Phil 100 Philosophy Spring Syllabus 2016

PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
Thursday 330-650 pm
Course 20894
Dr. Bryce Gayhart
What is this course about?
We will study the broad topics that relate to the general field known as “Philosophy.” Following along
our selected text, we will cover: “How Do We Know Anything?” (Skepticism) “What is the Good?;
Political Philosophy: “What is the Best Society?’ (Morality\Religion)” “Are We Ever Really Free? (God
and Free Will)” “Who Are We?” “Do We Survive Death?” “Is There a God? (Paranormal\Metaphysics)”
“What is the Meaning of Life? (Religion)” We will lecture; have in-class discussions; view visual
materials (DVD,, and Projector); and provide an informal atmosphere of openness
through “round-table” discussions.
Student Learning Outcome
PHIL 100
I. Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 100 F, Introduction to Philosophy, students will identify and
explain major philosophical terms and concepts.
II. Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 100 F, Introduction to Philosophy, students will compare and
contrast at least two metaphysical and/or epistemological theories.
III. Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 100 F, Introduction to Philosophy, students will compare and
contrast at least two ethical and/or political theories.
Your instructor offers other courses -- Phil 160 Ethics; Phil 101 Intro to Religious Studies; Phil 105 World
Religions, and Phil 170 Logic and Critical Thinking and he has a working profession in Religion; and academic
degrees in Science; and in Philosophy, and in Theology and Religion.
Required Text:
1. Philosophy for Dummies by Tom Morris 1999 by Wiley Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-7645-5153-6 Paperback [$3-$10 See link below]
2. Materials from my Website.\bgayhart
EXAMS There will be five exams in our course. I will drop your lowest score. No Make UP Exams. I will
Preview one week before the exam. You will be graded not only on your command of the material (content)
but also on the quality (grammar, and writing ability). Exams represent 50% of your course grade.
Homework=JOURNAL Half of your course grade will be to write a continuing journal that will be handed in by
the last lecture—May 19 ** No late journals accepted (turn it in early to be sure).
Incomplete Journal = D for course No Journal = No Credit for Course
To receive credit for the course, you MUST use a lined Composition notebook. They are under $1 and
available in the bookstore, Walgreen’s, CVS, etc. It will function as your assigned “homework” during the
semester. In your journal, you will keep a diary-style record of your interaction with the material presented.
Write only on ONE SIDE of the journal. All 6 assignments must be numbered and in order. All 5 must be
handwritten (not typed or stapled to the pages unless you check with me first).
A journal: have at least 5 pages (page = one side) per reading assignment
B journal: have at least 4 pages (page = one side) per assignment
C journal: have at least 3 pages (page = one side) per assignment
You must have between 5-8 words per line of your journal. Anything less than 5 words per line is NOT
acceptable. But remember: it is not the LENGTH that is crucial—it is the QUALITY. The journal Assignments
are listed in the lecture outline below. The deadline for the journal is: May 19
“But Dr. Gayhart, I wrote 4 pages on all of my journal entries… why did I not receive a B??? … You said “4
pages!! And I did the best I could.” Answer: I am pleased that you performed to the best of your ability and I
appreciate that you met the length requirement of 4 pages…. BUT your grade is a reflection of the quality of your work –
your grade is my evaluation of your writing ability for this class. 4 pages per assignment QUALIFIES for a B – but does
“OK, fair enough -- so Dr. Gayhart, what is a “B” level journal grade??? And how do I earn it??”
For a C Journal: you must have met the basic length requirement of 3 pages per entry for all 5 entries. You have
followed instructions --you have turned in a composition notebook and I received it by the deadline of May 16. Your
notebook is in ORDER and contains all 5 entries (no entries out of order or sloppy). You made an honest “Average”
attempt to interact with the reading assignment – you did not produce a messy, hard to read, “last-minute” hurried, entry.
ALL of your assignments are there. Your journal is on par with other “average” students.
