Picture Communication Symbols for PCS™ Flash Cards App


Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

Actions & Emotions (More than 140 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)


• blow

• jump

• kick

• kiss

• lace

• laugh

• lift

• listen

• mail

• measure

• order

• pack

• peel

• play

• rest

• ride

• roll

• row

• run

• scratch

• build

• carry

• catch

• climb

• color

• crawl

• cut

• dance

• dream

• drink

• dress-up

• drive

• eat

• fall

• grill

• hug

• talk

• throw

• tickle

• wake up

• walk

• wash

• watch

• weigh

• whisper

• whistle

• write

• yawn

• shoot

• shop

• shovel

• sit

• skip

• sled

• sleep

• slide

• smell

• spill

• stack

• stretch

• study

• swim

• swing

• tag

Cleaning Actions

• dust

• fold

• hang

• iron

• load

• make bed

• mop

• pick up

• recycle

• sweep

• take out

• vacuum

• wash

• wipe

Cooking Actions

• bake

• beat

• blend

• boil

• burn

• chop

• cook

• cut

• cut out

• decorate

• fry

• grill

• measure

• mix

• open

• pour

• roll

• season

• spread

• squeeze

• stir

• toast

• weigh

Dressing & Bathing

• bathe

• blow

• brush teeth

• brush hair

• choose

• clean

• comb

• dress

• dry

• tie

• put on

• shave

• shower

• trim

• scrub

Emotions & Feelings

• afraid

• mad

• pain

• proud

• sad

• safe

• shy

• sick

• silly

• sleepy

• smart

• annoyed

• ashamed

• bored

• concerned

• confident

• confused

• cranky

• disgusted

• embarrassed

• excited

• fantastic

• frustrated

• happy

• hungry

• left out

• loved

• sorry

• surprised

• thirsty

• thoughtful

• worried

Animals & Plants

(More than 200 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)

