Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Northwestern University Approved Distribution Courses - 2014-2015 Area III - Social and Behavioral Sciences updated 3/16/15 Be sure to read these important notes: Prerequisites. Many approved distribution courses are advanced courses with one or more prerequisites. Prerequisites are listed in the Undergraduate Catalog and in course descriptions available through the Registrar's webpage. Make sure you have the prerequisites for a course before you decide to enroll. Interdisciplinary courses. Some interdisciplinary courses are approved for inclusion in more than one distribution area. These courses are listed in bold and italics below , and all relevant areas are indicated in the "area(s)" column. If you take such a course, you can choose in which eligible area to count it. When courses are offered. This list includes all courses approved for distribution credit for the indicated Lists of approved courses from other years: www.weinberg.northwestern.edu/handbook/degree/distribution-requirements/approved-courses.html Registrar's Website: www.registrar.northwestern.edu dept/pgm AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF AM ST AF ST ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO number course title 215 Introduction to Black Social & Political Life 218 Asian-Black Historical Relations in the U.S.; with ASIAN AM 218 Diversity and Inequality at Northwestern; with ASIAN AM 230 230 (temporary approval for 2013-14 and 2014-15) 236 Introduction to African American Studies 250 Race, Class, & Gender 251 The Mixed-Race Experience; with ASIAN AM 251 319 Race, Ethnicity, & the American Constitution 320 The Social Meaning of Race 327 Politics of Black Popular Culture 330 Black Women in 20th Century US 334 Gender & Black Masculinity 339 Unsettling Whiteness 342 Comparative Slavery 355 Diaspora Studies 360-SA Culture, Language, and Identity in South Africa 105 Evolution and Social Behavior: The Basics 211 Culture & Society 212 Global Cultures, Global Inequalities 215 The Study of Culture Through Language 260 Plagues and Peoples: The Anthropology of Global Health 320 Peoples of Africa 330 Peoples of the World 332 The Anthropology of Reproduction 334 The Anthropology of HIV/AIDS 335 Language in Asian America; with ASIAN AM 335 339 Material Culture 341 Economic Anthropology area(s) III,IV,V III,IV III,V III III III III,V III III,VI III,IV III III,IV III,IV,V III III III III III III III III III III III III III III p. 1 ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ANTHRO ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN AM 343 347 354 355 360 361 365 369 372 373 374 376 377 378 382 203 210 218 225 ASIAN AM 230 ASIAN AM 251 Anthropology of Race Political Anthropology Gender & Anthropology Sexualities Language & Culture Talk as Social Action Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S.; with ASIAN AM 365 Contemporary Immigration to the US Third World Urbanization Power & Culture in American Cities Anthropology of Complex Organizations Socialization Psychological Anthropology Law & Culture Households & Everyday Life Topics in Social and Cultural Analysis Introduction to Asian American Studies Asian-Black Historical Relations in the U.S.; with AF AM ST 218 Contemporary Issues in Asian American Communities Diversity and Inequality at Northwestern; with AF AM ST 230 (temporary approval for 2013-14 and 2014-15) The Mixed-Race Experience; with AF AM ST 251 III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III,IV III ASIAN AM 303 Advanced Topics in Social and Cultural Analysis (new course in 2014-15) III ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN AM ASIAN ST ASIAN ST CLASSICS COG SCI CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD CSD ECON ECON ECON ECON EECS 335 350 360 365 370 290-3 390-3 360 211 303 305 306 307 309 314 334 336 342 373 376 392 201 202 310-1 311 101 III III,V III III III III III III,IV III I,III I,III III III III I,III III III III III III III III III III III III ENVR POL 211 ENVR POL ENVR POL 212 311 Language in Asian America; with ANTHRO 335 Asian American Religions Studies in Race, Gender, and Sexuality Language, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S.; with ANTHRO 365 Studies in Diaspora Introductory Topics in Asian Studies (Social & Behavioral Studies) Advanced Topics in Asian Studies (Social & Behavioral Studies) Origins of Greek Democracy Learning, Representation, & Reasoning Brain and Cognition ; with PSYCH 365 Phonetics Psychoacoustics Acoustic Phonetics Culture, Language, and Learning Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience Delivery Systems in Speech and Language Pathology The Field of Special Education Typical and Atypical Development in Infants and Toddlers Introduction to Learning Disabilities Diagnostic & Remedial Approaches for Children with Learning Problems Language Development and Usage Introduction to Macroeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics Microeconomics, I Macroeconomics An Introduction to Computer Science for Everyone Food and Society: An Introduction; with SOCIOL 