
Bundara Nursery – Plant List
Ballet Dancer
Betty Sheffield
Supreme Bonanza
Bushfield’s Yellow
Buttons and Bows
C M Wilson
Commander Mulroy
Dona Herzilia de Magalhaes
Drama Girl
Gwenneth Morey
Jane Morgan
Lady Clare
Lady Loch
Little Slam
Man Size
Plantation Pink
Pure Silk
Sparkling Burgundy
Sweet Emily Kate
ABIES alba Pyramidalis
Densely branched tree with a narrowly conical habit.
ABIES balsamea Hudsonia
Cultivar of the Balssam Fir excellent compact rockery subject. Slow growing dwarf which in 10yrs should
reach 30cm in height.
ABIES balsamea Nana
One of the nicest dwarf conifers for the rock garden. Very hardy similar to Hudsonia when young.
ABIES x bornmuelleriana Compacta
A compact form of the naturally hybrid of A. nordmannianna and A. cephalonica.
ABIES bracheata Bristlecone Fir. One of the few abies species with prickly needles. Named for its peculiar
ABIES concolor Conica
A narrowly conical dwarf form with short needles. Rare in cultivation.
ABIES concolor Compacta
Well-known dwarf form with an irregular but attractive habit. The needles are are even more blue than the
species and smaller.
ABIES koreana Blaue Zwo
A dwarf upright conical plant. Leaves are grey-blue and has little cones. 25-50mm growth per year.
ABIES koreana Luminetta
A slow growing , small tree with golden-yellow needles. Suitable for small gardens. Attractive in winter when
the color is more intense.
ABIES koreana Silerlocke
A small tree, needles are twisted around their axis so that the silvery-white back is clearly visible.
ABIES numidica Pendula
A recumbent, almost prostrate plant, very rare in cultivation.
ABIES pinsapo Aurea Golden Spanish Fir.
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A slow growing form with sulfur-yellow needles. Needs a protected site as it can be prone to sunburn,
especially in winter.
ABIES procera Glauca Blue Noble Fir.
Rivalling even the best of the blue spruces with its lovely silver-blue foliage. Once established it can be
expected to add 30cm in height per year and usually cones when past the5m mark.
ABIES procera Noble’s Dwarf A wide growing plant which will later produce upright branches, possibly a side
graft of procera Glauca.
CEDRUS atlantica Silberspitz
A rare form of the Atlas Cedar. Forms a conical shapely tree to 4m in 10 years. Silvery white new growth
before turning a deep green.
CEDRUS deodara Cream Puff
A bushy form of the Golden Indian Cedar.
CEDRUS deodara Divinely Blue
CEDRUS deodara Feelin’Blue
Grows almost prostrate with only the rare leader. Needles are a bluish green. Also available as a standard.
CEDRUS deodara Gold Nugget
An extremely slow growing cedar spreading approx. 50cm in 10 years. Beautiful bright gold short needles.
CEDRUS deodara Hilands Gold
CEDRUS deodara Lime Glow
A dwarf slow growing dense mound with lime-green foliage. Excellent rockery specimen, also grafted as a
weeping standard.
CEDRUS deodaraMountain Beauty
A spreading cedar, quite low at first before building up in height. Light green foliage. 60cm x 80cm in 10
CEDRUS deodara Mylor
A spreading cedar, quite low at first before building up in height. Light green foliage. Could reach 60cm x
80cm in 10 years.
CEDRUS deodara Silver Spring
A conical tree with a graceful weeping habit. Usually light green in habit but in spring a display of silverywhite new growth appears.
CEDRUS deodara Snow Sprite
CEDRUS deodara Vink’s Golden
A broad yellow form. Tips very pendulous. Full sun.
CEDRUS deodara White Imp
A white dwarf Himalayan Cedar. Leaves are white on new growth holding into summer. Dwarf conical habit.
10 years 900 x 600mm.
CEDRUS libani Atlantica Glauca Blue Atlas Cedar.
Not all plants with this name are from the same clone.
CEDRUS libani atlantica glauca pendula A pendulous form of the blue Atlas Cedar.
CEDRUS libani atlantica Ewe
CEPHALOTAXUS harringtonia fastigiata Japanese Plum Yew.
Forms a tall bush 4-5m in height and width. The needles are never prickly which identifies the genus from the
related genus Torreya.
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Bundara Nursery – Plant List
CHAMAECYPARIS lawsoniana Ellwood’s Pigmy
This cultivar is much slower growing than all the other forms of Ellwoodii. Blue green foliage it makes a low
bun of only 40cm high and wide in twenty years. Any strong growths should be removed to maintain the
CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa Kosteri (Nana Koster)
The most elegant member of the Hinoki Cypress family. Kosteri has an informal growth habit composed of
large fans of lush green foliage, curiously twisted with one side up and the other down. A ten year specimen
would reach 80cm height and the same width.
CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa Nana Gracilis
The most widely planted form among the Nana group, has a potential height of 2.5m by 1m wide. Lustrous
dark green leaf sprays of loosely-held fans are rather more flat than cupped. In 10years it can attain a height
of 1m by 40cm in width.
CHAMAECYPARIS obtusa pygmaea Aurescens
A flat topped bush with coppery orange foliage.
DACRYDIIM franklinii Huon Pine. Tasmanian native conifer of weeping habit and fine pendulous foliage.
Initially quick growing in rich soil and sufficient watering. Prefers a sheltered position. An icon of Tasmanias
West Coast Rainforests.
DACRYDIUM cupressinum New Zealand native Rimu.
Excellent garden ornamental with pendulous bronze-green branchlets. Average growth, 30cm a year.
GINKGO biloba Maidenhair Tree.
A unique tree, the only surviving member of a large order of plants that now only exist as fossilized remains.
The leaves of this elegant deciduous tree resemble on a giant scale the leaves of the maidenhair fern .
Providing excellent shade from spring to autumn and then changes from fresh green to golden-yellow.
GINKGO biloba Tit
A dwarf form, with leaves sprouting from swellings on old specimens. Probably a wiches broom.
A rare deciduous tree in the wild that is also rare in cultivation. It is hardy in mild locations.
JUNIPERUS communis Spotty Spreader
A mat-like ground cover with some variegations.
JUNIPERUS Sabina Calgary Carpet
A creeping ground cover with feathery foliage.
JUNIPERUS squamata Blue Star
This plant is perhaps the most popular of all junipers.
JUNIPERUS squamata Loderi
A broadly columnar small tree with blue-green foliage 2 –3m tall.
LARIX decidua European Larch.
An ornamental tree of fresh green spring foliage turning to golden yellow in autumn remaining bare in winter.
LARIX decidua Pendula
A narrow weeping form.
LARIX deciduas Julien’s Weeper
A weeping form of the European Larch.
LARIX decidua Little Bogle
A dwarf select form of the European Larch. Rich green leaves and central leader. Some stems bent a little.
50-100mm a year.
LARIX gmelini Dahurian Larch
Also called the Eastern larch grows into a tall tree to 50m.
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LARIX kaempferi
Also known as leptolepis the Japanese Larch is a beautiful tree from the island of Hondo. The tree shows
excellent fresh spring growth and autumn colour. Ten year growth to 3m by 1.5m wide.
LARIX kaempferi Blue Rabbit
Similar habit to kaempferi but shows remarkable blue needles.
LARIX kaempferi Diana
A small elegant tree with contorted branches
LARIX larcinina American Larch
A small to medium sized tree, vigorous when young.
LARIX laricina Girard’s Dwarf
A dwarf American Larch makes a broad conical upright plant.
LARIX siberica Conica
LARIX xeurolepis Varied Directions Hybrid between L. decidua and L. kaempferi.
This is a peculiar form with long horizontal twigs.
METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood
A beautiful deciduous conifer, native to remote mountainous areas of China. Known as “The Living Fossil” as
it was thought to be extinct until discovered early last century. Popular garden conifer of beautiful form and
soft new spring foliage which turns to a rich bronze in autumn.
METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides Gold
A golden form of the Dawn Redwood .
PICEA abies aurea Jacobsen
A narrow upright plant with all is leaves yellow only on the tip of the green leaves. Growth 300mm a year.
PICEA abies aureo Spica
Large growing yellow variety of the Norway Spruce. Upright narrow plant. Leaves are a basic forest green
with yellow the tip where the sun hits. 3.6m in 10 years.
PICEA abies Cupressina
A slender, conical form, often treelike. More compact and a better form than pyramidata.
PICEA abies Goblin
Small rounded shrub with bright green , needle-like foiage. 1m in 10 years.
PICEA abies Little Gem
A witches- broom from Nidiformis, a compact globose bush
PICEA brachytyla Sargent Spruce.
This rare and densely branched tree has conspicuous short needles.
PICEA breweriana Brewer’s Weeping Spruce.
A beautiful weeping conifer. Slender branches are born downwards by the weight of the foliage. Medium
growth 3m in 10 years.
PICEA glauca Alberta Globe&nbsp
A mutation of the very common ‘conica’ . A compact globose bush.
PICEA glauca albertina Conica
The most common of all dwarf spruces. Conical form, suitable for patios, terraces, rockery and tub.
PICEA glauca Hudsonii
Very rare in cultivation it has bushy habit and glaucous foliage.
PICEA glauca Little Globe
A green dwarf witch’s broom variety of the white spruce. Leaves are green and small on a flat bun shaped
plant. Full sun. 10 years height 300mm x 600mm
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PICEA glauca Nana
A dwarf globose plant. Rare in cultivation.
PICEA likeangensis var. Balfouriana
A conical tree 15m tall with short grey-blue needles.
PICEA orientalis Aurea
The young shoots and needles are silvery yellowin spring, turning green in summer.
PICEA orientalis Barnes
A compact and slow-growing form. PICEA orientalis Pendula A rare, weeping form of the Caucasian Spruce.
PICEA pungens Baby Blue Eyes
A slow growing shrub, rounded at first, later developing the true spruce shape. Beautiful bright blue foliage.
Approx. 60cm in 10 years.
PICEA pungens Blue Pearl (Std)
As above on a standard graft.
PICEA pungens Donna’s Rainbow
PICEA pungens Fat Albert
Grey-blue foliage, excellent specimen.
PICEA pungens Fat Mac
Slow growing forming a compact rounded ball. Deep grey-green foliage. Approx. 25cm in 10 years.
PICEA pungens Hoto
Excellent garden specimen
PICEA pungens Montgomery
A slow growing plant, much wider than high.
PICEA pungens Raymur Springs
PICEA pungens St. Mary
A flat topped very low plant.
PICEA pungens Thomsen
A beautiful form of blue spruce with light icy blue foliage. Forms a typical pyramidal spruce shape.
PICEA smithiana Himalayan Spruce
Similar in weeping habit similar to breweriana. A beautiful specimen tree the branches hang in cascades
often terminating in clusters of attractive cones.
PINUS aristata Bristlecone Pine
The slowest growing of any pine this is a must for collectors of dwarf and unusual pines. The oldest
specimen is believed to be 4900 years old. An attractive dwarf in the garden, the bushy dark green needles
exude a whitish resin which gives it an overall blue –green effect.
PINUS densiflora Low Glow
Low growing pine with short, bright green needles. 30cm 10 years.
PINUS leucodermis Compact Gem
A lovely dwarf of the Bosnian Pine, an excellent slow-growing form.
PINUS leucodermis Schmidtii
The smallest of all th cultivars of Pinus ‘Schmidtii’ it was found in the wild in Bosnia in1926.
PINUS monticolor Nana
A compact form of the Western White Pine.
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PINUS mugo Amber Gold
A beautiful, dwarf ornamental pine with needles that turn to stunning gold each winter and back to green in
summer. 50cm high and 75cm wide in 10 years.
PINUS mugo Hesse
The needles are much shorter than the average P.mugo var.
PINUS mugo Ophir
A flat topped plant which has a very good yellow winter colour.
PINUS mugo Pal Maleter
Fast growing bushy plant . The tips of the needles are conspicuously yellow in winter.
PINUS mugo Per Golden
A dwarf variegated form. Leaves green with dragon’s eye effect on each stem. 10 years 0.9m x 1.2m
PINUS mugo Prostrata
Prostrate form of European Mountain Pine.
PINUS mugo Sherwood’s Compact
An excellent dwarf with compact habit.
PINUS mugo Zundert
A compact dwarf to 80cm tall with yellow needles in winter, less so in summer.
PINUS nigra Globosa
A compact flat topped plant.
PINUS parviflora brevifolia
A small, slow-growing, upright tree with very short needles.
PINUS parviflora Fukai
An unusual form of parviflora with yellow-variegated needles.
PINUS parviflora Fukuz
A nice form with short needles.
PINUS peuce aureovariegata
The young shoots bear yellow needles, later turning grey-green.
PINUS pumila pygmaea
A dwarf form of the Japanese Mountain Pine.
PINUS radiata Kenton
PINUS sylvestilis aurea
A small tree with grey-green needles in summer, turning a golden-yellow in winter.
