THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO CATER STUDENT'S RECORDS IN SCHOOL: AN INTRODUCTION TO WEBBASED APPLICATIONS BY: MAHFUDZAH OTHMAN ZAINAB OTHMAN MOHD. NORAFIZAL ABD. AZIZ JUNE 2005 11 COPYRIGHT © UiTM Tarikh 22 Julai 2003 Bi@l|H Teknologj *zZj£3 MARA Pn. Mahfudzah Odiman Pensyarah Komputer Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat & Sams Kuantitatif Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang, 26400 Bandar Jengka Pahang. Unit Penyelidikan dan Perundingan Puan, TAJUK PROJEK: T H E I M P L E M E N T A T I O N O F D A T A B A S E M A N A G E M E N T SYSTEM TO CATER STUDENT'S RECORDS IN SCHOOL : AN I N T R O D U C T I O N TO WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Jawatankuasa Penyelidikan dan Perundingan di peringkat UiTM Cawangan Pahang telah membuat keputusan: l. Bersetuju meluluskaa cadangan penyelidikan yang dikemukakan oleh puan, En. Mohd. Norafizal Abd. Aziz dan Pn. Zainab Othman. ii. T e m p o h projek penyelidikan ini ialah 12 bulan, iaitu mulai 1 O g o s 2003 hingga 31 J u k i 2004. in. Kos yang diluluskan ialah sebanyak RM10.000.00 sahaja. iv. Pcnggunaan geraii ditandatangani. v. Semua pembelian peralatan yang kosnya melebihi RM500.00 satu item perlu menggunakan Pesanan jabatan Universiti Teknologi MARA (LO). Pihak puan juga dikehendaki mematuhi peraturan penerimaan peralatan. vi. Kertaskerja boleh dibentangkan di seminar setelah 7 5 % deraf awal l a p o r a n akhir projek dihantar ke Biro untuk semakan. Walau bagaimana pun, puan peira membuat permohonan kepada Biro Penyelidikan dan Perundingan UiTM Shah Alam. vn. Pihak puan dikehendaki mengemukakan Laporan Kemajuan Projek P e n y e l i d i k a n pada setiap 15 lib. April, 15 hb. Ogos dan 15 hb. Disember sepanjang projek penyelidikan berjalan. Laporan Akhir perlu dihantar sebaik sahaja projek penyelidikan disiapkan. Format menulis laporan akhir boleh diperolehi di Unit Penyelidikan dan Perundingan UiTM Pahang. yang diluluskan ha.nya akan diproses setekh Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pahang, Lintasan SBmarak, 2G40D Bandar Jengka, Pahang Te! • 09-4602284 Fax: 09-4GD2455 COPYRIGHT © UiTM perjanjian Beisama sama mi diseitakan Suiat Peijanjian untuk ditandatangam oleh pihak puan Sila penuhkan peijanjian beikenaan dengan menggunakan pen beidakwat mtam dan kembakkan ke Unit Penyelidikan dan Peiundtngan UiTM Pahang untuk tindakan selaiijutnya Sekian, teiima kasih "SELAMAT M E N J A L A N K A N P E N Y E L I D I K A N " Yang benai, PROF. M A D Y A I R . A B D U L L A H SUHAIMI B I N M O H A M E D Pengarah Kampus, U i T M Cawangan Pahang sk 1 P e n o l o n g N a i b Canseloi (Penyehdikan) B n o Penyehdikan dan Peiundingan Univeisiti I eknoiogi MARA 2 Pegawai Kcija Akaun Unit Kewangan Z o n 17 B n o Penyehdikan dan Peiundingan 3 Kooidmatoi Unit Penyehdikan dan Perundingan, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pahang 4 1 imbalan Bendahan, Lmn eisiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pahang Universal Teknulogi MARA Cawangan Pahang Lintasan SEmarak 2B4DD Bandar Jengka Pahang Tel D9 4G02284 Fax OS 4602455 http//www pahang uitm edu my COPYRIGHT © UiTM Tarikh No. Fail Projek : 30 Jun 2005 Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan) Institut Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan Pengkomersilan Universiti Teknologi MARA 40450 Shah Alam Ybhg. Prof., LAPORAN AKHIR PENYELIDIKAN "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO CATER STUDENT'S RECORDS IN SCHOOL: AN INTRODUCTION TO WEB-BASED APPLICATIONS" Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, bersama-sama ini disertakan 3 (tiga) naskah Laporan Akhir Penyelidikan bertajuk "The Implementation Of Database Management System To Cater Student's Records In School: An Introduction To Web-Based Applications". Sekian, terima kasih. Yang benar, /Y MAWFUDZAH OTHMAN Ketua Projek Penyelidikan iii COPYRIGHT © UiTM PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS MAHFUDZAH OTHMAN Project Leader ZAINAB OTHMAN Project Member SKsnlature MOHD. NORAFIZAL ABD. AZIZ Project Member Signature iv COPYRIGHT © UiTM ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to be thankful to Allah for giving us the courage and strength to complete this project. And, we would also like to give our warmest appreciation and gratitude to those involved parties whether individuals or organizations, who have given us lots of co operations and supports. Some of them are: Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Dasar Pendidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Unit Perhubungan, Pendaftaran dan Pendidikan Swasta, Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah, Jabatan Pendidikan Pahang Institute of Research, Development and Commercialisation (IRDC), UiTM Unit Perkhidmatan Teknologi Maklumat, UiTM Pahang Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat (2), Pahang Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (LKTP) Jengka 