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Queens College
Department of Economics
Business Economics
Fall 2014
Prof. Joan Nix
Office: PH 310A
Phone: 718-997-5447
Office Hours: Tu & Th: 3:00-4:00 PM
Class meets: Tu and Th: 1:40-2:55 PM in KY 270.
Course Description:
The application of economic principles to the problems of business decision-making. Topics
considered include decisions under risk and uncertainty; economic forecasting; estimation of
demand and cost functions; price strategy under monopoly, oligopoly.
Course Objective: The primary objective of the course is to develop a framework
for solving important managerial and organizational problems.
Required: Managerial Economics a McGraw Hill Create book based on the textbook,
Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, Fifth Edition by Brickley, Smith, and
Zimmerman, 2009. Available in the QC bookstore. (BSZ)
Greg Smith, Why I Left Goldman Sachs: A Wall Street Story (New York: Grand
Central Publishing, 2012). Available from many sellers and in different versions (used and
kindle). (GS)
You must also purchase an iclicker generation 1 student response system available at, and other online venders. There are some for sale at the bookstore.
Generation 2 will also work. But the app for iclicker will NOT work in the classroom.
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Course Requirements:
Your grade in the course is based on the following components.
• Exam 1 25%
• Exam 2 25%
• Final Exam 35%
• Participation measured by answers to iclicker questions, and team assignments both in
class and as homework 15%
Exams. Each exam will consist of multiple choice questions, problems, and essay questions.
One essay question on each exam is based on the book Why I Left Goldman Sachs.
The final exam is cumulative.
Prerequisites: Eco. 202 (102).
Make-up exams. There are no make up exams except under very special circumstances, and
only if those circumstances having supporting documents and the documents can be
independently verified by me, and only at my discretion. I will not accommodate a make up
request for students who wish to attend family or work events, or business or leisure travel.
Attendance. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to catch up on your own. You should
find out what material was covered, check with your classmates and check our blackboard course
website for any announcements or other information, and get a copy of the notes from one of
your classmates. I will absolutely NOT re-teach material outside of class to students who miss
Email etiquette. Identify yourself in very email. Allow at least 24 hours for a response. When
you email a professor, academic advisor, prospective employer, or graduate school admissions
officer, how you express yourself significantly influences the recipient’s perception of your
intelligence and professionalism. Please make sure to include a subject. I do not open emails
without subjects.
Class Conduct. Each student is expected to come to class on time, and either prior to entering
the classroom or immediately after entering the classroom turn off your cell phone. Computers
may be used for note taking, but if I discover that you are using it to surf the web or check email,
the privilege of using your computer during class will be revoked. Please do not bring food into
the room. Each student is expected to remain in the class for the entire time. The need to leave
the room should be considered an exception and not a habit. Conduct that I judge as interfering
with classroom learning will result in a lower class participation grade.
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Academic dishonesty. I expect you to adhere rigorously to a high standard of academic honesty.
Cheating on exams and homework will result in a grade of F for the course and a letter will be
sent to the Dean of Students detailing your behavior. You should familiarize yourself with
CUNY’s policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. The policy is available here:
Accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Accommodations based on disability will
be granted to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Students who wish to seek such an accommodation must be registered with the
college's office of disability services.
Study Groups: Participation in study groups is mandatory. There should be no more than five
students to a group.
General Comments: Various teaching methods will be employed to communicate the course
content. Please recognize that the primary method employed is student-centered exercises. Your
commitment to serious class work is considered part of the classroom contract you have agreed
to by registering for this course.
Time Demands: There are 168 hours in a week. You will spend 3 hours a week in class. Most of
the work for this course takes place outside the classroom. The assignments should assist you in
structuring your study time. Expect to spend three to four hours a week on class material.
Studies of college students have shown steady and consistent attention to course material is more
effective for learning than spending large amounts of time on the material right before exams.
Web Page for Class via
The webpage for the class is available through blackboard. Access to blackboard is done
through the CUNY portal. You must get a portal ID. You may obtain a portal ID, by clicking on
“login” in the CUNY portal page, This should be done immediately. After you
log in to the portal, there is a link to blackboard.
Important Dates:
Exam 1: Thursday, October 23rd
Exam 2: Tuesday, November 25th.
Final Exam: Thursday, December 18th, 1:45-3:45 PM.
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Schedule of Classes
Week 1. Thursday 08/28, BSZ Chapter 1.
GS, Chapters 1-2
Week 2 . 09/02. BSZ Chapter 2, GS, Chapters 3.
Week 3. 09/09 and 09/11 BSZ, Chapter 3, GS, Chapter 4
Week 4. 09/16 and 09/18 BSZ Chapter 4.
Week 6. 09/30 and 10/02 BSZ, Chapters 5 and 6, GS, Chapter 5
Week 7. 10/7 and 10/09 BSZ, Chapter 7
Week 8. 10/14 and 10/16 BSZ, Chapter 8
Week 9. 10/21 BSZ, Chapter 9, and GS, chapter 6.
Thursday, October 23rd, Exam 1
Week 10. 10/28 and 10/30, BSZ Chapter 9 and GS, chapter 7.
Week 11. 11/04 and 11/06 BSZ, Chapter 10. GS, chapter 8.
Week 12. 11/11 and 11/13 BSZ, Chapter 11,
Week 13. 11/18 and 11/20 BSZ, Chapter 12, GS, chapter 9.
Week 14.
Tuesday, 11/25 EXAM 2
No class, Thursday, 11/27, College Closed for Thanksgiving.
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Week 15. 12/02 and 12/04 BSZ, Chapter 13, GS, chapters 10-11.
Last Week of Classes: 12/09 and 12/11: BSZ, Chapter 14.
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