Dear Friends, While perusing my Facebook feed last week I came across an article by Kathleen Beckman called Mercy, Mary & 10 Resolutions at I found it timely, insightful, and inspiring as we begin this new year of our Lord 2016 and seek to know and grow in His merciful love during this extraordinary jubilee of Mercy. Here are some excerpts for your reflection. On January 1st, the Church liturgically honors Mary, Mother of God. We are encouraged to entrust ourselves to her maternal love and protection just as God the Father entrusted His only begotten Son to Mary. St. John Paul II writes of her, “Mary, then, is the one who has the deepest knowledge of the mystery of God’s mercy. She knows its price, she knows how great it is. In this sense, we call her the Mother of mercy: our Lady of mercy, or Mother of divine mercy” (Dives in Misericordia). This year the liturgy for the Mother of God is uniquely situated in the Jubilee of Mercy. In the papal bull for the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis wrote: “My thoughts now turn to the Mother of Mercy. May the sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God’s tenderness. No one has penetrated the profound mystery of the incarnation like Mary. Her entire life was patterned after the presence of mercy made flesh. The Mother of the Crucified and Risen One has entered the sanctuary of divine mercy because she participated intimately in the mystery of His love. (Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Paragraph 24). Who better than Mary can help us “rediscover the joy God’s tenderness”, and why is it important to that we do so? Deprived of “the joy of God’s tenderness” we wither and are vulnerable to the temptations of the flesh, the world and the devil. “The joy of the Lord is my strength” (Neh 8:10b). Mary is the perennial woman of praise joyfully proclaiming the greatness of the Lord. This is her mantle and armor. We think of Mary who first kissed the face of God, who embraced the Christ Child with the gentle strength of maternal love. His Mother is ours also. Mary’s maternal kiss of grace deepens our experience of divine mercy. Mary is perpetually interceding for our transformation into Christ before the mercy seat of the Father. The following list is suggested at the start of my book, “God’s Healing Mercy”. While researching various persons to highlight as “profiles in mercy”, I discovered that Cardinal Francis Xavier Van Thuan, while a prisoner of war in Vietnam, wrote a “rule of life” for his time of confinement. He made a decision to live the grace of the present moment, not to live only in waiting for liberation. He decided to make the jail his cathedral, the prisoners and guards, his parishioners. Though he was severely abused in prison he exercised merciful discipleship. Thus, he brought many non-believers to Christ by his witness to divine mercy. It struck me that the Cardinal made a plan at the onset of his prison confinement and that his intentional “rule of life” proved to be transformative not only for him but also for the prison population. For the Jubilee of Mercy, we might consider these resolutions as appropriate for living merciful discipleship. With God’s grace we can be re-made. I will decide to believe and trust in God’s mercy. I will live the present moment in Christ’s merciful love. I will hold firm to one secret of mercy: prayer. I will see in the holy Eucharist my only power and stream of mercy. I will have the wisdom of mercy: the science of the cross. I will be faithful to my mission in the Church as a witness to Divine Mercy. I will seek the peace the world cannot give and rest in God’s merciful love. I will carry out a holy mission of renewal in the Spirit and works of mercy. I will speak one language and wear one uniform: mercy. I will have one unique love: Mary, Mother of Mercy. (God’s Healing Mercy, pg.1) Prayer: Beloved Mother of God, Mary, Mother of Mercy, please take us by the hand and guide our steps over the threshold of the holy door that represents God’s Heart. Graciously lead us to see the face of divine mercy. Show us how to receive anew the gift of Incarnate Mercy, Jesus. With maternal grace, help us to be re-made into Christ-like love that forgives. Gently apply the salve of healing mercy to our wounds and guide