16, Pahang Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (LKTP) Jengka 21, Pahang And, also to everybody who have been supporting us throughout the process of completing this project. May Allah bless each and every one of you. AMIN. v COPYRIGHT © UiTM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS v LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii ABSTRACT xiv CHAPTER I II INTRODUCTION 1.0 introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statement 3 1.2 Project Significance 3 1.3 Project Objective 4 1.4 Project Scope 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 File-Processing Approach versus Database 5 Processing Approach vi COPYRIGHT © UiTM 2.1.1 The Pros and Cons of File-Processing 5 Approach 2.1.2 The Pros and Cons of Database 7 Processing Approach 2.2 The Definition of Database 9 2.3 The Web-based Applications 9 2.3.1 The Architecture of Web Applications 11 The Concept of Student Management System 14 2.4 III METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 17 3.1 System Development Research Methodology 18 3.1.1 Construct a Conceptual Framework 19 3.1.2 Develop System Architecture 19 3.1.3 Analyze and Design the System 19 3.1.4 Built the Prototype System 20 3.1.5 Test and Evaluate the Prototype 20 System IV ANALYSIS AND DESIGN REVIEW 4.0 Introduction 21 4.1 Analysis Findings 21 4.2 Weaknesses 22 4.3 Advantages 22 4.4 The Requirement of the Systems 22 Vll COPYRIGHT © UiTM 4.5 Analyze and Design the System 24 4.5.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 24 4.5.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 26 FINDINGS V! 5.0 Introduction 36 5.1 Registration Menu 36 5.2 Subject Selection Menu 40 5.3 Co-Curriculum Menu 44 5.4 Attendance Record Menu 46 5.5 Discipline Record Menu 51 5.6 Teachers Record Menu 54 5.7 View Record Menu 54 SYSTEM EVALUATION 6.0 Introduction 57 6.1 Student's Management Record 57 6.2 System's Database 57 6.3 System's User Interface 58 6.4 System's Benefits 58 6.5 System's Weaknesses and Limitations 58 6.5.1 System's User Interface 59 6.5.2 System's Efficiency and Effectiveness 59 viii COPYRIGHT © UiTM VII RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 7.0 Introduction 61 7.1 Recommendations 61 7.2 Conclusion 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY 64 APPENDIX A: SAMPLE OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 67 ix COPYRIGHT © UiTM LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Architecture of Web Applications 11 Figure 3.1 A Process for System Development Research Methodology 18 Figure 4.1 Entity Relationship Diagram for Student Management System 24 Figure 4.2 Context Diagram for Student Management System 27 Figure 4.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 for Student Management 28 System Figure 4.4 Data Row Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 1.0 29 Figure 4.5 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 2.0 30 Figure 4.6 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 3.0 31 Figure 4.7 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 4.0 32 Figure 4.8 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 5.0 33 Figure 4.9 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 6.0 34 Figure 4.10 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 for Process 7.0 34 Figure 5.1 The Login Form 36 Figure 5.2 The Registration Menu 37 Figure 5.3 The Registration Form 38 Figure 5.4 List of Student's Registration Records 38 Figure 5.5 Example of Query Form to Edit a Student's Record 39 Figure 5.6 Example of Query Form to Delete a Student's Record 39 Figure 5.7 The Subject Selection Menu 40 Figure 5.8 Example of Additional Subject Selection Form 41 Figure 5.9 Example of Query Form to Edit a Student's Additional Subject 41 Figure 5.10 Example of Query Form to Update a Student's Additional Subject 42 Figure 5.11 Example of Query Form to Delete a Student's Additional Subject 42 Figure 5.12 Example of Confirmation to Delete a Student's Additional Subject 43 COPYRIGHT © UiTM x Figure 5 13 Example of Compulsory Subjects and Additional Subjects 43 Registered by a Student Figure 5 14 The Co-Curriculum Menu 44 Figure 5 15 The List of Co-Curriculum Activities 45 Figure 5 16 Example of Co-Curriculum List Registered by a Student 45 Figure 5 17 The Attendance Record Menu 46 Figure 5 18 Example of Query Form to Enter the Attendance Form 47 Figure 5 19 Example of Attendance Form 47 Figure 5 20 Example of Query Form t Edit Attendance 48 Figure 5 21 Example to Edit Attendance Record 48 Figure 5 22 Example of Query Form to Edit Attendance Record 49 Figure 5 23 Example of Query Form to Delete a Student's Attendance Record 49 Figure 5 24 Example of Confirmation to Delete a Student's Attendance Record 50 Figure 5 25 Example of a Student's Attendance Record that has been deleted 50 Figure 5 26 The Discipline Record Menu 51 Figure 5 27 Example to Add Discipline