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Name _____________________________________________
English 4
The Tempest Analytical Essay
Directions: Write a five-paragraph essay (1 intro paragraph- 3 body paragraphs- 1 conclusion
paragraph; 1 quote per body paragraph minimum) on one of the topics below. Your essay
should show an understanding of the literature through careful analysis of themes,
characterization, and plot discussed in class. Your paper will also rely on the use of an outside
source (one of the articles on Forgiveness or any other outside source of your choosing). Make
sure to follow the proper conventions of writing with fluent sentences, grammar, and structure.
Do NOT use personal pronouns like “I”, “me”, “my”, “you” etc. AVOID EDITORIALIZING.
Forgiveness and Mercy in The Tempest:
Topic 1: Examine the changes that Prospero undergoes as a character as he evolves from a
bitter, controlling man bent on getting even with those who have wronged him to a
compassionate, merciful ruler. Analyze Prospero’s change in character using examples from the
play from Act 1-Act 5. Explain the ultimate cause of his change of heart throughout the play and
reflect on what this says about him as a character. *Make sure to refer to the article about
forgiveness or another outside source of your choosing to aid you in your analysis.
Topic 2: Prospero claims that he forgives all because they are repentant for their sins. Although
he says this, scholars debate whether or not all characters are actually repentant for what they
did. Based on their actions and comments made in the final act, argue whether Alonso,
Antonio and Sebastian (together), and Caliban repent for their sins. Does Prospero have a good
reason to be trusting and forgiving, or is he being naïve? *Make sure to refer to the article
about forgiveness or another outside source of your choosing to aid you in your analysis.
Topic 3: Prospero comes a long way from the start of the play to the end as he renounces his
magic and vows to stop using it against others to punish and get revenge. However, it seems as
though he will not be able to forgive Caliban. Can it be argued that Prospero is not as merciful
and forgiving as he seems? What reason can we give to justify Prospero’s decision to subjugate
Caliban throughout the play and even in the end? *Make sure to refer to the article about
forgiveness or another outside source of your choosing to aid you in your analysis.
1. Introduction Paragraph
 Attention Grabber: (philosophical statement about the theme of the play, a rhetorical
question, statistic, quote, etc.)
 Necessary Information: Brief plot summary, title/author, statement of theme,
restatement of essay topic and brief analysis of topic before thesis statement
 Thesis Statement: Should be clear, concise, tell the reader what your paper is about,
and should limit your paper to 3 main points.
2. Body Paragraphs
 Topic sentences: Main idea about what your paragraph is going to focus on.
 Transitions: Guide the reader from one point to the next using word like, “therefore,
however, furthermore, more importantly, also, in addition to this, ultimately,” etc.
 Clincher sentences: Summarize your paragraph and leave the reader feeling they
understood the message in the paragraph. Transition to your next main idea
 Source: Use at least ONE of the articles in your paper and make sure to refer to it
properly by title/author. You do not have to quote the article, but make sure to
reference it in several sentences throughout your paper in more than one body
paragraph as it relates to your overall analysis.
 Quotations: Introduce the quote after giving context for quote before quoting. Then
explain the quote after. Use at least ONE quote per body paragraph.
 Content: Provide specific examples from the text to support your argument. Arguments
should be clear, effective, and thorough. Analyze rather than summarize. Allow your
quotes and examples support your overall arguments and analysis of the play.
3. Conclusion Paragraph
 Restates thesis and summarize purpose of your paper
 Answers the question “so what?”: makes the reader feel as though this paper was worth
their time reader. The conclusion draws some type of conclusion that makes this paper
worth the reader’s time.
4. Grammar/Style
 Conventions of writing, punctuation, diction
 Fluency/Transitions: Contains transition words, sentences have variety and are wellstructured, etc.
 Sophistication and sentence complexity
 Organization of ideas within body paragraphs