Professional Development Professional Development Chapter Plan 2012-2013 Florida International University | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 01 Our Vision Nuestra Visión Applications 01 Our Vision 02 Professional Development 04 Community Service 05 Fundraising 06 Membership 07 Communication 08 Chapter Operations 09 Calendar of Events 10 Financial Statement Mission Florida International University awards the most Bachelors and Masters degrees to Hispanics in the U.S. (Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine). The FIU Collegiate Chapter of the American Marketing Association is an international organization for students involved in the field of marketing. Our principal roles are: •To enhance student education through a variety of business workshops. •To further develop the professional skills of members. •To provide members with recruiting opportunities. •To provide hands-on marketing experience to members by participating in practical projects. •To unify student members and the business community to ease the transition from “Living the Life” as college students to “Living the Life” as professional leaders. Presented on the following pages is a detailed plan of our Chapter’s proposed activities for 2012 – 2013. There will be an in-depth discussion of the relationship between our planned events, our new goals and our analysis of strengths and weaknesses. This will further serve to demonstrate the “Living La Vida” marketing approach that the AMA at FIU chapter will be undertaking this year. Strengths (Fortalezas) •Recipient of the gold chapter on the 34th International Collegiate Conference •Create value for members by providing them with internship experiences through community service hands on projects •Strong relationships with local and national companies that lead to career and fund raising opportunities Strive for a unified executive team and increase membership by providing an enjoyable environment were members create strong social ties Weakness (Debilidades) •Commuter school leading to scheduling problems with team projects •95% of the students at FIU have a job, therefore having a schedule with limited availability •Scheduling speakers on Friday evenings to accommodate to student’s meeting preferences •Limited sales and speaking skills by members •New members are lacking practical marketing skills Goals (Metas) •To become the AMA International Collegiate Chapter of the year at the 35th National Collegiate Conference •To raise enough funds to help fully subsidize 16 members and give partial subsidy to another 8 members for attending the 35th National Collegiate Conference in New Orleans •To improve our member’s marketing knowledge and skills by providing them with workshops in the following areas: Resume building, interviewing skills, Market Research, Adobe Photoshop, Social Media Strategy Development, Presentation Skills, Mobile Marketing, and Sales •To re brand our AMA chapter by developing a new website, designing a new logo, and expanding our services in order to stand out and become more appealing •To increase membership by adding more value such as a sales club, ToastMasters, internship opportunities, professional workshops, networking opportunities, a career exposition, and a recognition program •To collaborate with other AMA chapters such as USF, UM, UF, UCF and FSU to further our networking opportunities | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 01 Professional Development Desarrollo Profesional Goal (Meta): To develop the AMA Chapter at Florida International University both professionally and personally; by hosting 34 professional development sessions and 69 personal development sessions; offering at least 23 handson projects; while giving members the opportunity to enter 11 AMA Collegiate Competitions. New this year, AMA@ FIU will develop a sub division, the AMA Sales Club, as well as establish the FIU Toastmasters group. This will prepare our members for the professional world where they will be “Living La Vida” and facing new challenges. Objective (Objetivo): To establish programming that allows for professional and personal growth to members by providing them with networking opportunities and hands-on marketing internship experience. »» Professional Development – Invite companies to instill the knowledge needed to succeed in today’s business world. »» Personal Development – Enhance the soft skills of our members by engaging them in workshops that will assist their professional careers. »» AMA Collegiate Competitions – Members will work in teams on a variety of AMA collegiate competitions utilizing their marketing skills and knowledge. »» Hands-on Projects – Apply skills acquired through our offered sessions in order to help various entities improve their marketability. »» AMA Sales Club – A division within AMA@FIU that will facilitate various group exercises/activities to train our members to become strong sales executives. »» Toastmasters - In observing the need to improve public speaking/presentation skills, AMA@FIU founded the FIU College of Business