HEBREW CURRICULUM Our Hebrew programs are developed so that they serve each student’s individual ability and progress. The teaching happens in small groups, and in many cases even one-on-one. Overall school wide Hebrew objectives: We wish to equip our students with “Heritage Hebrew”; that will allow them to feel comfortable and to participate in any Jewish Ceremony or prayer that they will be part of in their life. We wish to install a love and connection to the Jewish language, as a language that we share with the Jewish people in prior generations and creations, and in the present Jewish world. We wish to turn Hebrew to a Jewish Symbol, that will be connected to what happens when you enter the school and the synagogue, and that is an “internal code” that we all understand. We wish our students to understand that Hebrew is a living language and a spoken language in Israel. Class curriculum objectives and “broad stroke” curriculum: (Each grade builds upon the curriculum in earlier grades) Yeladim: Students will develop an awareness to the Hebrew languages Students will be introduced to a basic “class” vocabulary and Basic phrases Student will develop a love of the Hebrew language and a feeling of its place in Judaism. Kindergarten: Students will be able to identify all of the Hebrew Alfa Beit, and the sound that they make Students will continue to develop their classroom and heritage Hebrew vocabulary Student will develop a love of the Hebrew language and a feeling of its place in Judaism. Textbook: Let’s Discover Alef Bet (Behrman House) First Grade: Students will master the Hebrew Alef Beit and the sounds that each letter makes Students will be introduced to Hebrew Vowels. Students will continue to develop their classroom and heritage Hebrew vocabulary Students will be able to sight read some common words (Blessings). Student will develop a love of the Hebrew language and a feeling of its place in Judaism. Text book: Internally prepared worksheets; Shalom Alef Bet (Behrman House) Second Grade: Students will learn all of the letters, vowels and the sounds they make. Students will begin to put Hebrew words together and learn to read one, two, and three syllable words. Students will enhance their Hebrew vocabulary, learning key words that are taught in their text books, and as part of preparation to the Shabbat prayer. Students will recognize “sight words” in Hebrew. Student will develop a love of the Hebrew language and a feeling of its place in Judaism. Students will celebrate the marking of them moving from letters and vowel recognition to decoding and word reading. Textbooks: Sam the Detective & the Alef Bet Mystery >>> Zman Likro 1 (Behrmn House) Third Grade: Using Alef-Beit Quest, students will master the ability to put together letters to vowels to words (decoding), and will improve their reading fluency and comprehension. Students will be introduced to basic grammar: roots; prefixs and suffix, Masculine and Feminine, singular and plural. Students will encounter Hebrew as a living language. Students will be challenged to follow the Hebrew reading in the Siddur that is used in Tfila. Textbooks: Zman Likro 1>>>Zman Likro 2 >>>> Mitkadem (Alef Beit Quest available as supplementary material) Fourth and Fifth Grade: Using the Mitkadem program, students will strengthen their fluency of reading Hebrew prayers, enhance their Hebrew prayer vocabulary, and improve their comprehension of the prayers. Students will be exposed to blessings and prayers, and to the way they are chanted and used in services. Students will enhance their knowledge of Hebrew grammar. Fifth Grade: students will experience reading Hebrew out of a Chumash and a Siddur. Textbooks: Mitkadem / Biblical and prayer texts can be implemented for practice of reading and compre14 hension.