Project Horizon Wessel van Leeuwen, Stockholm University Margareta Lützhöft, Chalmers University of Technology, Stress Research Institute The HORIZON project • A EU research project aiming to tackle the problems posed by seafarer fatigue and analyzing effects on performance • European Commission-funded (€3,78m) • 30-month research programme • June 2009 – now • Simulators at Chalmers and Southampton Solent University • Data analyses at Stockholm University Method • 90 healthy experienced bridge and engineer watch keepers • Employed through a manning agency • 1 day of introduction and training • 1 week voyage (North Sea & English Channel) • Either 4/8 or 6/6 • On site for full 7 days in accommodation • Caffeine is regulated and no alcohol Research design C Bridge Bridge W Engine room - 4 on 8 off 6 on 6 off 4 on 8 off vs. 6 on 6 off Disturbed free watch - 6 on 6 off bridge 6 on 6 off engine room Bridge vs. engine room Time at sea Measures included: • Sleepiness ratings • Stress ratings • Wake, work, sleep diaries • Electroencephalograpy (EEG) • Reaction time (PVT task) • Navigational performance • Debriefing interviews Karolinska Sleepiness Scale 1 extremely alert 2 very alert 3 alert 4 rather alert 5 neither alert nor sleepy 6 some signs of sleepiness 7 sleepy, no effort to stay awake 8 sleepy some effort to stay awake 9 very sleepy, great effort to stay awake, fighting sleep Key questions • How sleepy were participants whilst on watch? • Did participants fall asleep on watch? • How much sleep did participants get off watch? • Was there performance affected? 415/" '(''" ))(''" 4/65"'*7'," 4/65"'+7!)" )'(''" !,(''" 4/65"''7'*" 4/65"''7'+" !+(''" !*(''" !)(''" !'(''" &" ,(''" +(''" *(''" )(''" '(''" -.//012/33" Sleepiness 4/65"',7!)" %" $" #" !" 73456" #)(!!" #$(#)" !*(#$" !!(!*" $!(!!" #*($!" #$(#*" !)(#$" !&(!)" !!(!&" +",-../"01"23456" Sleep on watch '!" &!" %!" $!" #!" !" *(''" )(''" '(''" 415/" !" 415/" !)(''" #" !'(''" $" ,(''" %" +(''" 4/8 *(''" %" )(''" &" -.//012/33" &" '(''" !)(''" !'(''" ,(''" +(''" -.//012/33" Sleepiness after overtime work 6/6 $" #" !" 78#9-,:5#10;<+=# )'(!!# )$()'# !&()$# !!(!&# $!(!%# )&(!!# )$($!# !'()&# !%()$# !!(!'# *+,-.#/.001#230#455"336# Sleep off watch !'"!!# !&"!!# !%"!!# !$"!!# !!"!!# Conclusions • More sleep on watch, less sleep off watch in 6/6 compared to 4/8 • Most severe sleepiness reached at the end of night watches • Unexpectedly high amounts of participants falling asleep on watch • But no effects on navigational performance Naturalistic performance unaffected, but…. Maritime safety Risk exposure Capacity to act • 100% of time in road traffic • 0% when sleeping • Much lower in air and sea, and with a burst-like distribution over time • Increases when sleepiness declines Maritime safety – an illustration Risk exposure no problem Clocktime Risk exposure incident/disaster A closer look at sleep EEG trace Maritime safety – an illustration 20:29 Recommendations include • Fatigue management toolkit for better planning (MARTHA, available through martha.aspx • Scheduling of voyages, including travels to vessel and trips back home after a voyage • Off duty period on the 6-6 watch system must be reserved for sleep and rest • Bridge resource management • Better sleep environment, fatigue countermeasures • No rotating watch systems • Watch change times (3 – 9 better than 6-12) • Medical conditions of personnel Acknowledgements • Warsash Maritime Academy • Bureau Veritas • Chalmers University of Technology • Nautilus • Charles Taylor & Co • ECSA • EHMC • INTERTANKO • MAIB • MCA • European Commission Martha A fatigue predicting tool – based on the results of project Horizon, Stress Research Institute 21 -4 -01 12:00 22 7-01 0:00 -01 18:00 U 6-01 6:00 6-01 0:00 C -01 18:00 S -01 12:00 5-01 6:00 14 5-01 0:00 -01 18:00 -01 12:00 4-01 6:00 4-01 0:00 -01 18:00 -01 12:00 3-01 6:00 3-01 0:00 -01 18:00 -01 12:00 2-01 6:00 2-01 0:00 -01 18:00 -01 12:00 Alertness Regulation of alertness 16 Alertness 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 Regulation of alertness Historical development • 1995: three process model of alertness regulation (TPMA) published in the literature • 2004: sleep wake predictor (SWP): the first implementation publically available • 2011: MARTHA: SWP adjusted for seafaring based on HORIZON results 23 MARTHA A short demonstration … 24 25 TIME AT KSS > 5 Watch 00-04 & 12-16 26