CIS - Real Telecom

Real Call Information (CIS)
User Manual Version 1
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Real Telecom, CIS Release 1.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Call Information System
Call Information System (CIS) is a software system designed and developed by Real
Telecom for Real Telecom customers. CIS is one of the Real Business Services
platform that includes Real PBX, Real Switches, Databases, and other systems.
Customers can use CIS to review all inbound, outbound, and internal calls history for all
CIS is rich in information that customers can use to analyze the call processing in their
companies and obtain information that help them improve call processing and manage
the business activities.
This system is and will always be in constant evolution. Therefore, we will be pleased to
receive your comments and suggestions for improvement.
Our objective is to provide our customers with all that is needed to process, move, and
manage business calls.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Table of Contents
Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Operating Environment ................................................................................................................................ 5
Accessing CIS ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Calls Dictionary.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Call Type.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Extension No ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Direction ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Called From ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Called To ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Sort By ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Calendar Date ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Start Date........................................................................................................................................... 10
Ending Date....................................................................................................................................... 10
Calls and Duration Summary ............................................................................................................. 11
Download ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Business managers often need to analyze their business processes to enhance productivity and
improve their execution. Usually managers are driven by the need to improve customer service,
reducing the cost of conducting business activities, and shortening the time to complete
customers’ requests.
Voice communication is a main tool for conducting business. It is the media that businesses use
to communicate with customers, suppliers and among each other. Voice communication is used
to communicate ideas, inquiries, and solutions.
This important and critical tool is dynamic and constantly evolving. Its value transcends all
aspects of conducting business and it has no physical place where it can be stored and no two
occurrences of it are the same.
Traditional voice communication systems merely provided the ability to make and receive calls
with limitation to how many can be made at the same time. Users of the traditional systems can
only make from where the system is installed and can only receive calls in the same location.
Information about processes calls are limited if they are available at all.
Real Telecom considers voice communication vital business information and it must be
captured, moved, and managed. Real Business Services platform captures the calls and all of
their segments. It facilitates calls movement from anywhere to everywhere by enabling making
and receiving the calls anywhere the user is. We provide management tools for mining it for
critical information to manage the business.
CIS is designed to enable customers to manage, analyze, and mine call information processed
by the Real Business Service platform. The platform treats the calls as information, captures it,
moves it between the callers anywhere they are and stores and arrange it so it can be
Real Business Service platform is constantly evolving to meet the changing business
requirements. Real Telecom is constantly coming with new ideas and developing new
technology to provide customers with the best available voice communication solution.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Operating Environment
CIS operates on Real Telecom platform and customers do not need to install or manage
new software. Customers merely require a web browser and Internet access.
Customers may access CIS from anywhere via any web browser. The speed of the
Internet and the computer do affect the speed of response. However, unlike transaction
systems, CIS is an information system and it does not process calls.
Customers may download the reviewed information into an Excel spreadsheet for
further analysis and record keeping. Therefore, the computer the customer is using to
access CIS should have Excel software installed on it to benefit from this feature.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Accessing CIS
Upon receiving your user id and the password you will need to point your Internet
browser to and select the CIS system
The Reset button allows the user to change the password. Upon entering the correct
Login ID and Password CIS displays the CIS information panel
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
Page 6
Calls Dictionary
Each call the Real PBX Service process has direction and type. The combination of
Direction and Type controls the information CIS displays.
Call Type
Each call may originate from external sources and terminate on one of the extensions or
may originate from internal sources such as an extension to terminate on external
numbers. Also, some calls originate and terminate internally.
Below is a list of the Call Types and their meaning.
Mail Box
Calls first answered by Auto Attendant. These calls may be
external or internal. Also calls that branch from Auto
Attendant to Extensions.
Call processed by Agent Group queue and its extensions.
IVR node calls are calls terminated and initiated by an IVR
Calls processed by a Hunt group. Hunt group is a set of
extensions that calls directed to.
Calls processed by the Real Conference system.
Calls terminated on voice mailboxes.
Inbound and Outbound calls only.
Calls that users initiated by Star Code .
Service Flag calls. These are calls associated with Service
Flag extensions usually used for after work call processing
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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and during scheduled events.
Extension No
CIS uses the content of this field to select calls associated with the entered extension
number. Usually, users use this field to review calls associated with a single extension.
CIS will display a blank screen if the entered extension number is not part of the
Call direction mainly applicable to indicate if the targeted calls are inbound or outbound.
CIS provide three choices:
All calls regardless of the direction.
All inbound calls. Calls can be external or internal inbound
calls depending on the content of Call Type field.
Example: CIS displays all external inbound calls if the
content of the Call Type field is Extcall.
All outbound calls. Calls can be external or internal
outbound calls depending on the content of Call Type field.
Example: CIS displays all external outbound calls if the
content of the Call Type field is Extcall.
Called From
CIS will display calls associated with the phone number or extension number entered in
this field. CIS selects the calls that match the content of Call Type and Direction fields.
All displayed call will be inbound calls.
Called To
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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CIS will display calls associated with the phone number or extension number entered in
this field. CIS selects the calls that match the content of Call Type and Direction fields.
All displayed call will be outbound calls.
Sort By
CIS display the selected calls in the order specified in this field.
The order of displayed calls will in ascending order reflecting any of the selected items
from the Sort BY drop down list.
Calendar Date
Users need to indicate the start and end dates for the calls of interest. CIS will not
display information unless the Start Date and Ending Date fields contain valid dates and
the Ending Date is the same or later that the Start Date.
Users can enter the dates by either directly typing the dates into the fields or by
pressing the calendar icons
and selecting the dates.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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The date format is shown above.
Start Date
Users must select a date equal to or earlier than the ending date.
Ending Date
Users must select a date equal to or later than the Start Date.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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Calls and Duration Summary
CIS displays the number of selected calls and the sum of the duration of the calls. Total
Calls and Overall Call Duration are displayed above the selected records.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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The download function enable users to download the selected calls to an excel
spreadsheet on their computer.
3600 Billings Court Suite 105, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4K9, Canada Phone 1-905-481-3044 Email:
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