – generally located within Stone Hill Town Center.
 First United Methodist Church Education Building – general proposed on the Gin Tract
in the Central Business District.
 CVS Pharmacy – Cornerstone at Kelly Lane, generally located along Kelly Lane and the
proposed Colorado Sand Drive within the Cornerstone development.
 Austin Telco Federal Credit Union – generally located within Stone Hill Town Center.
* Site Plans which have been issued a Site Development Permit are reflected with a check mark. Site Plans currently
under review are reflected with one diamond.
Commercial Subdivisions:
Cornerstone at Kelly Lane, Phase 2, (2 lots/4.5 acres), South side of Kelly Lane, East of
SH 130. – Final Plat
 Heatherwilde Mixed Use Development, (5 lots/22.476 acres), East side of Heatherwilde
Blvd, North of Pecan St. – Preliminary Plan
 Romans 8:28, (Short-Form Final Plat/11.55 acres), North of Smith Avenue and Robbins
 Amending Plat of Lots 2, 3, and Portion of 4, Block A, of the Resubdivision of Lot One,
Block “G”, North Park Section Five-A, (2 lots/2.2 acres), South side of Grand Ave. Pkwy
– Amending Plat
Light Industrial Subdivisions:
 Pflugerville Industrial Park, Resubdivision of Lot 2 (15 lots/10.459 acres), East of Weiss
Lane, Southeast of Kelly Lane. – Revised Preliminary Plan
Residential Subdivisions:
 Spring Trails Revised Preliminary Plan (20 revised lots), SE/Corner of New Meister Ln.
and Schultz Ln. intersection – Revised Preliminary Plan
 Spring Trails Phase 1-B Amended Plat (128 residential lots/88.344 acres), SE/Corner of
New Meister Ln. and Schultz Ln. intersection – Amended Plat (Administrative)
 Penley Park Subdivision (169 single-family residential lots/ 46.34 acres), South of Gattis
School Road between Heatherwilde Blvd. and Toll 130, east of the Greenridge residential
subdivision – Final Plat
Subdivisions in the ETJ:
 Avalon Ph. 7A, (25 lots/16.41 acres), West of Jakes Hill Road, North of Kelly Lane –
Final Plat
 Avalon Phase 9A (16 single-family lots/3.3 acres, Amenity Lot, total acreage 13.93
Acres), North of Kelly Lane and West of Jake’s Hill Road – Final Plat
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
 Melber Creek Sec 1 A (16 single-family lots/20.47 acres), North of Cele Road and West
of Melber Lane – Preliminary Plan
 Wildflower North (1068 single-family lots/193 acres, 3 commercial lots), North of Jesse
Bohls Road and East of Weiss Lane. – Conceptual Plan
 Park at Blackhawk IV, Phase 6 (98 single-family lots/28.315 acres), North of Speidel Dr.
and West of Hodde Lane – Final Plat
* Subdivisions reflect approved Preliminary Plans and Final Plats since July 10, 2007, City
Council meeting.
 Lots 1 & 2 Pflugerville Industrial Park (LI), located along the east side of Weiss Ln,
south of Kelly Ln.
 2008 Annexation Area Proactive Rezoning (RS1, RT1, O2), consists of an area generally
located east of Grand Ave. Pkwy, north of Edgemere Dr., west of Heatherwilde Blvd.,
south of Black Locust Dr.
 Bellaire ALUR Rezoning from Agriculture/Conservation (A) to Alternative Land Use
Regulation (ALUR), for approximately 146.76 acres, located at the northwest corner of
Melber Lane and Cele Road.
 Pecan Street Plaza ALUR (Pacana) Rezoning from Agriculture/Conservation (A) to
Alternative Land Use Regulation (ALUR), for approximately 37.96 acres, located on the
south side of Pecan Street, and west of Heatherwilde Boulevard.
Text Amendments:
 Text amendment to add multi-family design standards for urban and suburban form.
 Text amendment to add single family detached design standards.
 Text amendment to revise residential uses and general regulations as they relate to multifamily design standards.
 Zoning amendment to combine the zoning ordinance and subdivision code into a unified
development code.
 Text Amendment to add Old Downtown zoning districts and updates to the Central
Business District Overlay.
