College of Dentistry Newsletter - November 2005

College of
University of Saskatchewan
Room 332
Dental Clinic Building
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E4
Acting Dean:
Dr. James Stakiw
Associate Dean:
Dr. Dean Kolbinson
Assistant Dean:
Dr. Francisco Otero
If you read something in this issue of Recall that you would like to respond to, please send your comments to Janet Sklarchuk
at the address above or
Dr. Stakiw
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and
Removable Prosthodontics.
I feel privileged to write this message
as Acting Dean of the College for
several reasons. Our graduates
continue to be in demand by the
profession wherever they go and
their reputation for doing high-quality
work with a great deal of empathy for
patient welfare precedes them. Our staff in the
College are among the best anywhere and their
work is respected and very much appreciated.
Our faculty too are among the very best and as
proof of this, Dr. Alan Kilistoff from UBC and
Dr. Gerry Uswak from his position as CEO of
the Inuvik Regional Health and Social Services
Authority have joined us – Alan in Operative
Dentistry and Gerry in Community Dentistry/
Public Health. We have three more tenuretrack positions approved and have received
applications for the position in Pediatric
Dentistry. We are advertising for the position
Faculty renewal is underway and
this bodes well for the College, the
University, and the students whom we
serve. And speaking of our students:
they make all the travails of being a Dean
worthwhile. They are young, enthusiastic,
and kind, and their joie de vivre is marvelous!
Sometimes, because of the students, I think I
would even pay to work here.
I must add here a word of thanks to Janet
Sklarchuk, who worked very hard to put together
this issue of Recall.
We have had some change due to retirements.
Dr. Jim Tynan and Dr. Maureen Tynan have
left us for retirement in Victoria. Jack Skjeie is
retiring this fall. Caroline Trischuk has accepted
a position in the Department of Pediatrics at
Dean’s Message
2005 Fall Welcome
Reunion News
Faculty Focus
Convocation 2005
Upcoming Events
clinical research purposes and student education.
I can foresee the day in the not-too-distant future
when the College will initiate a fundraising drive to
assist in the refurbishment of clinical space that
will include necessary improvements such as the
clinic computer system and possibly even named
classrooms, etc.
Royal University Hospital and Karen Neufeldt
has accepted a secretarial position elsewhere on
Two College subcommittees have been struck;
one to look into the implementation of a Foreign
Dental Degree Completion program and the other
to study the possibility of establishing a Bachelor
of Dental Hygiene Degree program. This latter
would not be an entry to practice degree but
rather would allow hygienists to follow a seamless
pathway in their education to the Bachelor level at
the University.
As I said at the beginning of this communication,
these are exciting times and exciting times should
be shared. To all graduates living outside of our
city: Please drop in and visit your alma mater
whenever you are in Saskatoon! To our alumni
and colleagues closer to home: Thank you for
helping us in our teaching program. And thank you
everyone for thinking of the College of Dentistry
when you are asked to support our program.
We have begun to look into the possibility of
upgrading DC 334/335, since the existing lecture
space is no longer adequate to comfortably house
the number of students per class we now educate.
Partly related to this is the necessity for a clinic
computer system required for record keeping
as part of the accreditation process and also for
James E. Stakiw, DMD, Dip Perio, PhD, FICD
We are delighted to welcome Nanae Ishihama,
Ayako Nagao, and Mutsumi Nakanishi to
the College. These three students arrived on
August 20, 2005, for a 10-week period under the
1991 academic exchange agreement between
the College of Dentistry at the University of
Saskatchewan and Okayama University School of
Dentistry. Nanae, Ayako, and Mutsumi are all in
their third year of the dental program at Okayama
University and while here at the College will attend
certain lectures and observe in designated clinics,
pre-clinics, and labs during their stay. After their
visit here ends on October 28th, they will briefly
tour several Canadian and American cities before
returning to Japan.
(L-R) Ayako Nagao, Mutsumi Nakanishi, and Nanae
Ishihama, visiting students from the Okayama (Japan)
University School of Dentistry.
It is a thrill to be a new member of
faculty in the College of Dentistry,
University of Saskatchewan.
I am a graduate of UBC
Dental School and I
practiced general dentistry
on Vancouver Island and
the lower mainland of BC
for 28 years. About six years
ago I was asked to help teach fixed
prosthetics at UBC for one half-day
per week. I found that I really enjoyed
teaching and over the next few years I
sold my two practices and became full
time at UBC. Last year I completed the
Faculty Certificate Program in Teaching
and Learning in Higher Education, and
this year I am working on a Masters
of Educational Technology from UBC.
I am also one of the instructors for
the implant course offered by the
IDEAS group. I have been involved
in teaching most aspects of dentistry
and I am looking forward to working
in operative dentistry at the U of S.
I have five children, four
of whom are here in
Saskatoon. My youngest
daughter is finishing
high school, two sons
are attending the U of S,
and my oldest son is in his
second year of dental school
here. My oldest daughter and her
family are in Abbotsford, BC. I have
eight grandsons, four of whom are in
We are enjoying the big skies and
mostly sunny weather, and I look
forward to the outdoor activities that
are so close at hand here in Saskatoon.
I am also enjoying working with the
excellent faculty and terrific students
at the College of Dentistry.
tributaries of the Amazon River. Since
1994, Dr. Uswak’s clinical practice has
primarily focused on hospital-based
pediatric dentistry in Nunavut.