For a B Journal: I expect the requirements for a C to be met. PLUS – I now expect a longer length per entry. At least 4
pages per entry. PLUS – I expect a deeper “Above Average” level of interaction with the assignments. A more accurate
word-choice (college level vocabulary); fewer writing mistakes (grammar/spelling/word usage); I expect higher quality of
For an A Journal: 5 pages minimum per assignment required. Both of the above PLUS a superior command and effort
all around. Each entry must show a sustained and consistent “superior” attempt to grapple with the reading material. I
am now looking for ‘”depth” and “reflection” in your responses—how well you make connections and a deeper insight.
Any hurried, sloppy, or short entries will not be rewarded with an A journal. You must show consistency and higher quality
“Dr. Gayhart: What and How do I write a journal?”
Answer: Purchase an inexpensive Composition journal. Write in either in pen or in pencil. No typing unless you approve
it with me. You must not merely “copy” material into the journal taken from reading, web, or elsewhere. If the material
does not come from YOUR INTERACTION, it will be marked as “incomplete” or “missing assignment.”
If still confused…. See me and I will show you former journals by students. Or check with me during the semester after
you have done some entries and I will read them and let you know how you are doing.
Responses by former students:
“I left my journal at work before I came to class--can I get it to you later?”
“My cousin is going to the hospital and I need to give him a ride so I have to miss class and cannot turn
in my journal”
“I caught the flu last week and need more time”
“My hand is sore from baseball so I couldn’t do it”
“My dog chewed up the book and I am trying to find another and start over”
“I am in the hospital with a 104 degree fever and I need more time”
“My hard drive crashed and I cannot extract my journal files”
----although I sympathize with you, and truly feel compassion for your situation -- my question will always
be: “Why did you not turn it in EARLIER than the deadline? Why did you risk by waiting until the
deadline??? If I make an exception for you, how is that fair to other students???
Your notebook must be received by me NO LATER THAN May 19. No EXCEPTIONS
 Journal Writing No. 1 Appearance and Reality. We live in Southern California – a center of POP
culture and fads. Glamorous celebrities and disposable relationships. Why are we obsessed with
external appearances? If your young niece or nephew wanted Cosmetic Surgery, what would be your
advice to him/her??
 Journal Writing No. 2 Are you optimistic about the future? Can government produce a “better, more
kinder” society? What is your vision of UTOPIA? What do you think about the issue of
“homelessness? Do you give money or food to “street persons”?
 Journal Writing No. 3 We watched examples of persons with Extreme behaviors and beliefs. How do
you deal with persons who hold extreme views? Do you ignore them? Argue with them? What is your
advice on how to make your way in this world with such persons?
 Journal Writing No. 4 Many people, young and old are negative and critical. Are you a Skeptic?
What would it take to convince you of UFOs, Conspiracies, and other controversial topics? How easy
is it to TRUST others in our world??
 Journal writing No. 5 What is your impression of “reality” shows that track the Paranormal such as
Ghost Hunters? In many of my classes, numerous students have related chilling tales of personal
encounters. What do you think of the Paranormal??
4 Exams 50% + 5 Journal Assignments = 50%
INCOMPLETE or NO JOURNAL = No Credit for Course
Spotty attendance can result in a D for course. You must attend at least 70% of the classes in our
semester. After your 3rd absence, you may be dropped without notice or warning. Attendance is
taken by signing your name on a sheet that is passed around toward the end of the evening.
Contacting Me:
My class site:
FEB 4 Introduction to Philosophy Introducing the course and signing-in students. Course topics introduced.
Author Tom Morris discussed. Questions answered. Make sure that you have Blue Books and Scantron 882ES. Don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet that is passed out each week.
FEB 11 Metaphysics: What about God? Chapter 19; pp. 233-242. How do philosophers deal with Religion
and the notion of God? How does someone KNOW if there is a god? Is god Personal or is god Impersonal?
What is Real and what is merely Appearance? What about celebrities and Cosmetic Surgery that drastically
alters their appearance? Déjà vu and Synchronicity Phenomena.
Media Example: “Buddhism and The Matrix—What is Reality?”
