BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT EXERCISES Paper 002-061 CONTENTS Page EXERCISE NO. 1 - JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY ........................................................3 .1 Previous Accounting Period Bank Reconciliation Statement .................................................3 .2 Cash Receipts Book - Prior To Reconciliation ..........................................................................3 .3 Cash Payments Book - Prior To Reconciliation ........................................................................5 .4 Bank Statement ............................................................................................................................6 .5 Exercise No 1 - Question .............................................................................................................7 EXERCISE NO. 2 - SMITH’S MOTEL...........................................................................................................8 .1 Cash Receipts Book Prior To Reconciliation ............................................................................8 .2 Cash Payments Book - Prior To Reconciliation ........................................................................8 .3 Previous Accounting Period Bank Reconciliation Statement .................................................8 .4 Bank Statement ............................................................................................................................9 .5 Exercise No. 2 Question ..............................................................................................................9 ADDENDUMS 002-061A Cash Receipts Book ............................................................................................................11 002-061B Cash Payments Book ..........................................................................................................12 002-061C Bank Reconciliation Statement ..........................................................................................14 002-061D Completed Cash Receipts Book ........................................................................................15 002-061E Completed Cash Payments Book ......................................................................................16 002-061F Bank Reconciliation Statement ..........................................................................................18 002-061G Cash Receipts Book ............................................................................................................19 002-061H Cash Payment Book ............................................................................................................20 002-061I Bank Reconciliation Statement ................................................................................................21 002-061J Completed Cash Receipts Book ...............................................................................................22 002-061K Completed Cash Payments Book ......................................................................................23 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 1 002-061L Bank Reconciliation Exercise .............................................................................................24 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 2 BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT EXERCISES Paper 002-061 EXERCISE NO. 1 - JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY .1 Previous Accounting Period Bank Reconciliation Statement BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 MAY 20XX Cash Book Balance 30.4.XX Add Receipts $47,620.00 Cr. $ 3,100.00 $50,720.00 $10,970.00 $39,750.00 Cr Less Payments Cash Book Balance as at 31.5.XX Bank Statement Balance 31.5.XX Less Unpresented Cheques: 185 186 Reconciled Balance as at 31.5.XX $ 250.00 $39,750.00 Cr Cash Receipts Book - Prior To Reconciliation 02.06.XX John Brown 1525 04.06.XX 16.06.XX Cash SGIO 1526 1527 1,000.0 0 500.00 50.00 GST Payable Sundry $ Capital Contributed $ Sales $ Amount $ Receipt No Received From CASH RECEIPTS BOOK Date .2 $40,000.00 Cr $200.00 $ 50.00 1,000.00 454.55 45.45 (Refund overpaid shop 45.45 4.55 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 3 insurance) 24.06.XX 25.06.XX 29.06.XX Cash Cash Winter Festival 1528 1529 1530 70.00 200.00 450.00 30.06.XX John Brown 1531 20.00 63.63 181.81 6.37 18.19 450.00 (Window display prize) 20.