Dr. Gerry Uswak joins the
College as an Associate
Professor in Community
He received
his DMD in 1989 from
the University of Manitoba,
followed by a hospital
dentistry internship at the
Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg.
Subsequently, his Dental Public Health
specialty training was completed
at the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill School of Public
Health (MPH) and the North
Carolina Division of Dental
Health (Residency in
Dental Public Health).
His research interests include the
dental public health aspects of
periodontal diseases, the oral health
status and treatment needs of
preschool children in Canada’s North,
and quality and risk management.
From 2002 to 2005, Dr.
Uswak was CEO of the
Inuvik Regional Health and
Social Services Authority, which
included Canada’s most northerly
graduate in May 2006. He
will be ordained as a deacon
on All Saints Day (November
1) at St. John’s Cathedral in
Saskatoon. Dave will be appointed as
an Honorary Assistant at St. John’s
Cathedral, where he will provide parttime ministry as time permits while
continuing to teach operative dentistry
and fulfilling his other duties at the
College of Dentistry.
For most of his career, Dr.
Uswak has been involved in
northern, rural and remote
programming as a clinician,
consultant, clinic owner, and dental
services contractor both nationally
(Northwest Territories and Nuvavut)
and internationally. Between 1994
and 2000, Dr. Uswak co-coordinated
and delivered outreach programming
in Bolivia. Through this program,
dental professionals, students, and
lay people delivered primary dental
care to remote communities along
Dr. David Tyler, Director of the Operative
Division, has been a part-time student
at the College of Emmanuel and St.
Chad (the Anglican seminary here
on campus) for the past seven
years. He is taking a Masters
of Divinity program and will
The Operative Division has been very
active over the past few years. Dr.
Marguerite Caldwell (Class of 2003)
provided two years of outstanding
service in the teaching of the firstyear introductory operative class. She
produced an outstanding teaching
CD-Rom that remains the basis of
the first-year program. The entire
Operative program (all four years)
is currently being converted into a
format that will be accessible on Web
CT and made available for continuing
education, not only for dentists but
also for therapists, hygienists, and
assistants. Dr. Dave Tyler notes
that the Division has tremendous
resources at its fingertips and it is
his hope to make these increasingly
accessible for everyone’s benefit
(watch for more about this in future
editions of Recall). Dave continues
his research on dentin bonding
systems using scanning electron
microscopy and is an editorial
consultant with the Canadian Dental
Journal. Anyone seeking to write a
paper, clinical study, or short piece
for the Journal is encouraged to
contact Dave at tyler@sask.usask.
Dave Tyler further reports that one
of the benefits of teaching as a parttime faculty member in the College
of Dentistry is membership of the
Saskatoon Restorative Study Club
that has been meeting regularly
about four times a year for many
years now. It provides a forum for
discussing all of the new and evolving
technologies affecting operative
dentistry, a venue for sorting out
issues arising as we teach these fine
students we have in our care, and a
place and time for getting to know
each other better. Dean Emeritus
Ernie Ambrose was the mentor
of the club for many years and we
are trying our best to maintain the
high standards of professionalism,
quality of care, and teaching effort
that were so typical of Ernie’s years
in the College.
Second place winners were Allen Aptekar and Ken
Ginnan for their table clinic entitled “A comparative
study of the microleakage and seal of two endodontic
obturation materials: resilon and gutta percha.”
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2005
College of Dentistry Table Clinic, held on April 12,
First place went to Ali Hooshangui for his table clinic
entitled “A novel oral rinse assay (NORA) to monitor
neutrophil tissue deliverance in neutropenic patients.”
Ali Hooshangui exhibited a poster presentation on
his table clinic at the University of Saskatchewan Life
Sciences Research Fair and won second prize in the
Dental and Clinical Sciences category.
The College wishes to acknowledge Cody Bowtell for all his efforts in
contributing to the success of the 2005 Kent McLeod Memorial Golf Classic.
Cody worked diligently throughout the summer at soliciting sponsors and
donations, and although the weather did not co-operate for the September
10th tournament, all participants enjoyed both the golf and the 19th hole
Stay tuned for next year’s date . . .
Only TO BE Answered by YOUR Specialty Externship
Although the everyday bustle
of classes, clinics, and lab work
can run us ragged and leave us
feeling exhausted, the looming
issue of our plans after graduation
really does require forethought
and consideration within the
rare smidgens of our free time
as dental students. A majority
of us are looking forward to the
long-awaited freedom of working
and building a career in general
dentistry. However, I know that
there are a few of you reading this
who may want to endure academia
a little longer to pursue a specific
interest area in dentistry. Maybe
you’re interested in specializing?
How do you know if you want to?
What to specialize in? Etc . . . .
Because of my own recent
experiences, I would like to briefly
introduce you to and increase your
awareness of externship programs.
Externships are allocated periods
of time where the dental student
becomes a participant in a residency
ranging from strictly observing
the residents to assisting and
performing procedures alongside
the residents. These valuable
you not only to check out what a
specialty truly involves, but to also
gain additional insights into what
it takes to become a specialist and
where to pursue your training. This
summer I was fortunate to have
had two phenomenal externship
in Los Angeles,
CA, at the University of Southern
California for the month of July
and in Boston, MA, at Harvard
University/Massachusetts General
Hospital for half of August. Both
my externships were in oral and
maxillofacial surgery. I must thank
Dr. Dennis Lanigan (Class of 1972)
and Dr. Jordan Millar (UBC Class
of 2004) for introducing me to this
valuable and beneficial experiential
“tool” for helping me to define my
post-grad interests.
