National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Office of the Organizing Secretary General Chapter Services Department 1776 D Street NW, Washington, DC 20006-5303 The following DAR pins are available in the Organizing Office, Chapter Services Department for either one-third of the current J.E. Caldwell, Co. price or the purchased amount from eBay plus a percentage for administrative processing and postage. We are no longer purchasing the previously owned DAR pins from eBay or members. If you are eligible and interested in purchasing a pin, please contact the Chapter Services Department at (202) 8793325 or email DO NOT mail a check or money order until you contact Chapter Services Department. All checks are payable to the Treasurer General, NSDAR and mailed to the Organizing Office, Chapter Services Department, 1776 D St NW, Washington, DC 20006-5303. Name of Pin Corresponding Secretary General 14-K or Purchased GF Donated 14-K P State/Chapter/Bars Caldwell Resale Date Sold $113.35 Hold Qty 1 Past National Officer 14-K P $56.02 1 National Officers Club 14-K P $89.35 1 National Chairman (gold) GF D $19.00 1 National Chairman (gold) GF D Membership Commission Public Relations $19.00 1 State Officer – AZ - (gold) EX-State Officer – CT – (enamel) State Officer – IA – (enamel) State Officer – KY – (enamel) State Officer – LA – (enamel) State Officer – ME – (gold) State Officer – NH – (enamelchipped) State Officer – NH – (gold) GF GF 14-K 14-K GF GF 14-K D D P P P P P Recording Secretary Ex-Registrar Ex-State Regent Ex-Historian State Vice Regent Historian Ex-State Regent $27.00 $28.00 $82.16 $27.87 $36.14 $77.00 89.35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GF D Chaplain $20.00 State Officer – TN – (enamel) State Officer – SC – ( enamel) State Officer – SC State Officer – WV – (enamel) State Officer – WV – (enamel) State Officer – WV – (enamel) State Officer – WV – (enamel) 14-K 14-K GF 14-K 14-K 14K 14-K D D D D D D D Treasurer Ex-State Regent Chaplain Ex-State Regent Ex-Corresponding Sec Ex-Chaplain Ex-Librarian $90.34 $89.34 $20.00 $90.34 $60.82 $90.34 $90.34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 State Chairman (1 bar-enamel) GF P 21.80 1 State Chairman (2 bars-enamel) GF D $31.00 1 State Chairman - (CT – enamel) State Chairman (3 bars – enamel) GF GF D D $28.00 $35.00 1 1 State Chairman (1 bar – enamel) GF D Seimes Microfilm Center Magazine Advertising/ American Indians Marshal Americanism/Microctr/ Honor Roll Veteran Patients State Chairman (2 bars-enamel) GF D Good Citizens/ Honor Roll $31.00 $31.00 Hold-Carole Johnson Hold – Joan Hagan 1 1 1 State Chairman (1 Bar – enamel) State Chairman (1 bar –enamel) State Chairman (1 bar – enamel) State Chairman (1 bar – enamel) State Chairman - NY $32.30 $42.56 $45.50 105.85 $36.00 1 1 1 1 1 D P $20.00 $14.43 1 1 GF GF GF GF GF GF 14-K P D P P P P P $25.86 $18.00 $20.19 $26.00 $26.04 $43.69 $157.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GF GF GF P P P Not Made by Caldwell Past President $63.97 $60.82 $42.99 1 1 1 14-K GF P P Of Greater New York Philadelphia, PA $67.00 $35.11 1 1 PA - Regents Club GF D Central PA 70.94 1 Fifty Year Club Past President Bar GF D $14.00 1 Sterling 14-K GF 14-K GF D P D P P Made by Beau $17.00 $105.65 $28.00 $105.85 $60.82 1 1 1 1 1 GF P Captain John Sale $17.83 1 Ex-Chapter Regent (name enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (name enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (name enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P Fort McIntosh Lawrence San Diego Caughnawaga John Wade Keyes Suffolk $19.48 $27.08 $27.48 $37.22 $39.19 $41.94 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ex-Chapter Regent (name enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (name-Enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (name Enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (name enamel) 14-K GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P Mary Silliman Corp Josiah Griswold San Clemente Philadelphia Lady Stirling Abraham Cole Cahuilla $43.69 $67.00 $70.37 $71.75 $75.65 $75.84 $75.84 Ohio NW District Director NW District Regents Club Virginia State Officers Club Ct - State Officers & Regents Club CT - State Officers & Regents Club CT - State Officers & Regents Club CT - State Officers & Regents Club CT - State Officers & Regents Club MO - State Officers Club RI - Regents Club WV - State Officers Club WV – State Officers Club NY – Past Regents Club PA – Past Regents Club AZ – S.O.C. – DAR CA – State Organization ME – State Organization OH – State Organization WV – State Organizing Organizing Chapter Regent GF GF GF 14-K GF P P P P P GF GF DAR Scholarship Americanism C.A.R. Magazine Constitution Week Hold – G Case 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P D P P P Ypsilanti George Washington Mary Silliman John Chapman – WV John Davis – TX William Henry Harrison $79.00 $81.75 $83.00 $105.00 $165.00 $175.00 GF GF GF P P D $21.41 $36.56 $40.00 Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel chip) Ex-Chapter Regent 14-K 14-K P P Ex-Chapter Regent (small chip enamel) Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent (enamel) 14-K P Aurantia Gaviota Susan Carrington Clarke Red Cedar Elizabeth Pierce Lancey Bear Butte 14-K 14-K P P Nathan Hale Memorial Mary Silliman Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P D P P P Ex-Chapter Regent 14-K P St. Leger Cowley Rancho Palos Verde Warrion Run Prudence Wright Red Bluff Francis Scott Key Forbes Road Old style – OHWashington Court House Old Style-OH – Hetuck Chapter Regent 14-K P Eschscholtzia $56.74 Chapter Regent Chapter Regent Chapter Regent Captain Regent (enamel chipped) Chapter Regent 14-K GF GF 14-K 14-K D D P D D $83.00 $38.00 $43.52 $78.00 $78.00 10 7 1 1 1 Chapter Regent Chapter Regent Chapter Regent Chapter Regent Chapter Regent (enamel chipped) Chapter Regent 14-K 14-K 12-K 14-K 14-K 14-K D D D D D D Disbanded Chapters Disbanded Chapters Capt John Sale Saghtekoos MME Adrienne de Lafayette White Lick Alden Sears Old Fields Rancho Palos Verdes Elyria (old style) OH Jane Parks McDowell $78.00 $78.00 $83.00 $85.34 $75.00 $101.60 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapter Regents Club GF D $12.64 1 Chapter Officer GF P Chapter Bar (pin) GF P 14-K GF P P Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Ex-Chapter Regent Chapter Bar – Light Blue Enamel Chapter Bar (pin) Regent’s Club DAR Philadelphia PA Hold Stratford 1 1 1 $60.07 $71.49 1 1 $75.00 1 $75.79 1 1 $78.52 $89.35 $85.34 $92.79 $108.91 $139.00 $174.40 $198.50 $52.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $120.86 $31.91 Betsy Ross (old style) MA Aurora Bethlehem 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Hold – camp Middlebrook Hold – J Sweet 1 1 $26.04 1 $47.77 $48.37 1 1 Chapter Bar 14-K P Chapter Bar (white enamel w/gold) 14-K P Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar P GF GF GF GF P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P D Pennsylvania (old style) PA Eve Lear (White and blue enamel with gold trim) Dial Rock $187.00 1 $196.75 1 $19.00 $20.00 $21.41 $21.54 $21.54 $26.04 $27.08 $30.72 $31.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Garrett A Hobart Col Charles Lewis Aurantia Dacotah Pithlocasokotee Betsy Ross Lawrence Three Flags Letitia Green Stevenson LaVillita Major Jarrell Beasley San Antonio de Bexar Black Swamp Deborah Avery Bucks County Gansevoort John Wade Keyes Gettysburg Suffolk Putnam Hill Grenada Jane Randolph Jefferson Connecticut Piqua Gen Asa Danforth Fort GreenVille Caesar Rodney Gen William Shepard Arrowhead Philadelphia Capt Wendell Wolfe Katahdin Gen David Foreman Columbia Anna Warner Bailey Thomas Lee Los Angeles Orlando William Whitley $31.05 $31.05 $35.02 $31.91 $32.95 $35.11 $35.88 $39.19 $39.44 $41.94 $45.43 $50.00 $52.