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 4 Yr XX 01.06 02.06 04.06 07.06 08.06 10.06 11.06 11.06 15.06 19.06 22.06 25.06 28.06 29.06 30.06 A8 Clothing Co XY Real Estate A Electrician (Rep. neon sign) Rubber Tyre Co (Tyres Del. Van) Ergon Energy SGIO (Shop) Smith’s Newsagency Green’s Motors (New del. van) John Jones (Casual Wages) BP Garage XY Real Estate SGIO (Insur. del. van) JB Fashion Ltd BC Furniture Co (Storage shelves) Cash (Drawings MBF) 187 188 189 100.00 50.00 200.00 190 205.00 191 192 192 35.00 600.00 20.00 194 10,000.00 195 150.00 196 197 198 90.00 50.00 250.00 199 200 400.00 600.00 201 150.00 90.91 Input Tax Credit Sundry Capital Postage & Stationery Fuel & Oil Electricity M.V. Expenses Insurance Repairs & Maint Rent Purchase s Amount Chq.No. Payee Cash Payments Book - Prior To Reconciliation JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY - CASH PAYMENTS BOOK Date .3 9.09 4.54 18.18 45.46 181.82 186.36 18.64 31.82 3.18 54.55 1.82 545.45 18.18 10,000.00 150.00 81.82 8.18 4.54 22.73 45.46 227.27 363.64 36.36 54.55 545.45 150.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 5 .4 Bank Statement ACCOUNT NO Mr J Brown 17 Hugh Street PACIFIC CITY QLD 4912 98738 - 7823 NAME OF ACCOUNT: JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY Date 20XX June 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 8 8 15 15 15 15 17 25 25 26 26 29 29 30 July 1 2 Particulars Brought Forward 000189 000186 F.T.D. 000187 Deposit 000188 000185 Deposit Cheque Book 000190 000194 000192 000193 000191 000199 Deposit 000198 000197 000196 Deposit 000195 Deposit Deposit Deposit 000201 Dr Cr Balance 200.00 50.00 10.00 100.00 1,000.00 50.00 200.00 500.00 10.00 205.00 10,000.00 600.00 20.00 35.00 400.00 50.00 250.00 50.00 90.00 270.00 150.00 450.00 20.00 55.00 150.00 40,000.00 Cr 39,800.00 Cr 39,750.00 Cr 39,740.00 Cr 39,640.00 Cr 40,640.00 Cr 40,590.00 Cr 40,390.00 Cr 40,890.00 Cr 40,880.00 Cr 40,675.00 Cr 30,675.00 Cr 30,075.00 Cr 30,055.00 Cr 30,020.00 Cr 29,620.00 Cr 29,670.00 Cr 29,420.00 Cr 29,370.00 Cr 29,280.00 Cr 29,550.00 Cr 29,400.00 Cr 29,850.00 Cr 29,870.00 Cr 29,925.00 Cr 29,775.00 Cr - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 6 .5 Exercise No 1 - Question PREPARATION OF BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY Can you please prepare the following:1. Cash Receipts Book - Addendum 002-061A Answer - Addendum 002-061D 2. Cash Payment Book - Addendum 002-061B Answer - Addendum 002-061E 3. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement - Addendum 002-061C Answer - Addendum 002-061F - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 7 EXERCISE NO. 2 - SMITH’S MOTEL .1 Cash Receipts Book Prior To Reconciliation Cash Receipts (Bank Column Only) of Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX Date 02.03.XX 03.03.XX 05.03.XX 07.03.XX 10.03.XX 12.03.XX 14.03.XX 17.03.XX 17.03.XX 19.03.XX 21.03.XX 24.03.XX 26.03.XX 30.03.XX 31.03.XX Receipt No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Particulars Bank Cash Sales Debtor - J. Jones Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - Jetset Travel Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - S Green Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - R Smart Cash Sales Debtor - A Blue Cash Sales Cash Sales 400.00 440.00 690.00 615.00 1,425.00 426.00 333.00 453.00 510.00 338.00 209.00 927.00 425.00 1,254.00 739.00 TOTAL: .2 $9,184.00 Cash Payments Book - Prior To Reconciliation Cash Payments (Bank Column only) of Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX Date 03.03.XX 03.03.XX 10.03.XX 10.03.XX 10.03.XX 10.03.XX 17.03.XX 17.03.XX 24.03.XX 24.03.XX 24.03.XX Ch.No. 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Particulars Cash - Wages Castlemaine Perkins Cash - Wages Fresha Eggs Pacific Seafoods Currey (Q’ld) Cash - Wages City Meats Drawings - W Smith Cash - Wages Huggets TOTAL: .3 Bank 685.00 1,250.00 850.00 130.00 937.00 395.00 729.00 1,255.00 468.00 427.00 200.00 $7,326.00 Previous Accounting Period Bank Reconciliation Statement Cash Book Balance 31 January 20XX Add Receipts 2,500.00 Cr. 9,139.