Study of Turbulent Flows using Vectored Momentum and Energy Addition Subrata Roy, University of Florida Collaborator : Stephen Wilkinson, NASA Langley (through SAA1-18097) Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville AFOSR: Drs. R. Ponnappan, D. Smith, J. Schmisseur (UTSI) DARPA: J. Sponable, D. Barnhart (USC) AFRL: Drs. M. Visbal, J. Poggie and D. Gaitonde (OSU) 1 Contents Motivation Background Preliminary Results Proposed work Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 2 Big Picture Restricting the turbulent motion at the local scale can reduce turbulent friction. Adhesive microscopic riblets DC plasma heating in C-5M shows 0.5-1% L/D improvement (Aviation Weekly, 2014) Basic understanding of near wall forcing and wall heating in growth and decay of turbulent flow structures is needed. We aim to identify the mechanism through which vortices can be generated for controlling receptive modes of a given flow and tune our actuators to amplify or dampen those modes to optimally control the flow. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 3 Objectives An improved understanding of mechanisms through which a canonical set of vortices interacts and modifies near-wall and large-scale flow structures. A thorough investigation of the effect of vortices in the vicinity of a surface heat source. Stimulation (separation control) and annihilation (drag reduction) of boundary-layer turbulence using high-fidelity numerical simulations. Separation of heating and forcing effects of plasma actuation. Exploration of receptive location from leading edge (flat plate), momentum injection with and without the heating load to find the most receptive location for transition delay or onset. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 4 Motivation Robust control of drag and heat transfer is possible using transient-growth-based vortex generation with streamwise independent forcing (Schoppa & Hussain, 2002). A single largescale forcing can stabilize numerous streaks simultaneously. An x-independent forcing of only 6% of the centerline velocity, produces a significant sustained drag reduction: 20% for imposed counter-rotating streamwise vortices and 50% for colliding, spanwise wall jets. Mechanisms to amplify the growth of sinuous streak waviness (nonlinear Streak Transient Growth ) is needed for flow control authority Plasma actuators (namely, serpentine class) exhibit this property of nonlinear growth (Wang and Roy, 2009; Durscher and Roy, 2012; Jukes and Choi, 2013). Plasma actuators generate hairpin and lambda vortices which can penetrate into the flowfield beyond the buffer layer (Riherd and Roy, 2013a, 2013b, 2014). A linear analysis (Chernyshenko 2014) predicts a few percent of drag reduction for a passive swept wavy wall sized to match the spanwise shear stress in the spatial Stokes layer. The resolvent formulation proposed by McKeon et al. (2010, 2013) found that walls that suppress structures energetic in natural turbulence may cause detrimental effects elsewhere in spectral space. Specifically, slow-moving spanwise-constant structures are particularly susceptible to further amplification. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 5 Motivation Lifted streaks – nonlinear growth of instabilities Streak lift angles should cross the stability threshold to obtain sinuous streak instability Lifted streaks crossing the threshold might not create instability if Not present outside viscous sublayer Schoppa and Hussain, 2002 Not elongated enough in streamwise to permit growth Studying streaklines formed using serpentine actuator is necessary to understand this growth mechanism and structures responsible. Effect of serpentine actuators on drag reduction over a plate at U = 1.8m/s have been studied and show 22% viscous drag reduction (Jukes et al, 2006). However more study needs to be done at higher velocities Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 6 Serpentine Plasma Actuator Riherd and Roy, JAP 2013 Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 7 Background Serpentine actuators – rectangular, circular, horseshoe, triangular, comb etc (Roy and Wang,2009, Riherd and Roy, 2013, Durscher and Roy,2012) These actuators allow near wall three dimensional flow control Modify the boundary layer thickness by vectored momentum addition Plasma modelled using body force distribution based on first principles simulation (Singh and Roy, 2008). Numerical and experimental (stereo PIV) show the vectored momentum addition and streamwise vorticity (Riherd and Roy, 2013) Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 8 Background The vectored momentum injection occurs due to the alternate spreading and pinching effects. The spreading points accelerate the flow forward like the standard linear actuators Pinching point vectors the flow upwards This pinching and spreading mechanism generates 3D vortices Impingement angle – Serpentine actuators up to 43 while linear gives only 12 for 14kVpp This allows higher momentum injection into the bulk flow. Pinch Spread Linear Serpentine Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 9 Background Serpentine actuators generate both spanwise and streamwise vorticity – momentum injection in x, y and z. Generate corkscrew like structures in the flowfield (Durscher and Roy, JoPD (2012) Different serpentine geometries give similar flow