Miscellaneous Projects
ETJ Expansion – Third Phase
Scope: Continue to expand the ETJ limits of the City to encompass the Pflugerville ISD service
area, as well as the FM 973 corridor outside of the current ETJ boundaries.
Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Director of Development Services
Project Completion Date: To be determined.
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
Park land fee evaluation
Scope: The park land dedication fee is required by ordinance to be reviewed annually with a
recommendation presented to the Council for consideration.
Project Manager: Trey Fletcher, Director of Development Services
Projected Completion Date: Early 2009
Status: On hold, but staff in Planning and Parks are developing a proposal for consideration.
2009 Annexation Plan Implementation
Scope: This 3-year annexation plan area includes the Windermere, Windermere Terrace,
Picadilly Ridge, Watson Park, and Hillside Springs subdivisions.
Project Manager: Autumn Speer, Planning Director (
Projected Completion Date: End of 2009
Status: An Annexation Negotiation Committee, appointed by the Travis County Commission,
has completed its work with City Staff. The Annexation Negotiation Committee, made up of 5
residents within the annexation area, has assisted with the completion of final draft of the service
plan for the area. The service plan has been posted on the City’s website.
2010 Annexation Plan Development
Scope: Identify areas for consideration in a 2010 Annexation Plan.
Project Manager: Autumn Speer, Planning Director (
Projected Completion Date: End of 2010
Status: As required by State statute, the Travis County Commissioners Court appointed a fivemember negotiation committee consisting of residents / property owners in the annexation area.
The service plan negotiation process started February 5, 2009, and was completed March 31,
Resolution of HB 1445 requirements
Scope: This project involves finalizing the establishment of single-office review procedures and
requirements for subdivision review that occurs in the Pflugerville ETJ within Travis County.
Upon completion, action by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, as well as
the Travis County Commissioner’s Court, will be required.
Project Manager: Autumn Speer, Planning Director (
Projected Completion Date: None has been established.
Status: Staff is meeting with Anna Bowlin regularly to work through procedural issues, as well
as the development of mutually agreeable platting and construction standards.
CAMPO initiatives (Regional Arterial Study Group)
Scope: The 2035 plan update must be approved no later than June 2010. The arterial study will
provide basic input to the plan on candidate arterial projects. The 2035 Plan must be financially
constrained and staff will be working with CAMPO and other jurisdictions to assign priority to
the projects identified through the Arterial Study.
Project Manager: Trey Fletcher (
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
Projected Completion Date: 2008-09
Status: In March, staff submitted its review comments of the draft Regional Arterial Streets
Guidebook. CAMPO staff will incorporate changes into the guidebook, and will meet with
TxDOT design staff on compatibility with STP-MM requirements, and will work toward
finalizing the guidebook for presentation to the CAMPO Board and distribution to the
jurisdictions. Staff has also submitted review comments to CAMPO on the arterials network map
and data. CAMPO has sent the updated draft to staff for review.
Gilleland Creek TMDL
Scope of Work: Improve water quality of Gilleland Creek.
Project Manager: Joe Carpenter, City Engineer, Jeremy Frazzell, Planner II
Status: The EPA and TCEQ have deemed a bacterial impairment on Gilleland Creek. This
impairment means that bacteria levels in Gilleland Creek exceed the standard threshold as set by
the Federal and State governments. To date, TCEQ has adopted a report characterizing the water
quality levels of Gilleland Creek. This report has determined that there needs to be a 90%
reduction in bacteria levels of Gilleland Creek in order to meet Federal and State thresholds. This
report also has determined the primary source of the bacteria levels is the first ½-inch of rainfall
during a storm (‘first flush’). At this time - stakeholders, municipalities, and interested parties are
developing an implementation plan to improve the water quality of Gilleland Creek. TCEQ is
working to adopt this impairment plan by the spring of 08. Following its adoption, the EPA will
determine if Federal restrictions will be placed on Gilleland Creek.
Planning staff continues to participate in the Planning and Ordinances workgroup which consists
of staff from City of Pflugerville, LCRA, TCEQ, City of Austin, and Travis County.
Projected Completion Date: N/A
Multi-Family Design Standards
Scope: Develop multi-family design standards with the input from the Multi-family Advisory
Committee and public comment.
