Fall 2015 - Alamo Colleges

St. Philip’s College
Achievements, Rewards
& Recognitions
All College Meeting
August 15, 2015
Faculty Senate Officers
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Cynthia Katz
Staff Council Officers
President Elect
Vice President
John Martin
Yvonne Benton
Student Government Association Officers
LaTonya Jones
Vice President – MLK
Jose Gutierrez
Vice President – SWC
Michael Morander
Celebrating the Success of our Students
& SAMSA program
SPC Accolades
SPC Major Accomplishments
•  SPC received the Excellence Award in Financial Literacy Education for
2014 from USA Funds
•  SPC designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber
Defense by the National Security Agency and the Department of
Homeland Security through 2020.
•  SPC personnel and students processed over 4,052 returns through the
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program resulting in over $8.1 million in
tax returns
•  Designated “Military Friendly” for the sixth year by Victory Media
•  Designated a “Purple Heart” College
•  Histology and Med Lab Technician successfully achieved 5 year
reaffirmation from the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical
Laboratory Sciences.
•  The Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts programs participated in a successful
American Culinary Federation site visit for reaccreditation with zero
areas of non-compliance.
SPC Major Accomplishments
Local - Institutional
•  SPC hosted the first Cyber Security Conference in the San Antonio
Bexar County Metropolitan-Area with 286 participants bringing
together local IT companies, educators and high school and
undergraduate students.
•  The new International Studies program approved for the Early College
High School at Brackenridge
•  The Natural Sciences and Student Success divisions started a
community garden in collaboration with the Eastside Community
Garden on Center Street
•  The SPC Better Together program engaged academic and student
collaboration with community faith-based organizations to promote
interfaith understanding
•  Fund Raising Efforts
•  SPC achieved a $1 Million fundraising milestone during the Seventh Annual
Scholarship Golf Tournament
•  G2G Retreat Tie Auction raised $5,513 for students scholarships
•  SPC raised $5,700 at the Palm Fiesta Medal Unveiling event
•  Annual Culturefest and Rib Cook-off grill raffle raised more than $9,935.85
Welcome Our New Family Members
Welcome Our New Employees/ New Positions
Aguilar, Kris Title
Academic Lab Tech Ayo6e, Albert Cadena-­‐Malek, Yezenia Culbertson, Ian Faculty Faculty DeLaFuente, Victoria Fernandez, Donald Faculty Faculty Department
Physical Therapy Assistant Program Respiratory Care Nursing Educa=on Transporta=on Service Technologies (Diesel) Nursing Educa=on Faculty Fuller, Ma6hew Gable, Douglas Garcia, Billie Gonzalez, Jack Gonzalez, Odilia Transporta=on Service Technologies (Diesel) Philosophy Faculty Social & Behavioral Sciences Student Recruitment Senior Advisor Faculty Surgical Technology Faculty Mathema=cs Student Success Specialist Dual Credit Govan, Barbara Faculty Nursing Educa=on Harral, Erica Faculty Respiratory Care Welcome Our New Employees/ New Positions
Hernandez, Sunny Hernandez, Valerie Johnson, Monique Karajankovich, Daniel Kendell, Dr. Shane Lede, Paul Mitchell, Christa Ochoa, Benjamin Cer=fied Advisor Advising Support Specialist Psychology Faculty Machining/Manufacturing Faculty Chemistry Faculty Cer=fied Advisor Faculty Faculty Department
Educa=onal Support Services Educa=on Support Services Social & Behavioral Sciences AircraI, Construc=on & Manufacturing Technology Natural Sciences Educa=on Support Services Respiratory Care Invasive Cardiovascular Technology Oliva, Jennifer Academic Program Specialist Byrd Sanctuary Ozuna, Richard Advance Manufacturing/Process AircraI, Construc=on & Control Faculty Manufacturing Technology Pi6man, Dr. Rachel Biology Faculty Natural Sciences Pryor, Cynthia Faculty Social & Behavioral Sciences Rivera, David Faculty Invasive Cardiovascular Technology Welcome Our New Employees/ New Positions
Schmi6ou, Dr. Natasha Sifuentes, Luis Smith, Shaun Title
Dean Department
Interdisciplinary Programs Faculty Automo=ve Stolte, Alicia Cer=fied Advisor Mathema=cs Transporta=on Service Technologies Educa=onal Support Services Su6on, Regina Off-­‐Site Coordinator Extended Services, Ft. Sam Houston Tagle, Joshua Student Success Specialist Dual Credit Thomas, Jonathan History Faculty Social & Behavioral Sciences Valdez, Katherine Advising Support Specialist Vidaurri, Vanessa Advising Support Specialist Zavala, Maria Academic Program Specialist Zwies, Julie Faculty Educa=onal Support Services Educa=onal Support Services Middle College Programs Medical Laboratory Technician Welcome Our New Chairs
