International Game Theory Review, Vol. 3, No.4 (2001) 301-314 @ World Scientific Publishing Company ADVERTISING IN A COMPETITIVE PRODUCT LINE GILA E. FRUCHTER Gmduate School of Business Administmtion, Bar-nan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Ismel / In many markets, competing but differentiated firms offer a product line in order to target each product to a different type of customer. Under competition, firms, while trying to target different products to different segments, are also interested in "stealing" customers from the competitors and, in particular, customers from the most profitable segments. How should a profit-maximising firm allocate the advertising budget along a competitive product line? Developing a closed-loop time-variant Nash equilibrium strategy for a multi-player multi-product advertising game, we find the determinants of the optimal advertising budget allocation in a product line in an oligopoly growing market. Moreover, for a symmetric competition in a fixed market, we derive an analytic feedback time-variant Nash equilibrium strategy. Marketing implications regarding the firm's strategic orientation in product preference advertising spending, as well as comparison to rivals' spending, are discussed. Finally, we show that using a single-product advertising game instead of a multi-product advertising game, leads to over-advertising. 1. Introduction In many markets, competing but differentiated firms offer a product line in order to target each product to a different type of customer. Under competition, firms, while trying to target different products to different segments,are also interested in "stealing" customers from the competitors and, in particular, customers from the most profitable segments.How should a profit-maximising firm allocate the advertising budget along a competitive product line? The presentpaper deals with this major question. Assuminga dynamicand cqmpetitive environmentin a growing market, we consider the case where the strategic partners focus their marketing activities (such as advertising) on attracting salesfrom eachother and from outside competition. An appropriate framework for analysing dynamic marketing expenditure decisions in a competitive setting is that of differential games. A good number of differential game models in advertising appear in the literature, see for e.g., Eliashberg and Chatterjee (1985), Rao (1990), and Erickson (1991). The special issues of the Journal of Marketing Research (1985) on "Competition in Marketing" and of Marketing Science(1988) on "Competitive Marketing Strategy" are instants of the interest in incorporating competitive effectsin modeling the 301 302 G. E. FJoouchter response of firms' sales to such marketing variables as advertising. Still most of the research has been restricted to open-loop solutions, which are not always appropriate. In this paper, we focus on deterring closed-loop solutions. To model the dynamics of the competition, resulting from the firms' marketing efforts to attract sales from competitors, we chose the combat Lanchester model. Many researchers in different contexts have used this model. Kimball (1957) first applied it to a combat problem, and then Vidale and Wolfe (1957) used it as a sales-advertising responsemodel. Others, among them, Isaacs (1965), Horsky (1977), Little (1979), Case (1979), Deal et al. (1979), Deal (1979), Sorger (1989), Sethi (1983), Erickson (1985, 1991, 1992and 1995), Fruchter and Kalish (1997 and 1998) and Fruchter (1999) applied it to find optimal advertising strategies in a dynamic, competitive market. Erickson (1992) provides empirical evidencethat a closed-loopsolution fits the data better than an open-loop solution. As a review by Erickson (1995) indicates, much of the differential gameanalysis of advertising competition has been limited to duopoly and ftied market situations, and very little study of more general oligopolies has been conducted. The extension to