Baby Animals

• baby birds

• calf

• chick

• cub

• fawn

• foal

• giraffe calf

• gosling

• joey

• kid

• kitten

• lamb

• lion cub

• owlet

• piglet

• polar bear cub

• puppy

• tadpole

• tiger cub


• bald eagle

• bird

• black swan

• blackbird

• blue jay

• budgie

• canary

• cardinal

• ostrich

• owl

• parrot

• peacock

• pelican

• penguin

• pheasant

• pigeon

• quail

• robin

• sea gull

• sparrow

• stork

• swan

• toucan

• vulture

• weaver

• woodpecker

• wren

• cockatoo

• condor

• crow

• cuckoo

• dove

• duck

• flamingo

• guinea fowl

• hawk

• heron

• hornbill

• hummingbird

• kiwi

• kookaburra

• loon

• magpie


• ant

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• aphid

• bed bug

• bee

• beetle

• black widow

• butterfly

• caterpillar

• cicada

• cockroach

• cricket

• daddy longlegs

• dragonfly

• earwig

• firefly

• flea

• fly

• grasshopper

• hornet

• inchworm

• mosquito

• moth

• praying mantis

• roly poly bug

• scorpion

• spider

• stinkbug

• tarantula

• termite

• tick

• wasp

• worm

Farm Animals

• bull

• chicken

• cow

• donkey

• duck


• bird

• cat

• dog

• ferret

• fish

• frog

• gerbil

• goldfish

• guinea pig

• hamster

• lizard

• mouse

• rabbit

• goat

• goose

• horse

• pig

• rooster

• sheep

• turkey

Forrest Animals

• badger

• bear

• beaver

• deer

• elk

• fox

• hedgehog

• mole

• moose

• opossum

• porcupine

• rattlesnake

• squirrel

• wild pig

• wolf

• rat

• snake

• toad

• turtle


• apple tree

• bush

• cactus

• daisy

• dandelion

• flower

• garden

• grass

• house plant

• palm tree

• pine tree

• roses

• seaweed

• sunflower

• tree

• tulip

Water Animals

• alligator

• angel fish

• bass

• catfish

• clam

• crab

• dolphin

• eel

• fish

• hammerhead shark

• humpback whale

• jellyfish

• killer whale

• lobster

• manatee

• octopus

• oyster

• sea turtle

• seahorse

• seal

• shark

• shrimp

• squid

• starfish

• stingray

• walrus

Zoo Animals

• antelope

• baboon

• bear

• bobcat

• camel

• cheetah

• chimpanzee

• cobra

• dingo

• elephant

• gila monster

• giraffe

• hippopotamus

• hyena

• jaguar

• kangaroo

• koala

• leopard

• lion

• lizard

• lynx

• monkey

• mountain lion

• panda

• panther

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App


• black

• blue

• brown

• gray

• green

• orange

• pink

• purple

• red

• white

• yellow

• platypus

• polar bear

• puma

• rhinoceros

• seal

• sloth

• tiger

• wallaby

• wombat

• zebra

Basic Concepts

(More than 200 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)

Days & Months

• Sunday

• Monday

• Tuesday

• Wednesday

• Thursday

• Friday

• Saturday

• January

• February

• March

• April

• May

• June

• July

• August

• September

• October

• November

• December

Letters (Lowercase)

• a

• n

• o

• p

• q

• j

• k

• l

• m

• f

• g

• h

• i

• b

• c

• d

• e

• v

• w

• x

• y

• z

• r

• s

• t

• u

Letters (Uppercase)

• A

• N

• O

• P

• Q

• J

• K

• L

• M

• F

• G

• H

• I

• B

• C

• D

• E

• V

• W

• X

• Y

• Z

• R

• S

• T

• U


• penny

• nickel

• dime

• quarter

• one dollar bill

• five dollar bill

• ten dollar bill

• twenty dollar bill

• fifty dollar bill

• hundred dollar bill


• zero

• seventeen

• eighteen

• nineteen

• twenty

• twenty one

• twenty two

• twenty three

• twenty four

• twenty five

• twenty six

• twenty seven

• twenty eight

• twenty nine

• thirty

• thirty one

• thirty two

• thirty three

• thirty four

• thirty five

• one

• two

• three

• four

• five

• six

• seven

• eight

• nine

• ten

• eleven

• twelve

• thirteen

• fourteen

• fifteen

• sixteen

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• fifty two

• fifty three

• fifty four

• fifty five

• fifty six

• fifty seven

• fifty eight

• fifty nine

• sixty

• sixty one

• sixty two

• sixty three

• sixty four

• sixty five

• sixty six

• sixty seven

• sixty eight

• sixty nine

• seventy

• seventy one

• seventy two

• thirty six

• thirty seven

• thirty eight

• thirty nine

• forty

• forty one

• forty two

• forty three

• forty four

• forty five

• forty six

• forty seven

• forty eight

• forty nine

• fifty

• fifty one

• seventy three

• seventy four

• seventy five

• seventy six

• seventy seven

• seventy eight

• seventy nine

• eighty

• eighty one

• eighty two

• eighty three

• eighty four

• eighty five

• eighty six

• eighty seven

• eighty eight

• eighty nine

• ninety

• ninety one

• ninety two

• ninety three

• ninety four

• ninety five

• ninety six

• ninety seven

• ninety eight

• ninety nine

• one hundred


• circle

• diamond

• heart

• oval

• rectangle

• square

• star

• triangle

Weather & Seasons

• blizzard

• cloudy

• cold

• dust storm

• fall

• flood

• fog

• frost

• hail

• hot

• hurricane

• icy

• partly cloudy

• rain

• rainbow

• sleet

• snow

• spring

• storm

• summer

• sunny

• thunder

• tornado

• tsunami

• windy

• winter

Body & Clothes

(More than 120 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)