Toastmasters. Fall (Otoño) 2011 Professional Development The following companies will come and speak to members during the Fall semester. Goal: 50 AMA@FIU members participating Macy’s, Bernard Worthy Sept. Marlins, Willy Ruiz Sept. Underwear Station Joel Gandara Oct. Media Whiz Holdings, Rosalyn Oquendo Oct. Vocus, Jeff Zelaya Oct. City Furniture, Gene Lunger Oct. Target, Cody Woods Oct. Lion Fuse Digital Marketing, Juan Zambrano Nov McDonalds, Carol Koepke Nov Bacardi, Eduardo Morales Nov Comcast, Warren Webster Nov Ubisoft, Renne Marchol Nov Proctor & Gamble, Eduardo Moreno Dec See Ya PR, Nathalie Maass Dec Robeks, Yasmin Issa Dec Mr. Youth Marketing, Lauren Jack Dec Personal Development The following events will be conducted during the Fall semester. Goal: 25 AMA@FIU members participating Toastmasters Sept, Oct & Nov AMA Sales Club Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec Career Fair Sept. Council for Student Organizations Sept. Marketing Yourself Workshop Oct. Alumni Leadership Campaign Oct. Mock Interviews Oct. Internship Fair Oct. Marketing in a New Era Workshop Oct. What Are Employers Looking For Workshop Oct. “The Truth About Sales” Panel Discussion Oct. Resume Workshop Oct. Business Etiquette Dinner Nov. Business Writing Workshop Nov. President’s Council Sep, Oct & Nov. AMA FL Regional Conference Nov. Deans Roundtable Dec. Interview Stream Workshop Dec. Team Ropes Adventure Challenge Dec. Spring (Primavera) 2012 Professional Development The following companies will come and speak to members during the Spring semester. Goal: 50 AMA@FIU members participating The Jeffrey Group, Giancarlo Russo Jan. Misha’s Cupcakes, Misha Gomez Jan. The Walt Disney Company, Ernesto Sosa Feb. ADP, Adele Mann Feb. Pediped Footwear, Hillary Frei Feb. UPP Marketing, Alexandra Rich Feb. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 02 Professional Development Professional Development Paton Internet Marketing, Todd Paton Feb. Mama Mancini’s, Carl Wolf Feb. Ross, Yee Chit Hua Mar. Inktel, Carlos Zuluaga Mar. Deloitte, Katrina Livengood Mar. Pepsi, Jose Betancourt Mar. Caterpillar, Michelle Eack Mar. Target, Cody Woods Apr. Macy’s, Bernard Worthy Apr. Research in Motion, Dawn Lazar Apr. Aspire Brands, Heather Lavey Apr. Allied Integrated Marketing, Christina Swanno Apr. Personal Development The following events will be conducted during the Spring semester. Goal: 28 AMA@FIU members participating Student Ambassador Council Jan & Mar Toastmasters Jan, Feb, Mar, & Apr Presidents Council Jan. & Mar AMA Sales Club Jan, Feb, Mar & Apr Apps 101 Workshop Jan. Marketing Yourself Workshop Feb. Alumni Professional Panel Discussion Feb. Business Etiquette Dinner Feb. Dean’s Roundtable Feb. Career Fair Feb. Internship Fair Feb. Ahead of the Game Mar. Proctor & Gamble Information Session Mar. Social Media 101 Workshop Mar. Student/ Faculty Networking Mar. Academy of Leaders Mar. Women in Business Panel Discussion Apr. Student Leadership Awards Apr. AMA@FIU Awards Banquet Apr. MGSCOMM Information Session Apr. AMA Collegiate Competitions (AMA Competencias Colegiales) Regional Conference Grant September Goal: 10 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: We will apply for a $500 Regional Conference Grant to help compensate for some of the expenses of the conference. AMA Chapter Plan October Goal: 10 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Work in putting together our chapter plan which will not only guide our chapter for the 2012 - 2013 academic year, but will also be our entry into the Collegiate Awards Program. Chapter Website Competition November Goal: 10 AMA@FIU members participating Objective:Use the new branding of the AMA@FIU to publish a new website which will keep members updated on all activities while offering a more resourceful site that members can rely on. AMA Saves Lives Competition Oct-Dec/Jan-Apr Goal: 35 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Continuing our award-winning AMA Saves Lives program, our members will strategize on how to continuously increase awareness of organ donation on the FIU campus. AMA Outstanding Marketing Week November Goal: 75 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Our chapter will organize and execute a full week of marketing programming, which will include professional and personal development, in addition to hands-on projects. AMA Student Marketer of the Year January Goal: 30 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: All chapter members will vote on one AMA Collegiate member to enter this competition on behalf of the AMA@FIU chapter. AMA Case Competition December Goal: 40 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Work to create an integrated marketing communications plan for the AMA Case Sponsor, Donate Life America. Chapter Exhibits Competition February Goal: 30 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: We will enter this creative competition, again, by producing an astonishing tradeshow exhibit within the theme of the year. Northwestern Mutual Sales Competition February Goal: 12 