PINUS sylvestilis Inverlieth
An attractive pine with thick needles of green and creamy white colours. Grows at least 2m in 10 years.
PINUS sylvestris ‘Jeremy’
Difficult to propagate, this very slow growing dwarf has very short leaves.
PINUS sylvestris Compressa
An attractive shrub with grayish green needles. Eventual conical habit 1m 10 years.
PINUS thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’
A compact form of the Japanese Black Pine with very dark green needles.
PINUS thumbergii Yatsabusa
A small form of the Japanese Black Pine. A compact shrub with rigid dark green needles. Grows more than
2m but can be kept as a dwarf with trimming.
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PINUS virginiana Wate’s Golden
A golden form of the Virginia or Scrub Pine. The long needles are bright gold colour. Small tree.
PSEUDOLARIX amabilis ‘Golden Larch’
A native of China this beautiful tree is often used for Bonsai culture. It has soft green spring foliage and a
wonderful golden colour in autumn and small reddish-brown cones like small flowers along the branches.
2.5m in 10 years.
PSEUDOTSUGA menziesii Pendula
A beautiful weeping tree with grey-green foliage. Stunning feature tree.
SCIADOPITYS verticillata ‘Japanese Umbrella Pine’
Slow growing it can be considered a dwarf for the first ten years but will eventually grow into a fine pyramidal
tree. Very old trees in Japan have been known to reach 50m.
SEQUOIA sempervirens adpressa
A dwarf formof the Califorian Redwood. A sprawling shrub with deep green foliage. Cream coloured new
shoots. Trims very well.
SEQUOIADENDRON giganteum ‘Big Tree’
The largest tree in existence reaching 100m and a base diameter of 12m. Suitable only for parks and large
gardens they make an annual growth of 50cm in their early years under the right growing conditions.
SEQUOIADENDRON giganteum ‘Pygmaeum’
A broad dense plant which is quite rare in the trade.
TAXODIUM distichum ‘Cascade Falls’
A beautiful form of the swamp cypress. The green fern-like foliage turns bronze in autumn.
TAXODIUM distichum ‘Secrest ‘
A compact dwarf.
TAXODIUM distichum ‘Swamp Cypress’
While happy growing in normal garden conditions as its name suggests it is quite happy growing in swampy
or damp situations. A deciduous conifer the tree goes through a colour change in autumn from yellow to
orange-brown, fresh yew like leaves in spring. In 10 years it may reach 5m in height with a spread of 2.5m.
TAXODIUM distichum Pendens
A tree the same size as the species, the tips of the branches are slightly pendulous.
TAXUS baccata fastigiata ‘Golden Irish Yew’
An upright –growing columnar is known throughout the world for its rich dark-green foliage highlighted during
autumn with red berries. Slow growing while young, 2m in 10 years, it will eventually increase its annual
growth and require trimming to maintain its shape.
HUJA occidentalis ‘Rheingold’
A bun shaped little shrub, pinkish gold in summer growth and turning a bright golden-bronze in winter. A 10
year old plant would reach 70cm high by 1.3m wide.
THUJA occidentalis ‘Teddy’
TSUGA canadensis Golden Splendour
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Bundara Nursery – Plant List
Admiral Piet Hein
Anita Dunstan
Anne Teese
Annie Endtz
Apricot Sherbet
August Moon
Belvas Joy
Bernice Baker
Billy Budd
Black Magic
Black Prince
Blue Admiral
Blue Crown
Blue Jay
Bronze Wing
Bruce Brechtbilli
Captain Jack
Chevalier Felix de Sauvage
City Of Burnie
Cotton Candy
Countess of Haddington
Countess of Sefton
Dame Nellie Melba
Dora Ameteis
Double Date
Douglas R. Stephens
Earl of Athlone
Edith Boulte
Elsie Straver
Eta Burrows
Etta Burrows
Fastuosum (Flora Plena)
Fine Feathers Primrose
Fire Wine
Fireman’s Jeff
Florence Mann
Furnivals Daughter
Gandy Dancer
Genghis Khan
Ginny Gee
Golden Gate
Good News
Grace Seabrook
Half Dan Lem
Harry Tagg
Horizon Monarch
Jean Marie de Montague
Jingle Bells
Johnny Bender
June Bee
Kiwi Magic
Lem’s Monarch
Lemon Lodge
Lemon Mist
Loder’s White
Lori Eichielser
Madame Cachet
Madame Masson
Mardi Gras
Margaret Dunn
Markeeter’s Prize
May Day
Meadow Gold
Mrs. Betty Robinson
Mrs. Charles Pearson
Mrs. G W Leak
Mt. Everest
Nova Zembia
Old Copper
Peach Perfection
Percy Wiseman
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Peste’s Firelight
Phyllis Korm
Pink Porcelian
Point Defiance
Polar Bear
President Roosevelt
Prince Camille de Rhohan
Princess Alice
Princess Anne
Purple Splendour
Razzle Dazzle
Red Eye
Red Olympia
Ross Maude
Ruby Hart
Ruth Mottley
Saffron Queen
Saint Bernard
Sea Shells
September Snow
Sir Phillip Bennett
Softly Softly
Surrey Heath
Tally Ho
Tortoise Shell Salome
Tortoise Shell Wonder
Trail Blazer
Unique Marmalade
Van nes Sensation
Vulcan’s Flame
Wee Bee
White Flare
White Gold
White Swan
Windsor Lad
Yak- Angel
Yak-Pink Form
Yaku Princess
You Beaut
Bundara Nursery – Plant List
Trees & Shrubs
Abeliophyllum distichum
A small, deciduous, twiggy shrub with highly perfumed flowers like forsythia in winter-spring. Prune after
Abutilon ‘Double Pink’
A Chinese lantern with double pink carnation like flowers over Summer and Autumn.
Abutilon x Suntense
Vigorous large shrub with a long flowering season from Spring to Summer. Large saucer shaped mauvepurple flowers. Large, vine-shaped, hairy leaves. Requires a semi sheltered area which is not too dry. Needs
Acer ‘Esk Flamingo’ (Standard)
A very exciting new snakebark maple. Bark is pinkish red with white stripes. Leaves are a spectacularly
mottled pink in Spring and Summer. Orange Autumn tones. A bushy small tree with semi-weeping or
cascading habit.
Acer caudatifolium Summer Surprise
Strongly striped bark, leaves are green in spring but are strongly variegated white and pink in the second
summer flush.
Acer circinatum Monroe
Deeplt cut “Vine Maple”
Acer crataegifolium veitchii
A very pretty small tree with bright pink and white variegated small leaves.
Acer griseum
Rare slow growing with three lobed leaves, turning scarlet in autumn. Peeling mahogany coloured trunk is a
very attractive feature in winter.
Acer japonicum acronitilolium sy.Filicifolium
Large deeply cut leaves. Scarlet autumn colour.
Acer japonicum Fairy Lights
A multi-dissected form giving a total lacelike appearance. Similar foliage to ‘Green Cascade’ but more finely
divided. Very slow growing, informal, upright large bush, reaching a height and spread of 1m in 7years. Light
green, varying to deeper shades in spring and summer. A mixture of gold and scarlet in autumn. A selected
seedling from Arnold Teese of Yamina Rare Plants.
Acer japonicum Green Cascade
A weeping or pendulous form, almost prostrate. Rich green dissected leaves. Brilliant autumn colours range
through the yellow-orange-crimson tones of the japonicums.
Acer maximowiczianum Nikko Maple
Medium sized to large tree with a broad round crown, maturing to 14-20m high. Trifoliate, matt, medium to
dark green leaves. One of the last maples to change colour in autumn beginning with shades of yellow and
pink, turning to orange and red, and becoming a deep flaming red late into autumn.
Acer negundo Flamingo
White variegated leaves with new growth bright pink. Hardy and showy tree.
Acer negundo Violaceum
Hardy fast growing tree with purple new growth. Flowers hang in long showy pink-mauve tassles on the bare
stems in early spring.
Acer palmatum Ao shidare dissectum
A cascading mushroom shaped plant with blue-green foliage. Autumn foliage yellow.
Acer palmatum Aoyagi
The green counterpart of ‘Sango kaku’ with bright pea-green colour on bark of twigs, small branches and
limbs. Green foliage with a pleasing yellow in autumn. 6-8m.
Acer palmatum Aratama
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A good dwarf shrub with showy red foliage, varying from brick-red to light purple–red. A strong green base to
the leaves adds an interesting two- tone effect
Acer palmatum Ariande
Deeply divided reddish-purple leaves with pink variegations. Filtered shade best position.
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum
A strong growing, upright, round topped tree. Red in spring, flame in autumn. Height 8-10m at maturity.
Acer palmatum Aureum
A distinctive yellow is quite dominant of this cultivar with an undertone of light green which becomes more
noticeable in shady positions while in full sun colour develops into golden shades. Autumn colour, bright
yellow. Height 8m at maturity.
Acer palmatum Autumn Fire
Mushroom shaped very robust weeper that turns brilliant scarlet crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum Baby Lace dissectum
A highly desirable dwarf red with leaves half the size of normal dissectums, becoming smaller with age,
reducing to the size of a thumb nail. Leaves emerge reddish orange in spring, becoming bronze-green in
summer and orange red to pink red in autumn. Height 1m high and wide in 10 years.
Acer palmatum Baldsmith dissectum
Bright orange-red spring foliage becoming paler and green-tinged in the center with pink tinged margins as
they develop. Among the best of the newer dissectum introductions. Distinctive very pendulous finely
dissected foliage. Bright yellow and orange hues in autumn.
Acer palmatum Beni shidare dissectum
Has the typical form and colour of the red dissectums. Of pendulous habit it does not a deep red but
assumes a bronze colour in mid-summer. Old specimens may form a mound at least 5m high.
Acer palmatum Burgundy Lace
Spreading small tree, develops a wide canopy, up to 6m at maturity. Deeply divided almost ribbon like lobes
of a red colouration similar to burgundy wine. Spring and early summer colouration is typical burgundy red
but turns bronzy or greenish as the season progresses.
Acer palmatum Butterfly
A spectacular variegated small leaved upright form to5-6m high. The variegation cream, green and pink.
Acer palmatum Chantilly Lace dissectum
New introduction from Green Mansions Nursery, Pennsylvannia. Attractive, hardy, dissected cultivar with
finely cut medium-green leaves, almost as fine as ‘Red Filigree Lace’. New leaves emerge coppery red,
gradually turning to green and becoming golden yellow to crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum Coonara Pygmy
A dwarf selection of Arnold Teese, Yamina Rare Plants, forms a round bush to 1.5m. The bright green
leaves vary, having very tiny leaves on old wood and larger more pinnate leaves on new foliage.
Acer palmatum Coral Pink
A dwarf bushy upright plant with stunning salmon-pink new growth. Needs semi-shaded position.
Acer palmatum Crimson Queen dissectum
The persistence of the deep red colour of the cascading foliage is an outstanding feature of this cultivar
which is carried through the entire growing season. Autumn colours range into extremely bright scarlet tones.
Height 3m x 4m wide.
Acer palmatum Emerald Lace dissectum
A new form from America, this plant has exceptional vigour. Bright green laceleaf foliage on a robust
mushroom shaped form that changes to glowing orange-red in autumn. Performs well in full sun
Acer palmatum Emperor One
Red leaf form holds its colour in summer heat and humidity. Medium size upright grower.
Acer palmatum Filigree dissectum
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A most desirable smaller growing dissectum. Spring colour is uniquely spectacular being variegated light
green. Bright yellow twigs and branches are silvery-green with white dots and stripes. Autumn foliage gold.
Acer palmatum Garnet dissectum
Its colour, rich red orange of the gemstone garnet, and vigor are outstanding features of this cultivar. The
deep colour of the large leaves holds well into summer. Pendulous, spreading, cascading habit.
Acer palmatum Germaine’s Gyration dissectum
Cascading branches twist and undulate on this vigorous lace-leaved maple. The large green leaves of the
summer foliage changes to beautiful tones of yellow, orange and red in autumn.
Acer palmatum Goshiki kotohime
A beautiful variegated dwarf form of the excellent dwarf ‘kotohime’. Rich green leaves with each leaf varying
in the amount of variegation. Less than 1m.
Acer palmatum Goshiki shidare dissectum
A variegated dissectum of cascading form with a great variety of leaf colour. Various shades of green with
dark red overtones with smaller leaves than most of the dissectums.
Acer palmatum Hagaroma
One of the very unusual leaf forms of Acer palmatum. Dark green foliage, with emerging young leaves pink
tinged. A blend of yellows, and oranges in light tones during autumn.
Acer palmatum Heart Beat dissectum
This new Australian introduction has bright red foliage changing to crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum Higasa yama
A variegated upright growing tree. Unusual leaf form and colour. In autumn the cream colour portions take on
an orange to dark yellow and occasionally red tone.