Mitchell, Renita Nava-­‐Fisher, Carmen Title
Chair Interim Chair Division / Department
Mathema=cs Natural Sciences Ordinario, Melmar Interim Chair Allied Health & Kinesiology Pryor, Cynthia Interim Chair Social & Behavioral Sciences Welcome Our SPC New Assignments
Academic Success
Fenton, Dr. Karlene
Lucio, Judy
Pena, Pat
Director of High School
Administrative Services
Administrative Services
Honoring our New Administrator
George Johnson
Interim Vice President of Student Success
Honoring our New Administrator
Dr. Natasha Schmittou
Dean of Interdisciplinary
Randall Dawson
Interim Dean of Arts and Science
Joshua Scott
Interim Dean Southwest
Honoring Our Faculty Promotions
Associate Professor
Dr. Christopher Davis
Natural Science
Anna Leyba Delgado
Edith Orozco
Business Information Solutions
Kelli Wilder
Honoring Our Faculty Promotions
Assistant Professor
James Bacon
Diane Hester
Transportation Service Technologies
Communications & Learning
Cynthia Cortez
Terri Murphy-Sanchez
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Medical Laboratory
Annette Dueñes
Jack Nawrocik
Radiography Technology
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Vanessa Flores
Yolanda Poist
Radiography Technology
Jessica Garza
Surgical Technology
Radiography Technology
Tyrell Williams
Communication & Learning
Honoring Our Faculty – Tenure
Hitish Nathani
Alberto Vasquez
Natural Sciences/
Applied Electrical
and Mechanical
Effective Date
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Honoring Our Doctoral Recipient
Erick Akins
Title III Director
Title III Grant Management Ph.D. in Human Services specializing in
Management of Non-Profit Organizations
Capella University
Honoring Our Degree Recipients
Ricardo Lopez
Hector Ramos
Jason Rickman
Bachelor of Business
Administration in Cyber Security
University of Texas San Antonio
Frank Bryant, Jr.
Simulation Center
Master of Science in Quality
Systems Management
National Graduate School of
Quality Management
Aircraft Construction &
Bachelor of Applied Arts and
Texas State University
Community and Public
Bachelor of Applied Arts and
Science with a concentration in
Business Management and
University of North Texas
Client Support
IT Sr. Digital Media
NISOD Nominations
Dr. Christopher Davis
Assistant Professor, Natural Science
Rhonda Johnson
Statistical Research Specialist
Art Hall
Dean of Workforce
Development and Continuing
New Distance Learning Certified Faculty
Delicia Smith
Hitish Nathani
Jack Gonzales
Lori Sparkman
Matthew Fuller
Nicole Geary
Richard Halliburton, Jr.
Lourdes Alba
Esteban Delgado
Lee Ann Epstein
Laura Salfen
Yvette Woods
David Uminski
Imelda Breña
Sean T. Nighbert
Amber Dawn Gray
Jen L. Osborne
Erica Harral
Honoring Our Certified Master Teachers
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Yolanda Chapa
Darrel Dolph
Matthew Fuller
Erica Harral
Keith Haye
Stacie Koonhow
Connie Martinez
Phil Regas
Lori Sparkman
Jonathan Thomas
Yvette Woods
Debra Quintanilla-Diaz
Kathryn Freeman
Christa Mitchell
Valerie Moke
Kimeshia Myles
Gilbert Noriega
Rachel Pittman
Cynthia Pryor
Juan Ramirez
Barbara Travis
David Uminski
New Service Skills Certified Staff
Amesquita, Isaiah
Cruz, Jessica
Daniels, Patrick
Dart, Michelle
Diaz, Flor I.
Dominguez, Alicia
Guerra, Gloria
Guerrero, Mariana
Keller, Rebecca
Lopez, Laura P.
Mann, Elizabeth
Montanez, Sammy
Morgan, April
Perry, William
Proctor, Verle Ann
Quinn, Cody
Robertson, Anna
Salazar, Aileen
Sammons, Josephine
Tennessee, Catina
Tidwell, Tomika
Zapata, Grace
Student Engagement
St. Philips’ Five Year Enrollment Trends
12,000 11,759 11,500 11,000 10,710 10,313 10,500 10,514 As of 8-15-15
10,238 10,000 9,500 Fall 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2012 Fall 2011 9,000 Certified
Benchmarks of Educational Practice
70.0 60.0 50.0 59.4 51.1 51.3 50.0 58.0 48.6 49.5 50.0 47.5 49.0 50.0 59.8 58.9 56.6 48.7 50.8 50.0 50.8 53.7 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Ac=ve and Collabora=ve Learning Student Effort Academic Challenge Student -­‐Faculty Interac=on Support for Learners Alamo Colleges St. Philip's College2 2015 CCSSE Cohort 2015 Top-­‐Performing Colleges* * Top-Performing colleges are those that scored in the top 10 percent of the cohort benchmark.
