Twenty-third Annual International Conference

Twenty-third Annual
Association for
Practical and Professional Ethics
 Keynote: Robert F. Chauvin, President of SimplexGrinnell, a division of Tyco
 Ethics Center Colloquium: Ethics Center Directors Summit
 Mini Conference: Liberty and Security: A Town Hall Discussion
 Eighteenth Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM
February 27 - March 2, 2014
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
Twenty-third Annual
Association for
Practical and Professional Ethics
 Keynote: Robert F. Chauvin, President of SimplexGrinnell, a division of Tyco
 Ethics Center Colloquium: Ethics Center Directors Summit
 Mini Conference: Liberty and Security: A Town Hall Discussion
 Eighteenth Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM
February 27 - March 2, 2014
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida
APPE Mission Statement………………………………………………………………………..………………….…i
Executive Board ............................................................................................................................................ iii
Recognition of Annual Drive Donors .............................................................................................................. v
Supporting and Sustaining Individual Members............................................................................................ vii
Supporting/Sustaining Institutional Members and Organizational Members ..................................................ix
Publications of the Association .................................................................................................................... xiv
Book Resource Room and Exhibitors List ....................................................................................................xv
Eighteenth Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM ....................................................................................................... 1
Ethics BowlSM Qualifying Teams……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Ethics Bowl Judges and Moderators.............................................................................................................. 3
Ethics Bowl Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................... 6
Awards and Recognitions .............................................................................................................................. 9
In Memorium................................................................................................................................................ 10
Ethics Center Colloquium/Summit, Graduate Seminar, PRI Workshop, Opening Reception....................... 17
Twenty-third Annual Meeting Schedule ....................................................................................................... 19
Lunch with an Author ................................................................................................................................... 33
Mini Conference: Liberty and Security: A Town Hall Discussion.................................................................. 39
Topical List of Program Sessions ................................................................................................................ 41
Executive Board Nominations...................................................................................................................... 58
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Registered Participants................................................................................................................................ 64
Index to Presenters, Respondents, and Chairs ........................................................................................... 83
Publisher Advertisements ............................................................................................................................ 85
Map of the Meeting Area ......................................................................................................inside back cover
Schedule Overview ......................................................................................................................... back cover
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) is a comprehensive, international
organization advancing scholarship, education, and practice in practical and professional ethics. As a
multidisciplinary association we bring together academic researchers and teachers, business and
government leaders, and professionals from all areas including business, engineering, government,
journalism, law, medicine, scientific research, social work, and others concerned with the practical
application of ethics and values.
APPE is dedicated to improving ethical conduct in the workplace and to supporting and training the next
generation of faculty and professionals. Founded over 20 years ago, APPE is a creative force for innovation
by stimulating new research and disseminating models for best practices in ethics. Peer reviewed papers
presented at our conferences and symposia cover a full-range of topics in applied ethics and are of special
interest to those in specific fields (e.g., business, engineering, government, journalism, law, medicine,
science, etc.) as well as those who practice in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary areas cutting across
professions (bioethics, environment, health care, higher education, research ethics, etc.).
The Association’s Annual Meeting provides special interest group sessions for those with particular
interests in business, journalism, engineering, and social work ethics as well as an Ethics Center Directors
Colloquium, a Seminar on the Responsible Conduct of Research, and a Graduate Seminar on teaching
ethics. Prizes are awarded for the best papers submitted by early career scholars, graduate and
undergraduate students.
APPE supports and facilitates the development of curriculum and new teaching modalities in ethics and
values. The Association works closely with colleges and universities, centers, professional associations,
and local, state, and national governments to implement programs which meet their specific needs.
Throughout the year, the Association sponsors 10 Regional Ethics Bowls among students from college and
universities across the United States. Winning student teams from each region are invited to the Annual
Meeting to compete in the National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl competition.
The Association publishes Ethically Speaking, a newsletter on current ethical issues and activities, a
Monograph Series of papers presented at the Ethics Center Colloquium, Profiles in Ethics, a national
directory of ethics centers identifying programs and activities, and a complete APPE Member Directory.
Individual and Institutional membership information along with special member benefits may be obtained by
contacting the national office at:
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
618 East Third Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405
TEL: (812) 855-6450; FAX: (812) 856-4969
Stuart D. Yoak, Ph.D., Executive Director
Executive Board
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Sandra L. Borden
Co-Director, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society
Western Michigan University
Deni Elliott (Chair)
Poynter Jamison Chair in Media Ethics and Press Policy
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Elizabeth Heitman
Associate Professor of Medical Ethics
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Lisa H. Newton
Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez
Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Director, Dr. James Dale Ethics Center, Youngstown State University
Lisa S. Parker
Director, Graduate Education
Center for Bioethics and Health Law, University of Pittsburgh
Sarah K. A. Pfatteicher
Associate Dean and Research Professor
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Anne R. Simpson
Professor of Medicine and Rust Professor of Ethics
Director, School of Medicine Institute for Ethics, University of New Mexico
Edward H. Spence
Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia
Affiliate Research Fellow
3TU.Centre for Ethics of Technology, The Hague, Netherlands
Rosemarie Tong
Distinguished Professor in Health Care Ethics
Director, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Edward Wasserman
Dean, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
University of California, Berkeley
Daniel E. Wueste
Professor of Philosophy
Director, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Recognition of Annual Drive Donors 2013-2014
This past year marks the Association’s Eighth Annual Drive. We recognize this year’s donors to-date in the context
of their life-long contributions to the Association, by means of the Societies listed below. Each category designates
lifetime contributions. To-date (February 11, 2014) we have 34 contributors. These funds enable us to provide
prizes for papers at the Annual Meeting in the categories of early career scholars, graduate papers and
undergraduate papers, as well as registrations for special outside presenters and Ethics Bowl students attending the
Annual Meeting. There is still time to make a contribution to this year’s Annual Drive. A final list of this year’s Donors
will be published in the Summer Ethically Speaking.
Henry Sidgwick Society
($5,000 and up)
Hunter Lewis
Lisa H. Newton
Lisa S. Parker
David H. Smith
Michael Davis
Director’s Society
($500— $999)
Elizabeth Heitman
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez
Kenneth W. Goodman
Richard F. Kauffman
Anne Simpson
Chairman’s Society
Squire Family Foundation
Deborah G. Johnson
Kirk O. and Kathryn S. Hanson
(Up to $499)
Glenda E. & Patrick Murray
Kenneth D. Pimple
Lisa M. Rasmussen
Robert Audi
Charlotte McDaniel
Sandra L. Schneider Family Trust
Beverly Kracher
Donald Sporleder
Lelan D. McReynolds
Raquel Diaz-Sprague
Ruth Ellen Bulger
Board’s Society
Robert P. Lawry
Deni Elliott
Debra Gorman-Badar
David B. McCurdy
Leonard & Naomi Lou Block
Richard B. Miller
Rachelle Hollander
Sarah K.A. Pfatteicher
Stuart Yoak
Sandra Borden
Supporting and Sustaining Individual Members
We appreciate the support of all our supporting and sustaining individual members, and would like to take this
opportunity to give special acknowledgement to them.
Sustaining Individual Members
Michael Davis
Robert F. Ladenson
Terrance C. McConnell
David B. McCurdy
Joshua E. Perry
Sarah K.A. Pfatteicher
Alton F. Sanders
David H. Smith
Stuart Yoak
James D. Yunker
Supporting Individual Members
Robert Audi
Barbara B. Barresi
Michael C. Brannigan
Andrew J. Feldman
Deborah G. Johnson
Gerard Magill
Ellen M. McGee
Donald Searing
Paul B. Thompson
Supporting, Sustaining Institutional and
Organizational Sponsor Members
We appreciate the support of all our supporting, sustaining institutional and organizational sponsor members, and
would like to take this opportunity to give special acknowledgment to them.
Organizational Sponsor Members
TTU Ethics Center
Texas Tech University
Justin R. Louder, Director
Sustaining Institutional Members
Applied Ethics Institute
St. Petersburg College
Susan Demers, Dean
Biomedical Ethics Program
Mayo Clinic
Richard R. Sharp, Director
Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Center for Ethics, Public Policy, and the Professions
University of North Florida
Mitchell R. Haney, Director
Center for Business Ethics
Belmont University
Harold Fogelberg, Director
Center for Ethics
Emory University
Paul Root Wolpe, Director
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Rosemarie Tong, Director
Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gretchen A. Winter, Executive Director
Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI), University of Miami
Office of Research Education
Paul Braunschweiger, Director
College of Mount St. Joseph
Tim Bryant, Executive Director
Dr. James Dale Ethics Center
Youngstown State University
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Director
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Harvard University
Lawrence Lessig, Director
Georgia Military College
Robert P. Sherwood, Director
Institute for the Medical Humanities
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Howard Brody, Designee
Kegley Institute of Ethics
California State University, Bakersfield
Christopher Meyers, Executive Director
Kenan Institute for Ethics
Duke University
Noah Pickus, Director
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Santa Clara University
Kirk O. Hanson, Executive Director
Northern Plains Ethics Institute
North Dakota State University
Dennis Cooley, Director
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee
Espen Engh, Director
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions
Indiana University
Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics
Clemson University
Daniel E. Wueste, Director
Siemens Industry Inc.
Edward C. Carr, Director
The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics
DePauw University
Robert Steele, Director
University of Louisville
Designated Member: Allison Griffin Ratterman
University of Missouri-Columbia
Designated Member: Robert D. Hall
Supporting Institutional Members
American Psychological Association
Sangeeta Panicker, Science Directorate
Cary M. Maguire Center for Ethics
Southern Methodist University
Rita Kirk, Director
Center for Journalism Ethics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Robert E. Drechsel, Director
Center for the Study of Ethics in Society
Western Michigan University
Sandra Borden and Michael Pritchard, Directors
Institute for Ethics
University of New Mexico
Anne R. Simpson, Director
Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
Arizona State University
Jason Scott Robert, Director
Michigan Technological University
Research Integrity and Compliance
Joanne M. Polzien, Director
Parr Center for Ethics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jan Boxill, Director
Poe Center for Business Ethics Education and Research
University of Florida
Virginia G. Maurer, Director
University of South Florida, St. Petersberg
Journalism and Media Studies
Deni Elliott, Director
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Office of Research Policy
Heather McFadden, Director
Virginia Commonwealth University
Office of Research
William W. Barker, Director
West Virginia University
Office of Research Integrity and Compliance
Daniel R. Vasgird, Director of Compliance Services
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
“The Business Ethics Challenge”
Robert F. Chauvin
Keynote Address
Friday, February 28, 2014: 11:00 a.m. - Noon
President of SimpleGrinnel, a division of Tyco International
Bob Chauvin was appointed President of Tyco SimplexGrinnell in October 2010.
As president, he is the chief executive for an industry-leading $2.5 billion business
with 11,000 employees in the United States and Canada. He is responsible for
SimplexGrinnell’s operations in the United States and for the newly combined
Tyco Integrated Fire & Security business in Canada.
Bob has spent 33 years in the life-safety industry with Simplex and
SimplexGrinnell. Before assuming the president’s role, he spent six years as the
company’s vice president of northern operations. He previously served as chief financial officer and also
held leadership roles in business planning and marketing.
Under Bob’s leadership, SimplexGrinnell has delivered strong performance and become a key Tyco
business, with a focus on customer satisfaction and consistent year-over-year growth in operating income.
Bob is passionate about SimplexGrinnell’s life-safety mission and about the importance of the company’s
commitment to improve the local communities where it does business. Across SimplexGrinnell, district
offices are integrally involved in serving and supporting their communities.
Bob serves on the Board of Directors of the United Way of North Central Massachusetts, and has helped
spearhead SimplexGrinnell’s support for United Way Youth Venture – an innovative, student-led youth
leadership and community improvement program. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of Heywood
Hospital in Gardner, Massachusetts.
Bob received a Tyco Chairman’s Award in 2008 and served for several years on the Tyco Diversity and
Inclusion Council. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Connecticut and a
master of business administration degree from Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts.
Publications of the
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Research Ethics: Cases and Commentaries - 7 volumes
These volumes focus on cases in Research Ethics including those in the natural sciences, engineering, research with
indigenous peoples, invasion of privacy, and more.
Research Ethics: Cases and Commentaries, Volumes 1 through 7
Complete set of Volumes 1-7
$17.00 each
How to Survive Graduate School and Start Your Career in Science/Engineering: Handbook for
Graduate Students
This handbook was written by graduate students for graduate students in a project funded by the National Science
$10.00 each
Ethics Center Colloquium Monographs
$5.00 each
• Outreach, Consultation and Survival in Economic Hard Times and Succession Planning for Ethics
Centers (2010)
• Developing Relationships: How Ethics Centers Can Succeed with Raising Funds (2008)
• Buy-in: Everything but Money! (2007)
• Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning (2006)
• Ethics Centers and Conflict of Interest (2005)
• Identifying Funding Sources for Ethics Centers (2004)
• Benchmarks of Ethics Center Excellence (2003)
For more information, a list of other publications, and a synopsis for each
publication, please see our website at:
To order Association Publications, send payment or contact us at:
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Indiana University
618 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-6450; FAX (812) 856-4969; E-mail:
Book Resource Room
• Books on the Program
• Publisher and Author Exhibits
• Free Table for Giveaways
• Free Coffee and Wireless
• Networking Space
• Discounted Materials
• Discount Codes from Publishers
• Conference Registration
• Conference Opening Reception
• Conference Breaks
Proceeds from the publisher registration fees
and sales of display copies help to defray
the cost of the year-long investment of time
and resources that is required to create the exhibit. When you shop in
the Book Resource Room, you are contributing directly to the
have found that APPE provides the single best book
“ ...I
exhibition room for applied ethics anywhere in the U.S.
During the Annual Meeting, display copies can be
purchased at 20 percent off retail cost, unless marked “not
for sale.” The book’s price is marked in pencil on the
inside cover page. Display copies may be reserved by
purchase (cash, check, or credit) at the Help Desk in the
Book Resource Room, but they must remain on display
until noon, Saturday, March 1. Purchased materials may
be claimed between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Don’t miss this opportunity to support APPE
Clearance Sale
Remaining materials will be
sold at a 50 percent (or more!)
discount during the Final
Clearance Sale, scheduled for
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday,
March 1.
Book Resource Room Hours
List of Advertisers
BOOK PICK-UP: 12:30 - 2:30PM
Follow the APPE Book Room on Twitter:
Book Resource Room Exhibitors
American Psychological Association
McFarland & Company
Ashgate Publishing
MIT Press
Bloomsbury Academic
Oxford University Press
Brannigan, Michael
Philosophy Documentation Center
Princeton University Press
Cambridge Scholars Press
Cambridge University Press UK
Random House
Cambridge University Press US
Routledge Journals
Edward Elgar Publishing
Rowman and Littlefield
Ethics Unwrapped
Harvard University Press
Transaction Publishers
John Hopkins University Press
Left Coast Press
Patricia Werhane, Michael Pritchard,
and Elaine Englehardt
Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
Wilfred Laurier University Press
Berghahn Journals
Biomed Central
Michael Brannigan
Business Ethics Simulation
Cambridge Univ. Press UK
Emerald Insight
Emory University
Ethics Unwrapped
Fordham University
LaRue Hosmer
Loyola Bioethics
NASW Press
Philosophy Doc. Center
Random House
Univ. of Alberta Press
Visit the APPE Book
Resource Room after
the Annual Meeting:
Eighteenth Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM
Thursday, February 27, 2014
8:00 – 8:40 a.m.
Conference Center B
Pre Function
Ethics BowlSM Registration
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Grand 6 & 7
Breakfast for Ethics BowlSM Judges and Moderators
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.
Conference Center B
Ethics BowlSM Plenary
9:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Eighteenth Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM Competition
The Ethics BowlSM preliminary competition will be held in the following rooms:
City Terrace Rooms 4 -12, Guest Rooms 4108, 4144, 4146, 4148, 4150,
4152, and 4158
9:15 – 10:30 a.m.
First Set of Matches
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Second Set of Matches
12:00 Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Conference Center B
12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
River Terrace 1
Judges’ Room
1:30 – 2:45 p.m.
Third Set of Matches
2:45 – 3:30 p.m.
Conference Center B
Ethics Bowl Team Photographs
3:30 – 3:45 p.m.
Conference Center B
Ethics BowlSM Plenary
3:45 – 5:00 p.m.
City Terrace 4, 7, 9 and 12
Ethics BowlSM Quarter Finals
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Dinner Break
6:30 – 7:45 p.m.
City Terrace 7 and 9
Ethics BowlSM Semi-Finals
8:00 – 9:15 p.m.
Conference Center B
Ethics BowlSM Finals
9:30 – 11:00 p.m.
River Terrace 2
Ethics BowlSM Reception
Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM National Championship
Qualifying Teams
Northeast – (Winner) Providence College, coached by Dr. Raymond Hain and Dr. Patrick Macfarlane; Union
College, coached by Dr. Krisanna Scheiter and Dr. Erika Wells; Colgate University, coached by Reid Blackman and
Brooks Sommerville; Marist College, coached by Joanne Gavin and Ken Coletti; Villanova University, coached by
Mark A. Wilson
Southeast – (Winner) St. Petersburg College, coached by Adenjii Odutola and George Sherman; Barry University,
coached by Joel Wilcox, Sandra Fairbanks, and Ruth Tallman; Wake Forest University, coached by Charles Lankau
III and Stephan Oldham; University of North Florida, coached by Jonathan Matheson; University of Richmond,
coached by Jess Flanigan
Central States – (Winner) Taylor University, coached by Jim Spiegel and Cathy Kerton-Johnson; Marian
University, coached by David Denz; DePauw University, coached by Marcia McKelligan and Robert Newton
Texas – (Winner) University of Oklahoma, coached by Stephen Ellis and Breea Clark; University of Central
Oklahoma, coached by Catherine P. Terrell and Bambi Hora;Oklahoma Christian University, coached by Dr. Jeff
Wasatch – (Winner) Weber State University, coached by Rachel Robison-Greene and Shairylann Lisonbee; Utah
Valley University, coached by Jeff Nielsen
Northwest – (Winner) Gonzaga University, coached by Erik Schmidt; University of Montana, coached by Neil M.
