Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (N.C. State University) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Fayetteville State University), 169 Credits See Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences and the engineering school to which you plan to transfer for more information. Courses must be selected in consultation with an advisor. First Semester CHEM 140 CSC 105 ENGL 120 MATH 142 PEDU 1xx UNIV 101 General Chemistry I Introduction to Computer Science English Composition II1 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I2 Physical Education4 Freshman Seminar I3 Freshman Year Second Semester 4 CSC 120 3 MATH 241 3 PEDU 1xx 4 PHIL 110 1 PHYS 121 1 UNIV 102 16 Introduction to Programming Calculus with Analytic Geometry II Physical Education4 Critical Thinking College Physics I Freshman Seminar II3 3 4 1 3 4 1 16 1 ENGL 110 is normally a University College core requirement and a prerequisite for ENGL 120. Students are encouraged to seek credit for ENGL 110 by examination. 2 Students entering the program must already have a mathematics unit beyond Algebra II, such as trigonometry. Students entering with a deficiency in mathematics must begin with Pre-Engineering Mathematics, which is not counted towards the required semester hours for graduation. 3 UNIV 101-102 required of all first-time freshman; UNIV 110, University Studies (2), required of Transfer Students with fewer than 30 credits 4 Select from PEDU 100, 101, 102, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 130, 12, 140, 141 ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics 1 Summer After Freshman Year 3 Human/Fine Arts Elective2 1 This 3 6 fulfils the History/Social Science Requirement Arts Elective: Select one course from ART 210, ART 211, ENGL 211, ENGL 212, ENGL 220, ENGL 223, ENGL 240, HUMN 211, HUMN 212, MUSI 210, MUSI 260, PHIL 210, PHIL 212, PHIL 220, THEA 260 6 Humanities/Fine First Semester CSC 130 MATH 150 MATH 242 MATH 251 PHYS 122 First Semester CSC 350 CSC 403 CSC 3xx CSC 431 CSC 470 First Semester ECE 211 ECE 212 ECE 220 ECE 309 ENG 331 First Semester ECE 406 ECE 407 ECE 463 ECE 465 ECE 381 Program Design and Impl. Discrete Mathematics I Calculus with Analytic Geometry III Linear Algebra College Physics II Service Learning Social, Ethical and Prof. Issue 300 level CSC requirement Operating Systems Software Engineering Major Restricted Elective Sophomore Year Second Semester 3 CSC 201 3 CSC 207 4 CSC 220 3 MATH 250 4 SPEE 200 17 Junior Year at FSU Second Semester 2 CSC 202 1 CSC 322 3 CSC 303 3 CSC 3xx 3 CSC 490 3 CSC 4xx 15 Summer between FSU and NCSU ECE 200 Junior Year at NCSU Second Semester Electric Circuits 3 ECE 301 Fund of Logic 3 ECE 302 Analytical Foundation 3 ECE 303 OOP 3 ECE 306 Comm for Engineer and Tech. 3 ST 371 15 Senior Year Design of Complex Digital Systems ECE Level I Elective Adv. Microprocessors System Design ECE Elective Engineer Prof. CPE ECE Level 1Elective 3 3 3 3 1 3 16 ECE ECE 481 492 Computer Org. and Ass. Language Symbolic Programming Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Mathematics II Introduction to Speech 3 3 3 3 3 15 Advanced Programming in C/C++ Programming Languages Computer Org. and Ass. Language 300 level CSC requirement Senior Project 400 level CSC requirement 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Intro to ECE 3 Linear System Intro Microelectronics Electromagnetic Fields Intro Embedded Intro to Prob. & Dist. Theory 4 4 3 3 3 17 186Second Semester CPE Senior Design Project 3 ECE Elective 3 Approved Technical Elective 3 Human/Social Science Elective 3 Human/Social Science Elective 3 15