Acer palmatum Inaba shidare dissectum
Its deep colour and individual leaf shape of this outstanding dissectum differs from others. The leaves
develop a deep tone of purple red in spring and retain the colour all season. Brilliant crimson in autumn. A
little more erect than the normal dissectum
Acer palmatum Kamagata
A green dwarf of delicate appearance. The edges of the unfolding leaves in spring are tinted with red to rusty
red. Early summer foliage becomes a bright, light green.
Acer palmatum Kara ori nishiki
Reddish spring foliage, changing to greenish red in summer. Whitish variegations range from indistinct to
very bold and sometimes have a pink overtone. Crimson autumn colour. Slow grower to 4m high.
Acer palmatum Kasagiyama
Brick red interlaced with green veining. Colour will vary in sun or shade on this small upright.
Acer palmatum Komon nishiki
Small leaves that are green with creamy yellow markings overlaid peach, on a nicely vase shaped plant.
Acer palmatum Lemon Chiffon
New introduction. Light yellow green spring leaves, becoming light green for summer, then turning yellow
and orange with red flushes in autumn. Protect from hot afternoon sun.
Acer palmatum Mirte
Greenish-chocolate spring leaves turn darker blackish green in summer.
Acer palmatum Moon Fire
The purple-red, almost black-red colour last well through the summer and do not bronze out as many of the
red cultivars. Crimson autumn colour. 7m high at maturity.
Acer palmatum Nigrum syn.Everred dissectum
A very dark purple red to almost black red usually a rich purple. In late summer tones change into brown
green mixed with dull yellow or bronze. Bright reds and crimsons in autumn. Grows rapidly when young but
later slows and thickens, reaching 4-5m at maturity.
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Acer palmatum Nuresagi
Deep, rich black-purple-red foliage appears quite lacy. The bark of the twigs and branches have a deep
maroon colour, overshadowed with a greyish tone. 5-6m high.
Acer palmatum Okagami
Purplish red new foliage deepens to shiny blackish red as leaves mature. The strong colour lasts until late
summer when green tones blend in. Various colours of red and scarlet brighten in autumn. Upright small tree
to about 5m at maturity.
Acer palmatum Omure yama
A green cascading form. The pendulous branches, as it ages, form a curtain around the perimeter of the
plant. Gold and crimson combinations in autumn. Height 4-5m
Acer palmatum Orange Dream
Young leaves emerge a fresh orange, turning to a lemon yellow with orange tinged margins and tips. Bright
yellow gold in Autumn. 3-4m at maturity.
Acer palmatum Orangeola dissectum
One of the most outstanding cascading dissectums especially noted for its orange-red new foliage in spring.
Keeps an orange flush on the leaves as they turn a rich red green through summer. The colouration is
boosted by a second flush of orange leaves in mid-summer, turning fiery orange-red in autumn.
Acer palmatum Oregon Sunset
Graceful and colourful red foliage on a compact rounded bush suitable for the smaller landscape or
container. Soft red, quickly becoming plum red in spring turning to a vivid sunset red in autumn.
Acer palmatum Ornatum
Bronze red, turning greenish during late summer and crinson-red in autumn. Ideal landscape specimen with
its brilliant tone. Very old plants reach 3m high 3m spread.
Acer palmatum Osakazuki
Best known for the intense crimson autumn colour. Listed since the mid 1800s. The green leaves do not burn
easily and have a durable texture. Rapid initial growth slowing down to an eventual 8m tree at maturity.
Acer palmatum Oto hime
A strong green dwarf cultivar. The bright green leaves with reddish edging and tips emerge in spring and the
colour is maintain through summer. Yellow and orange tones in autumn. .7m high x 1.3m wide at 10 years.
Acer palmatum Peaches & Cream
Delicate variegated form with a cream and greenish cream colour over most of each leaf. The leaf remains
pink-edged through summer. 3m at maturity.
Acer palmatum Pixie
Bright pink red emerging leaves becoming a deep red which lasts into late summer. Undersurface a bronze
green, fiery scarlet in autumn. 2m high.
Acer palmatum Red Dragon dissectum
This deep purple-red dissectum keeps its deep colour in sun or shade. The young leaves are a bright scarlet
in spring, becoming a dark burgundy as they develop, changing to flaming scarlet again in autumn. A well
branched compact cascading mound to 2.5m high.
Acer palmatum Red Filigree Lace dissectum
An outstanding red dissectum, uniform colour is a deep purple re or maroon, one of the most finely cut laceleaved maples. Retains colour through the growing season. Bright crimson in autumn. Considered one of the
most beautiful of the dissectums.
Acer palmatum Red Pygmy
Excellent red cultivar. Red or bright red-maroon leaves. Older plants broaden and become round topped.
1.5-2m after 20-25 years.
Acer palmatum Roseo Marginatum
See Higasa yama
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Acer palmatum Royle
A dwarf red witches broom, brilliant red autumn colour, rounded bush to 1m tall.
Acer palmatum Ryuzu
Delightful green dwarf, ideal bonzai or rock garden. New leaves have a touch of pink overlaying the pale
green, disappearing as the leaf matures to green. Warm orange-yellow in autumn. 2m tall at maturity.
Acer palmatum Sagara niskiki
The leaves have a light green base colour with pale yellow variegation with an overshading of pink as the
leaves unfold fading as the leaf matures. Semi-shade to protect the variegations during summer as the
leaves are easily burned in strong sun. 2-3m tall.
Acer palmatum Shaina
Compact, densely branched, globe shaped shrub to 3m or more. Ideal for container or rock gardens. Leaves
emerge bright red changing to dark maroon-red. Turns bright crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum Sango kaku
The outstanding feature of this maple is the brilliant coral bark. The bright green leaves have a strong
reddish tone on the new leaves fading as they mature. Yellow-gold in autumn. Attains a height of up to 8m at
Acer palmatum Seiryu dissectum
Upright growing dissectum, a pleasing bright green lace-leaved foliage which changes to a light green in
summer with reddish tones on the margins. Strong gold to light yellow with a suffusion of crimson in autumn.
Older plants may reach 5-7m.
Acer palmatum Sekimori dissectum’
Deep green leaves and green bark with a whitish dusting make this dissectum an outstanding specimen.
Reaching 3-4m at maturity its cascading branches go out and down. Planting on a slope enhances its
beauty. Bright yellow-gold in autumn.
Acer palmatum Sherwood Flame
An excellent deep red form that holds its colour well through summer. A good doer.
Acer palmatum Shidava Gold
A highly desirable green dwarf, discovered as a witches broom on ‘Aoyagi’. A miniature replica of its parent
with bright yellow-green leaves contrasting with the pea-green bark. Maintains the same colour through the
seasons. 2m tall at maturity.
Acer palmatum Shigitatsu sawa
Reticulated with a network of prominently green-coloured veins and a light yellow to yellow-green
interspaces. The bright, unique, marking holds well when the plant is protected from the hot sun. The colour
darkens in mid-summer turning to a red or rich red-green tone. Medium sized upright grower to 5m tall with
4m spread at maturity.
Acer palmatum Shin deshojo
One of the most brilliant spring foliage plants. The flaming scarlet or crimson scarlet leaf colour is retained for
the first month of spring, turning to reddish green in mid-summer. Excellent container or bonsai plant. Blends
of reds and oranges in autumn. 3m tall.
Acer palmatum Shishigashira
The compact growth makes it very popular for container or bonsai culture. The small bright green leaves are
quite crinkled and the colour is maintained very well during summer even in hot sun. Gold suffused with rose
and crimson tones in autumn. 5m tall.
Acer palmatum Shojo shidare dissectum
Leaves are deep maroon with a rich green tone down the center of each lobe. A cascading form to 3m high.
Acer palmatum Skeeters
Red witches broom sport off the well known Bloodgood. Good upright compact grower.
Acer palmatum Stella Rossa dissectum
Foliage colour is a dark purple that does not fade in summer. Autumn changes to crimson.
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Acer palmatum Tamukeyama dissectum
A very old variety with deep crimson-red new growth that quickly turns to a very dark purple-red. Full sun is
best for this hardy cascading plant that does not lose its colour. Bright scarlet in autumn. The Japanese
record plants 50 to 100 years old reaching 4m tall.
Acer palmatum Trompenburg
The rich deep purple red colour lasts well into late summer. In full sun the leaves do not burn but later
change to a deep reddish green and bronze turning crimson in autumn. Upright growing cultivar to 6-8m high
by 4-5m wide.
Acer palmatum Ukigumo
One of the most outstanding variegated cultivars. With a basic light green leaf colour the variegation is made
up of white or pink dots. 3m tall after many years .
Acer palmatum Viridis dissectum
Partial shade keeps the bright green foliage bright all summer. Strongly cascading form, very old trees (75100 yrs.) may reach 4m. Gold colours with a splash of crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum Waterfall dissectum
Slightly larger leaves than those seen in the green dissectum group. The bright green leaves have a longer,
more flowing appearance as they cascade down the outside of mature plants. Autumn colours are brilliant
gold tones suffused with crimson. The original plant, a selected seedling in the 1920s was 3m high by 4m
wide in the mid-1970s.
Acer palmatum Watnog dissectum
A smaller dense weeping dissectum. New growth pinkish-red fading out to green-red in summer then
overlaid pink-red with its mid summer flush. Autumn changes it to brilliant orange. Plant in full sun for best
Acer palmatum Yasemin
Narrow shrubby small tree with deep purple leaves that are pleasingly shaped. Good robust grower
Acer palmatumFiligree Rouge dissectum
Reddish-bronze spring growth that turns dark green-bronze in summer. Autumn colours are orange yellow.
Acer pentaphyllum
Large narrowly five fingered leaves. Hardy and very dainty in appearance. Small to medium tree.
Acer pseudoplatanus Brillianyissimum
Small hardy tree. Bright orange pink spring foliage turning green.
Acer rubrum Scanlon
Excellent vigorous narrow, column “Red Maple” with brilliant autumn colour. Hardy.
Acer rufinerve Winter Gold
A remarkable gold stemmed form. In winter the trunk makes a feature equal to Acer palmatum Sango kaku.
Best in a sheltered semi-shaded position.
Acer shirasawanum Aureum
A yellow leaved form of the species, known as the “golden full moon maple. A most spectacular tree the
spring foliage is a bright yellow which changes from yellow – green to medium green as the season
progresses. 7 – 8m at maturity (100+ years)
Acer triflorum
Rivaling Acer Griseum but somewhat more subtle in it’s crinkles. A related species which also has its leaves
divided into threes in an un-maple like fashion. Slow growing, eventually 7-9m. Excellent autumn colour,
usually red but some trees are bright golden yellow. Bark especially beautiful in winter.
Acer Wabito
Upright habit. Leaves deep green and irregular in shape often having yellowish or lighter green variegation.
Actinidia kolomikta
A Chinese Gooseberry which requires moisture and shade. Its leaves are spectacularly variegated pink and
white, each leaf appearing to be dipped in pink or white paint. This feature takes several years to develop.
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Aesculus californica
Native to California it is found on the hillsides of Sierra Nevadas. A spreading shrub it has cylindrical panicles
of creamy white flowers, sometimes tinged pink. 4.5m.
Aesculus x neglecta Erythrocladum
Spectacular orange-pink or shrimp pink new leaves in spring. Later pale green, yellow-orange in autumn.
Flowers yellow. Small tree.
Aesculus x carnea Briotii
Red Horse Chestnut The Red Horse Chestnut has reddish pink flowers with yellow blotches and appear on
erect panicles in late spring. ‘Briotii’ is a cultivar with biggerand darker flowers. Height 9m
Aesculus x carnea Plantierensis
Large deciduous tree similar to A. hippocastanum but with pale pink flowers. Does not set seed.
Agapetes serpens
A scrambling evergreen shrub it has arching red stems and grows to 1m high with a much wider spread.
From late winter, 5-sided, tubular red flowers with darker chevron markings open along the stems. Best seen
from below it is often grown in hanging baskets.
Agapetes smithiana
Yellow green correa like flowers. 1m high. Filtered light.
Alberta magna Burning Beacon - Natal Flame Bush
A large shrub it has leathery deep green leaves and for up to 9 months of the year, from autumn through
winter to summer it produces heads of bright red flowers, each backed by a lighter calyx.
Albizia julibrissin Persian Silk Tree
A deciduous tree native to Japan and western Asia. It is valued for its abundant pinkish inflorescences with
silky stamens held above foliage in summer. 6m
Alniphyllum fortunei
A beautiful small tree, white flowers tinged pink, autumn tones. Rare
Amelanchier arborea
A small deciduous tree or shrub. Fragrant white flowers in pendulous racemes followed by purple fruit.
Amelanchier Canadensis Juneberry
It is an upright suckering shrub or small tree. The spring flowersare in upright many-flowered sprays and the
juicy blue-black fruits are about 12mm in diameter. The Juneberry occurs in mainly boggy ground but are
suitable in the garden with sufficient watering. Height 8m
Arbutus canariensis
From the Canary Islands it is similar in many respects to Arbutus unedo. Small greenish white flowers, often
tinged pale pink are followed by strawberry like fruit that ripens from green to red. Height 4.5m.