Annual Golf Tournament
Seven-year grand total: $1,002,720
Scholarships/Grants awarded: $961,950
Presidential Scholars
2015 – 2016
5 Students
2014 – 2015
5 Students
2013 – 2014
5 Students
2012 – 2013
5 Students
2011 - 2012
5 Students
2010 - 2011
3 Students
2009 - 2010
5 Students
2008 - 2009
3 Students
36 Students
2 scholars were awarded transfer scholarships
1 scholar was awarded the transfer scholarship
1 Scholar had a personal issue and only completed the fall semester .
1 Scholar had a medical issue and only completed the fall semester
Ac_vity Impact
SEG Success
Amount Reten_on
Fall to Fall 85% SEG/ 39% Non-­‐SEG 32% SEG/ 6% Non-­‐SEG $135,000
Fall to Fall 69% SEG/ 39% Non-­‐SEG
22% SEG/ 8% Non-­‐SEG
Fall to Fall 89% SEG/ 42% Non-­‐SEG 41% SEG/ 15% Non-­‐SEG
50% SEG/ 18% Non-­‐SEG
2015 – 2016 Funded Projects
26 Projects 91 Students
$165,000 Amount Allocated
2014 – 2015 Funded Projects
19 Projects 119 Students
$147,500 2013 – 2014 Completed Projects
21 Projects 119 Students
2012 – 2013 Completed Projects
22 Projects 118 Students
2011 – 2012 Completed Projects 13 Projects 34 Students
2010 – 2011 Completed Projects
9 Projects 48 Students
Fall to Fall 68% SEG/ 42% Non-­‐SEG
2009 – 2010 Completed Projects 9 Projects 89 Students
Fall to Fall 80% SEG/ 45% Non-­‐SEG
67% SEG/ 22% Non-­‐SEG
2008 – 2009 Completed Projects
5 Projects 25 Students
Fall to Fall 76% SEG/ 47% Non-­‐SEG
38% SEG/ 17% Non-­‐SEG
76% average SEG / 43% average Non-­‐SEG
44% average SEG / 16% average Non-­‐SEG
Totals: 124 Projects 643 Students
2014-2015 Projects
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Project Name/Area ACM Byrd Sanctuary Campus Tour Guides Centers for Excellence in Science Choral Collegiate 100 Cybersecurity (HEB Scholars) Engineering Ini=a=ve (HEB Scholars) Eureka Science Club (HEB Scholars) Extramural Sports Massage Therapy Math Student Success (HEB Scholars) Microbiology Middle College PTA, QEP Spirit Pride Crew STEM Math Community Grant S=nson Air Museum Student Government Associa=on Student Leaders Student Life, QEP Student Life, Student Leader SWC Tour Guides Theater Tiger Paws VITA Amount Allocated to Project $9,000 $9,000 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $8,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $6,000 $6,000 $4,000 $4,000 $6,000 $4,000 $10,000 $10,000 $6,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $6,000 $6,000 $10,000 Total Allocated $165,000.00 Total Awarded TBA Early College High Schools
§  Comal Early College High School
First cohort of 26 students graduated May 2014
Second cohort of 29 students graduated May 2015 with 1 core
170 students currently enrolled
§  SAISD St. Philip’s College Early College High School
87 students enrolled
§  Seguin Early College High School
77 students enrolled
§  SAISD Brackenridge High School
Approved for Fall 2015 start
Class will begin Spring 2016
§  International Studies program
§  Anticipated enrollment of 125
Dual Credit enrollment: 1,642 students
Academies enrollment: 121
Data as of 8/15
Matters of
Institutional Effectiveness
2015 – 2016 Budget
Formula Funding Allocation
Funding Allocation $1.83 million
greater than FY 2014-2015
- .4% growth in Contact Hours. Only Alamo College to
experience positive year over year growth
-  4% growth in Enrollment (ECHS)
-  CE Migration to District will result in Reduction of Revenue
& Expenses by $1.49 million, 13 possible position migrations
-  Allocation includes allowance of $489,745 for 3 months
All $62.6 Million Fully Allocated with DSO Support
Capital Expenditures
2014 – 2015 Capital Allocation
2014 – 2015 Capital Expenditures
Total Capital Fund Balance
2012 – 2013 Capital Fund Balance
2013 – 2014 Capital Fund Balance
Total available
$ 28,446
$ 119,521
$ 147,967
Total Expenditures
FY15 Institutional Advancement
Report Name Grants Report Donor Report External Scholarships Scholarship Endowments Summary Total Total Amount $12,242,906 $639,231 $152,658 $146,498 $13,181,293 See the total grant, external scholarship and donor reports in the backup slides
Reaffirmation Update
More detailed information will be provided in
the divisions meetings
QEP Focus Statement: Ethical Decision-Making is
the ability to connect values and choices to actions
and consequences.
