29874,"reginald horsman",7,9,"2000-11-17 00:00:00",50,http://www.123helpme.com/reginald-horsmans-race-and-manifest-destiny--preview.asp?id=156567,2.2,80200,"2015-12-22 18:39:18"

Early American Foreign Relations
544A/Fall 2013
Dr. Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman
AL 568, phone 594-0148
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:00-3:00
Purpose: To understand the events, ideas, and people that shaped the relations of the
United States with the rest of the world from the pre-Revolutionary period through the
start of the 20th century. In particular, we shall examine how the country grew from a
collection of colonies on the fringe of middle North America into a continental
federation—held together forcibly by a central government—which played an
increasingly influential role in international affairs.
Requirements: Students are expected to be attentive, participatory, and courteous.
Laptops are prohibited in class. Readings must be completed by Thursday of the week for
which they are assigned and quizzes on the readings will be given approximately every
two weeks. Students will also be required to complete one midterm essay (in class)
examination and a final. In addition, each student must write a historical paper on a topic
from this period in American foreign relations. The paper should be 9 to 10 pages
(excluding notes and bibliography—both of which are required) and is due October 29
(no exceptions or extensions). On the final grade for the course, the quizzes will count for
20%, the midterm for 20%, the paper for 25%, and the final exam for 30%. Active,
thoughtful class participation will make the course better for everyone, and will count for
the remaining 5% of your grade. Attendance is essential: more than two absences will
result in a grade of zero for participation. Please come to every class prepared to
contribute. Assigned books include:
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, v. I, Merrill and Paterson (7th edition)
To the Farewell Address, Felix Gilbert
American Umpire, Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman
Race and Manifest Destiny, Reginald Horsman
Blue and Gray Diplomacy, Howard Jones
The Dust Rose Like Smoke, James Gump
Class Schedule:
Aug. 27
Aug. 29
The Conduct, Control, and Aims of Foreign Policy
Merrill, Ch. 1; Gilbert, Ch. 1; Cobbs Hoffman, Intro.
Sep. 3
Sep. 5
The Colonial Origins of Revolutionary Diplomacy
A Complicated Ally: France
Merrill, Ch. 2; Gilbert, Ch. 2 & 3 Quiz #1
Sep. 10
Sep. 12
Negotiating a Nation: The Treaty of 1781
The Spread of Revolution: 1789 and the Dangers to the New Republic
Merrill, Ch. 3; Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 1
Sep. 17
Sep. 19
Jay’s Treaty and Other Compromises
Washington’s “Farewell Address”
Gilbert, Ch. 4 & 5; Quiz #2
Sep. 24
Sep. 26
Factionalism, Foreign Relations, and the Emergence of “Party”
Expanding the Contract: The Louisiana Purchase & Napoleonic Wars
Merrill, Ch. 4; Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 2
Oct. 1
Oct. 3
Library Research (Meet at the Library, under the Dome)
War of 1812 /Adams Chronicles
Merrill, Ch. 5, Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 3
Oct. 8
Oct. 10
War of 1812
Horsman, Intro, Ch. 1 & 2
Oct. 15
Oct. 17
Latin American Independence and the Adams-Onís Treaty
The Monroe Doctrine and Emerging World Order
Horsman, Ch. 3- 7. Merrill, Ch. 6 (documents only)
Oct. 22
Oct. 24
Foreign or Domestic Policy? Indian Removal and the West
Romantic Nationalism, Racism, and Manifest Destiny
Merrill, Ch. 7 (documents only); Horsman, Ch. 8-11 Quiz #3
Oct. 29
Oct. 31
Carving up the West: Texas, Oregon, and Mexico
Merrill, Ch. 8; Horsman, Ch. 12; Jones, Prologue & Ch. 1.
Nov. 5
Nov. 7
Border Conquest: A War With Mexico
Filibusters and Other Pirates of the Caribbean
Merrill, Ch. 9 (docs only); Jones, Ch 2-4. Quiz #4
Nov. 12
Nov. 14
In the Wake of Britain in the Far East
Slavery, Expansion, and King Cotton
Merrill, Ch. 10 (docs only). Jones, 5-7 & Epilogue
Nov. 19
Nov. 21
Civil War Diplomacy: The North
Native Resistance and the Last Indian Wars
Gump, Intro-Ch. 1-3; Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 4.
Nov. 26
Nov. 28
The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War Quiz #5
Gump, Ch. 4-6 & Conclusion
Dec. 3
Dec. 5
The Open Door in China: Competing World Visions
Regional Policing & the Monroe Doctrine
Merrill, Ch. 12 & 13 (docs only); Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 5
Dec. 10
Ideology and American Foreign Policy
Merrill, Ch. 14 (docs only); Cobbs Hoffman, Ch. 6
December 12: FINAL EXAMINATION, 8:00-10:00 a.m.