Arbutus glandulosa
From the mountains of Sth.Mexico it has beautiful pale pinkish brown bark with a slightly waxy bloom and
peels annually in summer, with curling edges, to reveal cream new bark. Dull pinkish flowers are borne on
downy stalks in winter followed by small orange fruit. 12m.
Arbutus unedo Pink Pearls
Irish Strawberry Tree A select form of the Strawberry tree it has stringy bark, often arranged in a spiral
fashion. The flowers are white flushed pink. The fruits are about 25mm in diameter, green at first, ripening to
orange and finally bright red and are edible. 8m
Arbutus x andrachnoides
Hybrid Strawberry Tree This naturally occurring hybrid between A.andrachne and A.unedo is roughly
intermediate between the two. The main characteristic is the highly ornamental bark which peels back to
reveal new, dull crimson bark beneath. The white flowers are borne mainly in late winter or early spring in
terminal panicles.
Arisaema .erubescens
Narrow long fingered leaves. Green cobra lily flowers with a long drip tip.
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Arisaema candidissima
Large fleshy leaves divided into three leaflets. Large pink flowers with white stripes appear just before the
leaves. Stunning
Arisaema flava
Small yellow flowers.
Arisaema franchettianum
Arisaema sikkokianum
One of the best cobra lillies. Black hood which is held almost vertical. Spadix shaped like a drum stick and
pure white.
Arisaema speciosa
Leaves very large, divided into three lobes, often edged red. Flowers appear below leaves. They are striped
brown and white. The spadix has a long hair like tip to 45cm long.
Arisaema tortuosa
A wonderful tall cobra lilly to1.5m with attractive divided leaves. Stems beautifully patterned brown red and
black. Green flowers held above the foliage with a long black spadix curving out and up. Excellent
Arisaema triphyllum
Three part leaves. Green hooded flowers.
Aucuba japonica Picurata
Leaves have a conspicuous central yellow blotch, the broad margin spotted with yellow. Male and female
forms occur.
Aucuba japonica RozannieA
Broad dark green leaves, toothed above the middle. A compact female form, with large, red fruits freely
Aucuba japonica Sulphurea Marginata
A distinct form with sea-green stems. Leaves green with a pale yellow margin. Inclined to revert in shade.
Beschorneria rigida
Clumps of green sword-like leaves, from which 2m red/pink flowering stems emerge. Tubular pendant
flowers appear along the upper stems and are pink in bud, opening to greenish yellow petals. Part shade to
full sun. Late spring.
Beschorneria yuccoides
Yucca like large grayish sword shaped leaves. The flower stalk extends up to 2m and is pinkish red. Pink
flowers with green tips hang from the stem.
Betula alba Glenella
Betula albosinensis Chinese Red Birch
A beautiful, medium sized species with glossy green leaves on slightly rough shoots. The peeling bark is
pinkish to coppery-red, cream when first exposed. Western China. Height 24m.
Betula costata
Rare in cultivation. Native to NE Asia.
Betula Jermyns
A very vigorous , medium-sized, broadly conical tree. The very fine white bark is retained into maturity.
Catkins are long and showy, up to 17cm. Height max. 20m
Betula Nigra Heritage
An outstanding form of nigra, a vigorous tree with peeling , light brown to creamy bark and dark glossy
Betula pendula Purpurea Purple Leafed Birch
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A slow growing tree with purple leaves.
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Silver Shadow
One of the loveliest birches with its dazzling white stems, a very distinct form of var. jacquemontii, making a
small to medium sized tree with striking, white bark and drooping, dark green leaves.
Bocconia frutescens
Tree Celandine When young, the leaves are covered with fine hairs, but these soon wear away. The floral
racemes develop in summer and combine a subtle blend of pink, cream and green. Considered a noxious
weed in Hawaii this evergreen tree grows to 6m tall and has 38cm long, grey-green leaves that are deeply
cut, almost to the midrib.
Bowkeria gerardiana (verticillata)
A medium sized shrub, producing white calceolaria-like flowers during summer. Natal South Africa.
Brachychiton Bella Donna
Evergreen tree with densely packed panicles of delicate pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Simple
undivided leaves. Full sun and well drained soil. Hybrid between B .acerifolius and B .populneus. Height 510m x spread 4-6m.
Brachychiton x Clara Belle
Large bell shaped dark pink-red flowers occur in late spring and early summer. It is a cross between B.
discolour and b. populous. Full sun. Height 5-10m x 4-6m.
Brachyglottis repanda
A shrub or small tree, it is native New Zealand and goes to 6m. Wide wavy leaves up to 250mm long have
prominent veining and felt undersides. Tiny dull flowers are carried in large showy panicles and almost
smother the plant in spring.
Brachyglottis repanda Purpurea
Purpurea is a natural variety and is an excellent foliage plant with leaves that are a deep purple above and
downy white beneath.
Brachyotum lindleyi
Shrub with small Tibouchina like dark glossy green leaves. Showy rich purple nodding tubular flowers with
bright red calyx in spring.
Brugmamsia Pink
Wide cone shaped flowers emerge yellow soon turning to white with a strong pink tip. Long flowering period
over summer and autumn.
Brugmansia aurea
This species forms a small evergreen tree of 4.5m or more with a short trunk dividing into a few large
branches supporting a large leafy crown. The yellowish green flowers are borne abundantly in late summer
and are 25cm in length.
Brugmansia sanguinea
A small tree, native to Columbia, Ecuador and Peru, this species grows to 3.5m and as broad. The corolla is
yellowish below but turning orange-scarlet on the outer half.
Brugmansia x Candida Alba Plena
Double white angels trumpet. Flowers double to 32cm, fragrant, becoming white.
Brugmansia x Candida Grand Mariner
A hybrid between B.aurea and B. versicolor, Grand Mariner has peach coloured flowers. It is delicately
scented especially at night.
Buddleja alternifolia
An elegant deciduous shrub from NW China grows to about 4m. The fragrant, misty mauve flowers are
tightly grouped down the entire length of the pendant and arching stems. The late spring to early summer
display is prolonged.
Buxus sempervirens Aurea Pendula
Slow growing evergreen shrub with bright yellow edged leaves. Branches semi-weeping
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Callicarpa Americana American Beauty Bush
A deciduous shrub to 3m it is surprisingly hardy. It has leaves up to 20cm long that have downy undersides.
The flowers are usually a violet shade and are followed by densely clustered bunches of magenta drupes
that last well into winter.
Callicarpa bodinieri
A deciduous species from central and western China it develops into a 3m tall shrub with up to 20cm long
toothed leaves turning gold in autumn. The violet-purple fruits that follow its lilac flowers are small but
Calicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii is more commonly grown than the species
Calodendrum capense
Cape Chestnut The Cape Chestnut has bright mid-green leaves which are complemented by lovely bunches
of pink flowers in spring and early summer. The flowers have protruding stamens and distinctive recurved
petals dotted with oil glands which reflect the light and make the flowers appear to glow in the sunlight.
Height 9m
Calycanthus floridus
Bushy shrub to 2m. Usual scented flowers of brownish – red composed of numerous petals. Summer.
Cantua buxifolia Sacred Flower of the Incas
From the mountain of Peru, Bolivia and Nth. Chile. Deep pink to purple pendulous flowers 8cm long in early
spring. Prune to shape. Good screening plant. 3m high x 2.4 wide.
Cantua buxifolia Bi Color
Native to Bolivia. Small dark green hairy leaves. Flowers pendulous, yellow tubed, red at the neck with flared
cream lobes.
Cardiocrinum caudatum
Similar to giganteum. Large rounded leaves. Plants have flowered in pots and reach 2m in height. Scented
white trumpet flowers.
Cardiocrinum giganteum Himalayan Giant Lily
Very tall lily with heads of white trumpet and handsome glossy leaves. Grows in cool, damp, shaded areas.
2m+ high.
Carpenteria californica
Tree Anemone A beautiful shrub with pure white flowers, overlapping petals and prominent yellow stamens
up to 6cm across. Height 2.4m.
Catalpa bignoniodes Aurea
Tree with large round to heart shaped bright yellow leaves.
Cavendishia accuminata
Evergreen small shrub with shiny leathery leaves and waxy red tubular flowers in clusters from late summer
to autumn. Sun or part shade. Height 1m
Ceonothus x delileanus Gloire de Versailles
Deciduous small to medium shrub. Large panicles of powder blue flowers in summer and autumn.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura
A deciduous tree valued for its elegant horizontal branch structure and vibrant autumn foliage, changing from
smoky pink, yellow and sometimes red. Broadly conical when young, eventually becoming domed with
symmetrically arranged branches.
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Pendulum
A weeping form.
Cercis canadensis Flame
Large, double, purple pink flowers (20 petals). Later flowering than other varieties. Erect branching.
Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy
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Handsome small deciduous tree with interest in all seasons. This form has deep reddish purple foliage and
small pink flowers. Sunny situation
Cercis chinensis Avondale
A slow growing stiffly bushy form with stunning massed pink flowers.
Chionanthus retusus Chinese Fringe Tree
Native to China and Taiwan, a small deciduous tree to a height and spread of 3m. It has peeling deeply
grooved bark and panicles of white flowers in summer followed by small blue-black fruit.
Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree
With a height and spread of 3m and the dark green glossy leaves can reach 20cm. The fragrant white
flowers hang in panicles followed by blue-black fruit about 12mm in diameter.
Chitalpa x tashkentensis
A tall deciduous tree with matt mid-green leaveswith fuzzy undersides and bell-shaped flowers about 25mm
long, white or pink carried in erect racemes at the branch tips.
Cladrastis lutea Yellowwood
Tall tree with rounded crown of bright green leaves and 30cm long racemes of fragrant white flowers each
about 25mm long. Narrow brown seed pods follow.
Clerodendrun bungei Glory Flower
From southern China and northern India, a tall aromatic shrub of 2.4m
Clethra alnifolia
Fragrant white flowers are held in erect terminal racemes to15cm long in late summer. Height1.8m
Clethra alnifolia Hummingbird
A compact form only growing 1m high. Attractive glossy foliage. The delightfully fragrant upright panicles of
white flowers are more heavily produced than other forms. Outstanding summer flowering, small rounded
Clethra arborea Flore Plena
Has double flowers
Clethra arborea Lily of the Valley
From Madeira this large shrub or tree grows to 8m in height. The white scented flowers are borne in long
Clethra barbinerus
The Japanese species is a large deciduous shrub or small tree with long racemes of fragrant summer
flowers .
Clethra delavayii
A highly ornamental shrub from western China of 4.5m. The leaves are dark green and strongly veined, long
racemes of white flowers are dispersed over the entire plant.
Clivia miniata
A clump forming perennial plant with broad, strap-shaped leaves. In spring this shade loving plant produces
clusters of funnel shaped flowers which are borne on stout stems. Ideal for growing in rockeries, borders and
under trees and shrubs. Thrives in moist, well drained soil in a partly shaded to shaded position, protected
from frost. Best kept dry in winter, but benefits from summer watering. miniata Cream clusters of cream,
funnel shaped, flowers with yellow throats. miniata Yellow Yellow flowers, same growing conditions as
Cornus alba Elegantissima
Bushy red stemmed Dogwood. Leaves have a bold, broad white edge. An excellent variegated form.
Cornus alternifolia
Pagoda Dogwood A deciduous bushy shrub or small tree the branches are in irregular whorls that form flat
horizontal tiers. Mid-green leaves turn red and purple –red in autumn. Tiny, star like flowers are followed by
small, round, blue-black fruits. Height 6m. Argentea has white variegations on the leaves, tiered branches
and a delicate veil like appearance.
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Cornus capitata Himalayan Dogwood
An evergreen to semi-evergreen from China and the Himalayas The minute flowers are surrounded by 4
conspicuous lemon yellow, sky facing bracts appear in late spring and early summer. Rose and apricot pink
fruits follow. Height 9m
Cornus Eddie’s White Wonder
A deciduous upright tree or shrub hybrid cross between C.florida and C.nuttallii has slightly pendulous outer
branches. It displays dramatic large white flowers and brilliant orange, red and purple autumn foliage.
Cornus florida First Lady
White flowers gold edged leaves. In autumn the green sections turn scarlet the yellow areas have peach
Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood
A slow growing highly ornamental spreading tree may eventually reach 9m. The slightly twisted green leaves
turn shades of orange, red, yellow and purple in autumn. 4 notched bracts open in late spring or early
summer and contain small green flowers followed by red berries, which may hang on through winter.
Cornus florida Pleuribracteata
Double white flowers.
Cornus kousa
A deciduous urn shaped tree from Japan and China is slow growing to a height of 8m. Oval waxy edged
leaves turn bronze crimson in autumn. Green flowers which appear in summer in abundance are surrounded
by long showy bracts some edged red. Pink or red tinted fruits follow. var. chinensis has an open habit and
paler leaves.