Record 52 Figure 5 28 The Sub menus to View Discipline Record 52 Figure 5 29 Exampie to View All Discipline Records 53 Figure 5 30 The Sub menus to Delete Discipline Records 53 Figure 5 31 The Teachers Record Menu 54 Figure 5 32 The Menu to View Teacher's Records 55 Figure 5 33 Example of Query Form to View a Teacher's Record 55 Figure 5 34 Example of a Teacher's Record 56 COPYRIGHT © UiTM XI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACID Atomic, Consistent, Independent, Durable ASP Active Server Page CASE Computer-aided Systems Engineering CGI Common Gateway Interface COBOL Common Business Oriented Language COPPA Children's Online Privacy Protection CPU Central Processing Unit DBMS Database Management System DFD Data Flow Diagram DOS Disk Operating System ERD Entity Relationship Diagram FAST Facilitated Application Specification Technique GIF Graphics Interchange Format GPL GNU General Public License HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol IIS Internet Information Server JSP Java Server Page LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, P* (PHP, Perl, Phython) LAN Local Area Network MMS Modular Management System MySQL My Structured Query Language ODBMS Object-oriented Database Management System OOP Object-Oriented Programming PHP Hypertext Preprocessor COPYRIGHT © UiTM xii PIECES Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Service PL/I Programming Language 1 PowerSchool SIS PowerSchool Student Information System RDBMS Relational Database Management System SASIxp Schools Administrative Student Information Software SPBT Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks SPM Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia SSL Secure Sockets Layer SQL Structured Query Language UNIX Uniplexed Information and Computing System VB Visual Basic WWW World Wide Web XML Extensible Markup Language COPYRIGHT © UiTM xiii THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO CATER STUDENT'S RECORDS IN SCHOOL: AN INTRODUCTION TO WEBBASED APPLICATIONS ABSTRACT The study was carried out in order to implement a database management system to cater student's records in school. Besides that, the objective of the study is also to introduce the webbased application and produce an online system to support students' activities in schools. The System Development Research Methodology is the methodology used in the study Th° prototype of Student Management System is built using the MySQL relational database, together with PHP and Apache Web server. paper. The benefits of these technologies are discussed in this The combination of these technologies makes the Student Management System featured with many benefits that are believed can help to enhance today's education system. xiv COPYRIGHT © UiTM CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Currently, developing a Web-based application has become a priority to most organizations. Most of the corporate sectors nowadays have been using the Web-based applications to support their everyday business activities, such as the online service site of San Francisco-based mPower ( and freeware and open source programmer content site (Babcock, 2000). Moreover, pioneers such as, Dell and Federal Express have demonstrated success with Web-based businesses (Oppel, 1999). However, there are not many schools that have been developing Web-based applications to handle students' activities in various areas such as registrations, attendances, co-curriculum enrollments, subject selections, examinations and many other activities that concern students (Media & Methods, 2000). Many benefits could be gained in having a Web-based Student Management System in schools. For example, The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District has been implementing the Web-based Student Management System for the past three years (Media & Methods, 2000). With this method, they manage to handle students' records in more efficient ways. Before this, The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District and most of the schools nowadays, have been using the old-custom ways where all the information such as student progress, attendances, cocurriculum enrollments and teacher lesson plans were all recorded on papers. error-prone and loss of important and confidential information. I COPYRIGHT © UiTM This could be However, according to Media and Methods (2000), after implementing the Web-based system in all areas of The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District's administration and teaching, it has improved the education level in the school. For instance, teachers can enter attendances into computers in each classroom and the student count can be sent instantaneously to the office and lunchroom. With this Web-based method, teachers can pull this information up at conference time and if a student has some attendance issues, the teacher can pull it up on the computer. Another