Here are some basic questions to
be answered by an externship:
• To be or not to be a specialist?
Although our courses here at the
U of S expose us to many facets
of dentistry, to fully appreciate
a particular area you may want
to first spend a full day or two
observing a local specialist in that
field or a dentist who limits his
or her practice. If that experience
leaves you with a keen desire to
investigate further and you perhaps
are beginning to envision pursuing
a career in that particular area, then
I strongly suggest looking into
externship opportunities as a way
of gaining a good understanding
as to the full scope of a particular
specialty. For example, to us dental
students the area of dental surgery
is most readily associated with
difficult extractions. However, my
externship experiences showed
me a much broader range of oral
surgery that included treating
trauma and abuse victims by
wiring their jaws shut, suturing
facial lacerations, and so on.
• To be or not to be a resident?
In order to become a specialist,
one first must be able to endure
the arduous road of residency.
Depending on the specialty, the
stresses and the demands of
residency life can vary greatly. As
an extern, not only do you shadow
the residents every minute of the
day but you may also share some
of the residents’ responsibilities
and obligations.
I attended
rounds every morning at 6:30 a.m.
in Boston and was on call with
the residents for several 36-hour
hospital shifts in both Los Angeles
and Boston. While I performed and
assisted in numerous procedures,
I also participated in academic
sessions including Grand Rounds,
service meetings, and journal
clubs – and my involvement in
these necessitated reading heavy
volumes and even delivering a
presentation to the attending
surgeons and the Chief of Service
at Harvard. Some students who
aspire to become specialists
reverse their decisions once they
see and experience a residency
program; however, you cannot
appreciate residency life until you
experience it. Externships also can
open the door for you into certain
programs. If the host institution
is impressed with your externship
performance, this will be to your
advantage and may even be that institution’s deciding
factor in your favor in an applications competition.
at the Web pages of national specialty associations for
comprehensive listings of programs and locations.
Once you find the Web addresses of specific programs,
check out their Web sites for externship opportunities.
From my experience, applying for externships requires
some organization, especially when reference letters,
transcripts, photos, CVs, supplemental application
forms, and personal statements are requested. These
requirements, however, differ per institution, as do the
deadlines. Watch the deadlines! This is a competitive
process and most schools are highly selective of their
applicants. Typically, once you have been accepted by
an institution, externship positions are granted on a
first-come, first-served basis. Each program will have
a maximum number of externs at any given time. You
need to specify your choices of availability and then
the program will assign you accordingly. The earlier
you submit your application, the better chance you
have of being scheduled at your most convenient time.
Basically, take the initiative and do not procrastinate!
• To be or not to be a “University of X” resident?
Do the names and the reputations of Harvard, NYU,
UCLA, or U Penn excite you? Would you be thrilled to
commit two to six years of your life to a prestigious
program, even if you have never so much as visited
there? How about being accepted into a smaller,
less well-known institution? Ultimately, there is
no brochure available that can honestly disclose to
potential applicants the interpersonal, working, and
social atmospheres of a residency program. How
does everyone (including the residents, auxiliary
staff, attending staff, and the chiefs) get along? This
is perhaps the most critical factor in determining
your progress and potential success in completing
a residency program. Surprisingly, some programs
appear not concerned with how residents and staff are
treated, a situation that can then leave them victims
of persistent intimidation, temperamental outbursts,
and even coarse verbal abuse. These environments
are malignant and destructive, simulating a two- to
six-year jail sentence. By contrast, however, some
residencies are truly cohesive: camaraderie is strongly
emphasized throughout the system and program, and
respect is reciprocal.
Best wishes to all and good luck to those pursuing
Jenny Wong (Year IV)
The externship experience will both allow you to
realize the working dynamics of a particular program
and provide you with the opportunity to see if your
personality is compatible with that institution. If you
are interested in a certain school for a specialty, first
check to see if it offers externships and then pursue
one! It is in your best interests to make a well-informed
decision for your future.
Jenny with Harvard attending
surgeons (L-R) Dr. Maria
Troulis, Dr. Leonard Kaban
(Chief of Service), Jenny, Dr.
Meredith August.
• Finally, how can you become an extern?
Jenny with USC OMFS
residents in Los Angeles.