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Two teams of 6 members will work on creating a sales presentation to enter this competition. SABRE Business Simulation Competition February Goal: 5 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Five AMA@FIU members will enter this prominent competition, at the Collegiate Conference in March. AMA Annual Report February Goal: 10 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: Eboard will work to implement and write our annual report, which will discuss our achievements and weaknesses. This will be our entry into the Collegiate Awards Program. Chapter T-Shirt Competition March Goal: 10 AMA@FIU members participating Objective: This is one of the most enjoyable competitions sponsored by the AMA Collegiate Division. AMA@FIU members will work together to generate the best shirt that successfully markets and represents our chapter at the 2013 Conference. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 03 Community Service Servicio a la Comunidad Goal: (Meta)To provide services to our local community and other national organizations who can benefit from our expanding marketing knowledge. We will be showing these entities how they can be “Living La Vida” by putting a young spark on their marketing techniques. Objective: (Objetivo) To utilize our professional development/marketing skills for raising awareness, promotions, recruitment, marketing plan development, etc. for local and national organizations. Small committees of 4 – 20 members (depending on the skills and focus required to complete each marketing project) will be established to ensure success in our efforts for the projects and events. AMA Saves Lives Fall/ Spring Goal: 20 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members of our chapter will create another campaign to continue raising awareness of organ donation among eligible donors, at both campuses (MMC & BBC) as well as through social media channels. Women’s Fund Fall Goal: 15 AMA members will be participating Objective: Will implement an on campus event to fund raise and create awareness about the multiple initiatives that this organization works with including women trafficking. Business Week Fall/ Spring Goal: 10 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will work to promote the Business Week survey among the FIU College of Business to any students with 90+ credits to make sure FIU gets ranked among the top schools in the nation. Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame Goal: 5 AMA members will be participating Objective: The AMA@FIU chapter will create a unique campaign to promote the nomination/ voting process for the annual awards ceremony held for the College of Business at FIU Alumni Leadership Campaign Fall Goal: 8 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will participate in the College of Business alumni fund raising event by generating written testimonials for event attendees and networking with professional alumni during the event Miami Marlins Market Research Campaign Fall/Spring Goal: 15 AMA members will be participating Objective: The AMA@FIU will provide the Marlins with a research study of major national and international sports team’s social media and digital marketing strategies in order to develop solid ideas that will improve their online initiatives ALPFA Honor Society Fall Goal: 4 AMA members will be participating Objective: Design Promotional Collateral for ALPFA Honor Society’s Social networking activities Phoenician Investment Fund Fall/ Spring Goal: 4 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will develop a marketing campaign to promote a regional stock trading competition taking place at the FIU College of Business Career Management Services Fall Goal: 10 AMA members will be participating Objective: Film and edit a promotional video for the career services within the college of business to inform students of all the benefits they provide Mama Mancinis Fall/Spring Goal: 15 AMA members will be participating Objective: To develop and host a viral video campaign for the purpose of creating brand awareness throughout FIU. Werthiem Lecture Series Fall/ Spring Goal: 10 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will create an innovative strategy to promote the lecture series which are hosted by the College of Business which where high level executives provide industry knowledge See YA PR Spring Goal: 10 AMA members will be participating Objective: Press release and blog creation will be the core of this initiative as members will assist this local Miami merchandising firm Student Relations Department Fall Spring Goal: 4 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will be developing the Student Relations Department marketing plan which consist of coordinating events, designing promotional materials, and social media efforts State Farm Fun Day Fall Goal: 20 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will be assisting this national company by facilitating an on campus recruiting event and making it exciting for students in order to increase attendance College of