structures with different magnitudes and footprint. Rectangular Serpentine Circular Serpentine Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 10 Background Serpentine actuators make TS waves more sinuous compared to linear actuators. The amplitude study of the serpentine actuators also gives useful insight instability growth rate They introduce spanwise disturbances at the actuator location which allows rapid transition. For a SD7003 airfoil a pulsed (45%) serpentine actuator shows comparable PSD of spanwise constant modes (‘a’) to linear actuator However the PSD of spanwise varying modes (‘b’) are drastically altered right after the actuation Linear Serpentine Riherd and Roy, 2013 Actuator Location Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 11 Background Riherd and Roy, 2013 Normalized boundary layer streak profiles based on the standard deviation of the streamwise velocity across the span of the boundary layer for g0 = up/u∞ = (a) 1%, (b) 2.5%, (c) 5%, and (d) 10%. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 12 Preliminary experiment at UF Flow over a backward step in a small NASA tunnel PIV measurement before the step around the actuator Freestream velocity - 15m/s Use of serpentine actuators has thickened the boundary layer The baseline measurement follows close to the 1/7th power law The significant change (22%) in slope proves that skin friction is reduced with the application of serpentine plasma Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 13 Preliminary experiment at UF Pressure data also collected after the step at 16 different locations Both pulsed (125Hz AM, 1kHz) and continuous modes are tested for linear as well as serpentine comb actuator Pulsed serpentine actuation performs the best but for continuous mode serpentine actuator performs better than linear actuator. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 14 Windtunnel experiment at NASA Subsonic tests on NASA LaRC 7 11 40 low speed wind tunnel Closed-loop, 40m/s at 2750 rpm Boundary layer is tripped using 0.91mm rod Drag measurements on 8 30 flat plate at different rpms were performed with linear and serpentine actuators Different frequencies and voltages for actuation were also tested (16, 18 and 20kVpp with 7, 6 and 5kHz respectively) Drag balance – Range : 50g Output: 2VDC Response: 20ms Blanco, Underwood and Wilkinson (2014) shared with permission Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 15 Windtunnel experiment at NASA Preliminary results show up to 29% viscous drag reduction on a flat plate using serpentine actuators (at 1200 rpm wind tunnel speed) while linear showed 6% However due to either actuator degradation with long time use the data was not repeatable using the same actuator. The data showed that if the input voltage is increased % drag reduction also increases Since the actuators did not cover the entire span of the plate some of the drag reduction contributions might be because of the actuator end effects. Blanco, Underwood and Wilkinson (2014) shared with permission Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville Linear Serpentine 16 Proposed Work DNS and LES simulations will be carried out for laminar and turbulent subsonic flow using FDL3Di for horseshoe and serpentine actuation. An in-house plasma kinetic code MIG and the AFRL turbulence code FDL3Di will be loosely coupled to validate 3-D plasma flow coupling with experimental data. Study the effect of wavelength and amplitude of horseshoe and serpentine actuators on turbulent structures and to delay or accelerate transition Find effects of heat addition with and without plasma actuation on turbulent structures Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 17 Proposed Work (Continued) Study the effect of superposition of two or more actuators on the scaling of vortices Explore the concept of (momentum) vectored heat addition Study the effects of pulsed actuation Experimental Validation (to be performed by NASA LaRC collaborator at 7x11 facility ) Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 18 Proposed Work (Continued) Explore the concept of (momentum) vectored heat addition Standard actuator Serpentine Serpentine with heating Serpentine Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville Proposed Work (Continued) Study the effect of superposition of two or more actuators on the scaling of vortices Study the effects of pulse modulated actuation Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 20 NASA Langley Experiments Experimental Validation by LaRC collaborator Fabrication of proof-of-concept plasma actuator designs Testing these actuators under flow conditions at 7”x11” low speed wind tunnel facility Exploration of receptive location from leading edge (flat plate), momentum injection with and without the heating load to find the most receptive location for transition delay or onset. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 21 Expected Outcome Improved flow control at a lower cost and weight penalty. Improved actuator designs for low speed drag reduction Evaluation of validated concepts for high speed viscous drag reduction studies in NASA’s ARMD Supersonic Project in the 20 Inch Supersonic Wind Tunnel (~ Mach 2). Transition developed knowledge to AFRL and to the greater scientific community through NATO-STO AVT-254. Applied Physics Research Group, UF, Gainesville 22