1 CLASS SYLLABUS Spring 2012 HTS 3089 Science, Technology

HTS 3089 Science, Technology and Sports MWF 12:05-12:55 PM D.M. Smith 104
Instructor: Dr. W. Pearson, Jr. Office: OCE, Room 119 Phone: 385-2265
E-mail: willie.pearsonjr@hts.gatech.edu Office Hours: MWF 1:00-2:00 PM and by
appointment. During my regularly scheduled office hours, if you are unable to meet or
if I am unavailable (due to meetings or speaking engagements), please leave a voicemail message or speak with me after class and we can set up an appointment for an
alternative time.
Required Readings: See Course Calendar
Text: T. Magdalinski, Sport, Technology and the Body: The Nature of
Performance. New York: Routledge.
READINGS: Additional required readings may be distributed in class or electronically.
The instructor reserves the right to make revisions to the syllabus and course calendar.
You are responsible for work according to any and all changes. In case of revisions, you
will receive an e-copy to replace the original.
This course is designed to introduce studies to the critical study of sports, science and
technology. This is an emerging field that has its roots both in sport studies and also
within science and technology studies.
To put the discussion in perspective, the course will:
• Discuss what constitutes a “sport”, technology and performance.
• Discuss the sociological processes relevant to the intersection of science,
technology and sport.
• Examine the literature concerning debates on the role technology in supporting
and contesting social inequality through sports.
• Discuss how scientists describe and interpret perceived human differences
including that of racist science as related to sport performance.
• Examine the literature on the impact of science and technology on athletic
• Discuss the debates surround cyborg athletes and the future of sport.
After studying the materials discussed in class, students should be able to:
understand the social and cultural dimensions of sport, science and technology
describe the historical contexts in which sports technology developed and
continues to flourish
describe the social, political, and economic forces that influence the development
of sports technology
understand how political and economic forces shape sports technology and
athletic bodies
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describe how particular technologies have changed sports and dominant
understandings of sporting bodies
understand the underlying principles of significant debates on the impact of
science and technology on sport
apply a sociological perspective and its methods to the intersection of sports,
science (inclusive of the social sciences) and technology
demonstrate a working knowledge of core concepts, theories and methodologies
understand the risks, ethics and social responsibilities associated with sports,
science and technology
understand the relationship between science and ideology in sports
critically analyze and evaluate scholarly literature on various dimensions of
science, technology and sport
effectively use written and oral forms of communication to construct compelling
effectively synthesize research findings
gain a deeper understanding of the course materials through collaborative
learning with peers
gain sociological knowledge and perspectives on contemporary sporting
improve ability to articulate complex arguments
The course format will consist of lectures, discussions and presentations.
NOTE: The course requirements will be adjusted to serve the needs and capabilities of students
with disabilities that may negatively impact academic performance. The Georgia Tech Honor
Code applies to all student work. Each student is responsible for signing the daily
attendance sheet and managing his/her personal folder of class participation and
returned assignments. Also, each student is responsible for returning each graded
assignment to the coursework folder within one class week.
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The final grade will be determined from the average score derived from the following
course requirements:
Class participation (individual and group). Over the course of the semester,
each student will serve as a co-discussion leader by presenting a 15-20 minute
synthesis of the assigned reading(s), after which the discussion will be opened to the
entire class. You are strongly encouraged to supplement the assigned readings with
other relevant readings and/or video clips. Given the criticality of class participation, it is
imperative that you keep up with your reading assignments and be well-prepared (this
means having thought critically about the readings) to constructively engage in a
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spirited but respectful discourse. During your reading, it is highly recommended that you
take notes and formulate questions. You are expected to be an active participant.
Always bring your text, readings, notes and questions to each class. Participation is not
evaluated in terms of how many times you comment, but by the clear demonstration
that you have read and comprehended the assignments, and the quality of your overall
engagement in the discussion. Class participation includes the end-of-term
presentations. A weekly participation performance evaluation form is provided in class
for your review.
Critiques. Four to five page, double-space typed critiques are due in class each
Friday (unless otherwise noted). Critiques are not summaries of the readings.
Rather, they are focused arguments documented by evidence from the texts, lectures
and other assigned readings. Informed opinions are encouraged. The critique must
examine the strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ argument. In all cases, one or
more of the theoretical perspectives covered in the text and lecture must be
applied in the assessment.
The critique requirement includes one group project paper (8-10, typed double-space
pages). The group project involves the participation of up to 8 classmates applying a
theoretical approach to an international, national, state or local issue relevant to
science, technology and sports.
Research paper.