Case Study: Real-to-Life Examples of
Complex Ethical Dilemmas
•  “My top employee suddenly refused to use our
e-mail system. He explained to me that he has
religious objections because, as a Christian, he
could not use a product built by a company that
provided benefits to the partners of homosexual
employees. He’d basically cut himself off from our
team, creating a major obstacle.
What should I do?”
Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers
Process of Ethical Decision-Making
1.  Stop and think to determine the facts
2.  Identify options
3.  Consider consequences for yourself and others
4.  Make an ethical choice and take appropriate
•  Record your responses on the back of the QEP Brief
Process of Ethical Decision-Making
1.  Determine the facts
•  Religious objection
•  Personal values at conflict
•  Loss of communication
•  Potential disruption in flow of work
•  Private/non-profit organization
•  Public organization with a do not discriminate policy
Process of Ethical Decision-Making
2.  Identify options
•  Reassignment
•  Dismissal
•  Establish an Alternative Communication Strategy
Process of Ethical Decision-Making
3.  Consider consequences for yourself and others
•  Special communication channel
•  Missed deadlines
•  Incomplete assignments
•  Lack of team knowledge
•  Possible suit to public organization
Process of Ethical Decision-Making
4.  Make an ethical choice
•  Institution
Ø Must adhere to Board policy
•  Employee
Ø Must make a choice about continued employment
Performance Excellence
Division Review
• Mission Statement
• Vision and Values
• Strategic Plan
• SWOT Analysis
• Environmental Scan
• Institutional Priorities
Personal Assessment of the College Environment
(PACE) survey
Climate Factors Ins=tu=onal Structure Driver Leadership Supervisory Rela=onships Outcome Student Success Teamwork Student Focus The purpose of the survey is to obtain the percep=ons of personnel concerning the college climate and to provide data to assist SPC in promo=ng more open and construc=ve communica=on among faculty, staff, and administrators. SPC 2014
PACE Survey Results
Respondent Characteris1cs
Administrator 9 of 10 Returned 90% Response Rate Professional 79 of 101 Returned 78.2% Response Rate Other 10 Did not indicate classifica_on Faculty 152 of 710 Returned 21.4% Response Rate Work Study 9 out of 50 18% Response Rate Classified 56 of 183 Returned 30.6% Response Of the 1,054 SPC employees administered the survey, 315 (29.9%) completed the PACE survey. In 2013, 333 out of 1,083 employees completed the survey (30.7%). SPC 2014
St. Philip’s College Climate PACE Survey Results
Rated by All Employees Collabora=ve 5 4.00 3.86 Consulta=ve 4 3.74 3.97 3.82 3.41 3.77 3.3 3.87 3.84 3.35 3.68 3.29 Compe==ve 3 3.16 3.05 Coercive 2 1 Ins_tu_onal Supervisory Student Teamwork Custom Structure Rela_onship Focus 3.3 3.74 3.86 4.00 3.41 2014 3.29 3.77 3.82 3.97 3.35 2013 3.05 3.68 3.84 3.87 3.16 2012 3.68 3.67 3.54 Overall 3.68 3.67 3.54 SPC College Spirit
College Committee Selection August 2011 College committees are a great opportunity for you to get involved and make a positive difference with the SPC community. If you would like to be involved please indicate up to three committees you would like participate on and indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. If you would like to take on a more active role on the committee and are interested in Chairing and/or Co-­‐Chairing a committee please mark the appropriate column. Chair/Co Chair responsibilities -­‐ organize bi-­‐monthly (or more as needed) meetings, develop meeting agenda, facilitate meeting, submit committee recommendation to appropriate Vice President Office. Present Vice President approved recommendations to College Leadership Team. Committee Member responsibility -­‐ bring new ideas and suggestions to committee meetings. Participate in committee presentation to College Leadership Team. Choice 1, 2, 3 Chair/ Co Chair Student Success Team Committee VP Reporting Office Committee Description VPAA VPSS Support activities designed to increase access and success for low income students and students of color. Monitor day to day operations of contracted vendors (bookstore, cafeteria, vending, etc.). Review and approve college core curricula, maintaining high academic standards. Review and approve all college curricula, maintaining high academic standards. Develop strategies to further the college’s distance learning goals. Development emergency/evacuation procedures for college community. Review and select “Living Our Value” nominees. Facilitate requests from faculty, staff, and students; provide a forum for discuss; review and make recommendations to the Vice President of College Services for facilities improvements. Organize all phases of the commencement exercises. Black History, Women’s History, CultureFest, Hispanic History, Anniversary Committee, Alumni, Homecoming. Review and approve requests for studies that involve SPC students, faculty, staff and