Fourth Grade - How do you use spatial concepts to explain the world

Fourth Grade - How do you use spatial concepts to explain the world?
Web Resources
• National - Lots of good printable maps for students to read of any part of the world. Some premade maps include: Congressional Districts for the
109th Congress, Federal lands and Indian reservations, Presidential elections 1789-2000, time zones, reference maps of the USA.
Lesson Plans
GSH GeoGame Project Home page - To play a GeoGame, you and your students can select one or more of the current games. Then your students, with
help from maps, atlases, and other reference materials, match the description of each location in the game with the name of the corresponding city. After
the students have decided the answers to the game, you enter your answers into the form at the top of the game page. If all of your answers are correct a
certificate will be presented to print out and post on your bulletin board.
• Latitude and Longitude Instructions - This site offers a fun way to learn how to use latitude and longitude.By completing this tutorial, geography students will
take a pretest on latitude and longitude. They will be able to define latitude and longitude Students will.use latitude and longitude to locate specific points
on the earth's surface. They will use latitude and longitude to find the location of a sinking boat on a world map so you can send out a rescue team to help
the survivors. Students will complete a follow-up quiz with an accuracy of at least 80%.
• Maps and Globes Geography Quiz - This online quiz has 15 questions and a map of the United States with latitude and longitude lines on it. It also provides a
score box to get the results of how students did on the quiz.
• National Geographic Expeditions - This lesson reviews latitude and longitude and asks students to figure out the latitude and longitude for several United
States cities. Students will create "road trip quizzes" to test their classmates' ability to figure out locations based on their latitude and longitude.
• National Geographic Expeditions - In this lesson, students will examine a map and globe to compare the physical features of Earth's continents. They will
play the GeoSpy continents game and manipulate an online map to compare the continents' climates. Students will conclude by writing paragraphs
comparing and contrasting two continents.
• Oregon Geographic Alliance - A wealth of lesson plans in PDF format are in the lessons link. Some are about Oregon but there are a ton of other good ideas
that include lessons about world geography.
Sea World Latitude/Longitude Activity - Sea World has an activity that has kids plot where different kinds of animals live by giving them clues about the
animal and their location using latitude and longitude coordinates. This is a habitats lesson and geography lesson rolled into one.