us to be vessels of merciful love. O Mother of God, please form us to live merciful discipleship. Like you, we desire to magnify Jesus and bring many souls to the knowledge of God’s healing mercy. Amen. In His Most Sacred Heart, Fr. Jack D. Shrum Pastor Weekly Parish Focus for 2016 January 10: Catechesis - "Year of Mercy” This week we invite you to learn more about our Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. One way you can do this is by attending our 3-part series beginning this Wednesday. (See “Essentially Catholic”) ACTION: Look up infor mation on the Cor por al & Spir itual Wor ks of Mer cy. Pr actice r econciliation and for giveness in your life. FYI... In Observance of Martin Luther King The Parish Ministry Offices will be closed Monday, January 18, 2016. Thank you! Recognition LITURGY Our Parish commitment to celebrate Jesus in Word and Sacrament Praise Mass Schedule Monday, January 11 7:50 am Anna Xayen Pham by Mai Tran Tuesday, January 12 7:50 am Gavino & Santos Family by Jojo and Charito Gavino Wednesday, January 13 7:50 am Anastacio Mulato by Mar & Luz Murillo Thursday, January 14 7:50 am Maria Nhung Kim Thi Dinh By Phung Tran Friday, January 15 7:50 am Emilia Gabutero by Dilion Family Saturday, January 16 8:00 am Maria Lan Nguyen by Uyen Tran 5:30 pm Marcela Gonzalez by Maricor Gonzalez Sunday, January 17 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 62:1-5 , Psalms 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm Lydia Ocampo Bravo by The Garcia Family Anton Dam Nguyen by Anh Hong PEOPLE OF ST. ANTHONY Jose Rivera Brother of Raquel Buenafe Remedios Evalo by Her Family HOSPITALIZED OR SERIOUSLY ILL? Please notify Mary Ann Smith when you or a family member are hospitalized, or seriously ill so that we can place them on our prayer list and arrange for a Communion Minister to visit or for Anointing of the Sick. From Bethlehem to Jordan The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is the last day of the Christmas season. At daily prayer this day, the Orthodox churches pray: Let us assemble in spirit, O faithful, at the streams of the Jordan that we might behold a great and mighty wonder. We shall see the Creator of all made manifest as he comes to be baptized. Let us pass, O faithful, from Bethlehem to Jordan. For behold, the Light which came into the darkness there begins to overcome the night. Find out the date of your baptism. Ask a relative, or write to the parish that baptized you. Write the date on the new calendar. Celebrate the anniversary this year by participating in the eucharist. Spend some time reflecting on your Christian mission - your part in spreading God’s love. When Jesus was baptized, he came out of the water and heard a heavenly voice say, “You are my beloved; with you I am well pleased.” Listen for this voice today whenever you “come out of the water” — the shower, the snow or rain, the swimming pool, the sudsy kitchen sink. Glory in heaven and peace on earth, now and forever! Alleluia! Amen! Copyright © 2002 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800; Text by David Philippart. Art by Steve Erspamer, sm. All rights reserved. Used with permission. ¤ ¤ That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. LỄ CHÚA GIÊSU CHỊU PHÉP RỬA Hôm nay, chúng ta hãy đem lòng tôn kính mà tưởng niệm ngày Đức Giêsu chịu phép rửa, và hãy mừng lễ cách xứng đáng… Anh em hãy thanh tẩy mình cho thanh sạch, hãy tiếp tục thanh tẩy cho thanh sạch hoàn toàn. Vì Thiên Chúa không ưa thích điều gì hơn việc con người hối cải và được cứu độ: mọi lời giảng dạy và mọi mầu nhiệm đều hướng tới mục đích này. Anh em hãy nên như đèn sáng giữa thế gian, nên sức sống cho người khác. Như những tia sáng hoàn hảo bên cạnh Nguồn Sáng cao cả, anh em hãy để mình được thấm nhuần ánh sáng huy hoàng của ánh sáng đó, là ánh sáng trên trời. (Trích bài giảng của thánh Grêgôriô, giám mục Nadien.) Recognition CATECHESIS & PRAYER Our Parish commitment to passing on and deepening our Faith Praise SHARING GOD’S WORD. The Baptism of the Lord “…Here is your God! He comes with power (and) rules with a strong arm;…..Like a shepherd he feeds his flock;…he gathers the lambs, carrying them in his bosom, and leads the ewes with care.” Isaiah 40: 1-5,9-11. God is seen to be all powerful, just, and with a “strong