example is the Modular Management System for Schools or MMS 2000 that has been developed by Computer Resources, LLC (Computer Resources, LLC, 1999). This administrative software is developed to support various students' activities in school such as Attendance Reporting System, Student Scheduling System and Discipline Monitoring System. One of the advantages in using this system is that it is flexible and easy-to-use. Furthermore, this system could generate letters to parents or warning reoorts or even certificate of recognitions. All these specialties could help the school administrators to efficiently manage students' activities and improve the school operations. Furthermore, PowerSchool System is another system, which had been using the Webbased application concept to enhance today's education level. With the browser-based interface, it features various aspects that accommodate students' activities in schools. Like the MMS 2000 and Sergeant Bluff Luton School District's Web-based Student Management System, PowerSchool also features benefits that will not only receive by the school administrators, but also the students as well as their parents. 2 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 1.1 Problem Statement Nowadays, database systems have become the chosen alternative to overcome the limitations of file systems such as data isolation and duplication in many organizations (Kroenke, 1998). However, based on the researcher's observations, most of the schools nowadays are still using manual systems to manage the students' records. In most schools, the students' records are kept in different files and this situation would lead to the risks of lost, damage and duplication of data. In addition, the nature of the manual system would also lead to the difficulties in managing students' records systematically. Therefore, this study is aimed to address the problem by introducing tne implementation of database systems in schools. The implementation of database systems is hoped to help the schools' administrators to manage students' records more effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, the Web-based application on the other hand could permit more efficient, faster and easier access to the information by users. According to PowerSchool, (2001), with the Web-based application technique, data could be stored, retrieved and viewed by multi-users via the Web-browser simultaneously and this will improve information sharing among users For this study, the development of the prototype system is hoped to give an initial assessment of the Web-based Student Management System's effectiveness. In addition, this will promote further enhancement of a more comprehensive Web-based database systems in schools. 1.2 Project Significance This project creates a database system for students' records in schools can be a reference to the other researchers for the similar system in the future. The usage of this system helps to reduce the inconsistency and improve the integration of the operational data, improve in data concurrency, referential integrity, security, data replication, optimization and many others. This system also helps to promote the paperless environment as well as improving the records management to make it more effective and efficient. 3 COPYRIGHT © UiTM 1.3 Project Objective One of the objectives of this project is to conduct a research in improving students' records management in schools by introducing the use of database management system. Furthermore, the purpose of conducting this study is to introduce the Web-based applications technologies that features various benefits such as improving information sharing among users in dispersed locations and facilitate quick response to information queries, updates, reports and many other processes. And the final objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive prototype of Web-based Student Information Management System. 1.4 Project Scope The project will be focusing on managing students' records in few schools around Maran district. The selected schools are and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat (2), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (LKTP) Jengka 16 and Sekolah Menengah (LKTP) Jengka 21. The scope of the project will be narrowed into some functional areas such as introducing online registrations, students' co-curriculum enrollments, students' subject selection, students' discipline records and students' attendance records. This Web-based information system will be developed using MySQL as the relational database management system as weil as PHP as the programming language and Apache as the Web server. 