Project Manager: Autumn Speer, Planning Director (
Projected Completion Date: Early 2009
Status: The Pflugerville Council of Neighborhood Associations (PfCONA) hosted a kick-off
meeting of the committee on October 13th. City staff gave a brief presentation and carried out a
SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) exercise with the members of the committee and
other audience participants regarding multi-family residential dwelling units and single family
attached units, such as townhomes. On November 12, the steering committee met with staff and
reviewed a Visual Preference Survey (VPS) to determine direction for future design standard
options. On January 28, 2009, staff presented VPS findings and policy options and on March 3,
presented a draft ordinance for discussion. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a work
session discussion on April 6, 2009. City Council held a work session on April 28, 2009. The
item is scheduled for public hearing in July.
Comprehensive Plan Update
Scope: The City of Pflugerville is requesting proposals from qualified planning firms to complete
an update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the principal guide for
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
use in the daily planning decisions regarding growth, development, and regulation of current and
future development within the city limits of the City and its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
Project Manager: Autumn Speer, Planning Director (
Projected Completion Date: March 2010
Status: Ongoing.
Development Services: Planning / Building Inspections - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Curb Scraping and Crack Sealing Project
Scope: Remove weeds in curb line. Crack seal after weed removal to deter re-growth and to keep
water from cracks. In place of herbicide, we have begun using a weed burner, then crack sealing.
This saves the cost of expensive herbicide and reduces the amount of herbicide in our storm
drains and creeks.
Status: 35% completed.
Projected Job Completion: Late 2009
 Recycle Center
Scope: Build road and install signs for the Recycle Center.
Status: Complete.
Projected Job Completion: 6/30/2009
Sidewalk Repairs
Scope: Look into the possibility of getting contractor to pump foam under sidewalks to level.
This is much less expensive than full replacement and less invasive. Pumping foam is also better
than pumping slurry, slurry can damage water lines that run sidewalks.
Status: Started process in Blackhawk.
Projected Job Completion: Late 2010
Streets/Fleet Department - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Build Awning at Gatlinburg
Scope: Build awning at Gatlinburg facility for new bus and equipment.
Status: In progress.
Projected Job Completion: 9/1/09
P.I.S.D New Cars
Scope: Get vehicles ready for patrol.
Status: In progress. Waiting on parts.
Projected Job Completion: 9/30/09
Streets/Fleet Department - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Reduction of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in Wastewater Effluent
Scope: Use public education and incentives to help reduce total dissolved solids (TDS) by getting
the public to reduce the usage of water softener salts.
Status: Public education began in March 2007
March – July 2007: Public information was distributed (video on Ch. 10 and City website, door
hangers, booth at D-Pfest, article in Community Impact, story on KEYE 42)
October 2007 – Water Softener Rebate Program started.
FY 2008 – 55 water softeners inspected.
FY 2009 to date – 57 water softeners inspected.
Educational projects in the near future include, but are not limited to: additional videos and
neighborhood specific door hangers.
Projected Completion Date: 9/30/2009
Compost Project
Scope: Compost wastewater treatment plant biosolids and make finished compost available to the
Status: Both compost pads are being utilized for composting.
Compost is available in large enough amounts to supply to the public; we will educate the public
to its availability when we have a distribution location.
January 2008 – We are currently composting on both pads. We are using all of the woodchips
provided by our chipping crew and hauling wood chips from the street department’s yard to keep
up with demand.
January 2008 – We have provided compost to the City of Pflugerville Parks and Rec. Department
to top soccer fields and for tree planting at the City’s parks. We have provided compost to Travis
County Northeast Metropolitan Park to top their athletic fields.
February 2008 – We provided compost and woodchips for a tree planting project.
March 2008 – We are working with Glenn Holzer, Parks and Rec. Director, to find a location in
town to make compost available to the public. As soon a location is selected we will make
compost available.
FY 2008 – Distributed 146 yards of compost, 45 yards of woodchip/compost mix and 47.5 yards
of woodchips.
October 2008 – The five acre site outside of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant has been
selected to be the compost distribution center as well as a recycling center and community
January 2009 – We have broken ground for the Recycling Center and Community Garden.
