July 25-29, 2015 - Northern Nut Growers Association

 July 25‐29, 2015 Saturday, July 25, 2015 Noon ‐ 10pm Check in: Reuter (Limited mes of 12‐2pm, 4‐6pm and 8‐10pm) , Store Exhibit Items Sunday, July 26, 2015 8am ‐ 5pm Board Mee ng ‐ Rm. 339 CW 12‐1pm Lunch ‐ On Your Own 1‐5pm Registra on Open ‐ Valhalla Lobby 5:30‐7:30pm Welcome Recep on and BBQ 8‐10pm Show and Tell, hosted by Jerry Henkin Monday, July 27, 2015 ?‐8:30am Breakfast (on your own) ‐ Cartwright Galley 7am‐1pm Registra on Open ‐ Valhalla Lobby 8am‐9am Business Mee ng ‐ Valhalla 8am ‐ 6pm Display Area Open ‐ Ward Room Technical Presenta ons 1 ‐ This and That 1 ‐ Valhalla 9‐9:30am Specialty Crop Development ‐ The Example of Chinese Chestnuts ‐ Michael Gold, Professor of Forestry, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry 9:30‐10am Forest Management in Menominee Tribal Lands ‐ Lawrence Waukau, Board Member, Menominee Tribal Enter‐
prises 10‐10:30am Bu ernut Disease Resistance ‐ Jim McKenna, Biologist, Purdue University Hardwood Tree Improvement and Re‐
genera on Center BREAK 10:30‐10:45am 10:45‐11:15am Changing Vegeta on of Wisconsin ‐ Michael Nee, Emeritus Curator, New York Botanical Garden 11:15am‐Noon American Chestnuts ‐ Anita Baines, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Wisconsin ‐ LaCrosse 12‐1pm Lunch (on your own) ‐ Cartwright Galley Technical Presenta ons 2 ‐ Nut Processing and Marke ng ‐ Valhalla 1‐1:30pm American Hazelnut Company ‐ Jeff Jensen, President, Iowa Nut Growers Associa on 1:30‐2pm Route 9 Chestnuts Coopera ve ‐ Greg Miller, President, Route 9 Coopera ve 2‐2:30pm Chestnut Growers Incorporated ‐ Bill Nash, Chestnut Growers Incorporated 2:30‐2:45pm BREAK 2:45‐3:30pm Wisconsin Hickory Associa on ‐ Mike Starshak, Founder, Wisconsin Hickory Associa on 3:30‐4:15pm Hammons Nut Company ‐ Buy Program ‐ Tom Rutledge, Hammons Nut Company 4:15‐5pm Nut Oils ‐ Jus n Gibson, President, Vom Fass 5‐5:30pm Group Photo (loca on TBD) 5:30pm Dinner (On Your Own) ‐ Cartwright Galley 7:30‐11pm Auc on ‐ Valhalla Tuesday, July 28, 2015 ? ‐ 8am Breakfast (on your own) ‐ Cartwright Galley 7am ‐ 1pm Registra on Open ‐ Valhalla Lobby 8am ‐ 6pm Display Area Open ‐ Ward Room 8‐8:30am 8:30‐9am Technical Presenta ons 3 ‐ Valhalla Hazelnuts ‐ Concurrent This and That 2 ‐ Concurrent Selec on of American Hazelnut from Wild Popula ons Using a Range of Tools ‐ Mike Demchik, Professor of For‐
estry, University of Wisconsin ‐ Steven’s Point Crath Carpathian Walnuts in New York State: Plan ngs by Prof. S.H. Graham ‐ John Wer s, President, New York Nut Growers Associa on New Hazelnut Varie es ‐ Shawn Mehlenbacher, Profes‐
sor, Oregon State University Tree Farms: New Tax and F.S.A. Regula ons ‐ Charles Wilson 9‐9:30am The Rutgers Hazelnut Breeding Program ‐ Are We Close? ‐ Bu ernut Conserva on ‐ Paul Berrang, Plant Molecular Tom Molnar, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University Gene cist, USDA 9:30‐10am Hybrid Hazelnut Breeding in the Upper Midwest ‐ Lois Braun, Research Scien st, University of Minnesota 10‐10:15am Nocuous and Innocuous Black Walnut and Hickory Mites ‐ Michele Warmund, Professor, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry BREAK Hazelnut Propaga on ‐ Brent McCown, Professor of Hor ‐ Fruits and Nuts at Red Fern Farm ‐ Tom Wahl and Kathy 10:15‐11am culture Emeritus, University of Wisconsin‐Madison Dice, Owners, Red Fern Farm 11‐11:30am EFB Resistance in Hazelnuts ‐ Ron Revord, M.S. Candidate, The Cashew Supply Chain ‐ Brad Paul, Honorary Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign Nelson Ins tute Land Tenure Center Hazelnut Marke ng in the Midwest ‐ Focus Group Results TBD 11:30‐Noon ‐ Amanda Sames, PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota 12‐1pm Lunch (on your own) ‐ Cartwright Galley Perennial Polylcultures 1‐1:30pm Mul func onal Woody Polyculture ‐ a New Research Direc on for the University of Illinois ‐ Sarah Taylor Lovell, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign 1:30‐2pm Four Years Into Diverse Agroforestry at Illinois: Woody Perennial Polyculture Trials ‐ Kevin Wolz, PhD Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign 2‐2:30pm Par cipatory research and support networks for diversified nut and fruit growers: ini al results and objec ves of the Savanna Ins tute Case Study Program ‐ Keefe Keeley, Execu ve Director, Savannah Ins tute 2:30‐2:45pm BREAK 2:45‐3:30pm Silvopasture ‐ Gregory Mori, Educa on and Outreach Coordinator, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry 3:30‐4pm Alley‐Cropping in Nut Orchards ‐ Michael Gold, Professor of Forestry, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry Free Time 4‐6pm 6:30‐10pm Banquet ‐ Radisson Hotel Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ? ‐ 8am Breakfast (on your own) ‐ Cartwright Galley 8am—8:30am Leave for wild american chestnut grove near La Crosse, WI 8:30‐9:30am Tour wild chesnut grove with Dr. Anita Banes 9:30‐10:30am Travel to New Forest Farm near Viola, WI 10:30‐1:00pm Tour New Forest Farm (permaculture farm) 1:00‐2:00pm Travel to Kickapoo Culinary Center (KCC) 2:00‐3:30pm Tour KCC and learn about the American Hazelnut Company 3:30‐4:00pm Travel to Rooted Spoon near Viroqua, WI 4:30‐6:30pm Dinner at Rooted Spoon 6:30‐7:15pm Travel to back to UW‐LaCrosse 