administrators. Provide recommendations to the administration for strategic direction of technology. Develop College marketing priorities. Organize President Lecture Series event – solicited guest speakers, coordinate activities including transportation, breakfast, classroom visits and luncheon. Organize Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament – March. Review scholarship applications of SPC students to meet scholarship requirements. Review scholarship applications of SPC students to meet scholarship requirements. Formulate and review strategies and college efforts to maximize enrollment. Reviews funding applications for functions of the institution that directly involve or benefit students. Develop plans and processes to assure the college is assessing student learning outcomes in an expedient and productive manner. Engage community member and SPC retirees with the college. Auxiliary Enterprise VPCS Core Curriculum VPAA Curriculum VPAA Distance Learning Emergency Preparedness VPAA VPCS Employee Recognition Facilities VPCS Graduation Heritage VPSS ALL Human Subject Review VPAA Instructional Technology VPCS Marketing President’s Lecture Series VPCS VPSS Scholarship/Golf Tournament VPCS VPAA Student Engagement Grant Scholarship Strategic Enrollment Student Activity Fees VPSS Student Learning Outcomes VPAA SPC Ambassadors/Community Advisory Veteran & Military Wellness VPSS VPCS Engage students with Veteran & Military status with the college. Develop wellness programs and activities for SPC employees. VPSS Name: _____________________________Dept: _____________Email: ________________________ Extension: ______ Bowden Elementary School Adoption Project
Legacy Tribute
Save the date – November 20, 2015
Facilities Update
Future Projects
Renovation of Turbon Center
Renovation of the Veterans Outreach and Transition Center
Renovation of Welding Lab and Classrooms *
Renovation of the Norris Technical Building *
* Funds to be identified
SLC Water Fall
Information as of 8/15
Information as of 8/15
Information as of 8/15
P 17
Information as of 8/15
Turbon Center Construction
Information as of 8/15
Upcoming Events
SPC Recognition Reception
Tuesday, August 20th
Bowden Alumni Center
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Re=rees Frank Arredondo Cardiovascular Program Michael Carpenter Respiratory Care John Davis Transporta=on Service Technologies Bruce Fisher Health Informa=on Technology Felice Johnson Division of Arts and Science Dr. Sherrie Lang Division of Student Success Upcoming Events
Hispanic Heritage
Month Celebration
September 15th October 15th
Chair & Co-Chair:
Robert Fernandez or Felipa
486. 2102
Upcoming Events
Alamo Colleges
Employees Giving Back
September 22nd October 31st
Upcoming Events
President’s Lecture Series
October 1, 2015
11:00 A.M.
Guest Speaker:
Jim Avila, ABC Correspondent
February 11, 2016
11:00 A.M.
Guest Speaker:
Levar Burton, Actor/Author/Producer
Upcoming Events
Blue & White
Homecoming Dance
Friday, October 30
6:00 pm
Dr. Sharon Crockett-Ray
Upcoming Events
Professional Development Week
Schedule in Your Folder
New Employee Orientation
Division Meetings
QEP Retreat
Distance Learning Showcase
Curriculum Committee Training
QEP Pilot Faculty Workshop
Blue & White TGIF Celebration
SPC family - come celebrate
the new semester
Friday, August 21, 2015
12:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Bowden Alumni Center
UPS Store / Post Office
Located in the Sutton Learning
Price of a single stamp is:
•  53¢ (Employee Discount)
•  63¢ (Community Visitors)
A book of stamps is:
•  $10.89 (Employee Discount)
•  $12.70 (Community Visitors)
Located in the Campus Center
Price of a single stamp is:
•  49¢ (All Customers)
A book of stamps is:
•  $9.80 (All Customers)
•  Student Labs on Campus •  FY 15 Grant Report •  FY 15 Donor Report •  External Scholarships •  SPC Scholarship Endowments Report •  QEP Reference Information & Communications Technologies
Students Labs on Campus – Summary
FY 14
Computer Lab
Smart Classroom
Smart Conference Room
Laptop/Mobile Labs
FY 15
88 Computer Lab
179 Smart Classroom
18 Smart Conference Room
8 Videoconferencing
2,834 Computers
22 Laptop/Mobile Labs
692 Laptops/IPADS/Notebooks
FY15 Grant Awards
Program/Project Name
Carl D. Perkins Leadership
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
Mandatory Funds
U.S. Department of Education/Student
Aid & Fiscal Responsibility Act
(SAFRA) - Title III, Part F
Robert Noyce Scholarship
Support Program for
Community College
Transfer Students
CIMA Alliance Project NOTE: St. Philip’s College (SPC) awardee for an Alamo Colleges district-­‐wide ini_a_ve; SPC is the lead ins_tu_on on this project. Cyber Security: Cyber First Responder Program Award Amount
Funding Source
National Science Foundation/
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship
Na=onal Science Founda=on/Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Par=cipa=on (LS-­‐AMP)
NOTE: Total amount to
SPC for 5-year award is
$7,615,147 (approx.)