oligopolies, even in a fixed market, is especially difficult as regards closed-loop strategies, becausethere are more than one-state variables. In a growing market, even in duopoly, there are more than one-state variables. Fruchter and Kalish (1997) provide a closed-loopNash equilibrium solution for a duopoly with fixed market, extending the analytical solution of Case (1979) to the case of nonzero discount rate. Fruchter and Kalish (1998) analyse the case of oligopoly with a fixed market and a single product using multi-instruments to influence the salesdynamics of its product. Further analysesto a single product in oligopoly markets are provided in Fruchter (1999a and 1999b). The presentstudy extends the methodology of finding closed-loop strategiesto an oligopoly growingmarket with multi-products using advertising (one instrument) to influence the salesdynamics of the product line. We summarise the contributions of this paper as follows: (a) We developa suitable differential gamethat extends the single product advertising analysisof Fruchter (1999b) to the problem of advertising in a competitive product line. (b) For this game, we find Nash equilibrium closed-loop time-variant strategies. (c) For a symmetric competition, we go further on and find an analytic feedback (subgameperfect) time-variant Nash equilibrium strategy. Moreover, the analysis of the model and solution lead to several marketing implications. Specifically we find that: (1) The market potential of the competitive product line depends on advertising efforts of all players and all products. Advertising in a Competitive Product Line 303 (2) Determinants of optimal advertising budget allocation of a product line are: advertising effectiveness,grossprofit rate, potential salesof the specific product and the total number of the products in the line. (3) The optimal advertising expenditure,allocated to a product in the line, is monotonically increasing with the potential sales of that product, and monotonically decreasingwith the number of the products in the line. (4) If the products differ in potential sales, advertising effectivenessor gross profit rates, then imitation of the advertising budget allocated to one product to another leads to over- or under-advertising. (5) If the competitors differ in potential sales, advertising effectivenessor gross profit rates, then imitation of the advertising budget allocated to the same product of one competitor to another leads to over- or under-advertising. (6) Using a single-product advertisinggame instead of a multi-product advertising game leads to over-advertising. Next we present the model. 2. Model Description We consider an industry in a growing market where n firms compete with a set of products& using advertising (as their major marketing instrument) to attract customersfrom each other as well as new customers, in their efforts to maximise their discounted profits over the planning horizon. Assuming an infinite planning horizon, the problem of oligopolist k, k E {I,..., n}, is to develop an advertising strategy that will maximise the presentvalue of the firm's profit stream, as given by roo llk(Ul,...,Un)=}o 0 m LQkiSki(t)-Ak(t))e-rtdt, i=l k=I,...,n. (1) In formula (1), Ski(t), i = 1,..., m, represents the sales rate, at time t, of product i of firm k, and m is the maximal number of products in the competitive set (if for exampleproduct i of competitor k is not in competition, this means, Ski = 0); qki, i = 1, . . . , m, representsthegrossprofit rate of product i of firm k; the amount Ak(t) represents the advertising expenditure of firm k, at time t, for the whole product line; and r is the discountrate. For simplicity, we assumethat all the firms havethe same discount rate. There is a dynamic relation betweenthe rate of changein salesand the competitors' simultaneous advertising efforts to attract and generate sales. A well-known relation that captures the abovedynamics in the form of a differential equation is the combat Lanchester model. The studies quoted above have used this model for a single product. We hereby relax this assumption. 