EUXTON MEDICAL CENTRE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Service Provider Details The name and address of the registered provider is:Euxton Medical Centre St Marys Gate Euxton Chorley Lancs PR7 6AH Tel: Fax: Prescription line : Website: 01257 267402 01257 271501 01257 268030 Provider ID : Legal Status : Registered Manager: Practice Manager : 1-583790642 Partnership Dr Saniya Mansfield Mrs Philippa Cawley Service types : Doctors consultation service Doctors treatment service Regulated Activities: Diagnostic and screening procedures Maternity and midwifery services Surgical procedures Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. Service Users: The practice is open for registration for patients Living in the Practice area of Euxton and Charnock Richard, and also for patients who are temporarily living in the practice area. Our mission is to provide a high quality of care to our patients and a happy and safe environment for patients and staff, using the core values of Openness, respect,fairness and accountability. Our mission is to provide a high quality of care to our patients and a happy and safe environment for patients and staff, using the core values of Openness, respect,fairness and accountability. Euxton Medical Centre provides General Medical Services to 4150 patients The list continues to grow, as the villages of Euxton and Charnock Richard develop. Dr Letch and Dr Mansfield provide 5 morning sessions each per week , and four afternoon sessions each per week except when a Doctor is on leave. The Practice has introduced extended hours on a Wednesday evening, therefore offering patients who are unable to attend in working hours a convenient appointment. The practice is situated in the semi-rural village of Euxton, Chorley. It is a purpose built one storey building erected in 1986, with on- site car parking with disabled parking space. The practice was extended in 2012 to include 2 new consulting rooms for the GPs. The waiting area was also modernised. Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4, the registering body (Euxton Medical Centre) is re quired to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose. Our aims and objectives are : We aim to provide high standard consultations, examinations and treatment of medical disease, disorders or injuries to our patients and refer to Secondary Care where it is in the patient’s best interest. Provide prevention of chronic medical conditions and promote healthy living. Ensure a safe and confidential environment for the patients and staff. Continue to monitor our healthcare service on a regular basis. To involve our patients in the decision making about management of their conditions. To improve as a patient-centred service and monitor the progress with annual patients’ satisfaction surveys. Maintain high quality of care through continuous training and learning for all team members. To use principles of confidentiality, diversity and equality. To ensure effective management and governance systems. Treat all patients and staff members with honesty, dignity and respect. Partners: Dr Robert D Letch (m) MB ChB MRCGP Manchester 1992 Dr Saniya Mansfield (f) MD PhD MRCGP DRCOG Moscow 1997 Euxton Medical Centre provides a range of services including:Smears Travel advice and immunisations Minor surgery ECG Childhood immunisations and 8 week checks Weight Management Contraception Flu and Pneumoccocal immunisations Respiratory disease Annual Learning Disability checks Cardiovascular health checks Annual reviews for :Asthma, COPD, Chronic kidney disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stroke and TIA, Coronary Heart Disease. Medication reviews Repeat prescription service Phlebotomy service Home visits (for housebound patients) The Practice charges fees for these non NHS services, there is a list of charges in the waiting room Private medical reports and medicals Fitness certificates Non NHS vaccinations Copies from records OPENING HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 8am – 6.30pm 8am – 6.30pm 8am – 6.30pm 8am – 1pm 8am – 6.30pm SURGERY TIMES MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 8.30am – 11.30am 8.30am – 11.30am 8.30am – 11.30 am Extended surgery one doctor 8.30am – 11.30 am 8.30am – 11.30 am 3.30pm – 5.30pm 3.30pm – 5.30pm 3.30pm – 5.530pm 5.30 – 8.30 pm 3.30pm – 5.30 pm OUT OF HOURS There is always a doctor on call for emergencies. By phoning 01257 267402 a recorded message will inform you which number to phone. BOOKING APPOINTMENTS Routine appointments for both the GP and the Practice nurses are available for booking up to one month in advance. A routine pre-booked appointment (with the doctor of choice) can be made via reception, by phoning or in person. A same day appointment can be requested by phoning reception starting at 8am every morning, or in person. We will endeavour to offer the patient an appointment for the day with whichever doctor is rostered to provide an open surgery that day. HOME VISITS Home visits are only for the housebound or seriously ill. Patients are asked to request a visit before 10.30am TELEPHONE ADVICE Patients may speak to a doctor after morning surgery, they are asked to phone reception to arrange a time. TEST RESULTS Results of investigations, where appropriate, be given over the telephone, these can only be given to the patient. Patients are asked to phone after 2.30pm. REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Requests for repeat prescriptions can be left at reception in the box provided, or patients can use the prescription ordering line on 01257 268030, or can email requests on Prescriptions can also be ordered via the Practice website Patients are asked to give 48 hours notice, and to specify if the prescription is to be sent to a chemist or to be picked up at reception. TRAVEL ABROAD The Practice Nurses can administer travel vaccinations and advice, patients are asked to give at least 6 weeks notice before travel. Patients are asked to complete travel forms before the appointment. DISTRICT NURSE TEAM A District Nursing team is based at Buckshaw Village Surgery, they are a team of nurses who work in the community caring for people in their homes. They also run a number of dressing clinics, the number for patients to phone is 01772 644160 for an appointment. MIDWIFE A community midwife is attached to the Practice, she is concerned with the care of expectant mothers and visits mother and baby at home in the early days after the delivery. She runs an Antenatal clinic at Euxton Medical Centre on a Wednesday morning. HEALTH VISITORS Health visitors are attached to the Practice , they are involved with the care of children and expectant mothers. They can be contacted on 01772 644778. There is a child health clinic on Thursday mornings 10.30am – 12.30pm. PHLEBOTOMY (Blood clinic) This is held every Tuesday morning 8.30am – 10.30am by appointment only. PODIATRY A podiatrist is available at Euxton Medical Centre for diabetic and priority groups. CONFIDENTIALITY All patient information is confidential and Euxton Medical Centre complies fully with the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and Gender Recognition Act. Staff receive training annually. CONSENT No examination or procedure is carried out without the patients consent, this can be in writing or given verbally. CHAPERONES Clinical staff ask patients if they require a chaperone, chaperones are always available on request. CARERS The Practice encourages patients to inform them if they are a carer or are cared for by another person who without payment provides help and support to a person who cannot manage without their help. The Practice has a carers folder, containing a form to approach Carers Direct for any help they made need. Carers can also look at the website COMMENTS , SUGGESTIONS There is a suggestions box in the waiting room, the Practice welcomes comments and suggestions and reviews them at Practice meetings. COMPLAINTS The Practice has a complaints procedure . All complaints should be directed to the Practice Manager, who will ensure they are dealt with according to the Practice Complaints procedure. ZERO TOLERANCE The Practice operates a Zero Tolerance policy with regards to violent or abusive patients, the Practice has the right to remove a patient from the list with immediate effect if violent. The Practice will inform the patient in writing. If a patient is abusive to staff, a written warning will inform the patient that if the behaviour continues they may be removed from the list.