• backpack

• barrette

• baseball hat

• belt

• bobby pins

• book bag


• ankle

• arm

• back

• bellybutton

• chin

• ear

• elbow

• eyes

• face

• finger

• fingernail

• foot

• bow

• bracelet

• briefcase

• coin purse

• duffle bag

• earmuffs

• earrings

• glasses

• gloves

• hat

• mittens

• necklace

• purse

• ring

• scarf

• sunglasses

• suspenders

• tie

• tote bag

• umbrella

• visor

• wallet

• watch

• wristband

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• hand

• knee

• knuckle

• legs

• lips

• neck

• nose

• shoulders

• skeleton

• stomach

• thumb

• toe

• tongue

• wrist

Female Clothing

• ballet shoes

• bikini

• blouse

• boots

• bra

• dress

• flat shoes

• flip flops

• gown

• high heels

• jeans

• long sleeve shirt

• nightgown

• pajamas

• pants

• pantyhose

• robe

• sandals

• shorts

• skirt

• slip

• slippers

• socks

• sports bra

• suit

• sweater

• sweatshirt

• swimsuit

• tennis shoes

• trench coat

• t-shirt

• turtleneck

• underwear

• winter boots

Male Clothing

• bathrobe

• boots

• boxers

• casual shoes

• coat

• dress shirt

• flannel shirt

• flip flops

• hiking boots

• hooded sweatshirt

• jeans

• loafers

• pajama pants

• pants

• running shoes

• sandals

• shorts

• slippers

• snow boots

• socks

• sports coat

• suit

• sweater

• sweatpants

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• sweatshirt

• swimsuit

• t-shirt

• turtleneck

• tuxedo

• underwear

• vest

Family & Jobs

(More than 120 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)

Arts & Entertainment


• actor

• actress

• artist

• ballerina

• ballet dancer

• circus performer

• clown

• director

• magician

• model

• music conductor

• musicians

• photographer

• sculptor

• singer

Education Jobs

• cafeteria worker

• counselor

• custodian

• librarian

• principal

• school nurse

• teacher

• teacher’s aide

• school bus driver


• grandma

• grandpa

• mom

• dad

• wife

• husband

• aunt

• uncle

• daughter

• son

• sister

• brother

• granddaughter

• grandson

• niece

• nephew

• stepmother

• stepfather

• stepdaughter

• stepbrother

• stepsister

• stepson

Government Jobs

• astronaut

• firefighter

• governor

• judge

• mail carrier

• park ranger

• police officer

• president

• senator

• spy

Healthcare Jobs

• dentist

• doctor

More Jobs

• accountant

• architect

• athlete

• attorney

• babysitter

• baker

• bank teller

• barber

• brick layer

• bus driver

• butcher

• captain

• car mechanic

• carpenter

• chef

• eye doctor

• nurse

• occupational therapist

• paramedic

• pharmacist

• physical therapist

• psychologist

• speech therapist

• surgeon

• therapist

• veterinarian

Military Jobs

• Air Force

• Army

• Coast Guard

• Marines

• National Guard

• Navy

• pilot

• sailor

• soldier

• coach

• computer programmer

• construction worker

• cooking instructor

• cowboy

• detective

• dietician

• electrician

• factory worker

• farmer

• flight attendant

• hairdresser

• inventor

• lifeguard

• newscaster

• painter

• pilot

• plumber

• referee

• reporter

• salesperson

• scientist

• swimming instructor

• train conductor

• truck driver

• umpire

• waiter

• waitress

• weather reporter

• window cleaner

• zoo keeper

Food (More than

230 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)


