Exam 1 Review – 2015

Name ________________________
Grade 10 Exam Review #1
Write dec. before each declarative sentence, imp. before each imperative sentence, int.
before each interrogative sentence, and exc. before each exclamatory sentence.
(pg. 119-120 in Grammar Workbook)
Underline the simple subject in each sentence. Underline the verb in parentheses that best
completes each sentence.
(Pg. 161-162)
Write F before each sentence fragment, R before each run-on sentence, and C before each
complete sentence.
(Pg. 121-124 Grammar Workbook)
Underline the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence.
(Who, Whom)
Circle the Preposition in each sentence below. Underline each Prepositional Phrase in the
sentences below.
(Pg. 163-164)
Complete the diagram on the next page:
Match each Character term on the left with its best description on the right.
__C___ 1. Protagonist
A. Character who is round, many sided, and complex
__E___ 2. Antagonist
B. Stereotypical character, 1 or 2 characteristics are
__B___ 3. Individual
C. Main character of the story around whom events revolve
__A___ 4. Developing
D. Character who changes very little throughout the story
__D___5. Static
E. Opposes the protagonist, not always the ‘bad guy’
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each question.
1. Which point of view is told by someone who thinks differently than an adult?
a. first person
c. omniscient
b. innocent eye
d. stream of consciousness
2. Which point of view allows us to be inside a character’s head and know their thoughts
and reactions as they happen?
a. first person
c. omniscient
b. innocent eye
d. stream of consciousness
3. Which point of view is told by the protagonist and uses pronouns such as I or me?
a. first person
c. omniscient
b. innocent eye
d. stream of consciousness
4. Which point of view is told in third person and comes in two varieties: objective and
a. first person
c. omniscient
b. innocent eye
d. stream of consciousness
2. What two things are revealed in the exposition of a story?
Setting and Characters
5. List the five aspects of setting.
1) Where
2) When
3) Social Conditions
4) Atmoshere
5) Weather
Match the story with its author.
__B ___ Regret
A. Leo Tolstoy
__F___ The Veldt
B. Kate Chopin
__D___ Transients in Arcadia
C. Franz Kafka
__E___ Poison
D. O Henry
__A___ The Three Questions
E. Roald Dahl
__C___ A Hunger Artist
F. Ray Bradbury
1. State one symbol in A Hunger Artist. In a sentence, explain how it is used in the
Isolation, Judaism / Christ
2. In Regret, who/what is the...
Protagonist: Mamzelle Aurelie
Antagonist: Regret
3. Which point of view is used in The Birthmark?
a. first person
b. innocent eye
c. omniscient
d. stream of consciousness
1. What is the conch and what do the boys use it for?
A shell that they use to call assemblies and meetings
2. Why does Ralph say they need to build a fire?
To get them rescued
3. What happens to the little boy with the purple mark on his face?
He burns in the first fire on the island
4. A symbol is a person, place, thing, or event that is used to represent something else.
What might the conch symbolize?
5. What are the littluns?
The little boys (6 years old)
6. What do the littluns dream about?
The Beast
7. In Ch. 7, what is Ralph “proud” of doing?
a. Keeping the rescue fire going.
c. Almost killing a pig.
b. Finding the beast.
d. Being a good leader.
Know the following terms:
Setting - Where and when a story happens
Plot - Sequence of events in a story
Conflict - Resistance between 2 or more forces
Character - Person in a work of fiction
Point of View - Angle from which a story is told
LOTF Vocab
Fervor - Great intensity of emotion; intense heat
Enmity - Deep seated hatred; State of being an enemy
Taboo - Excluded or forbidden from use or mention
Talisman - An object with magical power
Rebuke - To criticize sharply; check or repress
Myopia - Nearsightedness
Tirade - A long angry or violent speech
Acrid - Unpleasant sharp or bitter taste or smell
Ludicrous - Laughably and obviously obsurd; foolish
Impervious - Incapable of being penetrated or affected.