Medicine Fall Goal: 15 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will be conducting observational research by attending the School of Medicine’s open house day and discovering what new initiatives can be implemented to make it more appealing for applicants.t Latin Music Festival Fall/ Spring Goal: 15 AMA members will be participating Objective: Members will be branding and aiding in the promotion of the Latin Music Festival which will be taking place in Miami during the Spring of 2013 | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 04 Fundraising Recaudacion de Fondos Goal: To raise a minimum of $19,000 to cover funding for the 35th Annual AMA International Collegiate Conference, enhance our chapter’s professional development, and leave a higher balance for future social and professional activities. Using our marketing skills to develop creative initiatives and campaigns are vital to the “Living La Vida” lifestyle which supports our organization’s efforts. Objective: Raise enough money to fully subsidize travel, hotel, and registration expenses for conference for at least 16 members and provide partial subsidy to another 8 of the most active members and the executive board. Raise money to bring the best speakers and companies for industry nights and be able to cover travel and lodging expenses for speakers if necessary. At the same time we want to increase our cash fund for future social and professional activities, and be able to offer high end events to our members. AMA@FIU Store Goal: $1000 Objective: This year with our new look we will have our own line of AMA@FIU gear online on our new “Shop” found on AMAFIU. com. We will have t-shirts, sunglasses, hats, flip flops, key chains, phone covers, etc. Corporate Sponsorships Goal: $2000+ Objective: By offering exposure to top local companies, we aim to raise money that can be used specifically towards travel expenses for the 35th Annual International Collegiate Conference. Regional Conference Registration Goal: Attendance of 200 students and raise $2000 Objective: We are especially excited about our 5th Annual Regional Conference. This year we are adding two brand new events to our conference; AMA Sales Competition, and Career Expo 2012. These two innovations along with some of the best forward-thinking professionals in the field as speakers will give us the momentum needed to achieve our goals. We are expecting over 200 students from all over Florida, and other states such as Wisconsin, Alabama, and Texas. We anticipate this will be a successful and unforgettable experience for all attendees. CSO Funding Goal: Earn enough points to obtain $2000 Objective: We have to earn a total of 25 points in the year by attending and taking photos at CSO events. AMA will work on promoting CSO events at each of our meetings, and encourage members to attend in order to earn attendance points. Community Partnerships Goal: Raising $1000+ Objective: AMA will work on building and establishing strong relationships with local businesses. We will offer them brand exposure, promotional and marketing advice in exchange for in-kind donations. Fundraising Socials Goal: raise $1000 from social activities Objective: The special events team and the fundraising team will work together to organize social events that will not only create a strong bond among members, they will raise money for the organization as well. Some of these events include gatherings at specific chain restaurants that agree to give us 15-20% off the check for anything our group consumes at a specific time and day. AMA Educational Series Goal: Raise $7,000 Objective: AMA will work with FIU faculty and alumni to host various educational workshops. Each workshop will have a registration fee of $25, and they will cover different topics including; Social Media, Marketing Yourself, Photoshop, and much more. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 05 Membership Membrecía Goal (Meta) To strengthen membership by implementing new strategies while maintaining our overall membership of 175 fully paid International Collegiate Division members and to maintain an active 50 members. This fits into our theme of “Living La Vida” because it translates into a positive word of mouth and the overall opinion students have of the marketing field. Objective (Objetivo) To implement new recruiting methods by providing more value to new members, existing members and expiring members that will encourage them to join the organization, or renew their collegiate division membership. AMA@FIU Demographics: The College’s uniquely diverse and multicultural student body generally reflects the international demographics of South Florida: Hispanic America – 56%; Caucasian – 20%; African American – 9%; Asian – 2%; and Other – 13%. The male/female ratio is 40/60. The average age of undergraduates is 25 with an average undergraduate GPA of 2.9. In addition, our College is a commuter school (95% commuters) with the majority of the student population working part time to pay for their education. This makes maintaining our active membership