arm”. And the other side of the coin is that God is like a shepherd, gathering lambs in his strong arms. Which image do you have of our Creator God? Jesus, in His time on earth, adopted the persona of shepherd in order to describe himself to the people; the Good Shepherd, the shepherd willing to leave 99 of his flock to seek out the lost lamb, the shepherd whose voice the sheep willingly follow, who protects his flock from wolves and worries…These images evoke tenderness in us as they describe a God of Mercy and great love and tolerance for those who tend to stray. Today, as we hear the Gospel of St. Luke and the Baptism of Jesus, let’s reflect on our own Baptism by which God adopted us as “the Beloved”. Imagine yourself as baptized in the Holy Spirit and the fire of mission and transformation. God says, “I am proud of you!” How do you respond? We give thanks to all those in our parish that are willing to share the work of God with others: Evangelists, witnesses, RCIA sponsors, Baptism and Sacramental Prep teams, Confirmation teams and Marriage Prep team, facilitators of Bible Study, Prayer Groups and Small Groups. Each in their own way, continue the cry, “Here is your God!” Seminarian Aid Mass Cards Would you like a friend or family member to be remembered at Masses for a full year? Pick up a Seminarian Aid Mass Card at the Parish Ministry Center. Cards available at the front desk. Essentially Catholic: "Exploring Mercy" January 13, 6:45 - 8:15 PM - School MPR In this Year of Mercy, join us as we explore that virtue. This three-week study will include the Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy; Mercy in Scripture and Mercy in the writings of our Popes. Our first session will be held in the School Multi-purpose room. Call Mike @ 425-277-6205 for more information. Immanuel Prayer Ministry has been under construction. Now we are ready to meet you for prayer, again. After the 12:30 Mass, Jan 24th, a prayer team will be available to pray with you. Jesus is the Light of the world! Let us pr ay with you, to access more of His light in your life. MASS FOR LIFE “Human life is always sacred, valuable and inviolable. And as such, it must be loved, defended and cared for.” -Pope Francis St. Anthony is sending a full bus of students to Olympia on January 19 to attend the Mass at St. Martins at 9:30 AM and a peaceful march on the Capitol. A second bus is being arranged by Richard Bray and the Knights of Columbus in concert with St. Stephen the Martyr. Thank you to those who have already signed up to go. You may still secure a seat by contacting Richard ( or Syd & Mary Schofield []. Bring your own lunch. Bus leaves at 7:30 AM and returns about 3:30 PM. CATHOLIC ADVOCACY DAY Monday, February 8, 2016, there will be an opportunity to gather in Olympia and attend a Mass at St. Michael Church (at 9:00 AM) and legislative visits that begin at 12:30 PM with your district representatives. Your voice is needed to protect the most vulnerable as Washington State’s budget is being determined. Register online by Jan. 18. Buses will be arranged. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops designated Jan. 3-9, the National Migration Week for 2016. “A Stranger, and Y ou Welcomed Me” The Multicultural Committee would like to invite everybody on Jan. 17th to the 10:45am Mass to celebrate Immigrant Day. We will serve chili, clam chowder & pastries after the 9am and 10:45am Mass. All proceeds will go to NW Immigrant Rights Project in Seattle. Merrill Meng Sara Dubois Shirley Rawley Francisco Javier Valenzuela Castro Edward Cifra Herculano Cab Carlo Guadagnino Henry Fowler Cortez Eligio Joah Banda Josephine Wixom THE PRIORY SPIRITUALITY CENTER PRESENTS : Benedictine Vocation Discernment February 6-7, 2016 Saturday, 9:00AM - Sunday, 12:30PM Come join the Sisters to listen to your call from Scripture, and hear about Benedictine community from the Prologue of the Rule of Benedict. Experience being with the Sisters for reflection time, prayer, dialogue, work and leisure. If you are a Catholic single woman discerning whether you have a vocation to the Benedictine way of life, this is a wonderful opportunity to share in community life with the Sisters of St. Placid Priory. Special Food Needs (We may or may not be able to accommodate your needs). If you