Dr. Michael Lypka DMD,
MD (Class of 2000), sitting
second from front far right, is
currently Chief Resident and
will complete his training in
The onus is solely on you to look into externship
opportunities and to take advantage of them. To
begin your search, have an idea as to the area you are
looking at. Then, ask the advice of your favorite profs,
specialists, and part-time faculty who you feel would
have knowledge about such programs. You can look
Now that the Class of 2005 has graduated, here’s an up-to-date report on their professional lives:
Trina Bergermann – Oral Surgery Internship, Tennessee
Robert Hynd – Private Practice, Gibson, BC
Lisa Braun – Private Practice, Saskatoon
Regan Kurz – Private Practice, Saskatoon
Mackenzie Buchan – Private Practice, Regina
Tanya Mundt – Private Practice, Edmonton, Alberta
Jonathan Campbell – Private Practice, Kelowna, BC
Hubert Ng – Private Practice, Calgary, Alberta
Manasa Chandramohan – Private Practice, Golden, BC
Jason Otterbein – Private Practice, Castlegar, BC
Giebette Cooper – Private Practice, Terrace, BC
Matthew Pruden – Private Practice, Whitehorse,
Yukon Territory
Kyle Egger – Private Practice, Whitehorse,
Yukon Territory
Lily Sammak – Private Practice, North Battleford
Sandra Endersby – Private Practice, Red Deer, Alberta
Vandna Sharma – GPR, Vancouver, BC
Stephen Goth – GPR, Saskatoon
Mona Shoman – Private Practice, Saskatoon
Darren Hargrave – Private Practice,
Grande Cache, Alberta
Ly Truong – Private Practice, Regina
Mark Venditti – Private Practice, Toronto, Ontario
Craig Humber – GPR, Vancouver, BC
Robert Walker – Private Practice, Victoria, BC
Zafar Husain – GPR, Saskatoon
Dr. Dustin Holben (Class of 2001) and wife Diane welcomed
daughter Nicole Michelle to their family on March 5, 2005.
Michelle Jarvin (Admissions Secretary) and husband Miles
welcomed the newest member of their family, son Ashton
John, on March 16, 2005.
Kiran Pannu Randhawa (Class of 2006) and her husband
were blessed with a new addition to the family, daughter
Sitara on April 24, 2005.
Kelly Shelley (Clinic Secretary) and husband Lyle are pleased
to announce the arrival of son Drew Jacob on August 1,
Geoffrey Dice (Class of 2007) and Lana Wilson
were married in Saskatoon on July 2, 2005, and
honeymooned in Italy.
Diane Sasvari (Class of 2006) is pleased to
announce her engagement to Paul Escaravage.
Their wedding will be in June 2006.
Carman Rabuka (Class of 2007) and Esther Eliason
were married in Swift Current on August 7, 2005,
and spent their honeymoon in British Columbia,
hiking and fishing.
Brent Yaremko (Class of 2006) recently became
engaged to Sarah Stookey and they have set a
wedding date of July 29, 2006.
Shahram Rahmani (Class of 2007) and Serap
Akpinar were married in Antalya, Turkey, on July 7,
2005, and honeymooned in the Mediterranean.
Chelsea Tomanek (Class of 2006) and Scott
Schmidt were married in North Battleford on July 9,
2005, and honeymooned in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
Congratulations to the happy couples!
Dr. Patti Grassick reports that the Class of 1990 held
their 15-year reunion in Calgary on July 15, 2005, at
the home of Jennifer Moore. The remainder of the
weekend was spent at Dave Hall’s home on Sylvan
Lake, Alberta. There were seven classmates in
attendance along with their families. Dr. Grassick
wishes to extend a special thank you to Jen and
Dave for arranging a most memorable weekend
(she notes that “Dave had plenty of toys for kids of
all ages”) and she hopes that more classmates will
be able to attend the 20-year reunion.
Do you have any reunion news that you would like
to share in Recall? We would love to hear about any
class activities that either have taken place or are in the
planning. Be sure to include photos!
Class of 1990 15-year reunion, July 2005: (L-R) Brian Kilduff,
Dave Hall, Patti Grassick, Rhonda Markowsky, Jennifer Moore,
Kevin Kaller.
The Class of 1986 is currently planning a 20-year
Classmates interested in attending
should contact Bernie Olson at (306) 934-1725 or
Nestled within the majestic
downtown core of Ottawa, the
Fairmont Château Laurier hosted
the Canadian Dental Association’s
2005 Committee on Student
Affairs (CSA) annual Students’
Conference and General Meeting
from August 4-6.
consists of 20 representatives; two
representatives from each of the
ten Canadian faculties of dentistry.
represents over 2000 Canadian
dental students. Richard Halpern
(Year III Representative) and Jenny
Wong (Year IV Representative and
CSA National Chair) attended on
behalf of our College.
The Students’ Conference consisted
of several presentations and
breakout sessions that delivered an
abundant amount of information to
increase representatives’ knowledge
and awareness of the services and
benefits of CDA membership at
both student and professional
levels. Representatives from CDAbased organizations (such as
CDSPI) and several national affiliate
associations (such as Dentistry
Canada Fund [DCF] and NDEB)
gave us further insights into the
mandates and operations of their
respective groups. In a one-on-one
conversation, Dr. John O’Keefe,
editor of the JCDA, welcomed input
from the dental students at the
University of Saskatchewan about
topics they consider to be
“Essential Matters to Dentists.”
The U of S brought firsttime awareness to Andrew
Jones, CDA’s lobbyist to the
federal government, concerning
the discrepancy between needed
government student loans and
tuition fees. Attention was drawn to
the need for our students to utilize a
credit line during their studies
to help fund them through their
education. A new panel discussion
“Life after Dental School” was an
addition to the conference agenda
this year. Recent graduates spoke
of their experiences stemming from
their choices of a variety of career
paths in dentistry. One of the
panel members was Dr. Kabir Virdi
(Class of 2003), who discussed his
career as a military dentist. As an
interactive information tool, the
Jenny and Richard at the CDA 2005 CSA
annual Students’ Conference and General
CDA will soon be posting featured
conference segments on its Web
site for your interest. We invite you
to check out these clips at www.
