COL 6-1 Update - Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy

Telephone (617) 265-0019 ext. 7101
Fax (617)288-1372
June 17, 2013
Dear Friend:
You may be encountering our school for the first time by accessing our web site or you may be a current parent.
Either way, we want you to appreciate the essence of Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy ~ Columbia
Campus. Of course, the true "spirit" of a school is the experience of walking our halls and engaging with our
students and faculty, but until you are able to do that in person, here are some lenses with which to view our
Excellence in all its facets-academic, character building, and decision making.
Accessibility-Our faculty is approachable and professional; our students are confident and respectful.
Appropriate and integrated approach to use of technology ~ Interactive Boards & Lady Bugs in classrooms.
A curriculum that is vibrant and prepares students for the 21st century ~ we think outside the box!
Understands the individual learning needs of each child.
Please take the time to fully explore the rich content created for you, and remember, a visit is worth a thousand
clicks. The best way to truly understand everything that the Columbia community has to offer is to come see us
at 790 Columbia Road in Dorchester, MA. We look forward to seeing you! We invite prospective students
and families to find out more about the PJPII experience by contacting our office at (617) 265-0019 ext 7101.
This year we will be posting more forms and information on the web site for your convenience. The monthly
calendar will be posted online only. We will continue to send home the weekly reminder.
Calendar Reminder
• June 18th
June 19th
June 20th
June 21st
Last day of School!!!!!
o Report Cards go home today.
o Summer Reading Packets have been sent home.
o Summer Math Packets have been sent home.
Columbia office is OPEN
8:00 AM until 2:00 PM
Columbia office is OPEN
8:00 AM until 2:00 PM
Columbia office is OPEN
9:00 AM until 2:00 PM
• Please check the website for the SUMMER Information.
o We have summer hours posted!
o Summer Math & Reading Packets were sent home. You need to call the school if
you misplaced the Math packet. Math is not posted on the website.
o Parent Information is all posted for September 2013.
• September 4th
Opening Day
Academy News at Columbia
Thank you to
Mr. Wilson
We, at the Columbia
Campus, wish to take
the opportunity to
thank Mr. Wilson for
his dedication for the
last four years. The
other evening we had
the Yawkey Teacher
Award Presentation
and took time to honor Mr. Wilson. The Academy Leadership Team wrote a wonderful tribute to Mr. Wilson
that I asked if I could share with all of you.
The following attributes were spoken about that exemplify Mr. Wilson’s commitment to Pope John Paul II
Catholic Academy. They are: team, growth, leadership, unity, and legacy.
A group itself does not necessarily constitute a team. An effective team has members with complementary skills
that allow each other to maximize their strengths. A team believes in each other and knows what it needs to do
to get the job done. Not only has Mr. Wilson formed a team, he is a member of the team in every sense of the
word. Mr. Wilson meets regularly with Principals and his Regional Office staff to see how the team is doing.
What do they need from him, What he can do to help, How is the faculty doing, and What can he do as part of
the team to support them. Another example, Mr. Wilson was instrumental in starting a PJP2 basketball team.
Growth refers to an increase in some quantity over time. It is a stage in the process of growing; it is fluid and
always happening. The growth that has transpired at Pope John Paul is truly impressive and continues. As stated
in the NEASC accreditation report, “The Academy has accomplished more in five years than most schools do in
100.” SAT-10 scores have continued to improve tremendously, and are among the top growth scores in the
Archdiocese. Mr. Wilson’s vision in creating the Professional Development Institute has allowed teachers to
come together, grow their teaching skills, and implement best practices. His support of the Fine Arts program
has led to it being the largest of its kind in Boston.
A leader takes a team and grows it, uniting it. A good leader
leads by example. Our principal meetings empower the
principals to be effective leaders and to execute your vision at
the campuses. We are guided by your leadership and
encouraged to challenge ourselves by taking risks. The
insurmountable task of opening the Annex on the Fontbonne
Academy campus, within a few weeks time, helped us realize
that we too can respond positively to everyday challenges.
Through the creation of the Parent Corps, you have
empowered our parents to be ambassadors of the Academy,
advancing our mission and being our voice in the community.
When our students see you in their classrooms, greet you by name, and know that your open door policy also
applies to them, they learn about leadership in action. Leaders provide light.
Unity is the state of being united into one, as the parts of a whole. Unification of four campuses and a Regional
Office is a tall order. It was always a goal when the Academy was formed. With Academy wide events and
initiatives such as retreats, the Lolek Cup, professional days, PDI, field days, and most importantly, one
Academy graduation, Mr. Wilson has created a sense of unity and ensured that we are working towards the
same goal - one Academy. The mural hangs in the Regional Office. It shows four campuses side by side; four
churches close by, all races and genders together, being celebrated as one. When Mr. Wilson was asked what he
wanted to see represented in this mural, the answer was simple – unity.
