Fahrenheit 451 Quiz: Pages 113-123 1. “Well,” said Beatty. “Old Montag wanted to fly near the sun and now that he’s burnt his damn wings, he wonders why.” What does Beatty mean by this comment? 2. What was Mildred’s reaction when they showed up at her house? 3. What does Beatty say is the purpose of fire? 4. Faber tells Montag to run away, instead of burning his own house. Why can’t he run away? 5. What does Beatty discover when he strikes Montag? 6. What does Montag do to Beatty and the Mechanical Hound? 7. How does Montag get hurt? 8. What’s is ironic about Beatty saying, “Don’t face a problem. Burn it”? 9. Why does Montag think that Beatty wanted to die? Fahrenheit 451 Quiz: Pages 113-123 1. “Well,” said Beatty. “Old Montag wanted to fly near the sun and now that he’s burnt his damn wings, he wonders why.” What does Beatty mean by this comment? 2. What was Mildred’s reaction when they showed up at her house? 3. What does Beatty say is the purpose of fire? 4. Faber tells Montag to run away, instead of burning his own house. Why can’t he run away? 5. What does Beatty discover when he strikes Montag? 6. What does Montag do to Beatty and the Mechanical Hound? 7. How does Montag get hurt? 8. What’s is ironic about Beatty saying, “Don’t face a problem. Burn it”? 9. Why does Montag think that Beatty wanted to die?