COURSE COMPACT COLLEGE OF LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SCHOOL OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES AND GENERAL STUDIES COVENANT UNIVERSITY, OTA PROGRAMME: ENGLISH COURSE CODE: ENG 115 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO PROSE UNITS: 2 LECTURER: DR E. C. ONWUKA SEMESTER: ALPHA SESSION: 2014/2015 TIME: THURSDAY (10-12PM) LOCATION: RM A401 OFFICE NUMBER/EXTENSION: A402B/2115 Brief Overview of Course This course examines prose as a genre of literature. Emphasis will be on types and techniques of prose writing, especially fiction. A close study of types of novels and their features will be carried out. Course Objectives/Goals At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Define prose and identify its basic types. 2. Study the various forms of fiction namely the short story, novella, the novel and its types, its features and autobiography. 3. Analyze critically, the selected prose fiction on the basis of subject matter, theme, characterization and language. Methods of Lecture Delivery / Teaching Aids 1. Lectures will be presented through interactive sessions that will ensure students’ participation. 2. Power points will be prepared for multi-media projection. 3. Discussion and analyses of the selected works. Course Outline Module A: Introduction: Definition and types of prose WK 1: a) Definition of Literature and its genres b) Sub-genres of Prose – autobiography, memoir, novel, novella, short story, letters, essays, and treatise are all written in prose. WK 2-3 Types of Prose a) Descriptive prose b) Narrative prose c) Argumentative prose 1 d) Meditative prose e) Ornamental prose f) Philosophical prose etc. WK 4-5: Types of Novel a) Romance novels b) Detective novels c) Adventure novels d) Horror novels e) Mystery novels f) Bildungsroman novels g) War novels h) Picaresque novels i) Science Fiction and Animal novels j) Realistic novels and Regional novels etc. k) Other types Module B: Analytical Guide to Studying Fiction WK 6-7: a) Elements of prose fiction: setting, subject matter, theme, character, characterization, atmosphere, language/diction, point of view, narrative technique/mode of narration etc. b) Textual Analysis of prose from the aspect of: i) setting ii) plot and Structure iii) character and characterization iv) Point of view v) theme vi) style and tone vii) symbolism and Irony viii) Integration and Evaluation Module C: Analysis of Selected Prose Fiction: Wk8-9: Short Stories i) “The End of the Duel” by Jorge Luis Borges ii) “The Man who was almost a Man” by Richard Wright iii) “Choosing” by Ama Ata Aidoo iv) “A Power Struggle” by Bessie Head Novella and Novels WK 10: Study of The Palmwine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola WK 11: Further study of The Palmwine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola WK 12: Study of Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe WK 13: Further study of Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe WK 14: Study of Animal Farm by George Orwell WK 15: Study of Imagine This by Sade Adeniran Revision 2 Structure of the Programme/Method of Grading Continuous Assessment -30% Examination - 70% Total 100% Ground Rules & Regulations Students are expected to attend classes punctually and regularly. They are to participate actively in class discussions. They would also make special contributions through presentations on any topic within the scope of the course. Topics for Term Paper/Assignments/Students Activities Each student will select a short story or novella or novel from the recommended text and analyze it as his/her term paper. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals In relation to the university core value of mental productivity, this course will enable students to acquire the necessary skills for appreciating prose fiction and writing a short story or novella or novel. Contemporary Issues/Industrial Relevance This course affords students the opportunity to appreciate prose fiction and develop the skills of writing fictions for academic exercise and the entertainment industry. Recommended Reading Primary Texts: i) “The End of the Duel” by Jorge Luis Borges ii) “The Man who was almost a Man” by Richard Wright iii) “Choosing” by Ama Ata Aidoo iv) “A Power Struggle” by Bessie Head Novella and Novels The Palmwine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe Animal Farm by George Orwell Imagine This by Sade Adeniran Secondary Texts: A Companion to the Novel by Akachi Ezeigbo 3