March 21, 2009 – Community Garden Grand Opening
FY 2009 to date – Distributed 368.5 yards of compost, 24 yards of woodchip/compost mix and
93.5 yards of woodchips.
Wastewater Department – June 09
Projected Completion Date: June 2009
TMDL Project
Scope: Work with TCEQ, LCRA and City of Austin to locate sources of bacteria loading of
Gilleland Creek, find ways to improve upon stream quality, continue monitoring stream quality
and find ways to improve upon storm runoff.
Status: Gilleland Creek Bacteria TMDL Implementation Plan has been approved by TCEQ and
is awaiting approval by EPA.
July 11, 2008 - Gilleland Creek TMDL Joint Stormwater and Ordinance-Planning Workgroups
July 29, 2008 – Gilleland Creek TMDL Stakeholders Meeting.
July 2008 – Collected two sets of stream water quality data.
August 2008 – Compiling data collected and evaluating project.
September 2008 – Project memo being drafted by Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.
October 2008 – Attend TMDL meetings and workshop.
January 2009 – Working with LCRA to provide information for TMDL
February 26, 2009 - Gilleland Creek TMDL Technical Subcommittee Workgroup Meeting
Projected Completion Date: None
SSOP Project
Scope: Write a Sanitary Sewer Overflow Prevention Plan and have it accepted by TCEQ.
Status: Rough draft in the conceptual stage. Preliminary rough draft has been completed and is
being reviewed at this time.
July 2008 – Preliminary rough draft has been written.
August 2008 – Preliminary rough draft is under review.
October 2008 – Final draft is under review.
January 2009 – Final draft is being reviewed by City Engineer.
May 2009 – Review with comments received back from Engineer. Plan is being finalized to
submit to TCEQ.
June 2009 – Waiting for response from TCEQ on request for SSOP letter.
Projected Completion Date: April 2010
Wastewater Department – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Meter Replacement
Scope: Replace all water meters with electronic read meters.
Status: Installed 1,474 new home meters, replaced 3,051 meters and retrofitted 6,409 meters.
This is a total of 10,934 serviced meters out of 11,035 total meters.
Projected Completion Date: 12/2009
Valve Design High Service Pumps (All 3)
Scope: The valves on the high service pump controller are losing their parameter when a power
surges or brownout occurs. Not all pumps are affected when this occurs. When parameters are
changed by REXA, the valve distributor, a hard hammer occurs, causing the cement base to start
cracking. We are working with and through the guidance of HDR Engineering, Inc. on this issue.
Status: High Service Pumps #1 is s currently working on it and #2 is working now with little or
no down time. High Service Pump #3 is down due to fire damage.
* Note: The High Service Pumps are running, but the problem with the valves and actuators still
hasn’t been resolved. We are still working to fix this problem.
Project Start Date: 04/02/2007
Projected Completion Date: July 2009
Standpipes and Elevated Storage Tanks
Scope of work: Determine who is using our storage tanks for phone/radio communications and
work with City Manager to prepare interlocal agreements.
South standpipe: Fire Department has multiple antennas and receivers on top and a small wood
structure on the ground beside the tank. They have their own lock on the main gate and to the
security cover on the ladder leading to the top of the tank.
Elevated tank 2nd and Hoops: Police department has its antennas for their radio dispatch at this
site, with a small building under the tank for the radio equipment.
Pfennig Lane Standpipe: Radio controls for school zone signs are located at this site, one
antenna on tank and small control box on ground. This site is being evaluated for a possible radio
site to be used by the new school police department. They have a temporary antenna and control
box at this site at this time.
Kelly Lane Elevated Tank: Fire Department has two antennas on top of the tank, with controls
at ground level inside the tank column. Verizon Wireless has phone equipment on all four legs of
the tank and a small building to house their other radio equipment.
Project Start Date: June 2008
Project Completion Date: July 2009
Water Department – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Lake Pflugerville Park
Scope: The lake park will include a swimming beach, group shelter, boat rental and launch, small
shelters and landscaping. Electricity for lighting and some power needs will be generated on-site
with renewable energy technology.
Status: Austin Filter Systems has been selected as the contractor for this project. Rock work and
roofs are on the two buildings. The restrooms are nearly complete. All parking and roads are
complete. We will use the park on July 4th and close it again until completion.