8The literature uses different terms in defining a competitive set of products. Lehmann and Winer (1997) distinguish between product form and product category competition depending on whether the products have the same or similar features. A competition that focuses on substitutable product categories is termed generic competition. 304 G. E. Frnchter Let the term PkiUki(t) denote the effectivenessof the advertising efforts of firm k, k E {I, 2,. . ., n}, targeted to product i, i = 1,.. ., m, in attracting potential sales at time t. The constant Pki is related to media of advertising, and to consumers' brand perceptions and preferences.We identify the advertising effort of competitor k, allocated to product i, Uki, with the squareroot of the correspondingadvertising expenditure, i.e. the total advertising expenditure of firm k will be, m = LU~i(t). Ak(t) (2) i=l Let Ni be a parameter that represents the satumtion level of product i or, in other words, the limit of the entire industry sales that can be generated from product i as a result of marketing activities. Let ci(t) be the market potential of product i at time t, i.e. the difference betweenthe saturation level of the product i's market, Ni, and product i's total present industry salesat time t, EZ=l Ski(t). Then n Ni =L Ski(t)+ ci(t). (3) k=l Using the above notation, we generalize the Lanchester model in the follow- ing way, Ski(t) = PkiUki(t)(Ni - Ski(O) = S~i' n 8ki(t)) - 8ki(t) L PjiUji(t) ,n, ;=l,;#k i = 1,...,m ,n, i = 1, ,m k = 1, or Ski(t) = PkiUki(t)Ni (4) k = 1, Ski(0) = S2i' 2.1. Problem statement Considering (1)-(4) the oligopolist k's problem, k . ~~1 00 = 1, n, is: m L[qkiSki(t) 0 i=l - u~i(t)]e-rtdt . (5) n Ski(t) = PkiUki(t)Ni , - Ski(t) L PjiUji(t), Ski(O)= S2i' i = 1,. .., m J'-1 For this differential game, we want to find Nash equilibrium closed-loopstrategies. Such strategies, particularly depend on the current level of the sale rates. Therefore, having the ability to capture current changesin the market, they are realistic strategies. However, while the concept of closed-loopstrategy is more appealing it is more difficult to compute. Case (1979) found a closed-form,closed-loopsolution Advertising in a Competitive Product Line 305 for the duopoly advertising game for a fixed and single-product market but only for a zero discount rate. He mentioned that the oligopoly advertising game is unsolvable, even for a zero discount rate. Finding a closed-loopsolution in the caseof an oligopoly game is especially difficult becausethere is more than one state variable. Here, we solve this problem for an oligopoly growing and multi-product market. 2.2. The market potential of the line According to (4), changesin the sale rates of product i of competitor k are a result of the advertising efforts on potential sales of firm k, Ni - Ski, and simultaneous oppositeefforts of the rivals to generatebrand switching. Note that this modeldoes not include customer retention activities. Considering Eqs. (3) and (4), we have n = i:i(t) - L Ski(t) = n L PkiUki(t), -E:i(t) k=l ci(O) = Ni - k=l n L Ski(O), ,~_\ = 1,. . ., m. i k=l Solving the differential Eq. (5a), we obtain , n Ci(t) = ci(O)Exp -L t [ . pkiUki(T)dT k=110 . Therefore (5b) demonstrates that: Remark 2.1. The market potential of each product in the competitive line is a function of advertising efforts of all players. Furthermore, it decreasesexponentially with the effect of the aggregateadvertising of the competitors' efforts. Alternatively, the total industry of salesof product i of competitor k grow exponentially with the aggregateadvertising effectivenessof the competitors' efforts. Moreover, Eq. (5b) implies that m m L ci(t) = L i=l n ci(O)Exp I - k=l i=l t L 1 PkiUki(r)dr 0 , Let m .IV = LNi (6) i=l be the saturation level of the line. Since saturation level is