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 8 11,639.00 8,260.00 $3,379.00 Cr Less Payments Cash Book Balance 28th February 20XX Bank Statement Balance 28 February 20XX Add Deposits not yet credited Less Unpresented Cheques No 329 342 346 349 Reconciled Balance as at 28 February 20XX .4 .5 3,901.00 Cr. 380.00 290.00 197.00 160.00 185.00 650.00 Bank Statement The following Bank Statement was received by Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX. Date Particulars Dr Cr Feb. 28 Balance B/F March 3 Deposit 670.00 3 Deposit 840.00 4 Cheque 185.00 5 Deposit 690.00 6 Cheque 350 685.00 6 Cheque 351 1,250.00 7 Deposit 615.00 10 Deposit 1,425.00 10 Cheque 329 197.00 11 Cheque 349 650.00 11 Cheque 352 850.00 12 Deposit 426.00 14 Cheque 354 937.00 14 Deposit 333.00 17 Payment by Authority 416.50 17 Deposit 963.00 18 Cheque 356 729.00 19 Deposit 338.00 21 Deposit 209.00 24 Cheque 357 1,255.00 24 Deposit 927.00 26 Deposit 425.00 27 Cheque 358 468.00 27 Federal Tax 32.60 27 Interest on IBD 113.40 670.00 4,571.00 1,192.00 $3,379.00 Cr. Balance 3,901.00 4,571.00 5,411.00 5,226.00 5,916.00 5,231.00 3,981.00 4,596.00 6,021.00 5,824.00 5,174.00 4,324.00 4,750.00 3,813.00 4,146.00 3,729.50 4,692.50 3,963.50 4,301.50 4,510.50 3,255.50 4,182.50 4,607.50 4,139.50 4,106.90 4,220.30 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Exercise No. 2 Question Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement - Smiths’ Motel. Can you please prepare the following:1. Cash Receipts Book - Addendum 002-061G Answer - Addendum 002-061J 2. Cash Payments Book - Addendum 002-061H Answer - Addendum 002-061K - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 9 3. Bank Reconciliation Statement - Addendum 002-061I Answer - Addendum 002-061L - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 10 ADDENDUM 002-061A EXERCISE NO 1 - JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY 002-061A Cash Receipts Book Prior To Reconciliation Exercises Cash Cash Winter Festival 1528 1529 1530 70.00 200.00 450.00 30.06.XX John Brown 1531 20.00 GST Payable 24.06.XX 25.06.XX 29.06.XX Sundry $ 1,000.00 500.00 50.00 Capital Contributed $ 1525 1526 1527 Sales $ Amount $ John Brown Cash SGIO Received From 02.06.XX 04.06.XX 16.06.XX Date Receipt No. JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY CASH RECEIPTS BOOK 1,000.00 454.55 45.45 (Refund overpaid shop insurance) 63.63 181.81 45.45 4.55 6.37 18.19 450.00 (Window display prize) 20.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 230903 Page 11 ADDENDUM 002-061B BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS - BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT EXERCISES Exercise No 1 - John Brown Retail Clothing Company 08.06 10.06 11.06 11.06 15.06 19.06 22.06 25.06 28.06 29.06 30.06 150.00 196 90.00 XY Real Estate SGIO (Insur. Del. van) JB Fashion Ltd BC Furniture Co (Store shelves) Cash (Drawings MBF) 197 198 50.00 250.00 199 200 400.00 600.00 201 150.00 90.91 Input Tax Credit 195 Sundry 10000.00 Capital 194 Postage & Stationery 35.00 600.00 20.00 Fuel & Oil 191 192 192 Electricity 205.00 M.V. Expenses 190 Insurance 100.00 50.00 200.00 Repairs & Maint 187 188 189 Rent A8 Clothing Co XY Real Estate A Electrician (Rep. neon sign) Rubber Tyre Co (Tyres Del. Van) Ergon Energy SGIO (Shop) Smith’s Newsagency Green’s Motors (New del. van) John Jones (Casual Wages) BP Garage Purchases Amount 07.06 Chq.No. Yr XX 01.06 02.06 04.06 Cash Payments Book Payee Date 002-061B 9.09 4.54 18.18 45.46 181.82 186.36 18.64 31.82 3.18 54.55 1.82 545.45 18.18 10000.00 150.00 81.8 2 8.18 45.46 4.54 22.73 227.27 363.64 36.36 54.55 545.45 150.