The General Meeting was held the
following day, and CSA discussion
was centred on a variety of issues
that face us directly as students and
soon-to-be dentists. We discussed
the responsibilities of CDA Student
Representatives at our respective
universities. Philosophies on our
styles of recruitment campaigns
and “Welcome to the Profession”
events were shared. We proposed
dates for CDSPI presentations with
Christina Temciuc, CDSPI’s new
student liaison. Andrew Lee (CDA
Year IV Representative and Student
Representative to the General
Assembly) from the University of
Toronto introduced the committee
to the Ontario Dental Students
Journal (ODSJ). As the Junior
Editor of the ODSJ, he expressed
interest in having students from
outside Ontario contribute, thereby
making it a national student
journal. Tony Semren and Eileen
Lo, UBC CSA representatives and
hosts of this year’s International
Dental Student Conference (IDSC),
presented the CSA with the most
recent plans for IDSC 2006 to be
hosted in Vancouver January 13-15,
2006. This event is scheduled to
last three days, with the first day
reserved for a Whistler ski trip,
Vancouver sightseeing, a wine and
cheese event, and a downtown
social evening. With an anticipated
attendance of 800 students from
both Canada and the United States,
this event looks like it’s going to be
a blast! For more information visit
The CDA’s Student Conference and
General Meeting was an extremely
well-organized event. Its goal of
bringing together students from all
corners of the country to discuss
issues that we all face was well
realized. The CDA was able to
successfully share with us more
of what they are doing, while they
continued to learn more about the
challenges and concerns facing
students from across the country.
Their persistent efforts in learning
how they can further help us while
we deal with these challenges, was
impossible to overlook.
Richard Halpern (Year III)
Jenny Wong (Year IV)
The 2005 Paynter-McPhail Memorial Lecture will
be held on April 21, 2006, in the Royal University
Hospital Mall Lecture Theatre. Dr. John Featherstone
of the University of California, San Francisco, will
present a lecture entitled “Dental Caries Management
by Risk Assessment.” The Paynter-McPhail Memorial
Lecture is funded from a trust established in 1986
through donations from faculty and alumni in honour
of the College’s first two Deans, Dr. K. J. Paynter and
Dr. C. W. B. McPhail. Past Paynter-McPhail Memorial
Lecturers have been Dr. Edmund Truelove (1990), Dr.
B. K. (Raj) Arora (1993), Dr. Marcia A. Boyd (1995),
Dr. Joseph Bartoloni (2000), and Dr. Michael Eggert
The 2006 International Dental Students Conference
is scheduled for Vancouver, January 13-15, 2006.
Alumni Reception
Thursday, March 9, 2006
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
Vancouver, BC
U of S College of Dentistry alumni, along with a guest,
are again invited to join us for a reception to be held
in conjunction with the Pacific Dental Conference.
Please RSVP to Janet Sklarchuk no later than March
3, 2006
(306) 966-5121 or
On May 26, twenty-four students from the College
of Dentistry were awarded the Doctor of Dental
Medicine degree at the University of Saskatchewan
Spring Convocation. The ceremony was followed
by the Graduation Banquet at the Sheraton Cavalier.
Congratulations to Stephen Goth, who received
the Faculty of Dentistry Gold Medal award. The
Trina Bergermann
Lisa Braun
Mackenzie Buchan
Jonathan Campbell
Manasa Chandramohan
Giebette Cooper
Kyle Egger
Sandra Endersby
Stephen Goth
Darren Hargrave
Craig Humber
Zafar Husain
College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan hosted
the Graduation Breakfast the following morning,
presented Stephen Goth with the Western
Canada Dental Society–Dr. Cal Waddell Memorial
Scholarship and Robert Walker with the Canadian
Dental Association President’s Award.
Class of 2005 graduation Breakfast--May 27, 2005: (Back row L-R):
Pruden, Humber. (Middle row L-R): Kurz, Venditti, Walker, Ng,
Goth, Bergermann, Endersby. (Front row L-R): Mundt, Sammak,
Shoman, Braun, Sharma, Chandramohan, Cooper, Buchan.
Robert Hynd
Regan Kurz
Tanya Mundt
Hubert Ng
Jason Otterbein
Matthew Pruden
Lily Sammak
Vandna Sharma
Mona Shoman
Ly Truong
Mark Venditti
Robert Walker
Congratulations and best of
luck to the Class of 2005!
“Contagious” describes the energy, enthusiasm, and
strict in its proceedings. In the House of Delegates we
camaraderie of the 350 US dental student leaders of the
were introduced to the slate of candidates and their
American Student Dental Association (ASDA), gathered
aggressive campaigns for election to the 2005-2006
in the sweltering heat of Houston, Texas, for the 35th
Executive Committee (comprising two Vice-Presidents
Annual Session, held August 31 to September 4, 2005.
and one President). The keynote address -- “Four
This is the annual ceremonial event where ASDA’s
Ideas I Wish I Knew 35 Years Ago” by Dr. Nate Booth
newest national leaders are scrutinized and installed,
-- offered us insights into some essential concepts of
out-going leaders are honoured and celebrated, and
being a successful practitioner, such as “being busier
the blueprints for tackling national dental student
is not always better,” “life is leadership,” “clinical
issues are birthed into missions
skills are the easy part,” and
for the year ahead. The volume of
having and sticking to a “crystal
business, the number of delegates,
clear, empowering dream.” To
and the formality of the weekend
formally end the day, the Breakout
all surpass any such organized
valuable presentations in the areas
conferences that I have attended.
of oral and maxillofacial surgery,
As the lone Canadian representative
orthodontic graduate education
and prairie girl that I am, I was
programs, practice management,
astonished and enchanted by the
grandeur of Texas, by the wellcommunity health.
sponsored conference, and by the (L-R) Dr. Chris Salierno (2004-2005 ASDA
“American way” of student-based President), Jenny Wong, Dr. Joshua Ries
All delegates were encouraged
(2003-2004 ASDA President).
organized dentistry. However, as
to draft and submit resolutions
the invited elected National Chair
in the areas of licensure,
and ambassador of the Committee on Student Affairs
education, governance, and professional issues.