Cornus kousa Satomi
Small tree, beautiful deep pink bracts in spring. Leaves turn purple-red in autumn.
Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry
A deciduous native of southern Europe, the short stemmed leaves are oval, deeply veined, mid-green and
turn reddish purple in autumn. Clusters of delicate yellow flowers appear on the previous years bare wood
followed by kidney shaped fruit which can be used in yellies and jams. Height to 8m. variegata has leaves
with white margins.
Cornus Norman Hadden
A hybrid between C. capitata and C. kousa is a large spreading semi-evergreen tree covered in an
abundance of large, creamy white bracts, turning a deep pink as the season progresses, appear in early
summer. Pink-orange pendant fruit in autumn when the leaves turn yellow and deep pink. Height 9m
Cornus nuttallii Canadian Dogwood
A medium to large deciduous tree to 18m but usually smaller. The flowers are small white clematis like
flushed pink, followed by eye catching orange red fruits. Yellow and scarlet autumn foliage.
Cornus officinalis Japanese Cornelian Cherry
Similar to C. mas, a spreading deciduous shrub of east Asian origin. Brilliant yellow flowers appear on bare
stems in late winter followed by bright red edible fruits. Rich autumn foliage and peeling bark. Height 4.5m
Cornus wilsoniana
Species dogwood
Corylopsis sinensis Chinese Winter Hazel
An erect spreading shrub from China has oblong or slightly egg-shaped leaves green above and blue-green
below. Yellow flowers with velvety bracts are carried in pendant racemesfrom mid-spring to early summer.
Height 4.5m max.
Corylus avellana purpurea Purple Filbert
Multi stemmed shrub with large purple leaves.
Cotinus coggygria Eurasian Smokebush
Ranging from southern Europe to central China it grows into an attractive rounded bush about 4.5m high with
broadly oval leaves. A stunning feature in summer are the numerous plume like panicles of tiny bronze-pink
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flowers fading to grey-purple. Several cultivars with purplish leaves are available, Flame, Purpureus and
Royal Purple. Velvet Cloak has deep reddish-purple leaves that turn completely red in autumn.
Cotinus coggygria Golden Spirit
A smokebush with yellow leaves. Best in light shade in afternoon to prevent burning. Autumn leaves turn a
clear yellow through shades of orange to pink.
Cotinus Grace
A new purple leaved ‘smoke bush’ grown for its beautiful wine-red young foliage and growing orange, red
and yellow autumn tones. A fine, white powdery bloom covers the upper surface of the foliage, adding to the
plants overall soft smoky appearance. Height 3m+ 10 years.
Cussonia paniculata (Mountain Cabbage Tree)
Small single trunked tree to 5m. Large greyish fan shaped foliage mainly at the top of the tree. Attractive and
drought tolerant. South African.
Dais cotinifolia PomponTree
The small trunk of this compact rounded bush gives the appearance of a small tree. Tends to be deciduous
in cooler climates. Slightly scented pink flowers in summer are borne on the tips of the reddish barked
branches which stand out against the blue-green foliage.
Daphne bholua
from the eastern Himalayas, occurring as both evergreen and deciduous forms. Of narrow and open habit
with strongly scented, white tinged-pink flowers open from deep pink buds are followed by black dupes.
Height 3m.
Daphne bholua Jacqueline Postill
The flowers are larger, pinker and more showy than D. bholua Outstanding scented, winter flowering shrub.
Daphne genkwa Lilac Daphne
Large lavender flowers appear before its foliage on this deciduous shrub, considered by connoisseurs as the
most desirable daphne. Only slightly fragrant the flowers are delicate and pretty. Compact form more bushy
and slightly smaller flowers.
Daphne longilobata
From far western China an appealing plant to grow regardless of unspectacular foliage and small white
lightly scented flowers.
Daphne pontica
Evergreen shrub with deep green, leathery leaves and pale pink fragrant flowers.
Daphne x burkwoodi
Slow growing semi-evergreen bushy shrub to 1m with narrow leaves. Pretty perfumed white flowers tinted
pink-mauve in clusters along the stems in spring and early summer.
Daphne x napolitana
Dwarf usually under 1m. Narrow leaves and compact habit. Pretty heads of rose-pink scented flowers in
spring –summer.
Daphniphyllum macropodum
An evergreen densely branched large shrub or tree from Japan, Korea and China this species grows to 15m
and has dark glossy leaves similar to the rhododendron. Inconspicuous flowers appear in late spring to early
Davidia involucrate Handkerchief Tree
The common name is derived from the 2 large bracts which surround the tiny true flower. Aromatic leaves
when young are heart shaped and taper to a long point with sharply toothed margins and downy undersides.
Height 18m.
Desfontainia spinosa
A bushy slow growing shrub to 3m found growing throughout the Andes. The tubular flowers are scarlet to
orange with yellow tips followed by cherry sized fruits.
Deutzia crenata Nakaiana
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A dwarf form of the species with racemes of white flowers.
Deutzia x elegantissima Rosealind
A hybrid of D. purpurascens and D. sieboldiana with thin arching stems it has carmine-pink flowers in late
spring and early summer.
Deutzia x hybrida Magicien
A hybrid to 1.8m high of uncertain parentage and strong upright growth . Dense panicles, of single or double
white flowers in early summer.
Deutzia x hybrida Pink Pom Pom
Shrub producing dense heads of double flowers, pink at first becoming white
Deutzia x kalmiaflora
An open shrub to 1.5m with arching branches and upright panicles of cup-shaped flowers, deep pink outside
and paler inside.
Dichroa febrifugia Yellow Wing
The large leaves are edged cream-yellow especially in spring. Blue flowers. Best in filtered light.
Dichroa versicolour
Evergreen shrub, similar to the hydrangea, with large heads of deep blue flowers. Best in filtered light.
Dipelta floribunda
A broadly spreading shrub with long arching branches and fragrant, tubular bell shaped white flowers which
are flushed shell pink and have a yellow or orange throat. 2.4m.
Disanthus cercidifolia
A deciduous shrub from the mountains of Japan and China grows to a height of 6m. Inconspicuous, deep
purple flowers appear in late autumn. Heart shaped , bluish-green leaves turn maroon, red and orange in
Disporum leschenaulti
Forms clumps of canes up to 2m. Creamy-white hanging flowers form on the upper stem followed by blueblack berries. The handsome dark evergreen foliage is rather like Viburnum davidi. Shade or filtered light.
Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora
Large daphne like flowers heads which face more upwards than the typical form. Larger foliage.
Edgeworthia gardenii
Large growing evergreen form growing to 2m or more. Rounded nodding yellow flower heads surrounded by
large bracts. Lovely fruity perfume.
Edgeworthia chrysantha Red Dragon Red, nodding Daphne-like scented flowers
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Russian Olive A large shrub or small tree to about 8m. The fragrant yellowish flowers are produced in midsummer.
Elaeagnus pungens Frederici
Slow growing evergreen bush to 2m. Small curved leaves edged yellow.
Emmenopterys henryi
A large deciduous tree from Asia, grows to 12-24m in height and has rough dark grey bark, grey or purple
branchlets and reddish bronze new growth. Panicles of white or yellow bell-shaped flowers
Enkianthus campanulatus
From the mountains of Honshu in Japan, a deciduous species with whorled branches and a height and
spread of 4.5m. The dull green leaves have a sharp tip, toothed margins and turn deep red in autumn.
Racemes of creamy bells with red or pink veining. Alba a white flowered form.
Enkianthus cernuus Var. Rubens
The bright green egg-shaped leaves have excellent autumn colour. Racemes of dark red flowers.
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Enkianthus chinensis
Good autumn colour, racemes of creamy yellow flowers with pink veinsand rosy lobes.
Enkianthus deflexus
An erect growing deciduous shrub or small tree with re young shoots. The mid-green leaves turn from
orange to red in autumn. Creamy white bell like flowers with pink veining are borne in umbels of up to 20 in
Enkianthus serrulatus
Deciduous shrub, white bell like flowers in clusters in late winter. Attractive autumn tints.
Eucryphia lucida Leatherwood Cream
Cream edged leaves. White scented flowers.
Eucryphia lucida Tasmanian Leatherwood
A Tasmania native with distinctively different juvenile and adult foliage. Pendulous flowers up to 50mm in
diameter, are usually white though pink forms such as ‘Pink Cloud’ occur.
Eucryphia x intermedia
Although evergreen it is inclined to drop some foliage in winter. A hybrid between E. glutinosa and the
Tasmanian species E. lucida. The flowers are pure white.
Eucryphia x nymansensis Nymansay
A Chilean hybrid it is a densely foliaged, upright evergreen tree, with white flowers up to 80mm in diameter.
Euonymus alatus
From China and Japan the spindle bush is a dense, deciduous bushy shrub to 1.8m high with a spread of
3m. The branches have 4 corky wings down the sides. Pale green flowers are followed by pale red, often 4
lobed fruits that open to reveal bright orange seeds. Compactus is a dwarf compact shrub with winged corky
branches and scarlet to purple foliage in winter.
Euonymus europeus European Spindle Tree
A large deciduous shrub or small tree, which can reach 6m high and a spread of 2.4m. Yellow to green
flowers are produced in spring and followed by 4 lobed pink to red fruit with white seeds and orange arils.
Good autumn colour. ‘Red Cascade’ is a small tree with good autumn colour and masses of orange-red fruit.
Euphorbia characias subspecies wulfenii
A long flowering evergreen shrub producing striking yellow-green blooms in spring above attractive bluegreen foliage. Height 1m
Euphorbia dulcis Chameleon
Small deciduous shrub with purple foliage turning to orange or red autumn tones. Spreading ground cover
Euphorbia griffithii
Himalayan species grows to around 90cm, has pink to orange tinted, narrow dark green leaves. The vivid
orange-red-bracted heads appear in summer and develop coppery tones with age. The cultivar Fireglow has
flowers with vivid red bracts.
Euphorbia lambii
Shrub to 2m or more . Rather thick fleshy stems. Large, green, rounded flower heads appear over the
Euphorbia mellifera
A multi-stemmed shrub up to 1.8m, its mid-green lance-shaped leaves have prominent whitish central veins.
Tiny greenish flowers are carried
Euphorbia x martini
A hybrid between E. amygdaloides and E. characias.
Euscaphis japonica
A deciduous shrub or small tree up to 3-9m, glossy green leaves 15-25cm long and long stalkedpanicles with
up to 5 tiny green or yellow blooms.
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Exochorda giraldii Wilsonii
An upright free flowering shrub, flowers up to 50mm in diameter.
Exochorda korolkowii
A vigorous shrub from Turkestan reaching about 4.5m, with olive green to lime leaves and pure white flowers
4cm across.
Exochorda x macrantha
A strong growing hybrid between E. korolkowii and E. racemosa it bears abundant racemes of pure white
flowers in late spring. The Bride is a compact shrub of 1.8m and a slightly weeping habit. Arching branches
are covered with large white flowers in spring
Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Gold
Narrow column form with yellow leaves especially in spring.
Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Purple
Superb narrow growing columnal beech with purple leaves
Fagus sylvatica Heterophylla
Green cut leaf or fern leaf beech tree.
Fagus sylvatica Rohanii
Purple leaved beech with crinkled foliage.
Fothergilla gardenii Witch Alder
A dwarf spreading shrub of more than 1m. The slightly fragrant bottlebrush flower appear before the leaves
in spring. Magnificent mottled autumn foliage.
Fothergilla major
Small bushy shrub bearing small bottlebrush-like spikes of white flowers in spring. The autumn foliage is
magnificent. Requires cool lime free position. Height 1m.
Franklinia alatamaha
A small upright tree to 6m. Glossy green leaves turning scarlet in autumn and pure white camellia like
flowers about 80mm across.
Fuchsia arborescens
Large evergreen shrub with evergreen shiny leaves. Pinkish flowers produced in lilac like heads.
Fuchsia boliviana Luxurians
Vigorous large shrub featuring clusters of long white tubular flowers with a white tip .
Fuchsia denticulata
Long tubular flower pink at base, green tipped red corolla
Garrya elliptica Silk-Tassel Bush
A very tough and long lived evergreen shrub of 3.5m high and a spread of at least 1.8m. From winter to
spring the male plant is distinguished by impressive grayish green catkins up to 20cm long. The female plant
has smaller catkins but abundant clusters of dark purple fruit “Evie” has catkins up to 30cm long “James
Roof” is a stronger male form.
Gevuina avellana
Evergreen small tree. Very attractive pinnate foliage which emerges covered in reddish-purple felt. Edible
hazel tasting nut. White grevilla like flowers in summer. Needs good drainage.
Gledistia triacanthos Sunburst
Small tree, dainty bright yellow foliage .
Gordonia axillaris yunnanense Form
Attractive evergreen shrub with lovely cream flowers displaying prominent yellow stamens blooming late
winter. Full sun or part shade, prune after flowering to encourage bushy growth. Height 3m x 1.5m.