NOTE: Total award
for 5-year project to UTSA
is $1,384,705 and total
amount to SPC is $56,250
$183,893 NOTE: Total award amount for 3-­‐year project is $1,500,000 Na=onal Science Founda=on/
Federal Cyber Service $166,739 NOTE: Total award amount for 3-­‐year project is $500,218
Strengthen Historically Black U.S. Department of Educa=on/Title $4,938,961 Colleges & Universi_es III, Part B
NOTE: Total amount to Program SPC for 5-­‐year award is $27,024,390 (approx.)
Carl D. Perkins Basic Grant Texas Higher Educa=on Coordina=ng Board
DISTINCT – Solar Program U.S. Department of Energy/Diversity $41,538 in Science & Technology Advances NOTE: Total award Na=onal Clean Energy in Solar amount for 2-­‐year project (DISTANCE)
is NOTE: UTSA grantee for partnership grant with SPC. $83,077 Minority Serving Ins_tu_ons U.S. Department of Health & (MSI) with Community-­‐Based Human Services/Substance Abuse Organiza_ons (CBO) Grant and Mental Health Services
(HBCU Focus)
STEM Project University o f t he I ncarnate Word/
U.S. Department of Educa=on –
NOTE: University of the Incarnate Hispanic Serving Ins=tu=on Word is the grantee, and SPC is a sub-­‐recipient awardee.
St. Philip’s College Child Development Center
Temple Beth-­‐Dl Kimmel Charitable Fund
$300,000 NOTE: Total amount to SPC for 3-­‐year project is $900,000
$199,584 NOTE: Total amount to SPC for 5-­‐year project is $997,918
Program/Project Name
Funding Source
The Tiger Newspaper Digitaliza_on Project
University of North Texas/The Portal to Texas History
Work Study Mentor Program Texas Higher Educa=on Coordina=ng Board
AIM High Project Children’s Learning Ins=tute – University of Texas Health Science Center/Improving Teacher Prepara=on Grant
Award Amount
$25,000 NOTE: Total award amount is $50,000 Fulbright Scholar-­‐in-­‐Residence U.S. Department of State Bureau of Program Educa=onal & Cultural Affairs
Texas Associa_on for Texas State University
Ins_tu_onal Research (TAIR) Travel Grant "TAIR 37th Annual Conference" St. Philip’s College Child Bimbo Bakeries
Development Center/Good Neighbor Project
St. Philip’s College Child Bimbo Bakeries
Development Center/Good Neighbor Project
St. Philip’s College Culinary San Antonio Livestock and Arts Program Exposi=on, Inc. (SALE)/SALE Scholarship & Grant Funding
Texas Support for Homeless Texas Homeless Educa=on Office
Educa_on Program (TEXSHEP) Grant $23,000 NOTE: Total award amount for 2-­‐year project is $46,200 $100,000 (approximate)
NOTE: Judson ISD is the grantee, and SPC is collabora_ng partner. St. Philip’s College Child Temple Beth-­‐El Kimmel Charitable Development Center
St. Philip’s College Financial United Student Aid (USA) Funds/
Wealth Management Plan USA Funds Renewal Capacity (Literacy Literacy) Financial Literacy Strengthen Historically Black U.S. Department of Educa=on/Title Colleges & Universi_es III, Part B
Program $20,000
$4,220,034 NOTE: Total amount to SPC for 5-­‐year award is $27,024,390 (approx.)