4 COPYRIGHT © UiTM CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 introduction This chapter will discuss about the comparison between conventional files or file processing approach and databases approach. This includes the database's definition, its evolution, introduction to the Web-based applications and the concept of Student Management System. This chapter will also discuss about the tools used in developing the Student Management System, which are the MySQL, PHP and the Apache Web server. 2.1 File-Processing Approach versus Database Processing Approach In the file environment, data storage is built around the applications that will use the files. In the database environment, applications will be built around the integrated database (Whitten & Bentley, 1998). Accordingly, the database is not necessarily dependent on the applications that will use it. In other words, given a database, new applications can be built to share that database. Each environment has its advantages and disadvantages. 2.1.1 The Pros and Cons of File-Processing Approach In most organizations, many or most existing information systems and applications are built around conventional files (Whitten & Bentley, 1998). The first business information systems stored groups of records in separate files and were called file-processing systems (Kroenke, 1998). Conventional files are relatively easy to design and implement because they are normally based on a single application or information system (Whitten & Bentley, 1998). One will only have to understand the end-user's output needs for that system, and then 5 COPYRIGHT © UiTM can easily determine the data that will have to be captured and stored to fulfill those needs and define the best file organization for those requirements. Historically, another advantage of using this approach is the processing speed. According to Whitten and Bentley (1998), with file-processing approach, they can be optimized for the access of a single application. At the same time, they can rarely be optimized for shared use by different tasks in an application, or different applications. Although file-processing systems are a great improvement over manual recordkeeping systems, they have important limitations. One of the limitations as discussed by Kroenke (1998) and Connolly and Begg (1999) is separation and isolation of data. It is more difficult to access data that should be available when data is isolated in separate files. According to Connolly and Begg (1999), the application programmer must synchronize the processing of two files to ensure the correct data is extracted. This difficulty is compounded if we require data from more than two files. The next disadvantage of using the conventional approach is duplication of data. Due to the decentralized approach taken by each department, the file-based approach encouraged, if not necessitated, the uncontrolled duplication of data Uncontrolled duplication of data is undesirable for several reasons. For instance, the data duplication is wasteful (Kroenke, 1998, Connolly & Begg, 1999). It costs time and money to enter data more than once. Furthermore, it takes up additional storage space, again with associated costs. Often, the duplication of data can be avoided by sharing data files. The other reason is that duplication of data can lead to loss of data integrity, where the data is no longer consistent. When results are inconsistent, the credibility of the stored data, and even the MIS function itself, comes into question. The data dependence issue is also one of the file-processing system's limitations. With file-processing, application programs depend on the file formats. Usually in file-processing systems the physical formats of files and records are part of the application code (Kroenke, 1998). Moreover, Whitten and Bentley (1998), Kroenke (1998), and Connolly and Begg (1999) agreed that problems would occur when changes 6 COPYRIGHT © UiTM are made in the file formats, the application programs also must be changed, which is more difficult to implement. Incompatible file formats also becomes the limitation of this conventional file approach. One of the consequences of program data dependency is that file formats depend on the language or product used to generate them. As a result, files cannot be readily combined or compared. Any conversion of files to a common structure to combine records would be more time-consuming and, sometimes, difficult. Such problems grow worse as the number of files to be combined increases. Last but not least, the file-processing approach makes it difficult to represent data in the users' perspectives. This difficulty arises because with file processing, relationships among records are not readily represented or processed. Therefore, it is difficult to show data in a form that seems natural to users, where additional efforts are needed to extract, combined and present different files together. 