Gordonia yunnanense Silk Screen.
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Handsome evergreen tree bearing large lush leaves. New growth a rich deep red. Flowers up to 20cm
across, white with a yellow boss of stamens in the center. Lightly perfumed in winter. Forma an upright single
trunked, well shaped tree, prunes well to form a nice hedge. Outstanding Yamina introduction.
Greyia sutherlandii
Evergreen shrub to small tree. Large rounded ivy or pelargonium leaves some which colour scarlet in the
colder months. Flowers showy, red, bell shaped with stamens protruding in dense bottlebrush like racemes
to 12cm. Drought and sun tolerant.
Halesia monticola
Mountain Snowdrop Tree In cultivation it rarely exceeds 9m and has a wide spreading crown. White flowers
appear in clusters of 2-5 blooms, followed by 4 winged fruit.
Halesia tetraptera Carolina Snowdrop Tree
Masses of nodding bell like flowers hang below the usual horizontal branches in spring. Deciduous medium
tree with yellow autumn colours. Requires well watered woodland sight in summer.
Hamamelis vernalis Vernal Witch Hazel
A medium sized to large shrub up to 1.8m high from central USA it has leaves that are greenish above and
grey below. New leaves may be tinged with reddish brown. The flowers are small and vary in colour from
pale yellow to red, but generally pale orange to copper and have a habit of closing on dull days. Sandra has
excellent autumn colour, purple new leaves and yellow flowers in winter.
Hamamelis virginiana
Common Witch Hazel A shrub to 3.5m high that can be adapted to tree form by pruning. Flowers borne in
small clusters appear in autumn before leaf fall and are sometime partly obscured.
Hedychium greeni
Ginger Plant Very showy ginger best grown in some shade. Compact heads of rich orange flowers with a soft
fragrance. Leaves dark green above maroon-red below.
Hibanobambusa tranquillans Shiroshima
Dark green leaves strongly variegated creamy white. 3-4m. Runner Keep contained
Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle
Has extremely large white mophead flowersheads.
Hydrangea aspera forma strigosa
Flat heads of lilac-blue flowers in late summer. Moist soil in sheltered position.
Hydrangea indochinensis
Evergreen with finely serrated leaves which have purple underside. Blue fertile flowers. Sterile florets, white
often colouring as they age.
Hydrangea macrophylla Nigra
Vivid pink flower heads. Black stems which are very attractive in winter.
Hydrangea paniculata Pink Diamond
White pyramidal flower heads which soon turn a lovely rich pink. Summer.
Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora
Shrub with large white pyramidal flower heads in summer and autumn, turning rich pink.
Hydrangea petiolaris
Vigorous, woody, deciduous climber, clinging by aerial roots. White fertile and sterile flowers.
Hydrangea quercifolia
Oak like foliage. Colours claret to burgundy in autumn. Large white flowers turning pink in late summer
Hydrangea quercifolia Joe McDaniel
Strong growing large flower heads.
Hydrangea quercifolia Snowflake
Has double flowers.
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Hydrangea seemanii
Woody evergreen climber, leathery mid-green leaves, greenish white flowers.
Hydrangea serrata Preziosa
Shrub to 1.5m with purplish-red stems. Leaves purple tinted when young. Flowers an attractive rose-pink
when young turning reddish purple in autumn.
Hydrangea serrata Shiro Fuji
Small bush to 1m. Dainty lace cap flowers have blue double petals.
Hydrangea serrata intermedia
A small growing upright form with lace cap flowers pink and white and reddish purple to blue ray-florets.
Colours change as they age.
Hydrangea umbellate
White lace-cap flowers with very showy yellow stamens.
Hymenosporum flavum
Australian Frangipani Narrow evergreen tree .Fragrant pale cream flowers rapidly age to orange yellow.
Ilex verticillata Winterberry
Deciduous suckering shrub, bright green leaves with some fine down or felting on the under side. Has white
flowers usually followed by white berries. 1.8m
Ilex vomitoria Pendula
Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King
Illicium anisatum Japanese Anise Tree
Medium to large aromatic evergreen shrub with pale yellow flowers in spring. Thrives under lime free
conditions .
Illicium floridanum
Purple Anise Bushy evergreen shrub to 3m, leathery deep green leaves, and a slightly furrowed, smooth,
dark brown trunk. The strong aroma has led to it also being known as the polecat tree. Star-shaped, reddish
purple flowers with numerous narrow petals in late spring and early summer. Album has white flowers.
Illicium henryi
From central and western China, an evergreen shrub or small tree that grows up to 8m. it has slender leaves
up to 15cm and the cupped flowers range from copper to dark red.
Illicium mexicanum
Very similar to I. Floridanum but flowers even bigger and leaves narrower.
Itea illicifolia
Hollyleaf Sweetspire The most widely cultivated evergreen species this evergreen shrub from western China
with a narrow erect habit grows to 4.5m tall. The deep green, somewhat holly like leaves are edged with
small spines.Summer-borne racemes of cream to pale yellow flowers up to 38cm are honey scented.
Itea virginica Virginia Willow
A deciduous shrub that forms a clump of arching stems clothed with 5-10cm long serrated edge leaves.
Racemes of tiny, honey scented cream flowers erect flowers 5-15cm long. Vivid red and orange foliage tones
in autumn.
Kalmia latifolia Bullseye
Kalmia latifolia Clementine Churchill
A mountain laurel with red buds opening to bright pink flowers.
Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel
The mountain Laurel is a stunning garden specimen of the Rhododendron Family from the mountains of Nth.
America. It forms a bushy shrub with attractive, leathery, mid-green leaves. In late spring to early summer
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this evergreen plant produces large clusters of pink buds which open to pale pink flowers. Shade to partly
shaded position. Height 3m.
Kolkwitzia amabilis Pink Cl;oud
Deciduous medium shrub, long arching branches covered with sprays of shell-pink flowers in spring.
Laburnum alpinum Pyramidale
Narrow growing column. Showing, long, drooping, bright yellow flowers heads in summer.
Lagerstroemia subcostata White-Barked Crepe Myrtle
The Chinese counterpart to the Japanese Crepe Myrtle, both of which possess large panicles of white
flowers appearing in early summer. Bark peels off to reveal a rich, nearly ivory-white skin underneath.
Absolutely stunning in effect.
Lapageria rosea
Choice climber with large red pendant bells from late summer to autumn. Needs cool protected position.
Leucothoe davisiae
Evergreen small shrub. White flowers in spring.
Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow
Evergreen shrub with arching stems, red tinted new growth and green , cream and pink variegated foliage.
White flowers with drooping racemes in spring.
Lindera obtusiloba Japanese Spicebush
A spreading shrub or small tree, the branches are grey-yellow sometimes flushed purple turning pale gold in
autumn. Tiny yellow-green star shaped flowers are borne in crowded umbels on the previous years growth in
early spring. Red black fruits.
Liquidambar orientalis
Turkish Liquidambar Small leaved species, attractive autumn foliage.
styraciflua Gumball Dwarf or slow growing compact bushy form. Does not form a leader. Autumn colours of
red, yellow and orange often occurring late in the season.
Liquidambar styraciflua Jennifer Carrol
Miniature version of the common Liquidambar, smaller in stature and feaf size. Neat compact pyramidal
shaped tree with good autumn foliage..
Liquidambar styraciflua Variegata
Slow growing tree. White edged leaves with some pink particularly towards winter.
Liriodendron chinense
The Chinese tulip tree. Leaves more deeply lobed. Flowers green.
Lomatia denata
An evergreen tree from Chilean rainforest areas. Hairy whitish flowers are borne in axillary spikes clusters
about 12mm long in summer. Oblong fruits, 35mm in diameter contain numerous winged seeds.
Loropetalum chinense Fringe Flower
A bushy shrub to 1.8m with small dull-green oval leaves. Creamy white slightly perfumed strap like fringed
flowers in spring. Flowers appear on last years wood. ‘Burgundy’ has red new leaves and purple-pink
flowers. ‘China Pink’ also has purple leaves and pink flowers.
Luculia gratissima
Outstanding free flowing large shrub or small tree from the Himalayas. Large trusses of fragrant slender
tubular, rose pink flowers a rounded mass from autumn to mid-winter.
Luculia gratissima Early Dawn
Luculia pinceana
From Nepal, it is smaller than L. gratissima, producing looser clusters of larger, fragrant, pink-tinged, creamywhite flowers from summer to autumn. ‘Pink Spice’ Pink flowers and fine scent. Large lush dark green
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Magnolia campbellii Pink Tulip Tree
Considered the most spectacular and desirable of all magnolias. Huge cup and saucer shaped slightly
fragrant flowers 30cm across are pale to deep pink and appear before the leaves in late winter or early
Magnolia como
Very large pale pink flowers. Narrow growing tree.
Magnolia denudata Lily Tree
Long revered for its beauty. White chalice shaped fragrant flowers. One of the most beautiful magnolias,
flowers within 3 years. Sheltered position from winds and frost. Harvested by Buddhist Monks for medicinal
properties. Magnolia Elizabeth
Pale yellow flowers in spring. Fast growing.
Magnolia grandiflora
Evergreen, broadly conical tree. Glossy deep green, leathery leaves with rusty furry undersides. Large
creamy white saucer shaped fragrant flowers.
Magnolia grandiflora Cairo
Large flowers, large glossy leaves and upright growth.
Magnolia grandiflora Compact Form
Usually sold as Exmouth. Excellent foliage, especially the Cinnamon-brown indumentum. A more bushy tree
which flowers young.
Magnolia grandiflora Harold Poole
A smaller growing variety which forms a rounded shrub or tree. White flowers, highly attractive but smaller
than usual variety. Leaves narrower and smaller.
Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem
A compact evergreen feature plant producing large creamy white, perfumed flowers in spring and summer.
This smaller growing Magnolia flowers at a very young age and has shiny green leaves with velvet copper
toned undersides. Height 4-5m x 2.5m
Magnolia iolanthe
Very large purple flowers.
Magnolia macrophylla
A deciduous columnar tree reaching 15m. Very large oval leaves with a glaucous and downy reverse.
Broadly cup-shaped creamy yellow flowers are followed by a rounded pink fruit cluster from which hang red
Magnolia Manchu Fan
Large waxy white flowers.
Magnolia Phillip Tregunna
Large rich purple flowers.
Magnolia Pristine
The flowers are pure white and held upright on the branchlets.
Magnolia salicifolia
A broadly conical deciduous large shrub or small tree from the mountain forest stream banks in Japan. The
flowers are white and fragrant and appear before the foliage. The bruised leaves and bark feature a lemonanise scent.
Magnolia sieboldii
A large, deciduous, spreading shrub with felty-white underside on the leaves. Pure white, fragrant nodding
blooms from late spring to the end of summer. Decorative pinkish fruits
Magnolia soulangeana Nigra (Liliflora Nigra)
Deciduous medium tree with large tulip like flowers, deep purple outside, creamy white stained purple inside.
Flowers early summer. Height 4m
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Magnolia sprengerii Diva Lyrebird
Tree bearing mid sized pure pink flowers.
Magnolia stellata
A large deciduous rounded shrub with aspreading crown from the highlands of the Japanese Island of
Honshu. Abundant clusters of ivory white flowers with strap like curved and reflexed petals in late winter
before foliage appears. ‘Rosea’ has petals shaded pale pink on the reverse.
Magnolia Tino Duro
Large white flowers to 25-30cm, pink ting at base.
Magnolia virginiana Swamp Laurel
Slow growing evergreen (or deciduous) tree with globular, creamy-white deliciously scented flowers from
summer to autumn. Leaves blue-white below. Will grow well in wet soil.
Magnolia wilsonii
A wide spreading deciduous shrub with saucer shaped, pendant, fragrant white flowers. Prefers moist soil
and partial shade.
Magnolia x solangeana lennei Alba
Is an ivory white form of ‘lennei’ resembling M. denudata.
Mahonia bealei
A very upright winter flowering shrub from western China. Pale yellow scented flowers are followed by small
Mahonia japonica
Upright or arching racemes of fragrant bright yellow flowers are followed by small blue-black fruit in grapelike bunches.
Mahonia lomarifolia
The most widely cultivated mahonia from western china. Upright cane like stems topped with whorls of long
spiny leaves. Upright spikes of fragrant yellow flowers
Mahonia napaulensis
From Nepal, a slender species is an erect shrub that grows to 4.5m. The glossy green leaves up to 45cm
long are composed of 13-21 narrow, toothed leaflets and 30cm long racemes of scented light yellow flowers
opening from late winter.
Mahonia x wagneri
A garden hybrid, it has spiny, deep green to blue-green leaves and bears its yellow flowers in late spring.
‘Moseri’ has dark green leaves, bronze new growth and showy blue-black fruit.
Manglietia insignis
Evergreen tree with watermelon pink magnolia like flowers borne on the end s of the branches. Early
summer flowering.