FY15 Donor Report
Type of Donation
Kangaroo Court Restaurants
Will Thornton Scholarship
Various Donors
Various Donors
Various Donors
Rosemary Kowalski
Dixon Scholarship
Oak Hills Rotary Club
Various Donors
Various Donors
William A. Tooles
RK Group, LLC
President’s Unrestricted
Gustafson Scholarship
Alumni Scholarship
President’s Unrestricted
General Scholarship
President’s Unrestricted
Alumni Scholarship
Norma Jean Tooles
Culinary Arts Scholarship
Alamo Heights Optimist
Homebuilding Scholarship
Cowboy Breakfast
Culinary Arts Scholarships
Various Donors
Various Donors
Helen Groves
Various Donors
Robert B. Taylor
A. Baker Duncan
Greater SA Education
Alumni Scholarship
President’s Unrestricted
President’s Unrestricted
Milton Guess Endowment
Automotive Scholarships
President’s Unrestricted
Mayor Lila Cockrell
African American Artwork
Norm & Fran Gustafson
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Alumni Scholarship
Professional Aviation
Private Donors
Alumni Scholarship
Ed and Trudy Moore
President’s Discretionary Fund
FY15 Donor
Report cont..
Rich Rollins
Scott Petty
United Way
San Antonio Automobile Dealers
Association Foundation, Inc.
Rev. Richard Thayer
Private Donors
John Grabda
Penny Pfeil
The Links, Inc.
Private Donors
Mayor Lila Cockrell
Private Donors
The Links, Inc.
Karen Spellman
SPC Golf Tournament
SPC History Book
Anthony Edwards
Private Donors
Helen Groves
Gunn Automotive Group
Dr. Kelley
Palm Fundraiser
DMC Roundtable
Good to Great Retreat
Masonic Lodges (6)
Dianne & Richard Fetchick
Alamo Heights Rotary Club
National Assoc. for Catering
Alamo Area Hospitality
Good To Great Retreat follow-up
HEB Tournament of Champion
Valero Texas Open
Kendra Scott Design, Inc.
Baptist Health Foundation
William A. Tooles
Type of Donation
Norma Jean Tooles Scholarship
Willie Floyd Brown Scholarship
Employee Contributions
NEW Scholarship for Automotive
Alumni Scholarship
Red Tail WWII collectible aircraft
Alumni Scholarship
African American Art
Massage Therapy Scholarship
African American Art
SEG Scholarships
Alumni Scholarships
Alumni Scholarships
President’s Discretionary
Tools Scholarship
Presidential Scholarship
Culinary Arts Scholarship
SEG Scholarships
Vocational scholarships
THCA Scholarships
THCA Scholarships
THCA Scholarships
SEG Scholarships
SEG Scholarships
SEG Scholarships
Jessica’s Project
Allied Health Scholarship
Norma Jean Tooles Scholarship
FVFD -­‐ Ladies's Auxiliary SA Area Founda=on Valero $250.00 $4,000.00 $2,500.00 Air Force Aid Society $1,100.00 King William Associa=on Rotary Club of Floresville Army Emergency Relief ARC Golden K Kiwanis Club Marine Corps Les Dames D'Escoffoer Baumberger Endowment ARC Golden K Kiwanis Club First Bap=st Church of SA James Avery Helotes Fes=val Associa=on San Antonio Area Founda=on SAZA Commission San Antonio Area Founda=on Community Founda=on -­‐ Dane_e Honesto RVOS Lodge #201 VFW Motor Transport #1533 ISTS -­‐ HEB Scholarship SSFCU Boys & Girls Club of SA AWS Founda=on Memorial Band Boosters Our Lady of Guadalupe Minnie Stevens Piper Founda=on Scholarship America -­‐ Burger King Coastal Bend -­‐ Whataburger King William Associa=on ISTS -­‐ HEB Scholarship Hispanic Women's Network of Texas Cesar Chavez Founda=on SA Founda=on for Excellence $1,200.00 $600.00 $3,050.00 $750.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $750.00 $375.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $3,700.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $2,500.00 $375.00 $1,875.00 $350.00 $570.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $812.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 FY15 External Scholarships
Southwest Texas Equipment ARC Golden K Kiwanis Club Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church $3,470.00 $500.00 $700.00 Automo=ve Technology Academy $2,500.00 Americorp Kym's Kids Sara Strey Memorial ISTS -­‐ HEB Scholarship Tulsa Community Founda=on Coastal Bend -­‐ Whataburger SA Founda=on of Excellence San Antonio Queen of Soul SMART Scholarship Funding East Terrell Hills Neighborhood Associa=on Family Service Associa=on Southwest ISD General Board of Higher Ed & Ministry Northside ISD Texas Associa=on for Developing Colleges La Prensa Chickasaw Na=on LULAC -­‐ Rey Feo San Antonio Area Founda=on AFCEA Educa=onal Founda=on Chickasaw Na=on Texas Restaurant Associa=on George West High School Knights of Peter Claver -­‐ St. Felicitas Esplanade Gardens Senior, Inc PAGA -­‐ El Paso $747.00 $750.00 $1,000.00 $2,200.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $750.00 $400.00 $983.04 $1,000.00 $500.00 $578.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $500.00 $1,200.00 $750.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 FY15 External Scholarships cont..