Bennett; Whitworth University, coached by Mike Ingram and Keith Wyma
Mid-Atlantic – (Winner) Duke University, coached by Jonathan Anomoly; St. Mary's College of Maryland,
coached by Michael Taber; University of Maryland, Baltimore County, coached by Greg Ealick and Stephanie
Upper Midwest – (Winner) Ripon College, coached by Deano Pape and Lindsay Blumer; Illinois Wesleyan
University, coached by Emily Kelahan and Andy Engen; University of Detroit Mercy, coached by Martin Leever and
Elizabeth Oljar; Loyola University Chicago, coached by Jennifer Parks and Sarah Babbitt
Rocky Mountain – (Winner) University of Nebraska, Lincoln, coached by Clare LaFrance
California – (Co-Winner) San Jose State University, coached by Karin Brown and Lucien Pino; Azusa Pacific
University, coached by Rico Vitz;University of California, Santa Cruz, coached by Sandra Dreisbach and James
Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM Judges and Moderators 2014
Ruth Ann Althaus, Ph.D., MPH, MBA, MSLIS: Coordinator and Professor, Master of Health
Administration Online, Ohio University,
Megan Auclair, Owner/President Praetorian Health Consulting, 8 years as judge for the
Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl,
David Benn, Self-employed in logistics and real estate investing, University of North Florida, United
States Navy Veteren,
Frazier Benya, Ph.D.: Program Officer, Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society, National
Academy of Engineering,
Jan Boxill, Director, Parr Center for Ethics, Master Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University
of North Carolina,
Stephen W. Braden, Director of First-Year Seminars, Department of First-Year Programs,
Kennesaw State University,
James A. Brady III, Associate Professor of Communications and Ethics, Georgia Military College
and Georgia Regents University, and
Sheralee Brindell, Senior Instructor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Philosophy,
University of Colorado, Boulder,
Wilton Bunch, M.D., Ph.D.: Professor of Ethics, Samford University,
Chris Byron, Graduate Teaching Assistant in Philosophy at University of North Florida,
George Candler, Ph.D.: Director, Master of Public Administration program, University of North Florida, and
Member, Jacksonville Ethics Commission,
Frederick Randolph Carlson, LTC(R) U.S. Army, MS, MBA: Poynter-Jamision Scholar in Media Ethics
and Press Policy, University of South Florida Saint Petersburg,
Edward Carr, Ethics & Compliance Officer, Siemens,
Michael Cholbi, Professor of Philosophy at California State Polytechnic University,
Peggy Connolly, Ph.D.: Chair, IEB National Casewriting Committee, Immediate Past President, National
Association of Academies of Science,
Cheryl Cottine, Ph.D. Candidate, Religious Studies, Indiana University,
Raquel Diaz-Sprague, PharmD, MLHR, Adjunct Faculty, Ohio State University, School of Allied Medical
Professions, College of Medicine & Public Health, Columbus, OH,
Mark Dixon, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Ohio Northern University,
Phillip Downes, Ethics Advisor, Boeing,
Marilyn Dyrud, Ph.D.: Professor of Communication, Oregon Institute of
Byron Eubanks, Professor of Philosophy, Ouachita Baptist University,
Rachel Evans, Director of Legal Services, IT Offerings, Accenture LLP,
Michael Gettings, Ph.D: Associate Professor of Philosophy, Hollins University,
Mitchell Haney, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Florida Blue Ethics Center,
University of North Florida,
Elizabeth Holland, CEO, Abbell Associates, LLC, Chicago,
Peter Horn, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Capital University,
Cynthia Jones, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy, Director, Pan American Collaboration for Ethics
in the Professions (PACE), University of Texas - Pan American,
Michael Jordan, IEB Rules Committee member, Ethics Bowl Coach, Instructor, Department of
Philosophy, San Jose State University,
Kelly Laas, Librarian, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of
Robert Ladenson, Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Joanne M. C. Lalonde, Doctorante, Faculté d'éducation, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON,
Kaitlin Legg, Program Coordinator, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Resource Center, University
of North Florida,
Vassiliki Leontis, Ph.D student, Department of Philosophy, Bowling Green State
Steve List, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer APR Energy, plc,
Gilad Livingstone, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB, AAWE: Principal – Livestone Consulting
Rita Manning, Professor of Philosophy, San Jose State University,
Elizabeth (Beth) Mason, Instructor and Ethics Bowl Teams Coach, Department of Philosophy,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Christina Matta, Ph.D.: Technical Communication Program, College of Engineering, UWMadison,
Karen Mizell, Ph.D.:,Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Utah Valley
Deborah Mower, Ph.D.: Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State
Lisa Newton, Community Development and Applied Economics, University of
William Nordmark, Retired Principal, Pinellas County Schools, Florida,
Julia Pedroni, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Williams College,
Gregory Pence, Chair, Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Coach, 2010
Champions, Ethics Bowl,
Sarah Pfatteicher, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Research Professor, University of
Karla Pierce, M.A.: Adjunct Philosophy Instructor; Compliance Trainer & Analyst,
McKesson Medical Surgical,
Michael Popich, Ph.D.: Professor and Chair, Philosophy and Religious Studies,
Westminster College (Utah),
Carrie Pritchett, Assistant Professor of History, Brazosport College,
Bennett Ramsey, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at
Leigh Scales, JD, Professor of Professional Skills, Florida Coastal School of Law,
Colin Schoonover, Manager, Data Maintenance, Asset Strategy, Policy, & Information
Systems, ONE Gas,
Karsten Sedmera, M.S.: Water Resources Engineering, Jones Edmunds & Associates,
Rob Sherwood, Associate Professor, History, Georgia Military College –
Glenn W. Sinclair, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor (Ethics), Simon Fraser University (faculty of
Education) and Concordia University College of Alberta (Environmental and Public Health),
Robert Skipper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Philosophy, St. Mary's University, San Antonio,
Kelly Smith, Assoc. Professor of Philosophy and Biological Sciences; Lemon Fellow, Rutland Institute for
Ethics, Clemson University / Clinical Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina Medical School,
Karen Spear, Director, Center for Organizational Ethics, Marian University,
Earl Spurgin, Director, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University,
Spencer S. Stober, Ed.D., Neag Professor, Educational Leadership, and Professor of Biology, Alvernia
Matt Stolick, Professor of Philosophy, University of Findlay,
Alan Tomhave, Ph.D.: Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State
John Uglietta, J.D., Ph.D.: Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Grand Valley
State University,
Phyllis (Peggy) Vandenberg, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Grand Valley State
Andrea Wilson, Former Assistant Federal Public Defender,
Donna Yarri, Associate Professor, Theology, Alvernia College
Ethics BowlSM Acknowledgments
APPE Executive Committee Liaison Deni Elliott
APPE Intercollegiate Ethics BowlSM Subcommittee
Richard Greene, Chair
George Sherman
John Garcia
Jan Boxill
Sheralee Brindell
Mike Ingram
June-Ann Greeley
Michael Jordan
Michael A. Popich
Robert Boyd Skipper
Karen L. Spear
Southeast Regional Ethics Bowl
Upper Midwest Regional Ethics Bowl
Mid-Atlantic Regional Ethics Bowl
Rocky Mountain Regional Ethics Bowl
Northwest Regional Ethics Bowl
Northeast Regional Ethics Bowl
California Regional Ethics Bowl
Wasatch Regional Ethics Bowl
Texas Regional Ethics Bowl
Central States Regional Ethics Bowl
Case Writing Committees
Peggy Connolly – Chair
Ruth Ann Althaus
P. Anthony Brinkman
Cynthia Jones
Robert Boyd Skipper
Susanna Flavia Boxall – Chair
Michael B. Funke
Rhiannon D. Funke
Gretchen A. Myers
Adam Potthast
Rules, Format, and Procedures Committee
Kelly Smith – Chair
Lida A. Anestidou
Naomi Lou Block
Sheralee Brindell
Mark J. Doorley
John Garcia
Michael Jordan
National Competition Organizing Committee
Patrick Croskery – Chair
Richard Green – Disputes Arbitrator
John Garcia
Susan Robison
Ethics BowlSM Acknowledgments, cont.
Bob Ladenson Spirit of the Ethics Bowl Award Committee
Rachel Robison-Greene - Chair
Karen Mizell
Sarah Pfatteicher
Twenty-third Annual International Conference
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Awards and Recognition
Early Career Scholar Prize in Practical and Professional Ethics
Aaron Simmons, Ph.D., Philosophy, Marywood University
“Trading Lives: The Ethics of Killing Animals for Medical Research”
Graduate Student Prize in Practical and Professional Ethics
Judith L. Navratil, Bioethics, University of Pittsburgh
“The Problem with Informed Consent for Research: the Devil is in the Details”
Karen M.T. Muskavitch Award for Graduate Work in Practical Ethics
Sarah Wieten, Philosophy, University of South Florida
“Beyond Industry Intervention: Proposals for a New Continuing Medical Education”
Undergraduate Student Prize in Practical and Professional Ethics
Karlana June Morgan, Mass Communications/Journalism, University of South Florida, St.
“The Portrayal of Vietnamese Women in Vietnamese Print Media”
Twenty-third Annual International Conference
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
In Memoriam
Adrienne Asch, MSW, Ph.D. an internationally known bioethicist, died on Nov. 19, 2013, at
her home in Manhattan. At her death, Professor Asch was Director of the Center for Ethics
and the Edward and Robin Milstein Professor of Bioethics at Yeshiva University in
Manhattan. She also held professorships in epidemiology and population health and in
family and social medicine at Yeshiva’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Adrienne Valerie Asch was born in New York City on Sept. 17, 1946. A premature baby,
she lost her vision to retinopathy in her first weeks. On graduating from Swarthmore College
with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 1969, she found employers unwilling to hire her —
an experience, her associates said, that made her keenly aware of disability as a civil rights
issue. After receiving a master’s degree in social work from Columbia in 1973, she spent
much of the ’70s and ’80s working for the New York State Division of Human Rights, where she investigated
employment discrimination cases, including those involving disability.
Trained as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in the 1980s, she maintained a private psychotherapy practice throughout
that decade. In 1992, she received a Ph.D. in social psychology from Columbia. Before joining the Yeshiva faculty,
Professor Asch taught at the Boston University School of Social Work and at Wellesley College, where she was a
professor of women’s studies and the Henry R. Luce professor in biology, ethics and the politics of human
Her publications include two volumes of which she was a co-editor: Women With Disabilities: Essays in Psychology,
Culture, and Politics (1988, with Michelle Fine) and Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights (2000, with Erik Parens).
Asch was an active member in the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics from 2005-2010.
David Richard Keller, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Environmental
Studies, and Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics at Utah Valley University
passed away on December 28, 2013. Dr. Keller was a member an active member of
the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics from 1999 until his death.
David Richard Keller was born in Salt Lake City, December 17, 1962, and spent his
early life in the Olympus Cove and Neffs Canyon. He began taking philosophy
courses at the University of Utah and Pitzer College. David earned a doublebaccalaureate in English and Philosophy at Franklin and Marshall College, a Master's
Degree in Philosophy at Boston College, and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the
University of Georgia. David also matriculated at the University of Edinburgh.
The greatest joy of his career was coming in contact with students and learning about the world together. Throughout
his life, David strove to cherish elemental human relationships, embrace the temporal flow, find inspiration in sublimity
and reject super-naturalism, and worry only about those things actually in one's control.
His published work, research and writing focused on environmental and ecologic issues. Among these include three
books: Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions, David R. Keller (ed.). Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010;
Ethics in Action: A Case-Based Approach, Peggy Connolly, Becky Cox-White, David R. Keller, and Martin G. Leever.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009; and The Philosophy of Ecology: From Science to Synthesis, David R. Keller and Frank B.
Golley (eds.) University of Georgia Press, 2000.
Friends may donate to the JoAnn O. Keller Scholarship for nontraditional women students at Utah Valley University
Foundation, C/0 Ms. Nancy L. Smith, 800 W University Parkway MS111, Orem, UT 84058 or environmental
organizations of their choice.
Charles Donald (Don) MacNiven, D. Phil. served as Master of Vanier College in the 1970's and was the founding
Director of the Centre for Practical Ethics at McLaughlin College at York. He passed away on December 31, 2011.
Professor MacNiven was born April 23, 1928 and grew up in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. After obtaining his Doctorate in
Philosophy at Queen's College, Oxford, Don taught philosophy for many years at York University and was the author of
a number of books. His primary expertise was in the area of practical ethics and 19th century British philosophy, with a
focus on the work of F.H. Bradley.
Professor MacNiven was an active member of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics from member from
A donation to Parkinson Society of Canada, 4211 Yonge Street, Suite 316, Toronto M2P 2A9 would be greatly
Carl Maxey Phillips, MA, MS, owner and founder of Carl Maxey Phillips, EA in Cookeville, Tennessee, died Saturday
December 15, 2012. His firm provided personal tax consulting, planning, preparation and representation.
Prior to starting Carl Maxey Phillips, EA, Phillips worked as the Head of the Research Department and out-of-state
specialist for H&R Block in Pelham, Alabama. He also served as revenue examiner for the Special Audit/Federal Audit
sections of the Income Tax Division at the Alabama Department of Revenue from 1982-1988. His teaching experience
as a career-related instructor included classes in debt forgiveness and net operating loss.
Phillips received his Master of Arts in Journalism from the University of Alabama, a Master of Science in Instructional
Media and Bachelor of Arts in German from Jacksonville State University. He was an accredited investment fiduciary
advisor, accredited tax advisor and an accredited tax preparer.
He was an active member of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics member from 2009-2011.
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Poster Session Presenters
“Responsible Conduct of Research: A Qualitative Study with Ukrainian Researchers”
Viktor Burlaka, Psychology, University of MIchigan
“Are Modern Practice Settings Creating Ethical Dilemmas Between Patients and Practitioners?”
Mark J. Carroll, Health Professions, University of Findlay
Frampton, Robert M., Physical Therapy, University of Mount Union
“Collaborative Development and Sharing of EAC Best Practices: Lessons Learned - Post Grad Experience”
William J. Frey, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
José Cruz-Cruz, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
“Graduate Research and Education for Appropriate Technology: Inspiring Direct Engagement and Agency (GREAT IDEA)”
William J. Frey, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
“Moral and Rational Perceptions of Research Misconduct”
Anita Gordon, Director of the Center for Academic Ethics, University of Northern Iowa
“HPL-Based Ethics Education for Life Science and Bioengineering Students”
Elizabeth Heitman, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University
“Ethical Issues in Providing a Free Cervical Cancer Screening to Underserved Hispanic Women”
Aisha T. Langford, Bioethics and Social Science in Medicine, University of Michigan
Presented by: Viktor Burlaka, Psychology, University of Michigan
“The Portrayal of Vietnamese Women in Vietnamese Print Media”
Karlana June Morgan, Mass Communications, University of South Florida, St. Petersberg
“Engineering Ethics Education Improvement by Applying Standardized Class Questionnaire”
Yuji Okita, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
“Experiencing Ethics at the University of Houston”
Ioanna Semendeferi, History of Science and Science Ethics, University of Houston
Ioannis Pavlidis, Computational Physiology, University of Houston
“Deafness and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Controversies and Consequences”
Ashley Lynne Stephens, Health Sciences, Vanderbilt University
“Informed Consent in SLA: How Difficult is Easy to Read?”
Scott Sterling, Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
“Medical Marijuana: Emerging Neurological Explanation, Therapeutic Uses, and Deep Bioethical Questions”
Matthew Stolick, Philosophy, University of Findlay
“Expanding Our Understanding of People with Disabilities in Research”
Miranda Sue Terry, Kinesiology and Health Science, Stephen F. Austin State University
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Business Ethics International Panel, Keynote, and Luncheon
Friday, February 28, 2014
Keynote Address: 11:00 a.m.
“The Business Ethics Challenge”
Robert F. Chauvin, MBA
President of SimplexGrinnell
Tyco International
Business Ethics Luncheon: 12:00 Noon – 1:30 p.m.
"Coach, Counselor, and Cop: the Compliance Officer"
Matthew Heiman, J.D.
Vice President, Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer
Tyco International
Business Ethics Keynote Panel
Corruption and Anti-Corruption: Legal, Ethical, Social and Political Dimensions
Suzanne Hayden, J.D.,
International Legal Consultant
Former Senior Program Advisor at the International Anticorruption Academy
Martin Kreutner, M.Juris.,
Dean, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Austria
Seumas Miller, Ph.D.
Professorial Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics,
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Research Fellow, 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, Netherlands
Nikos Passas, LL.B., Ph.D.
Professor of Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
Partner Investigator, Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Australia
Maximilien Roche, MA, MBA
STMicroelectronics, Geneva, Switzerland
Panel Chair and Organizer
Edward Howlett Spence, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer (Philosophy and Ethics), School of Communication and Creative Industries
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics,
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Research Fellow, 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, Netherlands
Twenty-third Annual International Conference
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
“Continuing Clinical Ethics Education Program”
Friday 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Friday, February 28, 2014
No Last Resort
Pitting the Right to Die Against the Right to Medical Self-determination
Michael Cholbi, Ph.D.
California State Polytechnic University - Pomona
There is No Logical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Steven Daskal, Ph.D.
Northern Illinois University
Friday 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Deliberative Pathologies and Ethical Oversight Maximizing the Effectiveness of IRBs
Danielle Wenner, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University
Clinical Ethics Luncheon Speaker
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
What Patients Teach: The Everyday Ethics of Health Care
Joseph B. Fanning, Ph.D.
Friday 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Director of the Clinical Ethics Consultations Service
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Who Should Serve?
Research-based Recommendations on Ethics Committee Membership
Kathleen Raffel, Ph.D.
University of San Francisco
What are Standards in Clinical Ethics Consultation For?
Lisa M. Rasmussen, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of
Medicine and Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine is
accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of _4__ AMA PRA Category
1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Twenty-third Annual International Conference
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Thursday, February 27, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Annual Meeting Registration
10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Book Resource Room
A great place to meet with friends, colleagues, and other meeting attendees
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Boardroom 1
Ethics Center Colloquium: Ethics Center Directors Summit
Conveners: Gretchen Winter, Executive Director, University of Illinois, College of Business Center
for Professional Responsibility
Kirk Hanson, Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University
Colloquium Lunch – Boardroom 3
10:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
St. Johns
Promoting Research Integrity Workshop
Convener: Kenneth D. Pimple, Director of Teaching Research Ethics Programs, Poynter Center for
the Study of Ethics, Indiana University
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Boardroom 2
Graduate Seminar on Teaching Practical and Professional Ethics
Presented by: Deni Elliott, Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida, St.
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Annual Meeting Reception And
APPE Book Resource Room Open House
Conference Center A
Twenty-third Annual International Conference
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Friday, February 28, 2014
7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Annual Conference Registration
7:00 a.m.
First Time Attendee and International Attendee Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Plaza Room (Lobby)
Ethics BowlSM Committee Meeting
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Book Resource Room
Seating is available to meet with friends, colleagues, and other meeting attendees
Free coffee, wireless, seating
8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
Concurrent Session I
City Terrace 12
A.1. “The Utility of Medical Professionalism”
Peter Koch, Philosophy, The State University of New York at Buffalo
A.2. “The Complicity Objection and the Return of Prescriptions (Conscientious Refusal by
Walter Riker, Philosophy, University of West Georgia
Fareed Awan, Philosophy, University of Washington, Seattle
City Terrace 11
B. “Incentivizing Organ Donation: A Response to Calls for Iterative Policy Implementation”
James Rhea, Philosophy, University of South Carolina
Peter Horn, Religion and Philosophy, Capital University
City Terrace 10
C. “Trading Lives: The Ethics of Killing Animals for Medical Research”
Aaron Simmons, Early Career Scholar Award, Philosophy, Marywood University
Sarah Kenehan, Philosophy, Marywood University
City Terrace 9
D.1. Case Study: “BP Prudhoe Bay, Texas City Refinery, Deep Water Horizon, and the Future of Oil
Richard Wilson, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Shelby Cruz, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
D.2. “Dam Construction Ethics in China”
Zhihui Zhang, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Carl Mitcham, Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines
City Terrace 6
E. “Meeting Requirements Willfully; Supporting the Notion that Ethics is Good for You”
William Gannon, Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico
Joseph S. Brown, Psychology, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Friday, February 28, 2014
8:15 – 9:15 am
Concurrent Session I
City Terrace 7
F. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Considered Judgment…Hold the Judgment! An Evaluation Scheme
for Practical Ethics Courses”
Robert Kirkman, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Josina Makau, Humanities and Communications, California State University, Monterey Bay
City Terrace 5
G. “The Poisoning of Zhu Ling: Two Decades of Efforts in Two Countries”
Di Liang, Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University
City Terrace 8
H. “Why Kantian Leaders Need Not Be Moral Saints”
Terry Price, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond
Michelle Darnell, Business, University of Florida
9:15 – 9:45 a.m.