have a preference for which Sister is your Spiritual Direction for the program, please list above. Hosted by the Benedictine Sisters of St. Placid Priory. Register by prior Friday. No fee. Contact Sister Lucy Wynkoop at or call 360-438-2595. Recognition STEWARDSHIP Our Parish commitment to Sharing God’s Gifts Praise Stewardship and Little Church Reports Week: 12/16/15-12/22/15 Sunday Offering $24,409.74 Children $ 318.64 Week: 12/23/15-12/29/15 Sunday Offering $39,601.18 Children $ 261.23 Christmas: Envelopes Children $22,519.26 $ 415.62 Week: 12/30/15-1/5/16 Sunday Offering $33,018.04 Children $ 323.85 THANK YOU!!! Father Jack reported to the Finance Council a summary of the visit to Haiti. The delegation brought shoes for the school children as well as plates, bowls, and silverware, which were purchased from the Rice Bowl Grant we received. The children were delighted with the shoes, and used the utensils the day they were delivered. Construction is underway for the new school and Pe’ Josue expressed once more his interest in building a church. They hope to speak about this with the Finance Council when they arrive in April. Father Jack said they were blessed with a beautiful 3-hour Mass on Sunday. St. Anthony School principal Michael Cantu presented and reviewed the school budget for 2016/2017 at our November council meeting. Follow-up questions on the budget were asked prior to the December council meeting and Mr. Cantu addressed those in our December meeting. The Finance Council voted to recommend Father Jack approve the proposed budget. Ordinary income for the first five months of the fiscal year is lower than budget by 7% or approximately $50,000. The Parish is managing expenses very closely, but needs the continued support of the parishioners with their time, talent, and treasure. Thank you for all you do to support St. Anthony Parish. Living Stewardship Position Opening at St. Anthony Parish Administrative Assistant: 24 hours a week, 4- six hour days. Skills in Data Entry, Word, Excel, PowerPoint necessary. Knowledge of bulk mailing procedures helpful. Applications available at Parish office. Call Donna @ 425-277-6195 for information. Position Open until filled. All families interested in sending their children to St. Anthony School for a quality, Catholic education, should call the school office at 425-255-0059 or e-mail Jill Eaton at and be added to the pre-registration mailing list. Pr e-registration applications will be mailed on February 5, 2016, the deadline to return the pre-registration forms are February 22, 2016. All placements will be made the first week of April. Individual tours of the school are available, call to schedule a time. Join us for our Open House on Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm. There will be opportunities to tour the school, hear from the Principal and visit with teachers and current parents. "Being the Beloved Child of God" Parish Financial Stewardship Your Participation Is Essential At the end of our Stewardship of Treasure Drive, we had received commitments from 1 of every 4 families registered in our parish. We invite the other 3 families to prayerfully consider how they can share out of the abundance with which God has blessed them. You can still find Treasure Commitment Cards in the vestibule. If you have any questions, please call Mike @ 425-277-6205. The monthly St Vincent de Paul meeting will be at 7 pm on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, in the St Lorenzo Ruiz room in the basement of the PMC. If you are interested in developing your spirituality through helping the poor in our area with rent, utilities, clothing and food, please join us! If you have questions please contact Karen Sauve at 425-226-2541. Job Opening at St. Anthony School BASS Supervisor St. Anthony School Before and After School Supervision (BASS) program is currently hiring a Supervisor. Hours are: . Monday- 2:30-5:00 pm .Tuesday-Friday-3:00-5:00 pm. For more information contact Rufina Wise at or call the School Office at (425) 255- 0059 ext.6220. Advertiser of the Week: Merrill & Merrill, since 1945, 206–906-9590, Week: 12/8/15-12/15/15 Sunday Offering $32,885.24 Children $ 350.91 Report from the Finance Council… Recognition HOSPITALITY & BELONGING Our Parish commitment to welcoming