The paper—15-20 pages, typed, double-space, including an abstract and annotated
bibliography--may be single or co-authored (up to 6 classmates). Approval of the topic is
based on the acceptance of an abstract (see Course Calendar). A majority of the
sources for the paper must not come from Internet websites. You are encouraged to
seek assistance from the professionals at the GT library. The library staff is very
knowledgeable about databases and other informational sources. For an additional
resource on preparing a high-quality research paper, see Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. C.
and Williams, J. M. (most recent edition). The Craft of Research. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press. Major elements of the paper will be covered in class. At
various points during the course, you are provided class release time to work on your
research paper and group project.
NOTE: Your name and page number must appear on each page of all written
assignments. Failure to do so results in an ungraded paper.
Presentation. You will present the results of your research paper during the
class period at the end of the semester (a scoring guide will be provided at least two
weeks prior to the scheduled presentation). The presentation must be clearly and
professionally delivered. If your presentation involves the use of AV equipment, you are
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strongly advised to come to class early in order to test the equipment. If you plan to
distribute handouts, you are responsible for providing a sufficient number of copies for
the class. Note that any missed presentation cannot be rescheduled because of
designated time slots. Time slots are assigned based on priority of accepted research
paper abstracts.
The above four assignments are all required and will be weighed equally (25% each) in
determining your final grade. Students do have the option of also taking 2 exams in
addition to the four requirements above. For those students taking this option—all
assignments and the two tests will be weighted equally. More information about the
weighting of the optional exams will be distributed at a later time to those students
choosing this option.
Optional Exams. Two essay exams—a midterm and a final--are administered
during the conference hours. Students are allotted one hour and 15 minutes to complete
each exam. Students selecting this optional must request it in writing not later
than February 1, 2012.
All requirements (including optional exams) are weighted equally and will be
based on the following scale:
A = 100-93 B = 92-85 C = 84-75 D = 74-65 F = below 65
Assignments are scheduled for each week. Because all written assignments are given
far in advance; no tardy assignment will be accepted.
Attendance Policy. Each student is responsible for signing the daily attendance sheet.
Approved absences typically include: illness, religious holidays, family and personal
emergencies, and official representation of GT in extracurricular events. To the extent
possible, email and leave a voice message regarding anticipated absences. In the case
of a borderline final grade (1 point from the next higher grade), those with fewer than
two unexcused absences will automatically receive the higher grade.
Classroom Protocol. Please adjust your cell phone or similar electronic device to the
“off” position during class. Do not use your computer in class without permission of the
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HTS 3089 Science, Technology and Sport
Spring 2012 Course Calendar
Part I: Introduction and Overview of the Course: What Does Sociology Contribute
to Our Understanding of Science, Technology and Sport?
January 9
T. Magdalinski, Chapter 1: Introduction: Sport, the Body and
Performance Technology 1-13
January 11
INTRODUCTORY LECTURE: Definitions, Theory and
T. Magdalinski , Chapter 2, The Nature of Sport 14-30
T. Magdalinski , Chapter 3, The Nature of the Body 31-53
January 13
January 16
M.L.K., Jr. Holiday
January 18
What Counts as Sport Performance?
T. Magdalinski ,Chapter 4 The Nature of Performance 54-70
ABSTRACT Hardcopy Due. (For instruction on preparation, see
Part II: Science and Technology Construct Sporting Bodies, Health and Injury
January 20
History, Science and Technology: Creating the Black Sporting
D. Wiggins, (1989). “Great Speed But Little Stamina: The Historical
Debate Over Black Athletic Superiority.” Journal of Sport History,
16, 158-185.
ABSTRACT Returned.
January 23
Challenges to Racist Science Through Sport
A. Bass (2004). What is this Black in Black Athlete? In Not the
Triumph But the Struggle: The 1968 Olympics and the Making
of the Black Athlete. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
January 25
Racist Science and the Struggle Continues
O. Harris (2007). Taboo’s Explanation of Black Athletic Dominance:
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More Fiction Than Fact. In D. Brooks & R. Althouse, (Eds.),
Diversity and Social Justice in College Sport: Sport
Management and the Student Athlete. Morgantown: Fitness
Information Technology.
January 27
INTRODUCTORY LECTURE: Science and Technology Studies
January 30
Technology, Sport and Embodied Metaphors
J. Rintala, (1995). “Sport and Technology: Human Questions in a
World of Machines.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 19(1)
February 1
Health and Risk
P. Safai, (2013). Sports Medicine, Health and the Politics of Risk. In
D.L. Andrews & B. Carrington (Eds.). A Companion to Sport.
Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
February 3
Bodies, Emotion and Risk
J. Laurendeau (2013). “’Just Tape It Up for Me, OK?’
Masculinities, Injury and Embodied Emotion.” Emotion, Space and
Society (online).