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 12 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 13 ADDENDUM 002-061C 002-061C Bank Reconciliation Statement Exercise No 1 - John Brown Retail Clothing Company BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 14 ADDENDUM 002-061D BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENTS SUGGESTED SOLUTION - EXERCISE NO 1 - JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY Cash Cash Winter Festival 1528 1529 1530 70.00 200.00 450.00 30.06 John Brown 1531 20.00 $2,290.00 GST Payable 24.06 25.06 29.06 Sundry $ 1,000.00 500.00 50.00 Capital Contributed $ 1525 1526 1527 Sales $ John Brown Cash SGIO Received From 02.06 04.06 16.06 Date Amount $ Completed Cash Receipts Book Receipt No. 002-061D 1,000.00 454.55 45.45 (Refund overpaid shop insurance) 63.63 181.81 45.45 4.55 6.37 18.19 450.00 (Window display prize) 20.00 $699.99 $1,020.00 $495.45 $74.56 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 15 ADDENDUM 002-061E BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT EXERCISES Exercise No 1 - John Brown Retail Clothing Company Yr XX 01.06 02.06 04.06 07.06 08.06 10.06 11.06 11.06 15.06 19.06 22.06 25.06 28.06 29.06 30.06 02.06 A8 Clothing Co XY Real Estate A Electrician (Rep. neon sign) Rubber Tyre Co (Tyres Del. Van) Ergon Energy SGIO (Shop) Smith’s Newsagency Green’s Motors (New del. van) John Jones (Casual Wages) BP Garage XY Real Estate SGIO (Insur. Del. van) JB Fashion Ltd BC Furniture Co (Store shelves) Cash (Drawings MBF) FDT 187 188 189 100.00 50.00 200.00 90.91 190 205.00 191 192 192 35.00 600.00 20.00 194 10000.00 195 150.00 196 197 198 90.00 50.00 250.00 199 200 400.00 600.00 201 150.00 150.00 10.00 10.00 Input Tax Credit Sundry Capital Postage & Stationery Fuel & Oil Electricity M.V. Expenses Insurance Repairs & Maint Rent Purch. Amount Chq.No. Completed Cash Payments Book Payee Date 002-061E 9.09 4.54 18.18 45.46 181.82 186.36 18.64 31.82 3.18 54.55 1.82 545.45 18.18 10000.00 150.00 81.82 8.18 4.54 22.73 45.46 227.27 363.64 36.36 54.55 545.45 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 16 05.05 (Bank Charges) Cheque Book (Cheque Book) 10.00 $12920.00 10.00 $454.55 $90.92 $181.82 $545.45 $413.64 $31.82 $81.82 $18.18 $10545.45 $320.00 $236.36 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 02.61 - Addendums 230903 Page 17 ADDENDUM 002-061F 002-061F Bank Reconciliation Statement BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 30TH JUNE XXXX JOHN BROWN RETAIL CLOTHING COMPANY Cash Book Balance 31.5 Add Receipts 39,750.00 Cr 2,290.00 42,040.00 12,920.00 $29,120.00 Cr Less Payments Cash Book Balance 30.6 Bank Statement Balance 30.6 Less Unpresented cheques 200 201 Reconciled Balance as at 30.6 29,870.00 Cr $600.00 $150.00 750.00 $29,120.00 Cr - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 18 ADDENDUM 002-061G EXERCISE NO 2 - SMITH'S MOTEL 002-061G Cash Receipts Book Cash Receipts (Bank Column) of Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX Date 02.03 03.03 05.03 07.03 10.03 12.03 14.03 17.03 17.03 19.03 21.03 24.03 26.03 30.03 31.03 Receipt No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Particulars Cash Sales Debtor - J. Jones Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - Jetset Travel Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - S Green Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - R Smart Cash Sales Debtor - A Blue Cash Sales Cash Sales TOTAL: Bank 400.00 440.00 690.00 615.00 1,425.00 426.00 333.00 453.00 510.00 338.00 209.00 927.00 425.00 1,254.00 739.00 $9,184.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 19 ADDENDUM 002-061H EXERCISE NO 2 - SMITH'S MOTEL 002-061H Cash Payment Book Cash Payments (Bank Column only) of Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX Date 03.03 03.03 10.03 10.03 10.03 10.03 17.03 17.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 Ch.No. 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Particulars Cash - Wages Castlemaine Perkins Cash - Wages Fresha Eggs Pacific Seafoods Currey (Q’ld) Cash - Wages City Meats Drawings - W Smith Cash - Wages Huggets TOTAL: Bank 685.00 1,250.00 850.00 130.00 937.00 395.00 729.00 1,255.00 468.00 427.00 200.00 $7,326.00 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 20 ADDENDUM 002-061I EXERCISE NO 2 - SMITH'S MOTEL 002-061I Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31 March 20XX Cash book balance 28th February 20XX Add Receipts Less Payments Cash Book Balance 31st March 20XX Bank Statement Balance 31 March 20XX Add Deposits not yet credited Less Unpresented Cheques Reconciled Balance as at 31 March 20XX - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 21 ADDENDUM 002-061J SUGGESTED SOLUTION - EXERCISE NO 2 - SMITH'S MOTEL 002-061J Completed Cash Receipts Book Cash Receipts (Bank Column Only) of Smiths’ Motel for March 20XX Date 02.03 