(CSA) of the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), I
These resolutions were the focus of the second day’s
was honoured to participate and to address the House
agenda within Reference Committee hearings and
meetings. Resolution amendments and finalizations
were made to ensure accurate and clear delivery to the
“This issue is extremely controversial and unsettled,
House of Delegates for debate later in the weekend. I
to the extent that ASDA is diligently working with
attended the licensure hearing and meeting because
national organizations to achieve progress.”
I was particularly interested in American licensure.
This issue is extremely controversial and unsettled,
to the extent that ASDA is diligently working with
of Delegates as a fellow national leader.
national organizations to achieve progress. Basically,
The formal Welcome Ceremony and Reception made
individual states and regions of the US have differing
for a wonderful evening to commence the Annual
license requirements, ranging from PGY 1 (One PostSession. However, that evening and for the entire
Graduate Year of residency) in a small number of states
weekend, the general tone was somewhat subdued
including New York to patient-based competencies with
because the fury of Hurricane Katrina had obliterated
proctoring state/regional board examiners. Not only is
much of neighbouring Louisiana only two days
geographical limitation a concern with licensing, but the
before. Delegates were naturally somewhat distracted
ethical treatment of patients is also contentious. These
by remembrance for the victims and hope for the
sessions furthered my understanding and awareness
survivors. But the event went ahead as planned, and
of specific licensing issues and I was impressed by the
the first business day was ambitious in its agenda and
fortitude of the delegates to ameliorate this ongoing
at the President’s Dinner Dance, honouring Dr. Salierno
and inaugurating Mr. Bradley Harrelson, ASDA’s newlyelected 2005-2006 President. Amid an enjoyable evening
of great music, dancing, and door prizes spirited by a
casino night theme, I had the opportunity to meet Mr.
Harrelson and the two newly-elected Vice-Presidents,
Dr. Ryan Monti and Mr. Blake Robinson. With the
cumulative experience and the dynamic strengths of
these leaders, the Executive Committee should have a
remarkable year ahead, and ASDA should make strong
progress in addressing issues of licensure, access to
care, diversity, tuition, and membership. I look forward
to corresponding with and working with ASDA and its
executive in the months ahead.
dilemma. After an intense business day, the University
of Texas Dental Branch at Houston generously hosted
a tour of the dental school and a reception for all
conference delegates.
The House of Delegates convened for the second
business meeting on the Session’s third day. Speeches
and reports from leaders of other national organizations
were featured, such as the Student National Dental
Association (which represents dental students who are
visible minorities) and the American Dental Education
Association (ADEA). Later that morning I delivered my
address on behalf of the CDA and CSA. I described
the basic structure and mandate of the CSA, which is
the Canadian equivalent of ASDA; additionally, at the
request of several delegates and ASDA’s 2004-2005
President and my friend, Dr. Chris Salierno, I provided
a brief explanation of the Canadian dental licensing
process that follows graduation from dental school in
Canada. Some American states are looking to simulate
and even test-pilot the Canadian model for licensure,
and numerous delegates expressed envy of our country’s
I would like to thank ASDA and the CDA for making my
visit to Houston possible. I would also like to thank my
classmates, who invested their confidence in me three
long years ago when I was elected to be our CDA class
rep. It was a positive and empowering experience to
represent not only the University of Saskatchewan, but
also Canada.
Jenny Wong (Year IV)
2005-2006 CDA CSA National Chair
My experience at the Annual Session formally concluded
over succulent filet mignon and sinful chocolate mousse
Send us your news and/or comments, both professional
as well as personal – and include photos too! We would
love to hear from you! Information can be submitted to:
or mailed to:
Janet Sklarchuk
College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan
Room 332, Dental Clinic Building
105 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon SK S7N 5E4
Kristi Perry and Dr. Ric Devon.
2005 Fall Welcome
This year’s Fall Welcome banquet and dance, held at
the Saskatoon Centennial Auditorium on September
3, 2005, was a very enjoyable evening filled with good
humour and good will. Hats off to Raegan Eliasson,
Sarah Dinsmore, and Chelise Kasun for the great
job they did in organizing this annual event!
The banquet was followed by an awards ceremony.
Raegan Eliasson and Landon Pincombe were the
recipients of the Dr. Kirk Johnston Spirit of Dentistry
Memorial Award. Roman Koutsil received the W. A.
Cotter Award, an award presented to the fourth-year
student who best exemplifies the empathy, courtesy,
Roman Koutsil.
and caring attention to patients demonstrated by Dr.
Wilf Cotter during his professional career. The Dental
Anatomy Award went to Kristi Perry for achieving the
highest average in the first-year anatomy classes.
Devon Anholt was presented with the Anthony A.