Americorp ISTS -­‐ HEB Muscogee Creek Na=on James Avery Philippine Nurses Associa=on Goodwill Industries Jubilee Academic Center Kiwanis Club $222.56 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $2,394.40 $500.00 $750.00 Southwest ISD $1,078.00 Kiwanis Club ISTS -­‐ HEB Baumberger Endowment Zachery Corpora=on Kiwanis Club Knights of Columbus -­‐ Poth Council Southwest Texas Equipment Americorp Bowden Chapter Business & Prof Women ISTS -­‐ HEB SAISD -­‐ Frances Weir Scholarship Kiolbassa Community For Life Founda=on S.A. Founda=on for Excellence in Educa=on School of Excellence Educa=onal Founda=on Op=mist Club of Lubbock AFCEA Educa=onal Founda=on Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund Americorp Macedonia Bap=st Church $750.00 $1,100.00 $2,500.00 $375.00 $750.00 $500.00 $868.00 $5,152.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $1,164.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,750.00 $5,152.00 $400.00 Organization
S.A. Founda=on for Excellence in Educa=on Army Emergency Relief Muscogee Creek Na=on ISTS -­‐ HEB Na=onal Society pf Leadership & Success Americorp Op=mist Club Americorp Op=mist Club San Antonio Restaurant Associa=on Cadence Trust Chickasaw Na=on Memorial Band Boosters San Antonio Restaurant Associa=on Amount
$1,000.00 $1,035.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $330.00 $1,000.00 $330.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $659.00 $1,000.00 $350.00 $1,000.00 University of the AIermarket Founda=on $1,000.00 Luuin Industries Founda=on Global Automo=ve AIermarket Symposium Texas State Council Chari=es SW Texas Equipment -­‐ DBA Mission Rest. Supply Co. James Avery SME Educa=on Founda=on Texas Builders Founda=on $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Total $992.00 $321.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $152,658.00 SPC Scholarship
Scholarship Name Amelia & Tino Duran Encore Capital Group Carlos Alvarez USAA SPC alloca=on Greehey Family Founda=on Jeffrey H. Farver Kris=ne Meza Martha Ellen Tye Oppenheimer Randy M. Smith San Antonio Livestock Semmes Founda=on Shield-­‐Ayres Founda=on Adena Williams Loston AT&T Voca=onal Artemisia Bowden Clarence W. Norris, Sr. Crystal A. Powell Daniel Carranza Dr. Frank Bryant Dr. Lanier Byrd Greater Texas Founda=on Hamice R. James, Jr. Hector Boiardi Joseph P. Squatrito Joseph Todd Fay Kathryn Brydon Liza & Jack Lewis Marye B. Gilford Milton Guess Norm and Fran Gustafson S.A. chapter of the Links South Texas Women’s Hospital William C. Davis Willie Floyd Brown Scholarship Type General General General General General General General General General General General General General Presiden=al Voca=onal General Social Science General Culinary Arts Nursing STEM Day Care General Culinary Arts Biomedical Radiology Surgical Tech Culinary Arts Business Culinary Arts Culinary Arts Presiden=al General STEM Culinary Arts TOTAL Interest Earned $1,000 $4,000 $8,000 $15,000 $7,000 $1,125 $1,000 $3,000 $6,000 $2,000 $9,826 $22,500 $2,000 $4,004 $2,539 $2,492 $577 $297 $1,500 $12,409 $1,000 $3,834 $905 $10,504 $683 $802 $3,354 $241 $1,063 $893 $5,309 $4,726 $1,000 $1,415 $4,500 $146,498 2013-2014 Foundation Scholarship
Recipients by College
10% 167 34% 13% NLC 221 599 NVC 232 486 29% PAC 14% SAC SPC 2013-2014 Foundation Scholarship
Dollars Awarded by College 10% 146,228 $188,857 $179,049 $456,332 31% $
34% $503,656 13% NLC NVC 12% PAC SAC SPC Reference
Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authen=city Consul=ng, LLC. This guide is located at h_p://managementhelp.org/
businessethics/ethics-­‐guide.htm on the Web.) 