our greatest challenge. Faculty Advisor Goal: 35% of overall membership Objective: We will utilize the popularity and strong loyalty of our Faculty Advisor, through which his students will be encouraged to become members of the AMA@FIU Chapter. Networking Goal: 30% of overall membership Objective: Our Directors of Professional Development will create numerous social and networking events with industry professionals, encouraging members to establish professional relationships that can benefit them in their careers and personal lives. Welcome to BizLife Goal: 25% of overall membership Objective: Promote the AMA@FIU chapter during a recruitment fair sponsored by the College of Business held every semester. AMA South Florida Professional Chapter Goal: 5% of overall membership Objective: In collaboration with our newly formed AMA@FIU Alumni Chapter, we look forward to hosting and working closely together with the AMA South Florida Professional Chapter for various networking and mentoring opportunities. Miami Marketers Organization Goal: 15% of overall membership Objective: Continue working with the Miami Marketers Organization. This group is focused on networking and offering professional development opportunities. Our connection is always attracting FIU students to join our chapter. Alpha Mu Alpha Goal: 25% of overall membership Objective: Senior marketing majors with a 3.25 + GPA will be invited to join our Alpha Mu Alpha. This will allow us to increase our membership by requiring inductees who accept to join the International Collegiate Division as well. AMA@FIU Alumni Chapter Goal: 20% of overall membership Objective: This is a new initiative for our chapter as we developed this affinity group through our university’s Alumni Association. This will add value to the members, as they will stay connected to the AMA@FIU chapter as loyal alumni wanting to give back. AMA Referral Program Goal: 30% of overall membership Objective: Another new program being implemented for the 2012 – 2013 year is to incentivize members to bring friends and other fellow students to experience how the AMA@FIU chapter can add value to their careers. AMA All-Star Marketers Goal: 20% of overall membership Objective: This program will recognize individual executive board and chapter members that exemplify “all-star” commitment to the organization. Recognition will be given monthly. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 06 Communications Comunicaciones Goal (Meta) To maintain our outstanding communications system, while looking for ways to improve and provide our students with more communication opportunities and complying with our campus-wide restrictions on promotions. Communication is a huge factor in the “Living La Vida” lifestyle at AMA@FIU. The way we interact with members, and vice versa, is important to make thing clear, efficient and interactive. Objective (Objetivo) To sustain open and effective internal and external communications between all AMA members, faculty/ staff and business professionals. Method (Metodo) To more effectively keep track of all members’ attendance and points, we utilize Google Docs. Not only this helps us track our members better but also keeps everything in a database where it can be shared between E-Board members. »» Internal Communication – To keep members informed and updated on all events, activities, and news. »» External Communication – To inform potential members, faculty/staff and outside organizations of the benefits and services provided by our AMA@FIU Chapter. Internal Communication External Communication “Living La Vida” / New AMA Branding Objective: Observing the opportunity to attract members we completely strategized a new way to brand our organization. Our new logo is both bold and modern and brings a fresh perspective of the AMA@FIU chapter. We chose “Living La Vida,” or “Living the Life” as our play on this year’s national theme, “Live the Marketing Life” as a way to express both our majority of members being Hispanic and bilingual and the fact that living in South Florida we live what we consider to be the ultimate marketing lifestyle. Social Media Networking Objective: To continue expanding AMA’s online presence through the use of Social Media tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Furthermore, we educate and provide FIU and the Miami community with useful articles, news, trends, and current events about professional development, business and marketing. E-board E-mail Addresses Objective: New e-mail addresses (i.e. GabeNoboa@AMAFIU. com) were created for each E-Board member with the purpose of better serving and communicating with our AMA members. Electronic Updates/Weekly Newsletters Objective: To continue using our electric weekly newsletter/ updates notifying members of upcoming events, group projects and university wide events. GroupMe Application Objective: Using the popular app, GroupMe, a group text messaging service, project members will communicate to each other and their team leads as a new and innovative way to interact. Website Objective: With the re-branding