Week 4 - Chaffey College

Jill Murphy
Message phone: (909) 477-8499
e-mail: profmurphy@popmail.com
ESL 555
Chaffey College
Fall 2006
TTh 11 – 12:30
Syllabus for ESL 555: Intermediate Listening, Speaking and Note-taking
Prerequisites: A result on the Chaffey College English Placement Test which places
you in Level 5 OR successful completion of a Level 5 class (example: ESL 545, ESL
547, or ESL 549).
Course Materials
A three ring binder (notebook)
White, college ruled paper
4” x 6” notecards (index cards): white and colored
Text: Contemporary Topics 3 by David Beglar, Neil Murray, and Michael Rost
Course Description: This course will require you to listen to, critically think about, and
discuss aspects of life in the United States. We will be building on comprehension and
critical thinking skills: understanding and evaluating the subjects and positions/points of
view covered in class. Much of class time will be spent on listening and speaking; you
will also have significant reading and some writing assignments. You can expect to have
large and small group discussions, to listen carefully and critically to lectures and
presentations, and to give individual presentations on topics to be discussed in class. You
can also expect to build on your vocabulary and to maintain a well-organized notebook.
Note: This course requires you to do 14 hours of Supplemental Instruction in the
Language Success Center.
Course Content: We will be covering some controversial, sensitive topics in class.
Adult themes may include offensive language, violence, discrimination and/or nudity.
Please approach the content with a mature outlook; this is a college course.
Course Objectives
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the majority of face-to-face dialogue at normal
rates of speech with minimal repetition.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of abstract topics on familiar topics.
3. Speak with clear pronunciation and intonation so that listeners can clearly
understand you.
4. Ask and respond to questions, demonstrating critical thinking, analysis and
synthesis, of course material. Request clarification when needed.
5. Accurately express your opinion about topics discussed in class, and clearly and
logically support it.
6. Develop and effectively use vocabulary, idioms and grammatical structures
covered in class.
7. Give an oral presentation in class that demonstrates thorough planning, logic and
a clear position. Use both fact and opinion to support your position.
Participation: This is not a lecture course, though I will occasionally lecture. This is a
student-centered course. Class discussions and group work cannot be recreated. This
means that your presence and participation in class are extremely important. And as this
is a Speaking and Listening course, attendance and active participation are critical
to your success.
I suggest you exchange phone numbers with classmates in case of unavoidable absence.
Students who miss more than two classes will have their grade lowered for lack of
participation. I reserve the right to drop you if you miss three classes or more. Please
contact me should an extreme problem arise.
This is a credit/no credit course. You will need a 70% or more on your
work to get “credit.”
5 quizzes
Group projects/discussions/presentations
Journal (Supplemental Instruction)
1 culture project
1 essay
1 oral report
Final exam
25 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
25 %
Late Work Policy: I will not accept late work unless you have a critical reason and you
let me know in advance.
Drop Policy: If you have a question about a class assignment, please come and see me!
But in the event that you do decide to adjust your schedule (i.e. drop this course), please
note that it is YOUR responsibility to officially drop the course at the Registrar’s office.
I would appreciate a call if you do drop the class.
Office Hours: I do not have an office on campus, so I do not have formal office hours. I
will, however, be happy to meet with you on an appointment basis. Please contact me if
you’d like to schedule an appointment.
Success Centers
Chaffey College has Student Success Centers that offer free tutoring, workshops, study
groups and computer access. I really encourage you to visit these centers and learn all
you can! Go see all they offer.
Math Center
Reading/ESL Center
Writing Center
Room PS-12
Room SL-17
Inside the Library
(909) 941-2370
(909) 941-2657
(909) 477-8544
We also have Multidisciplinary Success Centers which aid students in all subject areas.
Main Campus Success Center
Chino Success Center
Fontana Success Center
Ontario Success Center
Room VSS-105
(909) 466-2812
(909) 477-8591
(909) 477-2908
(909) 477-2935
Disability Programs and Services
If you have a disability documented by a physician or other appropriate professionals and
wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the DPS office at (909) 9412379. Please be sure to allow enough time to arrange for an appropriate accommodation.
I am looking forward to having a great semester with you. I anticipate that we will
have all kinds of great ideas in class. We can all benefit and grow from sharing
those ideas.
Jill Murphy
Jill Murphy
ESL 555
Tentative Schedule
Week 1
Aug 29
Aug 31
Week 2
Sep 5
Introduction to course requirements; Syllabus
Language Success Center Orientation
Meeting others: survey of interview questions
Introductions: questions upon meeting others
Sep 7
News: Issues in American life
Presentations: News’ summaries
Week 3
Sep 12
Film in class
Sep 14
Week 4
Sep 19
Chapter 1: Slang: Talking Cool
Sep 21
Quiz 1
Week 5
Sep 26
Chapter 2: Murphy’s Law
Sep 28
Week 6
Oct 3
Chapter 3: Types of Memory
Oct 5
Summary Essay DUE
Week 7
Oct 10
Chapter 4: Actions Louder than words
Oct 12
Quiz 2
Week 8
Oct 17
Chapter 5: Marriage: Traditions and Trends
Oct 19
Week 9
Oct 24
Chapter 6: Black Holes, White Holes and Wormholes
Oct 26
Quiz 3
Week 10
Oct 31
Chapter 7: Animal Talk
Nov 2
Week 11
Nov 7
Nov 9
Chapter 8: Gender Differences in Language
Week 12
Nov 14
Nov 16
Chapter 9: Fashion and Status
Quiz 4
Week 13
Nov 21
Nov 23
Chapter 10: The Making of Genius
Week 14
Nov 28
Chapter 11: The New Global Superculture
Nov 30
Cultural Project 1 DUE
Week 15
Dec 5
Dec 7
Chapter 12: Computer Security
Quiz 5
Week 16
Dec 12
Dec 14
Oral Reports
Oral Reports
Week 17
Wrap Up
Final Exam