Jesus in everyone we meet Praise th IMPORTANT!!! On December 19 there was a small auto incident in the parking lot near the Rectory. If you drive a Toyota SUV, blue or grayish, and had a fender bender with another car that evening, please contact the parish office for the email address of the driver of the other vehicle. There was damage done to his car and he’d like to communicate with you about it. Thank you. 9th Annual Active St. Anthony Parish Parents (ASAPP) Italian Dinner January 30, 2015 (Saturday) Enjoy great food, great company and the chance to win exciting prizes, while helping St. Anthony Parish reduce its debt. This year's event is on a Saturday, January 30th, from 3:30pm - 7:30pm (last seating). Tickets are available for purchase in the Parish office or after Masses on January 16th, 17th, 23rd and 24th. Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the event. If you can’t stay to eat, we will have take-out boxes available for to-go orders. “Have a Heart: Be an Angel” Auction Dinner for Cabrini Ministry Training – Saturday, Jan. 30 Join us for food, fun and drinks as we raise funds to support the ANGELS in our midst who offer compassionate pastoral care to those in need. This year’s event will be held at Our Lady of the Lake parish in northeast Seattle at 6:30pm. Tickets are $50/person. Reservations can be made at "Identity and Crisis: Syria and Beyond" Sunday, January 24, 2016; 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, St. Vincent de Paul Parish Social Hall 30525 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 (Child care provided with advance reservation: 253 839-2320) Fr. David Nazar, S.J. will share a refugee story of people that he knows, putting a human face on the big numbers about which we keep hearing. He will give us some insight to the cultural, religious, and political situation in Syria. He will also speak about the Jesuits in Syria and in Rome: what the Christian Church is doing and is being asked to do in response to the human drama being lived daily. A free will offering will be taken to support the work of the Jesuits in Syria. Fr. Nazar is a Canadian Jesuit. He is past provincial of the Canadian Province and past superior of the Jesuits in the Ukraine and Russia. Pope Francis recently appointed him the Rector of The Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. This school was founded in 1917 to be a center dedicated to advanced studies on Eastern Christianity. The mission of the Oriental Institute is to study, explain, and make better known the life and tradition of these churches of the East. We thank God for giving you the gift of life, and for giving us the gift of you! Gracias a Dios por el don de la vida. Gracias a Dios por el don de nuestros miembros que celebran sus cumpleaños. BIRTHDAYS: January 11– January 17 William Aban Vargas Christopher Alfonso Amalia Bactol Linda Benson-Omara Ricardo Bobadilla Natalie Calles Tammy Chavarria Gregory Claudio Joseph Cunanan Remedios Ebalo David Feider Nestor Flores-Mendez Jr. Byron Gion Angelina Guieb Beatriz Huerta Zaragoza Frances Klepach Ulysses Laureta John Lestock Roberta Logue Adamoris Lopez Gilbert Matalobos Erick Medel Dionisio Monillas Joel Munar Atala Olivas Robert Paulitz Jillianne Perez Anna Pham Olivia Poling Jahir Resendiz Melanie Rodrigo Gayle Roy Merlita Schug Sergio Soria Curiel Ramon Stephens Maria Tapia Alonzo Vera Adam Willenborg Manuel Xavier Rocio Zamudio Maria-Luisa Abenoja Raul Alvarado Ortega Jeffrey Beede William Best Benjamin Bradshaw Christian Cardenas Jesus Chuc Estrada Rachelle Cruz Rose David Vanessa Espinoza Fernando Fierro William Garceau Jose Gonzalez Madeline Hanify Michael Jones Cassandra LaFranchi Sydney Le Ed Liming Gabriel Lopez Justen Manatt Jamie McGinnis Gabriel Mendoza Acoltzi Laura Montesano Marion Muoria Devin O'Neill Luis Pelayo Daylin Perez Reza Nathan Phan Felipe Ramales Luke Ricci Enrique Romero Perez Brenda Saducos George Slater Berenice Soto Nathaniel Taffere Nicholas Teal Trianna Vu Henry Wong Vasil Yadock Felipe Aceituno Todd Arrigoni Robert Benedetti Jr. Veronica Best Christian Brambila Jacqueline Carreon Leanne Ciriaco Ariana Annette Coronilla-Lopez Jose De Los Santos Kimberly Estrada Leon Milagro Flores Elijah Joshua Gines Nell Guidry-Pitre Victor Herbert Janessa Jusayan