of our AMA@FIU chapter, we have launched a whole new and improved website, were members can buy their 1-year collegiate membership and purchase tickets for events. Members have access to weekly blogs, marketing news articles, and AMA@FIU store. Classroom Pitches Objective: By doing classroom pitches, not only we increase our chapter’s awareness on our campus, we also keep our AMA family growing by recruiting and educating our FIU students of the many benefits and opportunities offered to them by joining AMA@FIU. AMA@FIU Alumni Chapter Objective: The AMA@FIU Alumni Chapter founded this year will strive to keep our new AMA members connected with past members. Moreover, our current active members have the opportunity to get potential jobs and/or internships by networking with our Alumni Chapter. Electronic Flyers/Newsletters/Monitor Ads Objective: To continue promoting AMA’s brand at our campus, while providing our students with news, events, and trends with the use electronic flyers, monitor ads, and newsletters placed on displays in popular areas around the FIU campus. AMA@FIU Office Objective: To keep improving our chapter and discussing on new opportunities and events that can be offered to our members by meeting and utilizing our AMA@FIU office space on a weekly basis. AMA@FIU App Objective: The most innovative, interactive and useful initiative that has come to the AMA@FIU chapter since our inception in 2001, we will create a free, downloadable application that members can use on their smart phones. The app will catapult our chapter into a new era of marketing in something that has not been used by any collegiate chapter. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 07 Chapter Operations Operaciones De Capitulo Goal (Meta) To offer flexibility and opportunities for members to get involved as much as possible with the AMA@FIU chapter. Keeping the organization structured, consistent, efficient, yet fun at the same time is an integral part of our promise to members that “Living La Vida” will be a wise investment towards their future. Objective (Objetivo) To restructure the organization’s meetings and scheduling to reflect the changing needs of the members, while offering enhanced professional development opportunities. With all the new initiatives started this year, our organization is constantly evolving to better serve the future marketers with all the needed skills they will use. Creative Edge: The AMA@FIU Marketing Agency Goal: Offering 25 hands-on projects to members Objective: To fully maximize the professional development of our members, we will continue to seek out projects that specifically enhance marketing experiences for our members. Since most of our members lack practical marketing experiences, these projects will be an excellent learning tool for them. Additionally, these experiences will boost members resumes and hopefully result in better jobs upon graduation. AMA@FIU General Meetings Goal: Offering 32 meetings Objective: To feature a recruiting speaker, personal development workshop/seminar, or a hands-on project to encourage and maintain member attendance. Our meeting day has been set for every Friday evening at 7pm, given that this is the best time for most of our members to attend. AMA Sales Club Goal: Offering 16 meetings Objective: To create an AMA@FIU special interest group in sales to build on skills that will prepare members to become better sales executives. The goal of this group is to bring in various sales professionals to lead the meeting with an engaging workshop and offering members the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on their skills through role plays. Toastmasters Goal: Offering 64 meetings Objective: To create an AMA@FIU special interest group in public speaking and encourage members to participate in one hour sessions that focus on developing public speaking skills. Members will receive an opportunity to be evaluated and to compete at various competitions within the region where they can be recognized for their performance. Organizational Chart Goal: Maintain leadership structure of AMA@FIU Objective: To utilize our leadership hierarchy, where our President and Executive Vice-President lead the chapter and the Executive Board made up of 14 Directors. Chapter Plan/Annual Report Goal: To become the “2013 Platinum Chapter of the Year” Objective: To maximize all of our efforts to ensure we are exceeding our goals in order to be the Platinum International Collegiate Chapter of the Year for a third time in our chapter’s history. Executive Board Meetings Goal: Offering 32 meetings Objective: Executive Board meetings will be held Thursday’s before the general meetings. This provides our Executive Board an opportunity to receive professional development with external professionals as well as plan and strategize for future chapter initiatives. Executive Board Training Goal: Offering training to new leaders Objective: To have each E-Board member train their replacement will eliminate much confusion and help with the continuity of our thriving organization. Plus, this