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $53.26 $53.94 $56.87 $57.45 $60.61 $65.00 $70.82 $71.75 $75.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $102.18 $105.65 $110.80 $110.80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar Chapter Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K D P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Chapter Bar 14-K P New Netherland $196.75 Sterling D 1 Star with 4 small stars $17.00 NSDAR Page Hold C Burnette 1 NSDAR Page Page – DAR – Sash Sterling P P CA State Page MD State Page Pennsylvania State Page PA DAR State Page GF GF GF GF DAR Congressional Committee $33.21 $28.90 1 1 D P D P $26.00 $25.24 $18.00 $29.12 1 1 1 1 GF P $16.00 4 NSDAR Volunteer Lineage GF P $29.12 1 DAR State Outstanding Junior GF P $33.21 1 Fifty Year (Home and Country) Fifty Year (Home and Country) Forty Year (God Home & Country) Fifty Year (Home and Country) Fifty Year (Home and Country Fifty Year (Home and Country) Fifty Year (Home and Country Fifty Year (God, Home and Country Fifty Year (Home and Country) GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF 14-K P P D P P P P P P $25.24 $28.50 $26.00 $31.73 $31.90 $36.92 $38.00 $60.82 $73.17 Official Insignias-enamel chipped 14-K P $158.00 6 Official Insignia – needs distaff 14-K P $158.00 1 Official Insignias 14-K P $208.00 62 Pierced Recognition 14-K P $158.00 10 Unpierced Recognition Pin 14-K P $110.25 1 GF D P P P P $14.00 $16.00 $18.43 $18.43 $19.00 1 1 1 1 1 $19.00 $19.00 $20.00 $21.41 $22.59 $23.95 $24.22 $24.30 $24.30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar GF GF GF GF GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14_K P P D P P P P P P 3 Stars Sash Samuel Trask, Sr Samuel Warfield Cornelius Sale Benjamin Murrell Colonel Garrett Van Metre Captain William Cherry Nehemiah Nelson, Jr. William Styron Daniel Crandall Joseph Dawson Joseph Hennan Mathew Steen Daniel Preston Joseph Plumb C Jones - FL C Jones - FL Hold - La 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Bar 14-K P Daniel Murdock $24.30 1 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K P P P P Col James Galbraith Samuel Gailbraith Philip Caverly Alexander Patterson, Sr Joseph Patterson Corp Simmon Reed William Duncan David Knowles, Sr Thomas Comings, Sr Lt Thomas Comings, Jr David Lawrence David Knowles, Jr Thomas Comings, Sr Hugh Scott, Jr Major Hugh Scott William Terrell John Arnold Zaccheus Maxson John Wingfield, Jr Benjamin Crandall William English John Wingfield, Sr Edward Butler Benjamin Maxson Thomas Wingfield Veren Balch David Cady Israel Balch John Spencer Joseph Kimbough Jonathan Seaman Thomas White Capt John Winston Barnett Smith Jonah Seaman Alice Ann Winston Capt Charles Yancey, Jr Francis Smith Joseph Halladay Charles Yancey, Sr John Pendleton Mary Crawford Yancey Henry Pendleton Lt Fredrick Harris James Nichols Jonathan Spencer Joshua French $24.59 $24.61 $26.04 $26.04 1 1 1 1 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.04 $26.38 $26.78 $26.78 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.48 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $27.87 $28.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider (Enamel) Ancestor Rider (Enamel) Ancestor Rider - Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider – Enamel Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K P P Lincom Curtis Taliaferro Craig $28.21 $28.65 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider (needs repair) Ancestor Rider (needs repair) Ancestor Rider (needs repair) Ancestor Bar (needs repair) Ancestor Rider (needs repair) GF GF GF 14-K GF GF GF GF GF GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K D P P P P P P P P P P P P P P $29.50 $30.72 $30.72 $31.05 $31.23 $32.23 $32.30 $32.30 $32.30 $32.30 $32.53 $32.53 $32.53 $32.53 $32.53 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K GF GF GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P D P P P P P P D D D P P P P P $33.22 $33.22 $33.22 $33.38 $33.38 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $35.00 $35.02 $35.11 $35.11 $35.