Frediberto Lara-Basave Chor Phen Ng Lee Margaret Lindberg Mauro Lopez Gilbert Matalobos Joseph McKenzie Robert Miller Marisol Monjaraz-Rodriguez Vivienne Nguyen Katerine Pabillon Maria Perez Rhosalie Perry Annaliza Pielago Maria Ramos Audrey Ries Joana Rosales Arnel San Jose Barbara Soltero Susan Sposari Juanill Tantico Jose Veliz John Walsh Jane Wraith Rocio Yanez Pastoral Council Brian Pessolano (Chair), D. J. Doan (Vice Chair), Bessie Douglas (Aux), Haley McKinley (at-large), Dave Hollenbeck, Jim Fraker, Gerardo Mena, Evelynne Bautista, Connie Grace, Patrick Lim, Dieudonne Mayi, John Rochex Finance Council Tom McCann (Chair), William Mc Laughlin (Vice Chair), Joey Cantor, Harry Trapp, Art Hernandez, Sean Bradfield If you want to connect with the Finance Council, have any questions or feedback, your contacts are: Tom McCann @ William McLaughlin @ Children’s Faith Formation: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd—for children ages 312, includes preparation for First Eucharist and Reconciliation. Classes are held weekly throughout the school year. Please Call Lynne Shioyama for information. We Believe—For children ages 6-12, including preparation for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. Classes on Tuesdays throughout the school year. Call Micie DelosReyes for information. Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Conducted at the 9:00 am & 10:45 am Masses on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month, September through June. Please contact Liza to have your family members added to our active duty list: Parish Office 425-255-3132 Fr. Jack Shrum 425-255-3132 Pastor Fr. Vic Olvida Parochial Vicar 425-277-6197 Ted Rodriguez Deacon 425-277-6217 LaMar Reed Deacon 425-277-6199 Donna Schlager 425-277-6195 Parish Administrator Sr. Maria Dinh 425-277-6242 Vietnamese Ministry Michael Cantu 425-255-0059 School Principal Kris Benson Liturgy/RCIA 425-277-6207 Adult Faith Formation: Essentially Catholic– Meets periodically throughout the school year on topics of interest for Catholics. Call Mike Borte for more information. Theresa Galvez 425-277-6225 Music Dulce Casanova 425-277-6217 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator Scripture Study: Gr oups meet on Monday Evenings or Tuesday Mornings. Call Mary Ann Smith for more information. Mary Ann Smith 425-277-6208 Involvement/Social Outreach Youth Ministry: Jr. Hi Youth Group—For youth in grades 6, 7, and 8. Meets on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Call Diana Jorda for more information. Sr. Hi Youth Ministry—For youth in grades 9-12. Meets on Sunday Evenings throughout the school year. Call Diana Jorda for more information. Tuan Nguyen, USNG, Fort Lee Sean Gervais, USA, Afghanistan Tim Zetterhall, USA, Afghanistan Valerie Mariano, ARNG, Camp Murray Kevin Boden, USAF, Alaska Barrent Dickinson, USN, California Luis Rabnoel Cuevas, Kyrgyzstan Christopher Williams, Fort Bragg Thomas Williams, Afghanistan Katherine Rigor, USN, Virginia Christian Halvorson, USAF, Mississippi Steve Brown, USN, Washington Tim Sexton, USA, Fort Hood, TX Andre Hongach, USA, Fort Bragg Adam Frisch, USN, Submarine at sea Brian Irish, USN, Afghanistan Mike Collard, USAF, Okinawa Andrew Jaeger, USN, Lemoore NAS, CA Jeremy Hatch, US Army, Texas PARISH PHONE DIRECTORY Baptismal Preparation Please visit our website at . Follow the link to Children Baptism, then the link to Infant Baptism Preparation. Please contact Micie DelosReyes three (3) months in advance to schedule pr epar ation sessions and ceremony. Confirmation • For youth in grades 11 & 12. Call Diana Jorda for more information. • For Adults, contact Mike Borte for more information. Rites of Christian Initiation For Children, contact Micie DelosReyes. contact Kris Benson. For Adults, Marriage Please contact Mike Borte 6 months prior to your prospective date. Mike Borte 425-277-6205 Adult Faith Formation & Stewardship Diana Jorda 425-277-6209 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Micie DelosReyes 425-277-6201 Children’s Faith Formation Lynne Shioyama 425-277-6200 Catechism of the Good Shepherd Coordinator Liza Pare-Seidel 425-277-6194 Administrative Asst. /Bulletin Shane Cunningham 425-269-4961 Facilities David Abraham 425-591-5914 IT Tech/ Website School 425-255-0059