related to the demand, formula (6) expressesthe interdependenceof demandof one product with others in the line. Considering (3), (5c) and (6), the difference between the saturation level of the line and the total presentline salesat time t, E~l ci(t). Therefore(5c) demonstratesthat: .IV - L:::::l E~=l Ski(t), is givenby 306 G. E. Fnschter Remark 2.2. The market potential of the line in our model is a function of advertising efforts of all players and all products that composethe competitive line. Remark 2.3. The particular caseof c,(t) =0, i=l,...;m (7) correspondsto the casewhen the market of product i is saturated and mature and the total industry salesof the product is fixed. 3. Main Results 3.1. The Nash equilibrium closed-loop stmtegies Extending the approachof Fruchter (1999b) to the multi-product problem, we arrive at the following result. For details seeAppendix A. Theorem 3.1. Consider the differential game associatedwith (5) and let <I>(t)satisfy the following two-point boundaryvalue problem (TPBVP), "* Ski -- J. 2 cJliie' Ski(O) = S~i' k = 1, S;i)qji<I>~i(t )ert -e ,n, i = 1, rt (8) m ~ii(OO) = 0, i = 1, m Then Uki = ~PkiqkiCPii(t)ert(Ni- Ski), k = 1,..., n, i = 1,. . ., m (9) are global Nash equilibrium closed-loopstmtegies of the abovedifferential game. Proof. SeeAppendix B. 0 Remark 3.1. If m = 1, the results are consistent with Fruchter (1999b). Considering (9) and (6), we find that the factors that affect the advertising budget allocation for a product line are: (i) advertising effectiveness,(ii) grossprofit rate, (iii) potential salesof the specific product, and (iv) the total number of the products in the line. Moreover, considering (6), since the total saturation level, lV, is fixed, we find that Ni is monotonically decreasingwith m. Considering (9), we conclude with the following result regarding the optimal allocation of the advertising expenditure of each competitor in a product line, (uki)2, k = 1,... ,n, i = 1,... ,m. Proposition allocated 3.1. In a competitive market, the optimal advertising expenditure (Uki)2, k = 1,. . . , n, i = 1, . . . , m is monotonically increasing to a product, Advertising in a Competitive Product Line with the potential sales of that product, Ni - 307 Ski, and monotonically decreasingwith the number of the products in the line, m. Remark 3.2. The time-variant coefficient of each advertising strategy uk is the same for each firm. At any moment, the advertising strategy of each firm differs only by its advertising effectiveness,grossprofit rate and actual salesrate. 3.2. The Nash equilibrium feedback strategy We consider now a c~ where the market is fixed, i.e. n LSki i= = Ni, ,m, k=l and the competitive effects are symmetrically created, i. Pki = Pi, qki = qi, k = 1, ,n, i = 1, ,m This is the case when competitors, having similar products, cannot be differentiated with respect to their advertising effectivenessand gross profits rates, and in addition, the market is saturated. This leadsto the following result. Theorem 3.2. If the competition is symmetric and the market is fixed, then the closed-looptime-variant Nash equilibrium stmtegiesin Theorem 3.1 becomefeedbacktime-variant Nash equilibrium stmtegies.Furthermore, they have thefollowing analytical functional form, where Uki=~Piqi'iI!i(t)(Ni-Ski)' k=l,...,n, i=l,...,m, (12) where 1 Ilfi(t) = ~ + -' .and bi = [r2 + 2p~qi(n- 1)Ni]1/2 and Proof. See Appendix C. 0 Remark 3.3. The equilibrium strategy (12) has the property of being subgame perfect, i.e. it is optimal not only for the original game as specified by its initial conditions but also for every subgameevolving from it. 308 G. E. Fruchter 3.3. A duopoly fixed market If n = 2 and the market of each product Sli = Si and S2i is fixed, then 81i + 82i = Nio Let Ni - Si, i = 1, m and let cI>ii(t)ert = tp(Sio) (14) Considering the formula = cp'(Si* )iJi* ci>iiert + rcp( Si*) , and substitution in the secondequation of (8) yields 1 .. 2 - 2 2 [Pliqli(Ni - s.) ,.2,'. 