• bacon

• bagel


• barbecue sauce

• butter

• honey

• hot sauce

• jelly

• ketchup

• maple syrup

• mayonnaise

• mustard

• peanut butter

• pepper

• relish

• salad dressing

• salt

• soy sauce

• sugar

• breakfast sandwich

• cereal

• croissant

• doughnuts

• egg

• fried egg

• grits

• hash browns

• muffin

• oatmeal

• omelet

• pancakes

• pastry

• sausage

• scrambled eggs

• toast

• waffles


• butter

• cheese

• cottage cheese

• cream

• cream cheese

• frozen yogurt

• ice cream

• milk

• pudding

• sour cream

• yogurt


• banana split

• brownie

• cake

• cookies

• cupcake

• ice cream cone

• pie

• popsicle

• pudding

• sundae


• apple juice

• chocolate milk

• cider

• coffee

• cranberry juice

• fruit smoothie

• hot chocolate

• iced tea

• juice box

• juice pouch

• lemonade

• milk

• milkshake

• orange juice

• pineapple juice

• soda

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• water


• apple

• apricot

• banana

• blackberries

• blueberries

• cherries

• cranberries

• grapefruit

• grapes

• honeydew

• kiwi

• lemon

• lime

• mango

• orange

• papaya

• peach

• pear

• pineapple

• plums

• pomegranate

• raisins

• raspberries

• strawberry

• tangerine

• watermelon

Lunch & Dinner

• baked potato

• beans & rice

• beef fajitas

• burrito

• calzone

• casserole

• cheeseburger

• chicken fajitas

• chicken nuggets

• chicken strips

• chili

• chili dog

• Chinese food

• coleslaw

• corn dog

• couscous

• curly fries

• egg roll

• egg salad

• enchiladas

• fish sandwich

• french fries

• frozen dinner

• chicken sandwich

• hamburger

• hot dog

• lasagna

• lunch meat

• macaroni and cheese

• meat loaf

• meatball sandwich

• meatballs

• nachos

• noodles

• onion rings

• pasta salad

• peanut butter & jelly

• pizza

• quesadilla

• ravioli

• ribs

• rice

• salad

• sandwich

• shish kabob

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• sloppy joe

• soup

• spaghetti

• steak

• stew

• stuffed peppers

• stuffing

• sub sandwich

• sushi

• taco

• taco salad

• tamale

• taquitos

• tater tots

• tostada

• tuna sandwich

• turkey

• waffle fries

• wrap


• bacon

• beef

• bratwurst

• chicken

• fish

• ground beef

• ham

• hamburger patty

• hot dogs

• pepperoni

• salami

• sausage

• shrimp

• turkey


• animal crackers

• applesauce


• artichoke

• asparagus

• avocado

• beans

• beets

• broccoli

• brussels sprouts

• cabbage

• carrot

• cauliflower

• celery

• chiles

• corn

• cucumber

• eggplant

• garlic

• green beans

• green pepper

• carrot sticks

• celery sticks

• cheese curls

• chips

• crackers

• fruit roll

• fruit snacks

• graham crackers

• granola bar

• hummus

• meat stick

• nuts

• popcorn

• pretzel

• raisins

• sunflower seeds

• trail mix

• yogurt

• hot pepper

• jalapeno

• leek

• lettuce

• mushrooms

• mustard greens

• okra

• olives

• onions

• parsnip

• peas

• pickles

• potatoes

• pumpkin

• radishes

• rhubarb

• scallions

• spinach

• squash

• tomato

• turnip

• yams

• zucchini


(More than 160 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)

• Birthday

• balloon animal

• balloon hat

• balloons

• banner

• birthday cake

• birthday crown

• celebrate

• celebration

• decorate

• decorations

• Happy Birthday!

