Finding and Using Taylor Series Finding Taylor Series Taylor Series and Limits Approximate Integration Comparison of Functions Elusive Limit Other Types of Limits Index FAQ Summary Formulae Taylor Polynomials at x=a f´(a) f´´(a) P( x ) f(a) ( x a) ( x a)2 1! 2! f ( n ) (a ) ( x a)n n! Maclaurin series = Taylor series at x = 0. Basic Maclaurin series: 1 1 1 cos( x ) 1 x 2 x 4 2! 4! 1 3 1 5 x x 3! 5! 2 sin( x ) x 3 1 1 e 1 x 2 x 3 2! 3! x Index ( 1)k 2k x k 0 (2k )! 2 k 1 ( 1) x . k 0 (2k 1)! k Formulae 1 – 3 can be used for all x. 1 k x k 0 k ! Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Finding Taylor Series (1) Find the Maclaurin series of the function sin x2 . Problem Solution Start with the Taylor series sin z k 0 1 k 2k 1! z 2k 1. Substitute z x 2 to get sin x 2 Index k 0 1 k x 2k 1! 2 2 k 1 k 0 Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series 1 k 2k 1! x 4k 2 . FAQ Finding Taylor Series (2) Problem Find the Maclaurin series of the function sin x x Solution Start with the Maclaurin series sin x k 0 . 1 k 2k 1! x 2k 1. Divide all terms by x to get sin x x Index 1 k 1 k 1 x 2k 1 x 2k . x k 0 2k 1! k 0 2k 1 ! Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Finding Taylor Series (3) Find the first three non-zero terms for Problem Maclaurin series of the function f x cos sin x . We have sin x x Solution 1 3 1 5 x x 3! 5! and cos(u ) 1 1 2 1 4 u u 2! 4! Use the shown beginnings of the Taylor series and substitute ux 1 3 1 5 x x in the Taylor polynomial for cos u . 3! 5! One gets 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 cos sin x 1 x x 3 x 5 x x 3 x 5 higher order terms 2! 3! 5! 4! 3! 5! 1 1 2 1 4 1 x 2 x higher order terms 2! 2! 3! 4! 1 5 1 x 2 x 4 higher order terms 2! 4! Index Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ . Error Estimates For alternating Taylor or Maclaurin series, use the error estimates for alternating series. Assume that there is a constant L such that for all positive integers k and for all t between 0 and x : f ( k ) (t ) L. This number L usually depends on x. Error when Approximating the Function f with its Taylor polynomial of degree m f´(0) f´´(0) 2 Em ( x ) f(x) f(0) x x 1! 2! Error Estimate Index Em x L x m f ( m ) (0) m f ( n ) (0) n x f( x ) x m! n ! n 0 m 1 (m 1)! Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Taylor Series and Limits (1) Problem The functions f, g and h satisfy the following: f(3) g(3) h(3) 0, f´(3) h´(3) 0, g´(3) 10 and f´´(3) 5, f( x ) f( x ) g´´(3) 7, h´´(3) 10. Determine the limits lim and lim . x 3 g( x ) x 3 h( x ) Solution Hence The properties of the functions f, g and h imply that their Taylor polynomials of degree 2 at x 3 are Pf ( x ) 5 7 10 ( x 3)2 , Pg ( x ) 10( x 3) ( x 3)2, and Ph ( x ) ( x 3)2. 2! 2! 2! 5 ( x 3)2 terms divisible by (x 3)3 f( x ) 2! g( x ) 10( x 3) 7 ( x 3)2 terms divisible by (x 3)3 2! 5 ( x 3) terms containing powers of (x 3) 2! 0. x 3 7 10 ( x 3) terms containing powers of (x 3) 2! Index Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Taylor Series and Limits (2) Problem The functions f, g and h satisfy the following: f(3) g(3) h(3) 0, f´(3) h´(3) 0, g´(3) 10 and f´´(3) 5, f( x ) f( x ) g´´(3) 7, h´´(3) 10. Determine the limits lim and lim . x 3 g( x ) x 3 h( x ) Solution (part b) Using the Taylor series expansions at x 3 one gets 5 ( x 3)2 terms divisible by (x 3)3 f( x ) 2! h( x ) 10 ( x 3)2 terms divisible by (x 3)3 2! 5 terms containing powers of (x 3) 1 2! . x 3 10 2 terms containing powers of (x 3) 2! Index Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Comparison of Functions (1) Problem Let f( x ) sin( x ), g( x ) e x 1, and h( x ) 1 1. 1 x Decide which of the above functions takes the smallest values and which the largest values for small positive values of x. 2 Solution We solve the problem by comparing the Taylor series at x = 0 of the above functions. The smallest power terms of the series determine the behavior of the function near the origin. 1 The Taylor expansion for the function starts 1 z 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 z2 . 1 z 2 1 z 2 2! 1 z Substituting z x 2 one gets 1 1 3 1 x 2 x 4 . Solution continues 2 8 1 x 2 Index Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Comparison of Functions (2) Solution continues 1 We have 1- x 2 1 1 2 3 4 x x 2 8 . Taylor series for the other functions are basic Taylor series: 1 3 x and 3! 1 1 1 1 ex 1 1 x x 2 x 3 1 x x 2 x 3 . 2! 3! 2! 3! For values of x near 0 it suffices to look at the Taylor polynomials of degree 2. sin( x ) x We have sin( x ) x, e x 1 x Since for small positive values of x, that for small positive values of x, Index 1 2 x and 2! 1 1-x 2 1 1 2 x 2 1 2 1 x x x x 2 , we deduce 2 2! 1 1 sin( x ) e x 1 1 x 2 Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ Index Mika Seppälä: Taylor Series FAQ