Media Example: “Hollywood is So Fake” (Cosmetic Surgery Disasters)
Media Example: “The Truman Show” (DVD excerpt)
FEB 18
Political Philosophy: What is the best Society?? We will look at Capitalism; Socialism; and
Communism. Is it possible to create a Utopia? Can politics deliver us from ourselves? What is your version of a
“perfect” society?
Media Example: “Political Options: Capitalism; Socialism; Communism”
Media Example: Television Reality Series—UTOPIA. Watch as group try to construct a perfect society on a
farm. Who does the cooking and cleaning?? What about nude sunbathing and mate
swapping? Who decides?
Media Example: “America’s Dirty Laundry: Homelessness and Poverty in America” How do
you treat “street persons? Do you feel any compulsion to aid
Media Example: “Fabulous Life Of Filthy Rich - Billionaires HD Official”
FEB 25
Exam No. 1 Bring a Scantron #882 and a blank Blue Book
“Ethical Rules and Moral Character I” Chapter 9: pages 111-122
Moral Philosophy: Standards of Conduct. Judgment. Punishment. Forgiveness. Medieval Philosophy:
Dante’s INFERNO and Seven Deadly Sins. We will watch some short animations of the video
game “Dante’s Inferno.” Application: Are we addicted to Wealth Accumulation?? Is there a Heaven or
Paradise or a Hell? Commandments in Islam. Commandments in Buddhism.
Media Example: “Levels of Heaven in LDS and the Muslim Paradise”
Media Example: “What Dreams May Come” (DVD film starring Robin Williams --segments on
Medieval Ethical Philosophy: The Seven Cardinal Sins and Dante’s Inferno
Dante’s Inferno: the First Circle LIMBO
Dante’s Inferno: the Second Circle: LUST
Dante’s Inferno: the Fourth Circle: GREED
Dante’s Inferno: the Fifth Circle: ANGER
“Ethical Rules and Moral Character II” Why and How do People differ? Philosophy and
Psychology. What do Philosophers say about Personality Disorders such as Schizophrenia? How do we
explain violent, judgmental persons?
Media Example: “The Kids of Haight-Asbury” Alternate Lifestyle Persons and Alienation
Media Example: “Personality Disorders”
Media Example: “Krazy Kardashian Klan” Is this an example of a Dysfunctional Family??
Media Example: “Super Size Me” Watch as a normal guy decides for one month to eat nothing but McDonalds for
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Obsessive Compulsive??
Media Example: “Pastor Fred Phelps Minister of hate Westboro Baptist Church”
Watch one of the most hateful, outspoken group in America--who detest American soldiers; the entire country
of Australia, homosexuals, and just about anyone else who does not belong to their group.
MAR 17 “Ethical Rules and Moral Character III” Why and How do People differ? Philosophy and
Psychology. What do Philosophers say about Personality Disorders such as Schizophrenia? How do we
explain violent, judgmental persons?
MARCH 31 Exam No. 2 Bring a Scantron 882 and a blank Blue Book
Challenge of Skepticism and Unbelief: Conspiracy Theories
Chapter 5: 53-66 PART I Can we trust our Eyes and Ears?? We will look at the topic of
Belief and various forms of Skepticism. Conspiracy Theory. “A conspiracy theory is an explanatory
proposition that accuses two or more people, a group or an organization of having caused or covered
up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic
impact.” I have edited material on Conspiracy Theories that will be discussed in class and that will
be fair game for the upcoming exam. Evaluating Eyewitness Testimony.
Conspiracy Theories Packet Dr. Gayhart edited Wikipedia articles
Is the Disney Corporation in league with the Devil???? We examine conspiracy theorists who
claim that Disney is guilty of inserting “Sexual Subliminal Messages”
Subliminal Sex Messages and Pornography in Advertising Disney Movies
Media Example: “UFOs: Above and Beyond” Watch former Star Trek Cast member James “Scotty”
Doohen as he does his best to convince us that “overwhelming video evidence” is at hand to settle
the issue. Also Bob Lazaar and Area 51—a credible Witness?? (Wikipedia article:
Media Example: “Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura The 9 11 attacks”
Former wrestler and governor of Minnesota claims that the federal government is “covering up” vital
information about 9/11
Media Example: “Loose Change.” Watch as college students who produced this string of films
endeavor to convince us that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ –a Conspiracy—by the Bush Administration.