• ice cream

• ice cream party

• invitation

• noisemakers

• open presents

• party

• party hats

• piñata

• pizza party

• presents

• wrap

• wrapping paper


• angel

• candy cane

• caroling

• chimney

• Christmas card

• Christmas lights

• Christmas ornament

• Christmas tree

• coal

• elf

• gingerbread house

• gingerbread man

• gingerbread woman

• holiday party

• holly

• Jingle Bells

• Little Drummer


• mistletoe

• nativity

• North Pole

• poinsettia

• presents

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• reindeer

• Rudolph

• Santa Claus

• Santa hat

• Santa’s bag

• shepherd

• sleigh

• snowman

• stocking

• We Three Kings

• White Christmas

• wrapping paper

• wreath


• chocolate bunny

• egg decorating

• Easter basket

• Easter bonnet

• Easter bunny

• Easter candy

• Easter chick

• Easter egg

• Easter egg hunt

• Easter lily

Fourth of July

• fireworks

• grill

• national anthem

• parade

• picnic

• picnic basket

• summer

• American Flag

• watermelon

• red

• white

• blue


• bat

• black cat

• broomstick

• candy

• candy corn

• carving pumpkins

• cauldron

• cider

• costume

• Frankenstein

• ghost

• haunted house

• hayride

• jack-o-lantern

• masks

• monster

• mummy

• pumpkin

• skeleton

• spider

• treat bag

• trick-or-treat

• vampire

• web

• witch

• witch hat


• April Fool’s Day

• Chinese New Year

• Christmas

• Christmas Eve

• Cinco de Mayo

• Columbus Day

• Earth Day

• Easter

• Father’s Day

• Fourth of July

• Good Friday

• Groundhog Day

• Halloween

• Hannukah

• Kwanza

• Labor Day

• Martin Luther King Day

• Memorial Day

• Mother’s Day

• New Year’s Day

• New Year’s Eve

• Passover

• President’s Day

• Ramadan

• Rosh Hashanah

• St. Patrick’s Day

• Thanksgiving

• Valentine’s Day

• Veteran’s Day

• Yom Kippur


• carve

• colonists

• corn

• cranberry sauce

• float

• football game

• gravy

• harvest

• horn of plenty

• Indian corn

• mashed potatoes

• Mayflower

• Native Americans

• pilgrims

• pumpkin

• pumpkin pie

• squash

• stuffing

• Thanksgiving dinner

• turkey

• wishbone

Valentine’s Day

• bouquet

• bow and arrow

• box of chocolates

• candy hearts

• cupid

• heart

• love

• valentine

• valentine box

• valentine party

Places & Signs

(More than 140


Symbols for



• airport

• amusement park

• animal hospital

• apartment

• aquarium

• bakery

• bank

• baseball field

• basketball court

• beach

• botanical garden

• bridge

• bus station

• bus stop

• capitol

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• car wash

• cemetery

• church

• coffee shop

• college

• countryside

• courtroom

• deli

• dentist office

• doughnut shop

• fair

• farm

• fast food

• field

• fire station

• fitness center

• football field

• forest

• gas station

• golf course

• greenhouse

• hair salon

• home

• hospital

• ice skating rink

• jungle

• laundry mat

• library

• mall

• marsh

• movie theatre

• museum

• nature preserve

• office

• park

• parking lot

• pier

• playground

• pool

• post office

• prairie

• pumpkin patch

• restaurant

• school

• soccer field

• stadium

• tennis court

• train station

• water park

• White House

• zoo


• bike route

• camping

• caution

• construction

• danger

• do not enter

• don’t walk

• food

• gas

• handicapped

• handicapped parking

• hospital

• men’s restroom

• no bicycles

• no pedestrians

• no picnics

• one-way

• pedestrian crossing

• picnic area

• railroad crossing

• school zone

• signal ahead

• slippery when wet

• stop sign

• telephone

• walk

• women’s restroom

• wrong way

• yield


• Alabama

• Alaska

• Arizona

• Arkansas

• California

• Colorado

• Connecticut

• Delaware

• Florida

• Georgia

• Hawaii

• Idaho

• Illinois

• Indiana

• Iowa

• Kansas

• Kentucky

• Louisiana

• Maine

• Maryland

• Massachusetts

• Michigan

• Minnesota

• Mississippi

• Missouri

• Montana

• Nebraska

• Nevada

• New Hampshire

• New Jersey

• New Mexico

• New York

• North Carolina

• North Dakota

• Ohio

• Oklahoma

• Oregon

• Pennsylvania

• Rhode Island

• South Carolina

• South Dakota

• Tennessee

• Texas

• Utah

• Vermont

• Virginia

• Washington

• West Virginia

• Wisconsin

• Wyoming

School (More than

110 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)