Conference Center A
9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Concurrent Session II
City Terrace 12
A.1. “No Last Resort: Pitting the Right to Die Against the Right to Medical Self-determination”
Michael Cholbi, Philosophy, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
A.2. “There is No Logical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non-voluntary Euthanasia”
Steven Daskal, Philosophy, Northern Illinois University
Rosemarie Tong, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
City Terrace 11
B. “Deliberative Pathologies and Ethical Oversight: Maximizing the Effectiveness of IRBs”
Danielle Wenner, Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University
Vassiliki Leontis, Philosophy, Bowling Green State University
City Terrace 10
C. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Nursing Ethics: Healthcare and Treatment in Education and Practice”
Robert Doyle, Bioethics Institute, Loyola Marymount University
Jason Borenstein, Poynter Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
City Terrace 9
D.1. “Why We Can't Engineer Virtues: Biomedical Means of Moral Enhancement”
William P. Kabasenche, Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, Washington State University
D.2. “Evolutionary Origins of Moral Self-Enhancement and Self-Serving Biases”
Matthew Keefer, Educational Psychology, Research, and Evaluation, University of Missouri, St. Louis
Deborah Mower, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State University
City Terrace 8
E. “A Virtue Critique of Media Hospitality”
Sandra Borden, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Rick Kenney, Philosophy, Hampton University
Friday, February 28, 2014 9:15 – 9:45 am Concurrent Session II
City Terrace 7
F.1. “Trading Zones, Creoles and Collaboration”
Michael Gorman, Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Patricia H. Werhane, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University
F.2. “Nanoethics and Policy Education Effectiveness”
Skylar Huzyk Zilliox, Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
Earl Spurgin, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University
City Terrace 6
G. “An Oath for Scientists - Commitment and Community”
Helene Ingierd, The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees
Julia Pedroni, Philosophy, Williams College
Boardroom 3
Roberta Israeloff, The Squire Family Foundation
City Terrace 4
I. Case Study: “Cases in Communication Ethics: Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church”
Marilyn Dyrud, Communication, Oregon Institute of Technology
Boardroom 4
J. “Business Ethics: How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations”
Denis Collins, Business, Edgewood College
Jessica McManus Warnell, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
City Terrace 5
K. “Compromised Autonomy and Research Misconduct in Graduate Students”
Monica List, Philosophy, University of Michigan
Anita Gordon, Social Work, University of Northern Iowa
11:00 a.m. – Noon
Conference Center B
Plenary Sessions
Welcome and Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Stuart D. Yoak, Executive Director, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Keynote Address
“The Business Ethics Challenge”
Robert F. Chauvin, President of SimplexGrinnel, a division of Tyco International
Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Business Ethics Luncheon, with Keynote
"Coach, Counselor, and Cop: the Compliance Officer"
Matthew Heiman, J.D., Vice President, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer, Tyco International
Robert F. Chauvin, President of SimplexGrinnel, a division of Tyco International
Mauricio Atri, J.D., Regional Compliance Counsel/ Latin America, Tyco International
Friday, February 28, 2014 12:00 Noon – 1:30 pm Clinical Ethics Lunch, Topic Lunch
Clinical Ethics Luncheon
Clinical Ethics Luncheon Keynote Speaker
“What Patients Teach: The Everyday Ethics of Health Care”
Joseph B. Fanning, Director, Clinical Ethics Consultations Service, Center for Biomedical Ethics and
Society, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
River Terrace 2
Lunch and Topic Lunch
Table 1: Engineering Ethics: Engineering Responsibility and Dual-Use Technologies
Moderator: Christina Matta, Engineering, Technical Communication Program, University of Wisconsin,
Table 2: What did Confucius say about virtue and authoritarianism?
Moderator: Howard Harris, School of Management, University of South Australia
Table 3: Brave New World is Here! Cell-Free Fetal DNA Screening is Upon Us!
Moderator: Gregory Pence, Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Table 4: K-12 Education: The Morality of the work, agency of professionals, and what that means in
social and political contexts
Moderator: Sheron Fraser Burgess, Philosophy, Ball State University
Table 5: Focus Group: NAE Online Ethics Center
Moderator: Frazier Benya, Program Officer, National Academy of Engineering
1:30–3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session III
City Terrace 12
A.1. “Could Philosophical Counseling Alleviate the Moral Distress of Nurses Challenged by Cultural
Nancy J. Matchett, Institute of Professional Ethics, University of Northern Colorado
Mary Jo Stanley, Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Colorado
A.2. Case Study: “Case Studies in Clinical Anesthesia: The Ethics of Informed Consent”
Daniel Mahoney, Philosophy, Gonzaga University
Daniel O’Hare, Medical Ethics, Gonzaga University
Robert Kirkman, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
City Terrace 11
B.1. “Who Should Serve? Research-based Recommendations on Ethics Committee Membership”
Kathleen Raffel, Nursing and Health Professions, University of San Francisco
B.2. “What are Standards in Clinical Ethics Consultation For?”
Lisa M. Rasmussen, Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Anne Simpson, School of Medicine Institute for Ethics, University of New Mexico
Friday, February 28, 2014 1:30 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Session III
City Terrace 10
C. Author Meets the Critics: Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives
Ruth Grant, Political Science, Duke University
Aine Donovan, Institute for the Study of Applied and Professional Ethics, Dartmouth College
Michael Davis, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
Rachelle Hollander, Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society, National Academy of Engineering
Jamie Darnell, Business and Technology, College of Central Florida
City Terrace 7
D. Panel: Universals and Multiple Realizability: A Basis for Global Media Ethics
“The Theory of Anthropological Realism and Its Defense”
Stephen J.A. Ward, Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Global Democracy and Plurality of Reason: Global Media Ethics in the Framework of Multiple
Shakunala Rao, Communications Studies, State University of New York, Plattsburgh
“Contextualized Perspectives as a Feminist Ethical Universal”
Linda Steiner, Philip Merrill School of Journalism, University of Maryland
“Theories of Morality in Multiple Dimensions”
Clifford Christians, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois
Deni Elliott, Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
City Terrace 6
E. Panel: Cyber Warfare and Ethics
“Cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, cybercrime, and cyber intelligence: An overview”
Richard Wilson, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
“Cyber warfare and rules of Engagement”
Brendan Masiar, Cyber Security, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
“Cyber intelligence and cyber counterintelligence”
Avery Greene, Cyber Security, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Donald Searing, Syncere Systems
City Terrace 4
F. Panel: Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns
“Implicit Cognition and the Empirical Basis of Conflict of Interest”
Nicolae Morar, The Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State University
“The Systemic Ethics Implications of the Research University’s Relations with Industry”
Jonathan Marks, Bioethics, Humanities, and Law, Penn State University
“Justice and the Commercialization of Biomedical Research”
Bryan Cwik, The Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State University
Natalia Washington, Ph.D. Candidate, Purdue University
William Gannon, Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico
City Terrace 8
G.1. Pedagogical Demonstration: 'Ethics…Speak Up!' How do Students Finish the Sentence?
Yi-hui Lee, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
Justin Louder, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
Lisa James, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
G.2. Case Study: Ethical Leadership and the Common Good: A Case Study of One College's
Comprehensive Approach to Undergraduate Student Development
Tim Bryant, Center for Ethical Leadership, College of Mount St. Joseph
Mike Sontag, Arts and Humanities, College of Mount St. Joseph
Friday, February 28, 2014 1:30 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Session III
Azalea Hulbert, Ethics and Leadership, Samford University
City Terrace 9
H. Panel: Corruption and Anti Corruption: Legal, Ethical, Social, and Political Dimensions
Edward H. Spence, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Martin Kreutner, International Anti Corruption Academy, Austria
Maximilien Roche, STMICROElectronics, Geneva
Suzanne Hayden, International legal consultant, International Anticorruption Academy
Nikos Passas, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Edward H. Spence, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
City Terrace 5
I.1. “New Methods in Empirical Ethics: Symbiotic Empirical Ethics”
Lucy Frith, Bioethics and Social Science, University of Liverpool
I.2. “Empirical Ethics: Best Practices and Future Use in Long-Term Care”
Charlotte McDaniel, Law and Religion, Emory University
Cheryl Cottine, Philosophy and Religion, Indiana University
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Concurrent Session IV
City Terrace 11
A.1. “The Distinct Wrong of Exploitation in Medicine”
Fareed Anwar Awan, Philosophy, University of Washington, Seattle
A.2. “The Problem with Informed Consent for Research: the Devil is in the Details”
Judith Navratil, Graduate Student Paper Award - Bioethics, University of Pittsburgh
Toby L. Schonfeld, Center for Ethics, Emory University
City Terrace 12
B.1. Case Study: “Conflicts Between Beneficence and Patient Autonomy in Physical Therapy Care”
Debra Gorman-Badar, Anaconda Physical Therapy Center
B.2. “Improving Ethics Education in Canadian Rehabilitation Programs: Sharing the Journey of a
Knowledge Exchange Project”
Anne Hudon, Bioethics, University of Montreal
Stellan Welin, Health and Medical Sciences, Linköping University
Boardroom 4
C. “Emotional Responsibility and Teaching Ethics”
Lisa Kretz, Philosophy, University of Evansville
Michael Strawser, Philosophy, University of Central Florida
City Terrace 10
D.1. “Professional Trustworthiness and the Plausibility of Client Trust”
Anne Ozar, Philosophy, Creighton University
D.2. “Five Reasons Why Professionalism is Hard to Describe, Complex to Teach, and Hard to Access”
David Ozar, Health Care Ethics, Loyola University of Chicago
Patrick Croskery, Philosophy and Religion, Ohio Northern University
Boardroom 2
E. “Fixing Formal Autonomy: Contextual Integrity and the (Substantive) Due Process of Privacy”
Gordon Hull, Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Dan Wueste, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Friday, February 28, 2014 3:30 – 4:30 pm Concurrent Session IV
City Terrace 7
F. “Regulation and Ethical Judgment in Research Ethics Committees”
Hallvard Fossheim, Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Social Sciences and
Karin Ellison, Biology and Society, Arizona State University
Boardroom 3
G. “The Ethics of Teaching in the Classroom”
Scott McElreath, Philosophy, William Peace University
Ioanna Semendeferei, Health and Biomedical Sciences, University of Houston
City Terrace 8
H. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Ethics Education as Transformation: Different Goals Mean Different
Timothy E. O’Connell, Ethics, Loyola University Chicago
Mike Sontag, Philosophy, College of Mount St. Joseph
City Terrace 4
I. “Corporations and the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision”
James Roper, Philosophy, Michigan State University
Tim Shiell, English and Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Stout
City Terrace 9
J. Panel: “Beyond the High School Ethics Bowl: Including Ethics in the High School Curriculum
Mark Doorley, The Ethics Program, Villanova University
Elaine Englehardt, Center for the Study of Ethics, Utah Valley University
Joseph Murphy, Ethics, Dwight-Englewood School, New Jersey
Michael Pritchard, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Roberta Israeloff, Squire Family Foundation
City Terrace 6
K. “Developing Business Ethics in China”
Georges Enderle, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
Kathleen Wilburn, Management and Business, St. Edward’s University
City Terrace 5
L. Empirical Ethics Planning Session
Lucy Frith, Bioethics and Social Science, University of Liverpool
Charlotte McDaniel, Law and Religion, Emory University
4:45 – 5:45 p.m.
Concurrent Session V
City Terrace 12
A.1. “Biases Towards Chronic Pain: A Knowledge Translation Project for Health Care Professionals”
Sabrina Morin Chabane, Bioethics, University of Montreal
A.2. “Treatment Agreements, Informed Consent and the Role of State Medical Boards in Opioid
Summer McGee, Public Management, University of New Haven
Lisa Parker, Bioethics and Health Law, University of Pittsburgh
Friday, February 28, 2014 4:45 – 5:45 pm Concurrent Session V
City Terrace 11
B. “Fixing Deafness”
Cynthia Jones, Collaboration for Ethics in the Professions, University of Texas-Pan American
Shawn P. Saladin, Collaboration for Ethics in the Professions, University of Texas-Pan American
Miranda Sue Terry, Kinesiology and Health Science, Stephen F. Austin State University
City Terrace 10
C. “Lotteries in Human Subjects Research”
Trisha Phillips, Philosophy, West Virginia University
Boardroom 3
D. “Moral Caution and Disagreement: An Epistemic Principle for Applied Ethics”
Jonathan Matheson, Philosophy, University of North Florida
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
City Terrace 9
E.1. “Professional Ethics without Moral Theory: A Practical Guide for the Perplexed Non-Philosopher”
Michael Davis, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
E.2. “Engineering and Human Well-Being”
Charles Edward Harris, Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Taft Broome, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Howard University School of Medicine
City Terrace 8
F. “An Artistic Touch to Science Ethics Education - The Movie”
Ioanna Semendeferi, History of Science and Science Ethics, University of Houston
Wanda Teays, Philosophy, Mount S. Mary’s College, Los Angeles
City Terrace 7
G. Panel: Teaching Research Ethics: A Philosophical Approach
Gary Comstock, Philosophy, North Carolina State
Gary Varner, Philosophy, Texas A&M
Nate Sharadin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sarah Pfatteicher, Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Boardroom 4
H. “Ethics Center Ex Nihilo?”
Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Philosophy, Ball State University
Christopher Meyers, Kegley Institute of Ethics, California State University, Bakersfield
City Terrace 6
I. “A Case for Affirmative Action for Men in Female Dominated Professions”
Dennis Cooley, Northern Plains Ethics Institute, North Dakota State University
Denis Collins, Business, Edgewood College
City Terrace 5
J. “Ethical Empowerment, Development Praxis, and the Arts”
Bindu Madhok, Philosophy, Albion College
Punam Madhok, Arts and Design, East Carolina University
Marcia McKelligan, Philosophy, DePauw University
City Terrace 4
K. Case Study: “Fessing Up: Impact on Consumers and Employees When Companies Admit Wrongdoing”
Adam Kronk, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
Jessica McManus Warnell, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
Ed Carr, Ethics and Compliance, Siemens Corporation
Friday, February 28, 2014 6:30 p.m. Author Book Signing and Twenty-third Annual Banquet
Special Meetings
5:45 pm – 6:30 pm
City Terrace 6
Ethics BowlSM Feedback Session
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
APPE Author Reception and Book Signing Featuring:
River Terrace 2
Adam Briggle and Carl Mitcham
Ethics and Science: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press
Denis Collins
Business Ethics: How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations, Wiley Press
Gary Comstock
Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible Conduct of Research, Cambridge University
Georges Enderle
Developing Business Ethics in China, Palgrave Macmillan
Joseph B. Fanning
What Patients Teach: The Everyday Ethics of Health Care, Oxford University Press
Ruth Grant
Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives, Princeton University Press
Paul Lauritzen
The Ethics of Interrogation, Georgetown University Press
Judith Lichtenberg
Distant Strangers: Ethics, Psychology, and Global Poverty, Cambridge University Press
Josina Makau
Dialogue and Deliberation, Waveland Press
Greg Pence
How to Build a Better Human: An Ethical Blueprint, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Ken Pimple, Donald Searing, and Cynthia Jones
Emerging Pervasive Information and communication Technologies (PICT): Ethical Challenges,
Opportunities and Safeguards, Springer Press
Friday, March 1, 2013 6:30 p.m. Author Book Signing and Twenty-second Annual Banquet
Spencer Stober
Nature-centered Leadership: An Aspirational Narrative, Common Ground Publishing
Will van den Hoonaard
Essentials of Thinking Ethically in Qualitative Research, Left Coast Press
Pat Werhane, Elaine Englehardt, Michael Pritchard
Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making: Mental Models, Milgram and the Problem of Obedience, Cambridge
University Press
J. Thomas Whetstone
Leadership Ethics & Spirituality: A Christian Perspective, WestBow Press
7:30 p.m.
River Terrace 3
Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and Banquet
Chairs: Stuart D. Yoak, APPE Executive Director
Deni Elliott, APPE Executive Board Chair, Journalism and Media Studies, University of
South Florida, St. Petersburg
Please see page 9 for Award Winners
Saturday, March 1, 2014 8:15 – 9:15 am Concurrent Session VI
Twenty-third Annual Meeting
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Saturday, March 1, 2014
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Annual Meeting Registration
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Plaza Room (Lobby)
Business Ethics SIS Breakfast Meeting
Gretchen A. Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
8:00 a.m. – Noon
Book Resource Room
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Conference Center A
Book Sale
All proceeds from the sale of display books helps the Association defray the costs of providing the
Resource Room at the Annual Meeting each year.
8:15 – 9:15 a.m.
Concurrent Session VI
City Terrace 12
A.1. “Justice and the Donor Conceived Child”
Sarah Vaughan Brakman, Philosophy, Villanova University
A.2. “Kantian Ends and Commercial Surrogacy”
Hannah Guinta, Medical Science, Michigan State University
Jason Eberl, Medical Ethics, Marian University
City Terrace 11
B. “A Neglected Argument Concerning Morality and Abortion”
John Uglietta, Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Byron Eubanks, Philosophy, Ouachita Baptist University
City Terrace 10
C. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Problem-based Learning with the Computer Supported Collaborative
Argument Visualization Software AGORA-net”
Michael Hoffmann, Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Richard Wilson, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
City Terrace 9
D. “RCR Instruction on Data Acquisition, Analysis, Ownership and Retention: Can RCR Instruction
Cover the Gaps?”
Kathryn Partin, Research Integrity and Compliance Review, Colorado State University
Joanne Lalonde, Political Science, University of Ottawa
City Terrace 4
E.1. “Animal Agriculture and Climate Change: Why Justice Demands We Eat Less Meat”
Sarah Kenehan, Philosophy, Marywood University
E.2. “How Technology Development Can Solve Moral Problems: The Case of Cultured Meat”
Stellan Welin, Health and Medical Sciences, Linköping University
Aaron Simmons, Philosophy, Marywood University
Saturday, March 1, 2014 8:15 – 9:15 am Concurrent Session VI
City Terrace 8
F. Case Study: “The Ethical Dilemma Embedded in National Education Service Programs: A Case
Study of Teaching For America”
Allison Lester, Education, Indiana University
Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Philosophy, Ball State University
City Terrace 7
G. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Asking Good Questions: Case Studies in Ethics and Critical Thinking”
Michael Strawser, Philosophy, University of Central Florida
Nancy A. Stanlick, Philosophy, University of Central Florida
Robert Sherwood, Psychology, St. Olaf College
City Terrace 5
H. “Is the Same-sex Marriage Debate Really Just about Marriage?”
Christopher Arroyo, Philosophy, Providence College
J. Thomas Whetstone, Independent Scholar
City Terrace 6
I. “How (And How Not) To Ground Business Ethics”
Robert Boyd Skipper, Center for Professional Ethics, St. Mary’s University
Lisa H. Newton, Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont
9:15 – 10:00 a.m.
