Enduring Issues in Psychology

Enduring Issues in Psychology
Toni Blake
Which Type of Psychotherapy Is Most Useful?
Psychotherapy should focus on unconscious traumas
Psychotherapy should focus on irrational thought processes
Psychotherapy should focus on an individual’s potential
Psychotherapy should focus on changing
What Is Personality and How Is It Measured?
Unconscious instincts motivate personality
Social feeling motivates personality
A hierarchy of needs motivates personality
Personality is a combination of thousands of traits
Personality is a combination of five major factors
How Does Psychological Development Occur?
Development occurs in a series of psychosexual stages
Development occurs in a series of psychosocial stages
Development occurs in a series of cognitive stages
Development occurs in a series of moral stages
Development occurs through imitation
Does Nurture or Nature Drive Psychological Disorders?
Alcoholism is a disease
Alcoholism is not a disease
Criminal behavior is influenced by heredity
Criminal behavior is influenced by society
Genes cause depression
Psychosocial factors cause depression
Should Psychological Theory Determine Public Policy?
Repressed memories are questionable
Repressed memories may be reliable
Involuntary commitment of the mentally ill is justifiable
Involuntary commitment of the mentally ill in not justifiable
Rational suicide is a valuable practice
“Rational” suicide is a misnomer
Forty Studies That Changed Psychology
Roger R. Hock
Biology and Human Behavior
One brain or two?
More experience = bigger brain?
What you see is what you’ve learned (behaviors of the BaMbuti Pygmies)
Watch out for the visual cliff
To sleep, no doubt to dream (eye mobility and concomitant phenomena)
When you wish upon a dream (the influence of a conscious wish on dreams)
Unromancing the dream (the brain as a dream-state generator)
Acting as if you are hypnotized (hypnotic behavior)
Learning and Conditioning
It’s not just about salivating dogs! (conditioned reflexes)
Little emotional Albert (conditioned emotional responses)
Knock wood! (superstition in the pigeon)
See aggression… do aggression!
Intelligence, Cognition, and Memory
What you expect is what you get (teacher’s expectancies)
Making a good impression
Maps in your mind (cognitive maps in rats and men)
Thanks for the memories!
Human Development
Discovering love
Out of sight, but not out of mind (the development of object concept)
Born first, born smarter?
In control and glad of it! (the effects of choice)
Emotion and Motivation
A sexual motivation (human sexual response)
I can see it all over your face! (constants across cultures in the face and emotion)
Life, change, and stress
Thoughts out of tune (cognitive consequences of forced compliance)
Are you the master of your fate?
How moral are you?
Learning to be depressed (failure to escape traumatic shock)
Racing against your heart (overt behavior pattern with cardiovascular findings)
Who’s crazy here, anyway? (being sane in insane places)
You’re getting defensive again! (mechanisms of defense)
Projections of who you are
Crowding into the behavioral sink (population density and social pathology)
Choosing your psychotherapist
Relaxing your fears away
Picture this! (explorations in personality)
A chemical calm (the effects of Diazepam)
Social Psychology
Not practicing what you preach
The power of conformity
To help or not to help (bystander intervention)
Obey at any cost (behavioral study of obedience)
Taking Sides
Brent Slife & Joseph Rubinstein
The Study of Psychology
Can deception in research be justified?
Should psychologists study memory through controlled laboratory experiments?
Can experiments using animals be justified?
Biological Processes
Is our behavior primarily determined by biological processes?
Is the “Disease” of alcoholism a myth?
Is our state of mind responsible for our state of health?
Cognitive Processes
Has science discredited ESP?
Can computers help us understand the human mind?
Can intelligence be increased?
Human Development
Do gender differences originate from biological factors?
Is day care harmful?
Are children of divorced parents at greater risk? (of mental / physical problems)
Should adolescents be allowed to make decisions about abortion without parental
Mental Health and Psychotherapy
Should psychotherapists allow suicide?
Do diagnostic labels hinder the effective treatment of persons with mental
Should psychotherapy include religious values?
Is electroconvulsive therapy safe?
Social Issues
Should psychologists be allowed to prescribe drugs?
Would legalizing drugs have beneficial effects on society?