will eliminate the fear of new E-Board members might have of not knowing what to do. The new organizational structure was designed to improve the transition for E-board positions replacements. Executive Board Retreats Goal: Offering 3 retreats Objective: To fully engage the entire E-Board by offering 3 fullday retreats. One in the summer and one at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters to help plan for success. | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 08 Calendar of Events Calendario de Eventos FALL 2012 June-August EBM Twelve Scheduled EBM E-Board Retreat HOP Marketing Week GM First General Meeting PD Marketing Yourself Workshop September EBM Four Scheduled GM Four Scheduled SC Two Sales Club Meetings S Two AMA Socials MR Recruitment for AMA MR Tabling Event PD Macy’s PD Marlins PD Miami Marketers Networking PD Presidents Council PD Student Ambassador Council PD Toastmasters PD AMA Sales Club PD Career Fair PD Council for Student Organizations HOP Marlin’s HOP Mama Mancini’s HOP AMA Saves Lives October EBM Four Scheduled GM Four Scheduled SC One Schedule HOP Sales Club Meeting with City Furniture PD AMA Industry Night PD AMA Panel Discussion PD Marketing Yourself Workshop PD Alumni Leadership Campaign PD Marketing in a New Era Workshop PD What Are Employers Looking For Workshop PD “The Truth About Sales” Panel Discussion CS HOP AMA Saves Lives Event November EBM Four Scheduled GM Two Scheduled SC Meeting with ADP PD Regional Conference PD Industry Night PD Study Abroad Information Session PD Toastmasters PD AMA FL Regional Conference PD President’s Council C AMA Regional Conference PD Industry Night PD AMA End of the Year Banquet @FIU December PD Industry Night PD Deans Roundtable PD AMA Sales Club SPRING 2013 January EBM Four Scheduled GM First General Meeting PD Industry Night PD Student Ambassador Council PD Toastmasters PD Presidents Council PD Resume Workshop PD AMA Sales Club PD Apps 101 Workshop SC First Meeting MR Club Fair HOP Marlin’s HOP Mama Mancini’s HOP Women’s Fund HOP AMA Saves Lives February EBM Four Scheduled GM Three Scheduled SC Two Scheduled S Valentine’s Day Social CS HOP Make A Wish Foundation PD Marketing Yourself Workshop PD Miami Marketers Networking PD Toastmasters PD AMA Sales Club PD Team Ropes Adventure Challenge PD Mock Interviews PD Alumni Professional Panel Discussion PD Business Etiquette Dinner PD Industry Night PD Dean’s Roundtable PD Career Fair PD Internship Fair PD Photoshop Workshop C Annual Report March EBM Four Scheduled GM Two Scheduled CS Two Scheduled C AMA National Competition in New Orleans CS AMA Saves Lives Final Presentation C T-Shirt & Video Competition PD Industry Night PD Ahead of the Game PD AMA Sales Club PD Toastmasters PD Proctor & Gamble Information Session PD Student Ambassador Council PD President’s Council PD Social Media 101 Workshop PD Student/ Faculty Networking PD Academy of Leaders April EBM Two Scheduled GM Two Scheduled SC Two Scheduled HOP Marlin’s Final Presentation HOP Mama Mancini’s Final Presentation HOP Women’s Fund Final Presentation HOP Business Week PD Industry Night PD Toastmasters PD AMA Sales Club PD Women in Business Panel Discussion PD Student Leadership Awards PD AMA@FIU Awards Banquet PD MGSCOMM Information Session GM General Meeting HOP Hands on Project C AMA Collegiate Competition CS Community Service PD Prof./Personal Development EBM Executive Board Meeting F Fundraising S Socials MR Recruitment | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 09 Financial Statement Estado Financiero The following financial statement is an estimated view of our budget for the 2012-2013 academic year. We plan to maintain a close hindrance to these figures. Opening Balance: $2,596.18 Revenues: Fundraising AMA@FIU Store Corporate Sponsorships: Regional Conference Registration: AMA Educational Series: CSO Funding: Community Partnerships: Fundraising Socials: $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $7,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 TOTAL REVENUES: $18,596.18 Expenses: Administrative Supplies: Speaker Gifts: Printing Reports: Events On-campus refreshments: Off campus social events: Promotions Polo’s: Glasses: Branded pens: Tank tops: Collegiate Conference Full Payment for 24 Members Transportation (Avg. $225/person): Hotel (6 rooms @ $250/person/3 nights): Registration ($195 per person): $200 $150 $0 $100 $200 $500 $500 $250 $500 $5,400 $4,500 $4,680 TOTAL EXPENSES: $17,030 NET PROFIT: $1,566.18 | Chapter Plan 2012 - 2013 10 President: Gabriel Noboa Executive Vice President: Angela Gers Faculty Advisor: Tim Dugan Birrittella AMA@FIU Awards History 2011-2012 Gold Collegiate Chapter 2010-2011 Platinum Collegiate Chapter of the Year 2009-2010 Superior Chapter 2008-2009 Distinguished Chapter 2007-2008 Distinguished Chapter 2006-2007 Distinguished Chapter 2005-2006 Collegiate Chapter of the Year 2004-2005 Outstanding Southern Chapter 2003-2004 Top Southern Chapter 2002-2003 Outstanding Southern Chapter 2001-2002 Chapter Revitalized Outstanding Membership Outstanding Chapter Operation