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K P P $35.11 $35.35 1 1 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P Lt Jonathan Thompson James McMasters Charles Hobson Isaac Hill Christian Fritz Peter de Spain Isaac Van Benschoter James Green Aaron Van Benschoter Asa Palmer Capt James Upshaw Samuel Clark Thomas Hamilton James Hamilton Colonel Thomas Roane Edmund Martin Martin Judy, Sr Martin Judy, Jr Ezra Smith Douglass King James Lawrence Sgt Enoch Remington Elenezer Fuller Mathew Watson, Sr Joseph Armington Thomas Reinhart, Sr Rufus Bennett Samuel Dillon Thomas Farley, Sr William Dusenberry John Lemmon Nathaniel Butterworth Col Owen Roberts Capt Richard Brooke Roberts Robert Brownell John Hoover, Sailing Master William Duncan David Knowles Alexander Patterson Joseph Patterson Christopher Oley David Graves, Jr Anthony Haden David Graves, Sr Johannes Vrooman Hendrick Dockstader $35.38 $35.38 $35.28 $35.38 $35.88 $37.00 $37.00 $37.00 $37.22 $37.22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14-K 14-K Hold Winningham 1 1 Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P Ancestor Rider 14-K P Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider P P P P P P P P Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider P P P P P P P P Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar – light blue enamel Ancestor Bar – light blue enamel Ancestor Bar – light blue enamel Ancestor Bar – light blue enamel Ancestor Bar – light blue enamel Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Lt Col Volkert Vader Ensign George Ecker Sgt Richard Young Thomas Getman Frederick H. Dockstander George Getman Benjamin Smith John F. Dockstander Johanna Veeder Lt Richard Coopernoll Capt Abraham Veeder Arent Smith Quartermaster Simon Veeder Lt Nichelas Dockstanda John McFarland Josiah Fuller Asa Hale Moses Hale Timothy Mead, Sr Thomas Miller, Sr Lt Col John Hay Lt. Col Michael Schmeiser Henry Noyes James Grace Stephen Moulton Benjamin Day Jonathan Mulford Stephen Pierson Lt Joseph Crane Capt Daniel Smith Wood Daniel Baker Capt John Reed Maxmilian Robinson Col John Evans Isaiah Strawn Lt John Dent Smith Simonds Capt Jacob Hill Smith Simonds Lt Andrew Finley Henry Baughman Michael Eisaman Sgt William Boyd Luther Barney Josiah Maples Capt Joseph Seigfried Lt James Ellison $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 $37.22 1 1 1 1 1 822764 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $37.22 1 $38.00 $39.19 $39.19 $39.19 $39.19 $39.19 $39.44 $39.44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $41.14 $43.69 $43.71 $44.28 $44.28 $44.28 $44.28 $44.28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $44.28 $47.77 $47.77 $47.77 $47.77 $47.77 $41.45 $42.00 $41.45 $45.50 $45.50 $45.50 $45.50 $46.12 $46.12 $48.37 $50.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hold – C Kraft Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar P P P P Ancestor Bar P Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K GF 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P D P P P P P P P P P Abrahm Courtright Michael Dunckel Maj John Courtright Ens George Wilhelm Stout Lt John Weidenhammer Sgt Gad Lutliff Ephraim Robbins Herman Baker John Cater, Jr Charles Peck Seth Savage Corp Hezekiah Hazen Samuel Fuller Capt Elisha Cranson Sgt. Uriah Goodwin Robert Ramsdell Asa Cranson Samuel Bartholomew John Ramsdell Oliver Coe Nicholas