211 (new course in 2014-15) Environment and Society; with SOCIOL 212 (new course in 2014-15) Food, Politics, and Society; with SOCIOL 311 (new course in 2014-15) III,V III III,V III III p. 2 ENVR POL 312 ENVR POL 332 ENVR POL GBL HLTH GBL HLTH GBL HLTH GBL HLTH GBL HLTH 390 304 305 306 307 315-SA GBL HLTH 316-SA GBL HLTH 317-SA GBL HLTH 318-SA GBL HLTH GBL HLTH GBL HLTH GEN LA GEOG GEOG GEOG GEOG GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST 320 330-SA 331-SA 280-3 240 312 313 328 220 232 234 240 250 331 332 341 GNDR ST 350-3 GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST GNDR ST HUM INTL ST 351 352 353 371 396 220 290 INTL ST 393-SA IEMS ISEN LATINO LATINO LATINO LATINO LATINO LEGAL ST LEGAL ST LEGAL ST LEGAL ST LEGAL ST LEGAL ST 365 210 201-1 201-2 222 342 392 206 308 332 333 340 342 Social Basis of Environmental Change; with SOCIOL 312 (new course in 2014-15) Native Americans and Environmental Decision Making; with PSYCH 332 (new course in 2014-15) Special Topics in Environmental Policy & Culture International Perspectives on Reproductive and Sexual Health Global Health and Indigenous Medicine Biomedicine and Culture International Perspectives on Global Health Public Health in South Africa Development Perspectives on Health in South Africa through Community Engagement Public Health in Israel (new course in 2014-15) Medical Management of Disasters and Mass Casualty Events (new course in 2014-15) Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health Public Health in Cuba Health & Healing in Contemporary Cuba Residential College Tutorial - III (Social & Behavioral Sciences) Economic Geography Geography of Chicago and Its Region North America The Human Use of The Earth Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies Sexuality and Society; with SOCIOL 232 Language and Gender; with LING 223 Gender Studies for a Small Planet Gender Issues in Science and Health Sociology of Gender and Sexuality Gender, Sexuality, and Health Transnational Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality Research Seminar in Gender and Sexuality Studies (Social & Behavioral Sciences) Gender, Sexuality, and Public Policy Gender, Sexuality, and Political Theory Gender and Citizenship Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture Research Methods in Gender and Sexuality Studies Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society ; with SOCIOL 220 Introductory Topics in International Studies Development in the Global Context: Participation, Power, and Social Change (variable credit course; can count 1 unit for distribution credit) Analytics for Social Good (new course in 2014-15) Introduction to Sustainability: Challenges and Solutions Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies Introduction to Latina and Latino Social and Cultural Analysis Latina and Latino Youth in U.S. Cities Latina and Latino Social Movements Topics in Latina and Latino Social and Political Issues Law and Society; with SOCIOL 206 Sociology of Law; with SOCIOL 318 Constitutional Law I; with POLI SCI 332 Constitutional Law II; with POLI SCI 333 Gender and the Law International Organizations; with LEGAL ST 342 (new course in 2014-15) III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III, IV III III III III III III III III III III III III III III,V III III III III III,IV III III III,V III,V III III III III III,IV p. 3 LEGAL ST LING LING LING LING LING LING LING LING LING LING 348 220 223 311 315 316 317 320 321 330 332 Race, Politics, and the Law; with SOCIOL 348 (new course in 2014-15) Language and Society Language and Gender; with GNDR ST 234 Child Language Experimental Approaches to Word Form Processing Experimental Syntax Experimental Pragmatics Sociolinguistics Bilingualism Research Methods in Linguistics Linguistics Field Methods III III III III III III III III III III III LING 363 Making a Dictionary: The Northwestern Project; with SLAVIC 322 III LING 373 Implicature Introductory Topics in Middle East and North African Studies (Social & 290-3 Behavioral Studies) Advanced Topics in Middle East and North African Studies (Social & 390-3 Behavioral Studies) 211-1 Quantitative Social Science for MMSS: First Year, 1 (added in 2014-15) 211-2 Quantitative Social Science for MMSS: First Year, 2 (added in 2014-15) 225 Minds and Machines 253 Introduction to the Philosophy of Language 201 Introduction to Political Theory 220 American Government and Politics 221 Urban Politics 230 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena 240 Introduction to International Relations 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics 259 Contemporary African Politics 306 American Political Thought 320 The American Presidency 324 Political Parties and Elections 325 Congress and the Legislative Process 326 Race and Public Policy 327 African American Politics 329 U.S. Environmental Politics 330 Politics of Local Justice 332 Constitutional Law I; with LEGAL ST 332 333 Constitutional Law II; with LEGAL ST 333 International Organizations; with LEGAL ST 342 (co-listing added in 2014342 15) 343 Politics of International Law 344 