
Christmas Carol Study Guide Questions
Please remember to answer your questions in complete sentences, and restate the question in your
Stave III
1) A flat character is a character with little individuality, whose mindset the read know little about.
An example would be Raisa Nikitavna in the Endless Steppe. On the other hand, a round
character is a character whose personality is well defined by the author. For example, Esther in
the Endless Steppe. We know much about Esther’s motivation and understand the reasons for
her actions and reactions. Name one example of a flat character and one example of a round
character from Stave III?
2) How does the appearance of the second spirit compare with that of the first?
3) How does the physical appearance of the second spirit symbolize the Christmas Present?
4) Why do you think Scrooge was hesitant to look into the spirit’s “clear and kind” eyes? Think
specifically about how scrooge reacted to the previous spirit and its revelations.
5) What is ironic about the responses of Bob Cratchit and Fred to Scrooge?
6) What “children of man” does the spirit reveal? Why does the spirit believe that the boy is more
Stave IV
1) The words spirit and ghost are used to describe the entities that visit Scrooge, but the last figure
is also called a “phantom.” Though the denotative meanings are the similar, how are their
connotative meanings different? Why is phantom a particularly appropriate word to describe
this third spirit? (Denotative meaning = is the exact meaning found in the dictionary,
connotative meaning = is the dictionary meaning of a word plus all of its implications and
emotional associations.)
2) How does the third spirit differ from the previous two in appearance? What does this
3) What clues foreshadow the spirit’s final revelation to Scrooge concerning his destiny? Name at
least three.
4) How do the two groups of people at the beginning of Stave IV compare to Scrooge?
5) Read Mark 9:36 (the verse that Bob Cratchit reads) in context. What is the significance of this
verse for the Cratchits? What is its significance for Scrooge?
6) Where does the crisis of the novella occur?
7) How does Dickens generate suspense throughout Stave IV?