Project Cost: $750,000
Funding: $200,000 from an LCRA grant, $100,000 from PCDC, Parks Escrow
Projected Completion Date: Summer 2009. This project is on schedule.
Pecan Park Improvements
Scope: Travis County will be constructing a 12’ wide concrete trail along Gilleland Creek in
Pecan Park. This trail will lead from our system east to Northeast Metro Park (Travis County).
The department will be involved in locating the trail on the ground and mitigating constructing
damage to existing vegetation.
Status: The trail has been completed through Pecan Park. It provides a safe route to North East
Metro Park. The contractor will install irrigation this summer, and the city will follow with tree
plantings this fall. The irrigation has been installed and the City has been paid for the tree
Projected Completion Date: July 2009
Mountain Creek Trail
Scope: We have received a notice to proceed on this project from the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department, the agency providing the grant funds. Grant funds total $45,000.
Project Cost: $81,215
Funding: TPWD grant and force account work.
Status: We are designing the retaining walls for this project. Construction to begin later this
Project Completion Date: Fall 2009
South Shore Wind Power Project
Scope: We are currently evaluating various wind generator proposals. The goal is to power some
trail and fishing pier lighting with a grid- tie system.
Status: The wind generator is in Austin and will be installed this summer.
Parks & Recreation Department - June 09
Funding: Profits from the sale of Pflugerville t-shirts will fund this project.
Project Completion Date: Summer 2009
 Windermere Park Improvements
Scope: The Windermere Park and Pool were dedicated to the City as part of the December 2008
Annexation. The pool is being brought up to the standards of the other City pools and all ADA
requirements are being met.
Status: All work is complete.
Projected Completion Date: June 2009
Funding: FY 2009 budget
Pecan Street Community Gardens
Scope: The Windermere Park and Pool were dedicated to the City as part of the December 2008
Annexation. The pool is being brought up to the standards of the other City pools and all ADA
requirements are being met.
Status: The gardens are up and going with only 2 plots inactive. The first season ends July 31.
Funding: FY 2009 budget
Fallen Warrior Memorial Upgrades
Scope: A plan has been developed to add pavers and benches to the memorial site. A PCDC
grant has been approved for this project.
Status: The paver work will begin in July depending on the availability of the contractor.
Project Cost: $5000
Funding: Memorial Committee funds, plus PCDC grant
Projected Completion Date: To be determined
North Shore Lake Pflugerville
Scope: Continue planting along the trail on the north shore at Becker Farms Road. Planting will
be done in conjunction with Arbor Day 2008.
Project Cost: To be determined – we may use donated trees from Tree Folks of Austin.
Funding: FY08 Budget
Projected Completion Date: Spring 2009
Status: We have secured several donated trees. Irrigation will be completed by the end of the
summer on the north side of the lake from Becker Farms road to the wetlands area. Trees will be
planted in early fall. Cut stone boulders have been placed on the south shore of the lake. The
irrigation has been installed. We will be planting 201 trees when the weather is conducive.
Two tree plantings took place in October. Sixty-four trees were planted by 50 volunteers.
The February 14 tree planting was a success.
Parks & Recreation Department - June 09
Pfirecracker Pfestival
Date: July 4, 2009
Location: Lake Pflugerville
Description: Second year event, 4:00 p.m. to dark. Fireworks over Lake Pflugerville, live music,
swimming, canoes, festival food, children’s activities.
Music in the Park
Dates: July 10, July 24, August 7, August 21
Location: Pfluger Park
Description: Live music every other Friday at 7:00 p.m. in Pfluger Park.
Parks & Recreation Department - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Operation “Cool Moves” Child Safety Program.
Scope: This program will seek to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety for our children during
the summer months. The program will involve teaching our children basic pedestrian and bicycle
safety in a classroom environment prior to the end of school. And letting them know that as part
of this program officers may be stopping and speaking to them when they are seen by the officer
practicing pedestrian and bicycle safety. They will also be receiving from the officer a coupon
from an area business for an ice cream or soda because being safe is a “Cool Move.” It promotes
a positive contact with our officers, reinforces safety and rewards it and promotes our local
Status: Pending the end of the school year.