• art class

• class

• drama class

• geography class

• gym class

• history class

• math class

• music class

• occupational therapy

• physical therapy

• reading class

• science class

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• social studies

• Spanish class

• speech therapy

Computer Items

• CD

• CD drive

• computer

• computer screen

• keyboard

• mouse

• printer

• speakers

• touchscreen

• trackball

Lunch & Recess

• cafeteria

• cafeteria table

• four square

• hopscotch

• lunch

• lunch bag

• lunch ticket

• lunchbox

• lunchtime

• monkey bars

• playground

• recess

• slide

• spiral slide

• swings

• tetherball

• vending machine


• cafeteria worker

• custodian

• female student

• female teacher

• line leader

• male student

• male teacher

• office staff

• principal

• school bus driver

• school counselor

• school nurse

• teacher’s aide

Places & Events

• assembly

• band practice

• circle time

• classroom

• college

• computer lab

• drinking fountain

• graduation

• homework

• library

• locker

• no homework

• school

• school play

• school store

School Things

• assignment book

• backpack

• bell

• binder

• blackboard

• board eraser

• bookcase

• books

• bulletin board

• chair

• chalk

• chalkboard

• clock

• colored pencils

• crayons

• cubbies

• desk

• dry erase board

• dry erase markers

• eraser

• flashcards

• globe

• glue

• glue stick

• hall pass

• highlighter

• laptop computer

• lined paper

• markers

• notebook

• overhead projector

• paper clip

• pen

• pencil

• pencil box

• pencil sharpener

• pocket folder

• reward chart

• ruler

• schedule

• school bus

• school supplies

• scissors

• stapler

• stickers

• table

• tape

• workbook

• worksheet

Sports & Hobbies

(More than 140


Symbols for


Hobbies & Leisure

• 4-H Club

• arts & crafts

• astronomy

• baking

• ballroom dancing

• baseball card collecting

• bird watching

• Boy Scouts

• bungee jumping

• camping

• coin collecting

• collecting

• collecting sports cards

• comic book collecting

• completing mazes

• crocheting

• crossword puzzles

• dancing

• darts

• dog walking

• gardening

• Girl Scouts

• hanging out

• hiking

• horseback riding

• knitting

• line dancing

• nature walks

• painting

• photography

• playing board games

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App


• adaptive hockey

• adaptive skating

• adaptive skiing

• auto racing

• badminton

• baseball

• basketball

• bowling

• boxing

• cheerleading

• cricket

• cycling

• field hockey

• figure skating

• fishing

• football

• golf

• gymnastics

• hockey

• playing cards

• playing video games

• quilting

• reading

• reading magazines

• recreation

• resting

• rock climbing

• scrapbooking

• sewing

• singing

• stamp collecting

• sunbathing

• watching movies

• weaving

• word searches

• writing

• horse racing

• karate

• kayaking

• lacrosse

• motocross

• rollerskating

• rugby

• scuba diving

• skateboarding

• ski jumping

• skiing

• snowboarding

• snowshoeing

• soccer

• speed skating

• surfing

• tennis

• track and field

• volleyball

• water polo

• windsurfing

• wrestling

• yoga

Sports Equipment

• balance beam

• baseball

• baseball glove

• baseball helmet

• baseball jersey

• basketball

• basketball hoop

• basketball jersey

• bat

• bike helmet

• bowling ball

• bowling pin

• boxing gloves

• cleats

• face mask

• flippers

• football

• football helmet

• football jersey

• golf club

• golf tee

• hockey helmet

• hockey jersey

• hockey puck

• hockey skates

• hockey stick

• ice skates

• inline skates

• karate outfit

• life jacket

• megaphone

• oar

• riding helmet

• roller skates

• saddle

• scuba mask

• skateboard

• ski boots

• skis

• snow pants

• snowshoes

• soccer ball

• soccer goal

• soccer uniform

• surfboard

• swimming goggles

• swimsuit

• tennis ball

• tennis racket

• tennis shoes

• volleyball

• whistle

Things (More than

270 PCS

Symbols for $2.99)