Conference Center A
Poster Session Break
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Concurrent Session VII
City Terrace 12
A.1. “Ethical Problems in Exome Sequencing in Research and Clinical Settings”
Elaine Englehardt, Center for the Study of Ethics, Utah Valley University
Michael Pritchard, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
A.2. “Enhancing Human Persons: Does it Violate Human 'Nature'?”
Jason T. Eberl, Medical Ethics, Marian University
Gregory Pence, Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham
City Terrace 11
B.1. “A New Ethics Curriculum for a New Medical School”
Kelly C. Smith, Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Wendy Cornett, Medicine, University of South Carolina, Greenville
B.2. “Beyond Industry Intervention: Proposals for a New Continuing Medical Education”
Sarah Wieten, Karen M.T. Muskavitch Award Winner, Philosophy, University of South Florida
Elizabeth Heitman, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Boardroom 2
C. “Cultivated Man: The Process to Moral Maturity”
Phyllis Vandenberg, Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
John Uglietta, Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Please see page 13 for the list of Poster Presenters
Saturday, March 1, 2014 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Concurrent Session VII
City Terrace 7
D. “The Broadcast Ethical Subscription of the Pioneering Radio Station in Bicol Region, Philippines”
Agnes Jacob Nepomuceno, Print and Boradcast Media, Bicol University, Philippines
Alex B Nepomuceno, Attorney, Philosophy and Public Administration, Bicol University, Philippines
Wendy Wyatt, Communication and Journalism, University of St. Thomas
City Terrace 8
E. “Outsourcing Intelligence Functions to the Private Sector: Good Enough for Government Work?”
Donald Petkus, Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
Matthew Keefer, Educational Psychology Research and Evaluation, University of Missouri, St. Louis
City Terrace 10
F. “New NSF Funding Guidelines: Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Program and Science,
Technology and Society Program”
Linda Layne, Ethics Education in Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation
Sarah K.A. Pfatteicher, Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison
City terrace 5
G. “Global Ecotourism: Far from the Kingdom of Ends”
Elizabeth A. Hoppe, Philosophy, Lewis University
Nancy Matchett, Philosophy, University of Northern Colorado
City Terrace 9
H.1. “Using an Ethics Bowl Competition in the Classroom to Teach Ethical Theory”
Patrick Croskery, Philosophy and Religion, Ohio Northern University
H.2. Pedagogical Demonstration: “Arguments to Arguments: Philosophical Analysis in a Game”
Monica Link, Philosophy, Tufts University
Cheryl Cottine, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Indiana University
Boardroom 4
I. “The Duty to Respect Indigenous Land Claims: Canada vs. USA vs. Belize”
Robert Hudson, Philosophy, University of Saskatchewan
Donna Yarri, Theology, Alvernia University
Boardroom 3
J. “The Global Financial Crisis and Collective Moral Responsibility”
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Tim C. Mazur, Chief Operating Officer, Ethics and Compliance Officer Association
City Terrace 4
K. “Design for Life: Teaching Ethics with Narrative, Social Media and a Positive Approach”
Howard Harris, Management, University of South Australia
Lisa Kretz, Philosophy, University of Evansville
City Terrace 6
L. “Ethics Unwrapped”
Robert A. Prentice, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
Dennis Cooley, Northern Plains Ethics Institute, North Dakota State University
Saturday, March 1, 2014 11:15 – 12:15 am Concurrent Session VIII
11:15 a.m. –
12:15 p.m.
Concurrent Session VIII
City Terrace 12
A.1. Case Study: “The Unrepresented Patient in the ICU”
Annette Mendola, Medical Center, University of Tennessee
A.2. “Best Interests and Burdens: The Role of the Burden of Care in Withdrawing Treatment from
Seriously Disabled Infants”
Matthew Tedesco, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Beloit College
Nicolae Morar, The Rock Ethics Institute, Penn State University
City Terrace 11
B. “Narrative Ethics and Advanced Directives of the Rural, Chronically Ill”
Sharon E. Hartline, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Radford University
Jonathan Webster, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Radford University
Matthew Stolick, Philosophy, University of Findlay
Boardroom 3
C.1. “Emotions as the Foundation of Character”
Charles Starkey, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
C.2. “Emotional Privacy: A Defense a Schadenfreude”
Earl Spurgin, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University
Robert Ladenson, Humanities, Illinois Institute of Technology
City Terrace 7
D. Author Meets the Critics: Ethics and Science: An Introduction
Adam Briggle, Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, University of North Texas
Carl Mitcham, Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines
Elaine Englehardt, Center for the Study of Ethics, Utah Valley University
Michael Pritchard, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Zhihui Zhang, Institute for History of Natural Sciences, China Academy of Sciences
Adam Briggle, Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, University of North Texas
City Terrace 6
E. Case Study: “Introducing Solar Blind, A New Japanese Case for Engineering Ethics Education”
Hidekazu Kanemitsu, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Fumihiko Tochinai, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Olivia Walling, Writing Program and School of Engineering, Unversity of California, Santa Barbara
City Terrace 8
F. “Ethical Hoop Jumping: Negotiating Research Ethics While Researching Ethically”
Joanne M.C. Lalonde, Political Science, University of Ottawa
Trisha Phillips, Philosophy, West Virginia University
Boardroom 2
G. “Parfit on Aggregating future Utilities for Environmental Policy”
Paul Hwang, Northfield Mount Hermon
Raymond E. Spier, Science and Engineering Ethics, University of Surrey
Saturday, March 1, 2014 11:15 – 12:15 am Concurrent Session VIII
Boardroom 4
H.1. “Public Philosophy and Tenure/Promotion: Rethinking 'Teaching, Scholarship, and Service'”
Christopher Meyers, Kegley Institute of Ethics, California State University, Bakersfield
H.2. “An Exploration of Collegiality as a Factor in Faculty Personnel Decisions”
Timothy Shiell, English and Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Richard B. Miller, Religious Studies, Indiana University
City Terrace 5
I. “Justifying Punishment - Epistemic Considerations, Ethical Implications”
Matthew C. Altman, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Central Washington University
Donald Petkus, Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
City Terrace 4
J. “Are Certified Benefit Corporations Fulfilling Their Missions?”
Kathleen M. Wilburn, Management and Business, St. Edward’s University
H. Ralph Wilburn, Management and Business, St. Edward’s University
James A. Brady, Humanities, Georgia Military College
City Terrace 10
K. “Ethics in Action: The Corporation and the Academy"
Edward C. Carr, Ethics and Compliance, Siemens Corporation
Anita M. Gordon, Social Work, University of Northern Iowa
Tim Bryant, Ethical Leadership Development, College of Mount St. Joseph
City Terrace 9
L. Panel: Media at the Margins 3: Privilege in Media Content about Poverty and the Poor
“Overcoming Privilege in Media Content: The Role of “On the Ground” Documentaries”
Kim Lane Clark, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University
Pat Werhane, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University
“Poverty, the Media, and the Private Sector”
Edward Wasserman, Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkley
“Examining Immigration Policy, Privilege, and the Latino Threat Narrative”
Raquel Diaz Sprague, School of Allied Medical Professions, Ohio State University
Alan P. Sprague, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sandra Borden, Communication, Western Michigan University
12:15 – 1:30 p.m.
River Terrace 2
Lunch With an Author
Adam Briggle
Carl Mitcham
Ethics and Science: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press
Denis Collins
Business Ethics: How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations,
Wiley Press
Gary Comstock
Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible
Conduct of Research, Cambridge University Press
Georges Enderle
Developing Business Ethics in China, Palgrave Macmillan
Ruth Grant
Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives, Princeton
University Press
Saturday, March 1, 2014 12:15 – 1:30 pm Lunch with an Author
Judith Lichtenberg
Distant Strangers: Ethics, Psychology, and Global Poverty,
Cambridge University Press
Josina Makau
Dialogue and Deliberation, Waveland Press
Ken Pimple
Donald Searing
Cynthia Jones
Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies
(PICT): Ethical Challenges, Opportunities and Safeguards, Springer
Spencer Stober
Nature-centered Leadership: An Aspirational Narrative, Common
Ground Publishing
Pat Werhane
Elaine Englehardt
Michael Pritchard
J. Thomas Whetstone
12:15– 1:30 p.m.
River Terrace 3
Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making: Mental Models, Milgra and
the Problem of Obedience, Cambridge University Press
Leadership Ethics & Spirituality: A Christian Perspective,
WestBow Press
Lunch/ Topic Lunch
Table 1: Brain death cases: Jahi McMath and Marlise Munoz
Moderator: Jason Eberl, Osteopathic Medicine, Marian University
Table 2: How to improve teaching and learning of your engineering ethics class
Moderator: Yuji Okita, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Table 3: Marijuana and Philosophy
Moderator: Matthew Stolick, Philosophy, University of Findlay
Table 4: TRCR Group Meeting
Moderator: Michael Loui, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois
Book Resource Room purchases may be picked up during the lunch hour.
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session IX
Boardroom 4
A. Panel: Bioethics and the Changing Healthcare Environment
“The Affordable Healthcare Act: What’s all the Fuss About?”
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
“Preventive Healthcare as If We Meant It: Moving Toward an Ecofeminist Paradigm”
Virginia L. Warren, Philosophy, Chapman University
“New Issues in Reproductive Technology”
Rita Manning, Philosophy, San Jose State University
“Politics may be Local – But Bioethics is Global”
Wanda Teays, Philosophy, Mount S. Mary’s College, Los Angeles
Jeremy Garrett, Bioethics Department, Children's Mercy Hospital
Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:30 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Session IX
City Terrace 12
B. Panel: Multidisciplinary Implementation of Bioethics Commission Education Modules
“Teaching Moral Philosophy Using Bioethics Commission Educational Modules
Karen Meagher, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
“Using Bioethics Commission Educational Modules to Integrate Bioethics into Undergraduate Science
Misti Ault Anderson, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
“Law Student Lunch-and-Learn Using Bioethics Commission Educational Modules”
Nicolle Strand, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Anne Simpson, School of Medicine Institute for Ethics, University of New Mexico
Boardroom 3
C. Panel: More Transparency, Better Journalism?
Christopher Meyers, Kegley Institute of Ethics, California State University, Bakersfield
Edward Wasserman, Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkley
Wendy Wyatt, School of Communication and Journalism, University of St. Thomas
Sandra Borden, Communication, Western Michigan University
City Terrace 6
D. Panel: Social Sustainability and Ethics
“Engineering Ethics and Social Sustainability: The Bad, the Good, and the Ugly”
Joseph Herkert, School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University
“Measuring Social Sustainability”
Frazier Benya, Program Officer, National Academy of Engineering
“Social Sustainability as Functional Integrity”
Paul B. Thompson, Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics, Michigan State University
Rachelle Hollander, Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society, National Academy of Engineering
City Terrace 8
E. Panel: New Frameworks for Understanding and Responding to the Ethics Challenges of Doing Research
in the Social Sciences
“Finding Common Ground in Social Science Research Ethics”
John Oates, Child and Youth Studies, Open University, United Kingdom
“Defining Ethics Principles in Social Sciences for the European Union”
Marie-Sophie Peyre, Scientific Officer in Charge of Ethics, European Research Council Executive Agency
“Emerging Concepts in Research Ethics Review: The Canadian Experience”
Will C. van den Hoonaard, University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada
“’You’re talking about Ethics We’re talking about the IRB’ Ethics in Community-based Research”
Mary Brydon-Miller, Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati
Mary Brydon Miller, Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati
City Terrace 5
F. Panel: Peer Leadership as a Mechanism to Drive Institutional Change: An Effective Ethics Education
“Design and Development”
C.K. Gunsalus, Business, University of Illinois
“Expanding the Program into a Larger Environment”
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Sandra Matteuci, Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Concurrent Session IX
City Terrace 7
G. Author Meets the Critics - A Discussion of Two Books: The Ethics of Interrogation
Paul Lauritzen, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University
Michael Skerker, Leadership, Ethics and Law, U.S. Naval Academy
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, James Dale Ethics Center, Youngstown State University
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Richard B. Miller, Religious Studies, Indiana University
City Terrace 10
H.1. “Using the 'Social Acceptance' of Healthcare Organizations to Manage Their Ethical Reality Service”
David McCurdy, Ethics Services, Mission and Spiritual Care, Advocate Health Care
H.2. “Global Sustainable Health Care: Framework and Theory”
Jason L. Fishel, Philosophy and Interdisciplinary, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Kathleen Raffel, Nursing and Health Professions, University of San Francisco
City Terrace 11
I. Author Meets the Critics: How to Build a Better Human
Gregory Pence, Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Lisa M. Rasmussen, Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Kelly C. Smith, Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
William Kabasenche, Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs, Washington State University
City Terrace 4
J. Panel: A New Paradigm for Graduate Education: A Course for Science, Engineering, and Philosophy of
Science Ph.D. Students Addressing Ethics and Collaboration
Sandra Bishnoi, Chemistry, Rice University
Nick Huggett, Philosophy of Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
Vivian Weil, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
John Hasier, Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
Yin Ming, Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
Josh Norton, Philosophy of Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
Monica Solomon, Philosophy of Science, Notre Dame University
Kevin Elliott, Philosophy of Science, Notre Dame University
Vivian Weil, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
City Terrace 9
K. “Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Creating a Municipal Ethics Program”
Carla Miller, Director, City of Jacksonville Ethics Program
Alexis Lambert, Ethics Officer, Executive Branch, City of Jacksonville and Transparency Officer
Cami D. Haynes, Ethics and Compliance Officer, Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Thomas E. Creely, CEO, EthixFirma, LLC
3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Conference Center A
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Book Resource Room – Book Sale
Conference Center A All funds made from the book sale support the Association and help offset the costs to provide the Book
Resource Room at the Annual Meeting each year.
Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:30 – 5:00 pm Concurrent Session X
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Concurrent Session X
City Terrace 12
A. Panel: Teaching and Learning Empirical Bioethics: Resources from the Presidential Bioethics
“The Critical Role of Empirical Research in Bioethics, and More”
Holly A. Taylor, The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
“Content, Limitations and Potential Future Use of the Bioethics Commissions Human Subjects Research
Landscape Project ”
Michelle Groman, The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
“A Personal Account of Working with the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues’
Human Subject Research Landscape Project”
Leila Jamal, The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Glenda Murray, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics, Indiana University
City Terrace 11
B. Panel: Ethical Implications of Rene Girard's Work
John McGeeney, Independent Scholar
Glen Miller, Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Jennifer Miller, Independent Scholar
Carl Mitcham, Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines
Glen Miller, Philosophy, Texas A&M University
City Terrace 6
C. Panel: Transparency, Part 2: Transparency and Ethics in Other Professions
Matthew C. Altman, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Central Washington University
Lisa H. Newton, Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Chris Roberts, Journalism, University of Alabama
City Terrace 9
D. Panel: The Virtue(s) of Virtue Ethics in Thinking about Ethics in Organizations
Brenden Kendall, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Howard Harris, School of Management, University of South Australia
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Dan Wueste, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
City Terrace 8
E. “A New Tool for Measuring Your Organization's Research Integrity Climate: SORC on EthicsCORE”
C.K. Gunsalus, Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Brian Martinson, Science Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kimberly Ardila-Morgan, Center for Applied Ethics, Palm Beach State College
City Terrace 5
F. Panel: Ethics Pedagogy Informed by the DIT: At the Intersection of Research and Practice
“The Business of Teaching Ethics: Translating Moral Reasoning Research into Pedagogy”
Joanne Lalonde, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
“The Space Between Tensions: Ethics Education for the Public Relations Student”
Jane McNichol, School of Management, University of South Australia
“Does it Really Matter to the Academy of We are Good Teachers of Ethics?”
Glenn W. Sinclair, Education, Simon Fraser University
Danielle Wenner, Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University
Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Session X
City Terrace 10
G. Author Meets the Critics: Distant Strangers: Ethics, Psychology and Global Poverty
Judith Lichtenberg, Philosophy, Georgetown University
Jørn Sønderholm, Aalborg University
Serene Khader, Philosophy, Stony Brook University
Ruth Grant, Political Science, Duke University
Boardroom 4
H. “Teaching Business Ethics Online: Perspectives on Course Design, Deliver, Student Engagement,
and Assessment”
Denis Collins, Business, Edgewood College
City Terrace 7
I. Author Meets the Critics: Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT):
Ethical Challenges, Opportunities and Safeguards
Kenneth Pimple, Editor, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics, Indiana University
Donald Searing, Syncere Systems
Cynthia Jones, Pan American Collaboration for Ethics in the Professions, University of Texas-Pan
Joseph Herkert, School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University
Kenneth Goodman, Ethics Programs, University of Miami
Kenneth Pimple, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics, Indiana University
Boardroom 3
J. Author Meets the Critics: Dialogue and Deliberation
Josina Makau, Humanities and Communications, California State University, Monterey Bay
Clifford Christians, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois
Deni Elliott, Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Robert Ladenson, Humanities, Illinois Institute of Technology
City Terrace 4
K. Panel: A Theory of Natural Human Rights
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
Rosemarie Tong, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Julie Kirsch, Philosophy, D’Youville College
Alan Tomhave, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State University
Edward Spence, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
5:15 – 6:00 p.m.
APPE Members Meeting
7:00 p.m.
APPE Off-Site Social Event
Fionn MacCool’s at the Jacksonville Landing
City Terrace 12
Reports from the Executive Director and Executive Board
Sunday, March 2, 2014 Mini Conference: Liberty and Security – A Town Hall Discussion
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
River Terrace 2
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Twenty-third Annual Meeting
Mini Conference:
Liberty and Security: A Town Hall Discussion
Opening Session
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 9:10 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction:
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Vivian Weil, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
9:10 – 9:40 a.m.
Opening Remarks
“Security and the Media vs Individual Privacy”
Jon Mills, Levin College of Law, University of Florida
9:40 – 10:50 a.m.
Audience Town Hall Discussion
Justin Louder, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
10:50 – 11:00 a.m.
Closing Remarks:
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Vivian Weil, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Annual Meeting 2014: Topical List of Program Sessions
Biomedical Ethics Programs
February 28
Concurrent Session I – 8:15 a.m.
The Complicity Objection and the Return of Prescriptions (Conscientious Refusal by Pharmacists)
Walter J., Riker, Ph.D., University of West Georgia
The Utility of Medical Professionalism
Peter Koch, University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo)
Incentivizing Organ Donation: A Response to Calls for Iterative Policy Implementation
James Rhea, University of South Carolina
Trading Lives: The Ethics of Killing Animals for Medical Research
Aaron Simmons, Ph.D., Marywood University
Concurrent Session II – 9:45 a.m.