2 .. P2iQ21iS.]cp(s' )cp(s. 2 .. 21 [Pliqli(Ni - s' ) + .. 2 2 .. - P2iQ2is' ]cp (s~ lim cp(si' (t) )e-rt = 0 t-+oo i , .. 1 + rcp(s' ), = i,...,m Remark 3.4. Solving (16) backward we are able to find t.p(si.(0)) and therefore in a duopoly fixed market, the TPBVP (8) can be transformed into an initial value problem (which is a much easierproblem). Remark 3.5. The equilibrium strategy in Theorem 3.1 now becomes uli* 1 = :2PliQli'P (Si* )(l'Vi AT - i) S an d * u2i 1 (Si* )S,i. = :2P2iQ2i'P ~ = 1,..., m. (17) Remark 3.6. If m = 1,takingNl = 1, the resultshereareconsistentwith Fruchter and Kalish (1997). 4. Marketing Implications The results obtained in Sec. 2, shed light on the general orientation of a firm's advertising strategies, as measuredby the ratio of advertising budget allocation to different products of a firm. In this context, Theorem 3.1 leads to the following result. Corollary 4.1. Consider an oligopoly growing market, and let i and j # i, i, j E {1,.. ., m}, be two different products in the competitive product line of firm k, k = 1,. .., n. Let Aki be the advertising expenditure allocatedto product i and Akj to product j, then Aki Ak'i = , Ni - Ski N. . 1 Skj )2 clJii(t) Pki ~ --<Pjj(t} Pkj qkj )2 'v'k = I,...,n, V i,j = 1, ,m (18) ) ) Advertising in a Competitive Product Line 309 Another useful orientation of a firm's advertising strategies can be obtained by measuring the ratio of advertising budget allocated to the same product by different competitors. Consideringagain Theorem 3.1, we conclude with the following. (a) Advertising expendituresof two products into a product line of an oligopolist are equal if and only if the products have the samepotential sales,advertising effectivenessand grossprofit rates. (b) For the same product, advertising expenditures of two competitors are equal if and only if the competitors have the same potential sales, advertising effectiveness and grossprofit rates. This leads to the following result: Proposition 4.1. In a competitive product line: (1) If the products differ in potential sales, advertising effectivenessor grossprofit rates, then imitation of the advertising budget allocated to one product to another leads to over- or under-advertising. (2) If the competitors differ in potential sales, advertising effectiveness or gross profit rates, then imitation of the advertising budgetallocated to the sameproduct of one competitorto another leads to over- or under-advertising. 5. The Multi-Product versus the Single-Product Model In the following, we want to assessthe advertising expenditures of an oligopolist in a growing market with a multi-product competitive line, using the model of this study over a single-product model. If the competitor of the multi-product game is using the single-product game, then in Theorem 3.1, m = 1 and according to Proposition 3.1, we conclude with the following result. Proposition 5.1. In a competitive product line, the use of a single-product advertising game instead of a multi-product advertising game leads to over-advertising. 6. Conclusions Developing a differential game to solve the problem of advertising budget allocation among different products of a competitive product line of a firm in a growing market, we find a closed-looptime-variant Nash equilibrium advertising strategy 310 G. E. l'ruchter for each product in the line. The value of closed-loopstrategies is that they allow a manager to adjust to changing market conditions in an optimal way. This enhancesthe ability to deal effectively with dynamic competition in the development of advertising strategies. The resulting strategy providesus with the determinants of the optimal advertising budget of a product line; We also show that in a duopoly fixed market, the mathematical computations becomemuch simpler. In a caseof symmetric competition, with fixed market, we are able to find an analytic feedback time-variant (subgame perfect) Nash equilibrium strategy. Marketing implications