Blasko Memorial Scholarship. Matthew Soroski
earned the Paul Teplitsky Desire to Win Award, and
Raegan Eliasson graciously accepted the infamous
Boot Play Award. The Challenge Cup was presented
to the students (emblematic of supremacy in the
student-faculty hockey war). Scott Harris and Nekky
Jamal both won a Most Likely to Succeed Award.
Devon Anholt and Dr. Tracey Clark.
Raegan Eliasson and Landon Pincombe.
Fall Welcome, Class of 2006: (Rear) Heinrichs. (Back row L-R)
Losier, Nieviadomy, Ficzycz, Ginnan, Yaremko, Koustil, Park,
Wooff, Stock, Aptekar. (Middle row L-R) Schmidt, Kapadia,
Lala, Turner, Huynh, Brigidear, Eliasson. (Front) Satre.
Fall Welcome, Class of 2008: (Rear row L-R) Yoon, Cornish,
Kramer. (Back row L-R) Spies, Craig, Hodgson, Uzelman, Perry,
Park, Paseska, Kim, Chow, Yen. (Middle row L-R) Chhokar,
McCann, Robles, Bevans, Sandhu, Seferi. (Front) Dhir.
Fall Welcome, Class of 2007: (Back) Cegielski. (Middle row
L-R) Anhot, Bradshaw, Phong, Crooks, Soroski, Wendt, Filan,
Rabuka, Dice. (Front row L-R) Hubbard, Pigott, Pincombe,
Doan, Wong, Kasun.
Fall Welcome, Class of 2009: (Back row L-R) deJong, Strang,
Langin, Wilson, Martin, Jamal, Nelson, Perrett, Cadili,
Chaukla, Heinzelman. (Front row L-R) Maedel, Ash, Patel,
Bull, Bhullar, Adams, Yaworsky.
Matthew Soroski.
Masters of Ceremonies-15
Dustin Satre and Nathan Nieviadomy.
Year 1
Bank of Nova Scotia Scholarship
College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan Scholarship
Dental Anatomy Award
Dr. Komiyama Bird Man Awards in Infection Control
Dr. Steve Yaholnitsky Memorial Scholarship
Gordon Nikiforuk Admission Bursary
Kent McLeod Memorial Scholarship
Lorne and Mabel Connell Fund
University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Scholarship
Scott Harris
Mark Kramer
Kristi Perry
Kristi Perry
Caesar Chow
Mark Kramer
Amanda Uzelman
Ryan Kilistoff
Stephanie Craig
Brent Davis
Kristi Perry
Year 2
Anthony A. Blasko Memorial Scholarship
College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan Scholarship
Cody Bowtell
Dr. Kirk Johnston Spirit of Dentistry Memorial Award
Dr. Komiyama Bird Man Awards in Infection Control
Joseph Vickar Prize in Dentistry
Kent McLeod Memorial Scholarship
Professors’ Prize in Pharmacology
University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Scholarship
Dr. V. M. Jackman Scholarship
Western Canada Dental Society Bursary
Western Canada Dental Society Fund –
Walter F. Hancock Scholarship
Devon Anholt
Devon Anholt
Landon Pincombe
Stephanie Takeda
Matthew Soroski
Sarah Dinsmore
Geoffrey Dice
Devon Anholt
Matthew Soroski
Stephanie Takeda
Devon Anholt
Michael Bradshaw
Matthew Soroski
Year 3
American Academy of Operative Dentistry
American Academy of Implant Dentistry Student Award
American College of Prosthodontics
Undergraduate Achievement Award
College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan Scholarship
Dr. A. F. Muirhead Memorial Scholarships
Dr. Arthur Singer Memorial Award
Dr. Kirk Johnston Spirit of Dentistry Memorial Award
Jennifer Ficzycz
Dean Heinrichs
Jennifer Ficzycz
Dean Heinrichs
Jennifer Ficzycz
Dean Heinrichs
Dean Heinrichs
Raegan Eliasson
Dr. Komiyama Bird Man Awards in Infection Control
Dr. V. M. Jackman Scholarship
Elsevier Canada Book Award
International College of Dentists Scholarship
(Canadian Section)
Kent McLeod Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship in Endodontics
University of Saskatchewan Scholarship
W. A. Cotter Award
Jennifer Ficzycz
Brent Yaremko
Maria Losier
Jenny Wong
Dustin Satre
Jenny Wong
Chelsea Tomanek
Jenny Wong
Jenny Wong
Roman Koutsil
Year 4
3M Canada Scholarship in Restorative Dentistry
Academy of General Dentistry Senior Student Award
Alpha Omega Scholarship Award
American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology,
Radiology Achievement Award
American Academy of Oral Medicine
Certificate of Merit and Award in Oral Medicine
American Academy of Orofacial Pain
Outstanding Senior Award
American Academy of Periodontology
Student Award in Periodontology
American Association of Endodontists
Student Achievement Award in Endodontics
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Dental Student Award
American Association of Orthodontists Award
Canadian Academy of Periodontology Award
Canadian Dental Association President’s Award
Certificate of Merit AAPD Predoctoral Student Award
Faculty of Dentistry Gold Medal
Governor General’s Silver Medal Spring Convocation
Oral Biology Award
Pierre Fauchard Foundation Scholarship Award
Quintessence Book Awards
Saskatchewan Chapter of the Canadian Society of Dentistry for
Children Book Award
Western Canada Dental Society –
Dr. Cal Waddell Memorial Scholarship
DCF Oral B Undergraduate Scholarship
Jonathan Campbell
Robert Walker
Stephen Goth
Dental Student Award
Mackenzie Buchan
Robert Walker
Trina Bergermann
Robert Walker
Mackenzie Buchan
Craig Humber
Trina Bergermann
Mackenzie Buchan
Stephen Goth
Robert Walker
Robert Walker
Craig Humber
Stephen Goth
Stephen Goth
Craig Humber
Mark Venditti
Kyle Egger
Regan Kurz
Craig Humber
Mark Venditti
Craig Humber
Steve Goth
Jenny Wong
Kamaljit Sahota
The College of Dentistry wishes to thank Dr. Patti
Grassick for her significant participation in and
contributions to various College committees.