Funding: Child Safety Funds and donations.
Current Project Estimate: No hard costs, prizes will be donations from local businesses.
Projected Date: Summer 2009
Police Department – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
TX DPS Failure to Appear Program (Omnibase)
Scope: Texas Transportation Code Chapter 706 authorizes the Department of Public Safety to
contract with political subdivisions to deny the renewal of an individual’s driver license for
failure to appear or failure to satisfy a judgment on a complaint or citation ordered by the court in
a matter involving any offense that a court has jurisdiction of under Chapter 4, Code of Criminal
The intent of the FTA Program is to provide a system that requires violators to appear before the
court for a final disposition of outstanding traffic and non-traffic violations.
Status: Court is updating violation code tables to sync with DPS tables.  Warrant purge is
also in progress. No additional procedures are necessary between Court and Finance Department
for collection or disbursement of fees collected in association with the program. No additional
changes are needed to INCODE programming to track monies collected for remittance to State
Projected Completion Date: August 15, 2009
Staff contact: Caroline Davis,
Annual Record Retention and Purge
Scope: Pursuant to Local Government Code §202.002, and in accordance with the current Texas
State Library’s records retention schedules, court records are undergoing the annual review for
retention or destruction.
Status: Requests for Authority to Destroy Records have been approved and received. Records
are in process of being destroyed.
Projected Completion Date: July 15, 2009
Staff contact: Caroline Davis,
Security Upgrades for Municipal Court
Scope: Using funds collected pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure Article §102.017 and City
Ordinance §37.04, the following security upgrades are planned for the Municipal Court.
Installation of door locks to better secure clerk’s office.
Installation of security cameras for staff entrances and exits.
Purchase of metal detecting equipment for court entrance.
Projected Completion Date: Will vary for different steps of project.
Staff contact: Caroline Davis,
Municipal Court – June 09
Expansion of Electronic Citation Entry Program
Scope: Using funds collected pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure Article §102.0172 and
City Ordinance §37.01, additional hardware and software will be purchased to expand the use of
mobile citation writers for electronic entry of citation data into the Court’s database.
Future Action Items:
Work with Police Department and IT Staff to implement INCODE software and develop
implementation plan.
Purchase any additional hardware needs.
Provide training to court and police personnel.
Projected Completion Date: August 15, 2009
Staff contact: Caroline Davis,
Municipal Court – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Library Building Expansion
Scope: (Phase 1) Planning for proposed expansion of existing library facility.
Status: Review of submittals has been completed. Committee meets July 8 to discuss results and
work toward creation of candidate “short list.”
Completion Date: (Phase 1) Summer 2009
Project Cost: $7M
FUNDING SOURCE: FY O9 and Future Bond Issue
Staff Contact: Kathy Freiheit,
Summer Reading Program
Scope: This year’s Summer Reading Club (for children ages 0-10) is themed “Libraries: Deep in
the Heart of Texas.” Texas Teens Read program (for youth ages 11-18) will be “Time Twistin.”
The Adult Summer Reading Program offered this year will be extended to include residents of
Library Senior Outreach facilities. All programs offer reading incentives, special activities,
family events, and a variety of prizes, many of which are generously offered by local businesses.
Status: (In progress) Summer Reading Club response has been very good, with over 800 reading
logs distributed. Teen and ‘tween-age participants enjoyed “duct tape madness” and “altered
books” activities, and contributed more than 60 book reviews. Summer Pfun Camp youth
traveled to the Library for Friday morning programs which included safety presentations by both
the Police and Fire Departments. The adult reading program has generated much interest, while
senior outreach offers twice monthly visits to area assisted living facilities. Participants in both
adult programs are eligible for weekly prize drawings.
Completion Date: Summer 2009
Staff Contact: Kathy Freiheit,
 Technology Upgrade
Scope: Increasing problems with functionality of the Library’s Follett/Sagebrush catalog and
circulation system prompted a search for replacement. After investigating a variety of options,
the Biblionix/Apollo integrated library system was selected. Migration is scheduled May 31
through June 2. The library will be closed to the public at this time. During the changeover, staff
will train in use of the new system and replace labeling on approximately 5,000 titles with
previously duplicated barcodes which were problematic.