Watts Adam Smith Nathaniel Drown John Binkley Christian Burkholder Ludwick Goodyear Sgt Parker Emerson Corp Jeremiah Stubbs William Cutter Jonas Dickson William Gill Amos Jones Timothy Wilmarth, Sr Marks Lazarus Myer Moses Samuel Modecai Jonathan Knight Peter Banta James Carpenter George Keener William Milner Andrew Fidler Ensign Lothrop Holmes Thomas Chesley Daniel Morse James Packer, Sr Lt William Thayer, Sr Sgt Peter McGibbons Joseph Knap, Sr $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 1 1 1 1 $52.00 1 $52.34 $52.34 $52.34 $56.02 $56.35 $56.74 $56.74 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $57.45 $57.67 $57.82 $60.07 $60.69 $60.69 $60.69 $61.42 $61.42 $61.42 $61.42 $61.42 $61.42 $62.05 $63.24 $63.24 $63.24 $63.97 $70.37 $70.82 $70.94 $71.75 $71.91 $74.93 $74.93 $74.93 $74.93 $75.78 $75.79 $78.32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Bar 14-K P Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P D D D D D D D D D D P P P P Ancestor Bar (Chapter bar used) Ancestor Bar (Chapter bar used) Ancestor Bar (Chapter bar used) Ancestor Bar (Chapter bar used) Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar – (Chapter Bar used) 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P D D D D D D D D D D D D D D P P Brig Gen Peleg Wadsworth,Jr Nathaniel Culver Thomas Cross Thomas Gorham Major John Finley David Duncan Marshall Bolt William Cotton Michael Crose Ambrose Powell Thomas Powell Benjamin Powell Francis Lewis Signer John Reed Lt. Charles Beaujcan Elizabeth Anne Cox Lewis Capt John Mitchell George Bingham Lt James Mitchell Capt John Steel Col James Frye, Sr Daniel Johnson John Cochran Sgt Giles Hunter William Dinsmore Elanthan Bradley Ebenezer Buckingham Jebez Cooley Asahel Cooley Lt Benjamin Nesmith Josiah Pond Sgt Jonathan Treadway John Jones Lt George Ensinger John Howell Capt Patrick Campbell Jacob Galbart Mathew Harris Philip Olinger Zachariah Roberts David Axtell Jacob Ledwick Henry Lutzenheiser Capt David Murcherd James Fletcher Philemon Yancy Henry Menefee Capt Jacob deGroat Lt Col Micajah Dun $78.62 1 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $81.75 $81.75 $81.75 $81.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $83.33 $83.33 $83.83 $83.83 $88.38 $88.38 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $89.35 $92.60 $92.60 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $96.94 $97.00 $97.00 $97.00 $97.00 $97.00 $97.00 $97.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 $100.00 $100.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Ancestor Bar 14-K P Ancestor Bar 14-K P Major Thomas Talmage John Huey Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Rider Ancestor Rider Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar Ancestor Bar 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K P P P P P P P P P P P P Solomon Strong Consider Arms Ensign James Gilliam Capt Michael Trentman Caleb Farabee Henry Ferguson William French Capt Robert Reynolds Darius Peck William Griffith Josiah Mack John Owens Document No OSG-1014 (Revised Jan 17, 2004 OSGO-GFA 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K 14-K Joel Dunn Pvt Robert Eastturn Maj Richard McDonald George Smith Sgt Philemon Smith O’Bediah Howard Jonathan Mulkey Robert Kirkpatrick Lt Col Robert Ellis Philip Mulkey, II William Turley Pvt John Fields Nathaniel Fanning Capt Daniel Hand Capt Soloman Perkins Maj Joseph Buell Asa Hapgood, Jr $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $101.34 $103.35 $105.85 $105.85 $105.85 $105.85 $105.85 $105.85 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $120.61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $121.00 1 $125.94 1 $127.15 $130.00 $135.74 $137.07 $165.00 $187.00 $165.00 $196.75 $196.75 $196.75 $196.75 $196.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1