Who can we trust? Who is reliable?
“2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth”
Challenge of Skepticism and Unbelief: Conspiracy Theories
Chapter 5: 53-66 PART II
EXAM No. 3
APR 28
Philosophy of Science I will discuss the “Scientific Method.” For our application: we
will examine the topics of Evolution and Creationism. I will present both sides of the debate fairly.
Natural Selection; Mutation; Gene Replication; and Adaptation—all illustrate the method of Empirical
Science. Dating the age of the Earth – radioactive half-life and the ages of the Earth (handout in
class) Then we will present the position of Creationism. We will read the Creation account in the
Bible book of Genesis – sacred to millions of Jews; Muslims; and Christians. Reply and defense from
the literalist position.
MY WEBSITE: “What Evolution Is” by Mayer. Scans/What Evolution Is by Mayr 5 pages.pdf
MY WEBSITE:“Web Summary of Evolution”
Scans/What is Evolution Web Collection 3 pages.pdf
MY WEBSITE:“Reply from the Creationists and Book of Genesis Chapter 1, 2” Scans/Phil Evolution Genesis 3 pages.pdf “PBS Nova Evolution Episode 7-- What About God?” Creationist
and Evangelical speaker Ken Ham and college student, Nathan Baird. “Creationist John Pendleton: “The Earth is 6,000 Years Old”
May 5 The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal I What’s the Deal with Death?” Ch 16:
188-196 The Final Exit and the Four Fears. Philosophical Doubts and Details. The Silence
Argument. Arguments for Survival. The Light at the End of the Tunnel. Near Death Experiences.
Listen to the editor of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer, who claims that most paranormal footage
is pure hokum.
May 12
The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal II What’s the Deal with Death?” Ch
16: 188-196 The Final Exit and the Four Fears. Philosophical Doubts and Details. The Silence
Argument. Arguments for Survival. The Light at the End of the Tunnel. Near Death Experiences.
Listen to the editor of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer, who claims that most paranormal footage
is pure hokum.
MY Website: “Magic and Occult” packet Scans/Magic
and the Occult 12 pages.pdf
MY Website: “Words to Know and Video Rating Sheet”
ords%20to%20Know.doc “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 1 “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 2 Watch Michael Schermer on
“Why People Believe Weird Things.”
Watch Amazing Randi as he debunks Peter Popoff Faith Healer and exposes Mentalist Uri Geller
MY Website: “Wikipedia on Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter”
Phil 101 and Phil 105: "Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter" From Wikipedia .pdf file
DVD: “Ghost Hunters.” We will watch an episode of the popular Sci-fi original series “Site of the
Charles Manson Hollywood Murders” and raise questions about their methodology and
MAY 19
The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal “What’s the Deal with Death?” Ch 16: 188-196
The Final Exit and the Four Fears. Philosophical Doubts and Details. The Silence Argument.
Arguments for Survival. The Light at the End of the Tunnel. Near Death Experiences. Listen to the
editor of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer, who claims that most paranormal footage is pure
Website: “Magic and Occult” packet
Scans/Magic and the Occult 12 pages.pdf
Website: “Words to Know and Video Rating Sheet”
heet%20and%20Words%20to%20Know.doc “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 1 “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 2 Watch Michael
Schermer on “Why People Believe Weird Things.”
Watch Amazing Randi as he debunks Peter Popoff Faith Healer and exposes Mentalist Uri Geller
Website: “Wikipedia on Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter”
Phil 101 and Phil 105: "Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter" From Wikipedia .pdf file
DVD: “Ghost Hunters.” We will watch an episode of the popular Sci-fi original series “Site of the
Charles Manson Hollywood Murders” and raise questions about their methodology and
MAY 26
FINAL Exam (NO. 4)
(Same time; Same classroom)