2.1.2 The Pros and Cons of Database Processing Approach Database technology was developed largely to overcome the limitations of file- processing systems. File-processing systems directly access files of stored data. In contrast, database-processing systems use the Database Management System (DBMS) to access the stored data. This difference is significant because it makes the application-programming job easier; that is, application programmers do not have to be concerned with the ways in which data are physically stored (Kroenke, 1998). The first advantage of using database-processing system is data integration. In a database system, all the application data is stored in a single facility called the database. An application program can ask the DBMS to access customer data or sales data or both (White, 2001). If both are needed, the application programmer specifies only how the data are to be combined, and the DBMS will perform the necessary operations to do it. 7 COPYRIGHT © UiTM Next advantage is the control of data redundancy. The database approach attempts to eliminate the redundancy by integrating the files so that several copies of the same data are not stored (Connolly & Begg, 1999). However, the database approach does not eliminate redundancy entirely, but controls the amount of redundancy inherent in the database. Furthermore, by eliminating or controlling redundancy, the risk of data inconsistencies will be reduced and data integrity will be improved. Moreover, Kroenke (1998) and Whitten and Bentley (1998) mentioned that database-processing systems reduce the dependency of programs on file formats. All record formats are stored in the database itself, and they are accessed by the DBMS, not by application programs. Unlike file-processing programs, database application programs need not include the format of all the files and records they process. Instead, application programs must contain only a definition of each of the data items they need from the database. Program or data independence minimizes the impact of data format changes on application programs. Whenever data items are added, changed, or deleted from the database, only those programs that used these particular data items have to be modified. This can be considerable savings of time. Lastly, the database technology makes it possible to represent, in a straightforward fashion, the objects found in the user's world (Kroenke, 1998, Connolly & Begg, 1999). Any desired forms that meet users' requirements can be easily generated from a database because the relationships among the records of data are stored as part of the database (Kroenke, 1998). However, database-processing approach also has its disadvantages. Whitten and Bentley (1998) and Connolly and Begg (1999) agreed that the database technology is more complex than file technology. Special software, called a Database Management System (DBMS), is required. Failure to understand the system can lead to bad design decisions, which can have serious consequences for an organization. Other than that, the complexity and breadth of functionality makes the DBMS an extremely large piece of software. 8 COPYRIGHT © UiTM The database technology also demands a significant investment. The cost of developing databases is higher because analysts and programmers must learn how to use the DBMS. And, they must also adhere to rigorous design principles to achieve the benefits of database technology. Another potential problem with the database-processing approach is the increased vulnerability inherent in the use of shared data. Backup and recovery as well as security and privacy become important issues in the world of databases. 2.2 The Definition of Database In general, all information systems create, read, update and delete data And, this data is stored in files and databases. According to Whitten and Bentley (1998), files are defined as collections of similar records. Whereas, databases are defined as collections of interrelated files. Furthermore, Kroenke (1998) described database as "a self-describing collection of integrated records". Whitten and Bentley (1998) added that a database is not merely a collection of files, which means that the records in each file must allow for relationships to the records in other files. Moreover, Connolly and Begg (1999) described database, as a collection of logically related data and a description of data, where it is designed to meet the information needs of an organization. 2.3 The Web-based Applications Once you have been told on using the Web to get information to and from your visitors, someone will no doubt urge you to move a lot of that information into a database. That is a good advice; because databases are designed to handle the storage and retrieval of constantly updated information, they let you incorporate data that changes a lot, such as e-commerce transactions, into your Web site without making the site as slow as molasses. Furthermore, according to Jepson (2001), using a database as your Web site's back end can surely separates your ever-changing data from the look and feel of your site. 9 COPYRIGHT © UiTM