MILLIKIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC BACHELOR OF MUSIC: EMPHASIS IN MUSIC BUSINESS NAME____________________________________ ENTERED___________GRADUATED___________ REVISED Fall 2014 2014-2015 Bulletin I. UNIVERSITY STUDIES Sequential Elements YEAR ELEMENT COURSE SEMESTER 1 IN 140 First Week/University Seminar 1 IN 150 Critical Writing, Reading, and Research I 1 IN 151 Critical Writing, Reading, and Research II 2 IN 250 U.S. Studies 2 IN 251 U.S. Studies 3 IN 350 Global Studies MH3161 GRADE Non-Sequential Elements [Fine Arts requirement is automatically satisfied by the major] ELEMENT COURSE SEMESTER GRADE Quantitative Reasoning2 MT111/112 International Cultures and Structures Fine Arts Natural Science (with lab) Oral Communication Studies CO 200 or CO 242 SUBTOTAL II. # MT 111 THEORY [16] TITLE Music Theory I SM GR CR. 3 3 3 3 3 0 CR. 0-3 6-8 0 4 3 28-33 MUSIC CORE CR 2 MT 113 MT 112 MT 114 MT 211 MT 213 MT 212 MT 214 Ear Training I Music Theory I Ear Training I Music Theory II Ear Training II th 20 -c. Music Ear Training II HISTORY [9] 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 MH 211 MH 314 Survey of Western Music I 3 3 MU 103 LESSONS & MC—PRINCIPAL APPLIED [8] ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 ML 1 SECONDARY APPLIED [2] Class Piano I 1 MH 316 Intro to Ethnomusicology 3 MU 104 Class Piano I Survey of Western Music II 1 Could be used as a Global Studies (IN350) or International Cultures & Structures (ICS) course but not both. 2Students must also meet Millikinʼs math competency requirement (Math ACT 22+ or MA098). 1 MO # MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS [8]3 SM GR CR MO # 1 1 1 1 SM GR CR 1 1 1 1 SUBTOTAL 43 III. MUSIC INDUSTRY CORE NUMBER TITLE MC 101 Introduction to Music Industry MC 104 Introduction to Recording Studio MC 240 Computers in Music MC 312 Legal Issues in Music MC 313 DIY: Music, Distro, Merch and Promo MC 450 Senior Seminar: Topics in Music Business MC 471 * Music Industry Internship NUM. TITLE SEM. P/F CR NUM. MC 230 Music Industry Seminar 0 MC 230 MC 230 Music Industry Seminar 0 MC 230 MC 230 Music Industry Seminar 0 MC 230 MC 230 Music Industry Seminar 0 SEMESTER GRADE TITLE SEM. Music Industry Seminar Music Industry Seminar Music Industry Seminar CREDIT 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 P/F CR 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 19 IV. BUSINESS CORE NUMBER AC 210 MG 300 ET 340 MK 300 MK 307 MK 310 MS 240 ET 380 + FI 340 TITLE Principles of Accounting Principles of Management Foundations of Entrepreneurship Marketing Principles [EC 100 prerequisite waived] CHOOSE ONE ELECTIVE: Advertising and Promotional Strategies Personal Selling Organizational Information Systems The Art of Entrepreneurship Business Finance [EC100 prerequisite] SEMESTER GRADE CREDIT 3 3 3 3 3 SUBTOTAL 15 * Internships normally are taken during the summer after the sophomore or junior year. Summer school tuition will apply. +The internship requirement can also be fulfilled by completing the whole A&E sequence. Students are encouraged to complete all three modules associated with the class. 3 Keyboard principals will replace major organization with MU 360, Keyboard Accompanying and Ensemble, in semesters 3-6. They may elect to do so in semesters 7-8 as well. Music/Business p. 2 Revised Fall 2014 V. ELECTIVES [11-13] NUMBER TITLE SEMESTER GRADE CREDIT TOTAL HOURS IN MAJOR 124 Total senior hours [39—12 in major] Total hours earned _________ _________ Music/Business p. 3 Revised Fall 2014 BACHELOR OF MUSIC: EMPHASIS IN MUSIC BUSINESS SUGGESTED SEQUENCE OF COURSES FIRST YEAR UStudies UStudies Theory Theory ComMus Applied Applied ComMus Music Org IN 140 IN 150 MT 111 MT 113 MC 101 ML MU 103 MC 230 MO FALL University Seminar CWRR I Music Theory I Ear Training I Intro to Music Industry Principal: Lessons/MC Class Piano I Music Industry Seminar 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 0 1 TOTAL 16 UStudies Ustudies Theory Theory ComMus Applied Applied ComMus Music Org IN 151 CO MT 112 MT 114 MC 104 ML MU 104 MC 230 MO SPRING CWRR II Oral Communications Music Theory I Ear Training I Intro to Recording Studio Principal: Lessons/MC Class Piano I Music Industry Seminar 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 0 1 TOTAL 16 SECOND YEAR UStudies Theory Theory History MT 211 MT 213 MH 211 Applied ComMus Music Org ML MC 230 Business ComMus MO4 AC 210 MC 240 FALL Math Competency (if needed) Music Theory II Ear Training II Survey Western Music I [FALL ONLY] Principal: Lessons/MC Music Industry Seminar 3 History MH 314 SPRING Survey Western Music II [SPRING ONLY] 2 2 3 Elective Business Theory MK 300 MT 212 Marketing Prin/Practices 20th-c. Music 1 0 1 Theory ComMus Music Org MT 214 MC 230 Ear Training II Music Industry Seminar 1 0 1 Principal: Lessons/MC 1 Principles of Accounting 3 Computers in Music 2 TOTAL 17 Applied MO ML 3 3 3 3 3 TOTAL 15 THIRD YEAR UStudies Business IN 250 ET 340 UStudies ComMus Applied ComMus MC 313 ML MC 230 Music Org MO FALL U.S. Studies Foundations of Entrepreneurship Natural Science w/lab DIY: Music, ……. Principal: Lessons/MC Music Industry Seminar 3 Elective 3 3 UStudies History IN251 MH 316 4 2 1 0 ComMus Applied ComMus Music Org MC 312 ML MC 230 1 Elective MO SPRING U.S. Studies Intro Ethnomusicology Legal Issues in Music Principal: Lessons/MC Music Industry Seminar 3 3 3 3 1 0 1 3 3 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 14 FOURTH YEAR UStudies Business UStudies Applied ComMus Music Org Elective MG 300 IN 350 ML MC 230 MO FALL International Cultures Prin. Management Global Studies Principal: Lessons/MC Music Industry Seminar 3 3 3 Business Applied ComMus 1 ComMus 0 Music Org 1 UStudies 3-4 TOTAL 14-15 ML MC 450 MC MO SPRING Elective Principal: Lessons/MC Senior Seminar: Topics Mus Bus Internship International Cultures TOTAL 3 1 3 3 1 3 15 4 MU 360 for keyboard principals in semesters 3-6. Music/Business p. 4 Revised Fall 2014