No Last Resort: Pitting the Right to Die Against the Right to Medical Self-determination
Michael Cholbi, Ph.D., California State Polytechnic University - Pomona
There is No Logical Slippery Slope from Voluntary to Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Steven Daskal, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University
Deliberative Pathologies and Ethical Oversight Maximizing the Effectiveness of IRBs
Danielle Wenner, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
Nursing Ethics: Healthcare and Treatment in Education and Practice
Robert Doyle, Ph.D., California State University, Northridge
Clinical Ethics Luncheon: 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.
What Patients Teach: The Everyday Ethics of Health Care
Joseph B. Fanning, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Director of the Clinical Ethics Consultations Service
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Who Should Serve? Research-based Recommendations on Ethics Committee Membership
Kathleen Raffel, Ph.D., University of San Francisco
What are Standards in Clinical Ethics Consultation For?
Lisa M. Rasmussen, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Could Philosophical Counseling Alleviate the Moral Distress of Nurses Working with Culturally Diverse Populations?
Nancy Machett, Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado
Mary Jo Stanley, Ph.D., University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Case Studies in Clinical Anesthesia: The Ethics of Informed Consent
Dan Mahoney, Ph.D., Gonzaga University
Dan O’Hare, Ph.D., New York Medical College Graduate School of Health Sciences
Concurrent Session IV – 3:00 p.m.
Conflicts Between Beneficence and Patient Autonomy in Physical Therapy Care
Debra Gorman-Badar, PT, Anaconda Physical Therapy Center
Improving Ethics Education in Canadian Rehabilitation Programs: Sharing the Journey of a Knowledge Exchange
Anne Hudon, PT, University of Montreal
The Distinct Wrong of Exploitation in Medicine
Fareed Anwar Awan, University of Washington-Seattle
The Problem with Informed Consent for Research: the Devil is in the Details
Judith Navratil, Center for Bioethics and Health, University of Pittsburgh
Concurrent Session V – 4:45 p.m.
Treatment Agreements, Informed Consent and the Role of State Medical Boards in Opioid Prescribing
Summer McGee, Ph.D., University of New Haven
Biases Towards Chronic Pain: A Knowledge Translation Project for Health Care Professionals
Sabrina Morin Chabane, Universite de Montreal
Lotteries in Human Subjects Research
Trisha Phillips, Ph.D., West Virginia University
Fixing Deafness
Cynthia Jones, Ph.D., University of Texas-Pan American
Shawn P. Saladin, Ph.D., CRC, CPM, University of Texas-Pan American
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Business Ethics Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session I – 8:15 a.m.
Why Kantian Leaders Need Not Be Moral Saints
Terry Price, Ph.D., Jepson School of Leadership Studies
Concurrent Session II – 9:45 a.m.
Business Ethics: How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations
Denis Collins, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Trading Zones, Creoles and Collaboration
Michael E. Gorman, University of Virginia
Keynote Address – 11:00 a.m.
The Business Ethics Challenge
Robert F. Chauvin, President of SimplexGrinnel, a division of Tyco International
Business Ethics Luncheon Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Lunch Keynote:
Coach, Counselor, and Cop: the Compliance Officer
Matthew Heiman, J.D., Vice President, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer, Tyco International
Robert F. Chauvin
President of SimplexGrinnel, a division of Tyco International
Mauricio Atri, J.D.
Regional Compliance Counsel / Latin America, Tyco International Corporate Office, Boca Raton, FL
Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Business Ethics Keynote Panel
Corruption and Anti-Corruption:Legal, Ethical, Social and Political Dimensions
Suzanne Hayden, J.D., International legal consultant, Former Senior Program Advisor at the International
Anticorruption Academy
Martin Kreutner, M.Juris., Dean, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Austria
Seumas Miller, Ph.D., Professorial Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics
Charles Sturt University, Australia, Research Fellow, 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, Netherlands
Nikos Passas, LL.B., Ph.D., Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern
University, Partner Investigator, Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, Australia, Program Consortium
Member and Faculty, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Vienna
Maximilien Roche, MA, MBA, STMicroelectronics, Geneva, Switzerland
Panel Chair and Organizer
Edward Howlett Spence, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer (Philosophy and Ethics), School of Communication and Creative
Industries, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University,
Australia, Research Fellow, 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, Netherlands
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Concurrent Session IV – 3:00 p.m.
Developing Business Ethics in China
Georges Enderle, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
Concurrent Session V – 4:45 p.m.
Fessing Up: Impact on Consumers and Employees When Companies Admit Wrongdoing
Adam Kronk, MBA and Jessica McManus, MA, University of Notre Dame
Ethical Empowerment, Development Praxis, and the Arts
Bindu Madhok, Ph.D., Albion College
Punam Madhok, Ph.D., East Carolina University
Engineering, Science and Technology Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session I – 8:15 a.m.
Case Study: “BP Prudhoe Bay, Texas City Refinery, Deep Water Horizon, and the Future of Oil Operations”
Richard Wilson, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Shelby Cruz, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Dam Construction Ethics in China
Zhihui Zhang, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Poisoning of Zhu Ling: Two Decades of Efforts in Two Countries
Di Liang, Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University
Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Panel: Cyber Warfare and Ethics
“Cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, cybercrime, and cyber intelligence: An overview”
Richard Wilson, Philosophy, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
“Cyber warfare and rules of Engagement”
Brendan Masiar, Cyber Security, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
“Cyber intelligence and cyber counterintelligence”
Avery Greene, Cyber Security, University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Law and Society Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session IV – 3:30 p.m.
Corporations and the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision
James Roper, Philosophy, Michigan State University
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Concurrent Session V – 4:45 p.m.
A Case for Affirmative Action for Men in Female Dominated Professions
Dennis Cooley, Northern Plains Ethics Institute, North Dakota State University
Journalism and Media Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session II – 9:45 a.m.
A Virtue Critique of Media Hospitality”
Sandra Borden, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Panel: Universals and Multiple Realizability: A Basis for Global Media Ethics
“The Theory of Anthropological Realism and Its Defense”
Stephen J.A. Ward, Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Global Democracy and Plurality of Reason: Global Media Ethics in the Framework of Multiple Realizability”
Shakunala Rao, Communications Studies, State University of New York, Plattsburgh
“Contextualized Perspectives as a Feminist Ethical Universal”
Linda Steiner, Philip Merrill School of Journalism, University of Maryland
“Theories of Morality in Multiple Dimensions”
Clifford Christians, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois
Deni Elliott, Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Moral Theory Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session IV – 4:45 p.m.
Moral Caution and Disagreement: An Epistemic Principle for Applied Ethics”
Jonathan Matheson, Philosophy, University of North Florida
Research Ethics Programs
Friday, February 28 - Concurrent Session I – 8:15 a.m.
Meeting Requirements Willfully: Supporting the Notion that Ethics is Good for You
William Gannon, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Concurrent Session II – 9:45 a.m.
An Oath for Scientists - Commitment and Community
Helene Ingierd, Ph.D., The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Compromised Autonomy and Research Misconduct in Graduate Students
Monica List, M.A., University of Michigan
Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Industry-Academy Relationships: Ethical and Policy Concerns
Nicolae Morar, Ph.D.and Bryan Cwik, Penn State University
Jonathan Marks, Ph.D., Penn State University
Natalia Washington, Ph.D. Candidate, Purdue University
Concurrent Session IV – 3:00 p.m.
Regulation and Ethical Judgment in Research Ethics Committees
Hallvard J. Fossheim, Ph.D., Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees
Concurrent Session V – 4:45 p.m.
Teaching Research Ethics: A Philosophical Approach
Gary Comstock, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Gary Varner, Ph.D, Texas A&M University
Nate Sharadin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Teaching Ethics Programs and Demonstrations
Friday February 28 - Concurrent Session III – 1:30 p.m.
Pedagogical Demonstration: 'Ethics…Speak Up!' How do Students Finish the Sentence?
Yi-hui Lee, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
Justin Louder, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
Lisa James, TTU Ethics Center, Texas Tech University
Case Study: Ethical Leadership and the Common Good: A Case Study of one College's Comprehensive Approach to
Undergraduate Student Development
Tim Bryant, Center for Ethical Leadership, College of Mount St. Joseph
Mike Sontag, Arts and Humanities, College of Mount St. Joseph
Concurrent Session IV – 3:30 p.m.
Emotional Responsibility and Teaching Ethics
Lisa Kretz, Philosophy, University of Evansville
The Ethics of Teaching in the Classroom
Scott McElreath, Philosophy, William Peace University
Pedagogical Demonstration: “Ethics Education as Transformation: Different Goals Mean Different Strategy
Timothy E. O’Connell, Ethics, Loyola University Chicago
Topical List of Program Sessions - Friday, February 28, 2014
Concurrent Session V – 4:45 p.m.
An Artistic Touch to Science Ethics Education - The Movie
Ioanna Semendeferi, History of Science and Science Ethics, University of Houston
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Annual Meeting 2014: Topical List of Program Sessions
Biomedical Ethics Programs
March 1
Concurrent Session VI – 8:15 a.m.
Justice and the Donor Conceived Child
Sarah Vaughan Brakman, Ph.D., Villanova University
Kantian Ends and Commercial Surrogacy
Hannah Giunta, Michigan State University
A Neglected Argument Concerning Morality and Abortion
John Uglietta, Ph.D., J.D., Grand Valley State University
Poster Session – 9:15 a.m.
Are Modern Practice Settings Creating Ethical Dilemmas Between Patients and Practitioners?
Mark J. Carroll, Health Professions, University of Findlay
Frampton, Robert M., Physical Therapy, University of Mount Union
Ethical Issues in Providing a Free Cervical Cancer Screening to Underserved Hispanic Women
Aisha T. Langford, Bioethics and Social Science in Medicine, University of Michigan
Presented by: Viktor Burlaka, Psychology, University of Michigan
Deafness and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Controversies and Consequences
Ashley Lynne Stephens, Health Sciences, Vanderbilt University
Medical Marijuana: Emerging Neurological Explanation, Therapeutic Uses, and Deep Bioethical Questions
Matthew Stolick, Philosophy, University of Findlay
Expanding Our Understanding of People with Disabilities in Research
Miranda Sue Terry, Kinesiology and Health Science, Stephen F. Austin State University
Concurrent Session VII – 10:00 a.m.
Enhancing Human Persons: Does it Violate Human 'Nature'?
Jason T. Eberl, Ph.D., Marian University
Ethical Problems in Exome Sequencing in Research and Clinical Settings
Elaine E. Englehardt, Ph.D., Utah Valley University
Michael S. Pritchard, Ph.D., Western Michigan University
A New Ethics Curriculum for a Medical School
Kelly C. Smith, Ph.D., Clemson University
Wendy Cornett, MD, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Beyond Industry Intervention: Proposals for a New Continuing Medical Education
Sarah Wieten, University of South Florida
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
The Unrepresented Patient in the ICU
Annette Mendola, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Medical Center
Best Interests and Burdens: The Role of the Burden of Care in Withdrawing Treatment from Seriously Disabled
Matthew Tedesco, Ph.D., Beloit College
Narrative Ethics and Advanced Directives of the Rural, Chronically Ill
Sharon E. Hartline, Radford University
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Bioethics and the Changing Healthcare Environment
Wanda Teays, Ph.D., Mount St. Mary's College
Michael Boylan, Ph.D., Marymount University
Rita Manning, Ph.D., San Jose State University
Virginia Warren, Ph.D., Chapman University
How to Build a Better Human: An Ethical Blueprint
Author Meets Critics
Gregory E. Pence, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham
Multidisciplinary Implementation of Bioethics Commission Education Modules
Misti Anderson, Research Analyst, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Karen Meagher, Ph.D., Senior Policy and Research Analyst, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical
Nicolle Strand, J.D., Research Analyst, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics Issues
Concurrent Session X – 3:30 p.m.
Teaching and Learning Empirical Bioethics: Resources from the Presidential Bioethics Commission
Holly A. Taylor, Ph.D., MPH, Johns Hopkins University
Michelle Groman, J.D., Associate Director, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics Issues
Leila Jamal, Johns Hopkins University
Business Ethics Programs
Concurrent Session VI – 8:15 a.m.
How (And How Not) To Ground Business Ethics
Robert Boyd Skipper, Ph.D., St. Mary's University
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session VII – 9:45 a.m.
The Global Financial Crisis and Collective Moral Responsibility
Seumas Miller, Ph.D., Charles Sturt University, Australia
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Are Certified Benefit Corporations Fulfilling Their Missions?
Kathleen Wilburn, Ph.D., St. Edward’s University
H. Ralph Wilburn, Ph.D., St. Edward’s University
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Using the “Social Acceptance” of Healthcare Organizations to Manage Their Ethical Reality
David McCurdy, Advocate Health Care
Global Sustainable Health Care: Framework and Theory
Jason Lee Fishel, University of Tennessee
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Teaching Business Ethics Online
Denis Collins, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Engineering, Science and Technology Programs
Concurrent Session VII – 10:00 a.m.
New NSF Funding Guidelines: Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Program
Science, Technology and Society Program
Linda Layne, Ph.D., National Science Foundation
Poster Session – 9:15 a.m.
Engineering Ethics Education Improvement by Applying Standardized Class Questionnaire
Yuji Okita, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Case Study: “Introducing Solar Blind, A New Japanese Case for Engineering Ethics Education”
Hidekazu Kanemitsu, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Fumihiko Tochinai, Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Author Meets the Critics: Ethics and Science: An Introduction
Adam Briggle, Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, University of North Texas
Carl Mitcham, Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines
Elaine Englehardt, Center for the Study of Ethics, Utah Valley University
Michael Pritchard, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Zhihui Zhang, Institute for History of Natural Sciences, China Academy of Sciences
Adam Briggle, Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, University of North Texas
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Panel: Social Sustainability and Ethics
“Engineering Ethics and Social Sustainability: The Bad, the Good, and the Ugly”
Joseph Herkert, School of Letters and Sciences, Arizona State University
“Measuring Social Sustainability”
Frazier Benya, Program Officer, National Academy of Engineering
“Social Sustainability as Functional Integrity”
Paul B. Thompson, Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics, Michigan State University
Rachelle Hollander, Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society, National Academy of Engineering
Law and Society Programs
Concurrent Session VI – 8:15 a.m.
Is the Same-sex Marriage Debate Really Just about Marriage?
Christopher Arroyo, Philosophy, Providence College
Concurrent Session VII – 10:00 a.m.
Outsourcing Intelligence Functions to the Private Sector: Good Enough for Government Work?
Donald Petkus, Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
The Duty to Respect Indigenous Land Claims: Canada vs. USA vs. Belize
Robert Hudson, Philosophy, University of Saskatchewan
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Justifying Punishment - Epistemic Considerations, Ethical Implications
Matthew C. Altman, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Central Washington University
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Creating a Municipal Ethics Program
Carla Miller, Director, City of Jacksonville Ethics Program
Alexis Lambert, Ethics Officer, Executive Branch, City of Jacksonville and Transparency Officer
Cami D. Haynes, Ethics and Compliance Officer, Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Author Meets the Critics - A Discussion of Two Books: The Ethics of Interrogation
Paul Lauritzen, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University
Michael Skerker, Leadership, Ethics and Law, U.S. Naval Academy
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, James Dale Ethics Center, Youngstown State University
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Richard B. Miller, Religious Studies, Indiana University
Journalism and Media Programs
Poster Session – 9:15 a.m.
The Portrayal of Vietnamese Women in Vietnamese Print Media
Karlana June Morgan, Mass Communications, University of South Florida, St. Petersberg
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Panel: Media at the Margins 3: Privilege in Media Content about Poverty and the Poor
“Overcoming Privilege in Media Content: The Role of “On the Ground” Documentaries”
Kim Lane Clark, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University
Pat Werhane, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePaul University
“Poverty, the Media, and the Private Sector”
Edward Wasserman, Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkley
“Examining Immigration Policy, Privilege, and the Latino Threat Narrative”
Raquel Diaz Sprague, School of Allied Medical Professions, Ohio State University
Alan P. Sprague, Computer and Information Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sandra Borden, Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Panel: More Transparency, Better Journalism?
Christopher Meyers, Kegley Institute of Ethics, California State University, Bakersfield
Edward Wasserman, Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkley
Wendy Wyatt, School of Communication and Journalism, University of St. Thomas
Sandra Borden, Communication, Western Michigan University
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session X – 3:30 p.m.
Panel: Transparency, Part 2: Transparency and Ethics in Other Professions
Matthew C. Altman, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Central Washington University
Lisa H. Newton, Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont
Seumas Miller, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Chris Roberts, Journalism, University of Alabama
Author Meets the Critics: Dialogue and Deliberation
Josina Makau, Humanities and Communications, California State University, Monterey Bay
Clifford Christians, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois
Deni Elliott, Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Moral Theory Programs
Concurrent Session VII 10:00 a.m.
Cultivated Man: The Process to Moral Maturity
Phyllis Vandenberg, Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Emotions as the Foundation of Character
Charles Starkey, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Emotional Privacy: A Defense a Schadenfreude
Earl Spurgin, Program in Applied Ethics, John Carroll University
Concurrent Session X – 3:30 p.m.
Panel: Ethical Implications of Rene Girard's Work
John McGeeney, Independent Scholar
Glen Miller, Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Jennifer Miller, Independent Scholar
Carl Mitcham, Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines
Glen Miller, Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Panel: The Virtue(s) of Virtue Ethics in Thinking about Ethics in Organizations
Brenden Kendall, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Howard Harris, School of Management, University of South Australia
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Dan Wueste, Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics, Clemson University
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Panel: A Theory of Natural Human Rights
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
Rosemarie Tong, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Julie Kirsch, Philosophy, D’Youville College
Alan Tomhave, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State University
Edward Spence, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Michael Boylan, Philosophy, Marymount University
Research Ethics Programs
Concurrent Session VI – 8:15 a.m.
RCR Instruction on Data Acquisition, Analysis, Ownership and Retention: Can RCR Instruction Cover the Gaps?”
Kathy Partin, Ph.D., Colorado State University
Poster Session – 9:15 a.m.
Responsible Conduct of Research: A Qualitative Study with Ukrainian Researchers
Viktor Burlaka, Psychology, University of Michigan
Collaborative Development and Sharing of EAC Best Practices: Lessons Learned - Post Grad Experience
William J. Frey, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
José Cruz-Cruz, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
Graduate Research and Education for Appropriate Technology: Inspiring Direct Engagement and Agency (GREAT
William J. Frey, Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagűez
Moral and Rational Perceptions of Research Misconduct
Anita Gordon, Director of the Center for Academic Ethics, University of Northern Iowa
HPL-Based Ethics Education for Life Science and Bioengineering Students
Elizabeth Heitman, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University
Experiencing Ethics at the University of Houston
Ioanna Semendeferi, History of Science and Science Ethics, University of Houston
Ioannis Pavlidis, Computational Physiology, University of Houston
Concurrent Session VII – 10:00 a.m.
New NSF Funding Guidelines: Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Program
Science, Technology and Society Program
Linda Layne, Ph.D., National Science Foundation
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session VIII – 11:15 a.m.
