salary setting process for the fisher college of business

Performance Rankings
Once Sections I through III are completed, the MAX forms are submitted to the unit
head. Unit heads are defined as deans, department chairs and administrative unit
directors. Each unit head will review the performance evaluations and rate each staff
member as Substantially Beyond, Beyond, Meets, and Below the norm. The unit head
then prepares a cover letter for the entire unit that lists all staff and their ranking as
noted above.
The unit cover letter and all supporting MAX evaluation forms are submitted to the
college’s Human Resources office for review and the MAX forms are filed in the
individual’s personnel file.
Salary Setting Process
The aggregate staff salary increase for the entire college (the % increase available to the
college) is determined by the college and approved by the Office of Academic Affairs
prior to calculating individual salary increases. Each unit is allocated the same
percentage of increase to work with for both A&P and CCS classifications. The unit head
allocates those funds by classification based on their MAX results, but they also have the
discretion to distribute a portion of those funds to address equity issues within the unit.
Each unit’s salary proposals are then submitted by the unit head to college
administration who review the proposals to ensure consistency in salary increase
distributions across the college.
Following the completion of the salary allocation process, and approval from the
college, unit heads will be expected to discuss the specific considerations used to
determine the salary increase with each staff member, including the reasons for the
recommendation and an assessment of performance for the past year. Unit heads will
then complete section 4 of the MAX Performance Review document.
The Dean’s Office will confirm the final salary recommendations in writing to each
individual staff member once the final salaries have been approved by the University.