Status: (Complete) New system has been implemented. Staff are currently incorporating new
operational processes and refining service enhancements.
Completion Date: June 2009
Staff Contact: Kathy Freiheit,
Library – June 09
Electronic Resource Access
Scope: Federal and State documents are frequently in demand. This project will make
government documents available in electronic format through the Library’s website and catalog.
Publications include the Texas driver’s handbook and testing information, Texas statutes,
immigration information, consumer health sources and resources on legal issues.
Status: (In progress) Cataloging of frequently requested items is underway. Additional indemand materials are being identified and will be added to the Library’s Apollo/Biblionix
catalog. Materials will continue to be updated, with new publications added on an ongoing basis.
as part of regular collection development efforts.
Completion Date: September 2009
Staff Contact: Jennifer Coffey,
Library – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Recruiting – New position approved for FY09
Scope: The growth of the City has increased the demand on the City staff to provide quality
services to its citizens. In order to meet these demands, the City has proposed 19 new staff
positions across 4 departments. This is an 8% increase in the number of full-time positions across
the organization. Additionally, there are concurrent staffing activities for 15 positions that have
become open due to turnover.
Status: 3 full-time positions were filled during May, which brings total for FY09 to 41. (8
seasonal or part-timers were hired in June.)
Implemented a waiting period for any non-critical positions to relieve some budget pressures. All
openings will be reviewed by the City Manager prior to posting a position externally.
Projected Annual Cost: $10,000
Projected Completion Date: Summer 2009
Search for City Manager
Scope: The City Manager position was vacated on May 26, 2009. HR was tasked to coordinate
the process of finding a replacement. This process will consist of hiring an executive search firm
and coordinating the process between the firm and the City Council.
Status: Proposals for executive recruitment for the City Manager position were received from:
Affion Public, Sedona Public, Strategic Government Resources, The PAR Group and Waters
Consulting Group. City Council held a special meeting on June 16 to review proposals. They
selected Affion Public and Waters Consulting Group to come to the June 23 Council Meeting to
make a presentation and answer questions. Waters Consulting Group was selected. Staff will
provide any information needed to Waters in July will begin work developing the position profile.
Projected project cost: $20,000 – 30,000 for professional services and other expenses.
Human Resources - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Water and Wastewater Rate Study
Scope: Prepare and provide data and information necessary to Water Resources Management,
LP (WRM) to complete a water and wastewater rate analysis. WRM reviewed the rates in the
summer of 2007 which resulted in the rate reductions in water and wastewater for fiscal year
2008. Since several variables have changed significantly, WRM has been asked to review the
rates again.
Status: The study has been delayed further by the development of the FY 2010 budget. The
addition of wholesale water customers and the demands those customers will put on the system
requires refinement of the water treatment and distribution budgets. Also, a review of the five
year CIP for the Utility Fund has necessitated the updating of that document to reflect current
demands. Work on the FY 2010 budget should be completed during July.
Projected Completion Date: Completion date delayed pending above.
Staff contact: Tracy Hibbs,
Beth Davis,
Identity Theft Prevention Program
Scope: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) was amended in 2007 to
include sections regarding the Identity Theft Red Flags Rules. These new rules require creditors
to develop a program to identify and detect the relevant warning signs (“red flags”) of identity
theft. Since the City defers payment for utility services, it is considered a creditor, under these
regulations. FACTA stipulates that this program must be in writing, approved by the entities
governing body, and include training for all applicable employees.
Status: The City’s Identity Theft Prevention Program was approved by Council on October 28,
2008. Staff will begin conducting the required training and implementing this program. The
deadline for program implementation has been extended to May 1, 2009.
Projected Completion Date: Training completion extended through July 2009.
Staff contact: Tracy Hibbs, or
Amy Good,
Prepare fiscal year 2010 budget
Scope: The Finance Department begins in March each year gathering the information and
resources to develop the budget for the next fiscal year. Worksheets are prepared for each
department with current budget and 6-month totals. Detailed information on many accounts is
also prepared. Meetings will be held with all departments to work with them on projections and
proposed amounts. The proposed budget must be delivered to the City Council by July 1. City
Council worksessions are held to discuss and refine the budget which must be adopted by
October 1, 2009.