Ethical Hoop Jumping: Negotiating Research Ethics While Researching Ethically
Joanne Lalonde, University of Ottawa
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
New Frameworks for Understanding and Responding to the Ethics Challenges of Doing Research in the Social
“Finding Common Ground in Social Science Research Ethics”
John Oates, Child and Youth Studies, Open University, United Kingdom
“Defining Ethics Principles in Social Sciences for the European Union”
Marie-Sophie Peyre, Scientific Officer in Charge of Ethics, European Research Council Executive Agency
“Emerging Concepts in Research Ethics Review: The Canadian Experience”
Will C. van den Hoonaard, University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada
“’You’re talking about Ethics We’re talking about the IRB’ Ethics in Community-based Research”
Mary Brydon-Miller, Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati
Mary Brydon Miller, Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati.
Concurrent Session X – 3:30 p.m.
New Tools for Measuring Your Organization's Research Integrity Climate
SORC on Ethics Core
Tina Gunsalus, Ph.D.
Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society
University of Illinois
Brian C. Martinson, Ph.D.
Senior Research Investigator and Director
HealthPartners Research Foundation
Teaching Ethics Programs and Demonstrations
Concurrent Session VI – 8:15 a.m.
Pedagogical Demonstration: “Problem-based Learning with the Computer Supported Collaborative Argument
Visualization Software AGORA-net”
Michael Hoffmann, Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Case Study: “The Ethical Dilemma Embedded in National Education Service Programs: A Case Study of Teaching
For America”
Allison Lester, Education, Indiana University
Pedagogical Demonstration: “Asking Good Questions: Case Studies in Ethics and Critical Thinking”
Michael Strawser, Philosophy, University of Central Florida
Nancy A. Stanlick, Philosophy, University of Central Florida
Topical List of Program Sessions - Saturday, March 1, 2014
Concurrent Session VII – 10:00 a.m.
Using an Ethics Bowl Competition in the Classroom to teach Ethical Theory
Patrick Croskery, Philosophy and Religion, Ohio Northern University
Pedagogical Demonstration: “Arguments to Arguments: Philosophical Analysis in a Game
Monica Link, Philosophy, Tufts University
Design for Life: Teaching Ethics with Narrative, Social Media and a Positive Approach
Howard Harris, Management, University of South Australia
Concurrent Session IX – 1:30 p.m.
Panel: Peer Leadership as a Mechanism to Drive Institutional Change: An Effective Ethics Education Program
“Design and Development”
C.K. Gunsalus, Business, University of Illinois
“Expanding the Program into a Larger Environment”
Gretchen Winter, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois
Concurrent Session X – 3:30 p.m.
Teaching Business Ethics Online: Perspectives on Course Design, Deliver, Student Engagement, and Assessment
Denis Collins, Business, Edgewood College
Save the Date – 2015 Annual International Conference – Costa Mesa, California
Save the Date
The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Announces the Twenty-fourth International Annual
Hilton Orange County/Cosa Mesa Hotel, Costa Mesa, California
February 19 – 22, 2015
Call for Papers
This call invites individuals from all disciplines and professions interested in advancing scholarship, teaching and a
general understanding of practical and professional ethics. Submissions are invited on applied ethical issues in all
fields, including business, engineering, government, journalism, law medicine, and science, as well as
interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary issues that cut across professions such as action research, biomedical,
educational, environmental, public health and research ethics.
We invite submissions in the following categories: (1) Formal Papers or Individual Presentations; (2) Panel
Discussions; (3) Pedagogical Demonstrations; (4) Case Study Presentations; (5) RCR Posters and
(6) Creative Arts Presentations (e.g., short play, poetry, or fiction). In practice, one individual submission per person
will be accepted.
Special Paper Competitions include:
• Best Formal Paper by An Early Career Scholar,  A Graduate Student;  An Undergraduate Student
• Karen M. T. Muskavitch Award for Graduate Work in Practical Ethics
• Best Pre-College Ethics Paper
Additional programs include Author Meets the Critics and/or Lunch with an Author.
TEL: (812) 855-6450; FAX: (812) 856-4969
Executive Board Nominations 2014
Executive Board Nominations 2014
March Mail Ballot Election
Edward Carr was appointed Compliance Officer for Siemens Corp. in February 2010. In this role, Carr
oversees the Ethics and Compliance program for the company’s $2 billion global software business. Carr
also has responsibility for the Ethics and Compliance program for Siemens Industry Automation Division
within the United States. Carr is a member of the Siemens PLM Software executive team, chairs a
quarterly Compliance Review Board, and leads a team of global
Compliance Officers.
Prior to joining Siemens, Carr spent 18 months developing and
implementing an Ethics and Compliance Program for Avanade, Inc., a joint
venture between Microsoft and Accenture. Prior to Avanade Inc., Carr spent
24 years with The Boeing Company. During his career at Boeing, Carr held
management positions in Manufacturing, Finance, Corporate Audit, and
Compliance. Carr developed a global Ethics program with 100 plus Ethics
Advisors and led the Office of Ethics and Business Conduct during a time
Boeing was addressing several ethical failures.
Carr earned a Bachelor in Accounting and a Master’s of Science in Finance degree from Seattle University.
He completed a one year Executive Leadership Program at the University of Notre Dame. Carr is also a
Certified Public Accountant.
He is an active member of the APPE and has served on the National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (IEB)
committee, written cases for IEB competitions and chaired the IEB Northwest Regional IEB competition for
five years. Carr has also participated as an IEB judge at a regional and national level for the past ten
years. He participates as a member of regional Ethics and Compliance Officer Forums including the
Northwest Ethics Network and the UTD Ethics and Compliance Officers Forum. Carr also served as a
Commissioner with the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission from 2008 to 2010 and is an alumnus of
Seattle’s Leadership Tomorrow program. Carr is a Board member of the Ethics and Compliance Officers
Association (ECOA).
Joseph R. Herkert, D.Sc., is Lincoln Associate Professor of Ethics and
Technology in the School of Letters and Sciences and the Consortium for
Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University. Herkert has been
teaching engineering ethics and science, technology & society courses
for more than twenty-five years. He is editor of Social, Ethical and Policy
Implications of Engineering: Selected Readings (Wiley/IEEE Press, 2000)
and co-editor of The Growing Gap between Emerging Technologies and
Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem (Springer, 2011), and has
published numerous articles on engineering ethics and societal implications of technology in engineering,
law, social science, and applied ethics journals.
Executive Board Nominations 2014
Herkert previously served as Editor of IEEE Technology and Society Magazine and an Associate Editor of
Engineering Studies. He is or has been an active leader in many ethics-related organizations including the
Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum, the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the National Institute for Engineering Ethics, and
the Engineering Ethics and Liberal Education/Engineering and Society (LEES) Divisions of the American
Society for Engineering Education.
In 2005 Herkert received the Sterling Olmsted Award, the highest honor bestowed by LEES, for “making
significant contributions in the teaching and administering of liberal education in engineering education.”
Herkert is a Senior Member of IEEE and served a three-year term on the IEEE Ethics and Member
Conduct Committee. He was recently elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science. Herkert received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Southern Methodist University and his
doctorate in Engineering & Policy from Washington University in St. Louis.
Herkert has been an APPE member for more than fifteen years and is a frequent presenter at the annual
meeting. He is interested in facilitating more interdisciplinary collaboration within the association and
between the association and other like-minded organizations.
Justin R. Louder is an Assistant Vice Provost at Texas Tech University and
oversees the Texas Tech University Ethics Center and the Office of Online
Compliance and Regulation. He came to Texas Tech in 2010 from Angelo State
University where he had worked since 2005. Justin earned a B.A. in Communication
and Psychology from Angelo State University, a M.A. in Communication from Angelo
State University, and his Ed.D. in Instructional Technology with a minor in Higher
Education Administration from Texas Tech University.
In his role overseeing the TTU Ethics Center Justin has developed a yearly
responsible conduct of research conference that looks at all aspects of research
ethics including informed consent and risk, replication of data, human subjects research, and research with
vulnerable populations. Justin has also developed campus wide events that inform students, faculty, and
staff about Tech’s Core Values and the University’s Statement of Ethical Principles. Justin works with the
Office of Student Conduct to promote academic integrity throughout campus. These activities have recently
led to Texas Tech being recognized as a Campus of Integrity by the International Center for Academic
Integrity. An accomplished grant writer, Justin has secured funding for programs and scholarships at
Angelo State University and is working with a diverse group of scholars at Texas Tech to secure external
funding for the TTU Ethics Center.
Executive Board Nominations 2014
Executive Board Nominations (continued)
Tim C. Mazur Over his 26-year career in business ethics, Tim Mazur has
aspired to serve as a bridge between organizational ethics practitioners and
academicians. Tim currently serves as the leader of the Ethics and Compliance
Officer Association (ECOA), the professional association for ethics officers and
their staffs. In his eighth year at the ECOA, Tim daily leverages his experience
as a former ethics officer at two Fortune 500 corporations.
Tim has taught as an adjunct or visiting lecturer in the M.B.A. programs at six
universities: University of California, Berkeley; Santa Clara University;
University of Maryland University College; Antioch University; Capital
University; and North Central College. Beyond the United States, Tim has
collaborated with business ethics professors via the European Business Ethics Network, the Latin
American Business Ethics Network, the Business Ethics Research Center (Japan), as well as at several
Tim served for 15 years on the advisory board of McGraw-Hill/Dushkin’s Annual Editions: Business Ethics
series. He has published several professional articles, including co-authoring papers for academic journals
and authoring book chapters, and served as executive-in-residence at a business school. He has been a
member of APPE for over two decades. In conjunction with attending APPE annual meetings, Tim has
served as a judge for the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl multiple times. In addition, he has brought practicing
corporate ethics officers to several annual meetings. In these interactive sessions, the ethics officers
learned from APPE attendees while sharing their own best practices. For as many years as the APPE’s
Business Ethics Special Interest Group has existed, Tim has been an active contributor.
Over his career, Tim has delivered papers and served as a reviewer at other academic meetings, including
the Academy of Management, the International Association for Business and Society, the National
Conference on Applied Ethics, and the Society for Business Ethics, where he has been a member since
1989. Tim earned his M.B.A. degree in business economics and public policy at The George Washington
University and a B.A. degree in political science at San Diego State University.
Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez is Director of the Dr. James Dale Ethics Center and Professor in the
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies at Youngstown State University. He has been an APPE
member for nearly twenty years and has served the Association in a number of
ways: Judge and Moderator for the Ethics Bowl, Paper Presenter, Panel
Member, Author Meets the Critics, Paper Reviewer, Ethics Center Colloquium
Presenter, Membership Committee, Chair of the Board Nominating Committee,
and Member of the Board.
His publications include several books (authored, edited, or co-edited), journal
articles in the International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Applied
Ethics and Philosophy, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, The Thomist,
Journal of Social Philosophy, Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly, Teaching
Ethics, and Public Health Reports, and encyclopedia articles in Encyclopedia
of Applied Ethics, The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace, and the
Executive Board Nominations 2014
Encyclopedia of Religion and War. He recently completed an English-language translation of Latin
American Anarchism.
He has served in a number of community boards, including ACLU of Ohio, Planned Parenthood of
Mahoning Valley, Ethics Advisory Committee of the Mahoning County Board of Public Health, and the IRB
at Valley Cares Hospital, North Side. He is an elected officer of his faculty union, currently serving as Chair
of the Grievance Committee and Chief Negotiator. Forced to give up the study of the classical guitar due to
hand injuries, he’s now a woodworker building large bookcases, cutting boards, and small boxes for
precious little things.
Gretchen A. Winter, J.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Professional Responsibility in
Business and Society at the College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (the
"Center"). She is a frequent speaker on professional responsibility, ethics, corporate social responsibility,
and legal matters for universities, professional associations, governments, and corporate and not-for-profit
organizations within and outside of the United States.
As part of her role as the Center’s Executive Director, Ms. Winter also serves as
a member of the Steering Committee for the National Center for Professional
and Research Ethics, adjunct faculty with the University of Illinois College of
Law, Visiting Lecturer at the Universite de Cergy-Pontoise School of Law, faculty
for various Ethics and Compliance Officer Association educational programs,
and serves as the Program Director for The Conference Board Global Council on
Business Conduct.
Ms. Winter chaired the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association Board of
Directors, and she has been on professional responsibility, business conduct,
and ethics committees and programs for the Practising Law Institute, the
Association of Practical and Professional Ethics, The Conference Board, the American Bar Association, the
Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, and DePaul University. She co-authored several articles for
practitioners on these topics.
Prior to joining the Center in 2007, she worked for 18 years at Baxter International Inc. in Deerfield, Illinois.
She served for more than a decade as Vice President and Counsel, Business Practices, and in that role
developed the company's global ethics program. Ms. Winter also has worked as an attorney with Seyfarth
Shaw, a law firm in Chicago, and as a legislative analyst with the State of Illinois.
Ms. Winter received her J.D. from the University of Chicago and her bachelor's degree from the University
of Illinois at Chicago. She serves as an active member of a number of not-for profit boards, including
Leadership Greater Chicago Fellows Association and the Board of Visitors for the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences at the University of Illinois-Chicago. She also is active in alumni activities at The University of
Chicago Law School, chaired the Western Illinois University Board of Trustees, served as a member of the
Illinois Student Assistance Commission, and has been an active member of a number of other state
educational boards. Ms. Winter also has been a member of and chaired committees for community
organizations including Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, Pegasus Players, and the Evanston
Hospital Institutional Review Board.
Members will be voting to fill three available seats on the Executive Board. Ballots will be emailed
to all current members of the Association in March and the results announced in April.
Twenty-third Annual International Conference Acknowledgements
Special thanks go to the following staff members for their outstanding support in preparation for the Twenty-third Annual Meeting.
Association Staff
Beth Works, Sr. Executive Assistant
Allison Lester, Administrative Assistant
Book Resource Room
Mary Ulmet, Coordinator
Poynter Center Staff
Glenda Murray
Emma Young
We would also like to thank the following Association members for their contributions to the Twenty-third Annual Meeting
Biomedical Ethics SIS Planning Committee
Lisa Parker and Ken Goodman
Business Ethics SIS Planning Committee
Tom Creely and Gretchen A. Winter
Executive Board Nominating Committee
Sarah K.A. Pfatteicher, Chair; Anne Simpson and Karin Ellison
Graduate Seminar Organizer
Deni Elliott, Convener
Mini-Conference: Liberty and Security – A Town Hall Discussion
Gretchen Winter and Vivian Weil
Business Ethics Program Planning Committee
Edward C. Carr, Tom Creely, and Gretchen A. Winter
Research Ethics SIS Planning Committee
C. K. Gunsalus, Terry May, Trisha Phillips, and Anita Gordon
Twenty-third Annual International Conference Acknowledgements
Program Committee
Felicia Nimue Ackerman
Lida Anestidou
Kimberly Ardila-Morgan
Fareed Anwar Awan
Rosalyn Berne
John Boatright
Sandra Borden
Jason Borenstein
Michael Boylan
James Brady
Sarah Vaughan Brakman
Taft Broome
Joseph Brown
Timothy Bryant
Mary Brydon MIller
Edward Carr
Thomas Cavenagh
Clifford Christians
William Clohesy
Denis Collins
Dennis Cooley
Cheryl Cottine
Tom Creely
Patrick Croskery
Jamey Darnell
Michelle Darnell
Susan Demers
Alison Dempsey
Jason Eberl
Deni Elliott
Karin Ellison
Georges Enderle
Byron Eubanks
Ellen Fisher
Patricia Flynn
Sheron Fraser-Burgess
William Gannon
Jeremy Garrett
Anita Gordon
J. Brooke Hamilton
Elizabeth Heitman
Rachelle Hollander
Peter Horn
Nien-hệ Hsieh
Azalea Hulbert
Roberta Israeloff
William Kabasenche
Matthew Keefer
Sarah Kenehan
Rick Kenney
Robert Kirkman
Adam Konopka
Beverly Kracher
Lisa Kretz
Adam Kronk
Robert Ladenson
Joanne Lalonde
Janet Leach
Vassiliki Leontis
Josina Makau
Greg Manship
William Marcy
Nancy Matchett
Sandra Matteucci
Douglas May
Terry May
Tim Mazur
Charlotte McDaniel
Marcia McKelligan
Jessica McManus Warnell
Christopher Meyers
Glen Miller
Keith Miller
Richard B. Miller
Carl Mitcham
Nicolae Morar
Deborah Mower
Glenda E. Murray
Daniel Musgrave
Lisa Newton
Lisa S. Parker
Julia Pedroni
Gregory Pence
Donald Petkus
Joseph Petrick
Sarah Pfatteicher
Trisha Philips
Kenneth D. Pimple
Patrick Lee Plaisance
Alan Preti
Kathleen Raffel
Lisa Rasmussen
Chris Roberts
Valerie Satkoske
Toby Schonfeld
Donald Searing
Ioanna Semendeferei
Timothy Shiell
Robert Sherwood
Aaron Simmons
Anne Simpson
Mike Sontag
Karen Spear
Edward Spence
Raymond Spier
Earl Spurgin
Matthew Stolick
Michael Strawser
Wanda Teays
Miranda Terry
Rosemarie Tong
John Uglietta
Amy Van Dyke
James Wallace
Olivia Walling
Annalee Ward
Vivian Weil
Stellan Welin
Danielle Wenner
J. Thomas Whetstone
Kathleen Wilburn
Richard Wilson
Gretchen Winter
Daniel Wueste
Wendy Wyatt
Donna Yarri
Karin Zucker
Alejandro, Angela
TTU Ethics Center
Texas Tech University
Box 45070
Lubbock, TX 79409-5070
Registered Participants
Barney, Michael
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Beckstrøm, Anne Cathrine
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Altman, Matthew
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Central Washington University
400 E. University Way
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7555
Benya, Frazier
National Academy of Engineering
3401 Greenway, #305
Baltimore, MD 21218
Anderson, Mist Ault
1425 New York Avenue NW
Suite C-100
Washington DC 20005
Biasucci, Cara
Red McCombs School of Business
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station, B6000, GSB 5.170
Austin, TX 78712-1178
Ardila-Morgan, Kim
Center for Applied Ethics
Palm Beach State College
4200 Congress Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33461
Bing, He
Chongqing University
School of Public Affairs
1301 Barthelow Dr., Apt. #3
College Station, TX, 77840
Arroyo, Christopher
Philosophy Department
Providence College
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918
Bird, Stephanie J.
Science and Engineering Ethics Journal
P. O. Box 2007
Wrentham, MA 02093
Atri, Mauicio
Ergional Compliance Council
Latin America
Tyco International
Bishnoi, Sandra
Rice University
6100 Main Street, MS 378
Houston, TX 77005
Avalos, Manuel
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Borden, Sandra L.
Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, School of Communication
Western Michigan University
1903 W. Michigan Avenue, 325 Sprau
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5318
Avrakotos, Avery
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
Boston, MA 02116
Awan, Fareed
University of Washington
Philosophy Dept., 378 Savery Hall
Box 353350
Boxill, Jan
Parr Center for Ethics
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
207A Caldwell Hall, CB 3125
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3125
Registered Participants
Omaha, NE 68105
Bryant, Tim
Department of Ethical Leadership Development
College of Mount St. Joseph
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Boylan, Michael
Marymount University
Department of Philosophy
2807 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22207
Brydon-Miller, Mary
University of Cincinnati
Action Research Center
2220 Victory Parkway, Mail Location 0049
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Brady, James
Department of Humanities
Georgia Military College
203 Waters Way
Martinez, GA 30907
Burkhardt, Jeff
University of Florida
P.O. Box 110240
Gainesville, FL 32611-0240
Brakman, Sarah Vaughan
Villanova University
Ethics Program
800 Lancaster Avenue, St. Augustine Center 485
Villanova, PA 19085
Burlaka, Viktor
University of Michigan
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Carr, Edward C.
Siemens Corporation
5800 Granite Parkway
Suite 600
Plano, TX 75024
Brashear, Judy
Poe Center for Business Ethics Education and Research
University of Florida
P. O. Box 117165, Stuzin Hall 219
Gainsville, FL 32611
Carroll, Mark
University of Findlay
College of Health Professions
1000 N. Main St.
Findlay, OH 45840
Briggle, Adam
Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity
University of North Texas
1315 Dartmouth Place
Denton, TX 76201
Carter, Preston
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Broome, Taft
Howard University
Department of Civil Engineering
2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, DC 20059-0001
Chabane, Sabrina Morin
Université de Montreal
4874 C Henri-Julien Avenue
Montreal, H2T 2E1 Canada
Brown, Joseph S.
Psychology Department
University of Nebraska, Omaha
6001 Dodge Street/ASH 347
Chauvin, Robert
President, SimplexGrinnel
A Division of Tyco International
Registered Participants
Ogden, UT 84408
Cottine, Cheryl
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics
and American Institutions
Indiana University
618 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Cholbi, Michael
California State Polytechnic University
Philosophy Department
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768
Cox, Caleb
Texas Tech University
Box 45070
Lubbock, TX 79409-5070
Christians, Clifford G.
Institute of Communications Research
University of Illinois
1002 W. William Street
Champaign, IL 61821
Creely, Thomas E.
EthixFirma, LLC
P. O. Box 813603
Smyrna, GA 30081
Clark, Kim Lane
Institute for Business and Professional Ethics
DePaul University
1 E. Jackson, Suite 7013
Chicago, IL 60604
Croskery, Patrick
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Ohio Northern University
525 South Main Street
Ada, OH 45810
Collins, Denis
Edgewood College
Business Department
1000 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Cruz, Shelby
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Philosophy Department
Baltimore, MD 21204
Comstock, Gary
North Carolina State University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Withers 458, Campus Box 8103
Raleigh, NC 27695-8103
Cwik, Bryan
Penn State University
Rock Ethics Institute
206 Sparks Building
University Park, PA 16802
Cooley, Dennis R.
Northern Plains Ethics Institute
North Dakota State University
P. O. Box 6050, Department 234018 Putnam Hall
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Darnell, Jamey
Business and Technology Department
College of Central Florida
3001 SW College Rd
Ocala, FL 34474
Darnell, Michelle
Warrington College of Business Administration
University of Florida, Dept. of Management
P. O. Box 117165
Gainesville, FL 32611
Cortez, Alyssa
San Jose State
Coster, Benjamin
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Daskal, Steven
Department of Philosophy
Northern Illinois University
Zulauf Hall 915
DeKalb, IL 60115
Registered Participants
Donovan, Aine
Institute for the Study of Applied and Professional Ethics
Dartmouth College
27 North Main Street, Haldeman Building
Hanover, NH 03755-3500
Davis, Michael
Illinois Institute of Technology
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions
3301 S. Dearborn St., Siegel Hall, Room 205
Chicago, IL 60616-3793
Doorley, Mark J.
Ethics Program
Villanova University
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085-1699
Davis, Dylan
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Dor, Alex
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Dreisbach, Sandra
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Davis, Nathan
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Dushel, Mark
Providence College
De Guzman, Melinda
Bicol University
Legazpi City
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dyrud, Marilyn A.
Department of Communication
Oregon Institute of Technology
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601-8801
Deaton, Matt
Philosophy Department
University of Tennessee
801 McClung Tower
Knoxville, TN, 37996-0480
Eberl, Jason
Marian Univeristy
School of Osteopathic Medicine
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222
Diaz-Sprague, Raquel
School of Allied Medical Professions
Ohio State University
234 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43214-4122
Ekern, Lise
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Ellefsen, Torunn
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Dixon, Mark H.
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Ohio Northern University
500 South Main Street
Ada, OH 45810
Elliott, Deni
Department of Journalism and Media Studies
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
140 7th Avenue South, FCT 204
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Registered Participants
Fishel, Jason
University of Arkansas
216 Dryad Lane
Little Rock, AR 72205
Fisher, Ellen
Department of Chemistry
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Elliott, Kevin
Philosophy of Science
Notre Dame University
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Ellison, Karin D.
Center for Biology and Society
Arizona State University
PO Box 873301
Tempe, AZ 85287-3301
Flores, Julian
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Fossheim, Hallvard
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee
Kongens gate 14
Oslo, Norway 0153
Enderle, Georges
Department of Marketing
University of Notre Dame
393 Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0399
Fraser-Burgess, Sheron
Ball State University
Department of Educational Studies
TL 815
Muncie, IN 47304
Engh, Espen
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee
Kongens gate 14
Oslo, Norway 0153
+47 233 18 300
Freeland, Tom
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Frey, William J.
College of Business Administration
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Call Box 9000
Mayaguez, PR 00681
Englehardt, Elaine E.
Department of Philosophy
Utah Valley University
Center for the Study of Ethics
800 West University Parkway
Mail Stop 243
Orem, UT 84058
Frith, Lucy
Department of Health Services Research
The University of Liverpool
Waterhouse Rd, Brownlow Street
Liverpool, L69 3GL UK
United Kingdom
Eubanks, Byron
Department of Philosophy
Ouachita Baptist University
410 Ouachita Street, Box 3709
Arkadelphia, AR 71998-0001
Gannon, William
University of New Mexico
Graduate Studies - MSC03 2180
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Evola, Marianne
TTU Office of the Vice President for Research
Texas Tech University
Box 41075
Lubbock, TX 76409
Gannon, Sam
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt University
3319 West End Avenue, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37203-6869
Registered Participants
Grant, Ruth
Kenan Institute for Ethics
Duke University
109 West Duke Building, Box 90432
Durham, NC 27708-0432
Garcia, John
Department of Philosophy
Harper College
1200 W. Algonquin Road
Palatine, IL 60067
Greene, Richard
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408-1203
Garrett, Jeremy
Bioethics Department
Children's Mercy Hospital
Kansas City, MO 64108
Groman, Michelle
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics Issues
1425 New York Avenue NW
Suite C-100
Washington DC, 20005
Gervasini, Robert
Providence College
Goodman, Kenneth W.
Ethics Programs
University of Miami
P.O. Box 016960 (M-825)
Miami, FL 33101
Gunsalus, C. Kristina
University of Illinois
511 W. High St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Gordon, Anita M.
University of Northern Iowa
213 East Bartlett Hall
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0394
Hain, Raymond
Providence College
Siena Hall 128
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 29180
Gorman, Michael
Dept. of Science, Technology and Society
351 McCormick Rd,
A217 Thornton Hall, Box 400744
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4744
Hamilton, J. Brooke
Department of Management
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
214 Hebrard Blvd.
Lafayette, LA 70504-3570
Gorman-Badar, Debra
117 E. Third Street
Anaconda, MT 59711
Hanson, Kirk O.
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053-0633
Gormley, Melinda
University of Notre Dame
Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values
450 Geddes Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-4633
Harris, Charles Ed
Department of Philosophy
Texas A&M University
Department of Philosophy
4237 TAMU, Rm 309
College Station, TX 77843-4237
Registered Participants
Hoffmann, Michael
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Public Policy
685 Cherry Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30332
Holen, Jacob
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee
Kongens gate 14
Oslo, Norway
Harris, Douglas
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Harris, Howard
School of Management
University of South Australia
GPO Box 2471
Adelaide SA
Hollander, Rachelle D.
Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society
National Academy of Engineering
500 5th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Horn, Peter
Department of Religion and Philosophy
Capital University
1 College
Kerns 300
Columbus, OH 43209
Hartline, Sharon
Radford University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
P. O. Box 6943
Radford, VA 24142
Hudon, Anne
375 Boulevard Decarie
Appartment 305
Montreal, H4L0B4 Canada
Hayden, Suzanne
International Legal Consultant
Former Senior Program Advisor
International Anticorruption Academy
Heiman, Matthew
Vice President, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer
Tyco International
Hudson, Robert
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Philosophy
Saskatoon, Canada
Heitman, Elizabeth
Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2525 West End Avenue, Suite 400
Nashville, TN 37203
Hulbert, Azalea
Frances Marlin Mann Center for Ethics and Leadership
Samford University
800 Lakeshore Drive
Birmingham, AL 35229
Herkert, Joseph R.
School of Letters and Sciences
Arizona State University
6344 S. Athena
Mesa, AZ 85212
Hull, Gordon
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28209
Hundal, Karanbir
Robert J. Kutak Center for the Teaching
and Study of Applied Ethics
1006 Oldfather Hall
Lincoldn, NE 68588
Registered Participants
Kabasenche, William
Department of Philosophy
Washington State University
P. O. Box 645130
Pullman, WA 99164-5130
Hwang, Paul
1 Lamplighter Way
Gill, MA 01354
Kaiser, Matthias
National Committees for Research Ethics
Box 522 Sentrum
Oslo, N - 0105
+47.23 31 83 00 / 04
Ingierd, Helene
The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees
Likroken 56
Norway 1414
Kanemitsu, Hidekazu
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
7-1 Ohgigaoka Nonoichi
IsIshikawa 921 - 8501
Israeloff, Roberta
The Squire Family Foundation
PO Box 1030
East Northport, NY 11731
Katz, Steven
Clemson University
Rutland Institue for Ethics
302 Strode Tower
Clemson, SC 29634
Jamal, Leila
Johns Hopkins University
920 N. Calvert St., Apt. 2R
Baltimore, MD, 21202
Kauffman, Richard F.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
University of Deleware in Lewis
16882 Friends Way
Lewes, DE 19958
James, Lisa J.
TTU Ethics Center
Texas Tech University
Box 45070
Lubbock, TX 79409
Johannessen, Adele F.
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Keefer, Matthew W.
Educational Psychology, Research and Evaluation
University of Missouri, St. Louis
1 University Blvd, 469 Marillac Hall
Saint Louis, MO 63121
Jordan, Michael B.
The National Hispanic University
14271 Story Road
San Jose, CA 95127
Kendall, Brenden
Clemson University
Rutland INstitue for Ethics
302 Strode Tower
Clemson, SC 29634
Kenehan, Sarah
Marywood University
910 Poplar St.
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Registered Participants
Kronk, Adam
Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership
University of Notre Dame
126 Mendorza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Kenny, Rick
Georgia Regents University
2500 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30909
Laas, Kelly
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions
Illinois Institute of Technology
3241 S. Federal Street, Rm. 205
Chicago, IL 60616
Kirkman, Robert
School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology
385 Cherry St.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345
Ladenson, Robert F.
11818 Riverside Drive, Apt. 223
Valley Village, CA 91607
LaFrance, Clare
Robert J. Kutak Center for the Teaching
and Study of Applied Ethics
1006 Oldfather Hall
Lincoldn, NE 68588
Kirsch, Julie
Department of Philosophy
D'Youville College
111 Hamilton Blvd
Kenmore, NY 14217
Lalonde, Joanne
Political Science Department
University of Ottawa
25 Burnham Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 0J7
Kober, Gal
Bridgewater State University
Philosophy Department
326 Tillinghast Hall
Bridgewater, MA 02325
Lanniello, Vincent
San Jose State
Koch, Peter
SUNY Buffalo
72 Roanoke Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14210
L Lauritzen, Paul
Program in Applied Ethics
John Carroll University
20700 N. Park Blvd., AD-B308
University Heights , OH 44118
Kracher, Beverly
Business Ethics Alliance
Creighton University, College of Business Administration
24th and California Streets
Omaha, NE 68178
Leach, Janet C.
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Kent State University
305C Franklin Hall
PO Box 5190
Kent, OH 44242
Kretz, Lisa
University of Evansville
2164 East Gum Street
Evansville, IN 47714
Lee, Yi Hui
TTU Ethics Center
Texas Tech University, 237 Administrative Building
Box 45070
Lubbock, TX 79409
Registered Participants
Loui, Michael C.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois
1308 W. Main Street
Urbana, IL 61801-2307
Leontis, Vassiliki L.
Bowling Green State University
119 N. Summit St.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
MacDonald, Breeann
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Madhok, Bindu
Department of Philosophy
Albion College
611 E. Porter St., Kellogg Center Box #4820
Albion , MI 49224-1831
Lester, Allison
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Indiana University
618 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Madhok, Punam
Jenkins Fine Arts Center
School of Arts and Design: Art History
East Carolina University
Greenville , NC 27858
Lesueur, Michael
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
Mahoney, Dan
505 E. 12th Avenue
Spokane , WA 99202-1108
Link, Monica
Tufts University
Department of Philosophy
340 Common Street
Belmont , MA 02478
Makau, Josina
Practical and Professional Ethics Program
California State Univ., Monterey Bay, Humanities and
Communication Division
100 Campus Center, Building 2
Seaside , CA 93955
Lisonbee, Shairylann
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
List, Monica
Michigan State University
East Fee Hall: Room C218
965 Fee Road
East Lansing , MI 48824
Manning, Rita
Philosophy Department
San Jose State University
1 Washington Square
San Jose , CA 95192-0096
Marks, Jonathan
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Harvard University
124 Mt. Auburn Street, Suite 520N
Cambridge , MA 02138
Louder, Justin
TTU Ethics Center
Texas Tech University
237 Administrative Building Box 45070
Lubbock, TX 79409
Martin, Sam
Walden University
521 Creighton Lane
Schaumburg, IL 60193
Registered Participants
Mazur, Tim
Ethics and Compliance Officer Association
411 Waverley Oaks Road, #324
Waltham, MA 02452
Martinson, Brian
Health Partners Institute for Education and Research
Research Department
8170 33rd Avenue S., mailstop 21111R
Bloomington , MN 55440-1524
McCormick, Michael
Providence College
Mason, Elizabeth
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
104-B Winningham Hall
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte , NC 28223
McCurdy, David B.
Ethics Services, Mission and Spiritual Care; Religious Studies
#1Advocate Health Care #2Elmhurst College
263 W. Butterfield Rd.
Elmhurst, IL 60126-5036
Matchett, Nancy
University of Norther Colorado
Campus Box 126
Greeley , CO 80639
McDaniel, Charlotte
Center for the Study of Law and Religion
Emory University; Organizational Ethics Consulting
1334 Courtyard Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Matheson, Jonathan
University of North Florida, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Center for Ethics
Department of Philosophy
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville , FL 32224
McDonald, Vicky
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Mcardle, Courtney
St. Petersburg College
Clearwater, FL 33756
McElreath, Scott
4901 Hollyridge Drive
Raleigh , NC 27612
Matsuyama, Setsuko
Hitotsubashi University
2-2-44 Tsujido-kandai, Suite 601
Fujisawa, Kanagawa
251-0041 Japan
McGee, Summer
University of New Haven
300 Boston Post Road
Gatehouse 202
West Haven , CT 06516
Matta, Christina
College of Engineering, Technical Communication Program
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1550 Engineering Dr.
M1036J Engineering Centers Building
Madison, WI 53706
McKelligan, Marcia
Department of Philosophy
DePauw University
Philosophy, Asbury Hall, Rm 245
Greencastle , IN 46135
Matteucci, Sandra P.
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Engineering
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
McManus Warnell, Jessica
University of Notre Dame
254 Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0399
Registered Participants
Miner, Jess
Flawn Academic Center
University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station
Austin, TX 78712
McNichol, Jane
Faculty of Communication Studies
Mount Royal University
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Calgary, Alberta
Mitcham, Carl
Liberal Arts & International Studies
Colorado School of Mines
1005 14th Street
Stratton Hall 301
Golden, CO 80401
Meagher, Karen
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
1425 New York Ave NW Suite C-100
Washington, DC 20005
Morar, Nicolae
The Rocks Ethics Institute
Penn State University
Sparks 206
University Park , PA 16802
Mendola, Annette
Clinical Ethics Department
University of Tennessee Medical Center
1924 Alcoa Hwy, Box U114
Knoxville , TN 37920-6999
Mosich, Erik
St. Petersburg College
Clearwater, FL 33756
Mower, Deborah
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Youngstown State University
One University Plaza
412 DeBartolo Hall
Youngstown, OH 44555
Meyers, Christopher
Kegley Institute of Ethics
California State University, Bakersfield
9001 Stockdale Highway
Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099
Murphy, George Patrick
Richardson School of Law
University of Hawaii
Manoa C 7 pes, 2515 Dole Street
Honolulu , HI 96822
Miller, Glen
Department of Philosophy
Texas A&M University
YMCA Building 301, 4237 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
Murray, Glenda E.
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics
and American Institutions
Indiana University
618 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405-3602
Miller, Richard B.
Religious Studies
Indiana University
1033 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Navratil, Judith
1109 Brandt Street
Pittsburg , PA 15237
Miller, Seumas
Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics
The Australian National University
LPO Box 8260
Canberra, ACT 2601
61 2 6125 8467
Nepomuceno, Agnes
Bicol University
Legazpi City
4506 Phillippines
Registered Participants
Ozar, David
Loyola University Chicago
1907 Noyes St.
Evanston , IL 60201-2554
Nepomuceno, Alex
Bicol University
Legazpi City
4506 Phillippines
Palmer-Fernandez, Gabriel
Dr. James Dale Ethics Center
Youngstown State University
One University Plaza
Youngstown, OH 44555
Newton, Lisa H.
Community Development and Applied Economics
University of Vermont
4114 Wake Robin Drive
Shelburne, VT 05482
Parker, Lisa S.
Center for Bioethics and Health Law
University of Pittsburgh
3708 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Oates, John
Child and Youth Studies
Open University
United Kingdom
Parra, Arlene
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
O'Connell, Timothy
Institute of Pastoral Studies
Loyola University Chicago
1032 W. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60660
Partin, Kathryn M.
Research Integrity and Compliance Review Office
Colorado State University
321 General Services Building
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1563
O'Hare, Daniel
Health Sciences and Social Work
Gonzaga University
Passas, Nikos
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
Okita, Yuji
Tokyo Harajuko Laboratory
1-15-13 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0001 Japan
Pease, Heather
Loyola University, Chicago
820 N. Michigan
Lewis Tower, 11th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
Opio, Peter John
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Pedroni, Julia
Department of Philosophy
Williams College
24 Hopkins Hall Dr., Schapiro Hall
Williamstown , MA 01267
Ozar, Anne
Department of Philosophy
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha , NE 68178
Pence, Gregory
4150 River View Cove
Vestavia , AL 35243
Pereau, Jana
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Indiana University
618 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Registered Participants
Preti, Alan
Institute for Ethical Leadership and Social Responsibility
Rosemont College
1400 Montgomery Ave.
Rosemont, PA 19010
Petkus, Donald
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Indiana University, SPEA 460
1315 E. Tenth St.
Bloomington , IN 47405-1701
Price, Terry L.