U.S. Foreign Policy 345 National Security 350 Social Movements 351 Politics of the Middle East 353 Politics of Latin America 354 Politics of Southeast Asia 355 Politics of China 357-SA Political Economy of Israel (new course in 2014-15) 358-SA Contemporary South Africa: A Political Economy/Policy Perspective 359 Politics in Africa 361 Democratic Transitions 362 Politics of Western Europe 368 Political Economy of Less-Developed Countries III MENA MENA MMSS MMSS PHIL PHIL POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI III III III III III III III,V III III III III III III III,IV III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III p. 4 POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI POLI SCI PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH PSYCH SLAVIC SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL 369 372 373 374 377 The Politics of Post-Soviet Russia The Middle East in International Politics Chinese Foreign Policy (new number in 2014-15; previously 378) Politics of Capitalism (new course in 2014-15) Drugs and Politics America in the World (course reintroduced in 2014-15; number previous 378 used for Chinese Foreign Policy) China in Transition: Ideology, Political Economy, Law, and Relations with 379-SA the United States 380 Refugee Crises and Human Rights 110 Introduction to Psychology 204 Social Psychology 215 Psychology of Personality 218 Developmental Psychology 228 Cognitive Psychology 248 Health Psychology 303 Psychopathology 306 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 323 Deception: Processes & Detection 324 Perception 326 Social & Personality Development Native Americans and Environmental Decision Making; with ENVR POL 332 332 (co-listing added in 2014-15) 333 Psychology of Thinking 334 Language & Thought 335 Decision Making 339 Psychology of Gender 340 Psychology and Law 344 Cultural Psychology 346 Psychology of Instructional Design and Technology; with LOC 346 355 Social, Cultural, and Affective Neuroscience 361 Brain Damage & the Mind 362 Cognitive Development 363 Images of Cognition 365 Brain and Cognition ; with CSD 303 367 Consciousness 368 Human Memory 371 Personality Research 375 Psychological Tests and Measures 376 Cognitive Behavior Therapy 377 Child Psychopathology 381 Children and the Law 384 Close Relationships 385 Psychology of Attitudes 386 Stereotyping and Prejudice 387 Consumer Psychology and Marketing Research 322 Making a Dictionary: The Northwestern Project; with LING 363 110 Introduction to Sociology 201 Social Inequality: Race, Class, and Power 202 Social Problems 204 Individual & Society 205 American Society 206 Law & Society (with LEGAL ST 206) 207 Cities in Society 208 Race and Society III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III I,III III III III III III III III III III I,III I,III III I,III I,III I,III I,III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III p. 5 SOCIOL 210 Families and Society Food and Society: An Introduction; with ENVR POL 211 (co-listing added in 2014-15) SOCIOL 211 SOCIOL 212 Environment and Society; with ENVR POL 212 (co-listing added in 2014-15) SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL 215 216 217 218 220 232 251 276 301 302 305 307 308 309 310 SOCIOL 311 SOCIOL 312 SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SOCIOL SPANISH 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 330 331 332 333 334 335 345 348 350 355 356 363 Economy and Society Gender and Society Global Perspectives on Education Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago (new course in 2014-15) Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society; with HUM 220 Sexuality and Society; with GNDR ST 232 Sport, Competition, and Society (new course in 2014-15) Introductory Topics in Sociology The City: Urbanization and Urbanism Sociology of Organizations Population Dynamics School and Society Crime, Politics, and Society Political Sociology Sociology of the Family Food, Politics, and Society; with ENVR POL 311 (co-listing added in 201415) Social Basis of Environmental Change; with ENVR POL 312 (co-listing added in 2014-15) Sociology of Religion Comparative Industrialization Economic Sociology Global Development Sociology of Law; taught with LEGAL ST 308 Sociology of Science Global Threats, Politics, and the Law Numbers, Identity, and Modernity Sociology of Immigration American Subcultures and Ethnic Groups Global Capitalism Global and Local Inequalities Politics, Society, and Public Policy Youth and Society Inequality and American Society Law, Markets, and Globalization Markets, Hierarchies, and Democracies Work and Occupations Law and Power Social Protest and Social Change Sociology of Rational Decision Making Class and Culture Race, Politics, and the Law; with LEGAL ST 348 (new course in 2014-15) Sociology of the Arts Medical Sociology Sociology of Gender Topics in U.S. Latina and Latino Literary and Cultural Studies III III,V III III III III III III,V III III,V III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III,V III III III,IV III III,IV III III III III III III III III III III III III III III,VI p. 6