Cleaning Items

• air freshener

• bleach

• broom

• brush

• bucket

• carpet sweeper

• cleaner

• clothespin

• dish soap

• dishtowel

• dishwasher

• dishwasher soap

• dryer

• dryer sheet

• dustpan

• garbage can

• hand vac

• iron

• ironing board

• laundry basket

• laundry detergent

• paper towels

• plunger

• rag

• recycle container

• sponge

• trash bag

• vacuum

• washer

Cooking Items

• apron

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• blender

• bowl

• cake pan

• can opener

• cheese grater

• colander

• cookbook

• cookie cutters

• cookie sheet

• cooling rack

• cutting board

• foil

• food processor

• frying pan

• grill spatula

• hand mixer

• hot pad

• ladle

• measuring cup

• measuring spoons

• microwave

• mixer

• oven mitt

• peeler

• pizza cutter

• plastic wrap

• pot

• recipe

• recipe box

• rolling pin

• spatula

• spoon

• stove

• tea kettle

• timer

• toaster

• toaster oven

• tongs

• whisk

Grooming Items

• aftershave

• baby powder

• barrette

• blush

• bobby pins

• body wash

• brush

• comb

• concealer

• cotton swab

• curling iron

• dental floss

• deodorant

• electric toothbrush

• face powder

• flat iron

• hair dryer

• hair spray

• lip balm

• lipstick

• liquid soap

• lotion

• makeup brush

• mascara

• mirror

• mouthwash

• nail clippers

• nail file

• nail polish

• nail polish remover

• perfume

• pick

• razor

• shampoo

• soap

• sunscreen

• toothbrush

• toothpaste

• towels

• tweezers

• washcloth

Home Items

• air conditioner

• alarm clock

• aquarium

• bed

• blanket

• bookcase

• border

• bunk beds

• carpet

• ceiling fan

• chair

• closet

• coffee table

• couch

• crib

• cupboard

• curtains

• deck

• desk

• door

• dresser

• DVD player

• fire extinguisher

• fireplace

• frame

• hamper

• hanger

• lamp

• lightswitch

• magnets

• medicine cabinet

• music box

• night-light

• nightstand

• outlet

• patio

• phone

• photo

• picture

• pillow

• remote control

• screen door

• shades

• shutters

• sliding glass door

• stool

• table

• television

• toy chest

• trunk

• TV stand

• vase

• wall

• wallpaper

• window


• bagpipes

• banjo

• bass drum

• bassoon

• bells

• bongos

• cello

• clarinet

• cowbell

• cymbals


• bolt

• chainsaw

• chisel

• clamp

• clippers

• drill

• file

• flashlight

• hammer

• hoe

• ladder

• lawnmower

• drum

• electric guitar

• flute

• guitar

• harmonica

• harp

• horn

• kazoo

• maracas

• marimba

• oboe

• piano

• recorder

• rhythm sticks

• saxophone

• tambourine

• timpani

• triangle

• trombone

• trumpet

• tuba

• viola

• violin

• xylophone

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App


• action figure

• ball

• bath toys

• beads

• bean bags

• blocks

• bubbles

• cars

• clay

• dinosaur

• doll

• doll house

• jack-in-the-box

• jacks

• jigsaw puzzle

• jump rope

• level

• nail

• nut

• paint roller

• pliers

• rake

• safety goggles

• sandpaper

• saw

• screw

• screwdriver

• shop vacuum

• shovel

• sledgehammer

• socket wrench

• tape measure

• toolbox

• vise

• wheelbarrow

• wrench

• kite

• lacing cards

• letter blocks

• marbles

• pinwheel

• pool toys

• pop beads

• pop-up toy

• pull toy

• puppet

• puzzle

• race car track

• rattle

• remote control car

• ring-stack

• robot

• rocking horse

• rubber duckie

• sand toys

• shape sorter

• sketching toy

• stuffed animals

• top

• toy plane

• toy train

• video game

• wagon

• windup toys

• yo-yo

Vehicles (More than

110 PCS™ Symbols for


Air & Space

• airplane

• blimp

• fighter plane

• helicopter

• hot air balloon

• moon rover

• rocket

• space shuttle

• spaceship

Car Parts

• bumper

• door

• engine

• headlight

• hood

• horn

• seat belt

• spare tire

• steering wheel

• tire

• trunk

• windshield


• backhoe

• bulldozer

• cement mixer

• crane

• ditch digger

• dump truck

• excavator

• grader

• lift

• steamroller


• adaptive bike

• ambulance


• bicycle

• bus

• camper

• car

Picture Communication Symbols for PCS ™ Flash Cards App

• carriage

• chariot

• convertible

• covered wagon

• dogsled

• double-decker bus

• dune buggy

• fire engine

• flatbed truck

• forklift

• garbage truck

• limousine

• monorail

• motor home

• motor scooter

• motorcycle

• pickup truck

• police car

• race car

• riding lawn mower

• salt truck

• school bus

• semi truck

• shuttle

• sleigh

• snowmobile

• snowplow

• stagecoach

• station wagon

• subway


• tandem bike

• tank

• tanker truck

• taxi

• tow truck

• tractor

• train

• tram

• trolley

• truck

• van

Travel Items

• airline ticket

• atlas

• bus fare

• bus schedule

• compass

• driver’s license

• gas pump

• keys

• lighthouse

• luggage

• map

• passport

• red light

• speed bump

• traffic light

• red light

• yellow light

• green light


• aircraft carrier

• battleship

• boat

• canoe

• cruise ship

• ferry

• freighter

• hovercraft

• rowboat

• sailboat

• ship

• steam ship

• submarine

• tugboat

• yacht