03.03 05.03 07.03 10.03 12.03 14.03 17.03 17.03 19.03 21.03 24.03 26.03 30.03 31.03 27.03 Receipt No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BS Particulars Cash Sales Debtor - J. Jones Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - Jetset Travel Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - S Green Cash Sales Cash Sales Debtor - R Smart Cash Sales Debtor - A Blue Cash Sales Cash Sales Interest on I.B.D. TOTAL: Bank 400.00 440.00 690.00 615.00 1,425.00 426.00 333.00 453.00 510.00 338.00 209.00 927.00 425.00 1,254.00 739.00 113.40 $9,297.40 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 22 ADDENDUM 002-061K 002-061K Completed Cash Payments Book Date Ch.No. 03.03 03.03 10.03 10.03 10.03 10.03 17.03 17.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 27.03 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 BS 27.03 BS Particulars Cash - Wages Castlemaine Perkins Cash - Wages Fresha Eggs Pacific Seafoods Currey (Q’ld) Cash - Wages City Meats Drawings - W Smith Cash - Wages Huggets Payment by Authority (Motor Vehicle Lease) Bank Charges TOTAL: Bank 685.00 1,250.00 850.00 130.00 937.00 395.00 729.00 1,255.00 468.00 427.00 200.00 416.50 32.60 $7,775.10 - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 23 ADDENDUM 002-061L 002-061L Bank Reconciliation Exercise BANK RECONCILIATION OF SMITH’S MOTEL AS AT 31ST MARCH 20XX Cash Book Balance 28 February 20XX Add Receipts 3,379.00 Cr 9,297.40 12,676.40 7,775.10 $4,901.30 Cr Less Payments Cash Book Balance 31 March 20XX Bank Statement Balance 31 March 20XX Add Deposits not yet credited 30/3/XX Rec. 32 31/3/XX Rec 33 Less Unpresented Cheques 342 353 355 359 360 Reconciled Balance as at 31 March 20XX 4,220.30 Cr 1,254.00 739.00 160.00 130.00 395.00 427.00 200.00 1,993.00 6,213.00 1,312.00 $4,901.30 Cr - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 24 AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE The forms and commentaries contained in this paper are provided as a guide only and should not form the sole basis for any advice in relation to the particular situation of any person without first obtaining proper professional advice. This paper is provided on the understanding that ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd (ACN: 078 451 439) will not be responsible as a result of any use made by users hereof of the forms or commentaries of this paper without first obtaining specific professional advice. Neither shall ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in these papers. ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd expressly disclaims liability whether under contract or negligence and whether to a direct purchaser of these papers or to any other person who may borrow or use them in respect of any loss or damage flowing therefrom whether direct or consequential. In particular and without limiting the extent of this disclaimer ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd accepts no liability if any form or commentary contained herein, whether used in its original form or altered in some way by the user, proves not to be valid or not to attain the end result desired by the user. This exclusion shall extend both to the user and to any client of the user who may suffer loss as a result of the use of these papers and it shall apply even though ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd may have been negligent in the publication or preparation of these papers. The user acknowledges that it has not made known to ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd any particular purpose for which these papers are required and that it has not relied on ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd's skill or judgement to provide a paper suitable for any such purpose. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NOTICE The authority to use all copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights comprised in this paper is held exclusively by ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd (ACN: 078 451 439). Neither these rights nor any part of this paper may be used, sold, transferred, licensed, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd (ACN: 078 451 439). - ESS BIZTOOLS Pty Ltd - ACN: 078 451 439 Paper 002-061 220213 Page 25