Dr. Jim Tynan retired from the College on June 30, 2005,
after many years of dedicated service and is spending
his retirement days in Victoria, British Columbia.
Dr. Paul Teplitsky is the outgoing President of the
Canadian Academy of Endodontics. As a gesture
of appreciation for his years of contribution at the
executive level, the CAE has honoured Paul by naming
the trophy for their annual golf tournament the
Teplitsky Cup!
Congratulations to Dr. Dean Kolbinson and Dr.
Patti Grassick on being inducted as Fellows of the
International College of Dentists, Canadian Section,
on August 27, 2005, in Montreal.
The Public Health Services Dental Clinic began
operating in September 1994 as a pilot project within
five schools in Saskatoon. Presently, free dental
services are provided for any child (age 4, to Grade 8)
in the Saskatoon Health Region. Congratulations to
Dr. Carol Nagle and Barb Mickelson for their continued
involvement in this program.
Dr. Ryan Goos (Class of 2000) graduated from the Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery Program at the University
of Southern California in Los Angeles in May 2005,
and has joined the practice of Dr. Richard Edwards in
Calgary, Alberta. Congratulations!
The annual convocation of the Royal College of
Dentists of Canada (RCDC) was held in Vancouver on
September 10, 2005. The following College of Dentistry
alumni received Fellow-Elect status in the RCDC as a
result of having passed the national dental specialty
examination administered by this organization:
Ryan Goos (Class of 2000) – Oral and Maxillofacial
Derek Hopkins Class of 1992) – Prosthodontics
Keith King (Class of 1993)-– Orthodontics
Warren Loeppky (Class of 1997) – Pediatric Dentistry
James Stephenson (Class of 1999) – Orthodontics
Congratulations to all!
The College welcomes Kate Waiser, Melonie McNally,
Sonia Bayda, and Leigh Coates as our newest support
staff members. The College also bids farewell to
Caroline Trischuk, who has accepted a position in the
Department of Pediatrics at Royal University Hospital,
and Karen Neufeldt who has accepted a position at
the Centre for the Study of Co-Operatives on campus.
Ron Hallam retired on May 13, 2005, and his efforts
will now be focused on operating Hallam Dental
Aesthetics Inc. After 28 years of dedicated service to
the College of Dentistry, Jack Skjeie will be retiring at
the end of November 2005.
CUPE 1975 honoured Long Service Award Members and
Retirees on April 30, 2005. The College of Dentistry is
proud to recognize Maggie Leung and Gloria Luedtke
as 20-year members. Congratulations!
Kevin Banman and his four teammates won the
Western Canadian 8-Ball Pool Championship held
in Calgary on April 21-24, 2005, and advanced to the
Internationals in Las Vegas, May 15-23, 2005. Out of
approximately 6,300 teams, Kevin and his teammates
placed in the middle of the field.
The first annual Pumpkin Carving Contest took place
in the Dental Clinic on October 26, 2005, with each
class participating. The Year 4 class was declared
the winner and received five complimentary tickets
to the Halloween Cabaret and a pizza party supplied
by SDSS.
The mission of the College of Dentistry, University of
Saskatchewan, is to educate dentists to provide high-quality
oral health care to the people of Saskatchewan and to advance
clinical and scientific knowledge through research.
• To teach undergraduate dental students the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary
to become technically competent, socially
sensitive, ethical dentists.
• To develop and contribute to outreach
programs with allied dental health
care providers locally, nationally, and
• To advance knowledge through research,
scholarly activity, and publications, and
by interacting with related learned and
professional organizations.
• To provide post-graduate and graduate
education through advanced degree
• To maintain an admissions policy which
will enable the College to select the best
possible candidates for dental education
while being accessible on an equitable basis
to qualified Saskatchewan residents and,
where possible, to others.
• To continually evaluate and develop the
curriculum and implement changes to
ensure that it is responsive to the current
and future needs for the provision of oral
health care to the people of Saskatchewan
and beyond.
• To practice scholarship in the application
of knowledge so we can serve society
through our creativity and expertise.
• To obtain appropriate human, financial,
informational, and physical resources and
to manage these resources in a fair,
efficient, and accountable manner.
• To advance employment and education
equity through our policies and practices,
and in particular to address the needs of
aboriginal people, persons with disabilities,
and visible minorities.
• To investigate the epidemiology of oral
disease and serve as a resource for
knowledge and expertise concerning the
prevention and treatment of oral diseases
for the profession and the community.
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College of Dentistry
University of Saskatchewan
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105 Wiggins Road
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