February 6
February 8
Pain and Technology
G. Downey (2007), “Producing Pain: Techniques and Technologies
in No-Holds-Barred Fighting.” Social Studies of Science 37(2):
February 10 F
Gender and Sport Injury
N. Theberge (2011), “Studying Gender and Injuries: A Comparative
Analysis of the Literatures on Women's Injuries in Sport and Work.”
Ergonomics 55(2),183-193.
February 13 M
Gender and Health
E. Rich & J. Evans (2013). Physical Culture, Pedagogies of Health
and the Gendered Body. In D.L. Andrews & B. Carrington (Eds.). A
Companion to Sport. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
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Part III: Extending the Sporting Body Through Technology
February 15 W
Technology Enhancing Sport: Issues and Controversies
D. James (2010), “The Ethics of Using Engineering to Enhance
Athletic Performance,” Procedia Engineering, 3405-3410
February 17 F
Equipment Extending the Body
S. McCullough (2010), “Body Like a Rocket: Performing
Technologies of Naturalization.” Thirdspace, 9, (2), online
February 20 M
Enhancing the Sporting Body
T. Magdalinski , Chapter 7, Enhancing the Body from Without:
Artificial Skin and Other Prosthetics
February 22 W
Disability and Prosthetics
D. Howe (2011), “Cyborg and Supercrip: The Paralympics,
Technology and the (Dis)empowerment of Disabled Athletes.”
Sociology, 45(5):868-882
February 24 F
Discourses of Dis/Ability and Technology
B. Burkett, et. al. (2011). Shifting Boundaries in Sports Technology
and Disability: Equal Rights or Unfair Advantage in the Case of
Oscar Pistorius? Disability & Society, 26(5), 643-654.
February 27 M
Technology, Policy and Sport: Inclusion/Exclusion
A. Smith & N. Thomas, (2012). “The Politics and Policy of Inclusion
and Technology in Paralympic Sport: Beyond Pistorius”,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3(4), 397-410.
Part IV: Science, Technology and Performance Enhancement: Issues and
February 29 W
INTRODUCTORY LECTURE: Performance Enhancement
March 2
Technology as Advantage
L. Bell (2009), “Breaking the Speed Limit: Studies Examine
Physiology and Technology to Foresee the Ultimate Edge of
Human Performance.” Science News. Dec. 5.
March 5
Nonotech and Sport
K. Maney (2004). “Nanotech Could Put a New Spin on Sports.”
USA Today. Nov. 17.
March 7
History of Doping and Performance Enhancement in Sport
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D. Mattram (2011). A Historical Perspective of Doping and AntiDoping in Sport. In Drugs in Sport. New York: Routledge
March 9
Ethics of Doping
Loland, S. (2009). “The Ethics of Performance-Enhancing
Technology in Sport.” Journal of Philosophy of Sport, 36(2),
March 12
Doping and Drugs: Nature versus Culture?
I.Van Hilvoorde, R. Vos, & G. de Wert (2007), “Flopping,
Klapping and Gene Dopping: Dichotomies Between ‘Natural’
And ‘Artificial’ in Elite Sport.” Social Studies of Science
37(2): 173-200
March 14
Steroids, Masculinities and Femininities
N. Thualagant, (2012), “The Concept of Fitness Doping and It’s
Limitations.” Sport in Society, 15(3), 409-419.
March 16
Media, Meaning and Steroids
M. Utsler & S. Epps (2013). “Damage Repair Through TV: The
Strategies of McGwire, Rodriguez and Bonds.” Journal of Sports
Media, 8(1), 139-161.
March 19-23 SPRING BREAK (Travel Safely)
March 26
March 28
The Body and New Structures of Sport?
M. R. King (2012). A League of Their Own? Evaluating
Justifications for The Division of Sport into ‘Enhanced’ and
‘Unenhanced’ Leagues. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 6(1),
March 30
Cyborgs of Sport
T. M. Butryn (2003), “Posthuman Podiums: Cyborg Narratives of
Elite Track and Field Athletes.” Sociology of Sport Journal. 20,
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April 2
Gene-Doping: Facts, Fictions and the Future
H. Sheridan. (2006). “Gene-Talk and Sport-Talk: A View from the
Radical Middle Ground.” European Journal of Sport Science,
6(4), 223-230.
April 4
Enhancing the Future of Sport Performance?
A. Miah (2006). “Rethinking Enhancement in Sport.” Annuals of
New York Academy of Science, 301-320.
April 6
INTRODUCTORY LECTURE: Futurist Perspectives
April 9
Sports and Technology in the Future: Are We
Agents of Change?
April 11
April 13
April 16
April 18
April 20
April 23
April 25
April 27