Status: The FY 2010 budget has been compiled and was presented to Council on June 23, 2009.
Projected Completion Date: September 22, 2009.
Staff contact: Amy Good, or
Beth Davis,
Finance Department – June 09
Complete Annual Insurance Rerate.
Scope: Our insurance company, Texas Municipal League (TML), requests an annual update of
the City’s activities and changes. This update, known as a rerate, is the basis for the charges of
our next year’s general liability insurance. In addition, the rerate provides TML with information
regarding significant changes to the City primarily regarding personnel, property, vehicles, and
Update: The update has begun and is expected to be submitted to TML in July 2009.
Projected Completion Date: July 2009
Staff contact: Amy Good,
Finance Department – June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
Video Development: Board and Commissions
Scope: Prepare a video to provide information on the City’s Boards and Commissions and to
encourage citizens to apply to serve in this capacity.
Status: Staff is working on the script.
Projected Completion Date: August 2009
Staff contact: Christa Deamer,
City Secretary’s Office - June 09
June 2009
Direct Questions & Comments to:
 Pfirecracker Pfestival
Scope: The second annual Pflugerville Pfirecracker Pfestival will be held this July 4th, 2009, from
4:00 pm until dark at Lake Pflugerville. Residents of the City of Pflugerville and surrounding
areas are invited to participate in this free community event.
Status: Event complete.
Projected Completion Date: July 4, 2009
Staff contact: Lori Crow,,
Kathy Ellis,
Mayor’s City Image Committee
Scope: At the City Council meeting on February 10, 2009, Mayor Coleman indicated that he
would like to form a committee to discuss the City’s image, to see if there is an issue and to
determine the next steps. Mayor Coleman asked that the City Council bring additional names for
appointment, as well as ideas on possible activities and goals for the committee to the February
24, 2009, City Council Meeting. Lori Crow is the staff liaison serving on the committee.
Status: A second meeting was held on June 22. The Committee created a resolution to bring
forward to the Council suggesting that the City request proposals from professional marketing
and public relations firms for the purpose of initiating a public relations campaign on behalf of
the City. The resolution will be discussed at the Council meeting on July 14.
Projected Completion Date: TBD
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
Comprehensive Plan Update
Scope: The Comprehensive Plan is the principal guide for use in the daily planning decisions
regarding growth, development, and regulation of current and future development within the city
limits of and its extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Lori Crow is a member of the Technical
Advisory Committee and is assisting with the Public Participation Plan.
Projected Completion Date: March 2010
Status: Publicizing meetings on City website, Channel 10, Key to the City and postcards at City
events. Designed fans that were handed out at the Pfirecracker Pfestival. Next meeting will be
held on July 9.
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
 Recycling Center Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening / News stories on KEYE & KVUE
Scope: The City opened its first Recycling Center with a special ribbon cutting ceremony on July
1st. Staff coordinated speakers and publicized the event. Bettie Cross, a KEYE reporter,
responded to a press release and filmed morning segments at the recycling center. KVUE also
sent a cameraman to visit the recycling center.
Public Information Office – June 09
Status: Staff coordinated with the store manager and invited City staff and dignitaries.
Project Completion Date: July 1
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
PETCO Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening
Scope: The City is collaborating with PETCO on a ribbon cutting and grand opening event for
their new location. The event is set to take place on Saturday, July 11.
Status: Staff coordinated with the store manager and invited City staff and dignitaries.
Project Completion Date: July 11
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
Wells Branch/Heatherwilde Ribbon Cutting
Scope: The City is collaborating with Travis County, HNTB and the Chamber on a ribbon cutting
event. HNTB is the coordinator of this event.
Status: Staff has been in close communication with Travis County, HNTB and the Chamber for
this event.
Project Completion Date: TBD
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
Pecan Street East Ribbon Cutting
Scope: The City is collaborating with Travis County and the Chamber on a ribbon cutting event
set to take place on Wednesday, July 29. The City is taking the lead on this event.
Status: Staff has been in close communication with Travis County, Commissioner Eckhardt’s
office and the Chamber for this event. Staff met with HEB management and received permission
to hold the event in the HEB parking lot.
Project Completion Date: July 29
Staff contact: Lori Crow,
Public Information Office – June 09