When someone leaves, the question is often asked, “What will be their legacy?” Mr. Wilson, has succeeded in
building the self-esteem of 1300 students each year. Mr. Wilson has given the students a sense of pride in
themselves with simple gestures such as providing jackets for the Lolek Leadership Society, and ties and pearls
for our graduates. As one of the 8th grade boys stated to you, the first time he tried on a blazer, “Mr. Wilson, I
feel like a man.” More importantly, you have created possibilities for our students that allow them to build a
future that changes their lives. As we reflect on these five attributes of team, growth, leadership, unity, and
legacy we want to acknowledge the person that made all this possible; Mr. Russ Wilson. Mr. Wilson’s love of
the Academy – the students, the faculty, and the staff – is evident in all that he does and has done for us these
past four years. We will be forever grateful. You mean the world to us, Mr. Wilson. The future starts today.
Yawkey Teacher Award of the Year
Jill Levasseur joined the Pope John Family in the summer of
2008 after Graduating from St. Michael’s College in
Vermont. Jill has grown like the Academy into a strong
vibrant part of the Community.
Ms. Levasseur is a
dedicated, creative and professional educator in our Middle
School. Ms Levasseur first taught Math to our students and
then made the switch to Language Arts.
She works
tirelessly executing strategies that will benefit her ELL
students. Her use of technology and implementation of
innovative strategies in her daily lessons has shown growth
in all her students’ academic assessments.
Every Monday morning Jill takes the first few minutes of each class to do “Weekend Whip share”. Each
student has a chance to tell what he or she did over the weekend. It is a wonderful way for her to get to know
her students and understand the family dynamics. Jill arrives each day prior to 7:00 AM and works each day at
the After School Program. Ms. Levasseur is a leader within the After School Program and assists the director
whenever needed. Her day consists of 12 hours each day and this does not consider the commuting hours to
Brighton & the time at home preparing for the next day. In addition to her dedication to the Academy, Jill is an
active participant of the Tri Parishes of Dorchester. Jill has been an instructor at the Holy Family Summer
Camp Program. She works closely with our Campus Volunteers which benefit our students and teachers
I have known Jill for five years and every day she
has a smile that brightens everyone’s day. Her
peers appreciate her dedication, support and
kindness. Jill Levasseur is an excellent example of
the Spirit of Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy
& our Mission.
Mrs. Sheridan
Weekly Community Liturgy
Our weekly parish liturgy series was a wonderful way to celebrate the different
church seasons and spend more time in prayer. We all enjoyed the personal liturgies
every Thursday with the community parish and Fr. Jack. This is a wonderful way to
begin our day… prayer with our loved ones. We will continue the liturgies when
we return in September!
Campbell Soup Labels & General Mills Box Tops
Please save any product labels for the school throughout the summer. Drop off the labels or box tops to the
school during the summer or wait until September. Your help is greatly appreciated.
“Grade 6 & 8 News”
The students in Grades 6 & 8 are hearing wonderful news from the Independent, Exam
Schools, and High School Application process. It was a very stressful time for the
students, not knowing what school they will attend and then the realization of having to
leave. The stress is a memory with the acceptance letters. We are thrilled to say that
our students are heading to great schools, in which they will continue to excel. The Grade
8 has been accepted to the following schools;
Boston College High School
Catholic Memorial High School
St. Joseph Preparatory
Fontbone Academy
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Cathedral High School
Matignon HS
Arch Bishop Williams HS
Cristo Rey HS
Our Sixth Grade students did an outstanding job on the ISEE exam in the fall. We are thrilled for our students
beginning a new chapter in their academic journey. The Grade 6 has been accepted to the following schools to
Boston Latin School
Boston Latin Academy
O’Bryant Math & Science Middle School
Dana Hall
Newton CountryDay School of the Sacred Heart
Congrats to the Graduates of 2013 ~ Columbia Campus
Grade 8
Alexis Lee Livingston
Justin Silva Cardoso
Amanda Brock-O’Bryan
Naomi C. Marinez
Rachel Danielle Dhoray
Emely Nuñez
Jenny Lieu
Natalie Nosal
Selina N. Hernandez
Tiffani A. Sanders
Asja Nekol Coakley
Brendan Michael Toland
2013 Graduates
Aldrin Samir Castillo Cruz
Lamier Antonio Anthony
Jacob D. Perez
Kelyan Semedo DeBarros
Brendan M. White
Brendan Patrick George
William Haynes Feer
Daniel R. Purcell
Evelyn Nuñez
A’zhane M. George
Serena Ngyuen
Gabriely Bowen
Devon Page
Nikolas Jordan LaRonde
Matthew E. Muldowney
Morgan J. Nicholas
Ronaldo Cepeda
Daniel Janowiec
Roody Jean-Baptiste
Lamuel Andre PierreCharles
Imani Tate
We, at Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy, hope you & your family have a wonderful summer
filled with Christ’s love and joy.
Claire F. Barton Sheridan