Lesson Planning Template

Maine Arts Assessment Initiative- Lesson Planning Template
Developed based on Maine Guiding Principles Performance Assessment Development Initiative
Developed March 2014
October 2, 2013
Lesson Planning Template
Lesson Plan
Title of Lesson: Surrealist artists
Sequence of Lesson in Unit: 3
Curriculum Area: Visual Art
Grade Span/Levels: 9
Time Frame: 1 80 minuet
(number of sessions, minutes)
Developed by: Jeffrey Orth
Intended level(s) of Cognitive Rigor
Email: jorth@kidsrsu.org
for tasks and learning associated with this lesson
☐Remember ☐Understand ☐Apply √ Analyze
☐Evaluate ☐ Create
Guiding Principles - Part of The Maine Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction
knowledge and skills described in the Maine Department of Education Regulation 132 support Maine students in achieving the goals
established in Maine’s Guiding Principles. Identify principles addressed in this unit.
☐ Communicate clearly and effectively
☐ Engage in responsible and involved citizenship
√ Demonstrate integrative and informed thinking
Develop the habits of being a self-directed, life-long learner
Apply creative and practical approaches to solving problems
Standard Based Goals:
Maine Learning Results, District Goals, National Arts Standards, Career Technical Education Standards, etc.
Primary (assessed):
Secondary (connected but not assessed-if applicable):
E1 The Arts and History and World Cultures
Essential Question(s):
Enduring Understanding(s):
Students will consider…
Students will understand that…
How artists can create images that are not from a • Artists use creativity to create unique images.
visible source.
Students will know...
Ways that artists incubate ideas for their artwork.
Students will be able to...
Discover and understand ways that artists create unique
Is prior learning required?
Lesson Summary:
A brief description and overview of the lesson
This is a one day lesson that is designed for students to see a variety of work by surrealist painters and to discover how and
why theses artists created their images.
Maine Arts Assessment Initiative- Lesson Planning Template
Developed based on Maine Guiding Principles Performance Assessment Development Initiative
Developed March 2014
October 2, 2013
Lesson Details:
Details of lesson/tasks and sequence of teaching and learning, including relevant topics/terminology
The class will be a slide presentation of works by Max Ersnt, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Andre Breton. This talk
will include the effects on the art world post WW1, the natural progression of the DADA movement, the research on the
unconscious mind and the juxtaposition of disparate images designed to startle and have the viewer question reality.
Some paintings: Max Ernst: 'Napoleon in the Wilderness','The Wood' and 'Woman, Old Man and Flower'.
Salvador Dali: 'The Persistence of Memory', 'Swans Reflecting Elephants', and 'Metamorphosis of Narcissus'.
Rene Magritte: 'The Human Condition', 'Time Transfixed', 'The Portrait' and 'The Listening Room'.
Text, scores, composers, artists, historical connection, articles, websites, tools, materials, etc.
Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Andre Breton and Rene Magritte.
Terms associated and taught within lesson
Unit Assessments
Which unit assessments are included as part of this lesson.
Formative: (Assessments for learning)
Summative: (Assessments of learning)
Student discussions.
Unit Developer Reflection:
Guidance for future changes and adaptations to the lesson or considerations for other teachers when adapting the lesson