Jepson School of Leadership Studies
University of Richmond
28 Westhampton Way, 133 Jepson Hall
Richmond, VA 23173
Peyre, Marie-Sophie
Scientific Officer in Charge of Ethics
European Research Council Executive Agency
Pridgeon, Cheryl
Northwood University
2600 North Military Trail
West Palm Beach , FL 33409
Pfatteicher, Sarah K.A.
Coll. of Agricultural & Life Sciences/Coll. of Engineering
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1450 Linden Drive
116 Agricultrual Hall
Madison, WI 53706
Pritchard, Michael S.
Western Michigan University
3011 Moore Hall
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phillips, Trisha
Department of Political Science
West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia 28506
Raffel, Kathy
University of San Francisco
21 Ora Way
San Francisco , CA 94131
Pimple, Kenneth
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics
Indiana University
618 East Third Street
Bloomington , IN 47405-3602
Rasmussen, Lisa M.
Philosophy Department
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Winn 103
Charlotte, NC 28223
Popich, Michael A.
Department of Philosophy
Westminster College
1840 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Refsdal, Nils Olav
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Prentice, Robert A.
McCombs School of Business
University of Texas at Austin
2110 Speedway, B6000
Austin, TX 78712
Rhea, James
University of South Carolina
901 Sumter Street
Columbia , SC 29208
Riker, Walter
Department of English and Philosophy
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton , GA 30118
Registered Participants
Searing, Donald
Syncere Systems
815 Springrock Drive
Lawrenceville , GA 30043
Semendeferi, Ioanna
University of Houston
Health and Biomedical Sciences Center
3025 Amherst Street
Houston, TX 77005
Roberts, Chris
Department of Journalism
University of Alabama
Box 870172
Tuscaloosa, AL 35787-0172
Severinsen, Johanne
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Roberts, Jordan
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Sherman, George W.
St. Petersburg College
1226 Magnolia Drive
Clearwater, FL 33756
Robertsen, Therese
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Sherwood, Robert P.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Georgia Military College
201 E. Greene Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Robison, Rachel
Department of Political Science and Philosophy
Weber State University
1203 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408
Roche, Maxmillien
Geveva, Switzerland
Shiell, Timothy C.
Department of English and Philosophy
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Harvey Hall 418 D
Menomonie, WI 54751
Roper, James
Department of Philosophy
Michigan State University
2705 Sorority Lane
Holt , MI 48842-8744
Simmons, Aaron
Marywood University
Department of Philosophy
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton , PA 18509
Saladin, Shawn
University of Texas-Pan American
Edinburg, TX 78539
Schonfeld, Toby L.
Center for Ethics
Emory University
1531 Dickey Drive, 1st Floor
Atlanta, GA 30322
Simpson, Anne R.
Institute for Ethics
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
917 Vassar NE
MSC11 6095
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Sinclair, Glenn W.
Faculty of Education, Environmental Health
Simon Fraser University; Concordia University (Alberta)
University of Prince Edward Island
18 Park Lane
Stratford, PEI, C1B 1L9
Registered Participants
Spence, Edward
Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics
Charles Sturt University
53 Commodore St.
Newtown Post
Sydney, NSW 2042 Australia
61 415 849 051
Skerker, Michael
Leadership, Ethics and Law
U.S. Naval Academy
Spier, Raymond
University of Surrey
6 Parklands Place
Guildford, Surrey GU12PS
Skipper, Robert Boyd
St. Mary's University
Center for Professional Ethics
P.O. 593
Wimberley, TX 78676
Spurgin, Earl W.
Program in Applied Ethics
John Carroll University
20700 N. Park Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118-4520
Smith, David H.
Indiana University
904 East First Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
Stanley, Mary Jo
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Solomon, Monica
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN 46616
Stanlick, Nancy
University of Central Florida
Department of Philosophy, CAH 190
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816-1990
Sønderholm, Jørn
Aalborg University
Sohngårdsholmsvej 2, 019
9000, Aalborg
Denmark, Denmark
Starkey, Charles
Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics
Clemson University
126 D Hardin Hall
Clemson, SC 29631
Sontag, Mike
Department of General Studies and Philosophy
College of Mount St. Joseph
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati , OH 45233
Steiner, Linda
Journalism and Mass Media
Rutgers University
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick , NJ 08901
Spear, Karen
Center for Organizational Ethics
Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222
Stephens, Ashley
Vanderbilt University
292 Ridgecrest Dr.
Winchester, TN 37398
Stober, Spencer S.
Center for Ethics and Leadership
Alvernia University
540 Upland Avenue
Reading, PA 19611
Registered Participants
Tedesco, Matthew
Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies
Beloit College
700 College Street
Beloit , WI 53511
Stolick, Matt
Department of Philosophy
University of Findlay
1000 N. Main St.
Findlay, OH 45840
Terry, Miranda
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Kinesiology and Health Science
P.O. Box 13015, HPE Bldg, Room 217
Nacogdoches , TX 75962
Strand, Nicolle
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
1420 New York Avenue, NW, Suite C100
Washington, DC 20005
Thompson, Paul B.
Department of Philosophy
Michigan State University
526 S. Kedzie Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1032
Strawser, Michael
University of Central Florida
Department of Philosophy, PSY 223
Orlando , FL 32708
Tochinai, Fumihiko
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
7-1 Ohgigaoka
Nonoichi, Ishikawa
Japan 921-8501
Sun, Fengyun
University of NOtre Dame
Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Tomhave, Alan
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Youngstown State University
One University Place
Youngstown, OH 44555
Swartzer, Steven
University of North Carolina
Carrboro, NC
Tong, Rosemarie
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Taylor, Holly
Johns Hopkins University
1809 Ashland Ave
Deering Hall 205
Baltimore , MD 21202
Torkild, Vinther
Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee for the Sciences
and Humanities
Oslo, Norway
Teays, Wanda
Department of Philosophy
Mount St. Mary's College
12001 Chalon Rd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Uglietta, John
Department of Philosophy
Grand Valley State University
B 3 209 Mackinac Hall, 1 Campus Drive
Allendale , MI 49401-9403
Ulmet, Mary
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Indiana University
618 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Registered Participants
Warren, Virginia
Department of Philosophy
Chapman University
One University Drive
Orange , CA 92866
van den Hoonaard, Will
University of New Brunswick and St Thomas University
Fredericton, Canada
Wasenius, Michael
Providence College
Wasserman, Edward
Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
Van Der Burght, Stefanie
Ghent University
Sint-Pietersnieu, wstraat 25
DOZA, Ghent 9000
Vandenberg, Phyllis
Grand Valley State University
Department of Philosophy
B-3 205 MAK
Allendale, MI 49401
Webster, Jonathan
Radford University and Carilion Clinic
1645 Sleepy Hollow Road
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Weil, Vivian M.
Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions
Illinois Institute of Technology
3241 South Federal Street
Hermann Hall Mezzanine, Room 204
Chicago, IL 60616-3793
Varner, Gary
Department of Philosophy
Texas A&M University
301 YMCA Building
College Station , TX 77843-4237
Weinstein, James
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Vida, Emily
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Welin, Stellan
Bogebacka 1
Hunnebostrand SE-456 94
Villasenor, Erika
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192
Waldron, Matthew
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Wells, Laura
Providence College
Wenner, Danielle
3437 Bethoven Street
Pittsburgh , PA 15219
Walling, Olivia
Writing Program
University of California, Santa Barbara
757 Calle de los Amigos
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Werhane, Patricia H.
Institute for Business & Professional Ethics
DePaul University
1 E. Jackson Blvd
Suite 7013
Chicago, IL 60604
Ward, Stephen J.A.
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Oregon
904-949 NW Overton St.
Portland, OR 97209
Werner, Donna J.
Humanities Department
St. Louis Community College, Meramec
11333 Big Bend Rd, HE 101
St Louis, MO 63122
Registered Participants
Wueste, Daniel E.
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Clemson University
Robert J. Rutland Institute for Ethics
126D Hardin Hall
Clemson, SC 29634-5138
Whetstone, J. Thomas
708 Sarasota Arch
Chesapeake, VA 23322
Wyatt, Wendy
Communication and Journalism
University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Ave.
Mail #4372
Staint Paul, MN 55105-1096
Wicker, Don
Department of Social Sciences and Business
Brazosport College
500 College Drive
Lake Jackson , TX 77566
Yarri, Donna
Alvernia University
400 St. Bernardine Street
Frances Hall, Room 227
Reading, PA 19607
Wilburn, H. Ralph
St. Edward's University
444 Canyon Rim
Austin, TX 78746
Yoak, Stuart D.
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Indiana University
618 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Wilburn, Kathleen
St. Edward's University
444 Canyon Rim
Austin, TX 78746
Young, Emma
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics
and American Institutions
Indiana University
618 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Wilson, Richard
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Philosophy Department
527 A Allegheny Ave
Baltimore, MD 21204
Zhou, Bin
University of Notre Dame
Mendoza College of Business
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Winter, Gretchen A
Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society
University of Illinois
200 South Wacker Drive
Fourth Floor, Illini Center
Chicago, IL 60606
Zilliox, Skylar
1250 Golden Circle
Apt. 108
Golden , CO 80401
Works, Beth
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Indiana University
618 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Index of Presenters, Respondents, and Chairs
Altman, Matthew C., 32,37,51,53
Anderson, Misti, 34,39
Arroyo, Christopher, 29,51
Awan, Fareed Anwar, 19,24,42
Benya, Frazier, 22,35,51
Bishnoi, Sandra, 36
Borden, Sandra L., 20,33,35,45,52
Boylan, Michael, 26,34,38,49,54
Brakman, Sarah Vaughan, 29,48
Briggle, Adam, 27,32,33,51
Bryant, Tim, 23,33,46
Brydon-Miller, Mary, 35,55
Burlaka, Viktor 13, 48, 54
Carr, Edward C., 26,33,58
Carroll, Mark J., 13, 48
Chabane, Sabrina Morin, 25,42
Chauvin, Robert, 21,43
Cholbi, Michael, 20,41
Christians, Clifford, 23, 38, 45, 53
Clark, Kim, 33, 52
Collins, Denis., 21, 26, 27, 33, 38, 43, 50, 56
Comstock, Gary, 26, 27, 33, 46
Cooley, Dennis, 26, 31, 45
Cornett, Wendy, 30, 48
Croskery, Patrick, 24, 31, 56
Cruz, Shelby, 19, 44
Cruz-Cruz, José A., 13, 54
Cwik, Bryan, 23, 46
Daskal, Steven, 15, 20, 41
Davis, Michael, 23, 26
Diaz-Sprague, Raquel, 33, 52
Donovan, Aine, 23
Doorley, Mark J., 25
Doyle, Robert V., 20
Dyrud, Marilyn A., 21
Eberl, Jason T., 29, 30, 34, 48
Elliott, Deni, 23, 28, 38, 45, 53
Elliott, Kevin, 36
Enderle, Georges, 25, 27, 33, 44
Englehardt, Elaine E., 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 48, 51
Fanning, Joseph B., 15, 22, 27, 41
Ferraz de Oliveira, Maria-Sophie Filipa, 35, 55
Fishel, Jason, 36, 50
Fossheim, Hallvard, 25, 46
Frampton, Robert M., 13, 48
Fraser Burgess, Sheron, 22, 26, 30
Frey, William J., 13, 54
Frith, Lucy, 24, 25
Gannon, William, 19, 23, 45
Goodman, Kenneth, 38
Gordon, Anita, 13, 21, 24, 33, 54
Gorman, Michael E., 21, 43
Gorman-Badar, Debra, 24, 42
Grant, Ruth, 23, 27, 33, 38
Greene, Avery, 23, 44
Groman, Michelle, 37, 49
Guinta, Hannah, 29
Gunsalus, C. Kristina, 35, 37, 55, 56
Hanson, Kirk O., 17
Harris, Charles Edward, 26
Harris, Howard, 22, 31, 37, 53, 56
Hartline, Sharon E., 32, 49
Hasier, John, 36
Hayden, Suzanne, 14, 24, 43
Haynes, Cami D., 36, 52
Heiman, Matt, 14, 21, 43
Heitman, Elizabeth, 13, 30, 54
Herkert, Joseph R., 35, 38, 51, 58
Hoffmann, Michael, 29, 55
Hollander, Rachelle D., 23, 35, 51
Hoppe, Elizabeth A., 31
Hudon, Anne, 24, 42
Hudson, Robert, 31, 51
Huggett, Nick, 36
Hull, Gordon, 24
Hwang, Paul, 32
Ingierd, Helene, 21, 45
Israeloff, Roberta, 21, 25
Jamal, Leila, 37, 49
James, Lisa, 23, 46
Jones, Cynthia, 25, 27, 34, 38, 42
Kabasenche, William P., 20, 36
Kanemitsu, Hidekazu, 32, 50
Keefer, Matthew W., 20, 31
Kendall, Brenden, 37, 53
Kenehan, Sarah,19, 29
Khader, Serene, 37
Kirkman, Robert, 19, 22
Kirsch, Julie, 38, 54
Koch, Peter, 19, 41
Kretz, Lisa, 24, 31, 46
Kreutner, Martin, 14, 23, 43
Kronk, M. Adam, 26, 44
Lalonde, Joanne M.C., 29, 32, 37, 55
Lambert, Alexis, 36, 52
Langford, Aisha T., 13, 48
Lauritzen, Paul, 27, 36, 52
Layne, Linda, 31, 50, 54
Lee, Yi-hui, 23, 46
Lester, Allison, 30, 55
Liang,Di , 20, 44
Lichtenberg, Judith, 27, 34, 38
Link, Monica, 31, 56
List, Monica, 21, 46
Louder, Justin, 23, 39, 46, 59
Madhok, Bindu, 26, 44
Madhok, Punam, 26, 44
Mahoney, Dan, 22, 42
Makau, Josina, 20, 27, 34, 38, 53
Manning, Rita, 34, 49
Marks, Jonathan, 23, 46
Martinson, Brian, 37, 55
Masiar, Brenden, 23, 44
Matchett, Nancy J., 22, 31
Matheson, Jonathan, 26, 45
McCurdy, David B., 36, 50
McDaniel, Charlotte, 24, 25
McElreath, Scott, 25, 46
McGee, Summer, 25, 42
McGeeney, John, 37, 53
McManus Warnell, Jessica, 21, 26
McNichol, Jane, 37
Meagher, Karen, 35, 49
Mendola, Annette, 32. 49
Meyers, Christopher, 26, 33, 35, 52
Miller, Carla, 36, 51
Miller, Glen, 37, 53
Miller, Jennifer, 37, 53
Miller, Richard B., 33, 36, 51
Miller, Seumas, 14, 24, 31, 36, 37, 43, 50, 51, 53
Mills, Jon L., 39
Mitcham, Carl, 19, 27, 32, 33, 37, 51, 53
Morar, Nicolae, 23, 32, 46
Morgan, Karlana June, 9, 13, 52
Murphy, Joseph, 25
Navratil, Judith, 9, 24, 42
Nepomuceno, Alex, 31
Nepomuceno, Agnes Jacob, 31
Newton, Lisa H., 30, 37, 53
Norton, Josh, 36
Oates, John, 35, 55
Index of Presenters, Respondents, and Chairs
Starkey, Charles, 32, 53
Steiner, Linda, 23, 45
Stephens, Ashley Lynne, 13, 48
Sterling, Scott, 13
Stober, Spencer, 28, 34
Stolick, Matthew, 13, 32, 34, 48
Strand, Nicolle, 35, 49
Strawser, Michael, 24, 30, 55
Taylor, Holly A., 37, 49
Teays, Wanda, 26, 34, 49
Tedesco, Matthew, 32, 49
Terry, Miranda Sue, 13, 26, 48
Thompson, Paul B., 35, 51
Tochinai, Fumihiko, 32, 50
Tomhave, Alan, 38, 54
Tong, Rosemarie, 20, 38, 54
Uglietta, John, 29, 30, 48
van den Hoonaard, Will C., 28, 35, 55
Vandenberg, Phyllis, 30, 53
Varner, Gary, 26, 46
Ward, Stephen J.A., 23, 45
Warren, Virginia, 34, 49
Washington, Natalia, 23, 46
Wasserman, Edward, 33, 35, 52
Webster, Jonathan, 32
Weil, Vivian, 36, 39
Welin, Stellan, 24, 29
Wenner, Danielle, 15, 20, 37, 41
Werhane, Patricia H., 21, 28, 33, 34, 52
Whetstone, J. Thomas, 28, 30, 34
Wieten, Sarah, 9, 30, 48
Wilburn, H. Ralph, 33, 50
Wilburn, Kathleen, 25, 33, 50
Wilson, Richard L., 19, 23, 29, 44
Winter, Gretchen A., 17, 29, 35, 37, 39, 53, 56, 61
Wueste, Daniel E., 24, 37, 53
Wyatt, Wendy, 31, 35, 52
Yin, Ming, 36
Yoak, Stuart D., 21, 28
Zhang, Zhihui, 19, 32, 44, 51
Zilliox, Skylar Huzyk, 21
O'Connell, Timothy, 25, 46
O'Hare, Dan, 22, 42
Okita, Yuji, 13, 34, 50
Ozar, Anne, 24
Ozar, David, 24
Palmer-Fernandez, Gabriel, 36, 52, 60
Partin, Kathryn, 29, 54
Passas, Nikos, 14, 24, 43
Pavlidis, Ioannis, 13, 54
Pence, Gregory, 22, 27, 30, 36, 49
Petkus, Donald,31, 33, 51
Phillips, Trisha, 26, 32, 42
Pimple, Kenneth, 17, 27, 34, 38
Prentice, Robert, 31
Price, Terry L., 20, 43
Pritchard, Michael S., 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 54
Raffel, Kathleen, 15, 22, 36, 42
Rao, Shakuntala, 23, 45
Rasmussen, Lisa M., 15, 22, 36, 42
Rhea, James, 19, 41
Riker, Walter, 19, 41
Roberts, Chris, 37, 53
Roche, Maximilien, 14, 24, 43
Roper, James, 25, 44
Saladin, Shawn P., 26, 42
Searing, Donald, 23, 27, 34, 38
Semendeferi, Ioanna, 13, 25, 26, 47, 54
Sharadin, Nate, 26, 46
Shiell, Timothy, 25, 33
Simmons, Aaron, 9, 19, 29, 41
Sinclair, Glenn W., 37
Skerker, Michael, 36, 52
Skipper, Robert Boyd, 30, 49
Smith, Kelly C., 30, 36, 48
Solomon, Monica, 36
Sønderholm, Jørn, 38
Sontag, Mike, 23, 25, 46
Spence, Edward, 14, 24, 38, 43, 54
Sprague, Alan, 33, 52
Spurgin, Earl, 21, 32, 53
Stanley, Mary Jo, 22, 42
Stanlick, Nancy A., 30, 55