regarding the firm's strategic orientation in product preferenceadvertising spending, as well as comparison to rivals' spending, are discussed.Finally, we showthat using a single-product advertising game, instead of a multi-product advertising game, leads to over-advertising. Acknow ledgments This researchwas supported by Technion V.P.R. fund. Appendix A. Derivation of the Closed-Loop Strategies Considering the differential game (5), using variational calculus, cr. Kamien and Schwartz (1991), and using a similar relationship betweenthe co-state and function cIIii we obtain the TPBVP (8). Let u~~be the open-loopstrategies. Then u~~=~Pkiqkicllii(t)ert(Ni-Ski)' k=l,...,n, i=I,...,m, (A.l) where ski and cIIii(t) are solutions of the TPBVP (8). FI-om(A.l), we construct the closed-loopstrategies defined in (9). Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 3.1 To prove this theorem we use vectorial and matrix notation. The vectors qk and Sk are of length m and consist from the elementsqkl,. . . , qkm and SkI,..., Skm, respectively. The matrix function ~(t) is diagonal and consists of the elements ~ii(t), i = 1,. . . , m. Consider the zero sum 0 = -qk ~(t)skl': + 100 ~(qk~(t)sk)dt. (B.l) From (B.l), we obtain 0 = q'{;cI>(O)Sk(O)+ 100, (qk ci>(t)Sk+ qf cI>( t )Sk (t) )dt Using Eq. (4) we obtain n 0 = q[cI>(O)Sk(O)+ 100 (qkT' cI>(t)Sk + T cI>(t)(BkNuk(t) - ~ qk L-.JBjUj(t)Sk)dt j=1 (B.3) Advertising in a Competitive Product Line 311 In (B.3), Bk, Uj and N are diagonal matrices consistingof Pkl,..., Pkm,Ujl,. and N1,... , Nm, respectively.Considering (8) for <P, we obtain 0= - I e-rt q'[cI>(O)Sk(O) + 100 q'[ Sk n + q'[cI>(t) BkNuk(t) - L Bj Uj (t)Sk dt where OJ is a diagonal matrix consisting of the element8j1' . Considering (B.l) and (9), Eq. (BA) becomes 0= q'[clI(O)Sk(O)+ 100 * ,Sjm 2(Uk - Ukl)TUk + qkBkCP(t)Nertukl x e-rtdt Adding the zero sum (B.5) to Ilk llk(Ul, = Ilk(ul, , un) = q[ clI(O)Sk(O) + [00 ,Un),in (1), we obtain -Iluk - ukl12+ IIukl12- 2u~lTUk n + 2 L(Uj - ujl)T BjBl;lUZ I e-rtdt ;=1 ;#k where II0 112 represents the Euclidean norm of the corresponding vector. Particularly, IIk(ui. ,u~) = q[ cI>(O)Sk(O) + 100 IIUkl12 - 2u~ITUk + q'f Bk<I>(t)N ertu~l 312 G. E. Fruchter Considering(B.6) and (B.1), we have * Uk-I' * *' Uk, Uk+I ,Un -Iluk n q[cI>(t)ert NL Bj(uj - ukll2 + IIUkll2n - ujl) + 2L(uj ;=1 ;..k = llk(ui,... ,u~) 2UklTUk + q[ Bkcl>{t)Nertukl - ujl)T BjB;lUk I e-rtdt ;=1 ;..k Iluk - ukI12e-rtdt::;llk(ui, -100 ,u~), for every Uk. This completes the proof of our theorem. (Bo8) 0 Appendix C. Proof of Theorem 3.2 Considering(10) and (11), the secondequationin (8) becomes, ci>ii(t) = ~p~qi(n- l)Nicll~i(t)ert-e rt ~ii(OO} = 0, i = 1, ,m (c.!) Let Wi(t) = ~ii(t)ert (C.2) Then (C.!) becomes the following Riccati-type equation, . lI!i(t) 1 2 = -1 + rlI!i(t) + 2PiQi(n - lim ll1i(t)e-rt=o, t-too 2 I)NilI!i (t), i=l,...,m. (C.3) Equation (C.3) depends only on time and not on initial conditions. As a result, the time variant closed-loop Nash equilibrium strategy in (9) (i.e. an equilibrium that is a function of time, state and initial conditions) becomesa time-variant feedback Nash equilibrium strategy (i.e. an equilibrium that is a function only of time and state). Furthermore, below we show that (C.3) can be solved analytically which completesthe proof of our theorem. Through the substitution ll1i(t) ai = -r - bi p1qi(n - l)Ni ai + l/~(t), and b, = [r2+ 2p~q,(n - 1)N,]1/2 (C.4) Advertisingin a CompetitiveProduct Line 313 the Riccati Eq. (C.3) can be transformed into the first order linear differential equation . Vi(t) - bi Vi(t) 1 2 = -2Pi qi(n - l)Ni. (CJ Solving(C.5), and consideringthe boundaryconditiongivenin (C.3), we obtain V(t) = eb.t+ Ci, (C.! where Ci = p~qi(n - 1)Ni/2 bi 0 References Case, J. H. (1979). Economics and the Competitive Process,New York: New York University Press. Deal, K. (1979). "Optimizing Advertising Expenditures in a Dynamic Duopoly". 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