Metapanax delavayi
Evergreen large shrub with attractive three fingered leaves. Tolerates both sun and shade. Prunes well
forming a dense bush with interesting foliage.
Michelia Bubbles
Tree with large handsome leaves and white flowers tinted pink at their tips. Sold as touch of pink previously.
Michelia champaca
From the eastern Himalayas, this erect evergreen tree goes to 30m in the wild but is much less in cultivation.
The ascending branches form a slender conical shape. The cup-shaped heavily perfumed flowers are about
25mm in length and 50mm wide, usually 8 – 11 in number and a deep yellowish cream, sometimes almost
orange. Frost tender when young.
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Michelia compressa
A rare slow growing shrub or small tree from Japan has glossy green leathery leaves about 5cm long. Faded
yellow or whitish flowers with a purplish red center opening in late spring. Best in sheltered semi-shaded
Michelia doltsopa
Conical in its youth it eventually grows into a more or less rounded shape. Alternate pendulous leaves, about
20cm long. Heavily perfumed, cup-shaped, deep cream flowers with a greenish hue at the base are
produced in late winter and spring. ‘Silver Cloud’ bears profuse white flowers.
Michelia figo Port Wine Magnolia
A medium sized shrub from S.E. China, with small dark green glossy leaves and small purple-brown flowers.
The fragrance resembles vintage port.
Michelia Gold Leaf
Evergreen tree to 10m or more. Large leaves that emerge in spring are covered in deep golden hairs.
Creamy-white flowers.
Michelia maudiae
Tree with blue tinted flowers. 10cm white flowers from late winter to early spring. A superb evergreen.
Michelia Mixed up Miss
Hybrid between Michelia doltsopa and Michelia figo. Large, evergreen shrub or small bushy tree. Glossy mid
green foliage. Flowers appear in spring and have a fruity, banana perfume Flowers about 5cm white with a
purple pink tip to the petals. Grow in full sun or part shade. Tolerates all but extreme frosts. Height 4-5m.
Michelia x alba
This rare tree is highly regarded throughout Asia. Glossy pale large green leaves. Flowers whitish, petals
curved, strap like and deliciously perfumed, produced over most of the year. Frost sensitive especially when
Michelia yunnanense
A slow growing shrub or small tree from China has brownish velvety covering on the young leaves and flower
buds. Yellowish white flowers with little scent are produced in late winter and early spring. Suitable for
container development. ‘Scented Pearl’
Michelia yunnanense
Low compact evergreen shrub covered with fragrant creamy white flowers during winter and spring. Frost
tolerant, sun or semi-shade. Height 2m x 1.5m.
Neillia thibetica
Deciduous shrub with three lobed leaves and arching stems. Slender terminal racemes of pink tubular
flowers inlate spring and early summer
Nothofagus dombeyi
Large evergreen tree with dark green leaves from South America.
Nothofagus alpina (Procera)
Fast growing, broadly conical deciduous tree from Chile. 20m
Nothofagus Antarctica
Deciduous medium sized “Beech” with small leaves. 15m.
Nyssa sinensis
Chinese Tupelo A beautiful rare species from China, a small tree or large shrub with rather an open habit.
The leaves are narrowly ovate, up to 15cm long and the juvenile foliage is red. The spectacular autumn
leaves turn almost every shade red and yellow.
Nyssa sylvatica Tupelo
Deciduous tree, outstanding flame-orange autumn colours. Tolerates wet or dry sites. ‘Autumn Cascades’
Strongly weeping tree. Slightly larger glossier leaves than the species, magnificent autumn colour. Yamina
introduction. ‘Red Red Wine’ Slow form displaying bright red leaves through spring and summer. Excellent
red autumn colour.
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Osmanthus armatus
Excellent evergreen with large leathery toothed leaves. Highly perfumed flowers in autumn.
Osmanthus delavayi
Slow growing irregularly rounded shrub from western China. White highly perfumed flowers are carried in
terminal, occasionally axillary clusters of 5 or 6 in late winter and spring. Purplish black fruits in autumn.
Height 2.4m
Osmanthus fragrans
Fragrant tubular pure white flowers are produced from late winter to mid-summer. Used by the Chinese for
house decoration and making scented tea.
Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus
Evergreen medium to large shrub with highly perfumed apricot scent to the orange flowers.
Osmanthus heterophyllus
An erect evergreen shrub or small tree with oppositely arranged smooth, dark, glossy green leaves. Pure
white fragrant flowers are carried in clusters throughout autumn and early winter. ‘Aureomarginatus’ has
leaves with broad patches of pale yellow ‘purpureus’ has deep purple-green leaves and ‘Variegatus’ has
irregularly margined leaves marked with creamy white, the lighter colour spreading to the center.
Osmanthus x burkwoodii
A resilient thick-set shrub with dark glossy green leathery leaves. Very fragrant white flowers are produced in
profusion in spring. Height 3m.
Osmanthus x fortunei
A robust shrub with large leaves, prominently veined on the upper surface and edged with sharp teeth, but
sometimes smooth edged on mature plants. Fragrant flowers in autumn. Height 3m.
Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood
Pointed finely toothed glossy leaves. Autumn foliage, vivid shades of red, purple and yellow. Slender
spreading racemes of small urn shaped fragrant white flowers are borne in autumn. Height 1.8-3m.
Pachysandra terminalis
Superb evergreen ground cover for underplanting trees and shrubs. Forms a suckering mat 10-15cm high.
White brush like flowers in early spring Variegata Slower growing with attractive white margined leaves
Pachystegia insignis
Evergreen shrub to 1-2m having handsome, shiny leaves clothed in white felt when young and on the
undersides on older leaves. Pretty white daisy flowers show off above the foliage. Tolerates coastal sites.
Philadelphus coronaries Aureus
Leaves bright yellow becoming greenish yellow.
Physocarpus opulifoius Darts Gold
A deciduous shrub grown mainly for its golden foliage it also produces cup-shaped white or pink-tinted
flowers in early summer. Height 1.8m in 10 years.
Picrasma quassioides
A deciduous tree to 8m high and spread its pinnate leaves turn yellow to deep orange in autumn. Pale green
flowers in loose clusters appear in summer.
Pieris japonica assorted
Pistacia chinensis
Deciduous ornamental tree from China and Taiwan develops a domed head with age. Inconspicuous
panicles of reddish flowers in summer are followed by small bluish fruit. Attractive autumn foliage in shades
of red, orange and yellow. Drought tolerant. 8-15m
Pomaderris kumeraho
A shrub 1.8-3m tall, it produces terminal clusters of bright yellow flowers covering most of the bush during
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Pseudopanax lessonii Cyril Watson
Is a slow growing hybrid with 2 leaf forms on the same plant. Either 3 to 5 short, broad lobes, coarsely
toothed or with shallowly toothed margins. They are glossy fresh green, thick and leathery. ‘Gold Splash’ has
dark green leaves with bright yellow splashed along the veins and midribs. ‘Purpureus’ large shrub that has
toothed, leathery, purple tinged leaflets.
Psidium cattleyanum Strawberry Guava
A dense, evergreen, red barked shrub to about 6m. White solitary flowers are followed by small round fruit
with dark red flesh with a strawberry like flavour. Extremely rich in Vitamin C, can be used in jams and jellies.
Psidium littorale
Tasty, purple-red fruited guava. Evergreen handsome foliaged shrub.
Pyrus salicifolia Pendula Silver Weeping Pear
Weeping small tree. Attractive silver-grey foliage. Very hardy.
Pyrus ussuriensis Mongolian Pear
Small to medium sized tree with a broadly conical crown. The leaves turn crimson in autumn.
Quercus rhysophylla
Evergreen oak with handsome leathery leaves from Mexico.
Quercus suber
Cork Oak Slow growing evergreen tree with thick rugged bark which provides the cork of commerce and is
plantation grown for this purpose.
Rhus typhina laciniata
A deciduous tree or shrub to 4.5m. The pinnate leaves consisting of up to 31 dark green leaflets turn flame
red in autumn. Green-yellow flowers in summer are followed by felty red fruit.
Robina pseudoacacia False Acacia
The most widely grown acacia and parent of many cultivars. A thorny summer flowering tree to well over
15m tall. ‘Frisia’ has bright golden foliage that is thornless and few flowers.
Salix integra Hakuro Nishiki
Deciduous vigorous shrub. Pretty leaves mottled pink and white. Cut back in winter to keep tidy.
Sambucus nigra Guinch Purple
Deeply divided leaves open green before turning dark purple then red in autumn. Flowers contrast with
foliage, pink in bud, opening white.
Sarcococca confusa
An attractive evergreen shrub which is unknown in the wild and may be a hybrid or possibly a subspecies of
Sarcococca chinensis. It has clusters of cream flowers from mid-winter, the female form of which is very
fragrant, followed by bright red berries, turning black as they ripen. Height 2m x 2m.
Sarcococca ruscifolia
A thick bushy spreading shrub has a height and spread of 1m. Clusters of creamy white perfumed flowers in
winter followed by dark red fruits.
Sinocalyanthus sinensis
While still rare in gardens it is an ideal shrub for areas with reasonably cool summer and sufficient moisture.
Camellia like cream to white flowers with pink tinted yellow centers contrast with the lustrous green foliage.
Height 1.8 – 3.5m.
Skimmia saponica
A dome shaped, medium sized, evergreen shrub with leathery glossy green leaves. The white usually
fragrant flowers are followed by clusters of red globular fruits. Height 5m
Sorbus aria Lutescens
A deciduous tree with a conical growth habit. The new leaves are silver white tinted yellow, older leaves
silver-white reverse. Tolerant of seaside conditions. 6 –12m High.
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Sorbus cashmiriana
From the Kashmir region of the Himalayas it has red young branches and dark green pinnate serrated leaves
with light green undersides. Pink tinted white flowers in spring from deep pink buds followed by striking white
to yellow green fruits. Height 9m.
Sorbus Joseph Rock
Erect branched tree. Leaves turn red, orange, copper and purple in autumn. Fruits creamy yellow at first
deepening to amber yellow.
Stachyurus chinensis Magpie
Racemes of pale yellow flowers, light green, cream and pink variegated foliage.
Stachyurus praecox
In late winter to early spring gracefully drooping racemes of small pale yellow flowers open before the foliage
develops. Height 1.8m.
Staphylea holocarpa Rosea
A small deciduous tree of outstanding beauty in spring when the tree is covered with numerous dainty pink
hanging flowers. Leaves have three leaflets.
Stewartia pseudocamellia var. koreana
A Japanese native this shrub or small tree has light reddish bark which flakes freely to reveal brown, cream,
green and pale pink tones. White, camellia like flowers, with frilly edged petals and golden antlers open in
spring. Leaves become bright red in autumn.
Strobilanthes gossypinus
Evergreen medium shrub. Compact bushy growth. Attractive silvery green leaves.
Styrax japonicus
Japanese Snowdrop Tree A lightly branched deciduous tree with downy young stems. Shallowly toothed
glossy dark leaves and short pendulous flower clusters. Height 6m.’ Emerald Pagoda’ Small to medium
deciduous tree forming a delightful small specimen. In spring the undersides of the horizontal branches are
crowded with thousands of white hanging bell shaped flowers. These are much larger than S.japonicus,
maybe three times the size. Leaves are also large and a lush dark green. ‘Pink Chimes’ has pale pink
Syringa meyeri Palibin
Slow growing compact habit. Heads of violet-pink flowers in late spring on dense small leafed growth.
Sometimes blooms again in autumn. 120cm high x 90cm in 10 yrs.
Syringa microphylla Superba
Pretty small lilac, small leaves and scented rosy-pink flowers in spring and then intermittently into autumn.
Syringa patula Miss Kim
Smaller bush than most Lilacs, 3m 20-30years. Dark green leaves with wavy margins turns burgundy-red in
autumn. Flowers have a spicy aroma. They are purple in bud when first opening then fade to blue-ice
whiteness before falling.
Syringa x laciniata Afghanica Cut-Leafed Lilac
A beautiful dainty shrub or small tree with pinnately-cut leaves. Lilac flowers, scented, in slender panicles,
late spring.
Syringa x persica
A fine plant for hedging or the large garden. Fragrant pale purple flowers.
Trochodendron aralioides Wheel Tree
Small tree to 4.5m with simple glossy leathery leaves and shallow toothed margins in spirals near the stem
tips on tiered branches. Clusters of small green petal-less flowers are borne in spring.
Tutchera spectabalis
Evergreen shrubrelated to Camellia. Large white flowerswith showy boss of orange stamens. Sweet orange
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Ugni molinae Chilean Guava
Evergreen shrub, pink flowers. Mahogany red edible fruit. 1m high
Ulmus parviflora
Chinese Elm A disease resistant near-deciduous tree of up to 20m of upright habit with a rounded crown and
smooth flaking bark. Its fruit mature in autumn ‘Frosty’ is a compact shrub with white-toothed leaves. ‘Seiju’ a
bushy shrub to 2m. Excellent bonsai specimen.
Vestia foetida
Evergreen shrub from Chile bearing nodding yellow tubular flowers. Spring to summer. 2m.
Viburnum carlesii
Deciduous medium shrub, dull green leaves, grayish beneath, pink buds opening to white sweetly scented
flowers in dense clusters in spring.
Viburnum davidii
From the woods of western China, a low growing evergreen mound forming shrub. Glossy green leather-like
leaves and small off white flowers. Bright, oblong, midnight blue berries appear on female plants in autumn if
both plants gone in proximity. Height 1.2m.
Viburnum fragrans (syn. V. farreri)
A strongly growing, upright, deciduous shrub. The delicately scented pink flowers are followed by red berries
that turn black with age. Part shade. Height 3m.
Viburnum furcatum
Large shrub. Large rounded leaves colour well in autumn. Lace cap flowers followed by red fruit turning black
with age.
Viburnum japonicum
A dense evergreen shrub with lush green ornamental foliage and clusters of small, white fragrant spring
flowers. Grows well in shady sites. Height 1.5m x 1.3m.
Viburnum odoratissimum
Evergreen medium to tall shrub with large leathery glossy green leaves. Clusters of fragrant white flowers
late spring followed by red berries finally black. Ideal screening plant. Height 4m ‘Emerald Lustre’ Handsome
evergreen with large glossy green leathery leaves. Excellent tub plant or screen. Fragrant flowers appear in
Viburnum opulus Compactum
Small compact form of the Guelder Rose. Fruits and flowers freely. Terminal white lace-cap flowers followed
by clusters of bright shining red fruits. Good autumn tints.
Viburnum opulus Notcutt’s Variety
A vigorous shrub to 3m, lace cap flowers, fine autumn colour and large red fruits lasting into winter.
Viburnum opulus Roseum (Sterile)
Showy greenish-white clusters of snowball-like flowers on this popular berryless form thought to have
appeared in the 16th century.
Viburnum opulus xanthocarpum
White flowers, mid-green leaves and glossy semi-translucent yellow berries.
Viburnum plicatum Lanarth
Snowy white lace-cap flowers above horizontal branches.
Viburnum plicatum Mariesii
Deciduous bushy shrub with tiered branches grown for white lace capped flowers. Dark green, handsomely
veined leaves turn reddish-purple in autumn. Height 2-3m
Viburnum plicatum Molly Schroeder
Pink flowered small shrub
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Viburnum plicatum Pink Beauty
Slow growing form with white flowers turning deep pink.
Viburnum plicatum Roseace
White flowers that age to pink.
Viburnum plicatum Summer Snow Flake
Slow growing form which has small white lace-cap flowers from spring to summer. Red purple autumn tints
Viburnum plicatum Tomentosum
A large deciduous shrub which bears white flowers in flat clusters up to 20cm across in late spring/early
summer. At the edge of the clusters is a ring of sterile flowers with large petals while those in the center are
brownish green and fertile. The large oval leaves are deeply veined and turn crimson in autumn. Height 2-3m
x 2m.
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Stout upright fast growing evergreen with narrow, wrinkled, veined leathery leaves. Terminal clusters of
small, fluffy, yellowish to pinkish white flowers in early summer. Oval red fruits aging to black. Height 3m.
Viburnum sargentii Onondaga
A large deciduous shrub with beautiful maple-like foliage, turning rich orange to redish-purple in autumn
before falling. The spring new growth and summer new tips are plum-purple and provide a colourful contast
in shrub borders. The flowers are lace-cap style with white outer bracts surrounding a red center, followed by
translucent red berriesfrom autumn to winterHeight 3m in 10 years.
Viburnum setigerum
Insignificant flowers in early summer followed by gleaming, golden orange and bright red oval fruits.
Viburnum ternatum
Handsome leaves to 20cm or more on a large evergreen shrub. Large flower heads of no great merit.
Viburnum x bodnantense
A large, upright, 3m tall, deciduous shrub. Clusters of persistant fragrant flowers appear on bare wood
between late autumn and spring. ‘Dawn’ has distinctive, deep pink flowers which fade with age.
Viburnum x burkwoodii Fulbrook
Medium shrub with clusters of sweetly scented flowers which are pink in bud opening white.
Viburnum x juddii
Medium shrub with terminal heads of, white, sweetly scented, pink tinted flowers. Spring.
Wigandia caracasana (urens)
Tree with very large rough textured “tropical” leaves and spectacular purple flowers in erect terminal
racemes. Summer, frost sensitive.
Wisteria floribunda Honibeni
Deciduous climbing shrub with long pink tinged mauve racemes in spring. Hardy.
Wisteria floribunda Kuchi Beni
Buds pink. Flowers emerge palest lavender. Very long racemes 45cm or more.
Wisteria floribunda Macrobotrys
Noted for its long heads of scented, lilac flowers in early summer borne on vigorous twining stems.
Wisteria floribunda Shiro Noda
Late flowering, pure white. Densely packed racemes 35-50cm with flowers 13-15cm. Faintly scented.
Xanthocerus sorbifolium
A shrub or small tree to 8m developing a wide rounded habit. Fragrant white flowers with a crimson blotch at
their base, borne in sprays during spring and summer.
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Angi Gita
Yellow flowers.
Arthurs Choice
The deep bright red to scarlet flowers contrast with deep green foliage. Spreading habit.
Birats x Zolleri
Black 11
Blade of Glory
Blonde Bombshell
Blushing Belle
Bold Janus
Large trusses, light yellow tinged pink on edges. 1.2m.
Large trusses of orange/red flowers. Upright habit to 1.5m
Bronze Warrior
Bulolo Gold
Bush Baby (Lochiae form)
Suitable for hanging baskets. Brilliant red flowers on a low spreading bush with dark green shiny leaves. 75m
Perfumed. Rich cream trumpet shaped open truss.
Candle Power
Soft pink flowers on a bushy plant to 1.2m.
Cara Mia
Tubular scented flowers, pink wavy edges fading to white. Pale yellow throat. Dense upright habit.
Carillon Bells
Deep pink flowers with yellow throat. 60cm
Dark green foliage. Pink flowers with yellow throat, open upright growth.
Channon Marie
Bright yellow throat edged with orange 1.2m
Charming Valentine
Low spreading .5m Deep pink to red flowers.
Choc Orange
Christo Rey
Brilliant orange with yellow centered flowers. Upright habit 1.5m.
City of Burnie
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Clare Rouse
Yellow orange edged with reddish orange flowers, 2m.
Clarion Firm
Tubular funnel shaped vivid Indian orange flowers. Small bush
Coral Flare
Coral pink flowers on a spreading shrub to 1-2m
Coral Seas
Vigorous upright 1-2m coral pink with yellow throat.
Craig Faragher
Suitable for hanging basket. Perfumed damask pink flowers. 0.5m
DB Stanton
A strong growing plant to1.5m, bright red flowers.
Dr. Herman Sleumer
Perfumed, Pink with cream throat, bell shaped loose truss.
Dragon’s Blood
A medium sized shrub with blood red flowers.
Dresdon Doll
Apricot pink flowers. The large leaves are edged with red, 1.2 – 1.5m.
Esprit de Joie
Highly perfumed pink tinged with yellow/orange flowers 2m
Fragrant flushed with pink
Flamenco Dancer
Brilliant yellow flowers with orange deepening with age 1.5-1.8m
Flaming Ball
Brilliant orange red flowers on an upright spreading bush, 1.8m
Gardia x Javanicum GJ 63
Gold Bullion
Large bright yellow flowers on an upright bush.
Golden Charm
Large trusses of apricot to gold flowers. Bronze new growth on large glossy leaves. 1m
Small bi-coloured flowers of red, orange and gold. Compact bush.
Great Scentsation
Heavily perfumed deep purplish pink flowers fading to the centre. 1m
Haloed Gold
Flowers of bright yellow/gold are frilled with orange yellow.
Happy Times
Bright tangerine flowers on a compact miniature to .4m.
Highland Arabesque
A 1m shrub with pink flowers.
Highland Debutante
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Large heads of highly perfumed soft lemon flowers fading to white tinged with pink.
Highland Peace
Huge heads of soft lemon, fading to white tinged pink flowers 1.8m
Highland White Jade
Greenish white scented flowers. 1.2m
Hotel on Mayfair
Iced Pernod
Ivory Coast
Pale pink flowers to white flowers. Upright to 1.5m.
Red to orange flowers with a rosy throat and purple stamens. 1.5m
Just Peachy
Apricot flowers on a spreading bush to 1m.
Masses of pink flowers fading to yellow. Dark green foliage 1.5m
Perfumed. White often with pink blush. Tubular, very large flare, large truss.
Konori x Lochiae
Konori x Zolleri x Javanicum
Masses of brilliant orange flowers. Vigorous to 2m.
Highly scented yellow flowers. Tall grower responds to pruning.
Lateum var. Arther Hedlam
Highly scented cream flowers
Lateum x Gardenii
Greenish coloured flowers
Lateumx x Zoelleri x Polyathum x Sunny .
Liberty Bar
Lovely deep pink flowers on a vigorous growing bush to 1.5m.
Littlest Angel
Ideal hanging baskets or pots. Bright red flowers contrast with the dark green foliage .5 x .5m
Australian Native species. Compact bushy shrub, brilliant red flowers. 1m.
Hardy spreading shrub to .8m. Soft pink flowers.
Quick growing hardy spreading shrub to 1m. Coral pink flowers .
Lightly scented thin white flowers are offset against the soft light green foliage.
Yellow to orange. Open faced multiple rounded truss.
Niugini Firebird
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Bright orange/red flowers on an upright 1.8m shrub.
Orange Wax
Bright orange waxy flowers on a tall bushy shrub. 2m
Our Mary
Deep pink flowers edged with yellow with a yellow throat. 1m.
Pacific Showers
Coral pink to yellow flowers on a strong growing bush to 1m.
White with touches of pale pink flowers 1.3m
Covers itself with numerous bright orange florets. Compact 0.5m
Narrow foliage upright growth, strong pink flowers
Rose red. Funnel shaped, good truss.
Peter Pan
Pindi Peach
Perfumed, soft peach tonings, paler centre. Upright 2m.
Pindi Pearl
Yellow orange flushed poppy red. Fragrant
Pink Ray
Lightly scented soft pink flowers. 1.5m
Pink Swan
Delightful heads of heavily scented pink flowers. Rounded foliage to 1.2m.
Power House
Pretty Cotton Candy
Deep pink flowers with yellow center. 1m
Primrose Promise
Soft primrose bells on a compact upright bush. Rockeries 0.5m
Princess Alexander
Medium sized white flowers often flushed pink on a bushy plant
Pure White
Strong red. Good foliage. Tubular, small truss.
Robert Bates
Deep rose pink perfumed flowers with a cream throat 1.5m
Rosie Posie
Orange/red flowers with yellow centre. Lovely fast growing hardy shrub to 1.2m.
Saint Valentine
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Dwarf. Small rounded foliage ideal for hanging baskets. Brilliant red tubular flowers.6m
Saxon Glow
Small pink/orange flowers glow from a very compact bushy plant throughout the year.
Scarlet Beauty
Bright scarlet-orange flowers with deep yellow throat. Upright bushy growth 2m
Sebastian Strong orange flower. Striking red-bronze new foliage. 2m
Show Stopper
Spreading shrub with brilliant red flowers. 1.5m
Silver Thimbles
White flowers flushed with pink. Soft foliage, prune to thicken. .6m
Simbu Sunset
Brilliant orange with yellow throat. Flowers all year round 1.5m.
Stantons Glory
Marigold orange blooms 1.2m
Star Showers
Bright yellow flowers tinged with soft pink. Upright to 2m. Rounded green foliage.
Sunset Fantasy
Flowers deep orange yellow with orange lobes fading on edge.
Sunset Gold 50
Trusses of up to 50 bright golden yellow flowers. Medium upright bush to 1.2m.
Sweet Wendy
Highly scented pink and yellow flowers. 1m.
Teddys Best
A full truss of bright yellow flowers on an upright vigorous plant.
Thai Prince
Large green glossy foliage. Orange red flowers tinged with pink, yellow throat.
A firm truss of of 8 to14 tubular signal red flowers with a band of rhodonite red in throat.
Tropic Fanfare
Bright waxy red, spreading growth to approx. 1m.
Tropic Tango
Delicate soft tangerine flowers which can cover a tall open bush. 2m
One of the lovelier of the species. Pendulous slightly curved tubular white florets blushed pink perfumed.
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Deep orange flowers edged with red with a vivid yellow throat 1m. Slow growing.
Veronica Maureen
Creamy white flowers edged with pink. Compact spreading bush.
Vladamir Bukovski
Tubular funnel shaped flowers, nasturtium red with yellow throat.
Bell shaped bright clear yellow open flare loose trusses.
Xmas Present
Funnel shaped yellow tubes, lobes orange to red.
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